Energy efficient brick house. A few simple tips to make your kitchen energy efficient. Is it possible to turn an already built wooden house into an energy efficient one?

IN modern world when a person is accustomed to being surrounded by various Appliances, making his living conditions easier, the question arises of how to reduce the energy consumption of these devices, optimize their operation and increase their utilization rate.

One of these methods is the construction of energy-efficient houses.

What is an energy efficient home?

Energy saving house is a building that maintains optimal microclimate, while consumption various types energy from third-party sources is at a low level of consumption compared to conventional buildings.

An energy-efficient house has good thermal insulation, and not only receives thermal energy from third-party sources, but also serves as a source of heat. Energy from third-party sources is used for heating, hot water supply and power supply for household appliances.

An energy-saving house is:

  • A building that, thanks to its design, can significantly reduce the need for thermal energy.
  • A house that is comfortable to live in thanks to the microclimate created in it.

In order to create an energy-saving house, it is necessary to develop a project that will include the following areas:

The technical systems of the building should be focused on energy saving, so for the system:

  • Ventilation – heat recovery must be provided when warm air in the exhaust ventilation system, heats outside air supply ventilation.
  • Heating – use of different types of heat pumps.
  • Hot water supply - installation solar collectors.
  • Electrical supply - application solar power plants or wind generators.

The design of an energy-saving house may look like this (without taking into account the power supply system):

Heaters for home

The heating system of an energy-saving house can be built on the use of solar panels. In this case, electric heaters of the required power are installed in the premises. With this type of heating system, the solar power plant must be of significant power, because In addition to the heating system, in every house there are other consumers of electricity with high power (iron, kettle, microwave oven and other devices). Due to this, the most widely used use case is heat pump.

A heat pump is technical device, used to transfer thermal energy.

Heat pumps differ in operating principle, external energy source, type of heat exchanger, operating mode, performance and a number of other parameters. The diagram below shows a ground-to-water heat pump.

Scheme of operation of a ground-water heat pump:

In devices of this type, as external source thermal energy, the energy of the earth is used. To do this, a special brine (antifreeze) is pumped into the closed external circuit of the heat pump, which is laid below the freezing level of the ground, which circulates in this circuit through the installed pump. The external circuit is connected to the heat pump condenser, where, during circulation, the brine releases the accumulated heat of the earth to the refrigerant. The refrigerant, in turn, circulates through internal circuit heat pump, and entering the condenser of the device, transfers the resulting heat to the energy carrier circulating in the internal circuit of the heating system of the house.

Electric boilers

As with the heating system, the hot water supply system can use electrical energy obtained from solar power plants or wind generators. For this you can use electric energy-saving boilers.

The advantages of using electric boilers for heating and hot water supply systems are:

  1. Ease of installation and maintenance;
  2. Environmental safety and efficiency of devices;
  3. Long service life.

The disadvantages include dependence on uninterrupted power supply and additional load on the electrical network.

Energy saving electric boilers there are:

  • electrode;
  • ionic;
  • ion exchange.

The difference between these types of boilers in the conversion process electrical energy to thermal. In addition to differences in design (type), boilers differ in: number of operating circuits, installation method, power, overall dimensions and other things technical indicators, determined by manufacturers.

Energy saving when using this equipment is achieved through:

  1. Reducing the heating inertia of devices;
  2. The use of special physical transformations of electrical energy into heat;
  3. Ensuring a smooth start when starting the work process;
  4. Use of automation systems to control the temperature of the coolant and air;
  5. Usage modern materials and manufacturing technologies.

Which lamps are best for home

Currently, on the market of light sources, which are lamps, there is a fairly wide range of devices with sufficient luminous flux and lower power compared to traditional incandescent lamps. Such light sources are energy-saving and LED lamps.

The type of lamps that includes fluorescent lamps are gas-discharge lamps and the principle of their operation is based on the glow that occurs under the influence of an electric discharge by metal or gas vapors that fill the bulb of the device.

Such lamps differ in internal pressure, glow color and other technical characteristics. Thus, fluorescent lamps are devices with low pressure, and sodium, mercury and metallogenic lamps are devices with high pressure inside the flask.

Another type energy saving lamps- These are halogen lamps. In their design, they are similar to incandescent lamps, with the only difference being that the presence of halogens in the bulb of the light source increases the luminous flux compared to an incandescent lamp at the same power. Also, due to halogens, the service life of lamps of this type increases.

To supply electricity to the house, energy-saving lamps are used, which have a standard base, like incandescent lamps, and the bulb resembles a tubular spiral in shape. The inside of the tube is coated with a phosphor and filled with gas; two electrodes are mounted at the ends, which are heated when the lamp is put into operation. Inside the base there is a control circuit and elements of its power supply (the device diagram is shown below).

The advantages of using energy-saving lamps include:

  1. Less power consumption than incandescent lamps, with the same luminous flux.
  2. Long service life compared to incandescent lamps.

Various colors of luminous flux:

  • warm white (color temperature - 2700 K);
  • white (3300-3500 K);
  • cool white (4000-4200 K);
  • day.

The disadvantages of energy-saving lamps are:

  1. Lamps of this type do not like frequent switching.
  2. When turned on, the lamps do not immediately give full brightness, but glow dimmer for some time.
  3. Energy-saving light bulbs require ventilation.
  4. At negative temperatures- do not ignite well.
  5. After completion of operation, in case of failure, disposal is necessary.
  6. During operation, the lamps may pulsate.
  7. During operation, as the phosphor wears out, infrared and ultraviolet radiation appears.
  8. It is impossible to regulate the brightness of the light using control devices (dimmers).

LED lamps are light sources that also have low power, with a significant luminous flux and by their nature - these are energy-saving devices.

By its design, the LED lamp is an electronic, semiconductor device, the principle of operation is based on the transformation electric current into the world The design of the LED lamp is shown below.

Advantages of use LED lamps:

  1. Longer service life than energy-saving lamps.
  2. They are more economical, 2 - 3 times, than energy-saving ones.
  3. Environmentally friendly.
  4. Not afraid of shocks and vibrations.
  5. have small geometric dimensions(dimensions).
  6. When turned on, they begin to work instantly and are not afraid of switching.
  7. Wide spectrum of light.
  8. They have the ability to work with dimmers.

Disadvantages of use are:

  1. High price.
  2. Pulsation of the light flux is possible during operation of the devices.

To the question “Which LED or energy-saving lamps are better for the home?”, everyone must answer for himself, weighing the advantages and disadvantages given above, as well as personal preferences for lighting characteristics (power, color, etc.), as well as cost selected lamp type.


The cost of energy-saving lamps, including LEDs, depends on their technical characteristics(power, color, etc.), the device manufacturer, as well as the retail chain where the devices are purchased.

On this moment, the cost of energy-saving lamps produced by various companies and depending on the power, in retail networks is:

  • Produced by the Supra company - from 120.00 to 350.00 rubles;
  • Manufactured by Philips - 250.00 to 500.00 rubles;
  • Manufactured by Hyundai - from 150.00 to 450.00 rubles;
  • Manufactured by the Start company - from 200.00 to 350.00 rubles;
  • Produced by Era - from 70.0 to 250.00 rubles.

LED light bulbs produced by various companies, depending on their technical characteristics, are sold in retail chains at the following prices:

  • Manufactured by Philips - from 300.00 to 3000.00 rubles;
  • Manufactured by Gauss - from 300.00 to 2500.00 rubles;
  • Manufactured by Osram - 250.00 to 1500.00 rubles;
  • Manufactured by Camelion - from 250.00 to 1200.00 rubles;
  • Manufactured by Nichia - 200.00 to 1500.00 rubles;
  • Produced by Era - from 200.00 to 2000.00 rubles.

The light source market offers products from other companies, both domestic and foreign, but the prices for these products lie within the specified ranges.

How to build an Energy Saving House

In order to build an energy-saving house, it is necessary to develop a project that must take into account some points and subtleties, without which it is impossible to achieve the required result.

These are the requirements:

  1. Location of the house.
    It should be located on a flat, sunlit place, without being near holes, ditches and ravines. The layout of the house should include south side– large panoramic windows, from the north there may be no windows at all.
  2. House construction.
    The design of the house must be ergonomic.
  3. Foundation.
    The type of foundation and materials used must ensure minimal heat loss.
  4. Insulation of walls.
    Should be used as insulation for walls quality materials, capable of ensuring minimal thermal conductivity of external walls.
  5. Windows with triple glazing.
  6. Using option with gable roof and the use of materials that retain heat.
    Use of energy efficient heating and hot water supply systems.
  7. The use of alternative energy sources when creating a home power supply system.
  8. Device compulsory system ventilation with recovery system.
  9. When installing entrance doors, use the double door system.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO positive aspects, which explains the interest of developers, the construction of energy-efficient houses includes:

  • A properly built house creates a favorable indoor microclimate, ensuring comfortable accommodation of people.
  • Maximum reduction of heat losses and the use of alternative energy sources can significantly reduce utility costs.
  • Such a house is an environmentally friendly building, which increases its market value, and does not have a negative impact on the environment.

The disadvantages include:

When studying a set various equipment And modern developments, designed for energy saving, we were interested in two very interesting systems. We invite you to take a closer look at them. One - known to many as a heat pump and less known in our market - is climatic. Our calculations have shown that their interaction achieves the most rational use energy resources necessary to achieve a comfortable microclimate and clean mountain air in the premises. We propose to make them work together, and in an emergency they can work separately, supporting comfortable temperature indoors.

A heat pump is able to extract the energy of the Earth and transfer it to a coolant fluid. The climate system, in turn, works with a gaseous coolant. The resulting energy from the pump is transferred warm floor, along a parallel branch of pipelines for hot water supply and pool heating (if available), and a climate system that corrects the quality, temperature and humidity of indoor air.

There is one room that is the heart of the house - the kitchen. There are many reasons why we love our kitchen - including the fact that food is found there, but did you know that it is also one of the most... simple places in your house. If you've been looking to make your living space more energy efficient, then the kitchen is a great place to start—and you can see the results almost immediately.

One of the reasons that it is so easy to make an impressive difference to the overall energy efficiency of your kitchen is that some of your home's bulkiest appliances are located there. Here are a few simple tips to get the most out of your kitchen appliances and use them in the most energy efficient way:


Usage dishwasher can be more energy efficient than washing dishes by hand—if you follow a few rules. First, make sure the dishwasher is full before you run it. If you only have one plate or a few forks per sink, washing by hand will likely save more water.

Secondly, most modern dishwashers are powerful enough that they can remove food residue without first rinsing it in the sink, this step will save you a lot of water and energy. If your dishwasher is more than 10 years old, your best bet is to upgrade to Energy Star with the most high rating models.


One common mistake is setting the temperature too low. You can consult the user manual to determine the optimal temperature Range(usually around 2° -3° C), but if you notice that some of your food is even too frozen, you should raise the temperature a little or move the food to other areas. . Remember that for every 2 degrees below 3° C, your device consumes 5% more energy, so if you have it set at 2°C and it's too cold, consider raising it a few degrees.

Another simple tip is to use utensils that provide a better insulating barrier, keeping food and drinks cold. Finally, every year or so, unplugging the refrigerator, moving it away from the wall, and vacuuming should keep the refrigerator coil clean.

In our last tip We've noted that using a dishwasher is indeed more efficient than washing dishes in the sink, but that's only really true if you're doing a full dishwasher load. If you live alone or simply don't have that many dishes to wash and prefer to wash by hand, then effective method To control the amount of water is to install a faucet sensor or a faucet pedal with which it is convenient to control the flow of water with your feet.

Tip 3: Make sure your cookware is safe and environmentally friendly

Better to use safe utensils With non-stick coating. Many professional chefs, are known to use old-fashioned cast iron cookware, but this can only add iron to our diet.

There are times when you bring home a new carton of eggs only to realize there are still half left hidden in the back of the refrigerator. You can start notebook, which will be attached to the refrigerator, where a list of products will be written, the date of purchase or storage in the refrigerator and the shelf life.

Simply place all of your more perishable items close to expiring ones in sight and teach other members of your family to check the items in the sorting window first when they open the refrigerator.

Tip 5: Invest in quality glass or aluminum food storage containers

Plastic wrap and foil may seem convenient, but they are wasteful and let's face it, even annoying to use. This is why we recommend reusable glass containers used in microwave ovens for storing leftovers with zero waste and no hassle.

Some families even serve meals straight from these family-style containers, so at the end of the meal, you simply pop the lid on and refrigerate. In addition, this cookware will serve you for a long time.

An energy-saving house is built and equipped with appliances in such a way as to consume as little energy as possible and independently generate its own. This applies to everything: electricity, heating, warm water. Living in such an eco-house, you will be able to save on utility bills, and even eliminate some bills altogether. For example, from payment for electricity or heat.

Principles of saving

The secret to energy saving in an eco-house lies in two factors: its design and the appliances used to provide energy. An energy-saving house is built from special materials that have high thermal insulation characteristics. The very design of the building assumes the absence of “cold bridges” - places from which heat escapes in traditional buildings, causing the microclimate in the room to be disturbed.

As for equipping the house, preference is given to alternative energy devices. For example, to generate electricity they use solar panels or wind turbines. For heating - heat pumps or boilers powered by solar panels. To save on lighting, preference is given to LED lamps. Some people don’t even stop there: if they have a farm with livestock or poultry, they can cook with it or use it as fuel.

Advantages of an energy-efficient home:

  • fast construction (from 2 to 6 months);
  • no negative impact on the environment;
  • living in an environmentally friendly and safe building;
  • reduction of expenses or their complete absence for payment of housing and communal services;
  • creating a healthy microclimate for the people living in it;
  • autonomy and independence from general networks of electricity, gas, water supply.


  • difficulty of self-construction;
  • the high cost of developer services and construction in general;
  • large (but payable) investments in alternative energy devices;
  • difficulties at the stage of developing project documentation and project approval.

What are energy-saving houses built from in Russia?

The popularity of Western methods of building eco-houses is gaining momentum in Russia due to the harsh climate. Heating season in the Russian Federation it is long: from autumn to spring. In some regions, heating is turned off only for the summer. Because of this, the costs of heating rooms and heating water are unreasonably high. In Russia, the main priority when building an energy-saving house is to make it as warm as possible. By saving on heating alone, you will significantly reduce your utility bills.

Among Russian developers, a common way to build an energy-efficient house is to use sandwich panels (SIP). The construction technique from SIP panels came from Canada. With modernization to suit the conditions of our climate, the nuances of construction look like this:

  • A 164 mm thick SIP panel replaces a two-meter brick wall with the same thermal insulation properties. In the warm season, sandwich panels keep the interior cool, and in the cold, warm. SIP panels are twelve times warmer than brick and four times warmer than foam concrete.
  • To avoid heat leakage through windows and frames, metal-plastic windows with double-glazed windows.
  • To increase strength, glued structures are used ( wooden beams, valleys, mauerlats).
  • The frame of the house is wooden; the structure contains sandwich panels (oriented strand boards and expanded polystyrene).
  • The foundation is shallow (monoplast with stiffeners).
  • Ventilation is created using the recovery principle to return 25% of the heat.

Basic principles of constructing passive energy-saving houses:

  • absence of “cold bridges”;
  • high tightness of structures;
  • heat recovery from indoor air;
  • earthen heat exchangers for passive heating;
  • energy permeability of double-glazed windows is not less than 50%;
  • orientation of the building towards the Sun for passive heating and the use of solar panels.

Alternative energy for an eco-house

Equipment from the field of alternative energy will make an energy-saving house independent from common systems heating and electricity. All of the devices listed below can be purchased or made with your own hands. For example, it is quite possible to make a solar battery using improvised materials!

Useful appliances for the home:

  • Electricity. On the roof of an eco-house ( sunny side) solar panels are usually installed. They collect energy from the sun and turn it into electricity. This way you can power all the necessary household appliances without connecting to a common network or using generators (which run on expensive fuel). Another way to generate electricity is to use wind energy. Not suitable for all regions, but if where you live is quite windy, then using a windmill is an option.
  • Heating. In addition to the fact that an energy-efficient house is built from materials with high thermal insulation properties, you can increase the heating using a heat pump. They use the energy of the earth, transferring heat inside the house. However, a heat pump is a rather noisy installation, and you also need to be able to install it correctly so that it works with sufficient efficiency and is safe. You might be better off opting for the classic ones. heating devices Moreover, the price for installing a heating system in a private home is becoming more affordable every year.
  • Heating water. Electric energy-saving boilers can be powered by solar panels or wind turbines. It is also important to install solar collectors that will provide you hot water by heating the coolant.
  • Economical lamps. The most profitable option is to replace all lamps with LED ones. They last up to five years and consume twelve times less electricity than conventional incandescent lamps! If you are afraid of the price of LED lamps (which pays off after three months of use), you can limit yourself to fluorescent ones. They are cheaper and also help you save.
  • Saving on gas. Purchasing or constructing a plant for producing your own biogas (from manure) allows you to completely abandon the traditional gas supply. Raw materials from five cows can produce 20 cubic meters of gas per day.

How to make an energy-efficient container house

Self-construction of an energy-saving house should start with simple buildings. The method of construction from containers is actively used in summer cottages. To insulate walls, you can resort to sheet material or spray a thermal insulation compound (polyurethane foam) directly onto the walls. The cladding is attached on top of the insulation. It is needed to protect the house from exposure to precipitation and ultraviolet rays.

For northern regions, it is important to take care of additional insulation of floors and roofs. For this purpose they are sheathed vapor barrier film. A special reflective coating is applied to the windows. The technical arrangement of container houses requires the installation of a breather - a device that provides heat recovery.

We study the problem through real experience, with calculations from specialists and forum members

Due to the steady increase in energy prices and the high cost of gas connections, an increasing number of developers are thinking about building an energy-efficient house.

We have already told the readers of our site about what technologies are used in its construction.

And FORUMHOUSE users will help us with this.

From our material you will learn:

  • Which house is energy efficient and which is not.
  • Is it possible to heat an energy-efficient house with electricity only?
  • How to calculate the required thickness of insulation.
  • Will building an energy efficient house pay off?

What is energy efficiency

Energy-efficient houses have been built in European countries for a long time, but for our country such housing is still exotic.

Many developers are distrustful of the construction of such buildings, considering it an unjustified waste of money.

Let's figure out whether this is true and whether it is profitable to build an energy-efficient house in relation to climatic conditions most zones of Russia, including Moscow.

An energy-efficient (energy-passive) house is a building in which the costs associated with energy consumption are on average 30% less than in an ordinary house. Energy efficiency of recent times could be determined by the coefficient of seasonal thermal energy use - E.

  • E<= 110 кВт*ч /м2/год – это обычный дом;
  • E<= 70 кВт*ч /м2/год – энергоэффективный;
  • E<= 15 кВт*ч /м2/год – пассивный.

When calculating the E coefficient, the following are taken into account: the ratio of the area of ​​​​all external surfaces to the entire cubic capacity of the house, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer in the walls, roof and ceilings, the glazing area and the number of people living in the building.

In Europe, to determine the energy efficiency class, it is customary to use the EP coefficient, which determines the amount of electricity spent on heating, hot water supply, light, ventilation and the operation of household electrical appliances.

The starting point is EP = 1 and energy class D, i.e. standard. The modern classification of houses adopted in European countries looks like this:

  • EP<= 0,25 – класс А, пассивный дом;
  • 0.26 < ЕР <= 0,50 – класс В, экономичный;
  • 0,51 < ЕР <= 0,75 – класс С, энергосберегающий дом;
  • 0,75 < ЕР <= 1 – класс D, стандартный;
  • 1,01< ЕР <= 1.25 – класс Е;
  • 1,26 < EP <= 1,50 – класс F;
  • EP >1.51 – class G, the most energy-consuming.

In ordinary, insufficiently insulated housing with large heat losses through the building envelope, most of the energy (up to 70%) is spent on heating.

We can say that the owners of such a home heat the street.

Therefore, in European countries, no one will be surprised by the thickness of the insulation in the walls of 300-400 mm, and the outline of the building itself is made airtight.

The required level of air exchange in the house is maintained using a ventilation system, and not the mythical “breathing” of the walls.

But before you buy cubic meters of insulation, you need to understand when additional insulation and the whole range of measures associated with building an energy-efficient house are economically justified.

Energy efficiency in numbers

In our country, the heating season lasts on average 7-8 months, and the climate is more severe than in Europe. Because of this, a lot of controversy arises about whether it is profitable to build here energy saving houses. One of the most frequent statements made by opponents of energy-efficient construction is the argument that in our country the construction of such a building is very expensive, and the costs of its construction will never pay off.
But here is a comment from a member of our portal.


In 2012, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, I built an energy-efficient house of 165 square meters. m of heated area with a specific energy consumption for heating of 33 kW*hours per sq. m per year. With an average monthly air temperature in winter of -17°C, the cost of heating with electricity amounted to 62.58 kWh per day.

You should pay attention to the technical characteristics of this house:

  • thickness of insulation in the floor – 420 mm;
  • insulation thickness in the walls – 365 mm;
  • The thickness of the insulation in the roof is 500 mm.

The cottage was built using frame technology. The heating system of the house is electric low-temperature convectors with a total power of 3.5 kW. Also installed in the house is a supply and exhaust ventilation system with a recuperator and a ground heat exchanger for heating street air. Vacuum solar collectors are additionally installed to supply hot water.

Total bill: 3.2 thousand rubles are spent on heating per month. at a 24-hour tariff of 1.7 rubles/kWh.

Also interesting is the experience of forum member Alexander Fedortsov (forum nickname Skeptic), who independently built a frame house of 186 square meters. m on a “insulated Swedish slab” foundation, with a homemade heat accumulator of 1.7 m3 and with electric heating elements embedded in it.


The house is heated with electricity through a water-heated floor system. For heating, a night tariff is used - 0.97 rubles / kW. At night, the coolant in the heat accumulator heats up to the desired temperature and turns off in the morning. The cubic capacity of the house is 560m3.

Result: In winter, in December, heating cost 1.5 thousand rubles. In January, a little less - 2 thousand rubles.

As the experience of our site users shows, anyone can build an energy-efficient home. Moreover, there is no need to equip it with expensive engineering systems such as air recuperators, heat pumps, solar collectors or solar panels. According to a forum member with the nickname Toiss , the main thing is a warm closed circuit, three times superior to modern SNiPs, the absence of cold bridges, warm windows, a well-insulated roof, foundation and walls.


Instead of paying 0.5–1 million rubles for gas connection (the price of which is constantly growing), it is better to build an energy-efficient house with an area of ​​up to 200 sq.m. Subject to construction technology and a competent approach, its construction is economically justified for any architectural and structural solutions.

Energy efficiency - basic principles

How and with what to insulate a house is one of the main issues that arise during construction.
And you need to think about this at the design stage. According to Pavel Orlov (forum nickname Smart2305), before economically calculating the justified thickness of the insulation, it is necessary to determine the following initial data, namely:

  1. Area of ​​the planned house;
  2. Area and type of windows;
  3. Façade area;
  4. Area of ​​the foundation and ground floor surfaces;
  5. Ceiling height, or internal volume of the house;
  6. Type of ventilation (natural, forced).


As a basis, we will take a house with an area of ​​170 sq.m., with a ceiling height of 3 m, and a glazing area of ​​30 sq.m. m and the area of ​​enclosing structures is 400 sq.m.

The main heat loss in the house occurs through:

  1. Window;
  2. Enclosing structures (roof, walls, foundation);
  3. Ventilation;

When creating a project for an economically balanced house, it is necessary to strive to ensure that heat losses in all three categories are approximately the same, i.e. 33.3% each. In this case, a balance is achieved between additional insulation and the economic benefits of such insulation.

Maximum heat loss occurs through windows. Therefore, when building an energy-efficient house, it is important to “tie” it to the correct place on the site (large windows face south) for the maximum degree of solar insolation. This will reduce heat loss with a large glazing area.


The most difficult thing is to reduce heat loss through windows. The difference between various modern double-glazed windows is quite insignificant and ranges from 70 to 100 W/sq.m.

If the window area is 30 sq. m, and the level of heat loss is 100 W/sq. m, then the heat loss through the windows will be 3000 W.

Because reducing heat loss through windows is the most difficult thing, then when designing the thermal insulation of the building envelope and ventilation system, for balance, you need to strive for the same values ​​- 3000 W.

Hence the total heat loss of the house will be 3000x3 = 9000 W.

If you try to reduce only the heat loss of the enclosing structures, without reducing the heat loss of windows, this will lead to an unreasonable overspending on insulation.

Heat losses through the enclosing structures are equal to the sum of losses through the foundation, walls, and roof.


It is necessary to strive to equalize heat losses through windows with heat losses through building envelopes.

It is also necessary to reduce heat loss associated with ventilation of premises. According to modern standards, it is necessary that the entire volume of air in a living space is changed once an hour. House with an area of ​​170 sq. m with a ceiling height of 3 m, 500 m3/hour of fresh street air is required.

The volume is calculated by multiplying the area of ​​the premises by the height of the ceilings.

If you ensure the flow of only cold air into the house from the street, then the heat losses will be 16.7x500 = 8350 W. This does not fit into the balance of an energy-efficient house; we cannot say that such a house is energy-saving.

There are two options left:

  1. Reduce air exchange, but this does not meet modern standards for required air exchange;
  2. Reduce heat losses when supplying cold air to the house.

To heat the cold street air entering the house, the installation of forced, supply and exhaust ventilation systems with a recuperator is used. With the help of this device, the heat of the air leaving the street is transferred to the incoming flow. This improves ventilation efficiency.

The efficiency of recuperators is 70-80%. Read our article on how to build an inexpensive and


By installing a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system with a recuperator in the house (from the example above), it will be possible to reduce heat loss to 2500 W. Without a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system with a recuperator, it is impossible to achieve a balance of heat losses in the house.

Economic feasibility of additional insulation

The main indicator of the economic efficiency of additional insulation of a house is the payback period of the insulation system.

Interesting user experience with nickname Andrey A.A , who compared heating costs in the permanent residence mode of an insulated and non-insulated house. For the purity of the experiment, we take the following data as the initial conditions:

  • heating with main gas;
  • heat loss through the enclosing structures – 300 kW/h/(sq.m.*year);
  • the house has a service life of 33 years.

Andrey A.A.

To begin with, I calculated the annual heating costs in permanent residence mode without additional insulation. After my calculations, the cost of heating an uninsulated house of 120 sq.m., with its heat loss of 300 kW/h/(sq.m.*year), amounted to 32 thousand rubles. per year (provided that the price for 1 m3 of gas until 2030 will be 7.5 rubles).

Now let’s calculate how much you can save if you properly insulate your house.

Andrey A.A.

According to my calculations, additional insulation will reduce the heat loss of my home by approximately 1.6 times. Hence, with heating costs equal to 1.1 million rubles for 33 years (32 thousand rubles per year x 33 years), after insulation you can save 1.1-1.1/1.6 = 400 thousand on energy costs . rub.

To get 100% economic benefit from additional insulation, it is necessary that the amount spent on additional insulation does not exceed half the amount saved on energy costs.

Those. for this example, insulation costs should not exceed 200 thousand rubles.

After a year of operation, it turned out that after additional insulation, heat loss decreased not by 1.6, but by 2 times, and all the work done (since the insulation was carried out on our own, and the money was spent only on the purchase of insulation) paid for itself many times over.

Also interesting is the approach to calculating the profitability of additional insulation from a forum member with the nickname mfcn:

– Consider the following hypothetical conditions:

  • in the house +20°C, outside -5°C;
  • heating period – 180 days;
  • house - with a single-layer frame, costing 8,000 rubles/m3, insulated with mineral wool at 1,500 rubles/m3;
  • installation cost – 1000 rubles/m3 of insulation;
  • frame pitch – 600 mm, thickness – 50 mm.

Based on these data, a cubic meter of insulation costs 3,000 rubles.