Power engineering in Russia. Polytechnic Olympiad in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, Russian language, social studies, geography and creative competition, held in the CIS countries

steam, gas, etc.), which are the working fluids of heat engines. Main products: steam, hydraulic and gas turbines, equipment for nuclear and geothermal power plants, steam and gas turbine plants, internal combustion engines (except for automobile, aircraft, tractor, locomotive engines, which are produced by the relevant industries), locomotives, gas turbine compressors and superchargers, steam generators, steam boilers, industrial and municipal energy equipment, draft machines, etc. Power engineering also produces automatic devices that regulate fuel combustion processes and power supply to boilers, gas supply to gas turbines, pressure in steam lines, temperature superheated steam, speed of turbine units, etc.

Economic significance Power engineering characterized by its role in creating the technical basis of energy. From point of view design features power equipment Power engineering consists of the production of machines and heat exchange equipment. The production of machines, in turn, is divided into the production of blade-type engines (steam, hydraulic and gas turbines) and piston-type engines (internal combustion engines, locomotives).

Industrial production of power equipment individual species arose at the end of the 18th century. Steam engines and boilers were produced from the 1780s. In Great Britain, hydraulic turbines - since the 1830s in France, internal combustion engines - since the 1880s. in France, Germany, steam turbines - from the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. In Great Britain.

From the beginning of the 19th century. began to be produced in Russia steam engines and boilers. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. mastered industrial production internal combustion engines. The St. Petersburg Metal Plant in 1907 produced the first steam turbine with a capacity of 200 kW However, specialized enterprises Power engineering did not have. The needs for energy equipment were largely met through imports, in particular 92% steam turbines for power plants was imported from abroad (1916).

Development Power engineering in the USSR associated with the implementation of the plan GOELRO. During the years of industrialization machine-building plants, producing power equipment, were reconstructed, expanded and specialized; new ones were built. The largest specialized turbine manufacturing enterprises are: the production association Leningrad Metal Plant, Nevsky Plant, Turbomotor Plant (Sverdlovsk), Kharkov Turbine Plant, Kaluga Turbine Plant. Energy equipment for nuclear power plants produced by the Izhora Plant production association, the Volgodonsk Nuclear Power Engineering Plant, and the Podolsk Machine-Building Plant; boiler equipment- production association "Krasny Kotelshchik" (Taganrog), Barnaul and Biysk boiler plants, Belgorod Power Engineering Plant, etc.; diesel engines - Gorky plant “Engine of Revolution”, Leningrad “Russian Diesel”, etc.

Among the achievements of the Soviet Power engineering- creation of power equipment with supercritical steam parameters - pressure 24 Mn/m 2 and temperature 560°C, power units with a capacity of 300, 500, 800 and 1200 MW in one unit; a single-shaft steam turbine with a capacity of 800 MW, designed for steam parameters 24 Mn/m 2 and 545 °C for Slavyanskaya GRES (1970); created (1964) the world's largest radial-axial hydraulic turbine with a capacity of 508 MW(Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station); designed (1977) hydraulic turbine with a capacity of 640 MW (Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP); a gas turbine unit with a capacity of 100 MW(1968); production of heating turbines with a capacity of 100, 215, 300 was mastered (1951) MW; turbines were created for the Kostroma State District Power Plant with a capacity of 1200 and 500 MW for a highly maneuverable power unit, designed for steam pressure 13 Mn/m 2 and temperature 510°C. The dynamics of production of the main types of power equipment is reflected in table. 1.
Table 1. - Production of the main types of power equipment in the USSR

Mechanical engineering is one of the leading branches of heavy industry Russian Federation. By creating the most active part of fixed production assets - tools of labor, the machine-building industry largely influences the pace and direction of scientific and technological progress in various sectors of the national economy, the growth of labor productivity and other economic indicators that determine the effectiveness of the development of social production.

Mechanical engineering accounts for about 1/5 of the volume of production of marketable industrial products in Russia, more than 1/4 of the value of fixed industrial production assets. The range of products of the Russian mechanical engineering industry is very diverse, which causes deep differentiation of its industries and significantly affects the placement of individual types of products.

The structure of mechanical engineering includes 19 large complex industries, more than 100 specialized sub-sectors and productions.

To complex industries similar in technological processes and the raw materials used include: heavy, energy and transport engineering; electrical industry; chemical and petroleum engineering; machine tool and tool industry; tractor and agricultural engineering; mechanical engineering for light and food industries.

Mechanical engineering occupies important place in the economy of large economic regions.

Mechanical engineering complex It is distinguished by the widespread development of inter-industry and intra-industry ties, based largely on production cooperation. His connections with others intersectoral complexes serve as one of the most important conditions functioning of the unified national economic complex of the Russian Federation. By producing tools for various sectors of the national economy, it implements the achievements of scientific and technological progress, ensuring comprehensive modernization and automation of production.

The quantitative growth of the machine-building complex was accompanied by significant qualitative changes, especially in the structure and territorial organization production. Borisov, V., Balagurova, E. Machine-building complex: post-crisis development. // Economist, 2001. - No. 12. - With. 30-35

The mechanical engineering complex plays a key role in the implementation of the scientific and technological revolution. Mass production of new generations of equipment capable of providing a manifold increase in labor productivity, opening the way to automation of all stages of production.

Among the branches of mechanical engineering, as noted earlier, heavy, energy and transport engineering are distinguished. Let's take a look at the products they produce.

Heavy engineering is a material-intensive industry with high metal consumption and relatively low labor intensity. Heavy engineering includes the production of metallurgical, mining, large-scale energy, lifting and transport equipment, forging and pressing machines, heavy machine tools, large sea and river vessels, locomotives and cars. Heavy engineering is focused on the raw material base and consumption areas. For example, the production of metallurgical and mining equipment is located, as a rule, near metallurgical bases and in areas of consumption finished products. Yes, centers heavy engineering were formed in the Urals (Uralmash in Yekaterinburg), in Siberia (Sibtyazhmash in Krasnoyarsk).

Heavy engineering produces 60% of the industry's marketable output. This industry is characterized as a complete enterprise production cycle, which independently carry out the procurement, processing and assembly of parts and assemblies, and factories that combine these operations with the installation of parts, assemblies and sections arriving in the order of cooperative connections. As part of the industry, along with highly specialized factories, there are also universal ones that produce different types products.

Among the heavy engineering industries important role Power engineering plays a role, represented by the production of powerful steam turbines and generators, hydraulic turbines and steam boilers. It is located mainly in large centers of developed mechanical engineering, where highly qualified personnel work.

Power engineering also produces: reactors for nuclear power plants, powerful diesel engines for ships, diesel engines for diesel locomotives and power plants, etc.

Russian power engineering is one of the most prosperous branches of domestic mechanical engineering, which is confirmed by the absence of a decline in production already in 1996-1997. at leading enterprises - manufacturers of power equipment, as well as stable profitability. Orlov, V.P. Raw material base of mechanical engineering in the context of economic globalization. // Economist, 2002. - No. 2. - p. 28

Evaluating current state domestic power engineering industry, and first of all, it should be noted the change in status Russian manufacturers in the domestic market compared to the beginning of the 90s. At that time, most enterprises in the industry were in a state of crisis, which created favorable conditions for transnational companies producing power equipment to gain a foothold in the Russian market. Global giants such as Siemens, ABB, General Electric have almost completely captured the energy equipment market, supplying their products for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, and nuclear power plants. In such conditions, Russian power engineering was assigned the role of auxiliary production. Among the main reasons for this situation is the lack of sufficient investment resources for modernization by enterprises technological equipment, as well as breaking traditional ties with partners.

IN last years there is a turning point in favor of domestic enterprises. The activity of Western manufacturers of power equipment in Russia is decreasing as a result of the growing competitiveness of domestic enterprises, and such Western concerns as Siemens, ABB are already considering Russian companies as partners and invest significant funds in their development.

The merger in the mid-90s played a major role in improving the situation in the industry. leading manufacturers of power equipment into a single organizational structure- financial and industrial group "Energomashcorporation". (EMK), which today completely controls the domestic power engineering industry and is fighting to receive orders not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also on the world market. As a result, enterprises that are depleted of stable technological connections in the EMC have the opportunity to receive large complex orders for power equipment from both domestic and foreign customers. In addition, participation in investment programs financed by EMC allows participating companies to modernize production equipment, which significantly expands their export potential and increases the chances of winning international tenders for the supply of energy equipment. Functioning within the financial industrial group also allows you to receive more profitable terms, which is especially important when competing with powerful European industrial corporations.

Despite certain successes, over the past 10 years our share of the global power equipment market has decreased from 12% to 3-4%. Returning to a previously achieved level is a completely possible task.

Among the transport engineering industry, the following sub-sectors can be distinguished: shipbuilding, production of diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, and carriages.

Heavy, energy and transport engineering is characterized by high capital intensity and labor intensity of products. Complex products require a variety of professions and qualified work force. It can be concluded that this industry largely depends on labor and financial resources. Only heavy engineering is less labor intensive. Regional economics: Textbook for universities / T.G. Morozova, M.P. Pobedina, G.B. Polyak et al. / Ed. prof. T.G. Morozova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITY, 1998. - 472 p.

Speaking about the engineering industry, in particular about heavy, energy and transport engineering, one cannot fail to mention its importance for ensuring the security and defense capability of the country. And first of all, this is due to the fact that these industries create competitive military products, products of defense significance.

It seems to me that mechanical engineering products are the basis in Everyday life of people. After all, every day you can see vehicles driving on the roads, railway tracks, and flying in the air. In addition, people use many local devices, which also exist thanks to engineering enterprises.

What is mechanical engineering

It belongs to the manufacturing industry and is divided into groups: knowledge-intensive, labor-intensive and metal-intensive. And their subgroups are:

  • precision engineering;
  • heavy;
  • general;
  • average and others.

Each of them specializes in the production of certain products. TO general group This includes shipbuilding, railway construction and the aviation industry. Precision engineering includes smaller products that are published thanks to the following industries: instrument making, electrical engineering and electronic engineering. The Heavy Engineering Group is engaged in the manufacture of mining equipment, metallurgical and forging and pressing equipment, as well as excavators, lifts, etc. Middle group- one of the most common, because it includes the automotive industry, the construction of tractors and machine tools.

Power engineering products

It is one of the industries that is engaged in the production of industrial equipment aimed at transmission and production electrical energy. This includes factories whose responsibilities include the production of electricity generators, turbines, transformers that will be used at nuclear, thermal and hydroelectric power plants.

There are representatives of this mechanical engineering in Russia. The largest places where enterprises involved in this industry are located will be: the turbine blade plant, Elektrosila and the metal plant. All of them are in Leningrad region and in St. Petersburg. There are also enterprises in Moscow and the region. Research is being conducted in this area at the University. Bauman.

Tomsk Polytechnic University invites 11th grade schoolchildren, final year students of colleges and technical schools, as well as graduates of previous years to take part in the Polytechnic Olympiad, which will be held in populated areas CIS countries.

Participation in the Olympiad is a real opportunity to assess your level of knowledge, receive highly qualified advice on admission issues from a TPU representative for more effective preparation for entrance examinations to the best engineering university in Russia.

We ask future participants to fill out a voluntary registration form.

Venues for the Polytechnic Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2019:

Aksu March 27-29, 2019,
from 13-00
Aksu city, Asia Plast hotel, st. Embankment 51 8-923-487-22-23 (WhatsApp)
Almaty April 1-3, 2019, from 14-00 Center for International Education “ZStarKZ World education”
Address: Almaty, 8th microdistrict, st. Shalyapina, 31a
April 4-6, 2019, from 14-00 Lyceum No. 134, st. Zharokova, 24 8 952 150 0306
March 26-30, 2019,
from 10-00
KazNU Ave. Al-Farabi, 71 ( 8 952 897 8786,
8 747 958 4992
Astana March 18-21, 2019
from 15-00
Astana, Seifullina st., 31 8-952-889-2063 (WhatsApp)
Bishkek April 26-28, 2019 Bishkek, UVK school-gymnasium No. 12, Chui Avenue, 56 8-923-504-1033
Dushanbe April 17-20, 2019 Center for International educational programs, st. M. Tursunzade, 47 8-923-503-4589
Zhezkazgan April 1-2, 2019,
from 9-00
Organizational meeting -
March 31 at 12-00

KSU Secondary School No. 4, Alashakhana St., 15 8-913-808-6878 (WhatsApp)

March 22-27, 2019,
from 10-00
(Bachelor's/Specialist's degree,
Student Olympiad "Breakthrough")

Karaganda Commercial College,
Mira Boulevard, 50


April 3-5, 2019, from 9-00
(Bachelor's/Specialist's degree,
Student Olympiad "Breakthrough")

Educational center "Knowledge without borders", Gogol str. 34a, B.Ts. "Prime"

8-913-808-6878 (WhatsApp),

April 6-8, 2019, from 9-00
(Bachelor's/Specialist's degree,
Student Olympiad "Breakthrough")
International Business Academy KUBUP, Tulepova str., 12, KUBUP 8-913-808-6878 (WhatsApp),
Kurchatov March 03-05, 2019 Secondary school No. 3, st. Olimpiyskaya, 3 8-913-808-6878 (WhatsApp),
Pavlodar March 25-28, 2019, from 9-00
(Bachelor's/Specialist's degree,
Student Olympiad "Breakthrough")

Pavlodar Oil and Gas College, st. Lermontova, 92/1

8-999-495-3065 (WhatsApp)
Petropavlovsk April 6-7, 2019, from 9-00

Church School Private secondary school in honor of Sergei Radonezh,
Auezova st., 198

(available from 5 to 7 April)
Ridder March 22-24, 2019, from 9-00 KSU "School-Lyceum No. 1", Kirova St., 90 8-777-906 4541,
e-mail: [email protected]
s.t. 8-906-959-9822
Ore April 21-26, 2019 TBC
Families March 21-25, 2019, from 10-00 8-903-914-2354 (WhatsApp)
March 24-25, 2109, from 10-00
(Student Olympiad "Breakthrough")
KSU Secondary School No. 9, st. Dastenova, 49a 8-903-914-2354 (WhatsApp)
Stepnogorsk 7 microdistrict, former building kindergarten(mag. Tonapo)
(entrance from the store), office 202
8-952-889-2063 (WhatsApp)
Taldykorgan March 23-25, 2019, from 9-00 LLP "Polytech", st. Dzhungarskaya, 1

8 952 897 8786,
8 747 958 4992

Taraz March-April 2019 location to be confirmed
Tashkent April 14-18, 2019 Tashkent, st. Universitetskaya, 2
Ust-Kamenogorsk March 25-27, 2019, from 9-00
(Bachelor's/Specialist's degree,
Student Olympiad "Breakthrough")

NNU UMC "Perspective", st. Serikbaeva, 37, office 105 8-771-512-6791,
e-mail: [email protected]
s.t. 8-906-959-9822
March 28-30, 2019, from 9-00
(Bachelor's/Specialist's degree,
Student Olympiad "Breakthrough")

FBPO "Svetoch", Golovkova str., 30 8-705-448-2223
e-mail: [email protected]
s.t. 8-906-959-9822
Khujand April 15-16, 2019 School No. 15, st. Bobojon Gafurov 8-923-503-4589
Shymkent March 24-26, 2019, from 9-00 KISH (Kazakh Intellectual School) “Baykerek”,
st. T. Ryskulova, 141
March 27-29, 2019, from 9-00 Educational center LLP "Contact"
on the base high school No. 1, st. Ryskubekova, 1
Ekibastuz March 23-24, 2019 Central City Library, st. M. Zhusup, 51

Dear participants of the Polytechnic Olympiad, stay tuned for updates on this page, the list of venues for the Olympiad will be updated and supplemented!