Containers for burying in the ground. Installation of barrels for sewage. Characteristics of a bathroom using a container


Because because of this the size cesspool limited, then use metal barrels permissible only for summer cottages, where it is not planned to live permanently, and the amount of drainage will be small. A small sewage tank would be inappropriate in a house where several people live permanently.

Main advantage metal containers– this is high strength, thanks to which they can withstand severe mechanical loads.

However, they have many more disadvantages, which is why their use is limited:

Advantages of barrels made of polymer materials:

  • corrosion resistance, so the containers can last 30-50 years;
  • high mechanical strength, which is almost similar to metal products;
  • Most types of plastic are resistant to aggressive chemical compounds, which are part of sewage waste;
  • The plastic sewer barrel is completely sealed and does not require additional waterproofing.

However, such containers also have significant drawback– despite their large volume, their weight is insignificant. For this reason, the tank may be pushed to the surface under the influence groundwater or frost heaving of the soil. Therefore, the construction of a septic tank requires that the sewer tank be well secured.

How to bury a tank with your own hands

Before burying a sewer container, you need to decide on its location. You also need to know in advance how to properly bury a septic tank so that you don’t have to redo everything later. There are certain sanitary standards regarding the distance to residential buildings, water sources, and site boundaries. It would be a good idea to entrust the choice of location for installing a septic tank to a specialist who will take into account the location of buildings on the site, communications, groundwater level and other nuances.

A plastic barrel for sewerage is installed in a pre-prepared pit; its dimensions must be larger than the tank. Thanks to this, if necessary, it will be possible to insulate the structure and securely fasten the barrel. The depth of the pit should be such that the inlet and inlet sewage pipe were on the same level.

How to bury a barrel under a sewer, procedure:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, a crushed stone or sand cushion more than 20 centimeters thick is created.
  2. After this, the base is concreted, and a frame with anchors or hinges is installed for further attachment of the container.
  3. After 5-7 days concrete foundation becomes strong enough and you can install the barrel.
  4. The container is attached to the foundation using steel strips or a bandage of cables.
  5. If necessary, the septic tank is insulated with polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam (read: "").
  6. Before backfilling the soil, the container must be filled to a certain level. During this work, it is important to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations - depending on what polymer material the barrel is made of, the features of backfilling may differ.
  7. The barrel is connected to all inlet and outlet communications, the ventilation pipe, after which it is finally covered with soil.
Currently, containers made of polymer materials are the most common - this is due to their advantages over metal products. An important role in this is played by their durability and ease of installation.

Sewerage from barrels is created quite simply with your own hands, which makes it possible to save on the services of specialists. If the barrel was securely fastened, and all installation requirements were followed, including the manufacturer’s recommendations, then the container can last for several decades.

Living in a private house requires the presence of an autonomous sewer system. It consists of internal wiring, external piping and a storage tank (or VOC). For residents of holiday villages or houses of temporary (seasonal) residence, a cesspool remains relevant as The best way collection and partial recycling of waste.

We will tell independent home craftsmen how to construct a cesspool from a barrel. This is an extremely simple option that requires a minimum of funds in construction. Taking into account our recommendations, you can arrange without any problems autonomous sewerage with a cesspool.

Previously, the word “septic tank” was unknown, and the role of the only possible place for collecting waste was played by a cesspool.

Structurally, all cesspools were similar, the difference concerned the presence or absence of any container. Often, an ordinary hole was dug in the ground, and a wooden birdhouse was built above it. Such outdoor toilets can still be found in old holiday villages.

A modern version of a toilet that is located “in the yard” is a beautiful house, neatly painted and decorated with flowers. Buried underneath sewer tank with pump neck

A pit without a sealed container is an environmental threat to garden plot. If home owners are interested in clean soil and water, they must place a reservoir in the cesspool pit.

Previously, it was made from boards or bricks, now - from concrete rings or monolithic concrete. Barrels, metal or plastic, specially designed for sewage systems are also often used.

Even a large sealed tank made of modified plastic is just a storage tank that fills quickly and requires regular pumping. It is for this reason that cesspools are absolutely not suitable for family cottages.

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Just appeared on the market, potential consumers for a long time They also looked at them with some skepticism, because they were not sure of their reliability. Time passed and it became clear that plastic containers can be used for a variety of purposes because they can withstand the stress placed on them. They are environmentally friendly, durable, and unlike metal, they are not subject to corrosion, durable, and unpretentious. They are used for storing water, grain, chemicals, fuel, etc. They have become very popular for organizing autonomous sewage systems.

The containers can be used both inside and outside buildings. Since there are more risks outside that they will be subjected to mechanical, temperature loads, etc., plastic containers are often installed above the ground for a reason. They are partially or completely buried in the ground. It is most convenient to bury the container completely in the ground so that it does not interfere or take up unnecessary space on the site.

In what cases can you bury a plastic container in the ground?

This is usually done when it is planned to store some liquid in it. This can be water, fuel, sewage waste, etc. Plastic containers can also include ready-made liners, for example, for creating artificial pond on a summer cottage or even a whole swimming pool. They also involve storing water.

How to properly bury a container in the ground?

It is necessary to dig a pit and install a container. If you need to connect pipes to this container, you need to do this, after which you need to fill everything up, leaving only the hatch if it is a closed tank. If it is a pool or pond, a container for storing fish, you will need to fill the sides with soil and compact it to fix it securely. It just seems so simple, but in fact the process is quite complex and labor-intensive. Much depends on the size of the container. The larger it is, the larger the pit needs to be dug.

A pit can be dug:

  • manually;
  • using special equipment.

If this is a small liner for a pond, for example, you can do all the work yourself or ask someone from your family or friends to help. A pit of the appropriate size is dug. At the bottom of it, a special cushion is made of crushed stone and sand so that the container is installed securely and does not move or change position after it is filled. It is important, when installing a plastic container in the ground, to ensure that the soil and groundwater do not push it back up. To prevent this from happening, special metal fastenings for containers that are installed in the form of a reinforcement frame on a concrete slab. Low grade concrete is used to fill this slab. In this case, when it is necessary to protect the container as much as possible from displacement by soil and groundwater, when backfilling it, sand mixed with cement is used, which also provides additional fixation and reliability. All this does not have to be done if the groundwater is deep. But, if they lie at a shallow depth, it is better not to be lazy and save money, because otherwise you will still have to spend both time and money.

If the groundwater is shallow and you need reliable fixation of the container during installation, and this is not just a decorative pond, but something more important, for example, a sewage container or a reservoir for storing water, it is better to have the work done by professionals. Yes, it will cost more than self installation, but also a 100% quality guarantee, while amateurs could make mistakes.

Features of installing a plastic container in the ground

  • At the first stage, the place where the pit will be dug and the container will be installed is determined. For example, if this is a container for storing imported water or sewage waste, access roads are also needed so that the special equipment servicing them can easily approach and then leave.
  • The pit must be dug of sufficient depth and width to provide free space On the sides. You can’t stop halfway and try to squeeze the container into a pit that’s almost the right size. It can be damaged and its integrity compromised. Therefore, it is better not to rush and dig a pit with the necessary parameters.
  • It is better to carry out work in the warm season, not in winter, so that the soil is not frozen and the air temperature is not too low.
  • Sand-cement, sand-gravel mixture or a concrete slab can be used as a cushion, depending on the characteristics of the soil, the depth of groundwater, the volume and purpose of the container itself.
  • To prevent the container from floating, you can use not only a frame, but also special cables that are attached to a concrete slab installed below.
  • If the container needs to be installed at a greater depth, you will need to purchase an additional neck to extend it and have access from the surface of the ground.

Professional services for installing plastic containers in the ground

If you turn to specialists, they will do the job quickly and efficiently. Specialists will study the type of soil, the depth of groundwater, and select optimal place on the site in order to install the container, take into account its volume, features, select suitable type special equipment, reinforcement method, if needed. You can be sure that the container will be installed as needed, its integrity and all other characteristics will be preserved.

Absence central water supply and sewage systems in summer cottages force owners to look for ways to solve the problem. To make your stay comfortable and make full use of the benefits of civilization, it is enough to install plastic barrels for sewerage - the simplest and most economical option. But what exactly a sewer barrel should be like, and what the difference is between metal and plastic, we will tell you and tell you.

Arranging a drain tank does not always require large expenses if there is a used barrel for the drainage system. But it is important to select only high-quality containers; for example, the corrosion resistance parameters must be the highest, otherwise a lot of drains will be absorbed into the soil, poisoning everything around. That's why metal drain barrel- not the best convenient option. It is much more practical to take plastic containers, concrete rings with a bottom or a storage tank made of metal, but with anti-corrosion treatment.

It is most practical to choose barrels ready for autonomous sewerage. They are sold in different sizes and models are equipped with a hatch cover and a hole for ventilation pipe. In the case of a large volume of discharged water, there may be two or more reservoirs, and connecting them into a system is not difficult.

Advice! A very simple way is to find used metal barrels for sewerage. But you need to choose a container used for transporting gasoline or other caustic liquids - such containers already have all the necessary protective coatings and will last quite a long time.

The choice of volume and type of tank depends on the amount of waste. If the amount of water per day does not exceed 1m3, then plastic barrels without a bottom for 200-250 liters are quite suitable. The functionality of the design is simple and similar to a drainage well: the flow is filtered through gravel or other bulk material and is absorbed into the already cleaned soil, while the residue is pumped out by a sewer truck.

Important! In the case of a large volume of wastewater, the filter simple pillow will no longer work, so you will have to use sealed tanks, the contents of which must be pumped out regularly. This way you can completely avoid pollution of the surrounding area. An option to solve the problem is two plastic barrels, in one of which the wastewater is separated into solid masses and liquid, which flows into the second tank and there through a gravel filter, going into the ground. Such an installation will already be able to process 2-3 m3 of sewerage flows and is suitable for temporary residences.

Metal or plastic

To determine this aspect, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each material. So, a metal barrel for sewage:

  1. It perfectly protects the walls of the cesspool from crumbling - this is a plus;
  2. Used tanks have affordable price– positive quality;
  3. The metal corrodes and after 3-4 years there will be nothing left of the container - a disadvantage;
  4. Suitable for arranging systems without a bottom (not sealed);
  5. To prevent corrosion, you will have to properly seal the surface of the container both outside and inside - this can also be considered a disadvantage, since additional consumption of materials will be required.

And if we consider plastic tanks, then there are many more advantages:

  • Huge shelf life, especially when choosing high-quality plastic that is not exposed to chemical environments;
  • Light weight means ease of transportation and installation;
  • Wide variety of volumes and shapes.

Important! PVC selection the tank must be carefully constructed so that the walls of the barrel resist soil pressure and do not crack during seasonal movements. Otherwise, all the work will not be useful - any crack and drainage masses will go into the soil.

The nuances of choosing an installation location and little tricks from professionals

To properly bury a barrel, it is important to fulfill several conditions:

  1. Choose a place no closer than 5 meters from the garden, no closer than 30 meters from the source drinking water(autonomous water supply);
  2. The distance from the road is at least 2 meters;
  3. Ensuring free passage for the sewer truck;
  4. The bottom of the tank is located at least 0.5 m above the aquifer level;
  5. At high level ground water carrier, select only a sealed container.

How to bury a barrel correctly? It's easy to do with my own hands, without the use of special equipment and even without assistants:

  1. Calculate the volume of the pit based on the volume of the drain tank, and the diameter of the pit should be 25-30 cm larger than the cross-section of the barrel;
  2. Dig the desired hole;
  3. Dig a drainage trench where the pipeline will exit from the house;
  4. Lay pipes/hoses with a slope into the pit where a plastic or metal barrel is installed under the sewer;
  5. Insert the drain pipe into the lid of the container, cover the connection with bitumen or other resin to seal.

Important! The cover should be easy to remove to remove sludge, but be rigid enough to support the weight of the pipe.

All that remains is to install the tank. In the case of a leaky structure, the plastic container is perforated: the walls are punched or drilled with a number of holes located at least 15-20 cm from each other. But to prevent soil from getting into the container, it is better to wrap the reservoir with geotextile.

Now the installation itself:

  • The bottom of the mine is strewn with fine and medium gravel, mixed with sand - this is a bottom filter;
  • A plastic barrel or metal container is mounted;
  • The waste pipe is connected;
  • The soil is backfilled.

Advice! To prevent the plastic sides from becoming distorted during the backfilling process, it is better to fill the container with water, which can then either be drained, or it will seep into the ground itself.

Recently, the construction of country houses and holiday cottages has been experiencing a real boom. And this is no wonder, because every city dweller from time to time is drawn to the city - to take a break from the hustle and bustle and breathe fresh air. It is no secret that construction, one way or another, is associated with many problems, including the issue of draining groundwater from the foundation. Also, considerable damage can be caused by melt and storm drains. Due to the fact that soil waterlogging is a fairly common phenomenon, it is necessary to take a number of measures to combat water stagnation. So, in areas with good landscape, it is extremely necessary surface drainage. To collect water in areas it is necessary to install special storage tanks horizontal, as well as storm or drainage pipes.

Many people who are just starting to build their country houses, a fair question arises: what exactly are these containers for? The answer is quite simple and concise - they are beneficial. Firstly, these containers allow you to accumulate water underground, preventing leaks. Secondly, the water that gets there can be successfully used for irrigation or some other household needs. After all, it undergoes a fairly “decent” cleaning through soil layers. Moreover, it is not necessary, as is usually the case, to install a pressure pump with a surface reservoir for irrigation purposes, which will take up additional space. A pump of a type that can be immersed in a buried container will suffice. The only negative regarding watering from this container is that the temperature of the water in it, as a rule, is no higher than five degrees, which may not be good for some types of trees.

Besides, horizontal containers made of plastic, can be buried to any convenient depth, and the holes in them, with a diameter of 65 cm, allow you to carry out the necessary maintenance of the tanks without any problems. The plastic itself, from which these containers are made, is known to be not subject to the destructive effects of moisture, and therefore does not rot. Also, if it is installed not in the ground, but on the surface or close to it, you can not be afraid of the harmful effects of the July sun or January frost. Therefore, we can conclude that these containers are quite convenient and at the same time durable during their operation.

It would also be useful to mention the fact that the stiffening ribs of such a container, which make the body more elastic, create additional resistance to external influences, as a result of which it does not lose its shape (does not deform). These properties allow you to use these containers and how underground water tanks, and as containers for sewerage in small treatment systems. As statistics show regarding consumer preferences, many summer residents bury tanks made of either carbon fiber or metal in the ground. The main criterion, as a rule, is the price of the material, so in this case it is more advisable to deal with carbon plastic, because in its own way technical properties it surpasses even steel in strength and stability, and is quite inferior to it in weight and price.

It is known that underground plastic water containers are the basis for household wastewater treatment plants. At the same time, they are no less good in quality drainage wells, and, in drainage systems of any complexity. If you need to store water in larger quantities, you can connect several containers plastic pipes, build an entire underground bunker. This approach is the most optimal compared to just a huge tank, since a system of several containers is more mobile and easier to maintain.

In order to use a horizontal container as a storage tank, you first need to dig a pit under its dimensions. Then comes the filling concrete slab, the mass of which must necessarily be greater than the weight of the container with water. Next, you can install a container that needs to be secured with slings made from a material that does not contain iron - nylon slings are best suited. The next step will be to connect the necessary pipes to the container and fill the entire structure with a mixture of sand and cement. If necessary, you can equip this container with a special sensor.

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  • We want to bury a container for water and a container for sewage... which one to take, please tell me who has encountered this :)

    Official response from SIVTRADE LLC:

    For sewerage, containers from the section "Underground Tanks" ( or "Septic Tanks Underground" are suitable for you. domestic waste"( They can be buried in the ground. Any container will suit you for water, but it will be more convenient to bury a cylindrical one, lowering it into concrete rings with waterproofing (this is important!). Otherwise , the rings will let water through, and you will have to keep the container filled at all times to prevent groundwater from squeezing the tank.

    Sincerely, SIVTRADE LLC

  • drainage container required