DIY electrostatic dust filter. Homemade purifier for dry and humid air. Options for homemade devices

The air of cities is far from perfect. People who installed the system in their cottage are far from safe. air heating, combined with ventilation. There are a couple of crude dust filters plus a primitive air humidifier. Today we’ll talk about powerful devices that can remove even germs from rooms. If the family is sick or there is a problem in the bathroom bad smell, try to fix it. It is unlikely that you will be able to make an air purifier yourself from scratch, but it is quite possible to buy a suitable one in a store.

Microclimate regulation

We will talk about numerous devices from the class household equipment. The fact is that the devices simultaneously purify the air. If you don't mind spending money on an air purifier, take a device with combined functions. Let's start with the original type humidifier.

Humidifier-air purifier

The device is called an air washer. The operating principle is based on the cold evaporation of ordinary water. Liquid is poured into the pan, then the blades take over, reminiscent of the first steamships with giant paddle wheels that towered far above the deck. Such a device simultaneously performs humidification. Includes:

  1. Housing with a tray and a cascade of gratings in the upper part and on the sides.
  2. Fan-compressor sucking in the input flow.
  3. Double wheel with blades.
  4. Electric drive.

The double “rowing” wheel is made of plastic and equipped with vortex-shaped transverse blades, being the heart of the device. The purifier sucks air from above, which immediately falls on the rotating wheels with blades. The flow is carried towards a pan filled with water. There the air is cleared of dust (washed) and filled with moisture. Afterwards, the flow under pressure is ejected from the side slots.

We change the water periodically. You shouldn’t wait until the tray is completely dry: dirt that was hanging around in the room will collect there. The air purifier should be turned off by unplugging the cord from the outlet, then the water container should be thoroughly washed. The device does not remove odors and germs, but it will get rid of dust in no time.

The device is notable for the fact that in addition to air purification, it also humidifies. Any household appliance dries out the room during operation. An air conditioner or heater reduces the percentage of moisture. The liquid settles as condensate on the evaporators or is carried away into the environment through the walls.

Humidity in most residential, educational and other premises is 30%, which is below normal. Conditions are considered optimal when the parameter reaches 40-60% at an air temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. Any deviations from the recommendations lead to health problems. People with strong immune systems can for a long time not notice anything until one day thunder strikes.

It is appropriate to recall that in rooms such as a nursery or bedroom, it is appropriate to purchase devices for controlling temperature and humidity. This will save your family from troubles. By the way, the described humidifier should be kept away from children for obvious reasons. It is unacceptable to turn on in places where pets are present.

To completely saturate the air with ozone, stock up on an ionizer. This will eliminate the negative effect of positively charged air particles that are certainly formed during the operation of household appliances.

Washing vacuum cleaner as an air purifier

There are two types of vacuum cleaners that act as air purifiers:

  1. Vacuum cleaners with aquafilter.
  2. Washing vacuum cleaners.

Essentially the principle of operation is similar. It's not hard to imagine how the devices turn into an air purifier. We have already described the principle of operation of a cold evaporation humidifier. Vacuum cleaners are not much different, the meaning is the same. Air is sucked in, passes through the water, and then released out through at least two filters. It will come out cleaner than from a humidifier and will not contain less fumes water.

The operating principle of an improvised air purifier is simple. At the entrance to the vacuum cleaner body there are several nozzles located around the channel. Each one throws out a stream of water that washes the incoming stream. In cruising mode, there is expected to be a lot of dirt and debris, but if you use a vacuum cleaner as an air purifier, there will be much less foreign matter. The result is determined by the structure of the filters; some even capture bacterial spores (the size of a unit of micrometer).

It is possible to make an air purifier with your own hands from a suitable vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. Fill the tank with water. Turn on the device and leave it for half an hour with the brush hanging in the air. This is how a vacuum cleaner for cleaning an apartment turns into a hybrid household appliances- air purifier + humidifier. There are two disadvantages:

  1. Vacuum cleaners are noisy. The average air purifier operates at 53 dB (at maximum power), the vacuum cleaner exceeds the indicated figure.
  2. The power consumption will leave much to be desired; the vacuum cleaner is not directly designed to clean the air.

At the same time, the quality of cleaning is better than in the case of the humidifier described above. Vacuum cleaners are equipped with HEPA filters at the outlet. This rids the flow of particles 3-5 microns in size in excess of 99%. However, specialized air purifiers operate quietly, consume little energy and are able to free a room even from pathogenic bacteria.

Specialized air purifiers

The information presented below will be useful for those who decide to repair the air purifier themselves.

Those who believe that specialized air purifiers are little different from kitchen hood special type (without an air duct), is very mistaken. The difference is in purpose. A kitchen hood is designed to filter fats, odors, and soot. The structure does not care about dust and pathogenic bacteria, although large particles will remain inside.

Take note: a kitchen hood will serve as a primitive air purifier. Moreover, only models that work on the principle of recirculation (throw air back into the kitchen). It has already been mentioned that the devices get rid of soot, fats and odors. What exactly settles inside is determined by the cascade of installed filters. Making an air purifier from a kitchen hood is possible, but not effective.

Conclusion: a specialized device is required to perform the procedure. Most of all, an air purifier resembles a leaf blower. There is no heating of the passing flow. On the opposite sides of the case there are two sets of slots, entrance and exit. The fan located inside throws air out, and from the opposite side the flow comes in.

Filters are busy with cleaning; there are half a dozen modifications. The first stage is rough, traps dust, pollen, hair, and animal fur. The element is changed periodically; the accessory does not deserve special attention. Much more interesting is what is located further into the air purifier.

Commercials are described in general terms. Like: moisturizing and deodorizing filters. The first is busy saturating the air with water vapor, the second cleans the flow of odors. The next stage fights bacteria. This air purifier contains green tea extract, hypoallergenic and bactericidal components. It is believed that particles larger than 0.1 microns and pathogenic bacteria remain inside.

Nano air purifiers

Manufacturers of synthetic fabric explain the topic in much more detail. An air purifier containing such advanced scientific innovation is capable of delivering the highest quality. The fibers of synthetic fabric are intertwined randomly with a maximum distance of 4 microns. Even much smaller particles will remain inside.

Coarse dust remains in the inlet filter, and a partially purified stream enters the synthetic fabric. Particles larger than 4 microns get stuck between the fibers, but the most interesting thing happens next and explains why such air purifiers come with a nano attachment.

When the particle size is a few microns, dust grains begin to exhibit corpuscular properties. They behave like molecules, being attracted to fibers due to electronic bonds. No matter how small the particles are, there is a high probability of colliding with the fiber and sticking. Out of every 10,000 dust particles, only 3 get out of the air purifier. This is a tremendous achievement without exaggeration. This is the best dust collector produced by modern factories. The future belongs to synthetic fabric.

Air in modern apartment buildings is not clean, it contains many different particles: dust, microorganisms, bacteria, pet hair, clothing particles, etc. This is harmful to human health. Pollutants must be removed from the air. To do this, it is not necessary to buy expensive installations. You can assemble an air purifier with your own hands. Such a device will be inexpensive, simple and effective.

Types of Cleaners

Based on the type of air purification method used, devices can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Designed for rooms with dry air.
  2. Suitable for rooms with humid air.

In the first case, water is used as a filter. Due to its evaporation, additional energy will occur. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such a device in damp rooms - the air humidity will only increase.

The second type of device uses an absorbent, such as simple table salt. This substance is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture from environment. Therefore, when using this type of purifier, the air will be dried out.

Before you begin assembling the purifier, you must. The optimal level is considered to be from 40 to 60%. If this indicator is lower, then the air must be humidified, if higher, it must be dried.

So, using a purifier will not only remove pollutants from the air, but will also help make the indoor microclimate more comfortable for its inhabitants.

Purifier for apartments with dry air

Assembling such a setup is very simple. For this you will need:

  • deep container with lid;
  • small fan low power, a computer cooler is quite suitable;
  • water, preferably purified, filtered or distilled;
  • fan/cooler mount;
  • power source, such as batteries;
  • sharp knife or other cutting object.

Step-by-step production of an air purifier

Work progress:

  1. You need to cut a hole in the lid for the container to fit the size of the cooler. The fan must be firmly in place.
  2. Secure the cooler. You can use screws of the appropriate size or special glue. The fan must be secured carefully, otherwise it may fall into the water, causing damage. short circuit and its failure.
  3. Pour water into the container so that it does not reach the cooler. For safety reasons, there should be 3–5 cm left to the fan. This will eliminate the risk of water getting on the contacts of the device.
  4. Close the container with a lid with a fan.
  5. Connect the cooler to a power source. When choosing, you need to consider what voltage it is designed for: a 12-volt fan cannot be directly connected to a home outlet.
  6. A properly assembled purifier will work immediately when turned on. You can also make a device that automatically regulates the operating time of the fan. But this is at the request of users.

You should not leave the device turned on all the time, as this can lead to over-humidification of the air. Periodically, the water in the container must be changed or added as it evaporates. To monitor the water level and degree of contamination, it is better to use a transparent plastic container.

To enhance the cleaning properties of the device, you can use a carbon filter that is attached to the fan. And if you put a silver object in water, the air will be saturated with silver ions.

Air purifier for wet rooms

Step-by-step production of the purifier

Instructions for assembling the purifier will be as follows:

  1. In the container you need to cut 2 holes on the walls opposite each other, but different levels. The hole for the fan should be higher. The second, located on the opposite wall, is lower and of smaller diameter.
  2. Secure the fan to its intended location.
  3. Make a filter from a porous material slightly larger in size than the second hole. For example, you can wrap cotton wool or foam rubber in several layers of gauze folded.
  4. Secure the filter with glue or tape.
  5. Pour salt into the container so that it covers the hole with the filter, but does not reach the fan.
  6. Connect the fan to the power source and turn on the device at low speed. Otherwise, the crystals will knock against the container, creating a constant unpleasant noise.

The sucked air will pass through 2 filters: a porous material, which will retain larger particles, and through salt, which will collect excess moisture, bacteria and finer dust. The air will also be saturated with chlorine and sodium ions.

As it gets dirty, you will have to change the porous filter. Salt, absorbing moisture, will thicken and cake. It will also need to be changed periodically.

Almost anyone can assemble an air purifier with their own hands. This does not require special knowledge or skills. It's very simple and useful device.

Unfortunately, the air in our homes cannot be called perfect. Moreover, it is much cleaner outside, since it is cleaned by the sun and natural ionization, blown by the wind, and moistened by rain. But can we create such conditions in our home to purify the air? Airing and vacuuming alone will not be enough: they are not able to destroy dust and decay products: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and much more. Of course, there is a solution - buy such an air purifier device. If we talk about how an air purifier works, then everything is simple. The air in the room passes through the device, and dust, allergens, lint, tobacco smoke, chemical substances settle on its filters. Manufacturers now offer various devices: with carbon or HEPA filter, plasma, ionizing, photocatalytic and air washers.

Let’s say right away that the cost of such a device is not low. And besides, deciding which is the best is not so easy. Therefore, if there is skillful hands We invite you to create the device yourself.

How to do

The proposed air purifier is an air wash, where water acts as a filter, which cleans the air of allergens, dust, and dirt. As a result, the air is not only purified, but also humidified. In addition, water is the cheapest filter.

Air filtration from harmful fumes, carbon monoxide and various odors is important in any ventilation system industrial enterprises, medical, administrative and public institutions and residential complexes. For large areas Industrial carbon filters with high performance are used for cleaning. But what about residents of private houses and cottages? Buying equipment is expensive and requires professional installation. You can make a carbon filter for your hood with your own hands, the main thing is to know the principle of operation and its features.

When the filter reaches the end of its lifespan, replace with my own hands won't be very expensive

Air purifier and how it works

A standard air filtration system includes a conventional fan and sequentially installed purification barriers. Depending on the pollution class, the following types of pollution control are distinguished:

  • mechanical coarse filter, retains large dust elements of at least 0.3 microns;
  • electrostatic, eliminates small dust particles from 0.01 microns and aerosol vapors by charging contaminant elements;
  • photocatalytic works on the principle of decomposition of chemical elements and destroys bacteria using UV radiation;
  • with activated carbon, designed to remove all gaseous contaminants, acting on the principle of adsorption;
  • biofilters are used to remove gas pollution;
  • antistatic, as a rule, these are all kinds of sprays or additives in the air washer;
  • for compressed air, used for industrial purposes to remove oil and water vapor.

Activated carbon is a form of carbon in pure form, has a porous water-repellent surface. This property allows for better odor removal since it does not absorb water. The activated carbon used has 3 different pore sizes, this is due to the raw materials: wood, nut shells or coal. Largest quantity pore has coal obtained from nut shells.

How to assemble a filter device with your own hands

Currently, in order to save Money, more and more people began to remember the stagnant times and make various devices on their own. Let's consider how you can assemble a filter with your own hands, since there are a lot of varieties, we will analyze each type step by step.

  1. Making a carbon filter with your own hands is very simple. You need to take 2 cylindrical containers or sewer pipes different diameters. Use a drill to make perforations. Wrap the outside of each separately with agro-fabric, securing it well with clamps. Insert one container into another and pour carbon granules between them, you get a cylindrical carbon filter. Seal the ends tightly so that the air flow, passing through the holes, exits into the ventilation duct. A fan is installed on one side and a ventilation outlet on the other.
  2. You can make a carbon purifier yourself by using a used air filter from truck. To do this, you need to take it, disassemble it without damaging the mesh, and reduce the internal diameter to fit the required fan. Usually a fan with a diameter of up to 100 mm is used. Place activated carbon between the meshes and wrap the outside with cloth.
  3. A hydrofilter can be made using a steam generator or compact discs; the operating principle is based on humidification. This design involves passing air flow through a container of water and due to the attraction of dust particles, it is cleaned and comes out wet. Ideal for air purification in dry rooms.
  4. Roll filter is made of fibrous materials. It's very easy to make. Wrap the fabric in a roll onto any mesh twisted to fit the diameter of the fan and the cleaner is ready for use.
  5. The smoke filter is quite simple to make and can be made small enough to be used on a desktop. A fan can be mounted in any case or plastic box, maybe from a computer. Holes are cut out on the body for air supply. A carbon filter sheet is placed next to the fan, possibly in several layers.

Various homemade products work no worse than factory ones, the main thing is to maintain safety in places where they are connected to electricity, especially in devices using water.

Use in everyday life

Before purchasing such a device for your home, you need to understand its design and operating principle. There are several types of filters:

  • window, installed directly on window frame, opens as needed;
  • mainline, used to obtain clean air in a house or cottage. Mounted in common system ventilation. Coal main filters often used in industrial premises, for point connection;
  • for the kitchen above the stove or in other words, a hood. The most commonly used fine air filter.

When installing in a hood, the main preference is given to carbon filters to remove odor, which is always present above the stove. Exhaust systems They work on the principle of recirculation, since in addition to soot and grease vapors, it is necessary to remove various small contaminants.

Carbon filters work most effectively to remove odors from the air. Having an adsorbing property, a carbon filter for hoods removes not only odor, but also the smallest particles of soot and dirt.

In addition to kitchen hoods, smoke extractors are installed for cottages and private houses. The presence of boiler rooms and furnaces provokes the presence of carbon monoxide; to eliminate it in these rooms, it is advisable to use activated carbon filtration. During low-rise construction, many people forget to lay ventilation ducts. Subsequently, an autonomous highway is laid, passing through all the premises. Either separate air purification devices for the home or one common filter with a floating load are connected to it.

Application in industrial premises

Clean air is necessary not only at home, but also at work. The environmental situation at the location of the enterprise depends on this. In production facilities, main compressed air filters with a large throughput And high degree cleaning. Industrial filters consist of fibers distributed in such a way that dirt particles accumulate as they pass through their layers. Used in the manufacturing sector cleaning devices can be divided into 2 types:

  • preliminary – deep electrostatic and dry fine fiber;
  • mesh - equipped with irrigation and capable of self-cleaning.

To normalize work ventilation system In industrial premises, a special air pressure regulator filter is installed to reduce air pressure in the highway and maintaining it within a certain range.

The use of activated carbon filters is very extensive, since human health completely depends on the cleanliness of the air and the sorbing properties are undeniable. Even a car will not move without oxygen purified to the proper level. Dust and harmful gases are constantly floating in the air, so you shouldn’t skimp on your own health and install a carbon air filter. Not only the kitchen needs an exhaust device; any room deserves an air filter for an apartment or a private house.

Human health directly depends on the air that enters the lungs. There are soaring in the atmosphere chemical elements due to emissions from enterprises, transport and other sources of pollution. To breathe clean air, you can buy an air purifier for your home or make one yourself.

All cleaners work the same. They clean the air from small dust particles. They use a filter through which polluted air passes. After filtration, the fan blows clean air out.

Popular filters:

  • aquatic,
  • electrostatic,
  • coal.

Having two options, buy a device or build it yourself, let’s consider the second of them. You won’t be able to make a multifunctional purifier at home, but you can build simple model Can.

Options for homemade devices

Before designing a purifier, it is worth considering climatic conditions in the room where it will be used. For example, for a room with normal humidity, but if there is a large amount of dust, a cleaner is suitable, for the manufacture of which you can take a filter from a car.

Devices for dry rooms

In rooms with dry air, the purifier has an additional task of humidification. For humans, comfortable humidity is 40–60%.

Even a beginner can build a homemade purifier. For this you need a plastic container and a computer cooler. The action plan will be like this:

  1. Cut two holes in a plastic container. They are needed for the fan and the outlet of purified air.
  2. Screw the cooler to the lid plastic container. Self-tapping screws are suitable for this.
  3. Connect the fan to the power supply. You can use a 5V or 12V unit. The greater the power of the unit, the higher the speed will be. The efficiency of the unit depends on this.
  4. Place microfiber cloth pieces inside the container. It can be replaced with any fabric with high density. To place them inside the cleaner, stretch the fishing line in several rows.
  5. Place the fabric so that it does not touch the sides of the container. This is necessary for free movement of air to the outlet. As air passes through the purifier, dust will remain on the damp cloth. To increase cleaning efficiency, make additional holes on the side walls of the container above the water level to hang the fabric.

Devices for wet rooms

Premises with high level humidity brings inconvenience to its owners. This is a breeding ground for microbes, fungi and bacteria. High humidity air damages property. This is especially true for furniture. To combat this problem, you need a device that will dry the air. Here you need regular table salt.

Before using salt, dry it in the oven. This will help her fully fulfill her functions.

When constructing a purifier for drying and purifying air, use the same instructions as when constructing a purifier for dry rooms. With the exception of the fan, the power of which should be 5V. Otherwise, the salt will scatter throughout the container. Change the water to a 3–4 cm layer of salt.

You can increase the efficiency of the cleaner by replacing the salt with silica gel. It absorbs moisture better. Silica gel is non-toxic. This substance can be found in shoe boxes.

Use silica gel carefully if there is a child in the house. The baby may be poisoned by the substance.

Spread silica gel Chinese online stores in various packaging. The main advantage is using a small amount to get the same effect.

Silica gel is colored in Blue colour, which works as an indicator. The substance changes color to pink when the amount of moisture reaches its maximum. Crystals can be reused. To do this, silica gel is dried in microwave oven for eight minutes. The power of the microwave oven during drying should be minimal.

Device with carbon filter

In rooms with the smell of cigarette smoke, activated carbon is used as a filter. It removes toxic substances from the air. To make an air purifier with your own hands, follow the algorithm:

  1. Trim sewer pipe 200 mm to 77 mm. A pipe that is inserted inside measuring 150 mm should be up to 75 mm. Remove burrs from all cuts.
  2. Point the thick side of the pipe upward. Trim the edging for maximum fit to the plug.
  3. Make as many holes as possible on the inner tube.
  4. Make holes with a diameter of 30 mm on the outer pipe.
  5. Don't throw away waste. These will make spacers.
  6. Cover both pipes with agrofibre. Sew agrofibre to secure it. For reliability, use nylon thread.
  7. Tighten outer pipe painting mesh. Sew the mesh using two clamps.
  8. Sew the entire length of the mesh.
  9. Remove excess mesh and agrofibre with nippers and scissors.
  10. Wrap the inner pipe with agrofibre, but first wrap it with metal mesh.
  11. Secure the edges with metal tape or a blowtorch.
  12. Insert into the plug inner tube and secure mineral wool or construction foam. Install the pipe strictly in the center. You can take spacers.
  13. Install the elements of the inner pipe into the outer pipe.
  14. Fill the filter with activated carbon. Any coal can be used.
  15. Clean the coal from dust. To do this you need to sift it through a sieve.

Fill the coal so that no voids are formed. To fill the filter you will need 2 kg of activated carbon. To fill the structure evenly, shake it periodically.

Close the tube with coal with the adapter. The adapter will be a cover for it. Seal the resulting gap with sealant.

When the sealant is completely dry, install it into the adapter duct fan. Insert it so that air is drawn into the purifier and passes through the device, blowing back into the room. In your home, the filter can be installed in the supply ventilation duct.

To make an air purifier with your own hands, follow the presented devices. You can fill your apartment with clean air while saving money. It is enough to have primitive ones at hand Construction Materials and the desire to make the house cleaner.