DIY electric cockroach trap. What types of cockroach traps are there and how effective they are. DIY traps for cockroaches

A DIY cockroach trap can be made in a matter of minutes. We use improvised means that are available in every home. A cheap but effective substance is used as a poisonous substance - boric acid.

Modern cockroaches are far from the naive creatures they were several decades ago. They manage to bypass the baits, they don’t eat the powder, and the chemicals don’t attack them. All that remains is to catch! You can buy it in hardware stores ready-made device and arrange in in the right places. Making a cockroach trap with your own hands gives you more pleasure.

  1. Adhesive - a sticky substance is applied to the base, with bait in the center. Cockroaches stick before reaching the food.
  2. Poisonous - in general they resemble a house or a box. The bait containing poison is laid down. Cockroaches eat, smear themselves, dirty others - a chain reaction. In the end, everyone dies.
  3. Electric - the name speaks for itself. The bait is placed on a certain surface to which the current is applied. The device turns on. The cockroach begins to crawl and receives a fatal electric shock. A dead insect releases pheromones that act better than any bait for other relatives.
  4. Ultrasonic waves are imperceptible to humans, but for insects they are a real torment. They cannot stand the sound and leave the room.

Making poisonous and glue traps is not difficult. Electrical and ultrasonic ones require some work.

How to make a trap from a plastic bottle

You will need a bottle with a capacity of 1.5 l, 2 l, 2.5 l. Conventionally, it is divided into 3 parts, 1/3 of the part along with the neck is cut off. It looks like a watering can.

  • Most of the bottle is filled with water up to halfway. They throw away products that are capable of
    float on the surface. For example, sausage, cheese, meat. It is desirable that the products are aromatic. After all, they will be the ones who attract cockroaches into the trap.
  • The cut-off part of the bottle is lowered upside down. Secure it around the edges with tape so that it does not move to the side. The edges are greased with vegetable oil.
  • The trap is placed in places where pests like to be. Near the trash can, under the table, near the sink, and so on. a “ladder” is placed on the side in the form wooden pencil, sticks so that cockroaches can climb up.

The principle of operation of the trap from plastic bottle is as follows. Cockroaches pick up the aroma of food and rush to get to it. They fall into the top part of the bottle, lubricated with vegetable oil, and quickly fall into the water. They are unable to get back. The disadvantage of this device is the inability to spread the strong smell of the bait. Only a faint aroma comes out through the narrow neck.

How to make a trap from a jar

The operating principle is similar. But when using a wide-necked jar, there is a disadvantage with odor is neutralized.

  1. A 0.5 liter jar is greased inside with sunflower oil or Vaseline. This is done to prevent the cockroach from getting out.
  2. The bait is laid out at the bottom of the jar. In this case, anything can happen. Right down to the Olivier salad. The main thing is that the smell is strong.
  3. The outside of the jar is wrapped in a sheet of paper in the shape of a cone. Top part should cling well to the neck of the jar. The paper will make it very convenient for pests to climb up.

The advantage of a jar trap is that it large capacity. Disadvantage: drying out olive oil, Vaseline. If you don't keep an eye on this, the cockroaches will freely get out.

Boric acid trap

  • Boiled egg. Use the yolk. Boric acid is mixed into it and a little water is added. They make balls.
  • Boil potatoes in their jackets. Poison, sour cream, and egg are added to it. Form small balls.
  • IN chopped meat add boric acid and make balls.

The finished treat is simply laid out along the paths where cockroaches run or special houses are made. As practice shows, pests love to climb all sorts of boxes. You can use the top matchbox. A small ball of poison is placed inside and placed in the required place. Another option that combines a trap and bait is adhesive tape. Double-sided tape is placed along the baseboards. Place bait on it. One part of the insects will stick, the other will be poisoned.

You will need a cardboard box or a regular sheet. It is more convenient to use the box, since after
filling the trap with cockroaches, you will have to pick it up and throw it away.

The main component is double-sided tape or RaTrap glue. The glue does not dry completely and a layer of sticky mass is created on the surface.

The bottom of the box is covered with tape or RaTrap is applied. In the corners, in the center of the surface is placed
edible bait with a strong aromatic odor. It is desirable that there is an egg there. Leftover salad after a feast is fine.

The box is placed in the place where the pests were noticed.

Using the principle of an adhesive mass, a trap is made from a jar. To the bottom glass jar put in a piece of bread soaked in kefir, an egg, and a little beer. The outside is wrapped in paper so that you can crawl in easily. The inside walls are coated with Vaseline and vegetable oil. Cockroaches climb for food, but cannot get out.

The trap is set for 2–3 days, then changed. During this time, the oil on the walls of the jar dries out.

Another option is to use double-sided tape on baseboards, the area near the trash can, sinks, and other favorite places for cockroaches.

Homemade poison trap

Required cardboard box. Make several holes and slits there. Place it in the center poisonous substance.

You can make the bait yourself. One option is to add 5 g of powder to the egg yolk boric acid. Apply a thin layer of dust nearby.

The cockroach crawls inside, eats its fill, gets dirty, and crawls away to its relatives. The result is inevitable death.

DIY electric trap

A commercial trap is a box to which a electricity. When an insect gets inside, a discharge is generated and kills the cockroach.

You can find the box, supply the current and leave the uninsulated wiring, too.

However self-production requires minimal knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and compliance with all safety measures. Not only cockroaches can suffer, but also the owners of the apartment.

DIY ultrasonic cockroach repeller

Detailed manufacturing instructions can be found on the Internet. For construction you will need:

  • resistors;
  • variable resistor;
  • piezo emitter;
  • transistors;
  • capacitors;
  • diode;
  • switch;
  • block;
  • fiberglass.

If these names mean something to you, get down to business. Otherwise, it is easier to buy. A do-it-yourself cockroach repeller will cost an order of magnitude less, but will take more time.

Cockroach traps are not a method for the squeamish! It’s easier to prepare it than to throw away living, half-living and dead insects later!

Cockroaches cause a lot of trouble for the owners of the apartment in which they have taken root. These harmful insects carry pathogenic microbes and worm eggs on their paws. They spoil food and can get into the ear of a sleeping person. Enough effective method fighting them is a trap for cockroaches. Such devices are safe for people and pets and are easy to use.

How do fishing devices work?

The operating principle is based on attracting insects and destroying them. The cockroach, attracted by the pleasant smell, climbs into the structure and dies there. There are disposable devices on sale that are not suitable for use after their expiration date. They are affordable, but will not cope with a large infestation of arthropods in the home.

Reusable cockroach traps are not cheap, but their priority is a long service life. Insects die under the influence of toxic substances or electrical discharges. The main types of traps for Prussians:

  • adhesive,
  • insecticidal,
  • electric,
  • made with your own hands.

Adhesive options

This type of trap is considered the most affordable and safe. They are sold in the form of a disassembled house made of thick cardboard with small holes. Inside it there is a sticky substance and bait with a pleasant smell. Insects sense the aroma of food and climb into the middle of the box. They cannot get back out; they are held in place by adhesive tape.

The device is sold unassembled - you will need to fold it according to the instructions. The kit includes a bait tablet. During the night, several dozen Prussians can gather in the house. Every few days you need to check the boxes: if they are full of cockroaches, you should throw them away and put in new ones.

Cardboard houses are placed where insects are most often seen: next to the trash can, near the stove and table, under the washbasin. The best glue baits: “Obstacle”, “Foresight”, “Insect”, “Green Leaf”.


These are devices in which the bait is a toxic substance. Their cost is slightly higher than the price of glue devices, but they are most often used in the fight against Prussians.

Insecticidal devices are made of plastic and look like a box with small holes and adhesive tape. Adhesive tape allows you to secure them even in a vertical position. There is a poisonous bait inside the device.

Climbing into the middle of the trap, the arthropods eat the poisoned substance. The poison remains on their paws. The Prussians return to their nests and continue to poison other insects.

This method will help get rid of pests in a few days.

Advantages of insecticidal devices:

  • convenient and safe to use;
  • used for a long time;
  • do not require additional maintenance.

Products with insecticides that have proven themselves well: “Raptor”, “Dohloks”, “”, “Kombat”.

Electronic models and their varieties

Such traps operate from the electrical network. Insects follow the scent of the bait and receive a lethal discharge of electricity. The device should be periodically cleaned of dead pests.

The electronic cockroach trap has important advantage– it is durable, you only need to update the bait occasionally. There are several types of devices depending on the principle of operation: electrical, ultrasonic and electromagnetic.


Work on the same principle as before listed types traps: a small box contains bait, but instead of poison, electric current is used. Climbing inside, the cockroaches die from a fatal electric shock. This device does not contain insecticides, but since the device is powered, it is recommended to keep it away from children. To avoid short circuits, it is necessary to protect the device from water. It has a high cost.


Such devices do not destroy cockroaches, but repel them. Insects are afraid of ultrasonic signals, and if such a trap is working in the room, they will not run in there. An electrical network is required for operation.


They also act on the principle of scaring away. They create an electromagnetic field in which arthropods cannot be present. Very easy to use - just plug the trap into a power outlet. The operating distance depends on the power of the emitter.

DIY options

Despite all the variety of commercial traps, you can make bait for Prussians with your own hands. It's not difficult and will cost much less. Let's look at two available methods.

Method No. 1

For production you will need the following items: glass jar (0.5 l), cardboard, “Superglue” or special, sunflower oil, tasty bait (best suited smoked sausage, meat).

Cut a strip 2 cm wide from cardboard. The length will be slightly longer than the height of the can. Attach one end of the track to the neck of the jar, and lower the other to the floor. It should look like a ladder along which insects will climb into the jar.

Lubricate the inside surface of the glass jar with sunflower oil to make it slippery. Place your homemade device in the kitchen. The Prussians will smell the scent of the bait and climb into the jar. They will not be able to get out on their own. Every day you need to check the “catch” and clean the jar.

Method number 2

You will need a small piece of thick cardboard or plywood (approximate size 20x20 cm), double-sided adhesive tape, and bait. Cover the entire perimeter of the cardboard with sticky tape and put something tasty (meat, sweets) in the center. The pleasant smell will attract the Prussians, and when they try to get to the food, they will stick to the tape. All that remains is to regularly change the adhesive tape.

Insects are most active at night, so homemade devices are most effective when installed at night.

Install glue traps for cockroaches in places where they are most concentrated or actively moving:

  • In corners under furniture. Especially in the kitchen. You can also put it in the room in case someone gets lost.
  • Behind the refrigerator. Insects love warmth, and next to the refrigerator you can often stumble upon crumbs and other leftover food. They need very little to feast for several weeks.
  • Next to the bathrooms. If so, then without moisture they die. Therefore, they will look for it near the main source of water in the house.

IMPORTANT! To ensure that glue traps are as effective as possible, it is recommended that you clean them of cockroaches as often as possible.

Popular glue trap of the Pregrada brand.


Externally, they are neat and small metal boxes. They often come with a brush. get inside through narrow cracks following the smell of bait. Here they are die from exposure to electrical discharge high voltage.

When electric trap for cockroaches is filled, the remains are swept into the trash with a brush.

IMPORTANT! Exist electronic devices— . Although their operating principle rather contradicts their name. Such devices repel insects. Practice shows that cockroaches quickly get used to the operation of devices. Moreover, they successfully settle in them.

The metal device has its disadvantages. Since it operates from the network, it is better to install it in places inaccessible to children.

Where it is wet, placing electric traps is also prohibited. An electric trap costs more than a glue trap.

You can buy it online or in specialized stores.

Poisonous or insecticidal baits

Already from the name it is clear that to combat cockroaches, a chemical is used that gradually kills the insect. The device is quite simple, round or square in shape. These are the most effective traps for cockroaches.

Usually several devices are installed at once. Each has Velcro on the back. This allows you to mount a small structure in the most hard to reach places - on the bottom of furniture, under shelves, on horizontal and vertical surfaces.

All manufacturers of modern insecticidal products for cockroaches produce their own version of traps. They compete for the buyer not only through prices, but also through design. Manufacturers offer aesthetic traps to match the color of laminate flooring or furniture.

But you shouldn’t expect instant results after installing bait products. The bait acts gradually and according to the principle of a chain reaction. The cockroach is attracted by the sweetish aroma. The product works on the principle of a virus that is transmitted to other insects.

Unlike electrical means, traps can be glued even next to sinks.

They are not afraid of moisture. By price insecticides they also win.

Popular traps for cockroaches include:

How to make a cockroach trap with your own hands?

If it is not possible to buy a ready-made design for fighting cockroaches, you can make a glue trap yourself.

  • Take a pencil box. It will fit perfectly. You can also use a regular piece of cardboard. The main thing is to leave the edges, which you can then grab and throw away the cockroach-filled trap.
  • Carefully let's sort it out our box of pencils.
  • At the very large area apply non-drying glue or attach double-sided tape.
  • Top on adhesive surface You can put something edible to attract insects. Can sprinkle some sugar.

Video instructions on how to make the simplest remedy for cockroaches in 5 minutes - a trap:

IMPORTANT! There is a special glue for cockroaches on sale. It can be used to make a trap. Simply apply glue to the cardboard and the trap is ready. The main thing is not to stick yourself while working with the product. It is not easy to remove the glue.

Another simple way to fight cockroaches can be made from a regular glass jar with bait. Something edible is placed at the bottom so that the smell attracts. To make it easier for cockroaches to get inside, wrap the container in paper. And so that the insects cannot get out grease the edges of the jar with a small amount vegetable oil .

Traps for cockroaches - comparatively safe way fight against cockroaches. It can also be called the most economical.

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The cockroach repeller is made on a dry board. It is hollowed out around the perimeter, with a 15 mm deviation from the edge, a small groove 5 mm wide and 3 mm deep. Along it, at a distance of 0.2 mm from each other, internal and external electrode circuits made of metal strips are fixed. It is desirable that the electric discharge gap passes exactly above the middle of the groove.

The electrode circuits receive rectified high voltage. It is obtained using the Latour circuit included in the network alternating current voltage 220 volts. In this case, current pulses, following through the semiconductor diode VD1 during half-cycles of the same sign, charge capacitance C1 almost to the level of 300 V. Well, during half-cycles of the reverse voltage, capacitor C2 is charged (through diode VD2). Since both capacitances in relation to the rectifier load are connected in series, at the output of the device we have a total (double) voltage.

An odorous bait with a pleasant smell for cockroaches (for example, a couple of drops of vegetable oil or a powdered bouillon cube) is placed in the middle of a dry board), heading towards which the cockroaches try to bridge the gap between the electrodes and die from an electric shock. An incandescent lamp in this circuit is necessary to extinguish a possible voltage arc, as well as to protect the radio components of the circuit in case of accidental short circuits in the chain. The high-voltage wire is connected to the internal electrode through a through hole in the board so that cockroaches cannot crawl to the odorous bait, bypassing the gap with deadly voltage. The groove completely eliminates any possibility of a fire.

1-board-base, 2.4 - circuits-electrodes, 3 - high-voltage wire, 5-bait

Attention: when using an electroshock device for cockroaches, you should provide reliable protection people and animals from even accidental contact with high voltage parts!

Very a simple trap for cockroaches can be assembled on the basis of a mains voltage multiplier according to the circuit discussed below. You can take almost any diodes for voltages from 400 volts and above.

The design of the ambush for mustachioed insects itself is simple and is shown in the figure below.

Ring non-overlapping conductors cut from foil PCB are located inside a plastic box. A hole is made in the center of the trap. Connected to conductors. A tasty bait is placed inside the box and all you have to do is wait.