Elc amx what equipment to install. Review of combat use of ELC AMX. Equipment for AMX ELC bis

The second integration has been released general test, the characteristics of the LT have not changed, and this is a reason to rejoice, since light tanks of the 7th level thanks to this look very, very serviceable. As at levels 5-6, WG gave the fireflies lower DPM and accuracy, but... this time the penetration of the fireflies is suddenly even better than that of many medium tanks of the 7th level. (author Konstantin Marataev)

As on more low levels, Murazor gave all light tanks the same mobility indicators. However, this gentleman has a clear tendency to create absolutely identical machines at the middle levels, displacing unique gameplay at high levels, which require a premium account to play comfortably.

But, let's go to the cars))

(USSR) - the ugliest tank in the game)) Quasimodo, the hunchback, Frankenstein, the wart - gods, this tank was created to come up with offensive chants and name-calling for it))) The ugly one will have the best disguise among the tanks at the level, and not just the best , but beyond the best, so this machine will be Mr. the best light.
LTG - will have the lowest armor penetration among the LT-7, however, this armor penetration will be at the level of many medium tanks of the 7th level (!). The developers compensated for the lack of penetration with some armor and excellent DPM. To summarize, the bogeyman has an excellent chance of getting the status of an imba, a scary imba)

SP I C(Germany) – in the current realities of randomization, the best light tank of the 7th level. As in the case of other imbs (T37 or Elka), the potato decided to turn the car into a dull piece of shit. Horrible DPM, poor stabilization, frustrating turn rate, and disgusting low speed projectile flight (sometimes it seems that instead of a cannon the new spy has a medieval catapult)
Yes, someone will say that the lard even now has projectiles with a flight speed of 600 m/s. But... Now the tank has a drum. The main advantages of the vehicle are visibility and camouflage, however, these parameters are not so good compared to competitors that you should leave the lard in your hangar. If possible, go through it now, have a lot of fun, as the car will become just another passer-by.

T71(USA) - now Amerka at level 7 will have only one light tank, and what one is - perhaps the best light tank of level 7, a vehicle that makes all tanks at its level unnecessary)) In any case, the rest of the fast vehicles without armor) ))
Impressive turning speed and excellent mobility, incredible flight speed of the basic projectile, comfortable armor penetration for battles at the top, 900 damage from the drum, despite the fact that the drum recharges in 20 seconds.
Perhaps the tank has only 2 drawbacks - very expensive gold, and you will need it, since some TT-8s will be difficult to penetrate even into the side without it. And also - mediocre stabilization, mediocre even by the standards of medium tanks of the 7th level. T71 is a potential embarrassment that requires direct hands and a good crew
AMX 13 75(France) – The current underdog LT-7 is turning from an ugly duckling into just a “slightly worse than average” light tank. The car, as now, will have difficulty surviving a meeting with any opponent of the same level, and will feel uncomfortable in any hilly terrain.
The developers gave the American drummer T71 the role of a “slash damage dealer,” and the French drummer the role of a “comfortable damage dealer.” But the Amer’s problems are corrected by the crew, but the Frenchman’s problems cannot be corrected. 540 damage from the drum and 14 seconds of reloading the drum - this is certain death not only from any ST or TT at level 7, this is certain death even from encountered LT-6 (!) In general, if compared with 9.17, the Frenchman has become more comfortable, but in general , in comparison with other LT, he remained a cactus, perhaps at 9.18 the only thing worse than him would be the new lard.

WZ-131(China) - and again imba? 159 penetration and 200 damage, good accuracy and stabilization for the level - what else do you need?? But you need reduction and damage per minute - these are disgusting indicators. 131 – from beautiful lung the tank turns into a confident average man, however, looking quite balanced. The tank will be comfortable in the game, but there is no point in leaving it in the hangar anymore, mainly because of the DPM, the base 7.5 seconds of reloading is very uncomfortable, even for an alpha of 200 units.

French AMX 13 57— remained, as it was, a controversial car. Yes, it has a unique gameplay of a very long and fast reel, but you still need to be able to implement it. The machine is not an outright cactus (as it is now), but for most players it is still an unbearable burden.

ELC AMX or simply Christmas tree. The most popular and famous French LT level 5. throughout the game.

Advantages and disadvantages

Well let's start with the good

  • High speed
  • Crazy dynamics
  • Powerful top gun
  • Low silhouette

And now the bad

  • No armor, hull (14/12/10 mm), turret (14/12/10 mm)
  • Terribly long mixing
  • Small rotation of the turret, like on a tank destroyer
  • They constantly push you to lvl 7-8.

Leveling up


Upgrading modules in order:

      • We install the engine (SOFAM 8 Gxb) it will give us an increase in power.
      • Next we upgrade the gun from stock 75 mm SA44 > 75 mm SA32 > 90 mm D. 915 to the top, the latter will give us good damage (240/240/320) and average penetration (170/248/45), although the rate of fire will decrease 2.5 times, and the mixing will increase by 0.6 seconds.
      • Then you can optionally pump up the chassis (AMX ELC bis) in order to increase maneuverability, or pump up the radio (ER 53), but the radio will increase the distance by 60 meters.

Tactics in battle

As I already said, Yolka is famous for its high speed and dynamics, which will allow us to play the role of a firefly. Small armor will not allow us to tank and even 400 HP will fly away with one splash, but the top gun is capable of a lot.

Tactics on city maps:

It is very difficult to get to us on city maps. Use your speed to slip past the enemy, carefully look at where the enemy’s tower is turned. If the enemy's tower is turned in the opposite direction from you, then you can safely cross the road and hide behind the houses.

Tactics on open maps:

It is very difficult to hide in open areas. Therefore, try to hide behind allied tanks and periodically help them defeat the enemy.

Add. equipment and what shells to take.

From equipment I would recommend:

Improved ventilation - useful thing, for overall performance improvement.

Coated optics - improve visibility

A camouflage net is a great thing; it will help you “lay low.”


Well, everything is clear here, the standard set.

What shells should I take?

Well, here, too, in general, there is a standard set: more AP, less shells for gold, and of course, we’ll suddenly see artillery bombs.

Crew Perks

Our crew consists of 2 people: Commander and Mech-Vod.

Historical reference

In the 1950s, the French Ministry of Defense initiated the ELC program, which envisaged the creation of an air-transportable landing support combat vehicle with a crew of two weighing less than 7 tons.

AMX provided a more conservative solution based on the CC-2 ammunition carrier (which, in turn, was based on the Hotchkiss TT6-52). The prototype was called the ELC AMX and was classified as a tank destroyer to intimidate the enemy. A special feature of this model is the location of the entire crew (two people) in the turret. The second prototype is ELC BIS. His model is presented in the game.

ELC AMX in hangar

Good afternoon, fellow tankers!
I present to your attention a review of the combat use of the ELC AMX light tank, better known in the game under the cute nickname “Christmas tree”. This is truly a unique car. Do you know many LTs who can effectively play the role of PT? Do you know many PTs capable of shining effectively? The ELC AMX is just such a machine.

Level and pumping.

ELC AMX development diagram
This magnificent example of French theoretical tank building is nestled at level 5 of the French leveling tree. Why is it cozy? Because the speed, maneuverability and firepower of the ELC AMX can be the envy of even Tier 7 tanks. But more on that later.
The most a big problem pumping up the ELC AMX lies in the car that comes before it - the AMX 40. This example of retrofuturism is capable of fraying the nerves of even the calmest player, but such is the fate of the French tanker - to suffer at the 4th level in order to start having a wild fun at the 5th.
As for the ELC AMX itself, upgrading it is much more enjoyable, but it should be noted that, like most other tanks, the ELC AMX in stock condition is not impressive and does not have outstanding features. Here we will not discuss the order of installation of modules, since everything is standard, and that’s not what this review is about: you need to download everything, you need to install everything, the ELC AMX development diagram has no unnecessary parts, and if you find extra parts, you can see it in childhood skillfully practiced disassembling a parent's alarm clock


The ELC AMX is an outstanding tank, and like everything outstanding, it has not only outstanding advantages, but also equally noticeable disadvantages. We’ll talk about all this, first by noting what will allow us to compensate for the shortcomings.
Let's start, contrary to tradition, with the shortcomings.
small margin of safety, only 400 units;
weak armor, capable of saving only from a machine gun, but not from tank guns;
overview of only 360 m;
weak radio station - the same 360 ​​m;
dense arrangement of modules and high probability of damage;
limited sector of rotation of the tower, only 15o in one direction or the other;
long convergence of the top gun and large dispersion in movement.
It doesn’t look very promising, but let’s take a look at the advantages:
extremely small size and low profile; you have to try hard to hit us;
high speed(65 km/h), excellent maneuverability and excellent dynamics;
bonus to stealth due to size and class;
a gun with insane average damage for a level 5 and impressive armor penetration.
There is one more feature that cannot be directly attributed to either pros or cons - this is a crew of only 2 people, a commander (who in this tank is truly a master of all trades) and a driver. And since we only have 2 people in the crew, this means that they will quickly gain experience in the elite state of the tank. But at the same time, this means that if our commander is shell-shocked, we will suffer greatly in all the characteristics of the vehicle. Another problem is that the next tank in the branch, the AMX 12t, already has 3 tankers and we won’t be able to simply replace our experienced comrades without suffering from their incompetence, because we’ll have to take an untested newcomer.
This is where we will finish listing the characteristics of the machine and move on to a more detailed analysis of them.
So, the first glaring drawback is the low level of strength, only about 400 units. The SU-100 is for one shot, but it’s up to the VBR to decide. In fact, the ELC AMX only has 2 states in the game: either burned by napalm or destroyed. And since we are not given a third, let’s burn. Therefore, a novice “Christmas tree grower” must learn not to get into trouble. In fact, it’s very easy not to get hit - it’s enough to just sit at the base in the bushes for the entire battle, but this doesn’t fit in with our combat mission, and it doesn’t bring any pleasure from the game. Therefore, we will have to learn not to expose ourselves by hook or by crook. The role of truth will be played by our wonderful speed and maneuverability, the role of untruth will be camouflage and the ability to hide behind the mighty backs of our allies in time. Playing on the ELC AMX is one of the most severe survival schools in the game, and the skills we acquire will greatly help us in the future on any dynamic lightly armored vehicle.
As for the review, its radius can be effectively increased with the help of additional modules - coated optics and a stereo tube. Low visibility will allow us to shine from the bushes with a stun tube, and good mobility coupled with coated optics will make us an excellent active firefly.
The dispersion of the top gun is again compensated by either speed or stealth. We can fly at the enemy and shoot at a very close distance, without stopping to aim, or stand in a comfortable position and target an enemy who doesn’t even see us.
Thus, summing up the above, we get a balanced vehicle capable of solving a variety of tasks on the battlefield. We will move on to a more detailed consideration of this issue.

The role of the ELC AMX on the battlefield.

ELC AMX in position for sniper fire.

Our tank is quite versatile and capable of solving various combat missions. ELC AMX can be both a firefly and a killer, but this killer is very specific. Let's start with the role of the firefly.
There is an opinion that the ELC AMX is a bad firefly. The low viewing radius and weak radio allegedly do not allow this vehicle to conduct effective reconnaissance. However, we should not forget that we also have speed, maneuverability and stealth. In fact, the ELC AMX is perfect for both the role active light, and for the role of a passive one - of course, with the installation of coated optics and a stereo tube. By the way, this is exactly how I ride, because you never know in advance what map you will find yourself on and what tasks you will have to complete.
So, let's formulate a number of rules for playing as a firefly:
1. Due to the small viewing radius, the active light on the ELC AMX consists of being close enough to detect the enemy. That is, our tank must constantly move, trying to detect the enemy and not get hit. It is strictly forbidden to stop and make sudden maneuvers, so it is strongly recommended to study all the bumps and turns on the maps. Any careless movement and we end up drifting or losing our tracks as a result of a fall. After that we usually don't live long. For ELC AMX it is generally extremely useful to upgrade your disguise, and when playing as a light it is simply necessary. We also shouldn’t be distracted by seemingly accessible targets - except to casually shoot at someone who turns up along the way, without getting too upset if we don’t manage to hit. If a fast firefly gets on your tail, it will be extremely difficult to throw it off - do not hesitate to abandon the current combat mission and rush at full speed to the nearest cluster of allies, it is very likely that they will help you. Do not try to stop to sort things out with enemy fireflies - this will end fatally.
2. If the map is replete with convenient bushes, we must occupy one of them - the one that is closer to the enemy’s movement zone, and shine using a stereo scope. In this case, we must train ourselves not to attack even very tasty targets, since if we get caught in the light, we will die very quickly. We can only finish off single targets if we are sure that nothing threatens us. If you are exposed, immediately leave the position (it is better to think in advance where you will retreat in case of exposure).
“But how can it be,” you say, “it’s boring to sit in the bushes the whole battle or cut circles around the map! Bend us, bend us!” Well, the “Christmas tree” can also bend over. It should not be forgotten that by its true nature the ELC AMX is a tank destroyer. And the top gun confirms this in every possible way.

Judge for yourself - the average damage is 240 and penetration is 170 mm, and all this at level 5! You have to pay with a reload of about 12 seconds, a huge spread and extremely long mixing. Such a weapon at its level (and the level of the “Christmas tree” battles has now become from 5 to 9) allows us to also play the role of a tank destroyer. Everything is standard here - we stand in a convenient position, preferably hidden by bushes, and target accessible opponents. If you decide to play the ELC AMX exactly like a PT, do not forget to install a rammer and mixer drives as modules. The third option is a masknet, a stereo pipe or improved ventilation.
As for active warfare, everything is much more fun here. The fact is that there are no medium distances for the “Christmas tree”: we fight either at long range, where the enemy does not see us, and we calmly aim, or at close range, where the influence of our spread is not so noticeable. At medium distance we are extremely vulnerable because they see us, and in order to confidently hit the target we need to stop and converge for almost 3 seconds. The usual shooting tactics on the ELC AMX are as follows: the “Christmas tree” at full speed comes as close as possible to the enemy tank, shoots and immediately turns to the side. Classic “hit and run” tactics - don’t try to finish off the enemy and don’t play shootouts, fly further to another target. If you try to immediately return to the target you just attacked, it is very likely that they will already be waiting for you with a bread and salt landmine in the gun. The usual tactics on other fireflies of hunting for enemy artillery on the ELC AMX is not always justified - we cannot stop and cannot circle the artillery. But nothing prevents us from effectively illuminating this artillery.

Attack on the move

In fact, combat on the ELC AMX includes all the techniques described above. As a rule, we start the battle with active or passive light, shoot a little from the bushes, and in the middle part of the battle we begin to actively irritate the remaining opponents. ELC AMX can easily deal 1200+ damage and allow the team to deal another 2000+ damage with its light.
Additional modules.
The first module that the ELC AMX desperately needs is the gun rammer. The reload speed of the top gun is too low, and installing a rammer gives a noticeable gain in the rate of fire. Next, to effectively detect enemies, you should install coated optics and a stereo tube. This set represents the golden mean between all the possible roles of our “Christmas tree” and gives us the freedom to improvise on the battlefield depending on the current situation, so I play in this particular set.
We can install any other sets of modules depending on how we want to play. For example, when playing a PT, we will install a rammer, aiming drives and either a stereo tube, a mask network, or ventilation. For active light, we will install coated optics, ventilation and reinforced torsion bars so that the tracks do not fly off during a careless jump. But the problem is that we never know what situation we will find ourselves in in advance, so it is better to take a set that will give us flexibility and versatility. However, I recommend trying several game options and choosing the most suitable one for yourself.

And which one of us is PT?

Crew skills.
First of all, it is necessary to upgrade the disguise for both crew members. The less often we are noticed, the longer we will live. After the camouflage has been upgraded and the 2nd skill begins to improve, the commander needs to reset the learned skills and select “Sixth Sense” first (choosing a moment when, taking into account the penalty for retraining, we get this skill in 100% quality). Thus, we will be quite well camouflaged and at the same time aware of whether the enemy sees us or not. This is important for any tank, but for a tank with 400 HP and no armor, it is doubly important. Next, the driver should improve his mobility and maneuverability skills (“King of the Off-Road”, “Virtuoso”), and the commander should improve his visibility (“Radio Interception”, “Eagle Eye”). The rest of the skills are not so important; if you wish and have the opportunity, choose what you like best. For example, for the PT style you can choose “Sniper” and “Expert”. There is no need to worry about repairs, since an ELC AMX with a broken track is either instantly repaired with a repair kit or only lasts a couple of seconds.


Here you need to take a repair kit, a first aid kit and 100-octane gasoline. Gasoline will increase our dynamics, which will be critically important for us, whose life always depends on mobility. A fire extinguisher does not make much sense; we will rarely burn, and as a rule, only when the situation has become hopeless for us in any case, and putting out the fire will in no way save us from the next enemy attack.


The ELC AMX is a unique machine that can decide the outcome of a battle by exposing the enemy or inflicting painful damage on him. "Yolka" is universal, but demanding of the player's skills and abilities. At correct use, this car will give you many unforgettable minutes in a wonderful game World of Tanks. "Yolka", it would seem, contains the incompatible - it is at the same time one of the most fun and one of the most dangerous tanks in the game.
With these words, let me say goodbye to you and wish you new achievements in the field of shock tank bending! As a bonus, I suggest you watch three of my fights, which very clearly demonstrate the content of this article.


French light tank tier 5. Most players use LT for reconnaissance. This type of gameplay is full of fun and adrenaline. However, there is one machine that can not only engage in reconnaissance, but also distribute very real damage. "Yolka" is not only the most popular french tank, but also the most common level 5 “firefly”. Let's look at why it turned out this way.

Historical reference

In the post-war years, the French focused on the development of airborne troops, which urgently needed an air-transportable fire support vehicle weighing up to 7 tons. Many companies took part in the tender, but engineers coped with the task best AMX, who took the chassis of a small ammunition carrier and installed a hastily developed turret on it.

The resulting equipment was assigned to tank destroyers. The crew had to consist of two people, and the driver was located in the turret, which made it impossible to turn it while moving. After minor modifications to the chassis and strengthening of the armor, the Elka received the prefix bis. And a place in the dustbin of history. The tank did not go into production; prototypes were sent to a museum.

Gaming characteristics


The Elka has essentially no armor - 25 mm in the forehead and 10-15 mm around the perimeter do not protect even from small-caliber machine guns. Caterpillars can sometimes eat damage from the flanks, but an immobilized firefly is a dead firefly. Sliding ricochets do happen - due to the beveled profile - but you shouldn't count on them. It is better to avoid hits altogether, otherwise 400 units of strength will melt away like smoke under the enemy’s high-explosive hail.


Our cardboard armor is compensated by the top Yolka gun - 90 mm D. 915. Armor penetration with a basic projectile (170 mm) and damage (240 units) will upset many at the level and even higher. The sub-caliber generally measures 248 mm, but for the fifth level such high figures are even unnecessary.

The disadvantages of the gun are slow reloading and decent unmasking when fired with a muzzle brake. For this reason, cautious players often choose a pre-top gun 75mm SA44, which is an order of magnitude worse, but shoots out of the bushes like a machine gun.

The vertical aiming angles are standard - ±15 degrees. But you will hardly use them. The low silhouette will not allow you to shoot from behind obstacles: folds of terrain, rocks and hills.


And here is the engine SOFAM 8 Gxb at 250 hp for a 7-ton car - a clear overkill. Sometimes the Elka develops such speed that it becomes difficult to control. Inept drivers often crash while bouncing up hills or roll over on sharp turns. Thanks to the new game engine!

Top tracks inherited from the modification bis, give a slight increase in maneuverability: from 36 to 38 degrees/sec. But that’s not even the main thing. The increase in carrying capacity by more than half a ton will be very useful when it comes to installing a new 90 mm gun.

Detection and communication

Our communication is not very good. Stock radio station ER 52 provides communication at a distance of only 300 m, and improved ER 53- at 360 meters. The overview coincides with the top radio, so you can’t shoot very far.

The only thing that saves ELC AMX- the lowest detection rate in the game, which makes “Yelka” one of the best active fireflies in the game. With top-end camouflage, you can drive around almost in front of the enemy’s nose.

Pumping and equipment

The path to "Yolka" lies through a French tank. This is a fairly slow technique and changing from it to a high-speed one ELC AMXbis uncomfortable. But if you played it diligently and upgraded all the modules, then a surprise awaits you - a top radio station ER 53!

As soon as the Yolka gets into the hangar, pump out the top tracks and engine. All the same, you will earn your first credits and experience in the light of day. And only after this can the guns be gradually improved.

The crew is pumped into a hybrid of tank destroyers and tank destroyers. Remember that the ELC has only two crew members, so the commander combines the duties of gunner and loader. First of all, open “Sixth Sense” for him, and “Disguise” for the driver. Then the commander finishes off the camouflage, and the driver improves his driving skills. Next - “Combat Brotherhood”.

The choice of special equipment depends on what style you are going to play at the Yolka. The assault version includes a Rammer, Reinforced Aiming Drives and Coated Optics. Zasadny gravitates towards “Camouflage Network”, “Rammer” and “StereoTube”. For fans of both tactics, crossed setups are possible.

Among the consumables, be sure to take the “First Aid Kit” (to treat the irreplaceable commander) and the “Small Repair Kit” (sometimes it saves). They rarely set you on fire, so put either “Strong Coffee” or “105-octane gasoline” in the third slot.

ELC AMXbis- the most flexible tank at the fifth level. He can be both a firefly and a tank destroyer in the same battle. There are often situations when you rush along the front line, dodging stray projectiles, although a few seconds before you were intensely peering into the sight from a forest plantation.

Thanks to its stealth and low profile, the Elka is the best passive light. The only thing that spoils it is the lack of a rotating turret. Therefore, turn to where the enemy is most likely to appear. Keep in mind that any careless movement of the body will reset the effects of the camouflage net and stereo tube, mandatory attributes of good passive exposure.

But not all maps are suitable for observation from the bushes. So sometimes you will rely on the ELC speed. When cutting across the field in the crosshairs of the sights, try to often change the trajectory of movement. Never move parallel to the shelling - this will make it harder for the enemy to hit you.

If your safety margin is running low, go to the second line. A living tank destroyer will bring more benefit to your team than a dead scout hero. Under no circumstances should you try to work as a firefly killer - most of them have rotating turrets and machine guns. Your gun, on the contrary, takes a long time to aim and the sight takes up half the screen while moving due to poor stabilization.

Oddly enough, in the fight against heavy and clumsy tanks you have a better chance of winning. Remember two tricky tricks. First - go to the rear at speed, shoot and make a loop to escape retaliation. Repeat the maneuver until the enemy's engine lights up. The second is to get close to the enemy tank and shoot with impunity in the NLD. This is possible because many cars at the level have lousy air defense systems. The main thing is that your opponent does not climb on you and crush you.

Review of the tank's strengths and weaknesses. Results


  • Best stealth in the game
  • Low silhouette
  • Penetrating top gun
  • Good top speed
  • Tactical flexibility on the battlefield
  • No armor
  • Insufficient visibility and radio communication
  • Only two crew members

ELC AMXbis- definitely the most fun and interesting “firefly” in World of Tanks. The gameplay on this tank is so vibrant and unpredictable that it doesn’t get boring even after a thousand battles.

Good luck on the battlefields!