Psychics in the USSR. Psychics of Soviet leaders

The modern revelry of psychics and healers seems so comprehensive that the times of socialism are already perceived with warm nostalgia, when it seemed that the worldview of the average person would forever rest on a foundation of materialism and sanity. In fact, even in that era there were plenty of “paranormal” figures who, although they were not supported at the official level, but who found understanding among the most different people: from readers of the magazine “Rabotnitsa” to the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

Paradoxically, one of the most famous psychics in the USSR was the Bulgarian “seer” Vanga. Soviet newspapers and magazines spoke passionately about her phenomenal abilities; TV reports were made about her; party workers and astronauts went to her for consultations. From this perspective, Vanga’s influence on the Soviet elite is difficult to overestimate.

Prophetic Vanga

IN general outline The biography of Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova has been well studied. There were few events in her external life. The most important and fateful thing was the terrible hurricane that happened when the future “seer” was 12 years old. A sudden tornado spun her and carried her into the field. As a result, the unfortunate woman lost her sight, but gained other “eyes” - a clairvoyant gift.

According to Bulgarian fans of Vanga’s talent, no less important role in the appearance of her unusual abilities was played by the fact that it was at that time, in 1923, that Bulgaria was drowned in blood: the September uprising of local anti-fascists was suppressed with particular cruelty. At the same time, it is alleged that it was released great amount“energy of the dead”, which cannot be destroyed and which is uncontrollable, and Vanga accidentally became a “conductor” of this energy.

Vanga’s abilities first appeared at the age of 30, when a beautiful rider on a white horse appeared to her in a dream. The mysterious guest said that the whole world would soon turn upside down, many people would die, and Vanga would “broadcast about the living and the dead,” and he would help her in this. A few months later the Second began World War, and the blind woman really began to guess the past and future, to advise people how to protect themselves on the battlefields, using herbs, clay and beeswax get rid of illnesses, how to find missing goods.

Predictions global disasters, the destinies of countries and great leaders, Vanga trusted only a very limited circle of people. Her fans tell a legend that during the war, Hitler and the Bulgarian Tsar Boris came to the “seer”, and both, which is typical, left very dissatisfied.

When Vanga died on August 11, 1996, the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency reported that during the 55 years of her activity, the famous “seer” received more than a million guests who wanted to know the future or the past. Beginning in the mid-1960s, the path to her home became international and did not become overgrown until the last days of her life, when, bedridden, she consulted almost no one. The queue for her was scheduled for a year in advance. The Bulgarian comrades put the matter on stream, issuing almost “admission coupons” and earning good money from it. Moreover, they charged foreigners at a double rate. Vanga herself did not refuse the money either - an entire church was built with it.

Despite the fact that many of Vanga’s predictions were vague or even made up for her, the stories of her guests amaze the imagination: it was as if she really knew how to pierce space and time with her “inner eye,” accurately naming little-known details of the biographies of those who came to her for consultation . However, such “clairvoyance” also has a completely materialistic explanation: the Bulgarian special services collected a dossier on any foreigner who wanted to meet with Vanga, and probably shared information with her, because through her advice and predictions it was possible to engage in political manipulation in favor of their own country.

In the service of state security

Of course, in the Soviet Union there was not and could not be the profession of “psychic”. Nevertheless, in the second half of the 1980s, when various parascientific experiments such as demonstrations of telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, pop hypnosis and the like became fashionable again, like 60 years ago, some of the citizens claiming to have supersensible abilities were given the opportunity practice on a semi-legal basis. As a return courtesy, they were required to help the intelligence services solve the most important cases.

Let's look at one of the most typical examples of this type of cooperation. A few days before the XIX All-Union Conference of the CPSU, scheduled for last days June 1988, the famous Moscow psychic Viktor Balashov was invited to a meeting by employees of the Seventh Directorate of the KGB, which was involved in operational search work. There he was shown photographs of two homemade explosive devices with clockwork mechanisms, which were accidentally discovered by subway passengers. Having noticed the “forgotten” bag, they took it to the police. When experts opened the bag, it turned out that there were only a few minutes left before the explosion. They barely had time to defuse the bombs. One can understand the anxiety that gripped the “chekists.” The best experts Every millimeter of explosive devices was examined, but not a single clue could be found. In this situation, it was decided to turn to psychics who were under the hood of the KGB.

“First of all, they asked me,” Balashov later recalled, “if I could indicate where the bombs were made. I “saw” as if a barn from white brick on the outskirts of Moscow. If you drive along the Yaroslavl road, then along right hand, before reaching the first station. My interlocutors were also interested in the question of who planted the bombs and what the terrorists looked like. I “saw” them also without difficulty... Both are young, but one is older. The older one is a strong, athletic guy in a jacket. The other one is very young, shorter, chubby. When I gave their verbal portraits, one of my interlocutors exclaimed: “That’s how you describe those who brought these bombs!” I objected: “You asked me to name those who planted the bombs. That's what I'm talking about." After that, I described everyone’s path: at which station they entered the metro, where they changed trains, and in which carriage they were traveling. Then they brought photographs of those passengers who, it was believed, had shown almost heroism, found and handed over the packages to the police. I just looked - they are! The “vigilant passengers” were the same two who entered the subway with bombs. When their testimony was taken, the path that each person traveled was recorded: which station they entered, where they changed trains, which carriage they traveled in, etc. It turned out that their routes completely coincided with those that I reproduced. As I understood then, no villainy was intended. On the eve of the party conference, someone really needed to create the appearance of a threat of terrorist acts for the sake of some political games. Many Muscovites remember how then, at all metro stations, an announcer’s voice continuously called on those who, on such and such a day, for so many hours and for so many minutes, followed such and such a line and noticed who had left a bag with a picture on it in the carriage. female profile, urgently call such and such phone number. Did my interlocutors understand that what happened, even if it was a terrorist act, was not so much directly as political sense? I'm not sure…"

Great Juna

However, the fame of the main Soviet psychic went to Evgenia (Juna) Yuvashevna Davitashvili.

She drew attention in 1980 - during a speech at a semi-legal conference of traditional healers in Tbilisi. Evgenia accurately diagnosed patients from a distance. Without touching the patient, she healed a trophic ulcer, although conventional medicine was powerless to rid him of this disease.

After such an amazing experience, on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR, Zurab Pataridze, the psychic woman was invited to Moscow, where she was appointed a consultant to a departmental clinic. The first experiments with her showed that Juna has a “powerful energy field.”

On August 16, 1980, journalist Lev Kolodny published an article about her in Komsomolskaya Pravda, after which Juna became famous. She managed to get a position at the Laboratory of Radioelectronic Methods for Research of Biological Objects of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Taking this opportunity, the laboratory specialists developed a method for studying the heating of the surface of the “healer’s” hands, thereby removing her reputation as a “healer” and “witch.” Journalist Kolodny, based on the results of a three-year study, wrote: “It was found that her hands in the “working mode” heat up so much that with their heat they can influence the skin of another person at a distance, and the more extensive the area of ​​internal damage, the stronger it is. That is, a kind of non-contact body massage occurs with infrared thermal radiation from a heated moving hand. The fact that this is a physical influence, and not a simple suggestion, was confirmed by a rigorous experiment. A glass wall, “opaque” to infrared light, was installed between Juna’s hand and the patient’s body. And although the psychophysiological contact was not disrupted, both of them were nearby and saw each other, the physical impact on the patient’s body was not recorded.”

Medicine testifies

Doctor of Medical Sciences Boris Ilyich Kuznik from the Chita Medical Institute spoke about one result of such an impact: “The stopped and isolated rabbit’s heart began to contract five minutes after the impact of Juna’s hand on it. No amount of heat can make a stopped heart contract. There is, obviously, radiation that we do not know about and can only guess about..."

Of course, all this is very conditional: the warming up of the hands of the “healer” and the patient’s response do not yet say anything about the mechanisms of this phenomenon; but the physical registration of these parameters, according to the researchers, revealed some new properties of extrasensory influence. So in this activity one can see a certain step forward in the study of parapsychology and testing of psychics. On the other hand, the introduction of the “healer” to science as an employee of one of the institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences without any changes in her ritual and methodology allowed Juna to begin extensive healing practice without fear of accusations of quackery.

Such eminent scientists as academician Yuri Vasilyevich Gulyaev, academician Yuri Borisovich Kobzarev and professor Eduard Emmanuilovich Godik studied the abilities and capabilities of Juna. The patronage of the professorship made it possible to extend healing practice to government circles, which affected not only the change in Juna’s status, but also general attitude Soviet leaders to extrasensory perception.

Thus, a line of parapsychological research was determined, which was no longer hindered by any obstacles - “healing by methods of biofield correction.” In addition, very good medical results in the treatment of senior party functionaries (up to the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev) and famous cultural figures (Ilya Glazunov, Andrei Tarkovsky and Federico Fellini improved Juna’s health) created a demand for psychics, so it became relevant the question of the formation of courses on teaching methods of “non-contact massage”. And such courses really began to appear in many large cities of the country.

Over time, June managed to move from dead center and one more question - to obtain a copyright certificate for an invention. Before her, the Soviet patent office, like any other government agencies, did not recognize extrasensory perception at all.

Largely thanks to Juna’s active work, extrasensory perception has received support in our country from high-ranking patients, reputable scientists and journalists. They, in turn, contributed to the emergence of a new atmosphere of attitude towards parapsychology, characterized by sympathy and expectation of a miracle. Therefore, later other “extrasensory treatment methods” were adopted with great enthusiasm - through television “healing sessions”, which journalist Allan Chumak and psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky spoke to an audience of millions. The demand for psychics continued to grow, and the training of “healers” was put on stream.


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Good news, everyone!

Wolf Messing

One of the most outstanding psychics of the last century was an enemy of Hitler and an adviser to Stalin; in the Union he was known as a hypnotist and telepath.

In his youth, the Polish Jew Wolf Messing performed in Europe and America with unusual shows - he pretended to be dead. He managed to enter into such bodily states that in the case of an ordinary person would definitely indicate death. Later, the talented young man discovered the ability to read minds and predict the future; he met Freud, Einstein and gained fame as a predictor.

At the beginning of World War II, Wolf Messing was forced to flee to the Soviet Union. A careless prediction made by Messing promised the collapse of Hitler's military campaign. The seer was put on the wanted list and caught by the German police, and he faced the death penalty. However, Messing managed to hypnotize the guards and get out of the cell. The path to the USSR was difficult: wounded, wanted by the police and not knowing the language, Messing reached Soviet territory only thanks to his psychic abilities.

Messing overcame the language barrier in his own way - he read minds. In Belarus, a fugitive telepath went on tour. He demonstrated his abilities to the public until one day they came for him. Joseph Stalin found out about the amazing medium and called him for a conversation. After the meeting with the leader, Messing came to the Kremlin more than once - Stalin instructed the fortuneteller to solve complex problems that the special services could not cope with.

Juna Davitashvili

Juna has many regalia, she not only healer And psychic, but also a poet, actress, president of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, which she organized herself.

Since childhood, Juna had unusual abilities; she could cure headaches and hernia. In Moscow, the healer restored the health of prominent figures of the era: Leonid Brezhnev, Ilya Glazunov, Andrei Tarkovsky. Giulietta Masina, Marcello Mastroianni, Robert de Niro and other celebrities turned to her for help. She patented thirteen devices used in gynecology, urology, cardiology, pediatrics and other areas of medicine.

In addition to the gift of healing, Juna has the ability to see the future. In particular, she predicted the collapse of the USSR and the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Allan Chumak

Allan Chumak, a journalist who worked on television and exposed psychic charlatans, once felt the ability to healing. In the 80s in the USSR, he treated the sick (or inspired healing) through television, “charged” photographs, water and salt.

Any owner of a TV could be “cured” with the help of Allan Chumak’s mysterious gift - all he had to do was turn it on and go about his business (watching is not necessary). Chumak explained the essence of the session and began to make voluntary movements with his hands, thereby sending the necessary healing energy. A jar of water or cream was placed in front of the TV, then any item acquired healing properties. Chumak did the same with the help of the radio: you just had to listen to the silence and barely audible whispers while he made his mysterious passes at the other end of the radio channel.

There is no serious evidence that Allan Chumak helped to recover in this way. Numerous thanks sent to television most likely indicate the excessive suggestibility of a significant part of the country's population. Chumak gave a certain psychological direction for cure, and as a result, the placebo effect was triggered.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky

Anatoly Kashpirovsky came to magic healers from psychiatry. A psychotherapist by training, the head of the Center for Psychiatry in Kyiv, he also practiced healing with the help of television.

Unlike the silent Chumak, Anatoly Mikhailovich actively used verbal methods of influence and did not hang noodles on his ears about sending energy.

With his menacing gaze, “giving instructions,” Kashpirovsky literally heated up the atmosphere on both sides of the screen. His method consisted of psychological, hypnotic influence: at the right moment he raised or lowered his voice, using special gestures and phrases. The most suggestible part of the population, suffering from mild mental disorders, was immediately caught. People believed that a healing suggestion was happening now, and their well-being really improved. However, there is evidence that Kashpirovsky’s actions also led to disastrous results. Some patients, believing the healer, stopped taking conservative treatment drugs. The chronicles experienced an exacerbation of the disease and unpleasant consequences, even death.

Yuri Longo

Yuri Longo introduced himself " master of white magic" He became famous for “revitalizing” the dead and using love spells. He claimed that he had brought back to life the Ukrainian politician Viktor Yushchenko, who allegedly died in 2004.

A native of Kuban, he studied at a theater school, completed courses in hypnosis and card tricks and began performing in Moscow. Soon he retrained as a magician in order to demonstrate more impressive miracles. At the end of his life, he mastered a hundred methods of hypnosis, telepathy and clairvoyance, and published forecasts and predictions in the press.

Man is inclined to believe in miracles. And if a need arises, then, according to the laws of the market, there will be those who are always ready to satisfy it.

Once upon a time, such people were invited to the court of great rulers, they listened to their advice, and in some places they even deified them and made sacrifices to them. In the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the modern era, they were declared employees of Satan’s department and burned at the stake. Then they simply stopped believing in them, but not for long.
For some reason, a new surge of interest in people with abilities, let’s say delicately, beyond the scope of human perception, happened precisely in the 20th century, when humanity mastered flight in the air and in space, subjugated the energy of the atom, learned to cure the most terrible diseases, created a computer and encircled the entire globe with the Internet.
It is unlikely that this phenomenon can be so easily attributed to the shock of revolutions, world wars and concentration camps. Even before 1914, the imperial court, and with it almost the entire high society, were fond of spiritualistic seances with table rotation, healers and other spiritual visions. You can now read about Rasputin, who influenced the appointment of ministers, even in a school textbook; others are less known to the general public magical friends Nicholas II: Tibetan physician Badmaev, “blessed” Kolyaba Kozelsky and French fortuneteller Papus. The intelligentsia tried to keep up with the elite, and all our silver Age thoroughly imbued with “dark mysticism.” Valery Bryusov studied the treatises of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and the Grimoire of Honorius, and Andrei Bely arranged magical duels with him, Alexei Tolstoy was interested in the writings of Swedenborg, others turned the tables little by little and read Blavatsky.
And then she came Soviet authority and banned all magicians along with the Lord God. But by that time, hypnosis had already been scientifically substantiated (and was widely used in the newfangled psychoanalysis), so the producers of miracles decided to also go into science. Fortunately, just in the mid-1920s, the German psychiatrist Hans Berger discovered the ability of the brain to emit electrical waves at a frequency of 8 to 12 Hz and became one of the fathers of electroencephalography. And since there are some waves, it means that there will probably be those who are capable of transmitting and receiving them. Well, and at the same time influence the surrounding material world with the effort of thought. Berger’s discovery immediately made the whole “devilry” understandable and explainable, because almost every house already had a radio, and what, one might ask, is worse than some kind of tin horn with lamps? A new scientific explanation for magic and spiritualism has finally been found.
In the 1920s, there was a real boom in freak science in the USSR. That was the time when an entire aircraft factory could stop production for several days in order to practically prove to a passionate engineer the impossibility of creating perpetual motion machine. When, for the sake of the experiments of Professor Bogdanov, who tried to achieve rejuvenation of the body through blood transfusion, an entire institute was built in Moscow. As a result, we inherited his developments, which saved hundreds of thousands of lives during the war, and Bulgakov’s novel “ dog's heart", in which this very theory of rejuvenation was veiledly ridiculed along with the works of another mad scientist, Dr. Ivanov, who tried to create a human-ape hybrid using direct insemination.
The main goal of all these experiments, which were funny from our point of view, was the same. Somewhere far ahead, a bright communist future loomed, but what kind of person would a person have to become by that moment? And while some were looking for an answer in eugenics and blood transfusions, others were trying to turn homo sapiens into a psychocrat - a psychic.

In October 1926, just at the same time as the Blood Institute and Ivanov’s experiments on monkeys, the Experimental Commission on Hypnology and Biophysics was established at the Leningrad Brain Institute, under the leadership of, no less, Vladimir Bekhterev himself. A year before, in Moscow, the group T.V. Gurshtein and V.S. Kulebakina conducted a series of experiments on practical telepathy, and they tried to immediately transmit “thought waves” over 55 kilometers.
In particular, one of the subjects was able to convey the phrase: “It’s nice for me to sit here,” which she was able to accept and repeat, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form: “It’s nice for me to sit. In Leningrad, they tried to repeat this experiment by placing a person in a screening “Faraday cage.” It turned out that it was impossible to receive a “signal” in this way and this fact was considered sufficient confirmation of Berger’s theory about the electromagnetic nature of extrasensory perception. At the same time, a new term was born - “biological radio communication.”
In Moscow, the famous trainer Durov, together with a whole galaxy of professors: Chizhevsky, Kazhinsky, Leontovich, Kozhevnikov and the same Bekhterev, conducted experiments on telepathic suggestion to dogs. Durov, with the power of thought, gave the experimental dog Mars a variety of orders: bring a notebook, take the right book from a stack with his teeth, bark so many times... According to skeptics, the success of this series of experiments can be explained very simply: next to the trainer there was almost always his assistant, who gave the dog unnoticeable for the professors command with a movement of the fingers. Work on “biological radio communications” proceeded with varying success before the war and continued after its end. Here, for example, is an excellent short article illustrating the state of parapsychological science in the 30s with a description of experiments and techniques: T.V. Gurshtein. On the question of electromagnetic radiation person. Its main conclusion later formed the basis for the concept of the notorious “psychotronic weapon”: “Consequently, a person has some kind of oscillatory system that can be excited using an electromagnetic energy generator.”
At the same time, at the Laboratory of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, under the leadership of Professor Turlygin, experiments were carried out to study the physical nature of telepathy, commissioned by the People's Commissariat of Defense. Purely practical methods were also developed, for example, at the same time they began to seriously engage in dowsing, that is, the search for underground water sources using frames made of twigs and “bioenergy.”

But what about the state and the party ideological apparatus, which in the USSR have always been the supreme arbiters, including in scientific disputes? The authorities treated everything paranormal according to the principle of “one step forward, two steps back,” that is, we carefully study it, but do not particularly encourage it. Let's say in 1950, the physicist Mitkevich made a successful report on mathematical and machine methods in the study of telepathy and other phenomena. And in 1955 in the dictionary foreign words The article on telepathy began with the phrase: “an anti-scientific idealistic fiction about the supernatural ability to perceive phenomena.” But in 1959, an article by B.B. was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Kazhinsky’s “Radio Broadcast of Thoughts,” thanks to which mass interest in everything supernatural reawakened. And so on.
But, as they say, it’s time to remember about people:

Wolf Messing (1899-1974)

Perhaps the most famous Soviet psychic and hypnotist. His official biography is replete with miracles. Born in Poland, into a Jewish family, he suffered from sleepwalking since childhood. The father wanted the boy to become a rabbi and encouraged him to study at Yeshiva, but Wolf desperately resisted. Then Messing Sr. persuaded some passerby to portray the “voice of God.” Later, after studying for two years at theological school, Wolf met this man and, thanks to his phenomenal memory, recognized his voice. It was then that he had an “epiphany.”
Strongly offended, Messing decides to leave the yeshibot and flee to Berlin. Right on the train, he was able to put his new abilities into practice for the first time: he didn’t have money for a ticket, and when the conductor entered the carriage, Messing simply showed him a suitable-sized empty piece of paper. In Germany, he worked in circuses and panopticons, honing his abilities. During a tour of Austria in 1915, he met Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, and conducted experiments on extrasensory perception with them. Freud mentally gave orders: bring this or that book, pull out three hairs from Einstein’s mustache, or ask the scientist to play the violin, and Messing telepathically accepted and carried them out. Not knowing how to drive a car, he successfully steered blindfolded, accepting telepathic commands from the professional driver sitting next to him.
When World War II began, Messing fled Poland to the USSR. Here he acts as an artist with “psychological experiments”, and at the same time performs amazing tricks: he goes into Stalin’s office past all the security, receives 10,000 rubles from the State Bank on a blank sheet of paper and makes amazing predictions. In 1943, from the stage of the Novosibirsk Opera House, he announced the date of the end of the war. Helped the police in solving crimes. He was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.” According to a legend widespread in psychic circles, he died after sensing a person “stronger” than himself in the hall.
SKEPTICS' OPINION: Messing’s phenomenon can be explained very simply; thanks to his truly unique memory and powers of observation, he was able to make himself into a kind of “lie detector” of natural origin. He noticed the slightest nuances of human reactions, such as facial expressions or finger movements, and deciphered these “messages.” Plus the use of “decoys” during performances, which is typical for such acts. Everything else in his biography and book is creative fiction.
Moreover, Albert Einstein never had an apartment in Vienna and in 1915 he lived in Germany, not Austria. There are no documents confirming Messing's meetings with Stalin. Let’s say Messing could hypnotize the State Bank cashier, but the procedure for issuing cash individuals The arrangement at that time was such that his piece of paper had to pass through an accountant, two auditors and another cashier. Messing simply could not see these people and give them any orders. In the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there is no information about the regular involvement of Messing in investigations.

Factory of military psychics in the USSR

IN scientific centers For 15 years, the security forces of our country secretly studied psychics who had proven themselves in intelligence, in the war in Chechnya, and in the fight against crime. Similar work has been carried out for twenty years under the program “ star Wars" in USA . Vulture "owl" secret” has been removed from these programs from us and from them.

Interview with Lieutenant General Alexei Savin, who at one time headed the expert and analytical department of the General Staff.

- Alexey Yurievich, how did it happen that he who defended two doctoral dissertations and made a successful career in military service An officer suddenly changes his life path and is engaged in a task that was considered dubious by many famous scientists and academicians, to put it mildly?

In the late 80s, a group of psychics addressed the Minister of Defense with a letter. They claimed that they could search for missing ships, locate missing people, diagnose and treat them.

A letter - then I served in the arms department - came down to me with instructions: to sort it out and report to the deputy minister and the chief of the General Staff. He was then Army General Mikhail Moiseev. He listened to me with interest. Among those who signed the letter were several exceptionally gifted psychics.

In the photo: psychic Elena Klimova in a submarine.

My report coincided with the proposal received by the Ministry of Defense from the Deputy Chairman of the KGB, General Nikolai Sham, to organize work with such people, to find out the possibilities of using them in intelligence...

This is how it appeared military unit with the number 10 003, reminiscent of the zeros of super agent 007 James Bond.

- Judging by the fact that you eagerly took up the study of “exceptionally gifted psychics,” did you feel like one of them?

As a child, before school, I experienced clinical death three times after unsuccessfully operated appendicitis and illnesses. When I recovered, I suddenly felt that I could penetrate the thoughts of other people. Moreover, he knew about their fate, when and for what reason they would die. So, I once predicted the death of one of our good friends. He was visiting us at home, and as soon as he left, I horrified my parents with the phrase I said after the door closed behind him:

It’s a pity, Uncle Dima will die today, he’ll barely reach home. He actually died of a heart attack very close to the entrance own home. My parents instilled in me that reading other people’s thoughts is no better than peeping through a keyhole, that there is no need to predict grief for anyone. I felt the strength within me that led me through life. At school, I was worried about the non-childish question, what is the meaning of life - mine and all humanity. I read Plato, studied his Cosmogony, looked for answers in philosophical works. My grandfather influenced me, instilling in me that the primary source of everything that exists is thought - it is primary, not matter.

But he grew up in a military family and, following in his father’s footsteps, entered the naval school and became a lieutenant engineer. He served for many years in a secret institute where cruise missiles were invented...

Our military unit 10 003 was initially given a staff of 10 people (over the years it has grown five times), premises with government communications, "turntable" so that I could directly address the country's leaders.

Our first task was to analyze the work carried out under the psy-war program in the United States and Western countries that are members of NATO. Other problems covered many topics similar to the American ones, related to extrasensory perception, far vision, its study and application.

- Physicists at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics IRE AS USSR, as I remember, called their state program “Physical Fields of Biological Objects”, they saw psychics as people who were distinguished by hypersensitivity to heat, infrared radiation and other known fields. What was the name of your program? How was it different from what physicists were doing?

We called it “The Program for the Development of Human Hidden Superpowers and Abilities.” For this purpose, hundreds of specialists from law enforcement agencies, students, teachers, doctors, geologists, artists, even schoolchildren and pensioners were gathered. And under the supervision of doctors and psychologists they turned them into psychics.

- How did such an incredible transformation take place, which is hard to believe?

We managed to come up with and put into practice a dialogue between students and the subconscious. As a result of such communication, they were endowed with extraordinary features of the mind, they could remember a large amount of information, operate with multi-digit numbers and information flows. Creative potential and extrasensory abilities were revealed in people. We sought to develop the abilities inherent in every person by nature, to a phenomenal level, and not just look for psychics, although they, of course, are born that way. This method was used to prepare specialist operators for the army, superior to the enemy’s combat psychics.

When they reported their affairs to the Minister of Defense, Marshal Yazov, he could not restrain himself and said: “With you, you’ll even believe the devil. Get out of my sight." We disappeared, and so successfully that almost ten years passed before the first vague rumors about our work leaked to the press.

- Yes, you were so secretive that I knew nothing about you when I wrote to the table about Jun and Ninel Kulagina, who were secretly studied in a laboratory created for them.

Remote warfare specialists are returning from a combat mission.

I reasoned like this: “If there is a spectrum of phenomena of extraordinary abilities, then there is a mechanism for their sequential formation.” That's what we did.

History is full of examples when commanders won battles with much smaller forces than their opponents. This means that by creating a team of grandmasters, you can win any campaign...

- How did the General Staff react to your ideas?

- The ideas came to fruition. The Chief of the General Staff gave the program the green light and assigned us a number of military operational tasks, primarily for extrasensory intelligence and protection from such enemy intelligence. The question of extrasensory influence arose, that is psychotropic weapons.

To monitor the military forces of other states, we have trained groups of officers in Navy And Air Force. It is very important for sailors to track the locations of missile-carrying submarines. It is very difficult to detect them; they try not to give themselves away in any way. Our psychics, after special training, were able to find these boats on a map in real time with very high accuracy. We trained several groups for the fleet that are still serving there today.

In aviation, our guys found ground targets with 80-85 percent accuracy both on the map and on the ground during flights. In the tracking groups, psychic officers knew in detail the health status, personal qualities and attitude to service of almost every member of the crew of American strategic bombers. They could determine from photographs technical condition many types of US military equipment and the degree of readiness of the main types of weapons.

The officers we trained, retiring due to age, showed up brightly in civilian life and began, for example, diagnosing and treating diseases.

The film studio of the Ministry of Defense filmed several films about our work. documentaries for internal use. Subsequently, they were declassified and fragments of them were shown on Central Television.

- Judging by your words, Alexey Yuryevich, what was considered a rarity - the ability to instantly memorize text, multiply multi-digit numbers in your mind, which is what miracle children show on TV - you have put into mass production, right?

- We recruited a group of old-time soldiers who were demobilized after six months. The “grandfathers” came to us, cheeky guys. We started working with them, and before they were fired, they were unrecognizable. They suddenly started writing poems, giving flowers to the project manager, quit smoking, and began to communicate more softly...

- But all this could have happened under the influence of the beauty and charm of a woman, brought up by ordinary pedagogical methods...

- That’s all true, but after 6 lessons on self-regulation, our “grandfathers” walked around barefoot broken glass, hot coals, needles were stuck into their bodies - they did not feel pain. They developed memory, fleeting immersion in foreign languages... By the end of their service, it was impossible to imagine these soldiers being involved in hazing. This is an example of how extrasensory perception can solve the problem of hazing in the army.

- Walking on broken glass and hot coals is shown in the circus; Valery Avdeev, about whom I wrote, did this in front of the public. Tell us something that few people know.

- We were involved in solving serious crimes, determining the personal qualities of people who came to the attention of the special services, and making forecasts of the political, economic and seismic situation.

For example, the country's famous General Valery Ochirov, Hero Soviet Union, asked to help his native Kalmykia. There, in the dashing 90s, criminal authorities, thieves and bandits came out of hiding, and criminal groups began to divide the republic into spheres of influence. Such a task was not our responsibility.

But, having received the go-ahead from the Chief of the General Staff, I sent an analysis group to Elista, including psychic operators. In two days they solved the problem: they uncovered the main criminal chain. From the lists of suspects and even from the list of residents, they singled out especially dangerous criminals. Using the map, they found places where bandits secretly lived, where they gathered and where they stored weapons. Local security officers and police arrested the leaders of criminal groups. The criminal world of the republic lost its leaders and crumbled into small fragments, which were picked up by the police and security services.

Psychics at methodological training sessions

- You mentioned the seismic situation, could psychic operators really have foreseen the earthquake?

- Yes, we once solved such a problem that deprived us of peace.

The Chief of the General Staff calls me and asks me to study the seismic situation in Kamchatka. He needed a forecast in connection with upcoming military exercises. I brought him a report indicating where, when and what magnitude an earthquake would occur in Kamchatka. The certificate fell into the hands of the general in charge of the region, and he sent there an encrypted message demanding that preventive measures be taken.

The encryption was distributed piecemeal, but instead of taking preventive measures, people on the ground decided to have their own way and began to leave the places mentioned in the report en masse. The panic began. It became known on Old Square. It all happened at the beginning of 1991, when such actions could be regarded as a crime against the party and the people.

They called me from the office of the Minister of Defense and warned me that if an earthquake does not occur, then I will not only say goodbye to the General Staff, but will also go to trial as an alarmist and an irresponsible instigator. The situation in the unit was aggravated by calls with questions and threats from the Central Committee, the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Academy of Sciences...

The general who sent the encrypted message also called me with sympathy: “Be strong, Alexey, things are bad for you, you can’t imagine anything worse!”

I understood: if there was no earthquake, they would treat me harshly as a warning to others. And so on the named day I was sitting at work and didn’t go home. It was midnight, one o'clock in the morning, by two o'clock I dozed off in my chair, and then the turntable rang. I pick up the phone and hear the general shout: “Everything is right, Alexey, there’s a bang!” Everything happened as I predicted, it “fucked” in those areas (the error was several kilometers) with the predicted points and at the named time.

- Probably, after such success you were presented with a high government award?

- After everything we had experienced, they began to torment us again, almost accusing us of sabotage. “You are hiding the method of predicting earthquakes from the people.”

I remember another forecast, but not a seismic one. I often had to interact with General Andrei Nikolaev, First Deputy Chief of the General Staff. Once during our meetings, he sadly told me:

- You'll see, my days at the General Staff are numbered.

-Where are they sending you? - I was surprised.

- Where they will send you, you better tell me. Everyone is talking about your forecasts.

A day later, I entered his office and predicted that his future service would be connected with foreign countries. He thought that they would send him to represent him in NATO. And he was appointed head of the Federal Border Service. It turns out that this forecast was justified.

- Has your service always been accompanied by success and understanding of others, because everything you tell relates to something that many people still say can never happen, moreover, they consider it pseudoscience.

- Not everyone, of course, believed us. In Star City, I had a conversation with the commander of the cosmonaut corps, Vladimir Shatalov. I offered him use extrasensory perception in training astronauts; Shatalov directly stated that he did not believe in all this and did not want to talk about this topic. Then one of my students suggested to him:

- Place the pencil on your palm and tilt your hand. The pencil fell to the floor in strict accordance with the law of gravity. Then the student looked closely at Shatalov and said again:

- Place the pencil and do not tilt your palm yet. Now lower it!

The pencil seemed stuck to my hand. Shatalov shakes him off like a wasp and shouts: “I believe! I believe!” But he didn’t allow us to join the cosmonaut corps. Although at the same time at NPO Energia, where they did spaceships under the leadership of the general designer, academician Valentin Glushko, psychics were held in high esteem.

Secret extrasensory perception, similar to ours in the General Staff, was studied in the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the leadership of Colonel, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vyacheslav Zvonikov; V Federal service security - under the leadership of Major General Boris Ratnikov, in the FSB - under the leadership of Major General Sham. He also coordinated extrasensory intelligence in our law enforcement agencies.

Alexey Yurievich Savin - Lieutenant General of the Reserve, Honored Military Specialist, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy.

General Savin A.Yu.- commander of the legendary military unit 10003, head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from 1989 to 2005.

Head of the “Brain Wars” programs (according to American terminology). Participant in hostilities. He was awarded many orders and medals, including the Order of Courage. Honorary Doctor of the European University. Academician of the Russian Academy natural sciences, European Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Sciences, Italian Academy of Economic and Social Sciences.

Since 1989, General Savin A.Yu. was the head of the program for the development of new special weapons and military equipment, methods and means of non-traditional types of combat training and education, and management of human psychophysical resources. He has phenomenal abilities that allow him to test and correct the psychophysical capabilities of people.

Alexey Yurievich Savin is the author of the methodology of military unit 10003, which allows you to reveal the extraordinary abilities of people of different ages and professional activity. Methodology of Savin A.Yu. It has been tested many times and produces excellent results. Developer of training programs for the elite of the Armed Forces and structures of departmental and government controlled. The creator of a new complex science - noocosmology, synthesizing the achievements of many social and natural disciplines.

Interview with Lieutenant General Alexei Savin

General A. Savin. From service experience part 1

The topic of the presence of psychics and clairvoyants in the corridors of the highest echelons of power has always aroused constant interest among the public different countries peace. However, issues of cooperation between psi-energy specialists and the leaders of the Soviet Union and Russia for a long time was considered forbidden. All this happened despite the fact that some time ago the Kremlin quite openly admired the achievements of Juna or Kashpirovsky. And, for example, Boris Yeltsin was protected in the Kremlin by a real “night watch” of psychics.

A look into the past

As Anatoly Sergeev, a former employee of the GRU of the Russian General Staff, who was seriously involved in extrasensory perception during his years of service, said, Soviet intelligence services have always shown interest in hypnosis and other methods of mental influence on a person.
According to him, since the days of the NKVD, special people from a top secret laboratory at Lubyanka have been selecting psychic children. These children were watched for a long time. And after studying them individual qualities and abilities, the most gifted were sent for further training to intelligence schools, where they improved according to a special program.
Until the mid-50s, this program was led by physiologist Leonid Vasiliev, a student of the famous professor Chizhevsky. Later, research and training in special techniques were also carried out through military intelligence at the so-called “object No. 01168”.
According to Western sources, in 1975 alone the GRU spent about 300 million rubles for these purposes. (the official exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar in those years was 0.65-0.68 rubles per 1 US dollar). Recently, this work was carried out by employees of military unit 10003. There are legends about its commander, Colonel Alexei Savin. They say that with the help of psychics he saved a hopelessly ill loved one and since then has firmly believed in the triumph of the mystical and as yet unknown. The person is absolutely closed; he does not make any contacts with the press.
Today, Russian intelligence officers continue to be trained in hypnotic art. This is the focus of special courses in Moscow at the former KGB Higher School, and at the Military-Diplomatic Academy of the GRU General Staff.

Psychics in the Kremlin

The history of relations between the top Soviet leadership and psychics has a long basis. So, according to rumors, Joseph Stalin, who did not trust anyone, constantly listened to the advice of astrologers. The leader’s biographers claim that at the seminary young Soso Dzhugashvili sat at the same desk with one of the later famous occultists, Gurdjieff.
This man was engaged in astrology and magic from the early years of his life, served with Tibetan lamas, and studied at the center of Sufi science. Gurdjieff carefully studied the horoscope of Joseph Dzhugashvili and honestly told him: “Soso, you will never become the leader of a great country until you change your horoscope.” After this, Stalin changed his date of birth: he became “younger” by a whole year. This happened in 1917.
The fact that Stalin accepted someone else’s horoscope did not go unnoticed by modern representatives of horoscopic teaching. For example, Moscow psychic Anfisa Zhanimova believes: “If a person took upon himself someone else’s horoscope and someone else’s destiny, then he had to die twice. What actually happened: first Stalin-Dzhugashvili died as a man, and the second time as a great Soviet figure. Then he was taken out of the Mausoleum, where he lay next to Lenin, and buried a second time.”
According to eyewitnesses, he loved to communicate with fortune tellers and general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev. He had nothing against drawing up horoscopes. However, at the same time, I was always interested: “Who will live longer: he, the general secretary of a great country, or Mao Zedong, the “Chinese Stalin”?” Brezhnev's personal astrologer predicted that Leonid Ilyich would live longer. And he didn’t deceive. By the way, the prediction of the date of Mao Zedong's death coincided, right down to the month: Mao Zedong died on September 9, 1976.
Information has long been leaked into the open press that even during the time of Yuri Andropov, courses in astrology were opened in the depths of the KGB. Yes, Andropov himself, according to eyewitnesses, met with the famous astrologer Sergei Vronsky and asked him many interesting questions. It turns out that he listened to the opinion of the astrologer...

Russia today

The Kremlin's passion for parapsychology and extrasensory perception peaked during Boris Yeltsin's presidency in Russia.
Juna reigned completely openly in the Kremlin. Her popularity reached such heights that in 1993 she was awarded the rank of Colonel General of Military Medicine Reserve (with the right to wear military uniforms). She, without ceasing, posed for photographers next to Yeltsin himself, attended festive events on Red Square, while being on the podium for honored guests (at one time, even hand in hand with the Kremlin commandant). In those same years, a special “mental security department” was created in the Presidential Security Service of the Russian Federation, designed to protect the head of the Russian Federation. Russian state from external psychic influence.
In the 90s, this became known from a sensational article in one of the central Russian newspapers, which revealed the name of the main Kremlin psychic. He turned out to be the first deputy head of the Directorate of President Yeltsin's Security Service, Major General Georgy Rogozin. Among the inhabitants of the Kremlin he was nicknamed “the black magician under the president.”
Rogozin was not a random figure in the special department. Much of his career in the intelligence services was associated with the study of psychic phenomena. He worked for a long time in the secret research institute of the KGB of the USSR, which dealt with the problems of healers, psychics and clairvoyance. He made a career there. And then he came to the attention of Yeltsin, who was convinced of the need to create a special mental protection service in the manner of the Security Service of the President of America.

Memoirs of a retired psychic

Another colorful figure of the secret department is Yuri Malin, a former KGB officer and consultant to the special department of the Presidential Security Service of the Russian Federation. Today he talks a lot and at length about the features of his past work.
Little is known about Malin himself. In 1972 he graduated from the Faculty of Automation and Telemechanics of the Moscow Energy Institute, in 1986 from the Faculty of Biomedicine of the Higher Technical School. Bauman. His scientific specialization is high tech in the field of personal consciousness management. As a specialist in psychotechnologies, he successfully took part in the presidential elections of one of the CIS countries.
According to Malin, under Yeltsin, a special unit of the Security Service was engaged in unconventional technologies for controlling consciousness and protecting the president from “damage” of all kinds.
Yeltsin himself was favorable towards the development of non-traditional methods of psychophysical influence. For example, he was treated for severe chest pain and insomnia using a bioenergy helmet made of thin metal plates. According to the author of the invention, Professor Georgy Stepanov, this helmet was an antenna that accumulated the healing energy of a doctor.
In his memoirs, Malin gives a different version of the creation of a special “paranormal” department within the structure of the Presidential Security Service. He claims that the reason was the well-known scandal that erupted in the White House, when allegedly listening equipment was discovered in Yeltsin’s office. In fact, experts found not bugs or microphones in Yeltsin’s office, but a directional antenna designed for radiation.
After a thorough study of the find, it was found that it was installed with the aim of influencing the president. Considering the fact that in the early 90s, “psychic things” began to be used even in election campaigns, there was no longer any doubt about the need to protect Yeltsin from the evil eye or damage.
According to Malin, the fears were not in vain. Since by the beginning of the 90s the USSR already had developments of this type. Two dozen institutes were doing this. Their work was coordinated by the Center for Non-Traditional Technologies at the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR. The very same program for the use of psi technologies in the “national economy” was approved back in 1987 by the Chairman of the Soviet Government N. Ryzhkov. The last section of this program talked about the means of managing people and influencing the decision-making mechanism. The program was supervised by retired GRU Lieutenant General Firyaz Khantseverov.
Today, Malin openly displays a document dating back to 1995, which set prices for the services of psychics to assist candidates during the election campaign.
“In the early 1990s, psychic devices in Russia were used in election campaigns. “I have a document dated December 16, 1995 - a price list for psychic election services,” says Malin. — At that time, guaranteeing a candidate’s psychic security cost $3,000 a month. In order to “bewitch” the entire population of a small town and induce them to vote for their candidacy, they had to pay 2 thousand dollars. The cheapest psychic service—assisting candidates during public appearances—cost $150 an hour.”

According to Malin, the special department of the Presidential Security Service of the Russian Federation paid great attention to psychotronic weapons. Malin claims that some semblance of such a weapon was created in the USSR by former military man and hypnotist Ivan Kachalin.
At the USSR State Committee for Inventions, Kachalin registered the Radiohypnosis device, which puts people to sleep from a distance of up to 50 km using microwave radiation. The device has been successfully tested in one of military units in the south of Siberia. It also turned out that the device is capable of putting the enemy to sleep and long distance. The conclusion about the device states that it can be used to euthanize an entire city with an area of ​​100 square meters. km from a distance of 50 km.
By the mid-90s, after the collapse of state funding for work, all these invaluable weapons found themselves at the mercy of businessmen and criminal structures. It was precisely this psycho-lawlessness that the secret special department of the Russian Presidential Security Service had to resist.
According to Malin, the current Russian intelligence services are not trying very hard to protect President Vladimir Putin from mental infection. And its employees do not resort to the help of professionals to combat external psychophysical influence. Yeltsin was more cautious, says the former officer.

What about today?

According to Russian media, certified people with paranormal abilities are on financial support in the Russian special services even today. Only, the leadership of the FSB or the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs does not want to admit this.
Unlike, for example, the American CIA, which confirmed the presence of a whole staff of psychics and clairvoyants in its strategic intelligence and counterintelligence departments. Even the budget for this program has been published - $2 billion per year.
It is unknown how much money the Russian special services transfer to psychics. And it is unlikely that information about this will be made public.
According to the famous military expert Yuri Bobylov, today the world is on the verge of new fantastic discoveries in the field of psi technologies, since laboratories are working in several countries around the world to create new biological weapons. According to him, such classics of Soviet science fiction as, for example, “The Head of Professor Dowell” or “The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin” are simply naive romance, compared to what the sophisticated brain of modern man comes up with.
The Russian public is seriously concerned about the fact that in last years From intelligence to politics, a lot of special techniques are gradually being introduced on how to pump out the necessary information and manage people. And the generals and colonels of the special services occupied senior positions surrounded by V. Putin and President D. Medvedev.
In addition, the State Duma of Russia cannot in any way pass the Law “On Information and Psychological Security” (its foundations have been developed since the times of the USSR, since 1990). The law is designed to prohibit zombies and harm to the mental health of the population. However, instead of him, on instructions from the Security Council under the President of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Psychology Russian Academy Sciences are developing a concept called "Fundamentals public policy information and psychological security".
According to some information, in addition to the mysterious military unit 10003, another top-secret center for parapsychology and extrasensory perception is being created in the depths of the Russian Ministry of Defense. They say that he will keep the entire Russian political elite “under the hood.” As for ordinary people, they can sleep peacefully. According to experts, there are not yet enough funds in Russia for the mass use of top-secret miracle technology. I would like to believe this...

Based on media materials