Experts and parents commented on the State Duma’s proposal to abandon homework. Abolition of homework at school in Russia: true or false? Everything that is known at the moment

In Russia, the question of the need for homework, as well as the supposedly excessive workload to which Russian schoolchildren are exposed, arises quite regularly. Thus, according to Boris A, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science, they take too much energy from modern students. It is necessary to give them more free time for walks fresh air, he explains.

“Schools all over the world are moving away from homework, and there’s nothing wrong with that.<...>Homework is an unnecessary thing today. We already force children to be at school or in some classes all the time,” said Chernyshov.

As the deputy notes, due to the heavy academic load, schoolchildren become indifferent to acquiring knowledge.

“They don’t want to sit over textbooks, pore over some kind of work, or engage in activities that put another strain on their body. On the one hand, we need to make education interesting, and on the other hand, we need to give our children the opportunity to catch their breath so that they can find time to play football and spend time in the fresh air. This would be correct,” says Chernyshov.

The parliamentarian also noted that additional workload in addition to school work - doing homework, as well as attending developmental sections and clubs - also negatively affects their health.

This is not the first time that the question of the excessive workload to which Russian schoolchildren are allegedly subjected has been raised in our country.

Thus, in 2013, teachers of one of the Moscow schools, at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, proposed to legally establish the right of students to voluntarily perform homework. Then he instructed the acting mayor of Moscow to prepare draft instructions for this initiative. True, then we were talking only about homework for high school students, who have practically no time left for it due to intensive preparation for entering universities.

Just three months to live

For most school systems in the world, including Russia, homework is still the main form of consolidation of the material covered.

At the same time, Russia is not the only country where parents of schoolchildren complain about exorbitant amounts of homework. For example, in Italy in 2016, one of the parents of students publicly criticized the education system, and many parents supported him.

Italian Marino Peiretti posted on the Internet open letter, in which he explained why his son did not do his homework during the summer holidays.

“I would like to bring to your attention that this year my son did not complete his summer homework.

We did a lot during this time: we rode a bike for a long time, went hiking, tidied up the house, did some programming.

You have nine whole months at your disposal to instill knowledge in my son and educate him, and I have only three months to teach him how to live,” the child’s father wrote.

Those who read the letter were divided into two camps: some parents supported Peiretti, others accused him of undermining the authority of teachers in the eyes of their son. That same year, the Spanish Confederation of Parents of Schoolchildren held their first strike against homework: for a week, parents and students did not complete the homework assignments they were given. By the way, a similar action took place in France in 2012.

According to international studies (OECD), which regularly studies the effectiveness of school education around the world, in 2016 Russia ranked first in terms of homework volume. Russian schoolchildren spend more than 10 hours a week on assignments outside of school, a study found. The next places in the ranking were Italy, Ireland, Poland and Spain, where schoolchildren spent an average of about 6-6.5 hours a week on homework.

However, not all countries participated in the study, so the results may not be entirely objective. So schoolchildren in South Korea, starting from high school, spend all their free time on education and preparing for admission to prestigious universities. Outside of school, Korean children voluntarily attend numerous tutors and also complete additional assignments at home.

It's not the schools that have changed, it's the parents

Today, experts have not identified a clear connection between the level of knowledge and the amount of homework. Most of them agree that the main thing in this matter is not the number of lessons, but their quality and creativity.

People's teacher of Russia, director of the Tsaritsyno Education Center No. 548 in Moscow, Efim Rachevsky, believes that homework in school cannot be completely abolished. Our schools have the longest holidays in the world, lasting a total of four months, he points out. In addition, during the lesson, children do not always have time to consolidate the material they have covered, the teacher believes. He cites English classes as an example.

“There are about 15 people in the group, the teacher has a 40-minute lesson at his disposal. And it turns out that on average, education takes two minutes per student. During this time, it is almost impossible to do anything. Therefore, homework, in this case, will be of a training nature. Especially if it's interesting.

For example, you can tell your child: “Go to the BBC website, find some movie about turtles and try to do simultaneous translation.” This assignment will provide more than 150 English lessons combined.”

He also notes that homework has another important function besides educational. As Rachevsky said, several years ago his school, as an experiment, canceled homework for elementary school students for two weeks.

“The parents endured it for two days, three days. Then one of my friends, a doctor, called me pedagogical sciences, his grandson was then studying at our school. He says: “What are you doing, bastard? I used to come home and ask my grandson: “Have you done your homework? No? Come on, sit down and do it.” And I watch football myself. And now I ask him, and he answers me: “But they didn’t ask us. Grandfather, let's play chess." But maybe I want to watch football,” complained the doctor of pedagogical sciences. That is, homework also serves as a kind of nanny,” Rachevsky told Gazeta.Ru.

According to him, the most important task of homework is not to make children averse to learning. Perfect option learning - when a teacher gives his students individual homework, so that outside of school, each of the children reinforces the material that they learned the worst in class.

However, as admitted, few Russian teachers apply such an individual approach.

Unlike many other experts, the teacher is sure: the version that modern schoolchildren are loaded with homework more than their predecessors is a myth.

The main difference of our time, he believes, is that the approach to children’s education has changed on the part of parents themselves, who today “more than ever, link the well-being of their children with the quality of education they will receive.” Modern parents of schoolchildren really want to raise successful children, and many now associate success with higher education in the most prestigious universities, the expert believes.

“For example, in the 60s of the last century, about 25% of students went to high school and then entered college. And now everyone is enrolling in higher education institutions,” explains the school director.

He also draws attention to the fact that there is no clause in the education law obliging teachers to give children homework, therefore there is nothing to be repealed at the legislative level. According to him, homework is a common teaching technique at school, but it is not required by law.

However, there are restrictions on the volume of tasks - sanitary rules and norms, the so-called SanPiNs. According to these recommendations, first-graders should have no homework at all, students in grades 4 and 5 can spend no more than two hours a day on homework, and high school students can spend no more than three and a half hours a day.

Teachers don't like children

Moscow schoolboy Bogdan (name changed) is 11 years old, he is in fifth grade and plays hockey six times a week. Previously, he also attended a music school, but in the second half of the 4th grade he decided to take an academic leave there because he did not have time to prepare for the numerous exams that all fourth-graders took when moving to high school.

As Bogdan’s parents told Gazeta.Ru, the boy has practically no free time between school, sports and homework. “He mostly sleeps in our car,” his father shared. “When I drive him home from class.”

Despite such a high workload, Bogdan seems to be a completely content and sociable child, and his parents believe that modern children need to be given a busy schedule.

“Otherwise, he will spend all his free time sitting at home at the computer,” explains Bogdan’s mother. — As children, we constantly walked with friends in the courtyards; we couldn’t be driven home. But now modern schoolchildren do not have such a habit; they do not spend any time outdoors.”

However, there is also an opposite opinion. Klara Mansurova, chairman social movement Parental Concern believes that today's students are given too much homework in each subject, and end up spending as much time working on textbooks at home as they do at school.

“I think the homework assignment should be reduced by 50%, but not cancelled. It is not always possible for a teacher to explain a topic so clearly during a lesson that all children understand it. In order to completely abolish homework, you must first change teachers,” says Mansurova.

According to her, there are subjects in which homework should not be given at all - among them computer science, social studies, and chemistry. Being a candidate of chemical sciences, Mansurova is confident that this science can be revealed in such a way in the classroom that children themselves will become interested in it and want to look up additional information on the Internet, an encyclopedia or a textbook.

“Maybe not everyone needs homework, but only those who are not doing well in the subject. The teacher needs to quietly approach such a student and advise him on what else to read and do,” she explains.

According to the expert, the worst thing in school is when a child is looked at as a person who is obliged to obey the teacher and complete all his tasks. While the main task of the school is to help the student find his place in life and self-determination.

“Unfortunately, in our schools there is almost no love for children. After all, these 11 years that a child spends at school are the most important in his life. The teacher must first of all help the child understand his purpose and answer the questions: “Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I?" But instead, every teacher believes that his subject is the main one.”

It turns out that the unfortunate student practically does not have time to live due to too much workload, says Mansurova.

Unlike Rachevsky, she believes that modern children are loaded with much more workload than Soviet schoolchildren. At the same time, Mansurova draws attention to the fact that this is also due to the fault of the parents themselves, who send their children to numerous extracurricular sections.

The child should have free time when he can think, Mansurova believes, however modern schoolboy cannot afford such luxury. Just because our children are small, we believe that we can force and humiliate them, and it’s time to start treating children differently, Mansurova is sure.

Wow... The children don’t learn anything at school, the teacher simply doesn’t physically have time to pay attention to the whole class, the classes are overcrowded with 40 people, now the children with whom they don’t study at home will lag behind. Who came up with such idiocy? Apparently I suffered a lot from doing homework as a child, I decided to take pity on our children

We did a lot during this time: we rode a bike for a long time, went hiking, tidied up the house, did some programming.

Meanwhile, Russian schools were asked to abandon homework 60 years ago. This technique was developed by St. Petersburg teacher-researcher Elena Yanovitskaya.

Cancellation of homework at school in Russia 2018. News today 08/31/2018

Several years ago, the Ministry of Education of the Chelyabinsk Region developed a special memo for parents regarding the child’s time spent after school. It consists of three points:

The Ministry of Education, changing the education system, thereby recognized for the first time that homework does not lead to an increase in academic performance and level of knowledge, but, on the contrary, damages motivation to study. In other words, according to the Ministry of Education, the “overload” of children, who have to study both at school and at home, only reduces interest in acquiring knowledge.

“This is correct,” French President Francois Hollande supported them. — Homework should be abolished because children from poor families do not have time for it. At home, parents do not always pay due attention to their students, while at school a student can always count on the help of a teacher.

Having listened to this, the president instructed the teaching community to work on the issue. However, not everyone agrees with such a “reform” - some part of the teaching community believes that such innovations will breed laziness in children, and experience Western countries, to which those proposing the abolition of “homework” refer, is not at all indicative. In countries such as Germany, France or the UK, it is not high school students who are exempt from homework, but rather junior high school students, and even then only on the condition of an extended day. And in the States this idea did not find support at all, although it was also put forward at one time.

As the deputy notes, due to the heavy academic load, schoolchildren become indifferent to acquiring knowledge. is an opportunity for you to come up with a socially significant initiative and introduce it to our audience of thousands. We offer you the opportunity to also familiarize yourself with and support other proposals, the collection of signatures for which has already been initiated on

Why homework was canceled in schools in Russia. Detailed data as of 08/31/2018

Not long ago, a “cry from the heart” from the mother of one of the schoolgirls appeared on social networks, which collected more than 2,000 shares and more than 500 comments. “Yes, I'm a bad mother! - the woman writes. “I don’t want to do homework with my child in the evenings.” In the evening we come home tired. With a desire to chat, have dinner and even - what a sin - watch a movie or read a book. But no, you need to do your homework. My daughter doesn't want to make them. And I can’t stand over her head and bark like a village dog at passing cars. Because I work a lot. Because I'm tired. Because I don't remember eighth grade math. Because I need to cook buckwheat in the morning and fry cheesecakes. Because I need to pat my husband on the head. Because evening is a time for joy, not for scandal!”

In Russian schools, March and April are the busiest months. Students write final tests, all-Russian test papers, take the Unified State Exam early, and participate in many Olympiads.

“Schools all over the world are moving away from homework, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Homework is an unnecessary thing today. We already force children to be at school or in some classes all the time,” Chernyshov told the Moscow agency.

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On the air of NSN, the head of the NRK Irina Volynets and Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Evgeniy Yamburg expressed various points views on the proposal to abolish homework.

At the same time, Russia is not the only country where parents of schoolchildren complain about exorbitant amounts of homework. For example, in Italy in 2016, one of the parents of students publicly criticized the education system, and many parents supported him.

He added that, based on world practice, the benefits of homework are greatly exaggerated. Due to excessive workload, schoolchildren completely lose their desire for education. That is why, in his opinion, Western schools have long abandoned them.

In the meantime, we must understand that our schoolchildren will not get rid of homework. Education reforms bypass this. And the only thing that can be advised is to distribute the load correctly. If a child does not want to earn himself deep stress by the end of the 11th grade, he will have to choose which lessons to prepare for and which ones to carefully let go of.

Cancellation of homework at school in Russia last news. Fresh material.

When implementing the project, funds are used state support, allocated as a grant in accordance with the Federation dated 04/01/2015 No. 79-rp and on the basis of a competition held by the Civil Dignity Movement ().

“I’m looking forward to when such a law is adopted,” speaks Andrey is the father of a high school student. - From this study, the child no longer knows where to go. And now preparation for exams will begin in 11th grade. My son has absolutely no free time for anything. He enjoys fishing, but even in the summer he only went to the dacha a couple of times. Because he is constantly studying - even for the summer he was assigned homework.

Cancellation of homework at school in Russia 2018. Latest information as of 08/18/2018.

On the air of NSN, the head of the NRK Irina Volynets and Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Evgeny Yamburg expressed various points views on the proposal to abolish homework.

The Ministry of Education and Science proposes to introduce limits on homework for schoolchildren. The department has developed a draft order that states how much time a child should spend at home preparing for school. It is recommended that primary school students study no more than one and a half hours a day, and graduates - 3.5 hours. Special attention given to first-graders. It is recommended to free them from homework altogether. And in lessons, do not give “point” grades.

“The huge amount of homework, this is no secret, leads to the fact that the relationship between parents and children deteriorates, because when parents devote so much time to this preparation, they accordingly demand high grades from their children. It’s irritating when a child doesn’t understand something, and for some reason they come home from school without understanding what they’re talking about we're talking about, with rare exceptions. And parents who do not have either a pedagogical education or the proper level of training, because they went through all this themselves at school a very long time ago, are forced to hire tutors. Children of parents who are unable to do this fall into disrepute. So it is necessary, if not a complete abolition of homework, then a reduction in this volume by at least two times. This is a very sound initiative, and on behalf of the National Committee I support it,” she said.

“I’m glad that attention was paid to the problem,” says Oleg Kirsanov from Irkutsk. - I have two schoolchildren at home. My son is in fourth grade and my daughter is a graduate. They come home from classes, have lunch, and then go straight to homework. Each 4-5 hours per desk conducts. My daughter is still studying with a tutor to pass the Unified State Exam. Some days she doesn't go to bed until 11 p.m. I'm not even talking about the need to read additional literature on subjects. And when the younger one is asked the so-called design work on the house, which are electronic abstracts, - the whole family hangs itself. Everyone is involved. I look for pictures on the Internet and process them, my mother types up the presentation on the computer. I don’t understand why a child should be given a task that he obviously is not able to complete himself? Maybe for the teacher for show. I feel sorry for the children. By Labor Code we have work week Limited to 40 hours. And children, it turns out, work twice as hard as adults!”

In Russia, the question of the need for homework, as well as the supposedly excessive workload to which Russian schoolchildren are exposed, arises quite regularly. Thus, according to Boris Chernyshov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, they take too much energy from modern students. It is necessary to give them more free time to walk in the fresh air, he explains.

With this initiative, I call for the abolition of homework and any preparatory work on Monday for schoolchildren from grades 1 to 12, because I believe that free time is necessary not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents and teachers. Existing system Education involves a burden on both schoolchildren and their parents, which often causes disagreements in the family. Not all people are knowledgeable, competent and have free time, so I believe that educational tasks should be carried out by teachers during their working hours. Latvia needs to follow positive example EU countries where assignments for Mondays and holidays have been canceled for several years, which has not affected the quality of education and knowledge of schoolchildren. They always say that children are the future and priority of our state. But why then are children's rights violated?! Considering the excessive workload on children during the week, it would be quite logical to use the weekends they are entitled to for relaxation. As we parents tell our children: “It’s your job to go to school, and your parents’ job is to go to work.” Then why don't adults take their work home on the weekends, but children SHOULD do this?!

“When will the Duma start doing what they should do? Is he a teacher or a professional in this field? You can do nothing at all, issue a diploma right away, and everything will be great. There’s no such thing as without tasks, you know? Another thing is that they can be different - creative, project activities, and so on. But not one yet normal person Couldn't teach without having to work at home. I don’t know what kind of education this deputy received; I cannot evaluate his words. But in general it’s stupidity to call a spade a spade. Nobody will cancel anything. This is such nonsense, you know, fake news. There can be no law on this topic. Noise, just information noise. It’s funny to comment on this,” he said.

Irina Volynets knitted low level children's understanding of new material with unsatisfactory work of teachers.

But, on the other hand, we now need to do everything to make education for modern children using modern textbooks interesting. So that they themselves want to receive these materials, so that they themselves want to study the multiplication table, comprehend the basics of mathematics, algebra, geometry, and read books that are interesting to them.

Why homework was canceled in schools in Russia. Fresh material as of 08/18/2018

Now every summer we force children to read a whole list of literature of 40-50 works. But they read a maximum of 2-3 works. Of course, there are children who completely master this. But the main thing now is to entice children to receive positive information that will be useful to them in life. Not to teach them to read, but to make the reading process interesting. And it doesn’t matter how: from a book, from a smartphone, from a tablet. Do everything to make it interesting for them to learn. This is the main and the main objective Russian education Today.

A lot of Russian schools are switching to similar experiments. They somehow try to conduct lessons so that the students do not have any homework. What should modern homework be like today, if it exists at school?

“Schools all over the world are moving away from homework, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Homework is... We already force children to be at school or in some classes all the time,” says Chernyshev. According to the parliamentarian, children are negatively affected by any workload after school, not only homework, but also classes.

The Human Rights Ombudsman is confident that excessive burden on children in connection with homework is not correct, because children should have the opportunity to rest. In addition, homework is not regulated by any regulation.

Even Western experts are aware that our schoolchildren work too hard. According to the latest study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Russian children are second in the world in terms of time spent on homework. On average, a child spends about 10 hours a week on it. However, researchers note that the situation is gradually improving. In 2003, for example, young Russians were engaged in self-study 13 hours a week. Only the Chinese are ahead of the Russians in housework - 14 hours a week. In Finland on self-training Children spend 3 hours a week on lessons, in Japan - 4, in America - 6.

The implementation of my proposal will make it possible to realize the child’s right to free time, private and family life, full development(everyone needs a break) not only within the limits of the norms established by law, but also in reality! Also, from a health point of view, this will only benefit the child’s development.

The country's high school students are frozen in anticipation: homework may be canceled in schools for high school students. The initiative to cancel homework was made by teachers of one of the Moscow schools at a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation. The teachers felt that the workload was graduating classes is off scale. According to teachers, it is necessary to legally establish the student’s right to choose the form of self-education that is useful and necessary for him.

On September 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the acting mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin to prepare draft instructions, at the initiative of a number of teachers, on the voluntary implementation of homework in high schools, which should increase the efficiency of distribution of the teaching load.

– It is extremely important that the guys have free time. Of course, I would like it to be used as efficiently as possible, wisely,” the head of state noted.

According to Rospotrebnadzor standards, primary schoolchildren should not study lessons at home for more than 1.5 hours a day, and high school students - 3.5 hours. Most schools follow this rule. But it’s still hard for the children. According to doctors, on average they spend 10-12 hours a day on training. In lyceums and gymnasiums sometimes – 15-16 hours.

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science did not see any obstacles to canceling homework. According to officials, the school and the teacher have the right to determine teaching methods. In connection with this educational institution Together with parents, they can decide whether to do homework voluntarily.

What famous people of Russia and Karelia think:

Nadezhda Vasilievna Pekarchik, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Karelia, Honored Teacher Russian Federation:

– This is extremely inappropriate, because homework is work that makes knowledge strong and stable. Without homework, it's just spending time at school. The Education Law states that schools must develop knowledge, skills and abilities. Skill is developed through training. The abolition of homework is disastrous for Russian education. You can then increase the lesson time to 65 minutes: so that the teacher works for 40 minutes and the student for 15 minutes. But the school day will stretch for another two hours - that’s how much is allocated for independent work. Nowadays, children don’t do much homework anyway, which is why our level of education is so low. The abolition of homework is a terrorist attack within the country, within education.

Maxim Ivanov, teacher of history and social studies at the Derzhavin Lyceum, “Teacher of the Year in Karelia 2012”:

– I feel great about this initiative. I believe that a child should have the right to choose a self-training strategy. If he is studying in a specialized class, he has decided what he wants to take, and then he has to do homework in other subjects. If a child needs to read, then he will read anyway. The only thing is that this is a utopia for our reality. There are no legal obstacles, but this should be decided by the school together with the parents. We ask parents, teachers, and the principal, but we don’t ask the student. And the main object educational process- student. Imagine a parent who says, “Yeah, let’s cancel homework.” So, alas, this idea will remain only on paper. Although in Russia there are schools where there is no homework.

Natalya Tretyak, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Russia:

– There are no legislative obstacles on this topic, no administrative documents are required from the Ministry of Education and Science. This is the choice of the educational institution, teacher and parent. It is the teacher and the educational institution who have the right to determine teaching methods, the lesson structure system, and the form of intermediate certifications. Therefore, if the school, together with parents, decides that to achieve the results determined by the federal government educational standard, you can do it without homework, she can and has the right to do it.

Irina Manuilova, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education:

– The problem is not whether or not there should be homework, but what it should be, whether excess homework is a problem for a high school student due to the fact that it can simply result in health problems. Currently, each school can, within the framework of current legislation, exempt students from doing homework - at the request of parents or on their own initiative. It is enough just to prescribe all the nuances of innovations in curriculum. Today educational institution must clearly monitor what homework our high school students receive and within what time they can actually complete them, taking into account their psychological and physiological characteristics.

Marina Bityanova, professor at the Moscow Institute of Open Education:

– I am a little worried about this way of posing the question, when from a certain education system that has evolved over centuries (classroom-lesson system), we pull out one element and try to do something with it. This is a very dangerous approach, because in the way the education system has developed today, it is impossible to remove homework. It can only be controlled, reduced, and correlated with the individual capabilities of the child. Homework is often the connecting thread between lessons. And if this “thread” is mechanically removed, the education system will become even more lopsided than it is now. So that in the 10th grade, when the teacher looks at the class and says: “Guys, I offer you a choice,” what he sees in his eyes is not the thought: “Wow! You don’t have to do anything,” but understanding what a choice is, what criteria children use to make it, and understanding that they make it consciously. But this will take years; now it is almost impossible.

Lyudmila Kurbatova, Honored Teacher of Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences:

– Children are very overloaded now. They also work at night, and this is very dangerous for their health. So maybe this is a very good first step to minimize homework. School material, especially starting from the 7th grade, is very overloaded. There is a lot of information that you just need to cram. Therefore, the most important task now is to revise the content of education. Minimizing homework is great in principle, but it's only the first step. And the second is a revision of textbooks, a revision of the content of education.

"Poor children": those whose schoolwork made them unhappy. Can Russian schools cancel homework?

Modern schoolchildren study too much, say their parents, who believe that their children do not have time to relax. However, there are those who believe that a heavy academic load is a guarantee that the child will not spend all his time at the computer.

In Russia, the question of the need for homework, as well as the supposedly excessive workload to which Russian schoolchildren are exposed, arises quite regularly. According to Boris Chernyshov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, they take too much energy from modern students. They need to be given more free time to walk in the fresh air.

Point of view Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Boris Alexandrovich Chernyshov.

A lot of Russian schools are switching to similar experiments. They somehow try to conduct lessons so that the students do not have any homework. What should modern homework be like today, if it exists at school?

B. Chernyshov: My opinion suggests not so much the abolition of homework, but rather that the child must cope with the academic load within the school walls. How to do it? First of all, significantly reduce the bureaucratic burden on teachers. This is the first.

Second. Reduce the number of students in the class to 10-15 people, and the teacher devotes time during the lesson to children so that they deal with all issues within the school. Then this will have a more positive effect than homework, which the child simply copies from solution books and the Internet, receiving ready-made answers there. The child is not interested in studying such a subject. And if you interest him inside the school great job with the teacher, he will become more interesting subject, and he will not deal homework, but by self-education, receiving information, materials from books, articles already at home, reading additional knowledge to oneself, obtaining it on one’s own. It will be right.

IN primary school The main stumbling block for parents is simply having their child learn the multiplication tables. To be honest, as a parent whose child is in elementary school, I can’t imagine how he can be forced to learn the multiplication tables in class. I think it’s completely fair when a child comes home and spends an hour or two repeating the material, learning something new, trying to find some points on the subject on his own. If we deprive children of this, their future success seems rather doubtful to me.

B. Chernyshov: I’m not saying that students shouldn’t do anything at home. This is, on the one hand. On the other hand, if you remove homework, then children will spend all their time on the Internet at the computer. But they are already in uninteresting lessons with uninteresting teachers, surfing the Internet on their smartphones and tablets, and there is no difference.

But, on the other hand, we now need to do everything to make education for modern children using modern textbooks interesting. So that they themselves want to receive these materials, so that they themselves want to study the multiplication table, comprehend the basics of mathematics, algebra, geometry, and read books that are interesting to them.

Now every summer we force children to read a whole list of literature of 40-50 works. But they read a maximum of 2-3 works. Of course, there are children who completely master this. But the main thing now is to entice children to receive positive information that will be useful to them in life. Not to teach them to read, but to make the reading process interesting. And it doesn’t matter how: from a book, from a smartphone, from a tablet. Do everything to make it interesting for them to learn. This is the main and main goal of Russian education today.

program "Relevant" leads Dmitry Chernov.