Effective sleep. Self-experiments: effective sleep Sleep less but better effective sleep system

Hello. My name is Lisovsky Artem, and I continue to try new, non-trivial techniques that are designed to improve our everyday processes. This time I tried various techniques sleep.

Sleep occupies a third of our lives and, it would seem, its process cannot be changed - you sleep when the sun sets or when the body realizes that it is tired and does not allow you to remain awake.

Lack of sleep today is the most common anomaly (or disease?). My goal became: to get enough sleep using proven (and not so proven) techniques.

Let me make a reservation right away:

  • need to sleep
  • You don't have to sleep exactly 8 hours
  • You don't have to sleep only at night

As I experimented, I read a lot about sleep and the lack thereof. If there is no sleep for more than 120 hours, the body begins to behave inappropriately (narcotic effect), and further existence is jeopardized.

As in the case of anorexia, with a long-term lack of sufficient sleep, a person begins to suffer from insomnia. There are cases when a person, after several “sprints” of 40 or more hours without sleep, stopped wanting to sleep at all. At the same time, a significant depletion of the body occurred, the person behaved very “amoebically”, but did not want to sleep.

I had to familiarize myself with everyone negative consequences and “dangerous doses” before conducting an experiment, so I do not recommend trying any of the reviewed methods without preparation.

Sleep offset

Essence: I decided to start with a simple thing - I changed the start and end times of sleep.

Progress of the experiment: For 46 days I went to bed at 20:00 and got up at 3:00-4:00. The first week I was “broken” - I couldn’t get up without an alarm clock. But it quickly passed.

Pros: It's very dark in the fall and winter, so it's great to work at such times! My productivity from 3:30 to 6:30 was amazing - in 3 hours I managed to do the work that I planned for 7-8 hours! In addition, I structured my day so that at 7:00 a.m. Gym, and left for work only at 8:30. So I began to accomplish much more.

Minuses: You go to bed at 20:00. No evening TV series, films, cinemas, cafes or nightclubs for you. Everyone started looking at me as if I was abnormal because I was antisocial.

Conclusion: If productivity is important to you and not public opinion, this is your option. In spring and summer, this option is less applicable, in my opinion, because the sun rises early and goes below the horizon late. And I don’t want to spend warm summer evenings in bed.

Polyphasic sleep

Essence: We sleep many times in small quantities.

Progress of the experiment: I tried different polyphasic sleeps - 6 times for 20 minutes every 6 hours, 1 time at night for 2.5 hours and then 3 times a day for 20-25 minutes and 4 times for 30 minutes every 6 hours.

Pros: waking time increases to 20-22 hours.

Minuses: You sleep incomprehensibly when and incomprehensibly where. In addition, for almost a month I was somewhat amoebic. And it didn’t take long to get used to this regime - each regime took about 4 days.

Conclusion: A working model if you do not need to engage in vigorous activity, because otherwise you are unlikely to have enough energy.

On the Internet you can often come across information that Leonardo da Vinci slept for 15-20 minutes every 4 hours, but I have not found evidence of this. Also, it is often written on the Internet that Nikola Tesla slept 2 hours at night and 20 minutes during the day, but as in the case of da Vinci, I did not find evidence of this.

Smart alarm clock or sleep as long as your body tells you

Essence: a smart alarm clock wakes us up as soon as we enter the rapid phase of sleep (start to toss and turn).

Our sleep consists of several repetitions of REM and long-term sleep stages. And it is during the rapid phase of sleep that we dream, and also during it we wake up. Waking up a person during a long sleep phase is much more difficult.

Progress of the experiment: I decided to test two devices to achieve the effect - a smartphone and a fitness bracelet (Jawbone). I installed the application on my smartphone and, according to the instructions, placed it on the charger next to the bed. This morning my smartphone woke me up and I got up very heavily. Suspecting that the application was not working, I tried my luck for another 6 days. No, the application does not work correctly or the methodology is incorrect. The smartphone analyzes sounds using a microphone. As soon as you start making noise, the smartphone tries to wake you up. The disadvantages here are obvious - extraneous noise, the inapplicability of the method when sleeping together and others. The result is that the application on the smartphone does not work. Let's try the bracelet.

Installed on the bracelet confidence interval- if I don’t enter the REM phase of sleep before 7:30, then the bracelet starts waking me up without any “cleverness”. Based on the results of a month's testing, I began to understand that the bracelet often tries to wake me up at the “wrong time”. However, the fact that the bracelet wakes you up with vibration and not an annoying sound is a definite plus. After a month of testing, I began to notice that I simply turn off the alarm clock (pressing the button) automatically and continue to sleep successfully. Which means my miracle bracelet doesn’t wake me up well.

Pros: everything sounds beautiful, but in theory.

Minuses: The method works "so-so".

Conclusion: For me, the method worked many times worse than others. It's a pity.

Sleep by value

Essence: There is an opinion that the value of sleep depends on the time of day. That is, sleep from 19 to 20 hours is several times more valuable than at other times.

Times of DayCost of sleep per 1 hour
from 19 to 207 o'clock
from 20 to 216 hours
from 21 to 225 o'clock
from 22 to 234 hours
from 23 to 243 hours
from 0 to 12 hours
from 1 to 21 hour
from 2 to 330 min.
from 3 to 415 minutes.
from 4 to 57 min.
from 5 to 61 min.

Progress of the experiment: Started to sleep different quantities time from 19:00. At first I tried for a couple of hours, then more. However, based on the results of a month of testing the method, I did not feel the effect - I did not get enough sleep both with 2 hours of sleep and with 5 hours.

Pros: None.

Minuses: The method doesn't work.

Conclusion: Well, you understand :)

Don't sleep at all

I found many stories about people who one day stopped sleeping. "Cool!" - I thought, realizing how much can be done in the free 8 hours a day. But they all, as one, dream of sleeping. I immediately thought: “Probably such people die earlier,” but I did not find confirmation of my guesses.

Essence: I try to stay awake for as long as possible.

Progress of the experiment: The first two days drag on for an insanely long time. I can't concentrate on anything. I want to sleep, I want to sleep. The next day the body gets used to it. Although I feel wildly weak in my body and amoebic, I can already do some things. But not for a very long time.

Fourth day: hallucinations begin (no need for alcohol or other rubbish), my head is cast iron, I observe memory loss - I don’t really remember what happened the day before yesterday. I'm riding a minibus and falling asleep. End. After this experiment, I slept only 7 hours and fully recovered! This was the most interesting result of the experiment.

Pros: Hallucinations, for a long time without sleep

Minuses: I want to sleep, killing the body, feeling disgusting, weakness, amoebic.

Conclusion: Don't try again. There is more bad than good. Although in many studies scientists say that there will be no consequences for the body, I don’t believe it.

Should I sleep 8 hours or something else?

Honestly, if you're only interested in personal productivity, go to bed at 8:00 pm and wake up at 2-3 am. Otherwise, spend 7-8 hours sleeping, go to bed at a time convenient for you. The main thing is that you get enough sleep. Get enough sleep at night or get enough sleep during the day!

  • How can you reduce sleep time and increase the period of active wakefulness in emergency situations?
  • Where can I find a few extra hours for productive work?
  • What to do when you don’t have time to do anything, you constantly don’t have enough time to complete some things?
  • How to sleep less, but not feel tired and lose energy?
  • Will reducing the dose of sleep affect your health?

These and similar questions arose repeatedly at seminars and consultations on time management in the context of discussing the topic “Resources”. The same topic was quite often and actively discussed on the forums of the website www.improvement.ru.


So, is it still possible to sleep, for example, 4 hours a day and feel no worse, or even better, than after 8 hours of sleep? Experience confirms that you can feel full of strength and energy, look cheerful, feel fresh and happy, “spring out” with new ideas, even completely excluding sleep, in the usual sense of the word. Just by adhering to some simple rules.

Now I sleep from 4.30 to 7 hours a day. On weekends 7 o'clock, on weekdays 4.30. I can notice that the need for seven hours of sleep is gradually disappearing, since I sleep only because I supposedly need to sleep off - this is a stereotype. In fact, these days I feel not better, but worse than on weekdays. There were weeks when I didn’t sleep at all (I felt sorry for wasting time on sleep, I wanted to get everything done). And then 30 minutes of complete relaxation (discussed below) replaced me with 6 hours of sleep. Efficiency did not decrease, but jumped up sharply. The feeling of satisfaction and confidence did not leave.

And here are the statements of my brave followers from among the active participants in TM seminars:

“I began to sleep less and get more done than I originally wanted.”

“The time for sleep has been reduced, but there is no feeling of “lack of sleep”, rather the opposite - activation of consciousness and physical tone.”

“The most interesting thing is that with 3 hours of sleep, I am able to exercise for 2 hours a day and not feel tired.”

“I sleep little, do a lot, and that’s exactly what satisfies me and brings excellent results at all levels I managed to achieve a lot that I had never even dreamed of before.”

“I decided to enter into the experiment out of despair: I’m overwhelmed at work, sheer stress, global fatigue, my health and appearance are tormented to the limit. By practicing TM methods and the effective sleep system, I coped not only with my own problems, but also solved many of the problems of my native company, plus no depression, fatigue, sickness or pallor during appearance there are none left. Moreover, quite unexpectedly, in two or three months I acquired a figure that I had never even dreamed of.”

Perhaps there are other methods, unfortunately, they are not known to me yet, and if someone offers their own or another method, we can only welcome it. I myself am ready to be the first to start testing it.

Why are we sleeping?

To begin with, it would be nice to find out why we sleep? It’s right for our body and our brain to rest. And so that in the morning of the next day we can again begin to exploit them to the maximum.

What does the body need for proper rest? Exactly! He needs to relax. It's the same with the brain.

This means that effective rest is the maximum relaxation of soul and body.

When we fall asleep, we supposedly turn off our body and brain, expecting rest.

But is this really so? Has it ever happened to us that we wake up after a long sleep completely broken, with aching joints and bones, with a headache that makes it difficult to concentrate on some task or thought.

Why is this happening? That’s right, because neither our body, nor even our brain rested, it was only the illusion of rest. During sleep, our brain switches from one form of its activity to another: we see dreams, which are most often associated with our reality. Those. all the problems of the day smoothly flow into another form and continue to pester our brain, like an enemy penetrating our rear or outflanking us.

We've sorted out the brain a little, but what about the body? Let's consider this aspect: when we curl up in balls or sleep with clenched fists, grind our teeth, finally see dynamic dreams and sometimes reproduce some movements, our body is in tension, perhaps less than in a normal waking state, but Still, it’s difficult to call him maximally relaxed.

Now let’s put these conclusions together and what do we get?

Here's what. In order to achieve complete relaxation of the body and brain, soul or anything else (optional), it is not at all necessary to sleep. We sleep by inertia. I can already hear the whistling of stones flying over my head and loud shouts: “Nonsense, this is impossible, nonsense.” This opinion is quite widespread, which indicates mass inertia of thinking, and this narrative is not intended to conduct a lengthy debate, so let us dwell in more detail on another thesis.

Is it still possible to sleep, but in such a way that this process, with a small amount of time spent on it, actually turns into complete rest? It is possible and even to prepare as much as possible for the further continuation of active and fruitful life by staying in sleep not as long as is customary (here I mean the generally accepted 8-hour or longer sleep), but as long as we need, arbitrarily shortening it from 6 to 2 o'clock.

And now, a few words about how you can achieve such a life?

Relax and enjoy the process of very specific actions, including physical ones.

This is difficult to achieve, but it is possible.

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People spend almost a third of their lives sleeping. This process is vital for every person, although in itself it is still rather poorly understood. And while some people sleep eight, nine and even eleven hours a day, others literally need four or five hours to get enough sleep. It has long been known about people who spend, firstly, unrealistically (from the point of view of an ordinary person) little time on sleep, and secondly, their sleep and wakefulness patterns cannot be squeezed into the framework of any schedule.

In the USA there is the National Sleep Organization, where specialists study all the features of this process. According to their research, for the average person, the best amount of sleep is 7-10 hours a day. However, other sleep cycles have been discovered and studied in which sleep time is significantly reduced. The question arises: is it possible, spending only a few hours in sleep, to benefit from it and get a full rest?

Most people are familiar with the monophasic sleep cycle. It is precisely this that many of us use in life, and apart from it, for the most part, we know practically nothing. But this cycle is actually not suitable for everyone, although it seems very practical. And besides it, there are four more sleep cycles, characterized by the fact that significantly less time is spent on sleep, but beneficial features dreams remain and manifest themselves to an even greater extent. These cycles are suitable for those who prefer not to spend almost half of the day sleeping, but to devote this time to some useful activities. Below we will introduce you to all the sleep cycles that are known to man today.

Monophasic sleep cycle

The monophasic sleep cycle, as already mentioned, is the cycle favored by most of all people. It may consist of different stages, but always consists of one phase. The most important thing in this cycle is the human body achieving a state of rapid eye movement - a state when a person’s consciousness is already asleep, and his body functions as efficiently as possible, because The rapid eye movement stage helps the body perform functions that have a beneficial effect on health and the body. And this stage is reached approximately an hour to an hour and a half after falling asleep.

People who follow a monophasic cycle, as a rule, go to bed in the evening (at 11-12 o'clock), sleep from 7 to 10 hours and wake up in the morning. It should be clarified: if a person’s activity is associated with shift work, then, while awake at night, he will sleep during the day, following the same cycle. So, the person wakes up, feels quite good and is ready for something new. working day. It is worth noting here that researchers do not yet fully understand why a person needs sleep at all, even if he leads a passive lifestyle, but through observation of animals it was concluded that sleep is a process necessary for survival.

Biphasic sleep cycle

The biphasic sleep cycle is the first cycle that belongs to the polyphasic cycles, and is the most common of them. At the same time, it is the most practical and convenient for anyone to implement. The biphasic cycle consists of two phases: the first phase is a 5-6 hour sleep, the second phase is a sleep that takes from 20 to 90 minutes. As a result, it turns out that total time sleep can vary from approximately 5.5 to 10 hours per night.

If we consider this cycle from the point of view of a positive effect on the body, then we can safely say (based on the results scientific research), that it is significantly more effective than a monophasic cycle, because not only has a better effect on health, but also improves mood, stimulates brain function, reduces stress and increases qualitative indicator human productivity. Some scientists are even inclined to believe that the biphasic cycle also has a developmental effect, i.e. makes a person smarter.

The common sleep cycle

The average sleep cycle is a cycle that can suit any person, just like the biphasic one. But it differs in that it consists of one long sleep phase, taking about 3.5 hours, and three short phases of 20 minutes each during the day. The philistine cycle was designed specifically to counteract those declines in our brain activity that are caused by our usual biorhythms: circadian, i.e. daily and ultradian, the period of wakefulness in which is less than a day.

As suitable example the following schedule can be applied: the first phase lasts from 21:00 to 00:30, and the next three - at 04:10, 08:10 and 14:10. It is important to take into account here that you should not sleep early in the morning, for example, from 03:00 to 06:30, because... It is at this time that the likelihood that sleep will be of high quality is very low, which in turn is due to the peculiarities of the circadian biorhythm.

Dymaxion cycle

The Dymaxion cycle is considered the most difficult to perform - only people who have the short sleep gene “DEC2” can use it. Such people are classified as “little sleepers” and only one sleep phase, lasting 4 hours, is enough for them to get a full night’s sleep. This is why the Dymaxion cycle is possible for them.

But you shouldn’t think that for other people this cycle is unrealistic. In fact, absolutely anyone can use it, it’s just that, most likely, it will be ineffective. The fact is that in the stage of rapid eye movement, which we talked about above, an ordinary person should spend a certain amount of time. And because The Dymaxion cycle includes very little time for sleep, which we will talk about later, then the body of an ordinary person simply does not have enough time to rest.

The Dimaxion cycle includes 4 phases of 30 minutes each different time days, which, in general, is only 2 hours a day! But there are people who have managed to adapt to the Dimaxon cycle in a slightly different way: their day includes one phase lasting 1.5 hours, two phases of 30 minutes each and another phase of 20 minutes. Total almost 3 hours a day.

Uberman cycle

The Uberman cycle is also called the Superman cycle. This cycle seems even more fantastic, because... it consists of six sleep phases of 20 minutes each, which again gives a total of 2 hours a day. Each phase is separated from the previous one by an equal period of time, for example, at 00:00, 04:00, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00. Sometimes people add two more phases of 20 minutes to these six phases. Then the following picture emerges: a person should sleep for 20 minutes, for example, at 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00. It is important to take into account that an additional 40 minutes, “positioned” incorrectly in the cycle, can throw it off, causing the cycle to become ineffective. People who use the Uberman cycle say that any missed 20 minutes of sleep can leave you tired, exhausted, exhausted, and eager to get to bed. Therefore, following a set schedule is very important.

The presented cycle can be quite difficult to use, because The daily routine of many people (work schedule, etc.) can become a significant obstacle to its implementation. If you decide to “become a superman,” be sure to think through all the details. And one more thing: people who use the Uberman cycle notice that this cycle has a very beneficial effect on the practice of lucid dreams - they become brighter and more “alive.”

What to choose?

The question of which cycle to choose for yourself is very relevant. The answer to this depends solely on the specifics of your lifestyle. And if the first two polyphase cycles are more adapted for use, then the Dimaxion and Uberman cycles are much more difficult to implement into your life. In addition, if you choose them, then be prepared that until complete adaptation (up to 10 days) you will be in a somewhat inhibited state.

In conclusion, I would like to add a few recommendations that will help you adapt to any cycle as quickly as possible and without “complications”:

  • When freeing up time for wakefulness, you must know what you will do in your new free hours;
  • To adapt to the cycle, it is advisable to have 2-3 more or less free weeks at your disposal. Otherwise new mode may have a negative impact on your activities;
  • If you start adapting to a new cycle, don’t give up under any circumstances. It may be quite difficult at first, but over time the body will adapt and become easier. Once you start sticking to any schedule, don’t change the time or skip sleep phases, otherwise you’ll have to start all over again;
  • Keep in mind that you need to fall asleep in suitable conditions, and use an alarm clock, sunlight, music, etc. to wake up;
  • Follow a proper diet and try to eat less fatty foods.

Everything else depends only on your desire and perseverance!

Are you interested in trying out any new sleep cycles? What did you find most interesting?

We continue our selection of materials on the topic of dreams. In this publication you will find three articles at once:

  • Sleep is the key to your health - how to sleep effectively
  • The less we sleep, the fatter we get - scientific fact
  • Effective sleep system - for those who are interested, a rather voluminous publication by Elena Nabatova

Sleep is the key to your health

Do you get tired easily and often feel unwell? This is because you don't go to bed at 8 pm and don't wake up at 4 am. This is what experts who are passionate about the young science of valeology say.

Healthy sleep - until midnight.

According to valeologists, all people are larks by nature. Everyone, without exception, needs to wake up between 3 and 5 am. At this time, all organs in the body awaken and the blood is renewed. When the kidney is brought to a vertical position, sand and stones do not form, the spine straightens. But you need to go to the side from 20 to 22 hours.

In order for the body to gain strength, in general you need to sleep for at least 20-24 recovery hours. Only from 10 to 12 o'clock at night the nervous system rests in sleep. Chronic fatigue syndrome awaits those who like to stay up past midnight.

Valeologists say that from 19 to 20 pm one hour of sleep is equal to 7 recovery hours; from 20 to 21 – 6 o’clock,

  • From 21 to 22 - 5 o'clock,
  • From 22 to 23 - 4 o'clock,
  • From 23 to 0.00 – 3 o’clock
  • From 0.00 to 1.00 – 2 hours
  • From 1 to 2 o'clock - 1 o'clock
  • From 2.00 to 3 – 30 minutes and at other times – only 15 minutes.

The less we sleep, the fatter we get

Zhanna Milano

Because we steal hours from the night by sitting in front of the TV or surfing the Internet, we sleep less. It's rare to hear anyone complain that they've slept too long; they usually talk about lack of sleep. We have a sleepy society, and the desire to sleep becomes emergency, which, according to experts, is reaching the scale of a hidden epidemic. But sleep is an absolute necessity, and the consequences of insufficient sleep affect the state of health in the most in various ways, manifesting itself in the form of diseases including cancer, cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes and hypertension. And excess weight, as follows from the results of recent studies.

Unfortunately, doctors, like the population, despite great amount accumulated knowledge about the effects of sleep on body systems, very little is known about how important it is to maintain a sleep-wake ratio.

The most recent reports come from the United States, with data collected from 39,000 study participants aged 32-49 years.

What did scientists find out? "The one who initial stage study slept less than seven hours a night, after 20 years(study started in 1982) was much more likely to be overweight or, worse, obesity," says Giovanni Chizza, an endocrinologist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, one of the authors of a paper published in the journal Sleep that reports on the study. "This is confirmation of what has already been said. From 1992 to today, a series of studies point to a strong link between short sleep and a number of health problems,” Emmanuel Mignot, director of the Stanford University Sleep Center, told the Washington Post.

In this regard, obesity is a worldwide problem, and many contributing factors have been identified: excess calorie intake, diet too rich in fats and refined foods. "Unfortunately, the evolutionary changes in our genome lag behind the many changes in our lifestyle," Mignot comments in an editorial in the journal Sleep.

It turned out that the duration of sleep compared to the 19th century was reduced by 20% - by an hour and a half per night. “Over the decades, technological innovation has thrown our body out of its natural rhythm, disrupting the magical 24-hour biological clock. It is like the conductor of an orchestra, coordinating the complex symphony of chemical, hormonal and neural activity in our cells,” explains William S.

According to the calculations of the founder of the Stanford University Sleep Research Center, Dement, each of us needs an average of eight hours of sleep. This need varies from person to person. “Each individual has his own needs. The brain tries to achieve this goal: the more we move away from the norm we need, the more actively the brain will try to put us to sleep,” he explains. Balance must be restored.

The fact that lack of sleep can be the cause of excessive weight was discussed these days at the annual meeting of the North American Obesity Association in Vancouver, Canada. From an evolutionary point of view, sleep is as necessary for the survival of the species as food or sex. Numerous studies have shown that sleep is good for health, has a positive effect on the immune system and is the elixir of longevity.

Those who sleep little harm their health and shorten their lives. “We now know that lack of sleep increases the release of the stress hormone cortisol. In those who sleep little, the balance between two hormones is disturbed: leptin, produced by adipose tissue, and ghrelin, which stimulates appetite,” writes Mignot. Leptin, which signals the brain to satisfy hunger, was 20% less than necessary in those who sleep little, so the signal was weaker, and ghrelin was 20% more, so the feeling of hunger increased. Ultimately, the coincidence of these two signals leads to excessive food consumption.

"From an evolutionary point of view, this mechanism makes sense. In a situation of danger, a human hunter must stay awake, he needs energy reserves, this response of the body was an incentive to obtain food, but today? The modern equivalent of a state of anxiety pushes only to take a few steps that lead us from bed to the refrigerator to open it and satisfy your hunger,” comments Chizza.

Findings about the link between sleep deprivation and obesity need to be confirmed by more research. "At the National Institutes of Health, we've started a new experiment where we take obese patients who sleep less than six hours a night and make them sleep 90 minutes more, and do so for a year. At the end, we'll see if they lose weight thanks to sleep and whether the balance between the two hormones, leptin and ghrelin, will be restored,” concludes Chizza.

Effective sleep system

Elena Nabatova

  • Why are we sleeping?
  • System
  • Yoga practice exercises
  • Finally

Effective sleep system

  • How can you reduce sleep time and increase the period of active wakefulness in emergency situations?
  • Where can I find a few extra hours for productive work?
  • What to do when you don’t have time to do anything, you constantly don’t have enough time to complete some things?
  • How to sleep less, but not feel tired and lose energy?
  • Will reducing the dose of sleep affect your health?

These and similar questions arose repeatedly at seminars and consultations on time management in the context of discussing the topic “Resources”. The same topic was quite often and actively discussed on the forums of the website www.improvement.ru.


So, is it still possible to sleep, for example, 4 hours a day and feel no worse, or even better, than after 8 hours of sleep? Experience confirms that you can feel full of strength and energy, look cheerful, feel fresh and happy, “spring out” with new ideas, even completely excluding sleep, in the usual sense of the word. Just by adhering to some simple rules.

Now I sleep from 4.30 to 7 hours a day. On weekends 7 o'clock, on weekdays 4.30. I can notice that the need for seven hours of sleep is gradually disappearing, since I sleep only because I supposedly need to sleep off - this is a stereotype. In fact, these days I feel not better, but worse than on weekdays. There were weeks when I didn’t sleep at all (I felt sorry for wasting time on sleep, I wanted to get everything done). And then 30 minutes of complete relaxation (discussed below) replaced me with 6 hours of sleep. Efficiency did not decrease, but jumped up sharply. The feeling of satisfaction and confidence did not leave.

And here are the statements of my brave followers from among the active participants in TM seminars:

“I began to sleep less and get more done than I originally wanted.”

“The time for sleep has been reduced, but there is no feeling of “lack of sleep,” rather the opposite – activation of consciousness and physical tone.”

“The most interesting thing is that with 3 hours of sleep, I am able to exercise for 2 hours a day and not feel tired.”

“I sleep little, do a lot, and that’s what satisfies me and brings excellent results at all levels - I managed to achieve a lot that I had never even dreamed of before.”

“I decided to enter into the experiment out of despair: I’m overwhelmed at work, sheer stress, global fatigue, my health and appearance are tormented to the limit. By practicing TM methods and the effective sleep system, I coped not only with my own problems, but also solved many of the problems of my native company, plus there was no depression, fatigue, sickness or pallor left in my appearance. Moreover, quite unexpectedly, in two or three months I acquired a figure that I had never even dreamed of.”

Perhaps there are other methods, unfortunately, they are not known to me yet, and if someone offers their own or another method, we can only welcome it. I myself am ready to be the first to start testing it.

Why are we sleeping?

To begin with, it would be nice to find out why we sleep? It’s right for our body and our brain to rest. And so that in the morning of the next day we can again begin to exploit them to the maximum.

What does the body need for proper rest? Exactly! He needs to relax. It's the same with the brain.

This means that effective rest means maximum relaxation of soul and body.

When we fall asleep, we supposedly turn off our body and brain, expecting rest.

But is this really so? Has it ever happened to us that we wake up after a long sleep completely broken, with aching joints and bones, with a headache that makes it difficult to concentrate on some task or thought.

Why is this happening? That’s right, because neither our body, nor even our brain rested, it was only the illusion of rest. During sleep, our brain switches from one form of its activity to another: we see dreams, which are most often associated with our reality. Those. all the problems of the day smoothly flow into another form and continue to pester our brain, like an enemy penetrating our rear or outflanking us.

We've sorted out the brain a little, but what about the body? Let's consider this aspect: when we curl up in balls or sleep with clenched fists, grind our teeth, finally see dynamic dreams and sometimes reproduce some movements, our body is in tension, perhaps less than in a normal waking state, but Still, it’s difficult to call him maximally relaxed.

Now let’s put these conclusions together and what do we get?

Here's what. In order to achieve complete relaxation of the body and brain, soul or anything else (optional), it is not at all necessary to sleep. We sleep by inertia. I can already hear the whistling of stones flying over my head and loud shouts: “Nonsense, this is impossible, nonsense.” This opinion is quite widespread, which indicates mass inertia of thinking, and this narrative is not intended to conduct a lengthy debate, so let us dwell in more detail on another thesis.

Is it still possible to sleep, but in such a way that this process, with a small amount of time spent on it, actually turns into complete rest? It is possible and even to prepare as much as possible for the further continuation of active and fruitful life by staying in sleep not as long as is customary (here I mean the generally accepted 8-hour or longer sleep), but as long as we need, arbitrarily shortening it from 6 to 2 o'clock.

And now, a few words about how you can achieve such a life?

Relax and enjoy the process of very specific actions, including physical ones.

This is difficult to achieve, but it is possible.


Firstly, after 5 o’clock in the morning, sleep is restless and incomplete, absolutely useless and even harmful. The most effective time for sleep from 22 to 24 hours. It is these hours that a person concerned about his health and longevity should use for relaxation. Going to bed in the evening no later than 10 o'clock, people noted that they woke up at 2 or 3 o'clock and could not fall asleep. I advised them not to force themselves and not to force their body to sleep if it doesn’t want to. This state is called: “already slept enough.” We get up and do something useful things, reading, creativity, searching for information, work tasks are going very well, not to mention meditation. Such a dream provides wonderful rest and the opportunity to live and work energetically and fully all day until... 10 p.m. Then again “bainki”. If for some reason you cannot go to bed at the indicated time, see the following rules.

Secondly, it is imperative to spend at least 15 minutes in the “Corpse Pose” (Sawa sana). This complete relaxation makes it possible to restore strength and increase efficiency. The need for sleep is reduced, since this pose replaces 3 hours of night rest!

Thirdly, take into account the following rather banal, but in our case important factors:

  • don't sleep with the lights on;
  • the room where you are going to sleep should not resemble a crypt; it is better to fill it with fresh air;
  • plants emit carbon dioxide, so it would be good to move them to other rooms that do not serve as bedrooms;
  • if there is a need for night clothes, then let them be comfortable, light, made of natural fabrics;
  • the back should be straight, so soft mattresses and high pillows, alas, are out.

Fourth, follow a certain and very pleasant order of awakening. It consists of “sipping with passion.” First, place your legs side by side. Then we stretch one leg as far as possible, then the other. Can be repeated 2-3 times. Takes 3 minutes and benefits for the whole day. Strengthens nervous system, stretches the ridge, has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Fifthly, you should adhere to some already hackneyed “carrot” principles in nutrition.

  • The most important thing, I cannot say enough, is to eat only when you are really hungry. Especially in the evening before going to bed, do not “pack” your stomach to capacity with bakery and sandwich varieties.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Include in daily diet 2 walnuts and 5 fresh apples.
  • Eat with concentration, with pleasure, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts and actions.
  • Try to avoid fatty foods.

Do not consume one type of starch during one meal: rice with bread or potatoes. It is also not advisable to mix starch with protein (eggs, meat).

Eat more vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to eat fruits before meals and preferably an hour before (they promote digestion and active absorption useful substances), and not after (they encourage the processes of food rotting, which leads to negative consequences).

It is better to drink not immediately after eating, but after the same hour or hour and a half. Drinks should not be too hot or too cold.

Sixth, small yoga practice exercises

1. ASANA (for sleep).

Performed on the floor for 15 minutes.

1. We sit on the floor with our legs stretched out in front of us, our arms behind our backs, our palms resting on the floor, our fingers pointing towards the body and not away from it. The back is straight.

2. Raise it slightly left leg, bend the right one and lower the left one hanging in the air onto it.

It turns out that half of the pose is Turkish (right leg), and half is extended at a right angle to the body (left leg). Now we tilt our body forward and reach our toes with our hands.

In this case, one hand overlaps the other, and the head is raised so that the gaze rests on the toes. We remain in this position until we count to 12 with a measured count. You can start counting from eight, gradually increasing the period of stay in the pose.

Then we slowly lower our head and try to bring it as close to our knees as possible. Again, we count to 12. Well, okay, to 8.

Repeat a similar exercise with the right leg, bending the left one.

2. Now sit down straight again, legs extended at right angles to the body. And again we went into a tilt. The back is straight, the spine is elongated, we contemplate the toes, after the count has already been entered, we lower our head and return to our knees. We sat like this for several minutes, counting to 12 or 8 (we try not to cry from overexertion and do not strain ourselves to the point of losing consciousness), and slowly return to the starting position.

3. Hands behind the body, palms this time away from the body. We gradually lean back, stretching our whole body, arms extended, straight. We tilt our heads back so that we can see the wall behind us and freeze in this position until we count to 12 (8) or read or sing our favorite line.

“Some kind of fanaticism,” those who tried their luck will say after the first time, and it is very difficult to refute such a statement, which I am not going to do, but after a few days this opinion will radically change, thanks to the amazing results. It is important to do them regularly, not paying attention to all the difficulties of the First Stage.

And, most importantly, enjoy the process! Feel your body and it will respond positively. Listen to yourself while performing the exercises, focus on them and on the reaction of your body.

4. Returning to the starting position, we raise both legs (difficult, but necessary), holding them in weight with our hands, slightly leaning our body back. We keep it at the same count of 12 (or using another unit of time).

5. Staying in starting position, we slowly twist, i.e. placing the elongated left hand behind the right knee (hand at ankle level), which is bent, we try, despite all existing stereotypes about our body, to turn so as to see the left corner of the room. We repeat everything to the right.

6. And finally, we raise our legs up, first straight, then slightly tilt them to the side behind our heads, then lower them so much that our toes touch the floor (to begin with, you can substitute a low stool, cabinet, or other object). And now we perform a deadly number: we stretch our arms behind our heads, lower them (behind our heads) and our legs so that they are knees near our ears, no more, no less.

And at the same time, don’t forget about the score. It is the same everywhere - at first there are 12 (8 is possible).

In the future, the duration can be increased to 16, 20, 24, etc.

7. From the previous position we slowly move to the lying position. We spread our arms to the sides. Beauty! The buzz is rare. LET'S RELAX.


We remain (preferably on the floor and without any pillows) in the same pleasant position with legs and arms outstretched. Let's make sure that there are no drafts or objects in the room that could disturb us in the next 15 minutes.

We concentrate all our attention on our body. We reject with indignation the thoughts that stubbornly strive to seep into our consciousness. And yet we relax. You can start with any part of the body or organ. This will work out over time. The best option It will decide for itself after daily practice. But, relatively speaking, let's start with the head. Let's focus on it. First at the highest point of the head. We say to ourselves: “My head relaxes, freeing itself from tension and thoughts.” At the same time, we feel how the process has begun. We do the same with the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, and other parts of the face. After the neck, we finish with the internal speech module: “My head is absolutely relaxed, free from tension and thoughts.” Fine. You can already feel your body filling with pleasant heaviness. But we continue, deepening the relaxation. Shoulders, chest, arms (to the fingers and in turn: left, right), heart, liver...(internal organs), back, hips, calves, ankles, feet (also in turn: left, right). We do not forget any organ or part of the body, always ending with the phrase “My, my, my...absolutely (completely relaxed), there is no tension.” Having reached your toes, listen again to your body, feel that you are nothing don't feel it. Repeat everything again. reverse order: towards the head. When finished, enjoy an extraordinary state of lightness and pleasant bliss.

We come out of the pose gradually. Let's move our toes and hands, close our lips, and take a few breaths. Now you can slowly rise up. No sudden movements!

We don’t get up right away, we’ll squat for a few minutes with our heads buried in our knees and our feet pressed to the floor. Also very useful exercise. In addition, it helps to get out of a state of complete relaxation.

3. PRANAYAMA (conscious control of breathing)

Breathing exercises – 5.10 minutes. We sit on our knees (pelvis pressed to our feet) or in a Turkish position (you can also sit on a chair, knees at right angles) and your back must be straight. We breathe with our bellies. Inhale on a count of 1, sticking out your stomach. Exhale on a count of 2, glue the intestines to the spine - draw in the stomach as much as possible. We repeat this 3, 6 or 9 times.


Set yourself up for sleep or meditation – 5 minutes. Just breathe (preferably with your stomach), focusing on your breathing. We inhale positive energy, exhale all negativity, stress, illness, fatigue. It’s important to feel it, you can say it “to yourself.”


Control of sleep posture (adopting the optimal posture for healthy sleep). We lie down on our backs. It is advisable that the head is not too high. We disperse positive energy throughout the body. It was pleasantly warm. We don’t stress and don’t think about anything, we try anyway. Let's fall asleep.

It’s not easy to fall asleep without thinking about the day’s problems; you don’t have to strain yourself and resist their powerful onslaught with terrible force. Blocking them regularly will eventually do the trick.

6. ASANA (towards the day)

Upper set of exercises – 15 minutes.

You need to stand up straight, it’s better to face east, it’s difficult, it sways after sleep, but still.

Raise your hands up, lean back a little, count to the count we accepted in the evening. Then lean a little to the side. First left, then right.

Raise your left leg, pull it with your hand so that it rests on the inner thigh of your right leg, as high as possible. Hands at chest level, palms pressed to each other, elbows to the sides. We stood there as long as we could. They lowered their leg. We repeat everything on the right.

Raise your hands up and your head behind them. Stand like this until the end of the count 12 (8).

Then we slowly bend lower and lower until we rest our palms on the floor and at the same time we do not squat, but quite the opposite, we try to keep our legs straight, even if they tremble. We'll have to be patient. If this is still not possible, then at first you can slightly bend your knees and place your hands on possible distance from the legs. We enjoy feeling how the body becomes toned.

The next step is to crawl into a position ready for push-ups, the body is straight and elongated, as are the hands that hold it. Now we need to bend them at the elbows and hold on like this for the amount accepted by our “company”.

Then we fall to the floor. No, we don’t fall flat, but smoothly transition to a prone state.

Hands up to the elbows lie on the floor, palms down. We raise our heads and top part body to the waist. Moreover, we transfer the load to the body, and not to the arms. We stayed in this position for the required period of time.

Yeah, let’s lie down and that’s enough, go up again, “into the stretching dog pose”: Legs are straight, arms too, pull the butt back. How? Up..., yes, yes, yes.

We stand straight, feet pressed to the floor, and the body is tilted straight forward. Head down. We freeze in this position. Breathe, recover

Now let's straighten up.


Don’t even start “under the influence”, especially when it comes to pranayama, asanas and meditation

Bath/shower: at least half an hour before or after classes

Meal: large at least 2 hours before, and modest 1 hour before.


Physical exercise is only the first step on the path to your own harmonization. But even this is already enough to feel certain changes. And the results will not keep you waiting long. Elimination of stress and situations leading to it, self-organization, harmony with the world and oneself, self-elimination of most problems, the emergence of joy and meaningfulness of life, achievement of desired goals (no matter how unthinkable they may be), physical and psychological recovery - and this is not a complete list of those useful that a practitioner of this system will receive.

I will be happy to answer any questions or feedback you may have. I sincerely wish everyone success and satisfaction from the processes and achievements!

Nabatova Elena,
Director of the Consulting and Analytical Center "BaytInform".