Jolie is in the hospital. Angelina Jolie left the hospital, in what condition? An overly radical measure


Activists and experts of the ONF in Chuvashia conducted a raid on the territory near Cheboksary airport to check for the presence of unauthorized landfills. Obviously, the reason for increased attention to the environmental situation in this area was the “emergency” in Zhukovsky, where a huge passenger plane made an emergency landing on a corn field after a collision with a flock of birds. The moderator of the ONF thematic site in the Ecology region, Alexander Vorobyov, believes that they examined the territory for good reason: several landfills were discovered here, which can serve as a natural magnet for birds. This is how environmentalists delicately call various biological debris, including dead chickens. In addition, they had questions about ensuring the regime in this area - unidentified dump trucks should not be unloading hazardous waste near the airport fence.

Thursday - 08/22/19


A contract worth 79 million rubles for the restoration of the world-famous Swallow's Nest palace in Crimea was unexpectedly awarded to Design LLC from Cheboksary. The company has not previously worked on sites of such cultural value, and is not particularly well known in the capital of Chuvashia. Moreover, the words “restoration”, “Chuvashia” and “Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation” have been mentioned in the same sentence in recent years except in connection with the corruption case against Deputy Federal Minister Grigory Pirumov and the ex-owner of the scandalous SAVVA group of companies Nikita Kolesnikov for theft almost 500 million funds for the reconstruction of the Hermitage. However, the head of Design, Vitaly Krasnov, who was contacted by Pravda PFO, said that his company has the necessary experience in working on cultural heritage sites. Some facts in the history of the company, however, raise reasonable doubts among observers about the successful outcome of the restoration of the castle in Crimea.

Wednesday - 08/21/19


Today, August 21, a ceremony was held to honor the newly elected honorary citizens of Cheboksary Valery Lvov and Igor Roshchin, who were awarded this title on the eve of the official celebration of the 550th anniversary of the capital of Chuvashia. Also here, a large group of citizens who made a significant contribution to the development of the city were awarded commemorative medals and medals “For services to the city of Cheboksary.” All the celebrities who gathered in the Great Hall of the administration of the capital of Chuvashia simply cannot be counted. It was felt that the organizers tried to pay tribute to both the representatives of the older generation and the current generation. However, the event clearly went beyond the protocol. And in the speeches of the speakers, if desired, one could hear something more than was said out loud. The tone of the event did not fit in with the talk that drastic changes were about to take place at the mayor's office.


The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation proposed saving money on the construction of the Moscow-Kazan highway, which was supposed to appear in 2 stages before 2030. The adjustment of plans directly affects Tatarstan, Chuvashia and the Nizhny Novgorod region, since the Ministry of Economic Development wants to limit itself to the final point in Vladimir. This amendment will reduce almost 300 billion rubles. In the Vladimir region, it was previously proposed to make a “finish line” for a high-speed railway along the same route. But then the Russian government took a break to calculate another route for HSR-2: from Moscow to St. Petersburg. It turns out that the key subjects in the Volga Federal District, where local plans have already been drawn up for this development, may fall out of the two national projects in the field of transportation. The change of landmarks looks especially painful for Nizhny Novgorod, which is preparing to celebrate its 800th anniversary. Instead of the transport of the future, he can only count on the transport of the past - the restoration of the Kremlin funicular, which was built back in the 19th century.

More than once, news has appeared in the media that... And the actress herself, having appeared at recent social events, only confirmed the words of journalists with her appearance. The actress really looks noticeably thinner and tired lately. And the other day the Western media reported another shocking news. According to publications, Angie was admitted to the hospital with a critically low weight - 35 kilograms! Moreover, her height is 169 cm, which is why irreversible processes began in the actress’s body.

Jolie's friends said that lately she has been eating very little and refusing fatty foods. Evil tongues even stated that Angelina eats only cereals and drinks water. This information has not been officially confirmed.

What is the reason for the celebrity’s sudden weight loss is still unknown. Some say it's all down to the mastectomy she had in 2013 and the removal of her ovaries in 2015.

Others argue that the whole point is the depression that Angelina fell into due to the constant infidelities of her husband Brad Pitt. And the National Enquirer even suggested that Jolie has cancer, and that is why she looks so tired and thin. A photo of an emaciated actress appeared on the cover of the magazine, and in the article the publication stated that the actress’s husband even threatened her with divorce if she did not fight for life.

It is worth noting that there is no evidence of Angelina Jolie’s illness, and the actress herself does not comment on her weight.

Famous Hollywood actress dies of cancer and weight loss. This was reported by the American tabloid National Enquirer.

According to media reports, the actress’s current weight is only 35 kilograms and her height is 169 centimeters. Angelina Jolie is now hospitalized and is in critical condition.

If you remember, Angelina Jolie several years ago preemptively (reportedly) cut off both of her breasts and removed her ovaries. She was forced to act so radically by fears of cancer, from which her mother died. Then everyone thought that Angelina had gone crazy. But now it seems that she cut out the female genitals because she was already sick...

The latest photographs, in which Jolie appears incredibly thin and with a pale, haggard face, have seriously worried her fans. The National Enquirer writes that the actress categorically refuses to eat. Her husband Brad Pitt even threatens her with divorce, trying to force his wife to start eating.

Many fans of the star believed that her anorexia was a consequence of family troubles. According to some information, Brad Pitt has cheated on his wife many times recently. According to another version, Angelina Jolie is suffering from cancer and because of this disease she is on the verge of life and death.

Angelina Jolie: "I had my ovaries removed and now I'm in menopause"

Two years ago, the actress shocked the public by radically solving the problem of her possible breast cancer - as tests showed, her probability of getting the disease was extremely high - 87 percent out of a hundred due to a mutation in the BRCA1 gene. Therefore, the actress simply went and went under the knife, where she had a mastectomy, that is, both mammary glands were removed.

Then Angie said that she planned to remove both the ovaries and fallopian tubes, since with a 50-75 percent chance she could develop cancer in these organs. The actress was condemned by many for having undergone such an operation, but she explained: “I went through this in order to be able to live, love, see my children grow up, and meet my grandchildren.” Brad Pitt's wife actually decided to start all these health measures for a reason - her mother, aunt and grandmother died of breast and ovarian cancer.

As a result, as we learned, last week she underwent a spay procedure. It was decided to leave the uterus, since none of Jolie’s relatives had cancer of this organ.

According to the 39-year-old actress, she is now going through menopause and will no longer be able to have children. Jolie wrote a letter to the New York Times where she spoke candidly about what she was going through: "After breast surgery, I was gathering information about my next procedure, since it is more complex and the consequences are more serious. When I called my doctor to find out the next test results, he told me that this time there was a slight increase in CA-125 markers in the blood, so I need to figure out what it is and see a surgeon who would check my ovaries. I began to go through what they are going through thousands of women all over the world. I told myself that I had to be strong, calm. I called my husband in France, that same day I visited the surgeon who once operated on my mother. She told me: “You are so on her similar "...Internally I broke down. But we smiled at each other and agreed that we would cope with any problem.

On the ultrasound everything looked clear, I felt happy. If there was cancer, it was at a very early stage. But I will find out in five days. The whole time I was walking around in a daze, going to my kids' soccer game and working, trying to appear focused. In the end everything turned out great. I really wanted to hug my children, but I couldn’t because of the radiation I was exposed to for the test. There was still a possibility that I would get cancer, which we could catch at an early stage. But I also had the option of having my ovaries removed, and I decided to do that. Many doctors from the East and West who studied my case agreed on one thing: removing the fallopian tubes and ovaries would be the most correct decision. Three women in my family died of cancer. My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 49, and I’m already 39.

Last week I had surgery. It is impossible to escape cancer completely, but I will look for every possible way to keep my immune system working perfectly. I feel feminine, and I know one thing - my children will never say: “My mother died of ovarian cancer.” Due to the hormones I am currently taking, I am in menopause. I won't have any more children, and I'm expecting some changes in my psyche. But I feel that no matter what happens, I can handle it, not because I’m strong. But because it is part of life. And there is nothing to be afraid of. It's not easy to make such decisions. But it is possible to take control of your health. You can seek advice, learn more about the possibilities of being healthy and choose what is best for you. Knowledge is power".


An overly radical measure

Jolie's main fears were related to the fact that her close relatives had breast and ovarian cancer. Indeed, cancer of the breast, ovaries, uterus, prostate and intestines is most often inherited. But this does not mean at all that these organs need to be disposed of. Experts simply recommend consulting an oncologist, determining the degree of risk and following an observation plan.

Up to 10 percent of all women have risks like Jolie's, but that doesn't mean everyone needs to have their breasts and ovaries removed! - Vera BALAN, head of the Scientific Advisory Department of the Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, is confident. - This is too radical prevention. Yes, 20-30 years ago in Russia, when cancer was detected and the mammary glands were removed, the ovaries were also removed, but since then, diagnosis and treatment have come a long way. Nowadays, cancer is detected at an early stage and treated in other ways.

In general, more than 30 markers are known today - indicators that can be used to predict the risk of developing different types of cancer. In Russia, state oncology centers, as a rule, offer a basic version: 14 markers that allow one to determine predisposition to the most common types of cancer - breast, prostate, lung, etc. In commercial clinics, you can also undergo a more complete “predictive” examination, which will cost on average in the amount of about 30 thousand rubles.


Genetic, that is, hereditary factors determine the predisposition to cancer by an average of 25%.

25% of the influence comes from lifestyle (diet, sleep, exercise), ecology and bad habits (smoking and alcohol).

Thirdly, having seen the corresponding unfavorable mutations in genes, doctors prescribe regular preventive examinations. This allows you to catch the disease as early as possible, and at stages 1 and 2, most types of cancer are curable today.


Jolie and Pitt have their seventh child!

Despite the fact that Angelina and Brad have six children, they decided to replenish their ranks. As we learned, the couple adopted a boy named Moussa. He is two years old and from a Turkish refugee camp. As it turned out, Jolie was not specifically looking for a child. She recently visited the camp as a UN ambassador. Where I learned about the difficult life of people forced to leave their homes and become refugees. Having heard the story of what was happening from the lips of the translator, the actress could not stand it and burst into tears. Moussa saw a beautiful unknown girl crying and decided to console her. He came up and hugged her. At this moment, emotional tension reached its height. Everyone started laughing. Angelina kissed the baby on the head, and the boy never left her side ()

At the beginning of April 2016, the news spread around the world that Angelina Jolie was hospitalized. This news greatly frightened the fans of the actress. Recently she has undergone several operations. Her health condition leaves much to be desired.

Exhausted Angelina Jolie dying in hospital?

This was the headline of a recent issue of the National Enquirer magazine, featuring a photo of Angie on the cover. She looked extremely exhausted, and her face was unnaturally pale. The publication reports that Angelina Jolie was taken to the hospital because she has anorexia. With a height of 169 cm, the celebrity’s weight is only 35-36 kg. According to doctors, it is known that such body weight is critical, and with further loss, even minor, irreversible processes can begin in the body.

Western media explain the poor health and excessive thinness of the actress by her constant quarrels with her husband and children. Despite his love for Angelina, Brad Pitt even issued an ultimatum: if his wife does not start gaining weight, he will file for divorce. Lately, Jolie has been smoking a lot, drinking alcohol and eating very little.

Children are also very concerned about the illness of their star mother. One day they even asked dad if she was getting ready to die. It’s hard for them to watch what’s happening and expect that, perhaps, in a couple of years she will be gone.

But there are no official statements that Angelina Jolie was taken to the hospital. And the magazine that first published this information has a rather scandalous reputation. In addition, over the past two years, the National Enquirer has repeatedly written about her hospitalization for anorexia, citing verified sources. But these rumors were never confirmed.

Jolie herself says that she lost weight after her mother died in 2007. And in fact, she tries her best to stay healthy for the sake of her six children. This explanation is more likely to be true, because we all know how desperately Angie is fighting cancer.

Does Angelina Jolie have cancer?

The shocking news that the favorite of millions was diagnosed with cancer was first announced several years ago. But for Angelina herself, such a medical conclusion did not come as a surprise. It turns out that she actually knew all her life about the high likelihood of cancer. It's no secret that women in the actress's family died from cancer. Therefore, given the bad heredity, the Hollywood star expected this.

After a thorough medical examination and consultations with the best specialists, preventive treatment was chosen from all the proposed methods and options. Thus, Angelina Jolie was taken to the hospital for a planned operation to prevent breast cancer.

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The actress undergoes tests annually to identify this terrible disease. And as soon as the results showed that several markers, which together can be a sign of an early stage of cancer, increased in number, the actress without hesitation decided to undergo another operation. This time the ovaries and... After such procedures, a woman cannot have biological heirs, but this did not frighten Angelina, because she has seven children (three natural and four adopted). It was for their sake that Jolie took such a step. After all, she dreams of seeing her grandchildren and enjoying life to the fullest.

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie was urgently hospitalized yesterday. No one has yet given any official statements about what could have happened to the actress, but from insider information it is known that Jolie’s weight dropped to a critical minimum and amounted to only 35 kg.

Angelina scared the public with her appearance

The latest photos of the famous actress seriously worried her fans. She looked especially exhausted on her last UN mission. Angelina traveled to Greece and spoke with refugees from Syria personally in order to understand how great the humanitarian catastrophe is and what their problems are. The photographs taken by the press at that time gave rise to a lot of rumors about Jolie’s condition, because it was clear to the naked eye that the actress had simply dried up. “My arms and legs are like sticks, and the skin on my face is sagging like an old woman’s,” the Internet was bursting with the opinions of fans a week ago. At a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Angelina looked very pale, her hands were shaking a little, and her eyes were wandering. One got the impression that she had difficulty standing on her feet, and her eyes were looking for a place where she could sit down.

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Cancer, paranoia or anorexia?

The fact that Angelina eats poorly has long been known, but the fact that she began to refuse even her very favorite fruits and vegetables became known recently. The press received information that the Hollywood star eats only cereals and water. What caused such a meager diet is not yet known. Some argue that the actress is going crazy with jealousy, because Brad sometimes gives reasons for this. Others claim that she considers herself fat, which is why she doesn't eat anything and dresses in black.

In addition, many Western publications claim that Jolie has developed real paranoia, and she is afraid that she will have cancer. To prevent this from happening, the actress had a double mastectomy in 2013, and in 2015 she got rid of her ovaries. In addition, according to family friends, Angelina is of the opinion that hunger can kill cancer, so she eats very modestly.