James Maxwell short biography about the man. Pioneer of quantitative color theory

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-79) - English physicist, creator of classical electrodynamics, one of the founders of statistical physics, organizer and first director (since 1871) of the Cavendish Laboratory, predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, put forward the idea of ​​​​the electromagnetic nature of light, established the first statistical law - the law of the distribution of molecules by speed, named after him.

When a phenomenon can be described as a special case of some general principle applicable to other phenomena, then they say that this phenomenon has been explained

Maxwell James Clerk

Developing the ideas of Michael Faraday, he created the theory of the electromagnetic field (Maxwell's equations); introduced the concept of displacement current, predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, and put forward the idea of ​​​​the electromagnetic nature of light. Established a statistical distribution named after him. He studied the viscosity, diffusion and thermal conductivity of gases. Maxwell showed that the rings of Saturn consist of separate bodies. Works on color vision and colorimetry (Maxwell disk), optics (Maxwell effect), elasticity theory (Maxwell's theorem, Maxwell-Cremona diagram), thermodynamics, history of physics, etc.

Family. Years of study

James Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831, in Edinburgh. He was the only son of the Scottish nobleman and lawyer John Clerk, who, having inherited the estate of a relative's wife, née Maxwell, added this name to his surname. After the birth of their son, the family moved to Southern Scotland, to their own estate, Glenlar (“Shelter in the Valley”), where the boy spent his childhood.

Of all the hypotheses... choose the one that does not stop further thinking about the things being studied

Maxwell James Clerk

In 1841, James's father sent him to a school called Edinburgh Academy. Here, at the age of 15, Maxwell wrote his first scientific article, “On Drawing Ovals.” In 1847 he entered the University of Edinburgh, where he studied for three years, and in 1850 he moved to the University of Cambridge, where he graduated in 1854. By this time, James Maxwell was a first-class mathematician with the superbly developed intuition of a physicist.

Creation of the Cavendish Laboratory. Teaching work

After graduating from university, James Maxwell was left at Cambridge to pedagogical work. In 1856 he received a position as professor at Marischal College at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). In 1860 he was elected a member of the Royal Society of London. In the same year he moved to London, accepting an offer to take up the post of head of the department of physics at King's College, University of London, where he worked until 1865.

Returning to Cambridge University in 1871, Maxwell organized and headed Britain's first specially equipped laboratory for physical experiments, known as the Cavendish Laboratory (named after the English scientist Henry Cavendish). The formation of this laboratory, which at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. has become one of the largest centers of world science, Maxwell dedicated last years own life.

To conduct scientific work completely correctly through systematic experiments and accurate demonstrations requires the art of strategy.

Maxwell James Clerk

In general, few facts from Maxwell’s life are known. Shy and modest, he sought to live in solitude and did not keep diaries. In 1858 James Maxwell married, but family life, apparently, turned out unsuccessfully, exacerbated his unsociability, and alienated him from his former friends. There is an assumption that many important materials Maxwell's life was lost in the 1929 fire at his Glenclair home, 50 years after his death. He died of cancer at the age of 48.

Scientific activity

Maxwell's unusually wide sphere of scientific interests covered the theory electromagnetic phenomena, kinetic theory of gases, optics, elasticity theory and much more. One of his first works was research on the physiology and physics of color vision and colorimetry, begun in 1852. In 1861, James Maxwell first obtained a color image by simultaneously projecting red, green and blue slides onto a screen. This proved the validity of the three-component theory of vision and outlined ways to create color photography. In his works 1857-59, Maxwell theoretically studied the stability of Saturn's rings and showed that Saturn's rings can be stable only if they consist of particles (bodies) that are not connected to each other.

In 1855, D. Maxwell began a series of his main works on electrodynamics. Articles “On the Faradays” were published power lines"(1855-56), "On physical lines of force" (1861-62), "Dynamic theory of the electromagnetic field" (1869). The research was completed with the publication of a two-volume monograph, “Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism” (1873).

Any great person is one of a kind. In the historical procession of scientists, each of them has his own specific task and his own specific place.

Maxwell James Clerk

Creation of the electromagnetic field theory

When James Maxwell began researching electrical and magnetic phenomena in 1855, many of them had already been well studied: in particular, the laws of interaction of stationary electric charges (Coulomb's law) and currents (Ampere's law) had been established; It has been proven that magnetic interactions are interactions of moving electric charges. Most scientists of that time believed that interaction was transmitted instantly, directly through emptiness (the theory of long-range action).

A decisive turn to the theory of short-range action was made by Michael Faraday in the 30s. 19th century According to Faraday's ideas, electric charge creates in the surrounding space electric field. The field of one charge acts on another, and vice versa. The interaction of currents is carried out through a magnetic field. Faraday described the distribution of electric and magnetic fields in space using lines of force, which, in his view, resemble ordinary elastic lines in a hypothetical medium - the world ether.

Maxwell fully accepted Faraday's ideas about the existence of an electromagnetic field, that is, about the reality of processes in space near charges and currents. He believed that the body cannot act where it does not exist.

The first thing D.K. did Maxwell - gave Faraday's ideas strict mathematical form, so necessary in physics. It turned out that with the introduction of the concept of field, the laws of Coulomb and Ampere began to be expressed most fully, deeply and elegantly. In the phenomenon electromagnetic induction Maxwell saw a new property of fields: an alternating magnetic field generates in empty space an electric field with closed lines of force (the so-called vortex electric field).

The next and final step in the discovery of the basic properties of the electromagnetic field was taken by Maxwell without any reliance on experiment. He made a brilliant guess that an alternating electric field generates a magnetic field, just like a normal one. electricity(displacement current hypothesis). By 1869, all the basic laws of the behavior of the electromagnetic field were established and formulated in the form of a system of four equations, called Maxwell's equations.

The real center of science is not volumes scientific works, but the living mind of a person, and in order to advance science, it is necessary to direct human thought into a scientific direction. It can be done different ways: announcing some discovery, defending a paradoxical idea, or inventing a scientific phrase, or setting forth a system of doctrine

Maxwell James Clerk

Maxwell's equations are the basic equations of classical macroscopic electrodynamics, describing electromagnetic phenomena in arbitrary media and in vacuum. Maxwell's equations were obtained by J.C. Maxwell in the 60s. 19th century as a result of generalization of the laws of electrical and magnetic phenomena found from experience.

A fundamental conclusion followed from Maxwell's equations: the finiteness of the speed of propagation of electromagnetic interactions. This is the main thing that distinguishes the theory of short-range action from the theory of long-range action. The speed turned out to be equal to the speed of light in vacuum: 300,000 km/s. From this Maxwell concluded that light is a form of electromagnetic waves.

Works on the molecular kinetic theory of gases

The role of James Maxwell in the development and establishment of molecular kinetic theory is extremely important ( modern name- statistical mechanics). Maxwell was the first to make a statement about the statistical nature of the laws of nature. In 1866 he discovered the first statistical law - the law of the distribution of molecules by speed (Maxwell distribution). In addition, he calculated the viscosity of gases depending on the speeds and mean free path of molecules, and derived a number of thermodynamic relations.

Maxwell's distribution is the velocity distribution of molecules of a system in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium (provided that the translational motion of molecules is described by the laws of classical mechanics). Established by J.C. Maxwell in 1859.

Maxwell was a brilliant popularizer of science. He wrote a number of articles for the Encyclopedia Britannica and popular books: “The Theory of Heat” (1870), “Matter and Motion” (1873), “Electricity in Elementary Exposition” (1881), which were translated into Russian; gave lectures and reports on physical topics for a wide audience. Maxwell also showed great interest in the history of science. In 1879 he published the works of G. Cavendish on electricity, providing them with extensive comments.

Evaluation of Maxwell's work

The scientist's works were not appreciated by his contemporaries. Ideas about the existence of an electromagnetic field seemed arbitrary and unfruitful. Only after Heinrich Hertz experimentally proved the existence of electromagnetic waves predicted by Maxwell in 1886-89 did his theory gain universal acceptance. This happened ten years after Maxwell's death.

After experimental confirmation of the reality of the electromagnetic field, a fundamental scientific discovery was made: there are different kinds matter, and each of them has its own laws that cannot be reduced to Newton’s laws of mechanics. However, Maxwell himself was hardly clearly aware of this and at first tried to build mechanical models of electromagnetic phenomena.

The American physicist Richard Feynman said excellently about Maxwell’s role in the development of science: “In the history of mankind (if you look at it, say, ten thousand years later), the most significant event of the 19th century will undoubtedly be Maxwell’s discovery of the laws of electrodynamics. Against the backdrop of this important scientific discovery Civil War in America in the same decade will look like a provincial incident.”

James Maxwell has passed away 5 November 1879, Cambridge. He is buried not in the tomb of the great men of England - Westminster Abbey - but in a modest grave next to his beloved church in a Scottish village, not far from the family estate.

James Clerk Maxwell - quotes

To conduct scientific work completely correctly through systematic experiments and accurate demonstrations requires strategic skill.

Of all the hypotheses, choose the one that does not prevent further thinking about the things being studied.

The development of science requires in any given era not only that people think in general, but that they concentrate their thoughts on that part of the vast field of science that is given time requires development.

James Clark Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831 at 14 St. India in Edinburgh. He was very inquisitive. At the age of three, his main request is: “Show me how it’s done,” and his main question is: “How does it happen?” His persistence in finding out characteristic features the action of any device or surrounding natural phenomena was expressed in the following question: “But what is special about this?”

James's mother died of cancer when James was eight years old. His entire subsequent life was connected with his father, who was his great friend and first mentor in scientific affairs. When Maxwell was 10 years old, he was sent to Edinburgh Academy. While still studying at the Edinburgh Academy, his first article on oval curves was written, the abstract of which was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in April 1846. Since the author of the article was only 14 years old, Maxwell’s article was read at a meeting of the society by Professor Forbes : It was considered indecent for a schoolchild to address members of society directly. The idea of ​​the work was that with the help of two pins and a thread you can draw an ellipse. Maxwell generalized this method to construct curves of various complex shapes.

The generalizability of the scientific method, the analysis of observations, is one of the important factors in true research.

The discovery of Newton's law of gravity is due to the fact that Newton was able to make a brilliant generalization, admitting that the same force that attracts an apple to the Earth also attracts the Moon. Benjamin Franklin made another generalization, establishing that lightning and small electrical sparks, which could be obtained in those days in the laboratory, were phenomena of the same kind. Faraday's idea of ​​electric and magnetic lines of force, originally developed from observations of the behavior of iron filings near a magnet, was an extremely bold generalization. Manifested in the very early age Maxwell's desire to understand the nature of the things around him, his determination not to retreat without getting to the bottom of the explanations, together with no less important ability to generalizations very clearly revealed in young Maxwell the makings of a first-class scientist.

After leaving school, from 1847 to 1850, Maxwell studied at the University of Edinburgh, and then transferred to Peterhouse, then known as St. Peter's College at the University of Cambridge. At the University of Edinburgh, Maxwell zealously studied mathematics, some issues of physics and chemistry, as well as philosophy. Cambell and Garnett (Maxwell’s fellow students) write: “The lectures on philosophy interested him greatly. His unlimited curiosity found nourishment in the professor’s inexhaustible erudition.” At the age of nineteen, Maxwell wrote an article “On the Equilibrium of Elastic Bodies,” in which he proposed a new fruitful scientific method in the field of resistance of materials - the photoelasticity method. This article is remarkable. The beautiful color pictures that Maxwell observed on transparent samples illuminated with polarized light allowed him to find the directions and magnitude of the maximum stresses inside solids complex shape.

Having begun his studies at Cambridge University as a student at Peterhouse, Maxwell soon moved to Trinity College. The requirements for the level of mathematical training at Cambridge University were very high. Maxwell was second, and Routh was the winner. However, the Smith Prize, which took place immediately after the Mathematical Honors Examination and was apparently regarded as an even more rigorous test of true mathematical ability and originality of thought, was shared by Routh with Maxwell.

In 1854, Maxwell graduated from Cambridge University with a bachelor's degree with honors. He is 22 years old. He is of average height, dark hair. Deep-set brown eyes. Extreme simplicity in clothing. Recency. Strange humor that not everyone understands. Friendliness. And the main thing is the ability to set problems, to see interesting problems in familiar phenomena, in the prose of everyday life. After his final exams, Maxwell became a teacher at Trinity College. Teaching at a Cambridge or Oxford college was quite a pleasant experience at that time. James's father dreamed that his son would receive a chair in Glasgow, and did everything possible for this. Professor Forbes informed him that there was a vacancy for a professor of physics at Marshall College in Aberdeen. Maxwell's appointment to the chair was announced in April 1856, when he was only 24 years old. It is sad that his father passed away just a few days before this news.

Apparently, Maxwell was never a brilliant lecturer and was never particularly keen on lecturing. Maxwell's teaching in Aberdeen was short-lived, for in 1860 the colleges merged to form the University of Aberdeen. Some professorships were eliminated, and Maxwell was among those laid off. In the same year he was accepted to the Department of Physics at the Royal Society of London.

The years spent in Aberdeen were very productive for scientific work. In 1856 he received the Adams Prize for his scientific work on the structure of the rings of Saturn. In 1857, he wrote to Lewis Campbell (his future biographer): “I have fallen upon Saturn again. I have already made several breaches in the solid ring, and now I have plunged into a liquid medium, immersed in a world of truly amazing symbols and designations. I will soon delve into "a nebula somewhat reminiscent of the state of the air, say, during the siege of Sevastopol. A forest of cannons, occupying the area of ​​a rectangle with sides of 100 and 30,000 miles, spew out cannonballs that never stop, but rotate in a circle with a radius of 170,000 miles." Maxwell worked hard on the Saturn problem for three years, which demonstrated his ability to devote himself to for a long time one problem. At the same time, he began to study the kinetic theory of gases and in 1859 presented his first paper on the kinetic theory of gases to the British Association. It was on the basis of the theoretical studies of Maxwell and the outstanding Austrian physicist L. Boltzmann (1844-1906) that statistical mechanics was created. Thermodynamics is directly related to statistical mechanics. At the same time, he obtained relations between the main thermophysical parameters, now known as “Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations.” At the same time he published original work, in which he developed the theory of color vision. In addition to all this, Maxwell devoted great attention problems of electromagnetism and especially the discoveries of Faraday.

For five years Maxwell held the position of professor of physics at King's College London, and in 1871 he was appointed the first professor of experimental physics at Cambridge. Thus, the last years of Maxwell’s life were associated with the creation of the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University and teaching physics there. We all know Maxwell as a theoretical physicist, but he turned out to design and build many instruments and experimental equipment. The Cavendish Laboratory has a whole collection of Maxwellian instruments, which is highly valued there.

Two years before his death, Maxwell began to feel symptoms of a digestive tract disease, but serious changes were not discovered until 1879. In September 1979, while staying at Glenlair, Maxwell felt unwell and returned with his wife to Cambridge. He already knew that he was dying of cancer - the disease from which his mother died at the same age. His suffering was great, but he never complained. His mind remained clear to the end. Even the proximity of death did not deprive him of his self-control, and on November 5 he died quietly.

Maxwell was not only a physicist, but also a wonderful person. His Scottish physician Dr. J.W. Lorraine wrote: "I must say this is one of the the best people"His character as a person, as far as I can judge, is the most perfect example of a gentleman, and this is, perhaps, much more valuable than all his scientific achievements."

In contrast to Faraday, who received many honors and awards, Maxwell received only two degrees of distinction - in 1872, a Doctor of Laws at the University of Edinburgh and in 1876, a Doctor of Laws at Oxford. True, at the age of 24 he was elected a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and in 1861 - a member of the Royal Society of London (LKO). In 1860, the LKO awarded him the Ruhmkorff medal.

MAXWELL (Maxwell) James Clerk ( Clerk) (1831-79), English physicist, creator of classical electrodynamics, one of the founders of statistical physics, organizer and first director (from 1871) of the Cavendish Laboratory. Developing the ideas of M. Faraday, he created the theory of the electromagnetic field (Maxwell's equations); introduced the concept of displacement current, predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, and put forward the idea of ​​​​the electromagnetic nature of light. Established a statistical distribution named after him. He studied the viscosity, diffusion and thermal conductivity of gases. Showed that the rings of Saturn consist of individual bodies. Works on color vision and colorimetry (Maxwell disk), optics (Maxwell effect), elasticity theory (Maxwell's theorem, Maxwell-Cremona diagram), thermodynamics, history of physics, etc.

MAXWELL (Maxwell) James Clerk (June 13, 1831, Edinburgh, - November 5, 1879, Cambridge), English physicist, creator of classical electrodynamics, one of the founders of statistical physics, founder of one of the world's largest scientific centers late 19th - early 20th centuries - Cavendish Laboratory; created the theory of the electromagnetic field, predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, put forward the idea of ​​​​the electromagnetic nature of light, established the first statistical law - the law of the distribution of molecules by speed, named after him.

Family. Years of study

Maxwell was the only son of the Scottish nobleman and lawyer John Clerk, who, having inherited the estate of a relative's wife, née Maxwell, added this name to his surname. After the birth of their son, the family moved to Southern Scotland, to their own estate, Glenlare (“Shelter in the Valley”), where the boy spent his childhood. In 1841, James's father sent him to a school called Edinburgh Academy. Here, at the age of 15, Maxwell wrote his first scientific article, “On Drawing Ovals.” In 1847 he entered the University of Edinburgh, where he studied for three years, and in 1850 he moved to the University of Cambridge, where he graduated in 1854. By this time, Maxwell was a first-class mathematician with the superbly developed intuition of a physicist.

Creation of the Cavendish Laboratory. Teaching work

After graduating from the university, Maxwell was left in Cambridge for teaching work. In 1856 he received a position as professor at Marischal College at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). In 1860 he was elected a member of the Royal Society of London. In the same year he moved to London, accepting an offer to take up the post of head of the department of physics at King's College, University of London, where he worked until 1865.

Returning to the University of Cambridge in 1871, Maxwell organized and headed the first specially equipped laboratory in Great Britain for physical experiments, known as the Cavendish Laboratory (named after the English scientist G. Cavendish). The formation of this laboratory, which at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. turned into one of the largest centers of world science, Maxwell devoted the last years of his life.

Few facts from Maxwell's life are known. Shy, modest, he sought to live alone; I didn’t keep diaries. In 1858, Maxwell married, but his family life, apparently, was unsuccessful, aggravated his unsociability, and alienated him from his former friends. There is speculation that much of the important material about Maxwell's life was lost in the 1929 fire at his Glenlare home, 50 years after his death. He died of cancer at the age of 48.

Scientific activity

Maxwell's unusually wide sphere of scientific interests covered the theory of electromagnetic phenomena, the kinetic theory of gases, optics, the theory of elasticity and much more. One of his first works was research on the physiology and physics of color vision and colorimetry, begun in 1852. In 1861, Maxwell first obtained a color image by simultaneously projecting red, green and blue slides onto a screen. This proved the validity of the three-component theory of vision and outlined ways to create color photography. In his works 1857-59, Maxwell theoretically studied the stability of Saturn's rings and showed that Saturn's rings can be stable only if they consist of particles (bodies) that are not connected to each other.

In 1855, Maxwell began a series of his main works on electrodynamics. The articles “On Faraday's lines of force” (1855-56), “On physical lines of force” (1861-62), and “Dynamic theory of the electromagnetic field” (1869) were published. The research was completed with the publication of a two-volume monograph, “Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism” (1873).

Creation of the electromagnetic field theory

When Maxwell began researching electrical and magnetic phenomena in 1855, many of them had already been well studied: in particular, the laws of interaction of stationary electric charges (Coulomb's law) and currents (Ampere's law) had been established; It has been proven that magnetic interactions are interactions of moving electric charges. Most scientists of that time believed that interaction was transmitted instantly, directly through emptiness (the theory of long-range action).

A decisive turn to the theory of short-range action was made by M. Faraday in the 30s. 19th century According to Faraday's ideas, an electric charge creates an electric field in the surrounding space. The field of one charge acts on another, and vice versa. The interaction of currents is carried out through a magnetic field. Faraday described the distribution of electric and magnetic fields in space using lines of force, which, in his view, resemble ordinary elastic lines in a hypothetical medium - the world ether.

Maxwell fully accepted Faraday's ideas about the existence of an electromagnetic field, that is, about the reality of processes in space near charges and currents. He believed that the body cannot act where it does not exist.

The first thing Maxwell did was to give Faraday's ideas a rigorous mathematical form, so necessary in physics. It turned out that with the introduction of the concept of field, the laws of Coulomb and Ampere began to be expressed most fully, deeply and elegantly. In the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell saw a new property of fields: an alternating magnetic field generates in empty space an electric field with closed lines of force (the so-called vortex electric field).

The next and final step in the discovery of the basic properties of the electromagnetic field was taken by Maxwell without any reliance on experiment. He made a brilliant guess that an alternating electric field generates a magnetic field, just like an ordinary electric current (displacement current hypothesis). By 1869, all the basic laws of the behavior of the electromagnetic field were established and formulated in the form of a system of four equations, called Maxwell's equations.

A fundamental conclusion followed from Maxwell's equations: the finiteness of the speed of propagation of electromagnetic interactions. This is the main thing that distinguishes the theory of short-range action from the theory of long-range action. The speed turned out to be equal to the speed of light in vacuum: 300,000 km/s. From this Maxwell concluded that light is a form of electromagnetic waves.

Works on the molecular kinetic theory of gases

Maxwell's role in the development and establishment of molecular kinetic theory (the modern name is statistical mechanics) is extremely important. Maxwell was the first to make a statement about the statistical nature of the laws of nature. In 1866 he discovered the first statistical law - the law of the distribution of molecules by speed (Maxwell distribution). In addition, he calculated the viscosity of gases depending on the speeds and mean free path of molecules, and derived a number of thermodynamic relations.

Maxwell was a brilliant popularizer of science. He wrote a number of articles for the Encyclopedia Britannica and popular books: “The Theory of Heat” (1870), “Matter and Motion” (1873), “Electricity in Elementary Exposition” (1881), which were translated into Russian; gave lectures and reports at physical topics for a wide audience. Maxwell also showed great interest in the history of science. In 1879 he published the works of G. Cavendish on electricity, providing them with extensive comments.

Evaluation of Maxwell's work

The scientist's works were not appreciated by his contemporaries. Ideas about the existence of an electromagnetic field seemed arbitrary and unfruitful. Only after G. Hertz in 1886-89 experimentally proved the existence of electromagnetic waves predicted by Maxwell, his theory received universal recognition. This happened ten years after Maxwell's death.

After experimental confirmation of the reality of the electromagnetic field, a fundamental scientific discovery was made: there are different types of matter, and each of them has its own laws, which are not reducible to Newton’s laws of mechanics. However, Maxwell himself was hardly clearly aware of this and at first tried to build mechanical models of electromagnetic phenomena.

The American physicist R. Feynman excellently spoke about Maxwell’s role in the development of science: “In the history of mankind (if you look at it, say, ten thousand years later), the most significant event of the 19th century will undoubtedly be Maxwell’s discovery of the laws of electrodynamics. Against the background of this important scientific opening, the American Civil War in the same decade will look like a provincial incident."

Maxwell is buried not in the tomb of the great men of England - Westminster Abbey - but in a modest grave next to his beloved church in a Scottish village, not far from the family estate.

Maxwell, James Clerk - English mathematician and physicist of Scottish origin. Founder of modern classical electrodynamics, kinetic theory of gases. Conducted a number of important studies in thermodynamics and molecular physics. The creator of the quantitative theory of colors, laid the foundations of the principles of color photography.


James Clerk Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831 in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. Father, John Clerk Maxwell. He was a member of the bar and owned an estate in South Scotland. Mother, Frances Kay, was the daughter of a judge of the Admiralty Court.

James's mother died when he was eight years old. My father had to raise him on his own. Throughout his life, James retained very warm feelings for his father, who really always took care of him.

When the time came for James to receive an education, teachers were initially invited to his home. However, these teachers were ignorant and rude, and others could not be found. Therefore, the father decided to send his son to Edinburgh Academy.

At first, young Maxwell was quite wary of studying at the academy, but gradually became involved. The lessons aroused genuine interest in him, and geometry attracted special attention. It was this science that became the basis on which all of Maxwell’s future scientific achievements grew.

Maxwell gave the academy a parting anthem, which was subsequently sung with pleasure by more than one generation of students. James then enters the University of Edinburgh. Here he studies the theory of elasticity, the results of this work are highly appreciated by specialists.

In 1850, Maxwell left for Cambridge, despite his father's dissatisfaction with this decision. First he studies at St. College. Peter's, then moves to Trinity College. He simply amazed the teachers with his knowledge and took second place at graduation. After receiving his bachelor's degree, Maxwell remained at Trinity College to work as a teacher. During this period, he studied the problem of colors, geometry, and electricity. In 1854, in a letter to one of his friends

James announced his intention to "attack electricity." This was successful - soon the work "On Faraday's Lines of Force" was published - one of the three most major works Maxwell. Main work This period of the scientist’s life is the creation of color theory. He experimentally proved how colors mix. These studies subsequently formed the basis of color photography.

In 1856, Maxwell became professor of natural philosophy at Aberdeen Marischal College. He, in fact, created the physics department here from scratch. In 1858, Maxwell married Catherine Mary Dewar, who was the daughter of the head of Marischal College.

During this period, the scientist was engaged in calculating the movement of the rings of Saturn, publishing a treatise “On the stability of the movement of the rings of Saturn.” This work later became a classic.

At the same time, Maxwell focused on the kinetic theory of gases. In June 1860, he gave a report on this topic at the meeting of the British Association in Oxford.

Also in 1860, Maxwell had to say goodbye to his professorship at Marischal College. Soon after this, he was invited to King's College to the position of professor in the department of natural philosophy.

On May 17, 1861, the scientist demonstrated the world's first color photograph. A hundred years later, the Kodak company proved that Maxwell was simply lucky at that time - it was impossible to obtain green and red images using his method; these colors were formed by chance. However, the principles were still correct, albeit with minor errors.

After this, Maxwell focuses on the study of electromagnetism. The works “On Physical Lines of Force” and “Dynamic Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” are published. From that time until the end of his life, the scientist worked on problems of electrical measurements.

In 1865, Maxwell's health deteriorated, and in next year he leaves London for his Glenlar estate. In 1867 he went to Italy to improve his health. During this period, the books “Theory of Heat” and “Theory of Heat” were published.

In 1871, Maxwell became a professor at Cambridge University. Two years later, the scientist finishes the work of his whole life - the two-volume Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. Then the books “Matter and Motion” were published,

From 1874 to 1879, Maxwell processed the works of Henry Cavendish, which were solemnly presented to him by the Duke of Devonshire.

By this time, his health was deteriorating greatly. Soon a diagnosis of cancer was made. On November 5, 1879, James Clerk Maxwell died. His body was buried in the village of Parton, next to his parents.

Maxwell's main achievements

  • During Maxwell's lifetime, many of his works were not properly appreciated, but later his work took its rightful place in the history of science.
  • Research in the field of electromagnetic field theory became the basis of the idea of ​​the field in physics of the 20th century. This was pointed out by many scientists, including Leopold Infeld, Albert Einstein, and Rudolf Peierls.
  • Contribution to molecular kinetic theory.
  • Development statistical methods, which contributed to the development of statistical mechanics. Coined the term “statistical mechanics”.
  • Creation of color theory. Electromagnetic theory of light.
  • Development of the dynamic theory of gases.

Important dates in Maxwell's biography

  • June 13, 1831 - in Edinburgh.
  • 1841 – admission to the Edinburgh Academy.
  • 1846 - the first scientific work “On the properties of ovals and curves with many foci.”
  • 1847 – admission to the University of Edinburgh.
  • 1850 – report “On the equilibrium of elastic bodies.” Admission to Cambridge University.
  • 1854 – graduation from university. Beginning of professorial activity.
  • 1856 - father's death. Maxwell becomes a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
  • 1857 - work “On Faraday’s lines of force.”
  • 1858 - married Katherine Mary Dewar.
  • 1859 - the first article on the kinetic theory of gases.
  • 1860 – Professor of Physics at the University of London.
  • 1860 - Receives the Rumford Medal for research in optics and colors.
  • 1861 – the world's first color photograph.
  • 1861-1864 – publication of the works “Dynamic Theory of the Electromagnetic Field”, “On Physical Lines of Forces”.
  • 1865 – move to Glenlare.
  • 1867 - trip to Italy.
  • 1871 – Professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge University.
  • 1873 – publication of the works “Matter and Motion”, “Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism”.
  • 1874 - the Cavendish Laboratory began its work.
  • 1878-1879 – publication of articles “On stresses arising in rarefied gases due to temperature inequality”, “Harmonic analysis”.
  • November 5, 1879 - James Clerk Maxwell died at his Cambridge home.
  • The only relief detail of Venus named male name– James Maxwell Mountain Range.
  • At school, Maxwell knew very little arithmetic.
  • After receiving a message about compulsory attendance at a service at Cambridge University, he said: “I’m just going to bed at this time.”
  • He loved to perform Scottish songs, accompanying himself on the guitar.
  • At the age of eight, he could quote almost any verse from the Book of Psalms.

State: Great Britain

Field of activity: Science, physics

Greatest Achievement: Became the founder of electrodynamics.

Ever since science was opened to all of humanity, everyone has tried to find something new in it. And write your name in history. Of course, people who are interested humanities, the names of physicists, chemists and mathematicians are unknown. But, nevertheless, there are some personalities who are on the lips of everyone, even people who have no idea what physics is. James Maxwell is one such scientist who left his mark on the history of mathematics and physics.

James Clerk Maxwell, Scottish physicist, best known for his formulation of electromagnetic theory. He is considered by most modern physicists to be the 19th century scientist who had the greatest influence on 20th century physics, and he is ranked place of honor with Isaac Newton and for the fundamental nature of his contributions.

early years

The future physicist was born on June 13, 1831 in Edinburgh. The original surname was Clerk, with an additional surname added by his father, who worked as a lawyer and inherited the Middleby estate. James was an only child. His parents married quite late for those times, and his mother was 40 years old at the time of his birth. The boy spent his childhood on the Middleby estate, which was renamed Glenlare.

His mother died in 1839 from abdominal cancer, and his father became the main figure in his upbringing. It was thanks to him that young James became interested in the exact sciences. At school he showed a keen curiosity at an early age and had a phenomenal memory. In 1841 he was sent to school at the Edinburgh Academy. Other students included his future biographer Lewis Campbell and his friend Peter Guthrie Tait.

Maxwell's interests went far beyond the school curriculum, and he did not pay special attention on exam results. His first scientific work, published when he was only 14 years old, described a generalized series of oval curves that could be traced using pins and threads, analogous to an ellipse. This fascination with geometry and mechanical models continued throughout his career and was a great help in his subsequent research.

At 16 he entered Edinburgh University, where he voraciously read books on all subjects and published two more scientific works. In 1850 he entered Cambridge. After graduation, James was offered a teaching position. At that time, he was interested in electricity and colors, which would later form the basis of the first color photography.

Career and discoveries of James Muswell

In 1854 he continued to work at Trinity College, but as his father's health deteriorated he had to return to Scotland. In 1856 he was appointed professor of natural philosophy at Marischal College, Aberdeen, but this appointment was overshadowed by the sad news of his father's death. This was a great personal loss for Maxwell, as he had a close relationship with his dad. In June 1858, Maxwell married Catherine Dewar, daughter of the director of the college where he began working. The couple did not have children, but there was a trusting relationship and mutual respect.

In 1860 Marischal and King's College merged to form the University of Aberdeen. Maxwell was asked to leave his position. He applied for a position at Edinburgh University but was rejected in favor of his school friend Tait. After the refusal, James moves to London.

The next five years were undoubtedly the most fruitful of his career. During this period, two of his classic works on electromagnetic field, and his demonstration of color photography took place. Maxwell led the experimental determination of electrical units for the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and this work in measurement and standardization led to the creation of the National Physical Laboratory.

It was Maxwell's research on electromagnetism that created his name among the greats history scientists. In the preface to his treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (1873), Maxwell stated that his main task was to transform Faraday's physical ideas into mathematical form. In an attempt to illustrate Faraday's law of induction (that a changing magnetic field produces an induced electromagnetic field), Maxwell constructed a mechanical model. He discovered that the model generates a corresponding "displacement current" in the dielectric medium, which can then be the location transverse waves. By calculating the speed of these waves, he found that they were very close to the speed of light.

Maxwell's theory suggested that electromagnetic waves can be generated in the laboratory, a possibility first demonstrated by Heinrich Hertz in 1887, eight years after Maxwell's death. In addition to his electromagnetic theory, Maxwell made major contributions to other areas of physics. Still at the age of 20, he demonstrated his mastery of classical physics by writing an essay on the rings of Saturn, in which he concluded that the rings must be composed of masses of matter unrelated to each other—a conclusion that was confirmed more than 100 years later the first Voyager space probe to reach the ringed planet.

last years of life

In 1871, Maxwell was elected as the new professor at Cavendish College, Cambridge. He began designing the local laboratory and supervised its construction. Maxwell had few students, but they were of the highest caliber and included William D. Niven, John Ambrose (later to become Sir John Ambrose), Richard Tetley Glazebrooke, John Henry Poynting and Arthur Schuster.

During Easter 1879, Maxwell became seriously ill with abdominal cancer. What his mother once died from. Unable to lecture as before, he returned to Glenlare in June, but his condition did not improve. Great physicist James Muswell died on November 5, 1879. Oddly enough, Maxwell received no public honors and was buried quietly in a small cemetery in the village of Parton, Scotland.