Breathing exercises for children game. Breathing exercises for preschool children. Health-saving technologies

With the help of breathing exercises, you can achieve a decrease in the excitability of many nerve centers, including the respiratory one.

Breathing exercises influence the body’s nonspecific resistance, improve adaptive mechanisms and promote the use of reserve capabilities of functional systems.

When treating a runny nose, the use of qigong breathing exercises is effective.

The respiratory center, thanks to the impulses that occur during the respiratory act, influences nervous, muscular and cardiovascular activity. With the help of breathing exercises, you can achieve a decrease in the excitability of many nerve centers, including the respiratory one. They can stabilize the psycho-emotional state (G. Lavuchan). If the respiratory function of the nose is impaired, which is typical for a runny nose, the listed results of breathing exercises deserve special attention.

Breathing exercises children must be performed in comfortable clothing, in a calm environment and after bowel and bladder emptying.

The starting positions from which breathing exercises begin can be different. Children can lie down, sit back in a chair, or stand with their legs apart. In any starting position, it is important that the body muscles are relaxed.

At the beginning of training, a certain breathing rhythm should not be imposed. This can only lead to its delay and disruption, which can adversely affect the activity of the heart. You need to do the exercise 3-4 times a day, or more often. To teach deep exhalation, it is recommended to use imitative breathing exercises such as “blow on a dandelion”, “blow on a candle”.

Let's look at some elements of qigong breathing exercises recommended for children.

The first set of breathing exercises for children

1. Starting position - straight, sitting, toes and heels together, arms down, voluntary breathing. The exercise begins with a complete exhalation, closing the external auditory canal on both sides with the thumbs and pressing the wings of the nose with the middle fingers. After this, they sharply inhale air through their mouths, compress their lips and puff out their cheeks. Then they lower their chin to their chest, close their eyes, and put index fingers forever and remain in this position for as long as possible. After which they raise their heads, remove their fingers from their eyelids and take a full breath through their nose, after which they remove their thumbs from their ears and lower their hands;

2. When inhaling, the tip of the tongue is raised until it touches the palate, then a pause and exhalation follow, during which the tongue is lowered to its normal position. At the same time, the child mentally pronounces words or sentences, the duration of which corresponds to the duration of the respiratory cycle. They start with three monosyllabic words, one of which is pronounced while inhaling, the second during a pause, and the third while exhaling. Then the phrases are lengthened by lengthening the duration of exhalation.

The second set of breathing exercises for children

1. Breathing is complete. Inhale through the nose for a long time. During inhalation, the stomach protrudes, then the chest expands. When exhaling, on the contrary, the volume of the chest is first reduced, and then the stomach is drawn in;

2. Breathing chest. First, exhale. Then you should take a long breath through your nose. At this time, the chest is expanded and the stomach is retracted. When exhaling through the nose, the sequence of elements of the exercise is reversed;

3. Abdominal breathing. First, exhale. Then take a long breath through your nose. At this time, the stomach is protruded, and when exhaling, on the contrary, the abdominal wall is retracted;

4. Walk at an average pace with a full, extended inhalation and exhalation. The pace is average. For 3 steps - inhale, for 4 steps - exhale. After 3-4 days, the duration of exhalation should be increased by one count (5, 6, etc.).

Third set of breathing exercises (nasal breathing training)

1. Legs are spread apart. Inhaling through the nose, raise straight arms forward in front of you, up, then slowly lower them down through the sides. At the same time, make sure that when performing the first phase of the movement, the body bends well in the chest and lumbar regions spine;

2. Exhale, then pinch your nose with your fingers. - pause, place your hands on your head, squeeze your shoulder blades together and inhale. Then the arms are relaxed down and, bending forward, exhale;

3. Exhale, then rise on your toes, place your hands on your head, squeeze your shoulder blades together and inhale. Then they stand on their full feet, relax their arms down, lean forward and exhale;

4. Air massage of the nasal mucosa. Legs are spread apart. The mouth is tightly closed. Slowly inhale alternately from the right and then from the left side of the nose, alternately pressing the opposite nostril with your fingers.

Complex of morning hygienic gymnastics with breathing exercises

1. While standing, move your arms back and inhale through your nose. Return to the starting position - exhale (3-4 times);

2. Standing, stretch your arms forward, cross them, then spread them apart and inhale through your nose. Return to the starting position and exhale (2-3 times);

3. Get into a lumberjack pose: arms up, fingers intertwined, legs apart. Inhale through your nose. Swing your arms, bend forward and move your hands between your legs while exhaling (4-5 times);

4. Walking around the room (up to 60 s), breathing through the nose. When appropriate, take a deep breath through the nose, exhale;

5. Breathe calmly: inhale and exhale through the nose or inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

After performing the exercises, it is necessary to wet wipe the body and rub it with a dry towel.

If, due to some circumstances, after treatment a child breathes out of habit through the mouth rather than through the nose, it is recommended to carry out a series of breathing exercises (in combination with physical exercises).

A set of breathing exercises for preschool children (5-6 years old)

1. Calm walking with extended inhalation and exhalation through the nose. It is necessary to monitor the completeness of exhalation;

2. Walking with breathing through the nose. First, inhale one step, exhale for 2 steps. Then inhale for 2 steps, exhale for 3-4 steps;

3. Running in place with deep breathing through the nose;

4. Squat with breathing through the nose;

5. Jogging: 2-3 steps - inhale, 4 steps - exhale;

6. Breath alternately through the right and left half of the nose;

7. Hand movements in the form of jerks with the body turning to the sides, with a smooth inhalation and a sharp exhalation through the nose;

8. Movements of the hands along the lateral surfaces of the body with a deep inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth;

9. Bend the body to the sides while exhaling with the sounds “m” and “n”;

10. Inhale, then exhale jerkily through the nose.

A set of breathing exercises for children 6-7 years old, performed with the help of parents

1. Sit up straight, toes and heels of your feet together, arms hanging freely. Breathing is voluntary;

2. Exhale completely, pinch the external auditory canal with your thumbs on both sides, and press the wings of your nose with your two middle fingers. Inhale sharply through your mouth. Purse your lips and puff out your cheeks;

3. Lower your chin to your chest. Close your eyes, placing your index fingers on your eyelids. Remain in this position for some time;

4. Then raise your head, remove your fingers from your eyelids, from the wings of your nose and exhale completely through it;

5. Take your fingers away from your ears and lower your arms along your body.

A set of breathing exercises for children with nasal breathing disorders

1. Starting position: standing, mouth closed. Close one half of the nose tightly with your finger, breathe alternately (4-5 times) through each half of the nose;

2. Breathe only through your nose. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands forward and up with your palms inward - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale. Perform slowly (5 times);

3. Standing, inhale through one half of the nose and exhale through the other, 5-6 times through each half of the nose;

4. Standing, feet together, nose pinched with fingers. Slowly, count loudly to 10, then take a deep breath and exhale completely through the nose (5-6 times);

5. Inhale through the nose, mouth closed. On an extended exhalation, slowly pronounce the sound “mm-mm” (8 times);

6. When walking, breathe only through your nose. Gradually lengthen the exhalation phase: inhale by 2, exhale by 3-6; at 2 - inhale, at 3-7 - exhale (2-3 minutes).

Breathing exercises for voice disorders should be alternated with voice exercises.

In our polluted air, breathing deeply only means further littering the delicate, moist tissue of the lungs. So maybe I should quit breathing exercises? No, they will teach you to always breathe through your nose.

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, like a wet brush, collects dust and neutralizes the air before it enters the lungs.

Usually we try to capture more oxygen with our mouths from the stuffy air. It's time to get rid of this bad habit and as soon as possible. published

Methodological development “Breathing exercises for children” preschool age».

Turkina Irina Nikolaevna – music director of the Municipal Preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 8" in the village of Vizinga, Sysolsky district, Komi Republic.
Description of work: This work presents breathing exercises for preschool children using short original poems that are accessible and understandable in step-by-step description. This material will be useful to music directors and teachers preschool institutions and, of course, to parents.
Target: Teach children to control their breathing; prepare children's breathing for singing.
Teach children to exhale and inhale different strengths and longitude;
Develop children's concentration on breathing;
Strengthen the muscles of the abdominal organs in preparation for singing activities.

Breathing exercises.

1.Inflate the balloon.

Let's inflate the balloon with you,
Inflate a big balloon
He's beautiful - just - Ah!
Oh, completely puffed up - Bang!

Description of the exercise.
Let's inflate the balloon with you,
Hands are folded palm to palm at mouth level.

After pronouncing the phrase, children take a deep breath through their nose and exhale sharply, while their palms must be spread in opposite directions by about 20 centimeters.

Inflate a big balloon
After pronouncing the phrase, children take a deep breath through their nose and exhale sharply, while spreading their palms even wider.

He's beautiful - just - Ah!
After pronouncing the phrase, children take a deep breath through their nose and exhale sharply, while their palms must be spread to the full width of their arm span.

Oh, completely puffed up - Bang!
When pronouncing the word “Bang,” your palms must be sharply pressed together (to make a clap).

2. Wind-breeze.

The grass sways a little
And the leaves rustle slightly -
It's a light breeze
He flew to our meadow.
The wind got a little angry,
He tore the cap off his head,
Pressed the grass to the ground
And shook the trees.
There's a light breeze again
He flew to our meadow.

Description of the exercise.
The grass sways a little
And the leaves rustle slightly -

It's a light breeze
He flew to our meadow.
Children say the phrase in a whisper, then take a deep breath through their nose and exhale very slowly and quietly.
The wind got a little angry,
He tore the cap off his head,

Pressed the grass to the ground
And shook the trees.
Children say the phrase out loud, then take a deep breath through their nose and exhale forcefully.
There's a light breeze again
He flew to our meadow.
Children say the phrase in a whisper, then take a deep breath through their nose and exhale very slowly and quietly.

3. Divers.

Divers in any weather
They dive under water very boldly.

Description of the exercise.
After pronouncing these words, you need to take a deep breath, close your lips, pinch your nose with your fingers and hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale sharply with the sound “puff.”

4. Palms are cold and hot.

Description of the exercise.
Our palms are very cold, let's warm them up.
It is necessary to cover your mouth with your palms and take several sharp, strong inhalations and exhalations, while inhaling and exhaling through your mouth.

The palms have warmed up very well, now they are hot, let's blow on them.
We move our palms away from the face to a distance of about 20 cm, take a deep breath through the nose, fold our lips into a tube and exhale long.

5. A leaf in the wind.

Description of the exercise.
Breathing exercise with an object - it can be an autumn leaf cut out of paper, as well as a flower, a butterfly, a snowflake, a fluff and anything else that your imagination can handle. It is necessary to tie a thread separately to each item.
We take the leaf by the thread and place it at face level, about 10 cm from the lips. We take slow inhalations and long, silent exhalations, alternating them with sharp, short, strong inhalations and exhalations.

Thank you for attention!

Young children are highly susceptible various diseases due to the deficiency of their immune system. Diseases of the ENT organs, for example, bronchitis and pneumonia, are quite common both among infants and older children. Treatment of such diseases, of course, involves the use of medications.

Therapy can be supplemented folk remedies. However, few parents know that there is a special breathing exercises, which helps with pneumonia, because its exercises are specially designed to restore the ENT system.

The benefits of physical education for children of all ages

Despite the fact that the technique is based on the implementation simple exercises, many parents celebrate it high efficiency. In combination with other types of therapy, it significantly speeds up recovery, and has also proven itself to be an excellent preventative measure.

The high efficiency is explained by the fact that oxygen begins to actively enter the blood during exercise. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous, vascular, digestive and respiratory systems, as well as the brain.

Breathing exercises for very young children and preschoolers are excellent for strengthening the immune system. They allow the development of a still imperfect respiratory system. This kind of exercise has a particularly good effect on those who often suffer from bronchitis, colds, and bronchial asthma.

Doctors prescribe this therapy in combination with medications and physiotherapy for pathologies of the respiratory system. The use of the technique improves the course of diseases, reduces the risk of complications and speeds up recovery.

Contraindications to classes

Despite the many positive effects, breathing exercises are not indicated for all children. It is not recommended to do this with children who have severe osteochondrosis in the cervicothoracic region, spinal and brain injuries, high intracranial, ocular or blood pressure.

They are also contraindicated in children suffering from frequent bleeding. It is not always necessary to completely exclude training; some exercises are allowed and will only have a positive effect, so you need to consult a specialist. He will select the safest and most effective ones.

Breathing exercises specifically for children

The complex teaches the child to fill the lungs with air, expanding the chest, and when exhaling, completely release them, literally pushing it out by squeezing. As you know, when a child is not breathing full breasts, a small amount of exhaust air remains in the lungs, which prevents the entry of new air in the required quantity.

Exercise therapy specialists recommend conducting classes daily for 10-15 minutes. Agree, not for long. Exercises are done twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening. In this case, at least an hour should pass after dinner. You can practice before morning exercises, that is, include breathing exercises in the usual complex.

An important point is the baby’s interest. Breathing exercises may seem quite boring and very difficult to him. Parents, for example, can come up with a funny name for each movement and conduct training in a playful way. Ask your child to pick up his toys and exercise with him.

In the warm season, it is better to practice according to the method fresh air, and in cold weather - ventilate the room before performing the complex.

In addition, parents should constantly monitor the child to prevent the appearance of signs of hyperventilation - changes in complexion, tingling sensation in the arms and legs, rapid breathing, trembling hands. If these symptoms occur, you must stop exercising.

At first, the baby may feel dizzy. In such a situation, you need to do the following: fold your palms into a “bucket”, bring it to your face and let the baby take deep breaths several times. Then you can return to your usual activities.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis and other ENT diseases

Any exercise of this kind must be performed in accordance with certain rules:

  • Inhalation is done only through the nose;
  • The cheeks do not puff up; at the beginning, you can hold them with your palms;
  • You cannot raise your shoulders while inhaling;
  • The exhalation must be long and smooth.

Complex for children from 2 to 4 years old

"Ball ". Starting position (hereinafter IP) - the baby is placed on his back, arms folded on his stomach. As he inhales, he should slowly inflate his stomach with a balloon, and as he exhales, deflate it in the same way.

"Wave ". IP - lying on your back, bring your legs together, put your arms along your body. As you inhale, your arms rise and are pulled back. They should touch the floor behind their head. As you exhale, return to the starting position. In this case, the child must say “Vni-i-i-z”.

"Watch". IP - standing, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. The child should pretend to be a clock, waving his straight arms back and forth, and say “tick-tock.”

"Diver". The child should imagine that he is diving under water. It is necessary to hold your breath as much as possible. Be sure to breathe not through your mouth, but through your nose.

"Locomotive". The child imitates a steam locomotive. While standing, he must make alternating movements with his hands, saying “chuh-chuh”, and when stopping, say “tu-tu”.

"I'll grow big." IP – standing straight, legs together. The arms first rise to the sides, then up. When inhaling, they rise on their toes and stretch. As you exhale, the arms are lowered and the child stands on his feet. At the same time, he should say “Wow.”

Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times. You can take short breaks between them if the baby gets tired.

Complex for preschoolers

  • "Hamster". You need to puff out your cheeks and walk a few steps, then turn around and pat them, releasing the air;
  • « Dandelion and rose" IP - stand straight. “Smell a rose” - take a deep breath through your nose, “blow on a dandelion” - let out as much air as possible;
  • "Crow ". IP - standing, arms down, legs slightly apart. As you inhale, your arms spread wide to the sides, imitating wings; as you exhale, they slowly lower with the word “carrr”;
  • "Chicken". IP - sitting on a chair with hands down. A quick breath is taken, the arms are bent towards the armpits, palms up. As you exhale, lower them down, turning your palms into the opposite side.

Breathing exercises for children playing important role in the treatment of diseases, hardening and healing, therefore the choice of a complex must be approached thoughtfully and responsibly.

Look for the wind.

I.p. standing. Imitate the sound of the wind - make a long sound “ssss...” until the exhalation ends. The same with sounds - “sh-sh-sh... z-z-z... w-w-w... sh-sh-sh...”. Each time justifying what is making noise in this particular case. Either it’s a mosquito, or the noise of leaves, etc.


A long snort, when both lips vibrate, a strong stream of air comes out of the mouth. This is what small children do when they pretend to drive a car. The goal is to lengthen the exhalation. This exercise trains the diaphragm well.


I.p. standing. We train another skill: active movements of the diaphragm. The sound “s” is pushed out with force. You need to inflate your bicycle tire. We have an imaginary one in our hands hand pump. We make characteristic downward movements with our hands, along with the sound.


I.p. standing. In this exercise, the air comes out even shorter and sharper at the sound “f”. Hands squeeze an imaginary pear, and it “splashes” water. You can put one child in the middle of the circle - let him be a palm tree or some southern plant. At first he feels stuffy and sultry. On command, everyone picks up spray bottles and, with the sound “f,” sprays the “stem, leaves” from all sides. The "plant" comes back to life.


I.p. standing. Bend your arms at the elbows, elbows down, palms turned away from you. Take a short, noisy breath in through your nose (sniff) and at the same time clench your palms into fists and unclench them. Do 4 such breath-movements without stopping, then rest. Repeat 4 more times. The mouth is half-open, an inaudible exhalation occurs through the mouth, but do not focus attention on it. It happens by itself.

Shoulder straps.

I.p. standing. Clench your fists and lower them to waist level. During a noisy inhalation through the nose, the arms are extended, the fists, as if pushing off from the stomach, are directed towards the floor and unclenched. Then they return to their previous place to the stomach and shrink again. Do it quickly. In one breath, your arms should straighten and bend. Do not raise your arms above your waist. Do 4.8 breath movements while resting.

Breathing exercises for children (from 7–12 years old)

1. I.p. lying on your stomach. The head is moved to the side and the cheek is pressed against the rug on the floor. The whole body is aligned. Place your right hand with the back of your hand on your lower back. Lie down and observe your breathing and the sensations under your palm. Do not intentionally suck in or release air, do not strain. Lie freely. You will definitely feel the undulating movements under your hand.

2. Same. But move your hand a little lower, place it on the sacrum. Will you feel the same movements? Stronger or weaker? Or have they disappeared?

3. On the count of one, close with the finger of your right hand right nostril, inhale through your nose. On the count of two, hold your breath and change hands at this time. On the count of three, exhale through the right nostril. Repeat in reverse order. Do the exercise 4 times.

4. On the count of one, close the right nostril with the finger of your right hand. Turn your head to the left and inhale at the same time. On the count of two, exhale through your mouth (comes out warm air, warming the vocal cords) and return the head to its original position. The hands are lowered. Then repeat everything in the opposite direction. Do the exercise 4 times.

5. Inhale through your nose and at the same time, using screwing movements of your fingers, draw a line from the wings of your nose to the bridge of your nose. Exhale to the sound “f”. Do the exercise 4 times.

6. “Like thirty-three Yegorki stood on a hill on a hill (dumping, getting air). And in one breath say: “One Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas, four Egorkas, five Egorkas...”, etc.


I.p. standing. Feet shoulder width apart. “Cut” the room from ceiling to floor with a fixed exhalation. At the end of the exhalation, with the remaining breath, say “Amba!” (which means: “I cut up the room”).

Wrap your breath

With a fixed exhalation, “wrap” your partner from head to toe. With the remaining breath, say “Basta!” (which means: “You won’t escape anymore”). And then also “unwind” it.


An impulse in our brain gives the command “Sound!”, and, as if ordered magic wand, the chest diverges, the diaphragm lowers, a portion of air is sucked in, and as the breath goes out (exhale), the vocal folds tremble - an initial weak sound appears. You can speak this sound, but not for long. The folds cannot withstand the load. And when it is necessary to speak louder, a person strains his throat with all his might, thinking that the volume of his voice depends on this.

In fact, the ligaments only give birth to sound. Next, the task of other areas of our body - resonators - is to transform this quiet sound into a strong, flying sound, filled with overtones. Vibrations spread throughout the body, causing cavities - emptiness - to vibrate with increased frequency.

“Resonation is the maximum concentration of sound waves” (from “Stage speech” edited by Kozlyaninova, Promptova).

Resonators include: chest, trachea, bronchi, hard palate, pharynx, nasal cavity and accessory cavities, teeth. To train and test the operation of resonators, sonorous sounds are used - m, n, l, r. When pronouncing them, if you put your palm to your chest, to your nose, to the maxillary sinuses, to the forehead, crown of the head, back of the head, to the back, you can feel the vibration. These sensations indicate proper operation resonators. Sonorous sounds relieve vocal cords from overstrain. Relieves tension from the laryngeal muscles. The strength, sonority, and flight of the voice increase.

We often encounter diseases of the respiratory system in children. Not all parents approve of drug treatment, but is it possible to do without them? An excellent way to boost a child’s immunity, prevent the onset of diseases and restore strength if it was still not possible to avoid the disease is breathing exercises. The fact is that most children breathe incorrectly.

The essence of breathing is to let air into the lungs and saturate the blood with oxygen as much as possible. Breathing has 2 phases: inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation, the chest expands and air enters the lungs; during exhalation, the lungs contract and push the air out. If a person does not exhale the air completely, a lot of unnecessary air remains in the lungs, which has served its function, which in turn limits the flow of oxygen into the blood.

The publication provides the opportunity for everyone to take an online Olympiad (test with questions) and then receive a personal diploma.

A child who cannot breathe properly can be easily recognized by appearance: narrow shoulders, weak chest, open mouth, hunched back and nervousness in movements. Children who often suffer from bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and other diseases of the respiratory system have a small lung capacity and their breathing is shallow. The goal of breathing exercises is to learn correct diaphragmatic-costal breathing.

The child needs to learn that when exhaling, all the air must be exhaled from the lungs, otherwise the remaining air will interfere with saturating the body with sufficient oxygen, which can lead to various diseases. Breathing exercises provide a general healing effect, activate blood circulation in the nasopharynx, increase the volume and ventilation of the lungs, and relieve tension on the vocal cords.

Constant training makes the muscles of the diaphragm and chest more elastic, stimulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines, the heart muscle and strengthens the immune system of the body as a whole. Performing them is not difficult at all; breathing exercises are a very simple and exciting activity, and can be done in the form of a game. But first, let's take a look at some rules for its implementation:

  • Before starting training, the room in which you will train with your child must be well ventilated. An excellent option would be to do gymnastics on outdoors in the park, for example.
  • To achieve a positive effect, the child must have a positive attitude and be in a good mood.
  • You should not do exercises immediately after eating, wait 30-40 minutes. It is also not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach, as this can cause dizziness and weakness.
  • During gymnastics, monitor the child’s condition: he should be relaxed, his shoulders should be practically motionless, his facial expressions should be natural.
  • Children 1.5-3 years old do not have developed endurance and perseverance, so you need to start training with 1-2 exercises for 2-3 minutes a day and give the child a rest after each.
  • You should not try to complete the entire complex at once in one lesson; train, gradually increasing the load. For asthmatic children, at least for the first time, classes can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since overwork is extremely harmful for them.
  • If during gymnastics the child turns pale, has rapid breathing or dizziness, the exercises should be stopped, since these symptoms indicate hyperventilation. There is no need to panic, you just need to fold the child’s hands, as when washing with water, and dip them in the face, while taking a deep breath and exhale. Repeat the action 2-3 times, and everything will pass.

So, let's look at a set of breathing exercises for children from 1 to 4 years old.

Breathing exercises for ages 1-1.5 years

With one-year-old babies, you can start training on a daily walk in the park or forest. Show your child how to smell a wildflower by slowly inhaling it through his nose (with his mouth closed and his body relaxed). Then release all the used air through your mouth. At the same time, the cheeks should not swell; exhalation should be done smoothly. Instead of flowers you can smell fresh air, fragrant fruits and vegetables, grass and leaves...

Breathing exercises for ages 1.5-2 years

When the baby grows up and can, at your request, inhale through his nose and exhale air through his mouth several times in a row, you can begin to engage in a complex of breathing exercises fully, as the child grows up and acquires new knowledge and skills, adding different types exercises.


Starting position: standing straight, arms down along the body. On the count of one, inhale with your baby and raise your arms up; on the count of two, exhale and lower your arms down. Repeat the exercise 5 times.


Starting position: standing straight, arms extended in front of you. On the count of one, the child should spread his arms to the sides and inhale, on the count of two, clasp his shoulders with his hands and exhale. The exercise must be done 5 times.


Let the baby lie on his back and put his hands on his tummy, imagining instead balloon. Ask your child to slowly inflate his tummy like a balloon and then deflate it: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Repeat several times.


Blow soap bubbles with your baby more often. This is great for developing the lungs.


Starting position: hands on the belt. The child needs to sit down slightly and inhale, then straighten up and exhale. Gradually squat deeper and inhale and exhale longer. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


Starting position: legs together, arms up. You need to slowly rotate your arms, saying “zhrrr” as you exhale. By speeding up your hand movements, pronounce the sounds louder. Repeat 5-6 times.

Big and small

Starting position: standing straight. As you inhale, the baby needs to stand on tiptoes and pull his arms up, thereby showing how big he is. After standing like this for a few seconds, as you exhale, lower your arms down, sit down and clasp your knees with your hands. Saying “uh,” hide your head behind your knees and show how small the little one has become. You need to repeat the exercise several times.

Lying on your back with a pillow under your head and right hand on the stomach, the baby should imagine himself as a little whale exhaling a fountain of air: “pffff.” Have your baby inhale air through his nose, sucking in his belly, and then slowly exhale it through his mouth, pushing his belly out. You need to repeat the exercise several times.


For this exercise you will need a blank in the form of moths or butterflies cut out of paper. Sit down at the table with your child, place a moth in front of you and start competing to see whose moth will fly farthest. To do this, each person takes turns blowing with his mouth on his own. The exercise can be performed for 3-5 minutes.


Teach your baby to puff out his cheeks like a hamster and walk around the room with an important air (at least 10 steps). Then ask your child to turn to you and slap his or her cheeks to release the air. After this, walk around the room with your baby, breathing through your nose, as if sniffing out food in order to refill the hamster’s chubby cheeks. Repeat several times. Children really like this exercise.


Walk around the room with your baby, pretending with bent arms the movement of the wheels of the locomotive and while saying “choo-choo.” Gradually change the speed of movement, frequency and volume of pronunciation. Repeat the exercise 5 times.


Starting position: standing straight. The child needs to spread his arms to the sides, and put one leg bent at the knee forward. In this position, maintaining balance, you need to hold out for several seconds. As you exhale, you need to lower your arms and legs, saying “shhhh.” Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.


Slowly, walk around the room with your child, flapping your arms like a geese's wings. As you inhale, raise your arms, and as you exhale, lower them, while saying “guuu.” The exercise is performed 5-6 times.


The exercise consists of imitating skiing for 1-2 minutes, saying “mmmm” while exhaling.


Starting position: back straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders. As you inhale, you need to fold your palms together and lift them up. Then, sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, exhaling, lower your outstretched arms down, bending down and, as it were, cutting through the space between your legs. At the same time, the word “bang” is pronounced. The exercise is repeated 5-6 times.


Starting position: standing or sitting, your back should be straight. You need to raise your arms to the sides and inhale, then, slowly exhaling, lower them down, saying “ssss”. Repeat with your child 4-5 times.


Let the baby imagine that a small bee has sat on his arm, nose or leg. Show him how she buzzes happily, saying “zzzz” as she exhales.

In the forest

Imagine that you and your child are lost in the forest and are looking for each other. As you inhale, shout “awww” as you exhale. Periodically, the intonation and volume of the sound can be changed, the head can be turned left or right. Repeat 5-6 times.

Breathing exercises for ages 2.5-3 years


Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind the back, body tilted forward. You need to bend the right one, then left leg, while saying “crrr”, imitating a speed skater at the stadium. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Angry hedgehog

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. Tell your child that when a hedgehog senses danger, it always curls up into a ball. Bend over with your baby as low as possible, without lifting your heels from the floor, and clasp your chest with your arms. Lowering your head, exhale and say “pfft” - the sound that a dissatisfied hedgehog makes. Repeat several times.

Little Frog

Starting position: legs together. Show your baby by example how quickly and sharply the frog jumps: squat down slightly, inhale and jump forward, and when you land, say “kwa.” The exercise is performed 3-5 times.


Let the baby sit with his legs crossed cross-legged. The back should be straight. Show your child how to make a tube-pipe from two loosely clenched fists. Having brought the magic pipe to his lips, the child needs to draw in air through his nose, while simultaneously drawing in his stomach. Then you need to calmly exhale all the air into the tube, while saying a drawn-out “ffff” and sticking your tummy back out. As always, this exercise should be repeated several times in a row.


Place your child in a chair. His hands should be down. Ask your baby to inhale quickly and raise his arms, palms up, toward his armpits, imitating chicken wings. As you exhale, you need to lower your arms, that is, your wings. Repeat the exercise 5 times.


Invite your child to compete with you, imagining themselves as divers descending to the bottom of the river. How long can you hold your breath?


Starting position: stand straight, legs apart, arms down. You need to swing your straight arms back and forth, while saying “tick-tock.” Repeat the exercise 10 times.


Starting position: stand straight, legs apart, arms down. You need to raise your arms to the sides, and then lower them down, slapping yourself on the thigh and saying “ku-kare-kuuu” as you exhale. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Boiling porridge

Starting position: sitting, put one hand on your tummy, one hand on your chest. You need to pull your stomach in and inhale, then exhale and push your stomach forward, while saying “pfff.” Repeat several times.


Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. One hand should be raised up, the other should be moved to the side. Inhale through your nose, and then change the position of your hands. As you exhale, say “rrrr.” Repeat 5 times.


Starting position: lying on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. You need to raise your legs up and, bending them at the knees, press them to your chest, while exhaling. Then return to the starting position and breathe. Repeat 5-7 times.


Starting position: sitting on a chair, back straight, legs together, hands on your belt. You need to straighten your legs, and with the palms of your arms extended in front of you, touch the back of your feet, while inhaling through your nose. Then you need to return to the starting position and exhale. Repeat 5 times.

For older children, breathing exercises become a kind of exciting game that can be played anywhere - at home, on the street, and in a cafe. Use sound exercises in outdoor games. For example, imitate the cry of the Indians, depict the sounds made by various animals, etc.

In a cafe you can gurgle into a glass with a straw, this is also one of the breathing exercises. You can come up with a lot of options, the main thing is imagination. From the age of 3 you can train with a special gymnastic stick. Do it with your child the following exercises:

Step march

Starting position: standing straight, holding a gymnastic stick. Walk around the room, raising your knees high, for 2 minutes. Inhale for 2 steps, exhale for 6-8 steps, saying “shhhhhh.”

flying ball

Starting position: standing straight with the ball in your hands in front of your chest. You need to throw the ball from your chest forward, saying “uhhhh” as you exhale. Repeat with your child 5 times.

Horizontal bar

Starting position: standing straight, legs together, gymnastic stick in hands in front of you. Lift the stick up and stand on your toes, inhaling as you do so, then lower the stick behind your head and exhale slowly, saying “ffff.” Repeat 5 times.


Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the gymnastic stick behind your head close to your shoulders. It is necessary to alternately tilt the torso to the sides. As you bend over, exhale and say “tuuuuh.” Do 4-5 bends in each direction.

Thus, having become acquainted with the light, cheerful and effective exercises breathing exercises, your child will forget what illnesses and colds are, and his speech in the future will be correct and beautiful.

Breathing exercises perfectly complement any medical and physiotherapeutic treatment, train and develop the child’s immature respiratory system and strengthen the body’s defenses.

Training will help your baby not only get healthier, breathe deeply and be in good spirits, but also help you, the parents, breathe a sigh of relief. After all, with regular exercise, your child will not be afraid of any pain!