Job responsibilities of a mechanic. Job description of a mechanic-defect operator in an assembly shop. Ship's life-saving appliances

General provisions:

1. Requirements for motorist-steering: Persons under 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, a test of safety knowledge and received a certificate for the right to work in this position are appointed to the position of motorist-steering.

2. Hired and dismissed by the director in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. According to his position, he is subject to all benefits, rights and obligations in accordance with the company’s Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation in full.

Start the marine engines and check readiness for operation using the main and auxiliary equipment and related control systems. Inspect and maintain engines and associated control systems following specifications, standards, safety regulations, etc. Perform performance tests and monitor engine performance for signs of failure using test equipment, measuring instruments, etc. find the cause of ship engine failures by disassembling and inspecting engines using hand tools or electrical and electronic measurement and test equipment. Replace, repair or adjust faulty engine parts and reassemble engines. Replace, repair or adjust other faulty mechanical equipment. Document relevant information, e.g. to maintenance, testing and repair reports. Maintain and operate firefighting and rescue apparatus and equipment. Help other workers on the ship. Ship. Deck officer. Pilot pilot. Engine operator. Equipment on the ship.

  • Freight agentClearing or forwarding agent.
  • Interior water transport captain of the ship.
  • The ship's captain.
  • Deck.
Or tool and die makers, handle heavy equipment from installation to operation.

3. The driver-helmsman is directly subordinate to the command staff of the tanker.

The helmsman must:

  1. Know the structure of all ship engines and auxiliary mechanisms and the safety rules for their maintenance, safety rules on river fleet vessels
  2. know the principles of operation various systems steering gear, autopilots, be able to control them.
  3. know the structure of main power plants and auxiliary mechanisms and be able to maintain them;
  4. know the standard operational and technical performance indicators of the power plant;
  5. participate in the maintenance and repair of all ship equipment;
  6. know and follow the rules of technical operation of ship equipment;
  7. carry out timely maintenance of the mechanisms assigned to him by the management schedule;
  8. know the location and purpose of pipelines, valves and valves of ship systems and be able to operate them;
  9. be able to read and understand the meaning of instrument readings in your department.
  10. The motorist-helmsman may be involved, at the direction of the mechanic, in shipboard work that is not within the scope of his direct duties, after receiving instructions on labor safety rules in the workplace.

The motorist-helmsman has the right:

Machine operators may work with computer equipment or mechanical machines to ensure they are set up correctly, operate well, and produce a quality product. Machine operators make sure their machines are running at full capacity, stock up necessary materials, are well maintained and periodically check the release.

Inflatable rafts. If necessary, any of the rafts can accommodate a crew twice the standard size. The inflatable life raft consists of an oval-shaped main buoyancy chamber, divided in the middle into two autonomous sections of equal volume

Machine operators can work on a variety of machines or specialize in one complex machine. They are builders, fabricators, mechanics, craftsmen and quality assurance, all wrapped up in one. Machine operators can acquire skills through trade schools, technical colleges, or community college or apprenticeship programs. Typically, 4-5 years of combined and on-the-job training are required to complete the training. To succeed, machine operators need years of experience and must demonstrate an aptitude for mathematics, problem solving, and computer skills.

1. Receive necessary information to perform their duties.

2. Make proposals to your superiors to improve the organization of your work.

The motor operator - the helmsman is responsible:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job responsibilities, non-compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Math skills: Good math skills will help machines understand complex instructions, how circuits work, and ensure that components are designed and built correctly. Problem Solving Skills: Machine operators must know why machines are not performing at peak performance, how to increase productivity, and how to correct errors. Endurance: Machine operators often work long hours in repetitive motions. Analytical skills. Machine operators will be required to read and understand drawings, diagrams, models and other specifications.

  • Attention to Detail: Machine Operators will work with precision equipment.
  • Being off by millimeters can be a critical mistake.
  • Others are very mechanical and operators need to know how and why they work.
Mainly due to ongoing in-store automation and foreign competition.

2. For complete material provision for the safety of the valuables entrusted to him.

Mechanic - mentor

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

But there will still be a need for machine operators with a wide range of skills who can work anywhere in the shop, and your the best choice for classes is to learn as many skills as possible and not specialize in any one machine. Children with disabilities are child care professionals and are therefore responsible for promoting and demonstrating high level professionalism in carrying out their work with children and families.

The gas filling mechanism cannot be activated if the vest has previously been inflated through the operating valve. Excessive pressure leads to damage to the vest because it does not have a safety valve.

The guys will provide high-quality care. To provide a safe environment for children. Create risk assessments for each area used by children and for any other situation or activity that may pose a potential risk to children. Constantly updating first aid to be able to deal with accidents as they arise. Maintaining all necessary documentation. Provide details of the services you provide to the Family Information Service and update them regularly.

  • Ensure equipment is safe, well maintained and age appropriate.
  • Ensure proper hygiene standards are maintained.
  • Following all safety rules.
  • Creation and distribution of promotional materials.
  • Working with other children in the area.
The teacher is expected to.

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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1.1 Basic provisions of the service statute transport ships

1.2 Organization of service on board the ship

1.3 Responsibilities of a 2nd class mechanic

Section 2. Vessel structure, ship equipment and life-saving equipment

2.1 Purpose, technical specifications and structure of the ship's hull

2.2 Anchor device

2.3 Mooring device

2.4 Steering gear and steering gear

2.5 Ship shafting

2.6 Ship's life-saving appliances

Section 3. Ship systems

3.1 Ballast drainage system

3.2 Water fire extinguishing system

3.3 Sea water system

4.1 Safety rules when servicing an auxiliary boiler installation

4.2 Marine pumps

4.3 Air compressor

4.4 Fuel and oil separator

4.5 Bilge water separator

4.6 Water desalination plant

4.7 Responsibilities of the watch mechanic while underway and when parked

Section 1. Organization of service on maritime transport vessels

1.1 Basic provisions of the statuteservices on transport ships

The charter of the sea and river fleet determines the basis for organizing service on ships, as well as the main responsibilities and rights of ship crews. The requirement of the charter applies to ship crew members both while on board the ship and during the performance of official duties on shore. Violation of the requirements of the charter entails disciplinary or other liability established by law. The charter defines the basis for organizing service on ships, the basic rights and obligations of persons ship's crew. The requirements of the Charter apply to all crew members and other persons temporarily staying on the ship. The captain is given the right to temporarily, due to operational needs or in order to ensure the safety of the ship, cargo or people, redistribute responsibilities between crew members on the ship.

1.2 Organization of service on board the ship

The ship's crew consists of the captain, other officers and the ship's crew. The ship's crew consists of deck and engine crew. The command staff includes: captain, assistant captain, chief (senior) mechanics, mechanics of all specialties and other persons occupying engineering and technical positions. The senior command staff is the captain and service chiefs. All crew members, depending on the functions performed, are distributed among the following services:

* General service ensures safe navigation, technical operation of the ship's hull, deck devices and mechanisms, organization of maintenance and collective meals for the crew and passengers. General ship services are headed by the senior mate.

* Ship Mechanical Service ensures the technical operation of ship machinery and mechanisms, technological units, installations and equipment, deck and field machinery. The ship mechanics service is headed by the chief (senior) engineer.

Ship schedules

1. All technical means, equipment and equipment, as well as the ship’s premises are allocated to the management of certain members of the ship’s crew in order to ensure their maintenance, readiness for action and safety.

2. To organize service on board the ship, the following schedules are drawn up: schedule by department; shift schedule; ship muster schedule; schedule for mooring operations; schedule for residential premises. Other schedules may be drawn up on the ship aimed at improving the organization of ship service. Ship schedules are approved by the captain.

Each crew member is obliged to:

* Know the structure of the vessel and its management, rules technical operation mechanisms, systems and devices.

* Observe the internal regulations established on the ship, carry out the orders of the captain and subordinate officers.

* Know and fulfill your responsibilities to ensure the survivability of the vessel, be able to use the ship's technical means of combating survivability, rescue and fire-fighting equipment and inventory, according to your duties, be able to use life-saving equipment.

* Know and comply with safety regulations, fire safety, sanitary rules, security rules environment, border and customs regulations, provisions of the Charter.

* Any person on board the ship who uses the ship's facilities or amenities, whether authorized for such use or not, is entirely responsible for their correct use.

* Any crew member who discovers abnormal operation or unsatisfactory condition of the ship's technical equipment is obliged to immediately report this to the captain's watch officer (watch engineer), taking all possible measures to eliminate them.

* Any person on board the ship, upon detection of a danger threatening the ship, people, cargo and technical equipment, is obliged to immediately report this to the captain's watch officer (watch engineer) and at the same time take measures to eliminate it.

* All crew members are required to carry out emergency and emergency work announced by the captain.

* None of the crew members has the right to leave the ship before the end of the voyage without the permission of the captain.

* Members of the ship's crew may leave the ship only with the permission of their immediate superiors. When leaving the ship, as well as upon arrival on the ship, crew members are required to notify the watch officer about this.

* Crew members, as well as other persons on board the ship, are prohibited from starting work or going on watch while intoxicated or showing signs of illness. A person who appears in a state of intoxication is subject to immediate removal from work or from duty.

1.3 Responsibilities of a mechanic 2nd classace

* Class II mechanic must:

Know the structure of the main and auxiliary mechanisms, the purpose and location of the pipelines and valves serving them;

Be able to maintain main and auxiliary mechanisms and technical means that ensure their operation;

Be able to maintain auxiliary boilers and technical means that ensure their operation;

Know the location of storage areas for emergency equipment and fire extinguishing equipment and be able to use them.

* A 2nd class mechanic is required to:

Take part in the maintenance and repair of all ship technical equipment;

Follow the rules for the technical operation of ship technical equipment;

Safety and fire safety regulations; keep a watch in accordance with the ship's schedule.

* A 2nd class mechanic may be involved, at the direction of the senior mechanic, to ship work, not included in the scope of his direct duties, including mooring operations and securing cargo, after appropriate training, receipt of a qualification certificate, instruction on safety rules in the workplace and registration of his admission to these works by order of the captain.

Before the intercessionmon watch, watch mechanic2 class is obliged:

1. Familiarize yourself with the condition and operating mode of the serviced technical equipment.

2. Receive from the motorman taking over the shift information about the condition of the technical equipment being serviced and orders transmitted during the shift.

3. Report to the engineer on watch that you are ready to take over the watch. With the permission of the engineer on watch, make a transfer and acceptance of the watch.

During the watch, the watch mechanic is obliged to:

1. Be at his post, monitor the operation of the existing technical means of the mechanical installation entrusted to him and manage them.

2. Follow the instructions for servicing the mechanical installation equipment.

3. Follow the instructions of the watch mechanic to ensure uninterrupted operation of the mechanisms at the given operating modes and other orders.

4. Comply with safety and fire safety regulations.

5. Immediately report to the engineer on duty about any problems noticed in the operation of technical equipment, and take measures to eliminate them.

6. Maintain cleanliness and order in the engine room.

7. Know the types of alarms and your actions in accordance with the ship’s schedule.

8. Know how to manage technical means and electrical equipment under the guidance of the watch mechanic.

Section 2. Ship structure, ship equipment and life-saving equipment


2.1 Purpose, technical characteristics and device

ship hull

Frame- the main part of any vessel, consisting of a frame (frame) and plating. The set is a set of longitudinal and transverse links that provide the body with rigidity and give it the appropriate shape.

The material used for the hull is shipbuilding steel, manufactured under the supervision of the register and in accordance with the requirements of the register rules. The material used for the main body (sheets, strips, welded profiles) is carbon shipbuilding steel, low-alloy high-strength steel of category A32 and D32 with a thickness of 8...50 mm inclusive with a yield strength of 315 MPa for individual structures.

For the construction of the hull and deckhouse the following was used:

*rolled asymmetrical strip-shaped profiles of carbon shipbuilding steel of nominal strength category A from No. 8 to No. 16 inclusive with a yield strength of 255 MPa and increased strength of 315 MPa.

*welded T-profiles made of sheet steel or strip steel of categories A32 and D32.

The body has a completely welded structure. Welded connections are made using semi-automatic and manual welding.

Welding with one-sided and intermittent seams only in cases permitted classification society. Welded joints of the main hull structures have been tested non-destructive methods radiographic and ultrasonic testing in accordance with the control scheme welded joints approved by the classification society.

The upper deck is made parallel to the main plane and inclined on all open parts. The board is made according to a transverse frame system with rolled stringer frames. The transverse bulkheads are made flat with vertical posts of rolled profile. Along the entire perimeter of the upper deck there is a bulwark with an inward slope.

Tank fresh water and fuel are located in the rear of the hull and in the MKO. In the MKO area, tanks are limited by longitudinal bulkheads

In the plane of the stringers, the necessary drainage holes are provided in a set of tanks, ensuring the unhindered movement of liquid and air.

2.2 Anchore device

An anchor allows you to hold the ship in a certain position, counteracting external forces on the open sea, such as wind, sea waves, currents, etc.

Basically, ships are anchored when they are in the roadstead and are waiting to enter the harbor, as well as in emergency situations, when, for example, the ship is in danger of running aground.

The anchoring device includes: anchor, anchor chain and anchor capstan, or anchor winch.

Rice. 2.1 - Anchoring and unanchoring:

a - the anchor slides along the ground; b - the anchor is engaged; s - anchor

burrows; d - the anchor chain is tensioned; e - the anchor chain breaks out

ground anchor; f - anchor rises

The anchor chain connects the anchor submerged on the seabed to the ship, so it must absorb all external forces (wind pressure, wave impacts, etc.) acting on the ship. The length of the chain depends on the type and length of the vessel. It is much greater than the depth of the sea at the mooring site, since the chain must connect the ship with the anchor in such a way that the force acting on the anchor has a horizontal direction. Thanks to this, the anchor legs are buried in the ground.

Rice. 2.2 - Anchor chain:

a - anchor chain bow (with anchor shackle); b - intermediate

bow; c - root stop; d - swivel; e - long link;

f - large link; g - ordinary link; h - link with spacer;

i - end bracket

The anchor chain consists of individual links; Several links connected to each other form a bow. The individual bows are connected using connecting links. The anchor and the anchor chain are connected to each other by an anchor shackle with a swivel, which allows the chain to rotate around its axis. The chain passes through the recess in the side of the fairlead for the anchor, through a stopper that prevents spontaneous trawling of the chain, and is wound on chain sprocket anchor winch. The other end of the anchor chain is located in the chain box and is attached to the vessel by means of a shackle.

Rice. 2.3 - Bow anchor device:

1 - anchor winch (windlass); 2 - stopper for the anchor chain; 3 - pipe

anchor hawse; 4 - anchor; 5 - anchor niche; 6 - chain box;

7 - device for fastening the anchor chain; 8 - chain pipe

The anchor device is located in the bow of the vessel. The anchor winch is also installed there. The main part of the winch is the chain sprocket, which allows you to lift the anchor with the chain, and when winding, the chain links can rest on the chain sprocket on both sides. In addition to the chain sprocket, the anchor winch also has mooring drums (turrets) for reeling in mooring lines. The bow anchor device includes two anchors located on the sides of the vessel. Due to the limited area for placement, an anchor capstan is used as an anchor winch. It is a drum rising above the deck with vertical axis rotation. The drum, which serves as a winch, has a chain sprocket at the bottom. It is driven by an electric motor mounted in a drum.

2.3 Mooring device

The mooring device is used to moor the vessel to the pier while it is moored in a port or shipyard. The ship is moored to the shore using mooring lines that extend diagonally from the ship to the shore. Currently made from various synthetic materials.

Rice. 2.4 - Towing and mooring device (general view):

1 - aft longitudinal mooring lines; 2 - nasal longitudinal

moorings; 3 - aft clamping moorings; 4 - nasal spring;

5 - stern spring; 6 - bale strip; 7 - bollard; 8 - towing

bollards; 9 - mooring capstan; 10 - mooring bale strip with

three rollers; 11 - ordinary bale strip; 12 - mooring

hawse; 13 - mooring views

Mooring ropes are thrown onto the pier from a ship approaching the shore. At their ends there are loops with braiding, which are put on mooring poles located on the shore of a port or shipyard. The free end of the mooring cable is laid on the side turret of the anchor winch or on the drum of the anchor capstan (mooring capstan), and the vessel is pulled towards the shore. Upon completion of mooring, the cables are laid around the mooring bollards and secured.

Rice. 2.5 - Fairleads, bale strips and bollards:

a - mooring hawse; b - mooring hawse; c - duck; d - ordinary

bale bar with guide roller; e - double bollard;

f - double cross bollard

2.4 Steering device and steering machine

Using the steering device, you can change the direction of movement of the vessel or keep it on a given course. In the latter case, the task of the steering device is to counteract external forces, such as wind or current, which could cause the vessel to deviate from its intended course.


Nominal torque on the stock when shifting the rudder - 16

at a nominal angle of 35° on each side, kN m

Time to shift the rudder from 35° of one side to 30° of the other side with a load of 28 no more

Electric motor power of the pumping unit, kW - 3

Dimensions of the pump unit, mm, L a Х B a Х H a - 660Х505Х675

Force on the steering wheel when the rudder is shifted to a nominal angle of 15° on each side, 160 N, no more

Diameter D p 140; Height H p 180

Dimensions of the power drive, mm, LЧBЧH - 1180Х510Х675

Steering gear weight, kg - no more than 800

1 - steering gear; 2 - steering pin; 3 - semi-balanced steering wheel;

4 - rudder stock

When the steering wheel on the bridge rotates, the telemotor sensor is triggered. Oil flowing under pressure in the pipeline causes the telemotor receiver to move, due to which the steering pump is driven in the corresponding direction.

2.5 Ship shafting

A device connecting the ship's main engine to the propulsion unit. Designed to transmit torque from the main engine to the propulsion unit, as well as to perceive the thrust created by the propulsion unit and transmit it to the ship's hull. The Shaft Line includes propeller, intermediate and thrust shafts, support and thrust bearings, stern tubes, shaft turning, brake and other devices that ensure the operation of the Shaft Line. The propeller shaft is designed to mount the propulsion device, and its supports are the stern tube bearings. The thrust shaft transfers the thrust created by the propeller to a thrust bearing rigidly connected to the ship's hull. Intermediate shafts are installed between the propeller and thrust shafts to facilitate the manufacture and installation of the shaft line. Their supports are support bearings. Shafts are usually made hollow, which reduces their weight and provides Better conditions for heat treatment. The shafts are connected to each other using flanges and connecting bolts or by means of removable steel cylindrical couplings. The length is 20 m.

Rice. 2.7 - Ship shafting:

1 - GD; 2 - flywheel; 3 - thrust shaft; 4 - thrust bearing;

5 - bulkhead seal; 6 - support bearing; 7 - corridor

propeller shaft; 8 - intermediate shafting; 9 - half coupling;

10 - stern tube device; 11 - propeller

Stern tube device - Serves to support the propeller shaft (or intermediate) and seal the place where the latter exits the ship’s hull. Contains a stern tube with a stern shaft placed in it, and two water-lubricated bearings are installed inside the pipe, the bearings of which are formed by strips located along the axis of the said shaft, characterized in that it is equipped with a hull pipe fixed in the hull of the vessel, in which a movable the said stern tube, and at least two elastic elements that are in contact with the stern tube, each of the elastic elements having an internal cavity communicated with the working medium system, and fixed to the body pipe, while active radial magnetic bearings with system automatic regulation, the working gaps of which are facing the stern tube, and the end surfaces of the stern and body tubes are equipped with conical elements corresponding to each other. Bulkhead seals are installed where the shaft passes through watertight bulkheads.

Rice. 2.8 - Bulkhead seal: 1 - bulkhead; 2 - navarish; 3 - shaft;

4 - stuffing box; 5 - bronze ring; 6 - pressure sleeve;

7 - pressure ring; 8 - body; 9 - oiler

2.6 Ship's life-saving appliances

Life-saving equipment is a set of devices, mechanisms and structures necessary for training and for rescuing the crew and passengers in the event of the loss of a ship.

The requirements defining ship's life-saving devices are specified in the following documents:

* International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS-74), Chapter III "Life-saving appliances and arrangements";

* International Life Saving Appliances Code (LSA Code);

The lifeboat is open. It is made of fiberglass or metal alloys, rarely of wood. The length of open lifeboats ranges from 7.3 to 11.3 m. Capacity is from 37 to 145 people.

To increase buoyancy, open boats are equipped with built-in or removable hermetic air boxes made of stainless materials. The volume of air boxes of a boat flooded up to the gunwale allows it to stay on the surface of the water with a full load - passengers, emergency supplies, etc.

Open boats are driven by an engine or manually by the passengers themselves using a crank mechanism. All open boats have awnings made of two-layer (with an air gap) waterproof material that protects passengers from exposure to cold and bad weather.

Along the sides of the boat there are lifelines with wooden or plastic handles that a person in the water can grab onto.

The lifeboat is closed. Made from fiberglass or metal alloys. The length of the 66-seater lifeboat is 8.5 m, the maximum width is 3.05 m, the height from the bottom to the “ceiling” of the hard canopy is 2.35 m. The fuel supply is designed for 24 hours of continuous operation.

When capsizing, the boat automatically returns to its normal position. To avoid injury during a severe storm, passengers must fasten themselves to their seats using special seat belts. Passengers are accepted into the boat (including victims on stretchers) through special hatches and from the water.

In addition to those described, there are closed boats of smaller capacity, as well as special ones, for example, tanker boats.

Rigid life rafts. Most often used on river vessels. The shell of rigid rafts is made of fiberglass or aluminum-magnesium alloy. The buoyancy chambers are divided into isolated compartments, which are filled with foam inside, which allows the raft to float on the surface of the water even if the shell is damaged.

Most rafts are equipped with a removable wind- and moisture-proof awning, which is installed in the working position using arcs on either side of the raft. The rigid metal raft SPS 12, with dimensions of 1.5 by 1.8 m, has a total weight (with equipment and supplies) of 180 kg. Designed to rescue 12 people - two people are placed on top and 10 in the water are held by a circular line.

Plastic rigid rafts SPP 6 and SPP 12 are equipped with a wind- and moisture-proof awning and, respectively, can accommodate 6 and 12 passengers. The heaviest of the rigid rafts is SPA 12, its total weight is 280 kg.

Inflatable rafts. If necessary, any of the rafts can accommodate a crew twice the standard size. The inflatable life raft consists of an oval-shaped main buoyancy chamber, divided in the middle into two autonomous sections of equal volume.

An inflatable bottom is attached to the bottom along the perimeter of the buoyancy chamber. Two beams in the form of inflatable arcs support a protective awning consisting of two layers of waterproof material. Air gap, formed between the layers of fabric, increases the thermal insulation properties of the awning and reduces dampening of the material. The raft has two inlets, which can be closed if necessary using double curtains.

The raft is painted bright orange on the outside and inside. On the inside of the awning are placed: instructions for priority maintenance of the raft, a diagram of the location of valves (safety, inflating and deflating) and Morse code signs.

Purpose of supplies.

1. Water-filled battery. To activate the battery, you must pull out the insulating plugs from its housing. The operating time of the search light battery is 20 hours.

2. Blower valves - 4 pcs. For inflating the raft using a foot pump, hand bellows or mouth. Located on the buoyancy chamber near the arcs and on the bottom of the raft.

3. Handles on the bottom are used to return an overturned raft to its normal position. A carbon dioxide cylinder is used as a footrest.

4. The manual bellows is designed to inflate and completely deflate the raft.

5. Supply container. Attached to the buoyancy chamber between the canopy arches.

6. Signal search fire. It is located on the outer part of the awning arc. The 2.5 volt light bulb is protected by a transparent plastic cap. Visibility limit 1-4 km. The light bulb is connected by a soft wire to a water-filled battery.

7. Interior lighting kit. It is located on an arc near the entrance from the inside. It consists of a light bulb in a protective cap, mounted in a rubber, hermetically sealed bag, inside of which there is a water-filled battery. Seawater is poured into the bag, after which the light begins to shine.

8. Metal plugs (7 pcs.) are designed to deflate the raft. They are located on the buoyancy chamber at the entrances, on the central bank, the bottom and the outer arches of the awning.

9. Towing line 20 meters long. Stored in a bay on a buoyancy chamber. When towing, it is attached to the rings on the external ladder.

10. Water collectors - inclined grooves on the outer awning of the raft, converging in the center - are designed to collect rainwater. The drainage tubes of the water collectors with plugs are inserted into the raft.

11. A bag with oars and other equipment. Attached to the buoyancy chamber between the canopy arches.

12. Starting line. When tensioned, the mechanism for automatic gas filling of the raft is activated. It also functions as a safety line that holds the inflated raft in close proximity to the emergency vessel.

13. Carbon dioxide cylinder. Attached to the bottom of the raft using special lacing.

14. Safety valves (4 pcs.). They are used to relieve excess pressure in the cylinders during automatic inflation of the raft or its overheating in the sun. Located on the buoyancy chamber and the canopy arches.

15. Scoop with foam rubber. Used to drain the internal volumes of the raft.

16. Ballast pockets. They are rectangular rubber bags attached from below to the bottom of the raft. When filled with sea water, the raft's stability in waves increases and wind and wave drift are reduced. If necessary, they can be removed by pulling special pins attached at the entrances.

17. Throwing end with rubber ring. Fixed at one of the entrances. Designed to provide assistance and pull the victim to the raft. The throwing end and ring must be self-buoyant.

18. Internal ladder. Makes it easier to lift a person out of the water. Increases the longitudinal rigidity of the raft.

19. External railings. Designed to keep people in the water afloat.

20. External ladder. Makes it easier to lift a person out of the water. Floating anchors, towing lines, etc. are attached to the ladder.

21. Sea anchor (2 pcs.). One inside and one outside the raft. Designed to reduce wind and wave drift and increase raft stability.

Inflatable rafts have an oval shape and are produced mainly in two types: six-seater (PSN 6) and ten-seater (PSN 10). In addition, on Russian courts imported round and multi-faceted rafts are used. PSN are stored folded in a special plastic container box. In the event of an accident, the raft is dropped into the water, where, using a gas filling mechanism, it is brought into working condition within a few minutes.

Due to their low weight and the absence of special devices for launching, the use of rafts is permissible even in cases where boats cannot be used.

Personal rescue equipment

That is, means intended to save one person caught in the water. These include: life jackets, bibs, rings and various life suits. The most common are life jackets. The number of lifejackets on a ship is determined by the total number of its crew and passengers plus five percent of the required reserve. In addition, the ship must have at least two dozen children's life jackets with a clearly readable inscription "For children." Life jackets are placed in easily accessible, publicly known and clearly marked places. For passengers - in the cabin. There are several types of life jackets, but the requirements for all are almost the same. The life jacket must: be quickly put on and fixed on the body with one or two simple operations. If necessary, it should be removed just as quickly. Incorrect or delayed donning of a life jacket should be avoided; have two or three buoyancy chambers isolated from each other, each of which is capable of holding a person on the surface of the water. The victim’s body, wearing a life jacket, should be close to the horizontal (in most modern life jackets there is up to 50 degrees of deviation from the vertical), since a vertical position would increase the cooling of the legs - the deeper, the colder the water. The victim's head should be slightly tilted back, with his mouth 12 cm from the surface of the water. When wearing a vest, the body finds this position in the water after 4-5 seconds, even if the victim is unconscious. It is necessary that the back of the head is not immersed in water, since cooling it can lead to disruption of thermoregulation of the entire body. In inflatable life jackets, the internal volumes are filled with air (or safe gas) automatically in 2-3 seconds using a special gas filling mechanism. To maintain a given pressure in the buoyancy chambers, a working air pressure valve is provided. To facilitate the search for a victim, the life jacket is equipped with sound and light alarms. A life jacket should not restrict movement or cause harm to a person when jumping into water from a height of 4 to 5 meters. The material from which the life jacket is made is non-flammable and immune to the effects of petroleum products. Passengers most often deal with an inflatable rescue bib (RIB).

Rescue bib inflatable is made of orange rubberized fabric. It is worn over the head, covering it from behind like a collar. The main internal volume of the bib is located on the chest, which ensures the correct position of the human body in the water. The weight of the bib with bag and straps is 1.3 kg, positive buoyancy is 16 - 18 kg.

Vest details:

1. The inflation valve in the form of a regular tube is designed to bring the vest into working position in the event of a malfunction in the gas filling system and maintain a given pressure in the buoyancy chambers.

2. The lifting belt is shaped like a loop. Designed to lift a person out of the water. The belt loop is attached to the outer surface of the bib using a button, which is easily opened when the drowning person is raised.

3. An emergency signal light makes it easier to find a person on the water at night. Consists of a water-filled "Beacon" type battery and a 2.5 volt light bulb, protected by a transparent cap. Electrical diagram is activated within 2 - 10 minutes. (depending on water temperature). The duration of the light bulb is 11 hours.

4. The whistle is placed in a special pocket and serves as an audible emergency signal in conditions of poor visibility. The sound of a whistle can be heard two to three times further than a shout and is easier to detect by ear.

5. The automatic gas filling mechanism consists of a can with a capacity of 44 cubic meters. cm, filled with liquid carbon dioxide under pressure up to 200 atm., and a special starting head. When the head is pulled out, gas begins to flow into the buoyancy chambers. Within 2 - 3 seconds the vest takes the desired shape.

The gas filling mechanism cannot be activated if the vest has previously been inflated through the operating valve. Excessive pressure leads to damage to the vest because it does not have a safety valve.

6. A hemp pole allows the victim to become attached to a floating object or communicate with another victim. Waist and leg straps are designed to secure the vest on the body and relieve dynamic loads that occur when a person jumps into the water.

Lifebuoys. Currently, they are made from various brands of foam plastics, cork chips, polystyrene foam and other floating materials. The outer diameter of the lifebuoy must be no more than 800 mm, the inner diameter must be no less than 400 mm.

The circle's buoyancy of 14.5 kg is maintained throughout the day in the water. The circle must withstand the impact of being dropped from a height of three meters edge-on onto hard ground or flat onto water from a height of ten meters. And it should not ignite in an open flame for two or three seconds.

Lifebuoys are placed in such a way that they can be easily and quickly removed. On naval vessels, every second circle is equipped with an emergency signal light. Some circles have a lifeline 28 meters long attached to them.

Rescuefree fall boats

The boat's hull has a more robust design and well-streamlined, smooth contours that prevent strong impacts when the boat enters the water. Since overloads occur when hitting the water, the boat is equipped with special chairs with shock-absorbing pads. The boats provide reliable protection in any weather conditions. The body material is fire-resistant fiberglass polyester. Before leaving the boat ramp, all people in the boat must securely fasten themselves with seat belts with a quick-release buckle and a special head restraint. Great importance to safely perceive dynamic loads, it has the correct body position in the seat, which must be practiced in training - during drills.

Free-fall lifeboats guarantee the safety of people at a distance of 20 m from the landing platform to the water surface.

Free-fall lifeboats are considered the most reliable life-saving means for evacuating people from a sinking ship in any weather conditions.

Section 3. Ship systems

3.1 Ballast drainage system

transport vessel mechanic hull

The ballast drainage system is designed for:

* moving ballast water (sea water) into and out of the ballast tank in order to change the draft and trim of the vessel;

* removal overboard from the vessel's premises of small masses of water appearing as a result of everyday operation;

* draining the chain box.

Ballast is received in the forepeak and afterpeak, in double-bottom and side tanks. Fuel tanks and temporary dry cargo holds can be used as ballast tanks. The ballast system is centralized: tanks are filled and drained through the same pipeline. Water intake is carried out through the bottom or side seawalls. The vessels are equipped with an automated ballast system.

The drainage system is designed to remove small quantities of water from the compartments of the vessel where it systematically enters. Machine-boiler rooms, dry cargo holds, cofferdams, and propeller shaft corridors are equipped with a stationary system. The cargo pump rooms and bow compartments of tankers are equipped with their own drainage systems. Each vessel must have at least two, and a passenger vessel - at least three, autonomous, self-priming mechanically driven bilge pumps. A simplified diagram of the drying system is shown in the figure below. Water collecting in the bottom of the vessel is sucked through the filter and valve box and discharged overboard by a bilge pump. Since bilge water often contains oily impurities (especially in the engine room area), it is passed through an oil separator, which is designed to separate oil and oily particles and send these impurities to special tanks.

Rice. 3.1 - Drainage system:

1 - suction mesh; 2 - valve box; 3 - drainage

pump; 4 - oil separator

3.2 Water fire extinguishing system

A water fire extinguishing system in which water is supplied by a centrifugal pump to the fire main under a pressure of 8-12 kg/cm³ to fire hydrants to which fire hoses are connected. There are two main fire pumps and one emergency fire pump with its own kingstone.

The water spray system is designed to extinguish a fire with finely sprayed water. There are nozzles on the system pipes that create a water curtain.

3.3 Sea water system

Rice. 3.2 - Sea water system:

1 - Kingston; 2 - Sea water pumps; 3 - Refrigerator cooling

oils; 4 - Fresh water cooling refrigerator; 5 - Refrigerator

air cooling

Section 4. Ship power plants

4.1 Safety rules for maintenance

vspoboiler plant

Safety regulations place high demands on the personnel servicing the boiler.

Persons who have reached the age of 18, have passed a medical examination and have a certificate of the right to serve are allowed to work in the boiler department. steam boilers. During their shift, they must wear overalls and safe shoes. KO personnel are obliged to maintain cleanliness and order. KO flooring must be made of corrugated steel sheets, always firmly fixed, and all openings in them must be closed. Oil or fuel oil spilled on the deck should be cleaned up immediately. Technical operation of an operating boiler must be carried out in compliance with the technical operation rules and instructions of the manufacturer. Preparing the boiler for operation should begin with an inspection of all elements of the boiler and combustion chamber to ensure that there is no damage.

To remove the explosive gas-air mixture, the firebox must be ventilated for at least 3 minutes.

When taking the boiler out of operation for inspection and work inside it, it is necessary to reliably disconnect it from the operating boiler, for which disconnect plugs should be placed between the flanges of all steam lines and pipelines connected to the boiler. The boiler is opened only under the guidance of a responsible person.

It is prohibited to: tighten nuts on boiler elements and steam lines under pressure; fulfill renovation work with impacts and drilling; open hatches and manholes on a boiler that is not disconnected from operating boilers; penetrate into the boiler if there are no plugs on all pipes connecting it to other boilers, locks on disconnect valves and “People in the boiler” posters; use in steam-water manifold or boiler furnace electric lamps voltage above 24V; work in the internal space of the boiler at temperatures above 50°C without preliminary ventilation, without a watch at the boiler hatch, who watches those who work inside.

All repair work should be carried out with the participation and under the guidance of the mechanic responsible for the condition of the boiler. The boiler must not be put into operation if: leaks are detected in the collectors, chambers or pipes; malfunction of nutrients, absence or malfunction of at least one safety valve, water indicating device or pressure gauge; malfunction of the bottom blowing valve, as well as if the number of plugged pipes exceeds 10% of their total number. To protect against burns and reduce heat losses from the boiler, chimneys and steam lines must be insulated. The temperature on the insulation surface should be no more than 60 ° C. It is necessary to strictly monitor the tightness of fuel pipelines, fittings, pumps, keep bilges clean and dry, and prevent fuel oil accumulation in the firebox and under the pumps. The boiler room must be equipped with fire-fighting equipment.

4.2 Marine pumps

Pumps are mechanisms by which liquids are transported or pumped from a room with lower pressure to a room with higher pressure. Depending on the principle of operation, there are volumetric (piston, gear, screw), centrifugal (vane) and jet pumps. On ships, pumps are divided according to their purpose: bilge, ballast, feed for oil and cooling water, fire, injection, etc. Displacement pumps are used to periodically pump separate quantities of liquid from the suction chamber to the compression chamber. The simplest positive displacement pump is a piston pump. The principle of operation of such a double-action pump is shown in the figure below.

Rice. 4.1 - Operating principle of a double-acting piston pump:

1 - piston; 2-5 - valves; 6 - suction pipe; 7 - pressure


Another very common type of positive displacement pump is the gear pump. The feeding element consists of two gear wheels placed in a sealed housing. One of the gears is driven, for example, by an electric motor. As the wheels rotate, the teeth protruding from the ring gear cause an increase in volume in the pump, causing fluid to be sucked into the lower inlet. Individual amounts of incoming liquid accumulate successively in the intermediate space between gears and are fed between the pump housing and the wheels to their outer side. Finally, the liquid enters the compression chamber. Due to the sequential entry of the wheels into the ring gear, the liquid is squeezed out into the pressure pipe. Gear pumps are used on ships to pump viscous liquids with good lubricating properties such as oil, fuel, etc.

Screw pumps also belong to the group of positive displacement pumps. The fluid from the suction pipe enters the intermediate spaces between the screws, which are also called chambers and are located between the driving screw, connected directly to the engine, and the driven one. After turning the screws to a certain angle, the liquid in the chamber is locked; then along the screws it goes up and from there it is pumped into pressure pipeline. If the pressure in the compression chamber increases too much, it opens safety valve, and the fluid flows back into the inlet chamber.

Rice. 4.2 - Operating principle of a screw pump:

1 - drive shaft; 2 - driven screws; 3 - safety

bypass valve

The working principle of a centrifugal pump is shown in the figure below. A characteristic feature of these pumps is a continuous flow of liquid. The working part of the pump, a rotor with blades, is mounted on a rotating pump shaft, which is most often connected directly to the drive motor. The rotating blades transfer the motor's energy to the fluid flowing through the pump, creating pressure that forces the fluid from inlet to outlet. Centrifugal pumps are widely used in ship power plants. They have different designs depending on the power. Thus, the power of pressure pumps for tankers reaches several thousand tons of liquid per hour. If the pumped liquid (for example, water in fire pumps or feed pumps for steam generators) requires higher pressure, multistage pumps are used. The principle of their operation is that water, having reached a certain pressure and leaving the first stage, flows to the suction pipe of the next stage, where the pressure rises again.

4.3 Air compressor

Compressors are machines that compress gases from low pressure at the inlet to high pressure at the outlet. The ratio of these two pressures represents the compression ratio. The simplest and most often used compressor on ships is a piston compressor. According to the principle of operation, it is identical to the diesel engine discussed above. Since the temperature of the gases increases during the compression process, a compression ratio of only six to eight can be obtained in the compressor cylinder. A further increase in the compression ratio leads to an increase in temperature, which has a harmful effect on the compressor. If it is necessary to obtain a higher pressure (for example, to start the main engine an air pressure of 2.9 MPa is required), multi-stage compressors are used. Air atmospheric pressure(0.59 MPa) is drawn into the high pressure cylinder with a smaller displacement than that of the low pressure cylinder because the amount of air is reduced due to compression in the low pressure cylinder and cooling in the cooler. The air pressure in the high-pressure cylinder can be increased again by six times. The final air pressure will then be 3.5 MPa.

4.4 Fuel and oil separator

Separators installed on sea vessels are designed to purify fuel and oil from mechanical impurities and water. The separation of mechanical impurities and water, as heavier particles, occurs in centrifugal separators under the action of centrifugal forces arising from the rotating movement of fuel or oil. On sea vessels, centrifugal disc separators are installed, self-cleaning or with manual cleaning. The separation of dirt and mechanical impurities from the fuel is called clarification (clarification), the separation of water is purification (purification).

Watered and contaminated fuels are purified using combined purification. For this purpose, two separators are installed on ships, one of which operates in the clarification mode, the other in the purification mode. Oil separation and separators for it are no different from fuel separators and, if there is a connecting system, can be interchangeable. Disc separators such as SCS, Laval, Titan, Westfalia and other foreign companies are installed on sea vessels.

The assembly of drums for clarification and the assembly for purification differ from each other.

Rice. 4.3 - a - for clarification, b - for purification;

1 - plate without hole, 2 - mud space, 3 - plate with


In the rotating drum of the separator, assembled as a clarifier (Fig. a), fuel enters through the central channel into the lower part of the drum, is thrown towards the walls, passes through the gaps between the plates and is discharged through the clarification holes (indicated by arrows in the figure). Mechanical impurities and dirt are deposited on the walls of the drum and on the surfaces of the plates under the influence of centrifugal forces. Sediment from the drum walls and plates is removed manually when disassembling the separator.

The clarification method is used when the fuel contains a significant amount of mechanical impurities and a small amount of water. The water is thrown back together with mechanical impurities, fills the entire mud space 2 and forms a hydraulic seal that will block the fuel flow path between the plate gaps. Fuel entering the drum in a continuous flow will begin to flow out of the overflow pipe. In this case, the separator is stopped and the drum is cleaned. During clarification, the separator is started with a dry drum, and when it reaches the required speed (8-10 thousand rpm), it is gradually filled with fuel.

For separation of watered water (up to 3% and more water) fuel separator drum is collected as a purifier (Fig. b). To do this, install a lower plate 3 with holes. When the separator operates using the purification method, the drum is filled with warm water, the temperature of which must be the same as the temperature of the separated fuel. The water forms a water seal, and the fuel passes through the holes in the plates. Water and mechanical impurities are separated from the fuel in the gaps between the plates and directed to the walls of the drum. The separated water is continuously removed from the drum (shown by arrows in the figure). Self-cleaning separators differ from non-self-cleaning separators by the design of the drum, the cleaning of which occurs without stopping the separator.

1 - unloading hole; 2 - shutter piston; 3, 6 - water

cavities; 4, 7, 9, 10 - holes; 5 - drain valve; 8 - camera;

11 - channel; 12 - annular groove

The figure shows the structure of the drum of the self-cleaning separator STS-3.

Discharge holes 1 are cut out on the walls of the drum, through which dirt separated from the fuel is thrown out. The unloading holes are closed by closing piston 2. The right part of the figure corresponds to the position of the locking piston when cleaning the drum, the left - when separating fuel. When the separator is started, the discharge holes are open and the piston is in the lower position. The movement of the piston is controlled by a special hydraulic system, the working fluid which contains water. When the drum reaches the required number of revolutions, water is supplied to chamber 8, from where it flows through holes 7 and 9, respectively, into cavities 6 and 3. From cavity 6, water drains out into hole 10. And from cavity 3 - through hole 4, channel 11 in the piston body to the annular groove 12 in the drum wall and channel 5. The water supply stops after the system of cavities and channels is filled. Some of the water flows out from cavity 6, which is located between hole 10 and the drum rod, while from cavity 3 the water is completely drained. As a result of the action of centrifugal forces, the water remaining in cavity 6 creates pressure on the locking piston, which rises and closes the discharge holes. After this, fuel is supplied to the separator and fuel purification work occurs as described above.

To clean the drum, water is again supplied to chamber 8, from which water begins to flow through hole 7 and eight holes 9 into cavities 6 and 3. In cavity 3, water accumulates much faster, since it is supplied through eight holes. The water accumulated in cavity 3 lowers the piston. To clean the separator, stop the fuel supply to the drum and feed it into large quantities heated water. The accumulated dirt is thrown out of the drum through the discharge openings under the influence of centrifugal forces. After the separator stops, water drains from cavity 6 and the piston, under the influence of gravity, lowers to the lower position.

4.5 Bilge water separator

Operation of the RWO separator. Before commissioning the KM separator unit, it is necessary to check the supply of compressed air and power supply to the automation system. In the absence of power supply to the automation system, both piston valves 7 for the removal of petroleum products are in the closed position. The installation should be put into operation in the sequence indicated below.

1. Open the valves on the compressed air pipeline; the pressure gauge should show a pressure of 0.4 to 0.5 MPa.

2. Turn on the main switch of the automation system 24, and the green indicator lamp “Operation” and the red indicator lamp “Oil into the holding tank” should light up.

3. Fully open the spring-loaded drain valve 9 on the discharge pipeline overboard and the shut-off valve 25 between the separator and the filter.

4. Switch the group of valves in front of the separator pump so that clean sea water is sucked in to flush the separator.

5. Start separator pump 14.

6. Fill out separator plant clean sea water until water appears through the air release valve 18. From the primary and secondary chambers of the separator, air is automatically removed through piston valves 7 into the holding tank 13. After the separator is completely filled with water, the “Oil into the holding tank” indicator lamp and The green “Water overboard” indicator light comes on. For safety purposes and to prevent oil products from getting overboard, check the filling of the separator and the presence of oil products in the water by opening drain valves 21.

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