Drain pipe for air conditioner: types, sizes and price. Drainage system of the air conditioner Purpose of the drain pipe in the air conditioner

On the radiator indoor unit Split systems generate condensation (water). This happens due to the fact that the temperature of the radiator is significantly lower than the temperature passing through it. room air. And in order to ensure the removal of this condensate from the room, a drainage system is needed. In this article we will learn what requirements apply to drainage for air conditioners and how to choose it correctly.

Several common methods of water drainage are used for air conditioners:

What should be the drain hose for air conditioners?

We all understand perfectly well that drainage for an air conditioner must meet the most serious requirements. After all, it is not just located in an accessible and visible place (as in various plumbing fixtures, washing machine or in the refrigerator), but is laid through external wall, or even more difficult, “blocked” inside the room. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that the drainage removes other contaminants along with condensate (there is no pressure and a strong flow of water).

Based on these requirements, drainage it should be:

Only a special hose for air conditioning meets all these requirements. It is made from high-quality and durable material, has a smooth inner surface with a diameter of 16 mm, and a rigid spiral frame can protect against damage and provide the necessary flexibility. As a last resort, you can use a metal-plastic tube with a diameter of 16 mm.

For drainage unsuitable:

  • garden hoses. They are strong, durable, smooth, but if bent excessively, they narrow the internal diameter;
  • cheap corrugated hoses, as well as most of the hoses that come with some Chinese air conditioners. All of them wrinkle easily, tear and at the same time do not have a smooth inner surface;
  • corrugations for cables. They wrinkle less, but do not have a smooth inner surface and are easily “worn” inside the wall.

The conclusion of our article is that drainage for an air conditioner is the most important and critical part of the entire system, which cannot be skimped on. A reliable and durable hose for a split system is difficult to find in traditional hardware or hardware stores. To find it, you need to contact specialized stores or organizations that work in the climate sector.

Today we will look at one of the most important materials for installation - air conditioner drain pipe. A very common malfunction during the operation of a “split” is when water begins to flow from the indoor unit. To minimize the possibility of such a malfunction, I will tell you a few nuances when installing drainage. Today we will also look at what tubes and hoses are used by air conditioner installers.

The main cause of leakage from the indoor unit is a clogged drain tube. The second reason that I have encountered, which is less common, is factory defects in the condensate collection system on the indoor unit. But I will try to talk about them in other articles, and today we will analyze the first reason in detail.

Very often we have to deal with the problem of clogged drainage. From our practice, there are two most common cases:

  • when the drainage tube becomes clogged during “natural” operation (contaminants accumulate in the indoor unit);
  • when the drainage becomes a favorite habitat for insects (bees or bumblebees fly in, spiders make nests).

The likelihood of each situation occurring largely depends on the type of drainage hose used. Yes, yes, it is the choice of the “correct” drainage that will reduce the likelihood of a leak.

Types of air conditioner drain pipes used by installers

Rigid drainage tubes:

Soft drainage hoses:

I have seen air conditioners equipped with other drainages (electrical wiring corrugations, hoses from washing machines and others), but I don’t even see the point in discussing them in our article.

Which air conditioner drainage is best to use?

As you can see, there are many types of hoses, each with its own pros and cons. Metal-plastic drainage and garden hose bends can bend, narrowing the hole for draining condensate.
Thin-walled soft drainage (as well as various corrugations) can be damaged when pulled through the hole. Hard plastic drains are more attractive to insects. But flexible a specialized hose for air conditioning has more advantages than minuses. Because it does not compress when cornering and has a rigid protective braid that does not fray.

This section of the catalog presents drainage hoses, tubes and additional accessories for removing condensate from air conditioning systems. Flexible drainage hose, metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes, capillary hoses, drainage tees and adapters. Reinforced drainage hoses are available in 25 and 30 meter coils. Also available PVC hose for a length of 1 meter. For quality connections, connectors are presented, such as: drainage and capillary hoses, 16mm hose connector, T-shaped tee, Y-shaped tee, capillary hose tee.
​ To prevent odors from sewage systems, our product range always includes Vecam siphons and check valves for drainage.

​Hoses and accessories for condensate drainage.

Drainage hoses for air conditioners, as well as various accessories that help with quick and professional installation of condensate drainage. The range includes both a flexible drainage hose for air conditioners and metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes.

All evaporative type devices, including air conditioning, operate based on physical properties gas - with a sharp expansion, cool its volume. This process takes place in an evaporation chamber, the purpose of which is to cool the air.

But when cooling, another law of physics comes into force called “reaching the growth point.” In simple words, this looks like the appearance of small drops of dew on a cooled surface, these droplets are called condensation.

In fact, they can be called a by-product of the functioning of the equipment, and for the device to operate normally, it requires timely removal of condensate from refrigeration systems.

Where does condensate come from and where does it go?

Condensation is drops of water. Since the air conditioner device is difficult electrical connections and circuits, in some cases, excessive moisture causes malfunction or breakdown, and if the device is connected to the network, there is a possibility of a short circuit.

In one day, average household air conditioners can collect up to 10-15 liters of liquid that is in the atmosphere. And if there are a lot of air conditioners installed, for example in office buildings, hundreds of liters of condensate can accumulate in a day. This volume is dangerous due to the risk of flooding.

It also has a detrimental effect on health. Wastewater serve as a good breeding ground for bacteria and mold that are dangerous to humans.

These points are enough to make a decision to install a special air conditioner drain for drainage. The main task of which is to derive from excess condensate from technology.

Health effects

The main danger of condensation is not the risk of flooding or equipment breakdown, it is a threat to health. If the device has several components for the comfortable growth of bacteria, namely water, dirt and heat, all this creates the conditions for a whole incubator of dangerous diseases and other infections:

  1. A foul smell is the least of evils. This “aroma” serves as a warning that it is time to carry out a major drainage cleaning.
  2. Pathogenic bacteria – There is one type of bacteria that causes pneumonia. It is also called “Legionnaire's disease”, the mortality rate from which is very high.
  3. Mold fungi - some types of fungi provoke diseases, including cancer.

Drain pipe clogged

How to properly drain condensation from an air conditioner

After the information received above, the question arises of how to properly drain condensate from the air conditioner. A frequently used and financially profitable method is to withdraw drain pipe outside by drilling a small hole in the wall. The main advantage is simplicity - make a hole, stretch a hose and everything works. But there is also negative side, it consists in the effect of “raindrops” that will fall on the windowsills and cause a lot of inconvenience to the neighbors. The aesthetic side is also a disadvantage. No matter how practical this method, not everyone likes pipes hanging from the apartment; on a bare wall.

It would be much better to use condensate drainage into the sewer.

Drainage to sewer

This option does not have any disadvantages. Air conditioner waste is discharged into a designated system. This can be either a general sewer canal or a specially designed pipeline network. All drainage will occur without your help due to the slope of the pipes.

But there are also subtleties in implementing such a system for draining condensate from an air conditioner:

  • To prevent the nasty smell from the drains from entering the room, it is necessary to install a water seal - this is a curved part of the drainage pipe in the shape of the letter S. The operation of such a seal is similar to the operation of a siphon - it creates a barrier to odors that come from below.
  • If the air conditioner for a long time is idle, the water seal may dry out and the air escaping from it will begin to discharge like a sewer. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to pour several liters of water into the drain every 5-7 days.
  • When using the gravity flow option, it is necessary to accurately calculate the minimum diameter and slope of the system so that all air conditioner waste can flow freely through it.

Manufacturers usually provide detailed diagram, which facilitates the installation process.

Condensate drainage diagram

Drain pipes for air conditioners

Drainage pipes from air conditioners belong to the drainage system and are presented in two positions on the market:

  1. Pipes made of polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene.
  2. Pipes are smooth and corrugated.

The first option is most often used if the length of the drain is small; in other cases, corrugated systems are used. At the same time, the second type has another huge advantage - it is the excellent flexibility of the drain hose, due to which during installation there is no need to use additional fasteners, as is necessary when working with smooth pipes.

Drain pipes for air conditioners

The process of installing a condensate drainage system

Despite the difficult descriptions of the actions, in practice the withdrawal process is extremely simple and requires only attention from you:

  1. The first thing to do is remove the fasteners from the air conditioner, which are located below.
  2. A small container will be installed at the bottom under the fan to collect excess condensation. A pipe can be seen on its side; we attach the drainage pipe to it using a clamp.
  3. Next, reassemble and install the air conditioner in place. But it is important that the tube goes through the hole in the side of the air conditioner.

Now you need to take the previously connected hose into the sewer or outside. If the hose is routed correctly, you will see the first drops coming out of the pipe.

Drainage diagram to the street

Cleaning the drainage system

IN living conditions Without the help of a specialist, you can clean the drainage system only if only the bath pipe is dirty. To do this you need:

  1. Unfasten the filter located on the air conditioner body and rinse it thoroughly.
  2. After removing the lower fastenings, disconnect the drainage tube and remove the bath.
  3. Rinse these parts, paying attention Special attention holes.

For other failures associated with clogged drainage, you need to Technical equipment, it’s better to call a specialist. DIY repair may damage expensive equipment.

Air conditioner – popular today Appliances, used to maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate. And like any other device with complex design, it contains a variety of replaceable parts. Including siphon, connecting and drainage pipes. These elements can be considered auxiliary; in fact, it is difficult, and most often impossible, to do without them.

For example, this applies to the siphon. This device used to remove condensed moisture from the air conditioner. Some owners of air conditioning units do not pay due attention to the moisture dripping from them, since it is usually allowed to simply flow down out the window. But this is completely wrong from the point of view of ethics and aesthetics. Dripping and sometimes pouring moisture from a height can fall on random passers-by. But if the house is private, low-rise, then there is another problem: condensation accumulates around the facade in the form of unsightly puddles, which, moreover, do not have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the foundation. Installing a siphon allows you to avoid all this and make the operation of the air conditioner aesthetically pleasing and more comfortable from a practical point of view.

This is a fairly simple device that drains condensate directly into sewer system. Initially, moisture accumulates inside the siphon; as soon as its quantity becomes sufficient, a special shutter is activated and the water is drained into the sewer. And to prevent a smell from coming out of the pipe, the siphon is equipped with a special valve that does not allow unpleasant odors into the room.

Depending on the type of design, siphons are:

  • external – located in plain sight;
  • built-in - hidden in the thickness of the wall;
  • transparent - made of translucent plastic, so their condition is very easy to monitor, noticing overflow and contamination in time.
  • Siphons for air conditioners are manufactured both in Russia and foreign manufacturers, each of which offers several models of such devices. They differ in the type of thread on the connecting elements, which should be taken into account when choosing a siphon. Built-in siphons have different depths to which they can be immersed in the wall, which is also important to know before purchasing. The main indicator by which the effectiveness of such equipment is assessed is its throughput. For household needs siphons with average characteristics are suitable, and for industrial ones - exclusively with high ones.

    Correct operation of the air conditioner is impossible without special drainage pipes OK. They are part of the outlet complex along with the siphon. Tubes of suitable size and length, correctly mounted and sealed, will allow you to get rid of condensed moisture easily and in a timely manner. Drainage can be made up of hoses or capillary tubes. The hoses are made of PVC and have larger diameter, rather than tubes. To give them rigidity and stability, they have a spiral inside. They are installed together with the main air conditioning system, laid along the walls and connected to the sewer system, and then covered with thermal insulation. Capillary tubes are usually used in conjunction with drainage pumps; they are used when moisture cannot be removed naturally, but you need to pump it out first. They are also made of durable but flexible plastic, have a small diameter - 2-6 mm - and are often transparent. They can be easily installed even in difficult conditions and in rooms where it is not possible to install another drainage system for air conditioner.

    Drainage hoses and capillary pipes are an important functional part working system air conditioner A properly installed drainage complex from them is necessary in order to drain the water concentrates constantly formed during the cooling of the incoming air outside the air-conditioned rooms.

    Formed this system from a selected number of drain hoses that are tightly and securely connected to the main distribution block of the air conditioning system. IN normal conditions drainage hoses are installed at an angle to the pan of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, which ensures natural drainage of moisture. If the location of the air conditioner does not allow this, special drainage pumps are used, for the operation of which capillary tubes are laid.

    Drainage hoses (pipes)

    Traditionally, drainage pipes are flexible hoses made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), reinforced against damage with an internal spiral. They can be used to transmit air, chemically active gases, cold vapors, smoke; they are not recommended for use for the distillation of gases with the possibility of sparking or with hot vapors. The special design allows the drainage hose to be flexible and maintain high resistance to fractures and kinks, and withstand adverse conditions. weather And low temperatures. Typically these pipes have White color and are supplied in coils of 25-30 m in various diameters.

    Indoors, drainage pipes are usually laid together with other communication and functional systems air conditioner in one box. They are installed along the walls and through specially prepared openings they are taken outside the residential premises or connected to the sewer system. In this case, all technological openings must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and, if necessary, strengthened. After installing the drainage pipes, electrical wiring and air line, they are covered with heat-insulating materials, which are usually played by various natural and synthetic soft fillers that can provide tightness and withstand sudden temperature changes over a long period of time.

    Often, as temporary measures for repair, a variety of hoses are installed, including ordinary rubber ones, but this quickly leads to leaks in the most inconvenient places near the kinks. For reliable and high-quality operation, it is important to use only specialized pipes for drainage systems.

    Capillary hoses (tubes)

    These products are usually used in conjunction with specially installed drainage pumps. Their use is the only solution for those situations where it is impossible to ensure the removal of condensate naturally by conventional means. Modern technologies production drainage pumps allow you to install equipment in any required places, as well as use electronic sensors water control, which provides reliable and accurate results.
    Depending on the size of the premises, pumps of very different power and performance are used, and the further the outlet paths in the form of drains or sewers, the larger the footage of capillary hoses that need to be used. These tubes are made of durable plastic, which, depending on the manufacturer, can be either colored or transparent. Capillary hoses have high flexibility and a relatively small diameter - usually 6mm external and 2mm internal, which ensures ease of installation even in the most hard to reach places residential and industrial premises.