Dragon's dogma walkthrough. Dragon's Dogma: walkthrough. There are only three of them

No matter how many times Dragon's Dogma is re-released, one thing remains the same: it's weird. I really want to summarize all my impressions in this way, without going into a tedious analysis of all the gears, because the game will still go against any expectations. It's strange - and you have to try it yourself to understand it.

Yes, it's an RPG. No, forget about the plot. It exists, but in a primitive form and with a clear lack of understanding of how to make a good story out of a banal premise. Enjoy another interpretation of the trick with the hillbilly, who, in the midst of haymaking, becomes the chosen one and runs to save the world: an invincible dragon flew in, you know, made our hero immortal, swore in his own language and sits somewhere there, threatening humanity, for which he must be killed . This, in general, is the whole essence of the local mess, and only someone who has never seen high-quality fantasy can be intrigued by it.

To be fair, a similar idea is used by many colleagues in the genre - take, for example, Dragon Age: Origins, to which the above is more suitable than we would like. The difference is that other projects carefully play with the hackneyed motif, masking it with interesting details and branches, but Dragon’s Dogma offers nothing. There is only a dry and flat concept here: you are cooler and smarter than everyone else, and evil evil will not destroy itself. As an excuse for everything that’s happening, it’s all right, but it definitely doesn’t deserve close attention. The situation improves a little towards the end, and even then thanks to the curious lore, which practically does not show itself until the epilogue.

The game generally doesn’t care much about the usual RPG values. A world worked out to the smallest detail, carefully drawn characters, dialogues with literary flourishes - who needs them? Only the key characters, of which there are at most ten, have similar characters, and only they are able to more or less fully communicate with the hero. The rest of the NPCs are cardboard fools, wandering around absolutely sterile locations and giving the same routine line. The degree of interest in the conversations here still exceeds the levels of Dead Rising, but this is hardly something to be proud of.

Food supplies tend to spoil right in your pockets, and therefore it is better to send them for treatment as soon as possible.

Obviously, in unfavorable conditions, exploring the surrounding area loses all meaning. Despite the decent size of the map, the game simply has nothing to encourage pioneers - at best, a long journey will delight you with a modest camp on the outskirts, where the most intelligent creature will be a merchant. However, you don’t have to look far for examples of the criminal emptiness of the environment: just get to the only major city and appreciate the beauty of its lifeless labyrinths connecting rare functional points like a black market or a hotel. No fresh gossip on the streets, no colorful townspeople, no spontaneous incidents - even, scary to say, Morrowind portrayed civilization much more convincingly. After this, you once again thank the developers for improving the fast travel system, it really comes in handy here.

Sometimes, however, you can find a quest or two in vacant lots and finally fall into despair. As part of the plot, we are spoiled with full-fledged tasks with set-up and clear activities, but the side activities are almost entirely borrowed from the worst MMOs about killing 45 birds with one stone and collecting 15 herbs. Only if the latter try to sweeten the pill with at least a couple of lines of an accompanying mini-story, Dark Arisen shamelessly pushes the routine without comments or motivation - that’s it, they say, that’s all. Such orders don’t even have a “customer” - they are taken on the notice board and completed on their own, remotely.

It’s all the more offensive that the claim to something more is still noticeable. Single sidequests are accompanied by unique dialogues, characters and events, and a couple even flirt with the non-linearity of the passage and the consequences of decisions - but there are so few of them that they do not have any impact on the roleplaying. And it’s difficult to call them exciting, again, due to the lack of work on the game world: looking for, say, the protagonist’s girlfriend would be much more interesting if the authors spent a little time on their relationship.

Epic shots go especially well with the Lord of the Rings soundtrack - the game music is good, but it sounds rarely and not always accurately.

The game prefers to really shine in the gameplay field. This is what makes you forget about all the troubles and mistakes of designers. Dragon's Dogma is like a sort of lite version of Dark Souls, in which the player is also hanging out somewhere at the bottom of the food chain, but has a slightly better chance of survival among goblins with dimensionless life bars.

First of all, the combat system is of interest. It, unlike From Software's creation, is not too keen on deep tactics and is generally quite arcade-like, which from time to time reminds one of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, which is as beautiful as it is old. You don’t need to be a master of lunges or have a black belt in rolling to successfully fight back against the local bestiary - you just need to timely alternate basic attacks and special techniques, the arsenal of which is constantly expanding, and not expose yourself to attacks from particularly large opponents. Of course, this is not on the level of Devil May Cry, with which the fan community is increasingly drawn to comparisons, but the combat instantly captivates with the dynamics of what is happening, ease of learning and diversity not inherent in RPGs.

This doesn't mean the battles lack depth, however. On the contrary, subtleties emerge one after another, especially when facing bosses. Battles with them are a separate source of fun and challenge in Dragon’s Dogma. Each member of the menagerie has its own vulnerabilities, the search and exploitation of which lies the purpose of such skirmishes. Some weaknesses, like, say, the glowing stones in the golem’s body, are immediately visible, while others must be discovered experimentally, setting fire to the griffin’s feathers and firing dark magic at the dragon. Class differences also influence the approach to the boss: if a robber with a bow has no difficulty in finishing off a Cyclops from a long distance, then some paladin will have to literally climb over the giant’s body and stab his eye with a sword.

There's a surprising amount of equipment here. You can’t try everything in one sitting.

Fortunately, the game allows you to try everything at once, because next on the list of its merits is the wonderful leveling of the character. Initially, there are only three mediocre professions to choose from, and the introductory chapters force you to play as a warrior, robber or mage - but soon after this the opportunity opens up to change your specialization to any other without losing progress. This is an incredibly cool find, giving extreme flexibility to builds, introducing total variability into the process and leaving a loophole for players who are disappointed in the chosen direction. Moreover, periodically juggling profiles is even useful, since they determine the proportions of growth of certain characteristics. To put it simply, if you suddenly need to expand the stamina reserves for your mage, it would be better to become a ranger by at least a few levels, because the increase in this parameter is many times higher. They are also encouraged to experiment by the presence of unique perks, which are unlocked only by leveling up a certain class, but are universal in use.

And to make you feel less lonely, Dragon’s Dogma has introduced an unusual pawn system. This offensive nickname is used here for companions, of which there can be no more than three in your team: you create one yourself, the remaining two you catch from the network database of freaks raised by other players. All of them are absolutely faceless as characters, but are infinitely effective and independent in battle. They grab small enemies, distract the attention of particularly ferocious individuals, climb onto the manes of large creatures and generally act in harmony without any orders. Even though the AI’s work cannot be called flawless, it quite successfully simulates the team interaction necessary when facing serious opponents. The possibility of complete control is lacking only in the most critical moments - when the magician forgets to cure a mortal wound, all that remains is to press the “Help” button.

However, you shouldn’t get attached to your partners. Of the entire booth, only your personal pawn rises up the career ladder with you - guests from other worlds are always static and maintain the level they reached at the time of hiring. This is another plus in favor of the variability of gameplay: the party can be easily customized and adjusted to the needs of a specific situation.

Another interesting feature of pawns is their constant negotiations. Fortunately for many who played on consoles, the PC version finally added the option to disable the voice acting of companions, and yet the fact is remarkable. Despite the lack of character, they actively comment on what is happening, but they do it like complete autists, over and over again jabbering obvious and, without exaggeration, stupid speeches. For those who didn’t catch it the first 76 times, they will definitely repeat that wolves hunt in packs, and on a long hike they will kindly remind you of the map in your pocket. In addition, a dialogue icon may suddenly pop up above one of the idiots, hinting at the presence of important thoughts about the recent triumph. “The quest is completed, master,” is the most weighty thought you can count on.

And everything would be fine, only Dragon’s Dogma explains in the worst possible way how to play all this. The tutorial here is an unreasonably long contextual presentation on the topic “100 things that are done here in the same way as in all other games,” while a lot of more significant questions remain behind the scenes. You have to use trial and error to figure out what quests look like and what the essence of pawns is, to discover completely unexplained crafting and upgrade systems, to find out after creating a character that his height and weight affect some characteristics, at the end of the passage to accidentally read, that NPCs have daily routines and hidden love interests, and much more. The introduction to party management is absolutely enchanting: you learn how to select pawns correctly on a training ground with wooden dummies that can be easily broken without really understanding what was discussed. The coach will still pat you on the shoulder approvingly and say: “You see how important the choice of pawns is!” It’s not that we need to be led by the hand through all the hardships of adaptation, but understanding the mechanics here is extremely boring and uncomfortable, and it’s easy to miss a lot at the right moment and frankly ruin your further passage.

Thanks to this, the first two or three hours of Dragon’s Dogma are a hurricane of wandering around the corners of a few villages in the hope of insight. In our case, getting to know the game went something like this. Having first thrown the village healer off the cliff, we followed the only road and saw how the guards were easily killing the monster that we were supposed to defeat. After throwing the guards off another cliff, we returned to the village and met a charismatic black man named gg. Having thrown gg off a new cliff, we realized that it was actually a pawn of another player (we should have guessed earlier, huh?), and for about forty minutes a plot character had been waiting for us, hiding in the darkest tent and not marked in any way on the map. Around the same time, the action began to acquire the beginnings of meaning and the picture described in this article emerged on the horizon, although there were a few more cliffs. In general, it was a difficult journey.

As for the features of porting to PC, everything is relatively in order. Capcom swore with all their hadoukens that “stunning visuals” awaited us and backed up their promises with quite decent screenshots - in the end, as expected, age took its toll. Even in 2012, the game did not look cutting-edge, inferior in beauty to Oblivion, which had celebrated its five-year anniversary by that time, and now modest graphical changes cannot make it look like candy. If anything can knock you off your feet, it’s the unforgivably ugly sprites, shamefully scaled fonts and goblins that appear a meter away from the main character. Of course, they added a wide range of settings and support for sky-high resolutions, but in the era of adequate ports this is no longer surprising.

But on the controls, by golly, they could have spent a little longer and redesigned the archaic interface, which takes away half the fun from the game with its terrible design. Keyboard workers were given an exclusive function of binding items to hotkeys, as if apologizing for the fact that there is still no direct access to the map, quest log and equipment - all these functions need to be picked out from the pause menu, which in reality is much worse than in words . Even holding a gamepad in your hands doesn’t make it more intuitive, although it definitely muffles the discomfort.

But the main thing is that Dragon’s Dogma makes you want to return. At first you swear for a long time, saying that everything is crooked and askew, you wonder how it even plays correctly, you scream at the quirks of Japanese game design and leave the game with a feeling of extreme satiety, and then you still catch yourself thinking that it would be nice to finish it off tomorrow evening griffin and save up for a nice helmet. Naturally, new opponents come to take the place of the feathered beast, the equipment becomes better and better, and the time spent in the game goes beyond all limits of decent. And this is good.


Floral Delivery (Benita, destroyed house opposite the back door of the hotel)
You need to collect 5 Sunbright and 1 Moonglow flowers. The first can be found during the day at the roots of large trees near the village, the second is located in the village itself at night on the Starfall Bay beach.

Grim Tidings (Elvar, usually wanders the streets or sits in one of the houses on the way to the chapel, can also be in the chapel itself)
We just run along quest markers and chat with NPCs.

Lost Faith (Clemente, chapel)
The book is on the roof, follow the marker and you can easily find it.

World Map

Of Merchants & Monsters (Alon, Ancient Quarry, entrance closest to Gran Soren)
We go in, open all the doors in the quarry and kill three ogres.

Search Party (Raynard, a merchant whom we rescue from goblins on the way from Cassardis to Encampment. During the game, encountered in Cassardis, Encampment, Gran Soren and Greatwall Encampment)
To start the quest, you need to make 10 purchases from Raynard. We buy something, close the trade and dialogue screen, activate it and buy it again, and so on until the quest icon appears above his head. First of all, he will ask you to bring Scrap Iron (drops from skeletons). Then we make 5 more purchases. The quest will update, and this time you need to bring Miasmite (drops from phantoms, Miasmite Shard does not count. You can also get it by combining Miasmite Shard and Firefly Stone). We make 10 more purchases, and the merchant finally asks to find 6 parts of the diary:
1. Encampment, chest on the left side of the camp.
2. Catacombs, chest in the room with phantoms.
3. Gran Soren, a chest on the roof in the Venery area, near the Black Cat store.
4. Miasmic Hunt, chest in the camp at the farthest poisonous swamp (inhabited by saurians, in the center is an island with a cage) south of Greatwall Encampment.
5. Soulflayer Canyon, closest entrance to Greatwall Encampment. At the first fork we take the right, the chest is on the ruins of the bridge.
6. Ancient Quarry, one of the chests in the central area where the first ogre settled.

Quests available after completing the story quest "A Rude Awakening" (battle with the hydra)


An Uninvited Guest (Pablos, hotel)
We talk to the marked sellers, report to the quest giver, and then simply catch the thief. You can slow him down by hitting him, or wait at the gate, where he will come running one way or another.

Deep Trouble (Poll, at the well next to the gate)
We go down and kill all the Saurians.

Guard Duty (Madeleine, hotel)
We accompany Madeleine to Encampment, after which we satisfy the girl’s request and give 1000G for needs.

Lost & Found (Ghief Adaro, at the well or at home)
We go to Witchwood, where we find the girl, after which we accompany her to the witch’s house. The fog in the forest can be dispelled by destroying the talismans.
The quest must be completed before completing the Lure of the Abyss story quest.

Quests available after completing the story quest "A Matter of Myrmidons" (visiting the pawn guild)


Dying of Curiosity (Merin, on the beach on the left, near the boats)
Stock up on 6 Greenwarish herbs. The character at the gate will tell you that he saw Valmiro on the coast. We leave the village, turn right, onto the beach, where we find the unlucky traveler. We give the medicinal herb and go to Encampment. Valmiro will be to the left of the gate. We feed 2 more herbs and head to Witchwood, where we find the poor guy again and give him 3 herbs, after which we return to Merin and turn in the quest.

Gran Soren

A Troublesome Tome (Steffan, in the alley behind the hotel)
We talk with the saleswoman from Camellia's Apothecary, after which we go to the Ruins of Aernst Castle, which is west of Witchwood. The chest with the desired book is at the very top of the dilapidated tower. Under no circumstances attack the robbers in the castle, so as not to miss their quest .

Chasing Shadows (Mason, in the market near the hotel)
We wait until nightfall and go to the palace gates. After the cutscene, we follow the knight, keeping our distance, to Madeleine's new store. We watch another cutscene and turn in the quest to the innkeeper.

Land of Opportuniry (Fournival, at home opposite the gate to the palace. Sometimes you can find it at the Black Cat store)
You need to persuade three people to leave the living space:
1. Pip, a boy at Furnival's house. After the conversation he runs away, follow the marker and find him on the roof of the barn. He runs away again and hides under a bridge in the Venery area. We find it, but the guy can’t sit still again. This time he needs to be caught, like the thief in the quest An Uninvited Guest, after which he will finally give up and agree to move.
2. Sara, girl in the tavern (Alehouse). We talk to her, wait a day and get her consent.
3. Jasper, in the alley behind the hotel. He needs Sarah and Pip's consent, after which he will ask for 30,000G for the move.
We return to Furnival and receive the reward.

Escort Duty (Fournival, Land of Opportunity quest must be completed)
We accompany Furnival's daughter around the city. We slowly follow her until the girl offers to play hide and seek. We find her in a nook behind the inn, in the inn or in the pawn guild and accompany her further. When she gets tired and asks for water, we bring her the Flask of Water, after which we race to the gate and complete the quest. If we quickly find her while playing hide and seek, don’t linger with the water and allow ourselves to be overtaken, we receive a Gold Idol as a gift from the girl.

Reaper's Scorn (Austine, forge opposite the pawn guild)
You need to use Wakestone to resurrect the blacksmith's son. To collect Wakestone, you need 3 Wakestone Shard. Austin gives you one right away, two more can be bought from Furnival and Black Cat.

A Fortress Beseiged (Ser Maximilian, at the gate to the palace)
We go to Shadow Fort and talk to the captain. Further along the tunnel we make our way behind the walls, clear the courtyard from goblins and cyclops, find the lever, open the gate and let the soldiers in. We destroy the next wave of goblins and watch the cutscene. We go into the fort through the broken door and again chop down the unfortunate goblins and one cyclops, making our way to their leader. We defeat him, watch the cutscenes, talk to the captain and return to the capital to turn in the quest.

The Cypher (Ser Maximilian)
We talk to the plowman in the field, then to the seller in Black Cat and finally to the courier named Maurin (marked with a marker, but you may need to wait for him to appear in the city). Next we go to Hillfigure Knoll, talk to Dragonforged and return to the capital.

The Watergod's Altar (Ser Maximilian)
We speak with Father Geffrey in the church and go to the cave of the same name with the quest. At the entrance we meet a monk, after talking with him we go into the cave. The first step is to lower the bridge (the lever in the passage to the left of the bridge). Next, we find the remains of another monk in the spacious hall with the Cyclops and examine them, at the same time we deal with the monster and get the key to the door not far from the bridge. Behind it we find a mechanism that lowers the water level in the ruins and thus opens access to the lower level. Then you can either immediately look for 5 stone tablets yourself in the chests scattered throughout the ruins, or return to the monk at the entrance and receive the corresponding task along with markers pointing to the necessary chests. One way or another, we collect them, take them and return to the capital.

Seeking Salvation (Ser Maximilian)
We learn from one of the marked people that Mason (who previously gave us the Chasing Shadows quest) had already asked them about the cult. We look for him at the fountain or aqueduct and get Salvation's Badge. We ask people again and find out that the cultists are gathering in Catacombs. Next, using the marker, we find the catacombs and clear them, after which we return to the capital and turn in the quest.

Justice Done (Mason, in the catacombs)
Received automatically during the Seeking Salvation quest. We are simply deciding the fate of the cultist captured by Mason. As such, the choice does not affect anything, however, if you decide to spare the person, Mason will disappear from the game.

World Map

No Honor Amont Thieves (Maul, Ruins of Aernst Castle, quest An Uninvited Guest must be completed)
The leader of the robbers will ask you to either kill 10 representatives of the rival gang, or deal with the traitor. We choose a peaceful solution to the problem and go to Cassardis, where the traitor has settled. When talking with him, choose the first option (surrender to the mercy of the robbers). As soon as he leaves the gate, the quest will be updated and you can return for your reward.

Thick as Thieves (Ophis, Ruins of Heavenspeak Fort)
The leader of the robbers speaks only to women and becomes hostile at the sight of men, so either get rid of the stronger sex (you can simply throw the pawns off a cliff), or dress them up in women's dresses.
If manipulating the pawns and their equipment does not help, grab Ophis and drag him away from the castle. We let go and, as soon as she puts away the weapon and heads back to her lair, we take/hand over the quest.
As for the quest itself, it also has 2 solutions - combat and peaceful. We choose peaceful and look for the character Betiah at the gate, who will ask you to feed Cyclops, Ophis’s pet. We go to the paddock marked on the map. On the way we meet a crowd of goblins, kill one, grab his corpse and take it to the Cyclops. We lay it at his feet, watch the monster eat dinner, and return to Bethia, and then to Ophis.

Quests available after completing the "Come to Court" story quest (audience with the Duke)


Deeper Trouble (Rorric, well, Deep Trouble quest must be completed)
Upon returning to the village, we will hear a voice from the well. We go down, talk to the character, and then destroy the saurians and the clutch of eggs.
There is a possibility that the quest will appear before the audience with the Duke, since it will be activated 7 in-game days after completing the Deep Trouble task.

An Innocent Man (Tomlin, elder's house or beach)
The boy's father is kept in custody in a dungeon in Gran Soren, as one of the guards at the gate to the palace will tell you about. We stock up on two Skeleton Keys (sold in Black Cat, you can also make it yourself by combining Hunk of Ore and Shackles) and go to free the prisoner. Using the keys, we open his cell and the neighboring one, in the wall of which you can find a gap through which we escape. At the exit we will be met by Tomlin, who, together with his father, will leave the city through the aqueduct. Once this happens, the quest will end.

Farewell, Valmiro (Valmiro, on the porch of the house to the left of the ruins where you took the quest Floral Delivery. The quest A Dying of Curiocity must be completed)
Valmiro needs 4 items: Potent Greenwarish, Lantern, Sour Ambrosial Meat and Pilgrim's Charm. There should be no problems with grass and a lantern, meat can be found in one of the boxes in Ancient Quarry, where they fought the first ogre, and the talisman is on sale from Furnival and Madeleine. Having received all the items, Valmiro will ask you to take the boxes to your boat and after fulfilling his request, the quest will end.

Gran Soren

Arousing Suspition (Mirabelle, palace lobby)
In fact, the quest begins earlier, immediately after the audience with the Duke. As you exit the palace through the front door, the camera will focus on the Duchess tending the garden. We approach her and talk until we give her the jester's cap. If you skip this sequence, this quest, and along with it another - Duchess in Distress, will be unavailable.
Now to the task itself. Mirabelle will ask to meet under cover of darkness in the Duchess's garden. We wait until nightfall, arrive and find out that the duchess wants a secret audience in her chambers. Let's not keep the girl waiting. Having arrived at the place without catching the eye of the guards, we watch a series of cutscenes, after which we find ourselves in a dungeon. We bribe the jailer (5000G) and complete the quest.
By the way, the events of this task will not affect the plot and freedom of movement around the palace.

Witch Hunt (three at the fountain in front of the hotel, Lost & Found quest must be completed)
Three NPCs will talk about a witch living in Witchwood. There is no need to activate the dialogue, just eavesdrop on them and the quest will begin automatically. Time is limited, so without wasting a minute we go to the aforementioned forest. At the witch's house we will see a crowd that will be dispersed by the golem. We kill him and go to a previously inaccessible part of the forest where, following the path, we find Selena.

Idol Worship (Caxton, Caxton's Armory store)
You need to bring the merchant one of three idols: Bronze (Witchwood, in the witch's house or in Hillfigure Knoll, to the left of Dragonforged), Silver (reward for the Put the Eye Out quest from the board in the pawn guild), Gold (reward for successfully completing the Escort Duty quest ). Subsequently, the merchant’s assortment will be expanded depending on the quality of the idol.

Supplier's Demand (Madeleine, Madeleine's Shop. Guard Duty quest must be completed)
The quest is completely similar to Idol Worship.

Rise of the Fallen (Ser Maximilian)
We wait until night and follow the marker. After the splash screen you will have a choice whether to buy the key for 10000G or take it by force. We choose what we like best and head to Catacombs. We look for a locked door, unlock it, and with fire and sword we pass through the undead inhabiting the catacombs, simultaneously looking into each coffin in order to collect 5 keys that open the way to the boss, after defeating whom we return to the capital and close the quest.

The Conspirators (Fedel, usually wanders around the second floor of the palace or is “on duty” at the Duke’s throne
The quest giver will ask to meet after sunset, when he will explain the purpose of the task. The Lost Letter is located in Soulflayer Canyon. As soon as we are there, the camera will helpfully show the place where the letter is lying. We find, select, return to the capital. We will meet a guard at the palace who will ask you to give the letter to him. You can agree, return it to Fedela, or make a copy of the letter to Black Cat and sell it to both of them. The choice is yours.

World Map

Nameless Terror (Ser Rickart, gate guard in Gran Soren)
Attacks are carried out only at night and in strict sequence:
1. At the Ancient Quarry entrance closest to Gran Soren.
2. On the bridge on the road from Gran Soren to Windbluff Tower.
3. On the road from Gran Soren to Mountain Waycastle.
4. On the road from Mountain Waycastle to Encampment.
5. At the gate to Cassardis.

Supply & Demands (Ser Daerio, Windbluff Tower)
We run to the capital, look for the character Ser Julien (we followed him in the Chasing Shadows quest) and report to him about the supply problem. In the dialogue, select the first option (a week's supply) and return to the quest giver.

Talent In Bloom (Quinna, The Abbey. If the girl does not have a quest icon above her head, talk to her once, the quest should become active. The Lost and Found quest must be completed)
You can give a flower to anyone, but I advise quest characters to take it to the capital’s church. Decide for yourself, just keep in mind that the quest is limited in time.

A Parting Gift (Clarus, The Abbey, Talent in Bloom quest must be completed)
The abbess asks us to bring Pilgrim's Charm, which we have already met in the Farewell quest, Valmiro.


The Dragon's Tongue (a sign on the grave in the forest where the Witch Hunt quest was completed, without which this quest will not appear at all)
We take the sign in Hillfigure Knoll to Dragonforged and get a ring that you can give to someone.

Mettle Against Metal (metal golem on the island in the same part of the forest as the grave, Witch Hunt quest must be completed)
The quest will begin as soon as you approach the golem. Before you take it on, change your profession to Strider, Ranger or Assassin, because it will require a long-range attack with physical damage. The fact is that, unlike ordinary golems, talismans - weak points of metal golems are scattered throughout the location, they are not affected by magical attacks (accordingly, Magick Archer is also useless), and one of the talismans is suspended high on a tree. You can, of course, try to catch the moment, climb onto the golem and jump from it in the hope of catching the talisman with a melee weapon, but this is masochism. It is also useless to rely on pawns; most of the time they will die in attempts to at least scratch the golem.

Quests available after completing the story quest "Reward and Responsibility" (reward from the Duke)

Gran Soren

Bad Business (Madeleine's shop, Guard Duty and Chasing Shadows quests must be completed)
In the store, instead of Madeleine, we find an unfamiliar girl who tells us that the merchant has problems with the law and that’s why she ran away. After listening to her, we grab Madeleine’s daggers from the counter and head to the tavern, where we ask people about the girl’s whereabouts. We go to the aqueduct, watch Madeleine run from the capital and follow her. We find her outside the city walls and give her the daggers. The guards come running. To the question, have you seen the merchant, we answer in the negative. After the guards disappear, Madeleine will ask you for 50000G, which ends the quest.
The quest can be taken a little earlier, during the Honor and Treachery story quest, which precedes Reward and Responsibility.

Duchess in Distress (Mirabelle, in the Duchess's garden near the palace. The Arousing Suspition quest must be completed)
Mirabelle reports that the Duchess has been placed in custody in the Blighted Manse and gives her a set of guard armor. We put on a disguise and enter the estate (at the same time we get the Into the Manse trophy). Until we find the duchess, the guards will be peaceful, but when the girl is under our care, everything will change and we will have to fight our way to the exit, even without the support of pawns for most of the way. In essence, this is just another escort mission, except that sometimes you have to pick up a girl and jump with her on the catwalk. The quest will end as soon as we leave the dungeon with the duchess.

With a bonus in the form of Japanese voice acting and a new island, where they make it clear that you are nobody, don’t know how to fight, and your charges are better off herding cows and picking up the cakes that fall out of them.

It is not recommended to visit Bitterblack Island until you have reached at least level 50 and completed the game. The meeting committee will eat and not choke. What can I say, supermen of the hundredth level and above can be driven into the ancient walls of the catacombs with one blow of a tail flashing from the shadows.

In general, everything reminds me a lot of. Ominous dark labyrinths, some kind of slurry squishes under your feet, the echoing silence is diluted by someone’s groans and growls. Mighty fiends of the underworld, who do not care about your equipment, self-esteem and past achievements, easily sweep away the fragile figures of your pawn partners from the game board of this labyrinth of death. Cheap tricks are used everywhere, such as shelling paths or crowds of magicians covering the team with volleys of spells.

Pawns... Well, the pawns remained pawns. With voices full of sincere sympathy, they scream about the need to go to the rear, boringly comment on the finds and die heroically, crushed by the carcass of a creature for which it is difficult to come up with a censored name.

The claim is not new, but in light (or rather, in its absence) of adventures on the island, the AI ​​of the companions is not the most brilliant, their slowness and waywardness begin to evoke a burning desire to kill their charges with their own hands. Preferably something like a chainsaw.

The local fauna has no concept of hygiene, so so many harmful creatures live on the fangs and claws of underground creatures that most missed blows lead to poisoning, blindness and other tetanus. You get into a rage, driving the sword into the boss’s neck over and over again; the magician makes a difficult face and declares that he is in control of the situation; The robber carefully saws through the monster's tendons. And then - bam - everyone dies.

Additionally, the male Death follows the team through the maze and tests his agricultural arsenal on them. The poisoned four, looking like paralytics under anesthesia, are unsuccessfully trying to fight off the giant wolves that have flooded the room, and then this cross between a Nazgûl and a Dementor arrives and finishes what they started. Emotions run high, often finding the most bizarre expressions.

You try to correct the situation by summoning more powerful pawns, but there aren’t enough crystals for everything. Crystals are used to open portals and identify items found. You give up on passing and start stupidly swinging on the reviving monsters, cherishing sweet pictures of revenge. The saga of a hero in search of a dragon turns into a run-of-the-mill Diabloid. Okay, not exactly run-of-the-mill. With wanderings through the gloomy galleries and echoing halls of the ancient island. With devilishly strong and dangerous creatures as opponents. With re-traversal of already familiar areas in search of unnoticed chests and unfinished monsters.


Dark Arisen is designed for Dragons Dogma professionals. Others simply won’t appreciate this crazy swing on the new island. Well, or if you suddenly missed the original for the most valid reasons, then you have an excellent chance to complete this wonderful game. And forget about the island. It is for the chosen ones.


7. On duty .
8. Final .
9. Abyss .

DLC Dark Arisen

1. Prologue

Quest: The End at the Beginning

We play a man named Savan. Together with my companion Salde we walk through the gorges. We see a dragon on the cliff; we protect ourselves from its fire by pressing block (Alt key). We pass into the gorge on the right, kill two enemies, using normal (LMB) and enhanced blows (RMB).

We jump into the cave, touch the glowing stone (Rift stone), thereby calling two more companions - the archer Quince and the wizard Morganna. We study three command lines:

F1 - Go! - Allies go ahead of us, attack enemies.

F2 - Come - the allies are following us.

F3 - Help - call allies to you.

The Tainted Mountain Temple

We get into the hall, go down to the first floor, and beat a squad of goblins. Under the bridge you can take an item from the chest (key "E"). After this, the birds will fly in, only the archer and the magician will be able to fight back, we protect them from bird attacks.

In the next corridor we are met by knights led by Sir Palotti and taken further. On the corner we take another chest.

Boss: Chimera(Chimera)

We enter the large hall (Grand Hall), here we have a boss fight. This is a monster with the head of a lion, a goat and a snake. our allies will climb onto the back of the monster and attack it there, but we can only walk on the ground. It is better to stay to the side of the monster and attack it from the side. A lion can attack us in front, and a snake can attack us from behind. The magician can create clots of light, we can enter them to restore health.

Having won, we enter the gate. This ends the prologue.

2. Cassardis village
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough. Kassardis

Quest: Harbinger of Destruction

We see how the dragon awakens and flies over the water.

Let's create our own character. After this, we immediately see how the hero’s village is attacked by an awakened dragon. While the dragon is busy with destruction, we approach it from behind and hit it in the paw with a sword. The dragon notices the hero, eats his fiery heart and flies away. The hero himself remains alive without a heart, and receives some unknown connection with the dragon.

Quest: Newly Arisen

We wake up at home after the battle. We take a sword, and we will need to choose 1 of 3 hero classes: warrior, trickster, mage. We can also take a green plant in the room. We go out and eavesdrop on a conversation between a girl and an old man.

In the city we can go around all the buildings, collect medicinal plants, bottles of potions, food, and other things. On the shore we can go to the right side to the Starfall Bay location, there in the gorges we find two chests with things. Several more chests can be found on the roofs of houses and on the slopes of mountains.

We can complete several additional tasks. People giving quests are highlighted with a green icon above their head.

Additional quests in Cassardis

Quest: Floral Delivery

We enter a destroyed building with fabric canopies instead of a roof. There is an infirmary here for all those wounded in battle. We communicate with Benita. She asks us to bring her two types of plants: 5 Sunbright and Moonglow.

Pink Sunbright flowers grow at the roots of large trees. We can find them only on the road behind the second settlement, and only during the day. The blue glowing Moonglow flower can be found in the southeast bay of the village, but only at night.

Quest: Grim Tidings

We climb to the top of the village and enter the local temple, Village Chapel. We communicate with Elvar, sitting on the bench. He asks us to tell the unpleasant news to Merin about the death of his brother Cortese.

We can find Merin near the infirmary, he is caring for the sick outside. we tell him the news. We return to the church to Elvar, and the quest is completed.

Quest: Lost Faith

In the church we communicate with the priest Clementine. He asks to find the lost book. At the exit from the church we learn that the book was taken and lost by the boy Lewis (Lewes) somewhere on the roofs.

From the church we go to the fence, climb over it, and along the narrow wall we move to the roof, which consists of two compartments. The book lies on the border of the compartments, on the edge of the upper half of the roof. It is very difficult to notice, it is the same color as the roof itself. We take it and return it to Clementine.

Cassardis Notice Board

The board is located near the west gate at Pablo's Inn to the right of the entrance.

Quests on message boards always involve destroying a specific type of monster. We just take these tasks and that’s it. After completion, there is no need to return anywhere, we will receive the reward automatically.

Reclaim the Roads

Defeat 10 bandits. In South Gransys. Reward: Aneled Stilettos.

Goblin Raid

Defeat 10 goblins. In Moonsbit Pass. Reward: 1500 coins.

They appear on the western road when we reach a certain hero level.

Rat Catcher

Defeat 7 rats. IN???. Reward: 800 experience.

We will find them when, according to the plot, we need to go down into the dungeon of the village through the well.

He Should Be So Lucky

Defeat 5 rabbits. In Cassardis Vicinity. Reward: 500 coins.

Rabbits live on the road west of the village.

Upon a Pawn

Quest: Make for the Encampment

We approach the western exit from the village. Just before the gate, an assistant “pawn” named Rook teleports to us. He invites us to go on a hike to a nearby fortress (Encampment). We go out the gate.

Let's go along the road. On the left in the forest and on the right on the coast you can find chests with useful items. Along the way we see the wandering merchant Reynard being attacked by goblins. If we manage to save him, we will receive a cloak as a reward.

3. Fortress Encampment
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

Call of the Arisen

Quest: Heed the Voice.

Once in the fortress, we go to the Riftstone in a large tent. The conversation is interrupted by a security guard who comes running. There is a battle taking place outside the walls of the fortress, and we are called to help. They won’t let us out of the other gate, so we go to the northwestern gate to the Drive Off the Threat location.

Boss: Cyclops(Cyclops)

Weak spot: Eye. Vulnerable to the spell: Thunder (Mage's Tornado). Local warriors have almost finished off the Cyclops, half of the last strip of life remains. We kill two goblins and take on the boss himself. If we play as a mage or an archer, we aim from afar at the eye of the Cyclops. If we play as a warrior, we will have to climb up the monster to its head in order to hit the eye, this is done with the “F” key.

Having defeated the boss, we collect the remaining treasures and return.

We approach the Breach Stone again. In the menu that appears, create a character - your main assistant. The main “pawn” gains experience, earns levels with us, and cannot be exchanged for other characters. Having created the main “pawn”, we select two more ready-made characters. It is better to choose different classes so that they complement each other. We can already change them every time we visit the Rift Stone.

Strength in Numbers

Having assembled a team of all 4 people, we go to the knight Sir Berne, he will give us training. We have to rehearse team actions. All tests are limited in time.

1st test. We need to move 4 boxes. We look where our pawns ran, go to the remaining box and carry it (we take it and throw it with the “F” key).

2nd test. We destroy enemy mannequins.

3rd test. We also destroy enemy mannequins, but now they are divided into classes. Red mannequins can only be broken with physical attacks, blue ones can only be broken with magic.

Encampment Notice Board

The board is located on the northeast tower, to the right of the entrance to the training ground.

After completing enough side quests, we can visit a man named Ecbal in the Breach Stone tent. We can buy new skills from him for discipline points.

4. Cassardis, Encampment and surroundings
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

In the fortress, a mysterious man in a black robe will appear to us, he calls us back to the starting village. We go there and meet this man again before entering the village.

Having looked into the village, we can complete a new batch of side quests.

Additional quests

Deep Trouble(in Cassardis)

Objective: Kill the saurians in Dripstone Cave.

Upon returning to the village, soldier Poll will contact us. He opened the well so we could deal with the monsters in the dungeon. We take the lantern from him and go down.

In caves we can kill rats and bats for secondary tasks. In the far hall we need to destroy upright lizards with spears (saurians). These are quite strong opponents. If you can’t kill them, you can go back and level up on regular monsters outside the city to level 6-8. You can significantly increase your chances of winning if you stand on a hill and shoot enemies from there, or wait for the lizards to jump towards us and chop them down with a sword one by one. If you are playing as a warrior, it is better to approach the lizards from behind and chop off their tail with a few blows, after which they become helpless.

We return to the surface and take the reward from the soldier.

Deeper Trouble(in Cassardis)

7 days after completing the first task in the well, we return to it and hear cries for help from the bottom. We go down, we see the man Rorric, he asks us to destroy the nest of Surian lizards.

We go to the large underground hall where we fought last time, along the water we go through the tunnel into the next hall. There is a squad of lizards here, there are clutches of eggs on the walls. We can set eggs on fire with fire spells, this will distract enemies. At the end a huge lizard will appear.

Reward: 8000 gold, 6000 XP.

Dying of Curiosity(in Cassardis)

On the beach or near the shops we find a man named Merin. He asks to take the Greenwarish herbs to a man named Valmiro.

We take 6 Greenwarish herbs with us. You can buy them right there in the starting village, in the store opposite the hotel. At the exit at the gate we talk to the man, he will tell you that he saw Valmiro on the coast.

1. We leave the village, turn right, go down to the shore, and find Valmiro lying on the sand. We give 1 medicinal herb.

2. We go to the Encampment fortress. Before entering the fortress, near the tree on the left, we find Valmiro lying down, give him 2 herbs.

3. We enter the Witchwood forest from the western side, Valmiro lies at the very entrance, give him 3 herbs.

We return to Merin, we get 8000 gold, 5000 XP.

Guard Duty(in Cassardis)

Objective: Escort Madeleine to Encampment.

(If we don’t complete this quest on time, before leaving for the next locations, then a whole chain of quests related to this girl will disappear from the game).

At the hotel we see a new girl, Madeline, she is a traveling merchant, and therefore asks us to accompany her to the fortress.

On the way to Encampment, we can only come across a group of goblins or robbers. Along the way, Madeline will collect surrounding objects, so you need to stop in time and not run ahead of her.

In the fortress, the girl will not give us a reward, but on the contrary, she will immodestly ask us for 1000 gold for the development of her store in Grand Soren. We pay money to learn a very good point for buying/selling items in the future.

An Uninvited Guest(in Cassardis)

Mission: Catch a thief in Kassardis.

We speak with Pablos, the owner of the hotel. He will tell you that there is a thief in the village. After this, we talk with Astella and Heraldo - these are the sellers of two stores south of the hotel. We return to Pablos again and fall asleep with him until midnight.

At night we go outside. The archer thief will run along the street with shops and along the street near the church. The thief runs faster than us, so we can’t catch him. We can climb onto the roof and then jump off in time right in front of the thief. To catch him, use the grab (key "F"). If we don’t manage to catch it overnight, we’ll have to sleep until the next night. And having caught it, we receive a reward from Pablos.

Extermination(bulletin board in Cassardis)

Kill 24 giant bats.

(The quest will only be available after the "Deep Trouble" quest)

Found in almost every dungeon. You can return to the well and complete the task there in several passes.

Britterblack Isle

In the village we go to the pier and meet a girl with long hair named Olra. (In the game it is highlighted on the map with a purple circle). Olra appears on the pier only at night. The girl can move us to a new location.

The "Britterblack Isle" location belongs to the DLC add-on called "Dark Arisen", it is inhabited by very dangerous monsters, so it is better to go to the add-on location after completing the main game. But the first task can still be completed immediately, this will give us access to improving items to 3 stars.

A Guiding Light

Task: Find a labyrinth.

We run through the first maze with monsters. On the way there will be rabid wolves, goblins, as well as the boss Death, but it is not necessary to kill them all, we can run past. After the labyrinth in the next room we find the man Barroch, he can improve our items to 3-star quality if we have gold and the necessary ingredients.

Reward: Liftstone.

Dousing the Blight

Purify a cursed item. Reward: Wizarding Gloves.

Slumbering Promise

Upgrade weapons in the fire of the fire wyrm. Reward: Bloody Knuckle.

Visions of the End 1

(Appears after completing the quest "A Guiding Light")

Collect 10 Marble Sculptures. Region: Britterblack Isle, Upper Stratum. Reward: Cursed King's Belt.

A Rude Awakening

We go to the Encampment fortress again. Near the large tent we speak with the girl Mercedes. After some time, a huge multi-headed snake will attack the camp.

Boss: Hydra

Weakness: cutting weapons. We can’t defeat this boss entirely yet, we just need to cut off one of the heads. If we play as a warrior, we need to climb up the snake to its head and hit it there. As an archer or magician, we focus the fire on only one specific head.

The Hydra, having lost its head, will retreat from the camp. Mercedes will thank us and announce the next task - to take the trophy head to the capital.

(We take the task, but leave it for later. Before that, you need to complete the remaining additional tasks in the initial locations. After arriving in the capital, some of the quests will become unavailable).

Lost and Found(in Encampment)

(The quest will only be available after the quest "A Rude Awakening")

After defeating Hydra, we leave the fortress through the northeastern gate, Elvar will meet us and inform us that Quina has disappeared. We return to the village of Kassardis and talk to the old man Adaro at the entrance gate. He will say that you need to look for Quina in Witchwood.

We return to the fortress, from it we go north, at the fork we turn left. Along the way we will be attacked by wolves. A little further we climb up the hill along a narrow path, at this moment a boulder will roll from above. You need to run back in time. At the top there are bandits who threw a boulder at us; they are still much stronger than us, so it is better not to engage in battle, but to run past.

We find ourselves in a new location, go south to get to Wychwood. here the only enemies are wolves, boars and spiders. There is continuous fog on the location map, so that the map can be seen, you need to destroy totems - skulls on sticks, then the fog will decrease. At the beginning of the location we meet the lost Quina, we lead her forward with us.

We reach the witch's house in the tree, where we meet Selene. Inside we collect items, including the Bronze Idol - a quest item that gives a discount from merchants.

From the witch's house we go north, through the cave we return to the village itself. In Kassardis we report to Adaro that we have found Quina, we receive a reward.

Off with its Head

From the fortress we go along the northern road, before the bridge we rise to the hill on the left. Here a caravan with the head of Hydra awaits us.

We go in front of the caravan, kill all the enemies we encounter: goblins, harpies, wolves, bandits, and at night also the undead. If we move too far from the cart, the caravan will stop, so we stay close.

At the fork in the road, we first go north and clear the bandits’ house on the hill. On the right road there is a narrow canyon, in it we knock down the stones in advance, otherwise they will be thrown directly onto the caravan.

5. Capital of Gran Sored
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

A Matter of Myrmidons

At the entrance to the city we will be greeted by a black Mason and advised to visit the local guild of “pawns”.

We walk along the northwestern street, but in front of the gate Sir Camillus stops us and does not let us through. To get through, you need to make the quest "A Matter of Myrmidons" active (in the pause menu, select "Quests", select the desired quest, press "Enter"), then they will let us through.

We go into a separate courtyard. In the guild building we communicate with Barnaby, the quest is completed.

In the courtyard near the guild there are several low crystals in the ground - these are Portcristal, which allows you to quickly move around the global map. We cannot use it, it is only a point where we can teleport at any time. For teleportation itself, you need to use the Ferrystone on the Tools tab. It disappears after one use; new stones can be purchased at magic item stores.

Lure of the Abyss

Guildmaster Barnaby gives us the task to go down to the guild dungeon - Everfall. It is better to take a magician with you on a mission with spells against the undead; potions or plants will also be useful to increase stamina.

We go down to Everfall along a circular staircase. There are no dangerous spiders and bats on the way. When we see a closed grate on the way, we go into the side corridor. We fight with a group of skeletons. Returning to the stairs on the other side of the lattice, press the lever on the wall and the lattice gate will rise.

Further on the way we meet a large ogre. He is smaller than a troll, but much more dangerous and tenacious. The ogre often runs at us, trying to knock us down, this can be used to our advantage. We stand not far from the central abyss, wait for the ogre, when he runs towards us, we jump to the side. The ogre will fall and die immediately, and we get 6000 XP.

Having gone down to the bottom of the dungeon, in the center we find a round pedestal with a crystal, but for now we do not touch it. We can explore a couple of side rooms. On the right is the Ceremonial Cage, inside we can open the tombs and kill the skeletons. On the left is a two-story hall, at the top of which you can collect some gold.

We approach the pedestal in the center, take Teleport Stone(works like Portcristal near the pawn guild, but you can place it anywhere and then return to it with Ferrystone). We immediately activate the empty pedestal, from which fire snakes, skeletons and undead will begin to appear from under the ground. It is useless to fight, we quickly run up the circular staircase. In order not to stop, you can drink stamina potions, or you need to stop before the stamina runs out and give the hero time to breathe.

On the surface we speak with Barnaby. Reward: 15,000 gold, 8,000 XP.

4 tasks Ser Maximilian

At the exit from the guild we meet the soldier Ser Duncan, he invites us to a meeting with captain Ser Maximilian.

The soldier hands us a Snake Hunter License ( Wyrm Hunt). This item gives us a discount in Gran Soren stores.

During the audience, Sir Maximilian gives us 4 tasks (, , ,). You need to complete at least 2 of them to advance further in the story.

The Cypher(Ser Maximilian)

Task: You need to decipher the inscriptions on the manuscript.

There are 3 people in the city who may know about the code:

1. Josias is a farmer, he can be found in the fields in the northwest of the city. But it turns out that he doesn't even know how to read.

2. Mountebank is a merchant at The Black Cat store in the southeast corner of the city. He also will not be able to understand anything in the code.

3. Maurin – traveling merchant. It runs between the cathedral, the guild and the northern exit of the city. This merchant tells us who can help us - a certain old man living in the Hillfigure Knoll cave north of the city.

On the way from the capital to the cave you will have to fight harpies and large wolves. There may also be cyclops, but it is better to avoid them. Halfway along the path there will be a Windbluff Tower fortress, but there is nothing interesting inside.

Having reached the cave, we see that nearby on the ground there is a huge drawing of a warrior with a scar on his heart, such a size that it can be seen even on a global map. The man in the cave is Dragonforged, we learn his fate, very similar to ours, the dragon also took his heart.

We are looking for useful things in the cave. To the left of the seated person stands Bronze Idol. Lies in a side dead end Portcrystal. Outside, in a giant drawing in the area of ​​the heart, you can find a fragment WakeStone.

We return to the capital and report to Maximilian about the decryption. Reward: 10,000 gold, 10,000 XP. We can throw away the now unnecessary sign with a code; it is quite heavy to just carry around.

Seeking Salvation(Ser Maximilian)

Assignment: You need to learn about the Salvation cult.

We talk to the Meridith man at the hotel table, he will advise you to contact Mason.

Mason can be found in the slums on the lower level of the city, the descent there is located at the southern walls of the cathedral.

Mason will point out a few more people. We return to the trading area and interview: the girl Amity, the man Baden, the soldier Ser Sairus. We learn that the cult members live outside the capital, in the catacombs in the northwest.

We go down to The Catacombs. Along the way, we open the tombs, kill the rising skeletons and undead. For lighting, you can light bowls of fire. New enemies appear here: ghosts - flying clots of energy that can impose curses such as slowing down on us. There will be small forks along the way, but in general, the catacombs are quite linear, we just go around all the rooms in order.

We go down the elevator and go into the cave. Here you have to fight one giant. We move through the caves to other catacombs, here we hear the voices of people gathered in the hall. We climb onto the balcony and watch. There are three villains in command here: the head of the cult, an unknown knight, and the most important one - the man in the black robe Elysion, whom we have already met a couple of times during the game. The leader notices us, collapses the balcony, summons a crowd of undead and disappears.

We fight skeletons and zombies. We enter the door, we see that Mason has caught the leader of the Salvation cult - Marcelo. The man makes an excuse that he was deceived by Elysion, and he was striving for good goals.

We leave the cave along a long staircase and find ourselves under a bridge not far from the capital. We return to Captain Maximilian, we get 9500 gold, 18000 XP.

The Watergod's Altar(Ser Maximilian)

Task: find out the fate of the research expedition.

We go to the cathedral and talk to Father Geffrey. He will tell you that the expedition went to Watergod's Altar.

We go south, pass between the rocks, stop in front of the bridge over the Mountain Waycastle gorge, and turn west. If you walk along the northern slope of the river, you can fall and break yourself. There is a gentle descent to the river on the south side, we go down and cross the river into a ford. On the other side we meet the Haslett man. He will tell you that the expedition entered a cave under a waterfall, so we go there.

We walk along narrow corridors, killing skeletons. An obstacle will appear on the way - an abyss, and on the left there will be a switch without a handle. We go to the right of this place, go down the stairs, fight with the lizards. When we kill everyone, the doors will open and another squad of lizards will come out. Behind the door we find three chests, in one of them lies lever arm. We return upstairs, insert the lever into the switch, and lower the suspension bridge.

We make our way through the ruins above the water. Here we are attacked by necromancers, they are easily killed in close combat, but we still need to get to them without falling into the water. There are invisible chameleon lizards in the side corridors.

We get to the last hall, here we find the body of one of the expedition members. A cyclops walks nearby, we kill him, we get red ball. We return to the intersection, go to the right dead end, use the red ball to open the door with a round recess. Behind the door we press floor button, this will lower the water level in the room, and we can visit new rooms.

We return outside to the waterfall and inform Haslet about the failure of the expedition. He asks to complete their task - to find 5 fragments of Altar slates.

We go into the cave again, looking for debris. If you select this quest as active, the location of all the necessary items will be indicated on the minimap. We find them in metal chests. The debris is quite heavy, 9.5 kg each, so it needs to be distributed among all the pawns so that it can be carried away. In the drained part of the dungeon we meet another cyclops, but it is not necessary to fight him.

Having collected all the debris, we take them to the capital on a cart. From Maximilian we receive a reward of 13,000 gold, 15,000 XP.

Sir Maximilian's last task is carried out far beyond the capital, we leave it for later and switch to completing secondary tasks.

Gran Sored side missions

Only those quests that are completely completed in the capital or in the immediate vicinity are described here. Quests, , , begin in the capital, but end in the western territory, read their description in the next chapter.

Reaper's Scorn

Quest: Bring a piece of the Wakestone Shard to resurrect Wilhem.

We receive a task from the blacksmith Austin in the house opposite the pawn guild. The blacksmith's son Wilhem recently died, his father is trying to revive him. The blacksmith has two shards of the resurrection crystal, we need to find the third shard.

In the city, the fragment can be bought in the secret store “The Black Cat”, it is located in the southeastern quarter. Cost 30,000 gold. (Also, the fragment can be found for free by completing the quest).

Having obtained the stone, you do not need to talk to the blacksmith, but approach the dead son himself, use the resurrection stone on him, and he comes to life.

Reward: 10,000 gold, 6,000 XP.

Chasing Shadows

Objective: Follow the suspect and report it to Arsmith.

We speak with the black Mason in the shopping area near the fountain. He will ask you to follow a suspicious man who appears near the castle at night.

We go to the hotel and sleep until midnight. Having woken up, we immediately go to the castle where Maximilian stands. We see how a man in a black hood gives money to a Julien man in a blue cloak.

We follow Julien, but don’t come close so as not to scare him away. We gradually reach the corner house in the south-eastern quarter from the castle. We watch as a man buys some information from a Madeleine merchant, and she tries to flirt with him.

Having seen the deal, we return to the trading area to the man Arsmith to complete the task.

Land of Opportunity

Task: Help Fournival evict the Jasper, Sara, Pip family.

The quest can be taken in the noble quarter, not far from Captain Maximilian. We speak with the fat, mustachioed merchant Fournival. He asks to convince three guests to leave his house.

1 - Pip. Boy Pip is located here, behind the house, near the gate to the artisans' district. We talk to him, but he runs away from us.

We go to residential buildings near the pawn guild. Pip climbed onto the roof of the northern house. You can climb up along the canopy of the neighboring house, then we jump over to the boy, talk to him, he runs away again.

We go to the southern part of the city. The boy hid under the central bridge across the river, on the lower tier. We find Pip, run after him, and catch him with the “F” key. After that, he agrees to move out of the house.

2 - Sara. Wife Sarah walks near the fountain in the shopping area. She says she needs time to think about the decision. You need to wait 1 day. We can sleep in a hotel to fast forward time. We come up the next day, she agrees.

3 - Jasper. Husband Jasper is on the north side of the inn, at the turn of the main street, before the entrance to the castle. Jasper needs the consent of the rest of the family, so we talk to him last. In the conversation, he demands 30,000 gold for moving expenses.

We return to Fornival, we get 40,000 gold, 5000 XP. Also, after this we can buy our own plot of land from Fornival for 80,000 gold.

Escort Duty

(Condition: Available only after completing the quest “Land of Opportunity”. You cannot receive this quest if we have any other escort quest active)

Task: Take a walk around the city with Symone.

We go to Fornival's house, to the left of Captain Maximilian. A rich man asks us to accompany his daughter on a walk around the city. Let's follow the girl Simone.

1. Before entering the shopping area, the girl will offer to play hide and seek. We need to find her. She will hide either in the hotel behind the fireplace or in the inn.

2. After leaving the market, the girl will want to drink water. We return to the store with the image of the jug, buy the Flask of Water item, give it to the girl.

3. In the artisans' area, Simone will offer to run to the gate for the race. We run through the fields, keeping up with the girl, but letting her come running first.

Reward: 15000 gold, 7500 XP.

If we quickly found her in the locks, quickly brought water, let her win, we can receive an additional reward. After completing the quest, talk to Simone again, she will give us a Golden Idol ( Golen Idol). This artifact gives a 30% discount in all stores, and is also needed for two side quests related to merchants.

Gran Sored message board

Found in the Pawn Guild. From the entrance we turn right, then we find a board on the left wall.

Harpy Hunting

Kill 20 snow harpies. In Hillfigure Knoll. Reward: Aneled Pale.

Bury the Dead

Kill 44 undead. At Abbey Vicinity. Reward: Solar Armor.

Bone of Contention

Kill 36 skeletons. In Catacombs. Reward: 60 Skull.

Sisters in Peril

Kill 2 ogres. At Abbey Vicinity. Reward: 10,000 coins.

Ogres will be encountered later when you go through the Ancient Quarry.

The Absent Apprentice

Kill 45 rabbits. In All Gransys. Reward: 50,000 coins.

Dire Straits

Kill 15 big wolves (direwolves). In Duke's Manse. Reward: 10,000 coins.

Another board is located in the southern passage of the shopping area.

A Taste to be Acquired

Quest: Bring Selene the King Bay Leaf plant, get Distilled Herb Ale from her.

Reward: Undulant Black.

Ocean's Bounty

Quest: Get 10 giant fish. Region: All Gransys.

Reward: Aneled Obliteretrix.

Witch's Brew

Task: Bring Selene the Gransys herb plant, get Herb Ale from her. Region: Witchwood.

We go to the Witchwood forest to the local witch, give the Gransys herb plant, from which she prepares Herb Ale. We take the resulting tincture back to the capital, to a man named Arsmith.

Reward: 6000 XP.

Foreign Service

Task: Get 20 Seeker's Tokens.

Reward: 200,000 gold.

A Lost Cause

Quest: Get Snakeskin Purse.

Reward: Golden Bastard.

Reveille Revelry

Quest: Find 50 war horns. Region: Gran Soren.

Reward: Soultaker.

There is another notice board inside the hotel, behind the door on the right. But this board contains all the quests for accompanying people to other locations, and therefore they belong to another chapter.

6. Western Territory
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

Maximilian's last quest remains - A Fortress Besieged. To complete it, we need to get to the Shadow Fort far to the west, but first we need to get there. The fastest way to this location is through the Ancient Quarry cave, which is reached by the central western road from the capital. (In the capital we collect all the remaining additional tasks; we will complete them on the way to the Shadow Fort).

Of Merchants and Monsters

Objective: Open the gate and clear the Ancient Quarry of ogres.

Before entering the mine we meet the merchant Alon, he asks to build a shortcut through the cave so that the merchants do not detour along the southern gorge.

We enter the mine. On the left on the ground there is a round pressure plate, we stand on it with the whole squad so that it is pressed, this will open the lattice gate. In the cave ahead we kill the bandits and take the key.

We return to the fork and follow the central path. In the western dead end there is a bandit warehouse where there is gold and chests. We meet an ogre ahead, but don’t fight him yet. We step on the second pressure plate and open another gate.

We leave the cave and report to the merchant that the path is open. He will update the task, now you still need to kill 3 ogres living in the mine.

We go into the mine again and engage in battle with the ogre. This is a strong enemy, before the battle it is better to take stronger pawns with a level higher than yours into your squad. We ourselves attack from behind, without falling into the hands of the ogre. You can hide from the ogre in narrow tunnels where he cannot crawl, and from there shoot spells and steles at him. There are 2 more ogres ahead, and they are close to each other, you need to take one of them further away in order to kill the enemies one by one.

Having won, we go outside to Alon and receive a reward. After this, Alon will also open his store in a cave in the western dead end.

Devilfire Grove

In the mine we go to the southern exit, we find ourselves in a grove in the western territory.

There is a Rest Camp on the road here, where Ser Nathaniel and the merchant Jayce live. You can spend the night in their camp or use the pawn summoning stone.

In the southwestern area there is a large gorge where two giant ogres stand. Here we can climb onto the rock and shoot the ogres with a siege crossbow.

To the north of the gorge there is a healing spring, Healing Spring, where you can restore all your health for free.

In the southwestern corner of the location we go down into the gorge leading to the sea. On the shore of Bloodwater Beach we find a camp and a boat. There are 3 chests with armor in the camp, and 20 thousand gold in the boat.

The Shadow Fort is located in the west of the global map. Be careful, in the western area of ​​​​Devilfire Grove there is a lone dragon Drake, you cannot get close to him, otherwise he will fly into the air and burn our entire squad from above. We go around the dragon, and in a narrow gorge we fight with troops of goblins. There will be no more obstacles on the way.

A Fortress Besieged

An army of goblins has settled in the Shadow Fort. They closed the main gate, there is no way to go further. To the left of the entrance we see an army of people. We speak with officer Ser Robert, he points to a hole in the ground, we need to get through it into the castle and open the gates of the rest of the army.

Through the underground tunnel we find ourselves in the basement, killing several goblins. We climb up the stairs to the roof, approach the gate switch, but there is no lever in it.

We go down to the first floor, outside we go forward, while we ignore two cyclops and other enemies. We approach the central left room. This is a prison, and the entrance is closed with bars, but there is a ladder on the side of the wall, we climb up and jump inside through the broken roof. In one of the chambers we find Portcrystal. Near the cameras in the chest we find lever arm. We return to the first room on the roof, use the lever, and our allies penetrate inside.

A real epic battle took place inside the fort. But it is better not to participate in close combat, but to cover your army from above. We climb onto the building to the right of the main entrance, kill the goblins, and sit down at the ballistas ourselves. We shoot fire shells at the other two ballistas on the opposite side. After that we shoot at the Cyclops. We go down and finish off the weak goblins.

When we kill most of the enemies, the goblins will retreat to the inner fortress, we run inside after them. We climb the stairs of the right tower to the very top, here another cyclops will block the path. At the top we go to the left tower, go down to the floor below, so we get into the command room. The leader of the goblins has taken refuge here, we fight this boss.

When the boss is low on health, he will engage in conversation, and then jump out the window and run. You can jump out after him if you have a lot of health or have a levitation spell so as not to crash. If we can catch the goblin leader, we will receive additional experience, otherwise he will simply run away and the reward will be standard.

We go to Ser Robert, he gives us 20,000 gold for victory. We return to the capital to Maximilian, he adds another 16,800 gold, 20,000 XP.

Additional tasks

A Troublesome Tome

Assignment: Find Salomet's Grimoire and return it to Steffen

On the square near the capital's Union Inn hotel we meet the Indian Stefan, he asks to find the Grimoire of Salomet.

We ask the saleswoman Camellia about this task in the store to the left of the entrance, she will indicate the location where the book was stolen.

We go to the marker on the map, not far from the fortress. We find a man robbed by bandits. From him we learn that the grimoire is located on the western plain in the ruins of Aernst Castle.

At the fork north of the Encampment fortress we go west, through the gorge we emerge to the fortress. The bandits on the plain are aggressive, but inside the castle ruins they do not attack us.

The grimoire is located at the top of the tallest tower. We climb onto the upper platform, further up the spiral staircase, jump over to the next flight of stairs, and from there onto the destroyed window and to the top of the wall, jump over to the platform with a large chest, take it from it Grimoire.

(We cross the narrow bridge to a separate southern tower, in it on the ground lies part of the Awakening Stone - Wakestone, you will need it for another task).

We return to the capital, give the Grimoire to the owner. Reward: 15,000 gold, 8,000 XP.

No Honor Among Thieves

(Condition: An Uninvited Guest quest must be completed)

We take the task in the Aernst Castle camp. We speak with the bandit leader named Maul. He asks to either kill 10 representatives of a rival gang, or find an escaped traitor.

Option 1.

Option 2. We go to the initial city of Cassardis, in the hotel we find a robber-traitor named Pike. When talking with him, choose the first phrase “surrender to the mercy of the robbers.” The bandit will leave the city.

We return to camp, Maul pays us 4000 gold, 3500 XP.

Notice board at the Gran Sored Hotel. To the right behind the door.

7. In the service of the Duke
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

Come to Court

When we complete at least 2 of the 4 tasks of Captain Maximilian, we have the opportunity to visit the Duke himself, who rules this land.

(If we start this task, all unfinished story and additional quests will be canceled, except for hunting monsters and Dark Arisen add-on quests. Later it will be impossible to complete them, so you need to complete them before going to the Duke).

We are allowed into the quarter around the castle, the pawns remain outside. We enter the building, the local jester leads us into the main hall and puts a jester's cap on us. All the officers have gathered in the hall, and the girl Mercedes and the young man Julien are also present. Duke Edmun Dragonsbane makes us knights. We leave the castle.

Arousing Suspension

At the exit from the castle on the right we see the Duchess in the garden. We approach her and continue to communicate until she takes off our fool’s cap. (If we don't talk to the Duchess now, we won't have any additional quests related to her).

We return to the castle, in the hall we talk with the maid Mirabelle. The girl conveys to us the Duchess’s desire to meet with us, but this can only be done at night. We sleep in the hotel until nightfall, we come to the castle garden to the left of the entrance. We learn from the maid Mirabelle that the duchess is waiting for us in her room in the high tower. But at night it is forbidden to walk around the castle; if the guards see us, they will put us in prison. We get maid clothes from Mirabelle, we change clothes so that the guards do not notice us from afar.

We enter the castle from the left side service door. We do not run or come close to the patrolling guards. We quietly go into the central hall, climb the stairs to the second floor, and on the left we go up several more floors. We cross the bridge to a separate tower above the sea.

There is a meeting with the duchess in the room. But suddenly the Duke himself comes and, in a fit of incomprehensible obsession, begins to strangle the girl. To save her, we have to come out of hiding. As a result, we are sent to prison.

A little later, the Duchess comes to us in the cell, apologizes, and hands over the keys. We open our bars, open the far right cell, and leave the prison through it. We take off our prison uniform and put on our armor. The quest is over.

(Being in prison does not affect our reputation in any way, and after that we can also walk around the castle, but only during the day).

When we first leave the castle, the Ser Alvert officer talks to us and tells us what to do next. To receive the next story quests, we return to the castle and talk with Advisor Aldous in the central hall. He has two quests for us.

Griffin's Bane

Task: take part in a griffin hunt.

We leave the capital through the southwestern gate, meet an army of knights, and go on a campaign with them. The knights set up an ambush on the southern cliffs. We see a marked area on the ground, you need to put bait there. There is a pack of goblins on the rocks nearby, we kill them and take the bodies of the goblins to the marked place.

A huge griffin appears in the air. We wait for him to fall to the ground and attack him. It is better not to climb on a griffin while riding; it flies very high and a fall from it can be fatal. It's better to entrust this matter to the pawns. If the griffin completely disappears from sight, we again take the bait to the marked place.

Having lost half of its health, the griffin will fly away towards the Colosseum on the shore. We need to follow him to the northeast corner of the global map. Along the way we fight off bandits, harpies, and a stone golem. The bandits are very dangerous, it is better to run past them for now.

We get to the huge abandoned Cutlass Cape Coliseum. (It is better to leave a teleportation stone at the entrance). We climb to the top of this structure, the griffin attacks us, while we need to run away from it. We use melee weapons to hit the wooden parts of the gratings to move on.

In the central arena we continue the battle with the griffin. During the battle, the Indian Sreffen comes to the rescue, he attacks with massive fire spells. Having won, we return to the capital to the adviser, we receive 27,000 gold, 25,000 XP.

Trials and Tribulations

Task: collect evidence, report within 4 days.

The rich man Fornival is suspected of treason. We need to gather evidence and find out if he is guilty.

We go around several people, collect their testimony: 1 person in the palace, the rich man himself and his daughter, a priest in the cathedral, an evicted family of 3 people, now they live near the fields under a tree. One person is located outside the capital - in the northern fort. Another person is not indicated in any way, but you can talk to him about this matter - this is Ansell from Xardis.

Having collected the evidence, we take it to the Duke’s advisor. We can decide for ourselves what to give and what not to show to the court. After that, we wait 4 days until the verdict is rendered. After the deadline, we go to the shopping area and watch the public trial of the rich man.

The Wyrmking's Ring

(If the side quest The Conspirators has not yet been completed, it will fail.)

Task: find out about the thieves who stole the Duke's ring.

We interview several eyewitnesses: the guard Ser Tedrick at the entrance to the palace, the servant Pering in the utility room to the left of the entrance, the officer Ser Gyles on the second floor, the clerk Ambrose. We speak again with advisor Aldous. After this, we talk to a man named Mellard in an officer’s house in a rich quarter, he leads us to a gang of thieves.

From the capital we go west to the Ancient Quarry cave. Inside we fight a gang of robbers led by the magician Salomet.

Let's return to the adviser. We interview the Brice merchant on the main square. We go to Bluemoon Tower in the northeastern corner of the global map. (If we left a stone there, we can quickly teleport).

In the Colosseum arena we fight the warlock again, after victory we take his Wyrmking's Ring. We take it to the advisor, we get 30,000 gold, 30,000 XP.

Pride Before a Fall

There's a mutiny in the army in the north, we need to deal with it. We speak with the girl Mercedes on the second floor of the palace.

We go to the northern garrison tower Windbluff Tower. In the courtyard we see soldiers fighting each other. We can participate (but we won’t be able to win completely; some of the soldiers lose all their health, but are not killed).

We go up to the tower, we see a dialogue between Mercedes and Julien. The Duke's two main generals decided to have a duel. Julien turned out to be that black knight - one of the three villains. Both generals ask not to get involved in their one-on-one battle. If we still hit Julien, then Mercedes will stop fighting, and the duel will take place with our participation. In the end, Julien wins, after which he disappears from the battlefield.

We return to Adonis and report what happened.

Honor and Treachery

We receive the next task, we go to Waycastle - a bridge across the gorge in the middle of the road between the capital and Kassardis. But, suddenly, we find out that the capital is under attack, and we quickly return there.

The Cockatrice monster, a huge poisonous bird, flies over the wheat fields. Our task is to protect the three remaining warehouses of boxes with provisions, all the rest have already been burned. The boss is very dangerous, he releases poison around himself, which slows down our movements. Before a poisonous attack, the bird takes in air for a long time, at this moment you need to run away. You also need to dodge poisonous spitting.

It is very difficult to defeat such a monster, but for now it is not required. We only need to take away one bar of health from him, after which the bird will fly away from the city. As a reward we receive 40,000 gold, 15,000 XP.

Reward and Responsibility

The Duke calls us to his place. We go up to the second floor of the castle, go into the back room and into his office. We follow the Duke to the treasury. For our excellent service, the Duke gives us a special Paladin's Mantle cloak.

Additional missions in Gran Soren

Rise of the Fallen(Ser Maximilian)

Assignment: Eavesdrop on a secret conversation.

Maximilian tells us that some kind of meeting of cult members is planned in the city under the central bridge over the river. We arrive at this point at night and listen to the conversation of two people in overalls. Then we approach the remaining person, we can buy the key from him for 10,000 gold, or take it away by force.

With the obtained key, we go to The Catacombs, where we previously destroyed the cult of Salvation. It is better to enter through the nearest entrance - under the bridge northwest of the capital. In the cave we reach the elevator and go up to the top floor. Here we open the locked door and find ourselves in a previously unexplored part of the dungeon.

We walk along narrow corridors, killing cultists and summoned undead. The further path is blocked by a door, to open which you need to collect 5 green spheres. We examine all the tombs, both lying and standing upright. Most of the spheres lie in dead ends, one sphere in the middle of the southern corridor, another sphere on the lower floor in front of the locked grate.

Having opened the doors, we go to the necromancer Balsa. We destroy his summoned skeletons and zombies, and finish off the remaining cultist.

Witch Hunt

(Requirement: Lost and Found quest must be completed)

On the market square we hear a conversation between three ordinary people, they are discussing the attack of peasants on the witch’s house in Witchwood.

Time for the quest is limited, so we complete it immediately and go to the southern forest of Witchwood. We see a crowd of people near the witch’s house, but they never manage to enter the hut; a stone golem is activated outside. People are running away, and we have to fight the boss.

Most of the golem's body is invulnerable. To inflict damage on him, you need to hit several purple seals, they are located: on the back, on the head, on the arm, on the hand, on the knee, on the foot.

After killing the golem, we can go through the door under the tree that he was guarding. We move through the cave to another part of the forest, we find Selena and her mother Sophia.

Idol Worship

On the trading floor we go into the weapons store, the merchant Caxton asks to bring him one of three idols:

You need to bring the merchant one of three idols:

1. Bronze Idol (one can be found in Witchwood in the witch's house on the window, the second in the Hillfigure Knoll cave, to the left of the Dragonforged elder);

2. Silver Idol (given for completing the hunting quest “Put the Eye Out” - kill 1 cyclops, it can be taken from the board in the pawn guild);

3. Gold Idol (reward for the additional quest "Escort Duty").

Which idol we give to the merchant will determine what new unique items will appear in his store.

Supplier's Demand

(Requirement: The quest "Guard Duty" must be completed)

In the southeastern corner of the city we visit Magdalene’s house and find out that she opened her own store, Madeleine’s Shop.

Magdalena asks us for one of the idols, just like in the "Idol Worship" quest. We decide which merchant to give which idol. (You can make a copy for 180,000 gold, but it will not work).

The Conspirators

On the second floor of the castle we speak with a man named Fedel. He asks to meet him at night in the garden to the right of the castle. At night we arrive at the place and wait for some time for Fedel to appear. Let's find out his task: you need to find a lost letter somewhere in Soulflayer Canyon.

We go to the indicated place. The location of the letter will be immediately visible, take it and return to the capital.

At the entrance to the capital, the guard will ask you to give the letter to him. We choose whether to give the letter to the guard or to Fedel. Or we can go to The Black Cat store, make a duplicate letter, and give them to both of them.

Additional missions outside the capital

Additional tasks in Kassardis

An Innocent Man(Tomlin)

On the beach or in the house of the village elder we meet the boy Tomlin. He asks to find out about his father, who went to the capital but did not return.

In the capital, we ask one of the guards at the gate to the palace, or the Flavian merchant in the central square. We learn that my father was sent to prison.

We need to take two Skeleton Keys with us (we can buy them at The Black Cat store, or combine them from Hunk of Ore and Shackles). We go to the castle, go down to the basement, open the cell with the prisoner, open the grate opposite. We take the man through a secret tunnel into the slums. Tomlin will meet us at the exit, and together they leave the city. We get 10,000 gold, 6,000 XP.

Farewell, Valmiro

(Requirement: The quest A Dying of Curiocity must be completed)

In Kassardis we go to a wooden pier, to the left of it on a hill stands Valmiro, whom we rescued earlier. Now he asks us to help him get ready for a hike. He needs to bring 4 items one by one:

1. Potent Greenwarish - mix Greenwarish grass with a bag of Sweet Pollen.

2. Lantern - give away your extra lantern.

3. Sour Ambrosial Meat - meat can be found in one of the boxes in the Ancient Quarry cave to the west of the capital.

4. Pilgrim's Charm - the talisman is sold by the rich man Furnival and the merchant Madeleine.

After receiving all the items, Valmiro will ask you to take the boxes to your boat. The quest is completed.

8. Final missions
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

Deny Salvation

We learn that the enemies have occupied our farthest fortress, Greatwall. Let's go there, we need to get to the northwestern corner of the global map.

On the way we meet goblins, robbers, cyclops, chimeras. At one point in the middle of the path you need to go through a checkpoint occupied by robber girls.

Thick as Thieves

When we approach The Ruins of Heavenspeak Fort, the doors will be locked; you can enter along the left slope. Ordinary robber girls do not attack us, but if we enter the room of the leader of Ophis, she will attack us, and then all her charges.

To avoid conflict, everyone in our squad must be women, and men can be disguised in women's dresses. If we manage to talk peacefully with Ophis, we will receive a quest from her.

At the gate we find the girl Betiah, she asks to feed the Cyclops, Ophis’s pet. We go further to the west, behind a wooden palisade we find a non-aggressive Cyclops. We kill the nearest goblin and bring his body to the Cyclops. Having fed the monster, we return to the girls and receive a reward.

We get to the Greatwall fortress. We leave the teleportation stone in front of the entrance and buy the best weapons from the merchant.

In the courtyard we fight with two ogres. We go to the fortress and fight necromancers in narrow corridors. Here you will come across illuminated bricks in the walls; they can be broken if you throw a barrel of explosives at them. In one of the rooms we meet a chimera, it can be fired from a ballista standing right there.

On the upper platform we fight the boss. A villain in a black robe summons two arch-liches. Bosses fly through the air and constantly summon skeleton knights and skeleton mages. You can shoot them from afar, but they are very resistant to such attacks. It's better to attack bosses with swords when they temporarily fall to the ground.

At this time, the main villain managed to climb to the top of the fortress. He summons an ancient dragon, but the dragon crushes the villain to death upon landing. We communicate with the dragon.

The Final Battle

We go to the elder Dragonforged in the Hillfigure Knoll cave. We learn from him where to look for the dragon and how to fight it. We get the key.

We return to the Greatwall fortress, use the key to open the dungeon, and through the cave we get to a new location.

We found ourselves in The Tained Mountain Temple - where the prologue of the game took place. But this time the monsters became much stronger and acquired a purple hue. Along the way we kill lizards, skeletons, and goblins. In the large hall we fight with the Chimera. After this, we stand on all 4 pressure plates one by one and open the gate to the dragon hall.

The dragon captured our favorite character (here will be the NPC to whom we gave a special flower or ring, and if we did not express sympathy to anyone, then there will be the character with whom we last talked).

We are given a choice:

1) leave your loved one to die, give up the battle, but receive from the dragon the right to be the new duke;

2) save your loved one, and there will be a very difficult battle with the dragon.

Boss: Dragon

We save the NPC and begin to fight. Soon we will have to leave the hall, we run along a narrow corridor from the dragon’s fire. The boss is stuck at the end of the corridor, we can hit his mouth. But when he releases fire, we hide behind the stones. We run outside and jump over the broken bridges between the towers. We climb to the top of the second tower and cling to the dragon. While the dragon is flying, we crawl along the spikes on its back, get to the glowing area and strike.

The dragon throws us onto a round plain, and here the main phase of the battle begins. When the dragon flies into the sky or lands on a high tower, we run to the edge of the location, shoot from the ballistas, but the dragon very quickly destroys them.

The dragon's weak spot is the glowing wound on its chest. Spells and regular shots at the painful point are ineffective. Among the pawns, archers with the sniper skill help well here; they lose more than half a health bar for each enhanced shot. We need to climb onto the monster up to the chest by its front paws and hit it with a sword. To stay on the monster longer and not get unstuck, we constantly drink stamina potions. The dragon can throw us down, grabbing us with his hand, we dodge this in time or climb onto the monster again.

Having defeated the dragon, we see how the Dragonforged elder crumbles into ashes, and the Duke loses his youth. Let's watch the credits...

9. Abyss
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

A Warm Welcome

But the game is not over yet. We wake up in our house in Kassardis. Nearby is a young witch and Quina. All armor that we were wearing during the battle with the boss receives the maximum quality level - Dragon Forged. We have a unique Godsbane blade in our inventory.

Notice board in Kassardis

We return to the capital and see that an entire block has fallen into the abyss. We speak with any of the guards. We go to the castle, go up to the second floor to the Duke's office.

The Duke accuses us of lying about defeating the dragon, and begins to attack us. We easily defeat the old man, since he has lost all his strength. During the battle we find ourselves on the balcony, the guards come running at the sound. The Duke gives chase for us. We are trying to escape from the capital. We are surrounded near a collapsed block. Clouds of harpies begin to fly from underground, and we fall down.

We find ourselves in the Everfall location, where we previously went down the spiral staircase. We constantly fall into a bottomless abyss. You can land on one of the side balconies, spending 200 health on landing (if you press the "F" key, you can land safely). And if we fly to the very bottom, we will again appear in the air and fly from the very top. Having fallen onto the topmost balcony, we can use it to enter the dungeon of the pawn guild, and from there go out onto the street.

Notice board in the Pawn Guild dungeon

From a Different Sky 1

You need to look for Badge of Vows icons. Kassardis. On the roof of the house under the church, where the lost book was found. We climb onto the roof of the pipe, the icon lies on it.

From a Different Sky 2

Kassardis. On top of the side house.

From a Different Sky 3

Kassardis. On the roof of the fisherman's house, the icon lies in a bird's nest.

From a Different Sky 4

Kassardis. On the northeastern cliff, we carefully jump down, go into the cave, and find the icon behind the grave.

From a Different Sky 5

The area west of the capital. We climb along the side slope to the top of the bridge fragment. Take the icon near the fence.

From a Different Sky 6

The area west of the capital. We climb to the previous hill, from it we either double jump (for an archer) or levitate (for a magician) to the roof of the building. Take the icon near the pipe.

Fathom Deep

The pawn on the topmost balcony of Everfall tells us to collect 20 Wakestones. We can get them by killing all kinds of bosses on the lower floors.

Battle with the eye. At first, attacking the eye itself is useless. We wait for individual snake appendages to teleport and appear on the ground, and cut them off. When there are no whole shoots left on the eye, we attack it and begin to reduce its health. For victory you get 2 Wakestones.

Chamber of Comprehension. Fight with two chicken birds.

Chamber of Distress. Harpies and wolves, for one of the monsters they give one resurrection stone. Then we go into the hall where the ice dragon lives.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

Achievement " Servitude"(Enslavement)
Take off towards a new world.
We deliberately lose to the senshal. You can quickly commit suicide by using the Godsblane dagger.
Achievement " Peace" (World)
Take refuge in illusions.
We defeat the seinchal twice. There will be an opportunity to go forward or back to the illusory world. Just go back, Cassardis will be visible there, then go to the gate.
Achievement " Mercy"(Mercy)
Challenge your verdict.
When you fight with the senshal, at the last moment your pawn will grab him with the words “I am with you to the end, master!” Just hit him at this point. If you don't have time to hit him, he will kill you and you will exit to the Servitude ending.
Achievement " Closure"(Complete)
Put an end to everything.
After the battle with the senshal and conversation with him, you will become the new senshal of this world. After this, impale yourself with the Godsbane blade.

If you beat the game online, then when you play through the game again, the new senshal will be Arizen of any other random player.

If you finish the game offline, when replaying the new senshal will be your previous character and his main pawn. The old saying applies here: “The king is dead. Long live the king".

If you have problems playing Dragons Dogma, you can always use our tips and information to take action. We detail the steps you need to take to fully Dogma.

After making your choice, break the boxes inside the room to collect things. After you do this, leave the room to trigger a cutscene.

Follow the center of this town and examine the stone. Then go to the gate to trigger a cutscene. Follow the mark and exit here to find the monster.

Hour of Power - Dragon's Dogma Walkthrough / Gameplay Part 1 - Awkward Looking

Therefore, give it due attention when you customize it, so you will create someone who will protect you.

After creating a worthy partner, you will be asked several questions to determine the qualities of your partner. Answer them.

Strength in Numbers

After completing the previous task, go out, Sir Bern will want to talk to you. task, the main task of carrying supplies will be performed by your partner, but you need to find the box that will not be taken, take it and carry it to the marked place.

Next you will need to destroy several scarecrows. Destroy them all within the allotted time. For the next task, you will need to destroy as many scarecrows as possible, but this time some will be vulnerable to physical attacks, while others will be vulnerable to magic.

Simply destroy all targets within the allotted time to complete the task and complete.

A Rude Awakening

Look for an NPC named Mercedes in the defense town, and agree to spend the night here. Then you will wake up the next morning, in which the town will be destroyed.

Start attacking her heads as she advances. If you are a fighter, then get on top of her head, where you can deal more damage.

If you are a shooter, then it is better, on the contrary, to keep your distance so that you can aim at her head. You won't need to deal damage to one head to defeat her, you will know if you were able to defeat her after she can't raise her heads.

If your battle drags on, then Mercedes will come to the rescue, giving you a special bottle to throw at the hydra’s head.

To pass it, you will just need to walk to the capital.

Visit the church during the day to meet Father Geoffrey there. Talk, then leave the city through the southern gate.

You also need to start another one here by talking to one of the guards.

Follow Waycastle and go down the slope to the west to reach the river. Follow it until you get to a place where you can cross to the other side.

First floor: you will find some gold ones in the marked room. Then proceed to the basements using the stairs in the center on the left side.

Explore the ruins, and then tell Brother Haslett everything. Return to the ruins again to find five ancient ingots.

In the end, report everything to Sir Maximilian to successfully complete the task.

Second act

After completing all available tasks, use the Wyrm Hunt license, but remember that only for the main ones, that is, additional tasks are not included here.

Follow Duke's castle and meet him. After the cutscene, you will need to talk to Duke's representative to learn about the rules that should be followed here.

Exit the castle, as you exit you should notice a courtyard, you can go there to trigger a cutscene. Exit through the gate to complete the walkthrough.

Reward and Responsibility

Follow Duke's treasury. Come inside and be amazed at how much goodness there is inside.