House plant monkey tree (Araucaria). The money tree is a symbol of prosperity in your family! We plant and plant the plant

Information about the rarest endangered plant species around the world

Araucaria araucana, Monkey tree Araucaria araucana or Chilean pine - the oldest exotic conifer tree, grows on the mountain slopes of the southern and central Andes (South America). The national tree of Chile is also called a “living fossil.” Hard leaves of rare coniferous plant needle-shaped, evergreen.

The monkey tree Araucaria araucana has a characteristic semicircular crown, the height of the tree is 40 m, the diameter of the trunk is 2 m. It grows slowly, lives up to 1000 years. Large, up to 20 cm spherical cones of Araucaria araucana contain up to 200 seeds - nuts, up to 4 cm in size. The taste of Araucaria araucana nuts resembles the taste of pine nuts.

Its ability to survive in high mountain climates contributes to the spread of Monkey Tree as a nut crop in countries with cold oceanic summers.

However, to get the first harvest, you must wait at least 40 years.

The exotic tree has been protected by international laws on the protection of endangered plant species since 1971.

Another name for Araucaria araucana is monkey puzzle. appeared in 1850, when Chilean pine was still rare in England. One of the young ladies, looking at the rare exotic tree, involuntarily said: “Climbing this tree would be a real puzzle for a monkey.” Thus, the name “monkey puzzle tree” was assigned to the Chilean pine. Perhaps the statement was not so ridiculous, since the bark of Araucaria araucana really resembles puzzle pieces.

Dwarf araucaria is grown at home. Like many conifers, araucaria purifies the air.

Not everyone knows the plant called “crassula” and especially “crassula”, but almost everyone will say what a money tree looks like (the tree of happiness, the tree of love or monkey tree). In fact, they are all the same succulent plant, hot favorite among flower growers for being flexible and unpretentious.
Due to the appearance of its coin-shaped leaves, it is called the money tree. As Feng Shui says, this particular tree can improve your financial situation if placed correctly: in a well-lit area of ​​wealth or on a southeast or south window. It is in the fleshy leaves that wealth accumulates than better condition tree - the better the financial situation will be. In addition, the fat plant in the house, due to its rounded shape, is considered a source of positive energy and an element that neutralizes negative and negative emotions or words related specifically to the lack of finances, thus harmonizing the atmosphere of your home.
It is argued that you cannot simply buy finished tree, you need to grow it from a shoot yourself, take care of it, cherish it and love it with all your heart. Only then will it make sense. Well, let's start growing the fat plant?


Crassula belongs to the genus Succulentus of the Crassulaceae family and is an ornamental foliage plant, although it can actually bloom, which is rare in room conditions.
Homeland: This plant, like all succulents, tends to accumulate a large supply of moisture in the leaves, which helps to survive in difficult conditions. weather conditions in their homeland - the arid tropics of Africa, in its south and west, Madagascar, and southern Arabia.
Varieties: There are quite a few types of Crassula. The most common of them is Crassula arborescens, cotyledon arborescens or money tree. In addition to the tree crassula, the money tree is also called the silver crassula (Crassula argentea) or the oval crassula (Crassula ovata). The color of the leaves can be very different, in particular, those named have a green, dark green or silvery, shiny surface, with a reddish border and/or red spots on the back of the leaf.
All of them grow well at home to sizes of 1-2 m in height. My money tree is a representative of the most common crassula tree.

Planting and propagation

As expected, I brought the fat one, I don’t remember where from, and started growing it, sharing it with my mother-in-law. But her much smaller shoot was very much ahead of mine, as I later found out - due to good lighting, timely replanting in a large container and regular fertilizers.
Crassula is propagated by shoots or leaf cuttings, which are rooted directly into the soil after drying for a couple of days. But I would advise readers of MirSovetov, albeit a little longer, but reliable way: Place in water until roots appear.
The soil mixture for cacti is ideal for succulents. To be precise, this is turf soil (1), leaf soil (3) and sand (1), with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. You will also need ash, humus, clay, and brick chips. Required good drainage. I have successfully planted my trees in universal soil. Because the plant is not at all capricious and will easily tolerate even neglect. But still, do not forget that it is alive.
Regarding the pot: replant as it grows once every 2-3 years, or even more. It all depends on the growth rate. For fat women, you need to take into account the peculiarity that root system may not hold a big tree in a pot, it will fall and get damaged. Therefore, you need a pot that is heavy and deep enough, commensurate with the size of the plant.

Care (watering, light, temperature, fertilizer)

Caring for a money tree is incredibly simple. You need to water the fat plant very well in the summer, as the soil dries out (I did it about once or twice a week), and only during the growth period, in no case allowing it to become waterlogged. During dormancy, the soil should be dry and watered once every couple of months.
Spraying is not typical for caring for this plant; you just need to wipe the leaves from dust, which loves them very much. Humidity is not so important, but frequent ventilation is necessary.

In terms of temperature, the fat woman would not refuse the large day-night differences that are natural for her. In summer it’s better to be 20-22°C, and whatever happens, but in winter you need coolness of 10-12°C and even up to 6°C.
Crassula loves light very much all year round, and therefore further than the window sill, if the room is not bright, do not place it. Despite this, direct Sun rays needed only in large quantities, but otherwise it’s better to shade the tree so that it doesn’t burn.
Feed during the growth period 1-2 times a month; cactus fertilizers or GUMI humisol are suitable. I watered it with a solution last time per month, and everything was fine.


  • Like cacti, succulents definitely need a period of rest - from September to February (March) in a cool place, with virtually no watering.
  • In summer - warmth and fresh air.
These two points are the guarantee good growth and the well-being of your pet, and for old specimens this way you can provoke a unique flowering.
  • Transplantation: in spring.
  • Reproduction: in spring and summer.
  • Feeding: during the growth period.

Difficulties in caring for a fat woman

Rather, let’s call it not difficulties, but instructions for the behavior of your money tree. A sudden drop of leaves will tell you in the summer that there was not enough moisture or the water for irrigation was too cold.
Due to excess moisture, particularly in winter, the leaves may turn pale and wither, but if the plant is not watered enough, they darken and wrinkle, and their shine is lost. Damaged ones must be removed. I once lost a fat woman because I didn’t take action in a timely manner. Signs given by the plant must be responded to immediately. Mine had a lot of moisture, but I took it for a lack.
Lack of moisture can also cause brown, dry spots on the leaves. But if the spots are brown but soft, frequent ventilation and treatment with an antifungal agent are recommended. I have never encountered anything like this.
The base of the stem is rotting - this is most likely root rot, which is difficult to combat. Here I can only recommend drastic measures to the readers of MirSovetov (and even then they will help if the roots are alive - not soft and not dark). We cut off all the rotten parts, plant them in a clean pot and new land or even just cut off the top and start growing the tree again.
The long, ugly stem is again due to winter waterlogging and lack of light.
Crassula is practically not affected by pests. If this suddenly happens, then they act according to generally accepted standards for combating a specific pest. But they note that the money tree becomes so close to the one who cares for it that if a person suffers from a psychological or physiological condition, the money tree begins to get sick and may die.

Growing a tree

Since the fat plants described above can also have a bush form, in order for it to become a tree, you will have to work hard from the very beginning of growth. The essence of crown formation is to remove the lateral shoots until the tree stretches to the desired height (the bare trunk is about 15 cm, and the plant itself is 25-30 cm), and then we pinch off the top, and the plant, sending out lateral shoots, begins to branch the crown. To prevent the tree from leaning to one side, we periodically turn the pot.
The tree-like form itself grows in the form of a tree - it gradually sheds its lower leaves, exposing the lignified trunk. And only then it begins to bush.

Crassulas, like many succulents, are ideal for creating flower arrangements– slides, frames of artificial ponds or some kind of indoor flower beds for offices. Plants grow well, are easy to care for and do not require attention for a long time.

Crassula, or money tree.

The plant known to many as the money tree is called Crassula. The Crassula genus belongs to the Crassula family, uniting annual and perennial succulents, distributed mainly in the southern hemisphere. The homeland of various species of Crassula is Africa, more precisely its arid southern and southwestern regions, the Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar.

The inhabitants of arid regions have an unusual decorative appearance, and therefore many of them are bred at home. Let's find out how to care for a money tree, what problems you may encounter during cultivation, and what ways to solve them.

According to various sources, the genus Crassula includes from 300 to 500 varieties. Among them there are dwarfs, whose height does not exceed several centimeters, and big trees, rising 3–4 meters. Most species are perennials, but there are also annual specimens that die immediately after flowering.

Most representatives have erect or creeping herbaceous stems. There are shrubs with succulent, fleshy or woody trunks, and tall tree-like representatives. Juicy and fleshy, covered with a waxy coating, Crassula leaves with a yellowish, greenish or blue tint take on a red or cherry tint in the sun.

The plant was named Crassula for the characteristic structure of its leaves and stems: the word “crassus” with Latin language translated as "thick". Hence another name for Crassula - Crassula. Original appearance, unpretentiousness to conditions environment, simple care at home have made Crassula popular among gardeners.

Beneficial features

For its healing properties money flower sometimes called a living tree.

Many people know that the fat woman has positive energy. But not everyone knows that this money tree has healing properties and is a filter plant. The phytoncides secreted by Crassula have pronounced antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and disinfect indoor air.

Crassula juice is used to treat:

  • herpes, insect bites, cuts, abscesses, bruises (as lotions);
  • sore throats, gum inflammation (in the form of rinses);
  • arthritis, other joint diseases (rubbing before bedtime).

Parts of the plant are strictly forbidden to be taken orally as medicine - they contain large amounts of arsenic.


The common tree-like Crassulas include three species.

  1. Crassula oval (or ovoid). The most common type of tree, which in nature reaches a height of 3 m, in an apartment it does not exceed 1.5 m. This money tree is unpretentious in care and tolerates shade better than others.
  2. Crassula arborescens. A plant with bare branches and trunk, fleshy, flat, ovoid leaves. The plant's white or pale pink flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences. But the money tree (otherwise known as crassula tree) blooms very rarely when grown at home and does not tolerate shade.
  3. Crassula silvery (purslane). Unlike the two previous types of tree, this money flower is much smaller in size. Otherwise, the silver crassula is very similar to the oval and tree varieties.

Of the creeping plants, Crassulas are the most common:

  1. mossy;
  2. pseudomosquiform;
  3. milky;
  4. point;
  5. tetrahedral;
  6. Cooper.

The genus Crassula is distinguished by a variety of species, among which there are even specimens for the aquarium. However, the most widespread in home floriculture is the tree crassula.

Home care

Caring for a fat woman is not difficult. Essentially, caring for a money tree includes moderate watering, periodic feeding, removing dust from the leaves, pruning and shaping the crown.


The shape of the fat plant can change depending on the intensity of light: with a lack of light, the trunks stretch out and become thin; with too much light, on the contrary, they thicken.

Crassula, or money tree, should be placed in places with sufficient lighting, optimally on the southeast side. This rule is recommended not only by flower growers, but also by Feng Shui experts.

It is important to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, which causes the plant’s foliage to turn red, wither and fall. In summer, Crassula arborescens feels good and comfortable on the balcony, and in the cold season, it is better to move the plant to windows facing south.


How often to water depends on the temperature. You need to water the money tree:

  • twice a week - in hot weather;
  • once every 7 days – at normal temperature;
  • once every 20–30 days – in winter.

The person caring for the plant must ensure that the soil is not excessively wet, but also does not dry out. It is better to water the plant in evening time, warm, settled water.


Crassula tolerates moisture deficit well and does not require regular spraying. accumulated on the surface sheet plates dust can be removed with a damp cloth. Crassula responds well to warm souls, which are carried out once every 2–3 months, covering the ground with film.


In spring and summer, the optimal temperature for the plant is from 20 to 25 ° C, it is advisable that the flower be located on the balcony or street - living tree does not tolerate deficiency well fresh air. In winter, the plant is comfortable at a temperature of about 15 ° C or lower, but not less than 4 ° C.

At room temperature the flower can also overwinter, but its leaves will most likely begin to wither and fall off. It is better not to place the money tree flower near heating radiators.

How to replant a money tree

You can learn how to replant a money tree from experienced flower growers. Transplantation is carried out once every 2-3 years, not more often, and only if necessary - if the flower has grown greatly.

The plant is transplanted in the spring (preferably in May) into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for replanting Crassula is taken from ordinary purchased soil, intended for planting cacti and succulents.

You can prepare such a soil substrate yourself by mixing part turf soil and sand with three parts leaf soil. If you add a handful of humus, clay, or ash to the ground, the nutritional value soil. In order for the transplanted flower to grow well, it is important not to forget about drainage - expanded clay or crushed shards.

The roots of the plant along with a lump of earth are placed in a pot filled with drainage material and a quarter of soil. Then the voids are filled with new soil substrate. After transplanting, the flower is watered well. The soil is periodically loosened to improve oxygen supply to the roots, and if the soil sags, the top layer is added to the pot.

If the root has become too long, it needs to be shortened before planting the plant.

How to trim Crassula

To create a beautiful decorative look The money tree needs to be pruned. The formation of the flower crown begins while the tree is still young. When the height of the fat plant reaches 15–20 cm, pinch off the two small top leaves. As a result, branching will begin in this place, and four leaves will appear instead of two. As Crassula grows top sheets removed in places where branching of shoots is expected.

Is it possible to trim the stems and leaves of an adult plant? It is possible, but in this case, stumps remain in place of the truncated shoots, spoiling the appearance of the Crassula.

How to grow a money tree?

In order for the plant to grow well and please the eye, it is important to know some of the features of Crassula and the rules of cultivation.


To grow a beautiful money tree, you need not only to properly care for the plant, but also to plant it correctly. The pot for Crassula needs to be small and shallow, but wide, heavy and stable. In a deep container, the root of the plant tends downward, and the Crassula itself stretches upward, which is why the trunk becomes thin and weak.

What kind of land is needed to plant Crassula? The soil for a money tree should consist of equal amounts of leaf soil, turf soil and sand. You can use soil containing three parts of turf soil, one part each of humus and leaf soil, sand, brick chips or small gravel. After planting the plant, the small fat plant is kept at a temperature of 16 to 18 °C and watered once a day.

Top dressing

A living tree is fed with liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In summer, feeding is carried out twice a month, the rest of the time - once a month. The concentration of fertilizers is also halved. Fertilizers are applied to moist soil immediately after watering.

Other Important Points

  1. The fat woman loves constancy, so you should not often move the pot from one place to another.
  2. Lack of light can lead to lengthening of the trunk and massive loss of leaves.
  3. In winter, Crassula begins a period of rest. At this time, it is better to place the plant in a room with a temperature of about 5 ° C, and water it no more than once every 20 days.
  4. When placing Crassula on a windowsill, it is important to ensure that the leaves do not come into contact with the glass.

Problems in growing

Spots on the leaves are a sign of scale infestation.

  1. Spider mite. When a tick attacks, the leaves and stems of the plant become covered with a thin web. A living tree can help heal soap solution, actellik, fitoverm, fufanon.
  2. Shchitovka. Scale insect infestation can be identified by yellow and brown spots appearing on the surface of the leaves. The fight against scale insects is carried out in the same way as the destruction of spider mites.
  3. Mealybug. A solution is used to kill the pest laundry soap, insecticides. If there are few insects, they can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

In addition to pest attacks, other problems may arise when growing a money tree:

  • rotting of the roots and base of the trunk - with an excess of moisture (crassula should not be watered frequently);
  • wilting of leaves - in case of moisture deficiency;
  • shedding of leaves - when watering cold water, in a draft, with a lack of fresh air.

Crassula reacts poorly to drafts, which can cause all the leaves of the plant to dry out and fall off.

How it blooms

Crassula blooms very rarely even among experienced gardeners.

It turns out that a living tree can bloom. However, getting flowers to appear is very difficult even for professional florists who know exactly how to properly care for the plant.

Most often, beautiful white flowers appear on the plant when the fat plant is actively growing. Delicate flowers emit pollen, and therefore some people may develop allergies during the flowering period of the crassula.


Money tree propagation is carried out:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.


Cuttings are the easiest way to propagate a money tree. Crassula reproduces by stem cuttings and leaves. A large leaf or shoot is cut off sharp knife. The cuttings are placed in a container with water until the roots grow. To ensure that the root system forms faster and the stem does not rot, you can add charcoal to the water.

If you wish, you can immediately plant the cuttings in the ground, but in order for the living tree to take root better, it is recommended to germinate the cuttings. Cuttings with roots are planted in a pot with a diameter of 5–7 cm with a soil substrate consisting of equal quantities of turf and leaf soil and sand.


The Crassula flower can reproduce by seeds. They are sown in wide containers filled with a mixture of leaf soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part), covered with glass. The crops are ventilated daily and condensation is wiped off the glass. Two weeks after planting, the seeds germinate.

The seedlings are planted in soil consisting of leaf soil (1 part), turf soil and sand (½ part each). The container with seedlings is placed under bright, diffused lighting. Grown-up Crassulas are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm in soil consisting of equal parts of leaf and turf soil and sand. Until the sprouts take root, they are kept at a temperature of 16–18 ° C. Then the Crassula is moved to a permanent place.

Where can I buy

Money Tree can be purchased at specialized flower shops, greenhouses and online stores. The cost of Crassula varies widely, depending on the type of plant, its age and size.

Average prices for Crassula:

  • Crassula Ovata (height 20 cm) – 600 rubles;
  • Crassula Ovata (35 cm) – 1,390;
  • money tree (70 cm) – 8,500;
  • Crassula Hobbit (50 cm) – 3,700 rubles.

The money tree is unpretentious, and caring for the fat tree will not cause any problems. But for the plant not only to grow well, but also to attract financial well-being, you can’t just buy a money tree - you need to grow a money tree yourself from a small shoot. Caring for plants is very simple - even novice gardeners can grow money flowers.

They bred it on all the window sills of the country exclusively “to make money.”

I don’t know exactly how true this assumption was, but in the interior it’s like this indoor tree it looked elegant.

And the idea that by growing a flower, we attract happiness, prosperity and prosperity into the house, contributed to its widespread cultivation.

History of origin, birthplace of the living tree

The money tree is popularly known as Crassula, or monkey tree, and the scientific name is Crassula(crassus is Latin for “thick”).

It was called “Money” due to the fact that some types of Crassula have leaves round shape and look like coins.

There are about 300 species in the genus Crossul and they belong to family Crasulaceae. In wildlife there are creeping herbaceous species, tree-like shrubs and aquatic plants.

Due to its ability to accumulate water in its leaves, the fat plant is classified as a succulent. Origin from tropical and subtropical countries. These plants can be found in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, in southern North America.

During excavations of the tomb of the Chinese emperor of the Han Dynasty, scientists found the first mention of Kalanchoe. According to the legend about " Sunny tree “It was believed that if you show generosity in earthly life, you can end up in heaven.


Despite the abundance of varieties, the Crassula has many common characteristics.

Root system slightly developed. Maintaining the balance of the entire tree with such roots is not easy.

Therefore, when breeding indoor plants For this type, it is recommended to select fairly heavy and deep flower pots.

Trunk The flower is very similar to the trunk of a real tree. It's thick, powerful and covered hard shell– bark. There are many branches coming off the main trunk.

Leaves monkey tree round or oblong, fleshy; located opposite each other, sometimes merging at the branch itself. The color of the leaves is varied - from rich green to silver.

Crown An adult tree is usually spherical in shape, lush and dense. It is better if one sprout is planted in a pot. This will provide the plant with good branching.

Flowers Kalanchoe, with proper care, small, light and very delicate, collected in a half-umbrella. The persistent aroma is sweet and cloying. The money tree usually blooms in the tenth year of life, but seeds are not formed.

Medicinal properties

Crassula is a house filter plant.

First of all, it is recommended to keep it indoors to purify the air from harmful substances, uplifting mood and giving strength. This effect is ensured by the content of a large number of microelements and essential oils in the leaves.

It has been noted that a living tree has a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. IN folk medicine it is widely used as an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal agent.


The forms of application are quite varied:


  1. Wash and dry Kalanchoe leaves
  2. mash into pulp
  3. squeeze out the juice.

Instill the resulting juice into both nostrils three times a day, five drops.

For children under one year of age, reduce the dosage to 1-2 drops.

IMPORTANT! Prepare the medicine immediately before instillation. During storage medicinal properties are quickly lost.

Sore throat and cough

  1. freshly squeezed juice of 15 Crassula leaves pour a glass of warm water,
  2. You should gargle with the resulting solution every three hours or more often.


  1. make a compress with alcohol tincture,
  2. fill half a half-liter jar with dried crassula leaves,
  3. fill to the top with high-quality vodka,
  4. place in a place protected from light.
  5. After a month, the tincture is ready for external use.
  6. Dip a woven cotton napkin into the infusion, apply to the sore spot, wrap a woolen scarf on top and leave overnight.

IMPORTANT! The compress should not be given to children under three years of age or with pathological illnesses.

Healing burns and wounds, getting rid of corns and calluses

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons/parts of Crassula juice with 5 parts of lanolin and 2 parts of Vaseline,
  2. Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath and
  3. to stir thoroughly.
  4. Once cooled, you can store it in a well-sealed jar in a cool place.

When medicine is POISON!

Don't overdry!

When to feed

The best time for feeding is from April to August.

You can apply universal fertilizer after watering once a month.

Considering the prices of medicines in modern pharmacies, we can say that a living tree may well become a moneymaker, saving money on traditional medicine.

However, we should not forget that even the thoughtful use of the medicinal properties of Crassula can only be an additional, but not the main treatment for serious diseases.

The name "money tree" comes from the fact that The leaves of this tree look like coins. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that this tree, if placed correctly in an apartment, will improve your financial situation. To do this, you need to place the Crassula in the light zone of wealth on the south or southeast window. A red ribbon tied to a tree will contribute to your enrichment. According to this theory, we accumulate wealth in the fleshy leaves of the tree, which means more leaves and the better their condition, the richer and more successful its owners will be. The rounded shapes of the fat woman are considered a source of positive element that neutralizes all negative and negative words and emotions, thereby harmonizing the atmosphere in the apartment.

Caring for a money tree is easy; the plant is not at all capricious. But all these beneficial features Crassula or money tree will only activate if you grow it from a cutting yourself with care and love, and don't just buy a ready-made money tree. So before you start such a tree, you should find out about it in more detail.

Origin of the Crassula

The money tree belongs to the genus of succulents from the Crassulaceae family, is an ornamental deciduous plant, but can sometimes bloom. In indoor conditions, it is quite rare for the fat plant to bloom.

The homeland of the money tree is in western and southern Africa, southern Arabia, and Madagascar. Due to its origin, this tree can accumulate a lot of moisture in its leaves and for a long time do without watering. There are many varieties of this tree, but the most common is Crassula arborescens, which translates as tree crassula. Sometimes the money tree is called the oval (Crassula ovata) and silver (Crassula argentea) crassula. The money tree can have very different leaf colors - green, dark green or silver, on the back of the leaf there are red spots and/or a reddish border, and has a shiny surface. At home, the tree can grow up to 1-2 meters in height.
Planting and propagation of the Crassula money tree, how to care

Crassulas reproduce by shoots or leaf cuttings, and they do it very quickly. As soon as you plant a leaf or root in a pot, a new tree will immediately sprout. To start your own tree, you can pick a Crassula leaf while visiting (or ask for a shoot). They should be rooted into the soil, after drying them for a couple of hours. But you can use another, reliable and proven method: put it in water until roots appear.

In order for the tree to take root better, it is recommended to cover the pot with the cutting with a small cap made of transparent film. You can use a cup (regular or disposable) for this purpose, but do not forget to ventilate your small tree every day. To increase material profit, you can put a coin in the money tree pot before planting the seedling.

As earth mixture You can use cactus soil, which is also great for succulents. It includes turf soil (1), leaf soil (3) and sand (1), with a slightly acidic and neutral reaction. In addition, you will need humus, ash, brick chips and clay. It is very important to have good drainage.

It is necessary to replant the tree when it grows. Best suited for this spring period, when the plant comes out of “hibernation” and is not so vulnerable. You should focus on the size of the pot, tree and its roots. If you take spacious pots, you will have to replant them every two to three years, and maybe more. Choose a deep pot that weighs a fair amount, because the roots may not support the weight of the trunk and leaves, and the tree will fall and break. It's better to be safe in advance.
Caring for Crassula - Money Tree

Crassula is quite easy to care for. It is necessary to water thoroughly only in the summer, when the soil dries out. On average, you need to water once or twice a week (when the tree is growing), because it is not recommended to allow the soil to become waterlogged. And when the tree stops growing and it is in a dormant state, you can water it once every two months. Feed the tree with additional fertilizers, for example, you can use fertilizers for cacti.

Answer to the question. How to care for a money tree (crassula). The leaves need to be wiped clean of dust, because it often settles on large leaves and interferes with receiving sunlight. In general, the humidity of the environment is not so important for this tree, the main thing is fresh air. IN summer time try to ventilate the room with the money tree more often. Crassula loves light very much, so take this into account when placing it. But too much direct sunlight can damage the tree, so if the tree is on a windowsill, pull it down.

Depending on the time of year, the money tree requires different conditions for a comfortable existence. In winter (from September to March) it is better to place it in a cool (6-10 degrees) place and water it as little as possible. And with the onset of summer, provide an influx of fresh air, sun and warm temperature(about 20 degrees).

If a tree accidentally falls, do not panic. Pick it up and plant it in a pot; if the previous one has become small, replant it. Remove twigs and leaves that were damaged by falling. If necessary, stick a stick next to the tree and tie the trunk to it with a bandage to protect it from falling again.
So, let’s briefly summarize how to care for a money tree. - moderate watering is needed, that is, when the earthen lump dries out, you cannot water the fat plant, the roots may rot and the plant will die, even in this case it is necessary to save the money tree.
Difficulties in caring for the money tree

In summer, the tree may suddenly drop its leaves, which means that you did not water the plant enough or the water was too cold. In winter, leaves may wilt and turn pale if you flood the tree, insufficient watering the leaves will darken, lose their shine and wrinkle. Damaged leaves need to be removed, because if you delay this, the tree may die. React immediately to the signs the tree gives you.

Lack of light and waterlogging in winter can cause a long, ugly stem to develop. If dry brown spots appear on the leaves, add additional water. And if the spots are soft and brown, then ventilate the room more often and treat the plant with an antifungal agent.

The money tree is almost never attacked by pests, but if it does, follow common pest management guidelines for your specific pest.

It is very difficult to fight root rot, the symptom of which is rotting at the base of the stem. In this case, drastic measures should be taken - cut off the rotten parts of the roots, replant the plant in new pot and land. As a last resort, cut off the roots completely and regrow the tree.

Sometimes a money tree can become so attached to the person who cares for it that if a person develops physiological or psychological ailments, the money tree also begins to get sick and waste away.
Growing a tree, how to care for and grow it?

In order for a tree, and not a bush, to grow from a bush crassula, efforts should be made from the very beginning. You can shape the crown by removing lateral shoots until the tree grows to the desired height. The trunk without leaves reaches 15 cm, and together with the crown - 25-30 cm. Then pinch off the top so that the plant branches the crown, sending out side shoots. Rotate the pot from time to time so that the tree develops from different sides, rather than leaning in one direction.

The tree-like form of the Crassula immediately grows like a tree, so it does not require special care. It sheds its lower leaves to expose the woody trunk, and later begins to bush.
Signs of the money tree

On New Year's Eve, you should hang coins on the branches of the money tree - real or chocolate in shiny wrappers, hanging them on red or yellow ribbons. This will add good luck to your affairs and material well-being. And in addition to this, you will receive additional decoration for your interior.

Sometimes the money tree blooms; in indoor conditions this happens very rarely, but it does happen. Similar a rare event means highest degree good luck in financial matters. The main thing is not to forget the tree even after achieving the desired results. Love and decorate your money tree, take care of it, and you will have happiness and a prosperous life!