Log houses: how to build a high-quality and warm home? Do-it-yourself log house How to build a log house with your own hands

Rounded logs are a popular construction material used for construction. wooden cottages, country houses, bathhouses, log houses and other structures. His distinctive feature- maximum closeness to the natural shape of the tree trunk, which makes it possible to construct buildings that are attractive and authentic appearance. The rounded log has a rounded shape and is manufactured industrially. Each element passes machining- cylindering, during which the upper layer and the material is given strict round form. Then the drying process occurs and only after this the workpieces are processed special compounds and impregnations that improve aesthetic and performance characteristics. On some workpieces, special bowls are additionally prepared for grooves, tenons, and ridges, so that construction site ready-to-use items arrive.

Advantages of houses made of rounded logs

Houses made of rounded logs are one of the most popular types of buildings due to a number of advantages:

  • high environmental friendliness. When producing rounded logs, glue and other chemicals that negatively affect health are not used;
  • neatness and attractive appearance. The construction of houses from rounded logs is carried out from blanks of the same diameter, having a flat, smooth surface, which ensures high aesthetics and originality of the design;
  • no need for external finishing. The undulating relief is their peculiar business card, which allows you to significantly save your budget when building a house;
  • durability. Wood is a durable and wear-resistant material, therefore, subject to the right technology When built, a house made of rounded logs can last for decades;
  • good thermal protection. Wood has excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

In addition, construction from rounded logs does not take much time. The blanks do not require editing, fit perfectly together and fold into the frame. Therefore, if you have decided to order a house made of logs, you can be prepared for the fact that in just a few weeks a finished structure will grow on your site.

Wood, being an environmentally friendly material, not only effectively retains heat, but also gives the air in the room a special aroma.

To build a wooden one, you must first prepare the timber.

Stage 1. Preparation of round timber

Attention! To determine the quality of logs (you can refuse low-grade sawlogs at any time), you need to know about ideal conditions blanks, which we will consider below.

Round timber must be harvested at sub-zero temperature, that is, in winter. It is at this time that the amount of moisture in the wood is minimized, therefore, during drying the material will deform and crack less.

In order to ensure the durability of the log house, certain sections of logs (the so-called butt logs) are used during construction. These sections start from the rhizome and end at the crown. Such butt logs are denser (which compares favorably with the tops) and there are practically no knots in them. Selection criteria also include the round shape and degree of curvature of the trunk. In both cases, a defect is an error exceeding 1 cm per linear meter.

Attention! If the length is, for example, 5 m, and the error exceeds 5 cm, then the log can be safely rejected.

The same applies to diameter. For example, the diameter of the base of the log is 35 cm, while the top is 25 cm or less. Such round timber is categorically not recommended for use in construction.

Finally, pay attention to the type of wood. Ideally, coniferous trees (spruce, larch, etc.) should be used for a bathhouse. Larch is characterized by resistance to moisture, although in extreme cases you can resort to the “pine-spruce” combination, in which the first few crowns are erected from pine. And if only spruce is used in construction, then the material must be treated several times with an antiseptic.

Perform further actions in accordance with the previously drawn up project. You can make one yourself, find it on the Internet, or order it from specialists. It is with the help of this document that you can calculate the required amount of consumables, determine the area and shape of the base.

Stage 2. Timber processing

Step 1. After it was delivered to you consumables(or you cut it down and delivered it yourself), it needs 25-30 days to rest.

Step 3. Then start processing. First, peel the bark from the logs (do this carefully so that they do not crack), leaving a little of it on the sides - about a 15-centimeter strip on each side.

Step 4. After processing, place the logs in storage approximately 25 cm from the surface of the ground. You can stack it however you like - in stacks, packs, etc., the main thing is that the distance between the logs is 7-10 cm.

Video - Preparing logs

Stage 3. Construction of the foundation

Let us immediately make a reservation that massive monolithic ones can be abandoned due to the insignificant weight of the future structure. In order to save money, you can resort to one of two possible lightweight designs, namely:

  • strip foundation;
  • columnar.

Let's consider each of the options.

To build such a foundation around the entire perimeter, as well as under future walls, dig a trench 40 cm wide and 50 cm deep, lay a “cushion” of sand and gravel at the bottom. Next, lay the reinforcement, build formwork 50 cm high and pour concrete mortar. The resulting height will be approximately 1 m.

Attention! A more specific height depends on the depth of soil freezing in a particular region.

Video - Pouring the foundation

Place strips of sand and crushed stone inside the perimeter. In the future, the strips can be filled with concrete or a wooden floor can be built on them. The choice of one option or another depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Columnar foundation

If necessary, it will be necessary to erect supports. There are two possible options:

  • brick;
  • from asbestos pipes.

Place supports at the corners of the perimeter, as well as under all walls in 1.5 m increments. Pre-lay a concrete “cushion” under each support. Fix several reinforcement rods in each support so that the latter protrude above the surface by at least 30 cm.

Build formwork 40 cm high, lay reinforcement in it and tie it to rods protruding from the supports. Fill in concrete mortar. After four to five weeks, when the concrete is completely dry, you can begin further work.

Stage 4. Waterproofing the base

Treat the surface of the foundation with molten and lay a layer of roofing material on top. After the bitumen has completely dried, repeat the procedure. As a result, you will have a reliable two-layer.

Stage 5. Preparing tools

To work you will need the following equipment:

The last instrument – ​​the “line” – will be given Special attention. For manufacturing you will need steel wire with sharpened ends. Bend the wire in half so that it takes the shape of a compass; you can additionally secure the handle. This tool will be needed when marking logs.

Stage 6. Construction of a log bathhouse

There are several assembly technologies:

The first option - Russian felling - is the easiest to perform; even an inexperienced carpenter can handle it. Therefore, we will consider this technology.

Step 1. The construction of the log house should be carried out in stages and begin with the frame crown (in other words, from the first). Logs that will serve decorative crown, push it onto the edge for the tightest fit to the foundation.

Step 2. Lay the first pair of logs on top of the waterproofing layer. Place the next pair at an angle of 90ᵒ relative to the first and connect everything into a “cup”.

Attention! "Cup" is the most simple option connections during the construction of log buildings. It is done quite simply: the boundaries of the future “cup” are measured at the bottom of the log, then a recess is marked using a “line”. After checking the dimensions again, the recess is carefully cut out with an ax.

You can use a chainsaw - this will save a lot of time. Although the final finishing of the “cups” will still have to be done with an ax.

Attention! In the starting crown, the “cups” will not be deep, as a result of which the logs will not come into contact with the base. Therefore, place a lining in the gap that appears - a small piece of board of the required thickness, treated with an antiseptic and covered with insulation.

Step 3. Next, lay the second crown using the thickest logs possible. This is explained by the fact that in the future you will cut sex joists into them. To ensure a tight fit, make a longitudinal groove in the top log, which would be equal to a third of the diameter of the previous log. To draw the boundaries of the groove, place the upper log on the lower one and mark using the “line”.

Attention! The longitudinal groove can be semicircular or triangular. If you have a chainsaw available, you can cut a triangular groove in two to three minutes. But remember: logs with such a groove will not fit tightly, which will negatively affect the thermal insulation properties of the walls.

It's obvious that the best option is a semicircular groove. Do it with a chainsaw and use a chisel to remove any residue.

Step 4. Insulate the joints of the logs, preferably using flax-jute fabric. Place one piece of fabric on the lower crown, and seal the longitudinal groove with the second (especially if the latter has a triangular shape).

Step 5. Connect the crowns together. Here you can use:

  • square dowels;
  • round dowels made of wood.

The second method is preferable, because dowels can be purchased ready-made and holes can be made using an electric drill.

Make holes in increments of 1-1.5 m, parallel stitching the top pair of crowns completely and not completely the third one (from the bottom). To avoid distortion, after shrinkage is completed, recess the dowels into the upper crown by at least 6-7 cm.

Step 6. Having raised the walls to the desired height, lay them on top ceiling beams and rafters. If damp wood was used, then lay slate sheets instead of rafters and wait until the structure shrinks. Usually, it is enough to overwinter once, but ideally, shrinkage should last a year and a half.

In the spring, when the shrinkage is complete, start caulking.

Video - Roof made of aspen shingles

Stage 7. Doors and window openings

We specifically started talking about openings after construction was completed, since there are two options for their arrangement.

Stage 8. Caulking logs

After shrinkage is completed, the log house is caulked. To do this, prepare the following equipment:

  • hammer;
  • caulk (made of wood or metal).

Attention! If you sealed the inter-crown space with tow or moss, you can skip this step, since you most likely will not need caulk. But if you find even the slightest cracks, then it is still better to carry out the procedure.

Proceed to work only after the insulation has completely dried. First, twist the material (tow or moss) into a rope, then hammer it between the crowns with a hammer and caulk.

You can use tape jute - in this case, the material is simply fixed with nails or a mounting stapler.

Video – Caulk of a log house

Stage 9. Roof

As soon as the tree shrinks, you can begin construction. If you do this earlier, the roof will simply collapse.

Step 1. Lay on wall trim wooden beams(we already talked about this).

Step 2. Fix the beams and attach the rafter legs to them in 1 m increments. In the ridge part, cut the rafters at the appropriate angle for the connection.

Step 3. Nail to rafter legs solid boardwalk (if you plan to use rolled roofing material) or make a sheathing (if you use slate, tiles, etc.).

Step 4. Install the roofing according to the instructions for the specific material.

Step 5. Cover the ridge with galvanized sheet steel to protect it from aggressive environmental influences.

Step 6. Cover the roof gables with siding or clapboard.

An example of a log house with a shingle roof

  1. Sometimes during assembly it becomes necessary to join logs. In this case, do not allow the joints to be located on top of each other. Moreover, joints in the lower rim are not allowed.
  2. When laying a log house on a finished foundation, you can assemble the logs before drying by placing a sealant between them.
  3. It is advisable to install windows after shrinkage, because otherwise they may warp.

Now you know how to buildDIY log house.

A wooden house is a separate category of construction. Its smell takes us back to childhood, and the atmosphere that is created inside fills us with comfort and gives us a feeling of calm and tranquility. Log houses are easy to live in, maintain a comfortable climate, and their environmental friendliness is good for health. In order to obtain all these effects upon completion of the building construction process, you need to understand how to properly build a log house and what features it has.

A log house built according to all the rules will become a real fortress for its owners.

Choice of material: rounded log house or planed (chopped) log

All log houses are divided into 2 types of buildings:

    the buildings from planed logs, that is, those that were processed manually;

    buildings that were built from rounded logs.

In order to understand how to properly build a house from a log, you need to have an idea not only of the external difference between the 1st warrant and the 2nd, but also the structural one.

"Wild log house"

The history of architecture tells us that all log houses that were erected before the end of the 19th century were built from a “wild log”. This meant that the future building material was processed manually. The freshly cut log was stripped of its bark, while the bast layer should remain intact. It was he who protected the wood and its deep layers from moisture. This provided the log house reliable protection from fungus and mold, and increased their “service life” significantly.

The main feature of the “wild log” house was its bright and expressive shape. Non-cylindered beams gave such individuality. A sawn log tends to taper from bottom to top. After processing the wood with tools, such a difference in diameter still remained. The farther from the end, which was located at the roots, the thicker the log.

Houses made from “wild” logs completely bring their owners closer to nature

A tall tree can be processed and divided into several logs. Sometimes it makes 2 building elements, but the ideal would be to get 3 parts.

The classic rule for dividing timber as follows:

    1 log – butt. This is the part that is located closer to the roots;

    2 log – friend. This middle part wood;

    3 beam - third or top. Accordingly, this is the last part of the log that approached the top.

For the construction of the house, 1 part was used - the butt. The log house in this place was the thickest, had high strength and the smallest change in diameter. And in order to compensate for those differences that remained, the beams were alternated when laying the walls: in one row the butt “looks” in one direction, in the next in the opposite direction.

When laying timber, each top log lies on the previous one with the opposite side

But, despite such opportunities to simplify the construction of a house with chopped wood, you should approach the selection of building materials very carefully. After all, you need to reproduce a smooth and durable structure made of logs different diameters. And this is not a simple task for them.

The construction technology itself has remained virtually unchanged since those times. Houses are built using the same method: “wild logs” of different diameters are adjusted as close to each other as possible. It should be noted that houses built in this way are classified as elite and differ in price. This is dictated by a certain complexity and labor intensity of the process. After all, after erecting the frame, the house should last from 1 to 2 years. During this period, it will “shrink” in height to 10%. This factor should also be taken into account during design. So, in addition to spending time and effort on selecting building materials, it will take a lot of time and patience to see the result.

The completed house shows the location of the logs in relation to each other.

Rounded log

A rounded log house is a planed log in an industrial environment. On machines, the wood is brought to an ideal state: it becomes smooth and even along its entire length. On special machines, all the necessary grooves for fastening are cut into the timber. In this case, the dimensions are adjusted to the nearest millimeter, which minimizes inconvenience during construction. Building a house using such a log house is similar to assembling a children's construction set.

Rounded logs are made approximately the same size

For all its convenience, a rounded log house also has disadvantages. Ideal evenness in size and smoothness is achieved by removing several levels of wood. During the production process, “useful” layers (sapwood) are also removed, which protect the log from moisture, fungus and mold. Only the mature and hearty central part of the tree remains. She is not protected from anything external factors. Under such conditions, it is necessary to additionally impregnate the timber with antiseptics, antifungal and anthelmintic drugs. The result is a beautiful and lightweight material for building a house. The downside is low level environmental friendliness and, oddly enough, durability.

Walls made of rounded timber look smooth and neater

Selection of material for construction

In order to properly build a house from rounded logs, you need to know how to choose it and which material is more suitable in your region. For log houses wood is best suited coniferous species. These are trees such as pine, spruce, cedar and larch. But if there are no desired options on the market, you can use oak, ash, aspen and other hardwoods. Spruce and pine are the most affordable in price category. For this reason, they are the most popular.

Trunks coniferous trees smoother and easier to process

When choosing this type of building material, the period of the log house is very important. It is necessary to choose timber that was prepared in winter. It is he who has best performance moisture resistance.

The region where the tree grows is also important. If possible, choose wood from the northern regions. This material is the most durable. Good options: Baltic pine and Canadian spruce. A variant of coniferous wood that was correctly harvested in compliance with all conditions and requirements, from the regions middle zone also very good.

note that the choice of beam diameter depends not only on design solution, and from climatic conditions. Main criterion is the maximum temperature in winter period of the year.

    if it's winter in your region not lower than -20 degrees– you can stop at a diameter of 200 mm;

    when it's winter maximum -30 degrees– 220 mm;

    at thermometer readings up to -40– choose a log that is at least 240-260 mm or more.

To lay the log frame, special equipment is used, which facilitates the construction of the house

The thickness of the log for building a house in the northern regions must be at least 25 cm

The main parameters of the log and its cuts are indicated in the table

It is also worth noting that by choosing a timber a little larger diameter, rather than recommended according to climatic zone, it perfectly compensates for temperature changes. The main thing is not to choose a material less than specified. Despite the fact that the house will be insulated by laying a jute or flax-jute gasket between the logs, it will not be able to give that comfortable temperature, which can be provided by a log of the required size.

Additional criteria, which you need to pay attention to when choosing a log house:

    quality log yellow or dark yellow;

    on the cut there should be no stains;

    at good stuff core dark shade and occupies ¾ of the cut;

    OK, when bitches are absent, and if they are present, they should fit tightly without gaps. The opposite picture indicates a damaged core;

    best ringing for a log - ringing. Try hitting the end with an ax and listen to how it rings;

    Availability cracks possible provided that their depth is no more than 1/3 of the log;

    the timber should not be twisted: such a log during the construction of a house can only be used for laying the floor - for this it is cut into boards and bars.

The timber is selected according to several criteria; if at least one does not meet the standard, the material is changed to the required one

Construction technology

At first glance, all houses are built the same. But upon careful study of this issue, certain nuances and features of construction in one way or another come to light. Likewise, proper construction of a log house has its own distinctive characteristics.

Video description

Without knowing the technology of building a house, it is easy to make many mistakes. About them in the video:


The main and most important element of any building is the foundation. Its depth and character depend on the soil on which the house will stand, on the nature of the wall material and on the number of storeys.

A log house is relatively light in weight. This design quality allows the foundation to be shallow. Almost all options existing species foundations are suitable for construction log house. Often they make a tape version. For difficult soils, a deep strip foundation or a pile foundation is used. You can also make a slab version.

It is worth noting that any version of the foundation should go 300-400 mm into the ground. After pouring it and completely drying, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing (roofing felt with mastic). This is a very important process despite the fact that the house is made of logs.

If a strip foundation is used, it begins with the arrangement of formwork


Upon completion of the foundation laying stage, they move on to the main thing - the construction of walls. It is important to know that the first crown (the first row of logs) is never placed directly on the foundation. First, a “backing” board is laid. It is made from linden timber 50-100 mm thick and at least 150 mm wide. Then they move on to assembling the walls from the rounded log house.

Mortgage crown on a shallow monolithic foundation

The first mortgage crown must be cut from below. Its end should match the width of the backing board. This is necessary so that the house rests firmly on the foundation.

Logs for walls are laid in circles (crowns). First, logs are laid that are parallel to each other. Then the other two sides, and insulation is laid on top. It is attached to the log using a construction stapler and should hang 5 cm over the edges.

Then the transverse sides of the house are laid, which will rest on the mortgage crown. And we repeat the “procedure” of assembling the house like a construction set.

The assembly of the house is carried out like a “constructor”: each log has its own place

Each of the logs has its own number, which makes it easy to determine where the beam should be located

Roof installation

A wooden house cannot be left uncovered. After laying the last crown, you must immediately begin installing the roof. When building walls from wood, you don’t have to lay the mauerlat (a special support beam for the rafters), but place the rafters directly on the log. The recommended distance between rafters is 600 mm. It is this gap that will ensure the stability of the roof and reduce the risk of its possible sagging.

Since wood is a “living” material, the rafters must be secured to sliding supports. Then they lay the waterproofing and then the sheathing. The sheathing pitch depends on the selected roofing material. At the end, the house is “covered” with the chosen finishing material.

After the walls are erected, the assembly of the roof frame begins.

Caulk of a log house

Caulking a house is a separate important stage in its construction. Upon completion of the construction of the walls and roof, it is necessary to caulk all the insulation that was initially laid between the logs inside. To do this, using special tool The caulkers fold the overhanging 5 cm of the gasket downwards and then push it inside between the cracks of the logs.

Having completed the caulking and roofing, the house is left to settle for a year. After a year, the caulking of the walls must be repeated. Some experts recommend repeating the “procedure” after a year of using the house with the heating on.

The insulation placed between the beams must be hidden

After caulking, the insulation is almost invisible, and there is no draft in the house

Installation of doors, windows, installation of ceilings and floors

Important points when installing doors and windows is that they are installed only after the house has completely settled and only in special casing boxes that are installed in openings in the walls.

Installation of doors and windows is carried out after complete shrinkage of the log house, with the exception of houses made of kiln-dried logs - in this case they can be installed immediately

Such precautions are due to the fact that wood is a “living” building material and will completely shrink in size in another 5-7 years.

The floor is installed on logs that cut into the first, or better yet, the second crown. The mortgage crown must be well ventilated in order to be subject to rotting processes as little as possible.

After installation entrance doors, windows and flooring, you can install a heating system, carry out communications, connect electricity, as well as install interior doors, slopes, baseboards and install plumbing.

There is no need to finish the walls. After all, the beauty of a log house is not only outside, but also inside. The bas-relief of slightly yellowish walls will fit into almost any interior. The main thing is to correctly emphasize the texture of the wood and complement the design necessary accessories. And your dream home is ready!

A log house in the forest over the water is a great place to relax from the bustle of the countryside

The inside of the house does not require additional finishing, and natural wood can complement the stone

One-story log house manual cutting in combination with stone finishing

The first floor is built of stone, the second - of logs: this combination also looks great

Video description

How a log house can turn out, see this video:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses made of rounded logs from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.


Despite the apparent simplicity of building houses from prepared rounded logs, there are quite a lot of pitfalls, which can only be avoided by experienced specialists who thoroughly know the technology. Therefore, the construction of a cottage must be entrusted to professionals who will not only do everything quickly and efficiently, but also give a guarantee for their work.

Logs have been used as a building material for a very long time, and have not lost their popularity to this day. In addition to being environmentally friendly, log houses are attractive due to their appearance and are relatively inexpensive. high cost. In this article we will analyze step by step how to build log house on one's own.

Construction wooden houses Many companies are engaged in turnkey work today. They are also engaged in the procurement and production of logs. The price of a turnkey house depends not only on the size of the house, but also on the diameter of the logs used and the method of their production.

Building a house from a log with your own hands will be much cheaper than ordering turnkey construction. The cost of building materials is comparable to the cost of work. That is, the price finished house, ordered from a turnkey company, is twice the cost of building materials.

Types of logs

Logs are made from coniferous wood, mainly spruce, pine or larch.

According to the method of production (harvesting), a log can be:

- debarked

- scraped

- planed

- rounded

Barked logs are one of the commonly used materials for building houses. Minor processing helps the tree retain all its protective properties, which significantly increases its service life. In terms of price, houses made from debarked logs are not expensive, but they require additional finishing.

From a debarked log, by removing the underbark (bast) by scraping and grinding, a very durable scraped log is obtained. During the processing process, the logs are adjusted to each other, all irregularities, knots and other defects are removed. The price of a house made from such logs will be higher than from debarked logs, since additional processing requires quite a lot of time. A log house made from scraped logs does not require additional finishing work, but on the contrary, due to the uniqueness of each log, it looks very dignified.

The name itself – “planed log” – speaks about the technology for its production. Using an electric planer, only a small amount of wood can be removed from logs. top part, and all irregularities are eliminated. Thus, it turns out quite straight logs. Just as in the case of scraped logs, planed logs are adjusted to each other. Houses made from planed logs are very warm, durable and do not require additional finishing work. The price of such turnkey houses is significantly higher than that of the options listed above.

A rounded log is obtained by processing the log on a rounding machine. Due to this, perfectly even logs are obtained along the entire length, which do not require adjustment. As a result of processing, the protective layer is removed from the tree, which can subsequently lead to cracking of the log and rapid deterioration of the log house (rotting). Houses made from such logs are assembled quite quickly and look beautiful without additional finishing. The price of houses made of rounded logs on a turnkey basis is not high, but it is quite difficult to obtain a high-quality log house from such material.

Project selection

After determining the material from which the house will be built, you can begin to select its design. Not large sizes You can design a house yourself or find a free project on the Internet. But with the two-story project big house It's not worth experimenting. It is better to purchase it from the appropriate organization, which will most likely help with obtaining a permit for its construction.

At independent design future home, it is necessary to take into account the maximum possible length of the logs, which is 6 meters. The height of the future house is calculated based on the diameter of the logs, which is different for everyone, with the exception of the use of galvanized logs.

Foundation for a log house

The foundation for a house made of solid logs must withstand heavy loads. The most suitable is a strip shallow foundation. The price of this type of turnkey foundation is construction companies quite high, therefore, it is also better to complete this stage of construction yourself.

Before building a foundation for a log house, it is necessary to mark the site. To do this, pegs are driven into the corners of the future house, and a string is stretched between them, indicating its contours. Next, a trench is dug with a depth of 60-70 cm and a width equal to the width of the foundation, and it depends on the diameter chosen for the construction of the log. It is desirable that the foundation protrudes beyond the wall from the outside by 5 cm, and from the inside by 10 cm. An internal protrusion is necessary for a more stable and high-quality fit of the floor joists.

A layer of sand (sand cushion) is poured onto the bottom of the trench, which is compacted well.

The next stage is the assembly and installation of formwork. It is made from boards or plywood by assembling panels. The shields are installed on top of the trench opposite each other and are well fastened together.

Reinforcement is placed inside the formwork, which is tied together into one single frame. For the foundation of a log house, reinforcement of at least 12 diameters is used, in several rows.

After installing the formwork and reinforcing frame, concrete can be poured. When purchasing concrete from a manufacturer, you must order concrete grade M250. When pouring yourself, the proportions are as follows: 1 cement (400): 3 sand: 4.5-5 crushed stone.

Important! It is necessary to provide holes in the foundation for ventilation of the subfloor. The height of the foundation from the ground should be less than 50 cm.

Wall construction technology

Before laying the first crown of the log house, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation by laying waterproofing material on it (roofing felt, hydroglass insulation).

For the first crown, choose the largest log in diameter and the most resinous one.

You can also use larch logs, but its price is quite high. To give greater stability to the log, part of it is removed, making a flat area. Treated with an antiseptic solution and laid on the foundation.

For a good fit to each other, a longitudinal groove is selected in the logs. When ordering a finished log house made from rounded logs, this groove is already made in production. In all other cases, the groove is made manually.

Video. How to make a longitudinal groove manually:

The logs are laid with the groove down on top of each other. For a tight and warm connection, moss or tow is laid between the logs. The logs are connected to each other using wooden dowels, which are inserted vertically into pre-drilled holes.

The corner connection can have several options: with or without a remainder.

When connecting logs with the remainder, there will be an overconsumption of material, since part of the log protrudes beyond the walls of the house. This method will increase the cost of construction.

The corner connection of the logs should be warm. It can be obtained by connecting into a paw (when connecting without a residue) and by connecting into a bowl (when connecting with a remainder).

If the diameter of the logs is large enough, then, most likely, to build a house from a log you will have to resort to the help of equipment: a crane or a manipulator.

It is easier to build a house from rounded logs than from regular logs. The log is smooth, has all the necessary grooves and corner joint have already been completed in production, all that remains is to assemble the constructor.

Roof construction technology

After assembling the box at home, it must be protected from exposure to precipitation. To do this, you must immediately build a roof over it.

To do this, you will need 150*50 mm boards from which to construct rafter system. A roof slope of 30 degrees is optimal. The rafters are installed at a distance of 60-100 mm from each other and are attached in the lower part to the wall using long nails or metal corners, and in the upper part to ridge beam. Roofing waterproofing is laid on top of the rafters, a counter batten is nailed to provide a ventilated gap, and a wooden sheathing is installed.

Placed on the sheathing roofing material. In the case of flexible bitumen shingles A solid base is made of plywood. Price soft roof higher than metal, but in certain cases (complex hip roofs) its use will be preferable and expedient.

A log house with a roof installed will have a beautiful finished look.

Important nuances

After erecting the frame of the house and the roof, the log house must be left for at least one year. After it shrinks, you can begin finishing (jambing) window and door openings.

As described above, houses made of rounded or planed logs do not require additional finishing, but the wood must be protected from moisture and insects. For this, wooden houses should be periodically treated with special solutions and paints. The quality of wood processing will determine how long a log house will last.

To reduce heat loss from a log house, it must be well caulked.

To build a turnkey log house with your own hands, you need to purchase a suitable design, high-quality and affordable material and follow the technology at all stages of construction.

By choosing or drawing specific project, and counting how much is needed building material and how much money is needed to build this particular house, you will understand how much the price of the offered finished houses in construction companies from the costs of building a house with your own hands.

Video. Construction of a house from a log.

04/19/2016 by
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