How to care for dollar flower at home. All about transplanting zamioculcas (dollar tree) with step-by-step photos. Fertilizers and fertilizers

Lately this flower has become very popular. Most people who are interested in Feng Shui know that the dollar tree can attract financial stability, prosperity and prosperity into the home. Many people want to plant such a tree themselves, but not everyone succeeds. Why is this happening?

Often main problem The reason that the tree does not take root in the house is due to improper care. Therefore, if you want to grow a large tree rich in leaves, you will have to learn a few basic recommendations for caring for zamioculcas.

A little about the dollar tree

This plant is also called zamioculcas. Tropical Africa is considered to be the birthplace of the dollar tree, an area where there is high humidity, warm air temperatures and infrequent rains. Due to this location, the dollar tree is designed in such a way that it stores the necessary moisture and liquid in its root system. When a period of drought occurs, it regulates the level of humidity using its reserves. Therefore in room conditions It is necessary to carefully monitor the watering of this plant. Its roots should not rot and the leaves should not be overdried.

The stems of dollar trees are quite long; they can reach 1 m in height. There are leaves along the entire stem. The leaves resemble feathers. The structure of the leaves is quite juicy and fleshy. This plant is a succulent, which determines its ability to accumulate liquid in its leaves and roots.

The root of the dollar tree is tuberous. This root structure is also due to its ability to retain moisture.

In very rare cases, Zamioculcas is able to bloom. Therefore, you should not expect this plant to bloom quickly. By its nature, it takes a long time to adapt to a new place and transplant. But when all conditions are conducive to its flowering, the dollar tree produces a flower that looks like an ear of corn, which is surrounded by small flowers. All this beauty is covered by a large green carpet of leaves.

Anyone who believes in the teachings of Feng Shui is advised to have a dollar tree at home. Signs and superstitions related to zamioculcus have become so widespread among people that some owners hang banknotes on the tree. People believe that this tree can increase income in the house. A gift of zamioculcas is considered a good omen, so it great option birthday gift.

If a gardener is determined to grow a large and beautiful dollar tree, then he needs to pay attention to three things: sufficient light, air temperature and watering.

Features of caring for Zamioculcas

dollar tree- a houseplant, every owner should know how to care for it, especially since care is simple and unpretentious. Even a beginner in the flower business can handle it.

What should the lighting be like for a dollar tree to grow comfortably?

The dollar tree is a plant that loves light very much, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. If Zamioculcas has just appeared in the house, for the first 2-3 days it should be kept on the windowsill, where there will be partial shade. The plant must acclimatize to new conditions.

After this time, the flower pot can be placed on the windowsill, where there is a lot of daylight. Ideal option There will be a window sill with blinds where you can regulate the amount of light. The main thing is the absence of direct sun rays. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to place this indoor plant on south-facing windows.

At what temperature will the dollar tree grow well?

Since tropical Africa is considered the homeland of Zamioculcas, this plant is not afraid of even +30°C. Warm temperature air is only good for him. High air humidity won't hurt either.

IN winter period The dollar tree should enter a dormant stage and prepare for the active growth phase during the summer. Therefore, at this time it is advisable to move it to a room where the air temperature will not be lower than +18°C.

It is worth noting that at low temperatures, the dollar tree can “acquire” pests and diseases. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of its leaves and soil.

What should the air humidity be?

In order for the leaves and roots of Zamioculcas to receive the proper amount of moisture, it must not only be watered on time, but also thoroughly sprayed. The dollar tree develops especially problematically in rooms where air humidity is low. Average acceptable norm The air humidity for this plant is considered to be 65-80%.

If the humidity is lower than indicated, then the place where the pot with zamioculcas is located must be moistened. This can be done in three ways.

Method No. 1. Place a container of water near the flower with the dollar tree. The air will be humidified, and the plants will independently adjust the amount of liquid they need for comfortable growth.

Method No. 2. During periods when the air temperature is too high and the humidity is too low, the leaves of the dollar tree must be sprayed boiled water.

Method No. 3. Initially, when a dollar tree is planted or replanted, moss and drainage should be placed at the bottom of the pot. In this case, the leaves must be wiped with a damp cloth every day.

How should watering be?

The growth and development of the dollar tree depends on timely watering. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to water this plant only when the soil in the pot is completely dry. It is better to water Zamioculcas abundantly, but not too often. Rotting must be prevented root system. For this plant, over-dried soil is not as dangerous as over-moistened soil.

It is necessary to water the dollar tree with settled or boiled water. room temperature. After watering, there should be no stagnation of water in the pot, and no puddles should form.

Except quality watering, it is necessary to pay attention to timely feeding. It is necessary to feed the dollar tree once every 14 days; you should not increase the amount of fertilizer, as this can lead to the appearance of diseases. For feeding you need to use the same fertilizers as for cacti. Watering should be alternated with fertilization.

It is worth noting that during the cold period of the year, feeding should be stopped, the plant itself must prepare for a new growth phase.

Why is the dollar tree crying? Sometimes drops of water can be seen on the leaves of this flower. They are released due to the fact that the plant thus removes excess liquid that it is not able to process. This often happens before rain and after heavy watering. There are certain channels in the stems and leaves through which the plant excretes excess water in the form of drops.

Features of Zamioculcas transplantation

Not all beginning flower growers know when and how to transplant a dollar tree at home? Zamioculcas is transplanted every year in the spring.

The roots of the dollar plant are considered very fragile and brittle, so at the time of replanting they must be carefully removed from the old pot. The new pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the old one. It is advisable to choose a pot made of clay or ceramics. If Zamioculcas is planted in a plastic pot, it may crack over time. The walls of the pot may not support root growth.

Place drainage balls or pebbles at the bottom of the pot. They will not only help retain moisture, but will also prevent the accumulation excess liquid in a pot.

The moment of replanting a dollar tree is quite simple. To do this, the old flower pot needs to be watered so that the soil moves away a little from the walls. The lump with old soil and roots just needs to be rolled out of the old pot. To do this, it is better to place the pot on its side. The plant must be transferred to new pot, into which drainage was previously poured. The resulting voids should be filled with new soil, but the upper 1-2 cm of the root system should not be covered with soil.

It is very important to know that zamioculcas juice contains toxic substances, so it is necessary to carry out the entire transplant operation with rubber gloves. In some people, dollar tree sap may cause redness and itching of the skin.

Is it possible to propagate a dollar tree?

Most owners of this plant want to propagate the dollar tree. Photos, home care, flowering, replanting and propagation - these are the most important points that interest novice flower growers. As practice shows, growing this indoor plant at home from a cutting or leaf is quite simple. The main thing is to know the features of cuttings and propagation of dollar trees through leaves and tubers.

Features of cuttings of Zamioculcas at home

You can propagate a dollar tree through cuttings only if the mother plant is already mature. The branch you want to cut must have at least 1 leaf and 1 bud. You need to cut this branch at the very root.

Branch cutting should only be done with a sharp and disinfected knife or shears from hell. To do this, the equipment must be wiped with alcohol. The place on the cutting where the cut was made must be sprinkled with a crushed tablet of activated carbon.

While the cuttings are drying out, during this time you need to prepare the soil for planting the cuttings. To do this, it is better to take varmiculite. The cutting must be placed in a moistened substrate to a depth of 3-4 cm. While the planted cutting is sprouting roots, you need to monitor the moisture content of the soil in which it grows. To do this, it can be sprayed and watered in a timely manner, but not flooded.

If the cutting was taken from a healthy plant, then roots should form within 20-30 days.

How to plant a dollar tree bush?

Dividing Zamioculcas by tubers is another method of propagating this plant. This process can be carried out during the period of tree transplantation. The lump with the root system can be divided, but this can only be done with those plants that are already fully formed.

This propagation method must be done as carefully as possible, since fragile roots can be broken.

The separated tuber must be transplanted into a new pot, which will be 3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. After separation, the dollar tree must be well watered.

One branch has broken off, what should I do? This can happen very often during transplantation, so don’t rush and throw it away. The branch must be carefully cut off at the base, and the leaves that were on it must be cut off and planted in a new pot to form another plant.

How to propagate a dollar tree using leaves?

It is possible to breed zamioculcas using leaves, but this process may take 1-2 months. Such a long process is due to the fact that the leaves take a long time to form a young tuber. In order for the leaf to take root, the substrate must be moistened regularly. On young plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The temperature should be relatively high, from +20 °C. The plant should not be in a draft. It is advisable to place the pot with leaves on the windowsill, where there is daylight for a long time.

To propagate a dollar tree, you can cut several leaves at once. The substrate in which the leaves will be planted must be moist. To do this, you must first water it with water at room temperature.

The cut leaves must be deepened into the soil by 3-4 cm. In order for them to quickly begin the process of tuber formation, the leaves can be covered with a plastic bag or a cut bottle. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle so that the cap remains on it. Using the lid, you can regulate the air temperature and humidity inside.

In order for the leaves to take root, the pot with the substrate must have drainage. Water should not accumulate under the bottle.

What diseases or pests can affect the growth of a dollar plant?

Often, during the development of zamioculcas, owners notice yellowing of the leaves. Why do dollar tree leaves turn yellow? What to do in such a situation? To answer these questions, you need to look at the condition of the flower itself. In most cases, this happens for several reasons:

  • due to the fact that the flower was not replanted for a long time,
  • due to lack of daylight,
  • due to damage to the root system,
  • due to rotting root system.

Also, the leaves may turn yellow because the plant is exposed to a fungal disease. All this happens due to improper care. Also, this houseplant may have a weakened appearance, its stems may be thin and weak. This happens due to lack of light. To correct this situation, the flower must be placed in a bright place so that the stems do not reach for the light, but receive it in sufficient quantities.

The dollar tree rarely gets sick, but sometimes its leaves can be attacked by scale insects or spider mite. To combat these pests, the plant must be sprayed with insecticides.

Also, dollar tree leaves may lose their color due to a sudden change temperature regime. In winter, when it stands on the windowsill, frost can pick up the leaves. To prevent this from happening in the winter, it is better to move the plant to a warmer and brighter place.

Owners of healthy dollar trees have lower large leaves may be stained yellow naturally, since this is how the plant replaces old leaves with young ones.

Zamioculcas is also prone to slow growth. But if for several months it has not pleased you with at least one leaf, then this may indicate that the plant does not have enough nutrients in the soil. You need to pay attention to the amount of fertilizing. It is necessary to fertilize once every 2-3 weeks.

Dark brown spots may appear on the leaves of the dollar tree. Similar external changes accompanied by a draft or excessive watering. Due to excess moisture, the plant begins to rot.

Also due to improper watering Zamioculcas tubers can be damaged by stem rot. From the stems, rot can spread to the roots. To solve this problem, you need to adjust the watering. Damaged stems and roots should be removed, and the entire plant should be treated with a systemic fungicide.

Among the pests, the dollar tree can be favored by spider mites. Often it settles on such plants only if they are located in a room where the air humidity is too low. To remove spider mites from a plant, the leaves must be wiped with a soapy solution. After such “cleaning”, the plant must be washed under warm shower to wash away any remaining solution. If this does not help, then the dollar tree must be treated with the insecticide Antimite or Akarin.

Such insecticides can also be used for plants that have scale insects or aphids on their leaves and stems. Aphids appear very rarely on a dollar tree, but in the summer, when it is taken outside, the tree may be defenseless against aphids.

The mealybug damages this plant only in one case, if the air humidity is too low. These pests must be removed using an alcohol solution, because if this is not done promptly, they can cause the complete death of the dollar tree. In appearance, they resemble mealy lice. As they feed on the plant's juices, the leaves may develop brown spots and begin to droop and lose their shape. The plant will stop growing. This scourge can also be combated with systemic insecticides.

To get rid of thrips on zamioculcus, the plant must be treated with Intavir or Karbofos. These drugs help get rid of these pests only after several treatments. Therefore, you need to spray the plant until the leaves acquire a healthy appearance. Dilute medications strictly according to instructions.

Zamioculcas (zamioculcas) is an ornamental deciduous evergreen. This spectacular and unpretentious flower- a wonderful interior decoration. The ability to go without watering or lighting for a long time allows the plant to be used to decorate the most shaded corners of the room. Apparently, this flower was nicknamed the dollar tree for the abundance of shiny, alluring greenery. Caring for it at home is quite simple.

Content Features

For the aroid family, Zamioculcas is atypical and in some characteristics is close to succulents. Its main decorative effect is given by glossy leaves of a rich green color with regular and slightly pointed plates at the top.

Since the plant’s homeland is rocky mountain steppes East Africa, then Zamioculcas is well adapted for storing water reserves thanks to its fleshy leaves and for storing nutrients in the tuber. This is the secret of his amazing endurance. Zamioculcas blooms rarely, the inflorescence is inconspicuous, in the form of a spadix.

The dollar tree is an indoor plant that is very easy to care for. It is enough to provide access to light and infrequent watering. But to get a large, lush specimen, you need to follow certain rules.

Zamioculcas zamiaefolia is a drought-resistant plant.. Optimal temperatures for its development (from 21 to 29 °C in summer and 18 °C in winter) can be easily provided in apartment conditions. If the temperature drops in winter, watering should also be reduced. In summer, it is advisable to display the plant on Fresh air. The flower does not need spraying, but from time to time you need to wash off the dust from the leaves.

Lighting and watering

The flower prefers diffused light, but can also grow in heavy shade. With a lack of lighting, it grows poorly and development slows down. Direct bright sun can cause burns on the foliage. To give the plant a symmetrical, lush shape, you need to turn the flower towards the light in different directions.

It is important to water the bucks tree properly. The basic rule of watering is that it is better to under-water than to over-water.. Excessive moisture leads to rotting of the roots, yellowing of the leaves and subsequent death of the plant. Water should not stagnate in the pan. Settled water at room temperature is good for irrigation.

Transplantation is carried out every 3-4 years, since Zamioculcas zamifolia grows slowly. You need to plant the plant in a new container, which is not much larger than the previous one. The pot must have holes and a layer of drainage for removal excess moisture. The best time to replant a flower is spring.

The soil should be light, not too nutritious, with the addition of sand. From ready-made mixtures You can choose soil for cacti and succulents.

The plant does not need frequent feeding. It is enough to feed the flower once a month from April to September, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. In this case, it is advisable to dilute the fertilizers in a lower concentration than indicated on the packaging.

To successfully propagate a plant, certain conditions must be met.: good lighting, temperature about +25°C, moderate humidity.

Zamioculcas can reproduce vegetatively in two ways:

The leaf cuttings are rooted in the same way, carefully separating the large leaf blade.

The larger the part of the plant that is taken for propagation, the faster a large one will turn out. lush bush dollar tree.

Sometimes gardeners are faced with a problem - the spectacular glossy leaves of Zamioculcas begin to fade, may turn yellow and fall off. In nature, when Zamioculcas finds itself in unfavorable conditions, it sheds its leaf blades, thus increasing the likelihood of maintaining the population, because the leaves of this plant are organs of vegetative reproduction. Consequently, the fall of leaves on young shoots is a signal of improper care. Aging shoots also shed leaves, but this is not a disease, but a natural process for the plant, so no treatment is required.

Why the dollar tree leaves turn yellow and begin to cry is not always clear. The reasons that cause yellowing and the appearance of dark spots may be:

  • excessive watering;
  • exposure of leaves to direct sun (burn);
  • excessive feeding;
  • damage to the root system;
  • the presence of pests characteristic of aroids - spider mites and aphids.

Although zamioculcas has been used as an indoor crop relatively recently (the compact variety was created in 2007), the plant has already become widespread. It is valued for its beauty and unpretentiousness. It is believed that the dollar tree attracts female happiness, but some are sure of the opposite, arguing that the flower can become the culprit of celibacy for its owner.

Zamioculcas is a flower that is easy to care for at home. Designers often place it in spacious rooms as an accent plant, and dollar tree owners take care of their currency financial talismans, rejoicing in the growth of greenery, because it a clear sign improving the well-being of home owners.

When planting a dollar tree at home, signs of peoples from almost all over the world mean an influx of wealth, good luck, and family happiness. The main thing is to properly care for the flower in order to activate its magical effect.

The houseplant Zamioculcas responds to the love and care of its owner lush flowering, attracting prosperity and peace into the home. It is called a tree conventionally, since it does not have a trunk. The rhizome consists of numerous nodules in which moisture accumulates. A native of hot Africa can go without watering for a long time.

Like any living creature, the plant is responsive to attention and affection, responding with gratitude expressed in improvement financial condition owner.

To indoor flower pleased with its appearance, it is recommended to comply with the following conditions:

To stimulate the plant to attract wealth into the house, it is recommended to treat it as a faithful and reliable friend, talk to the flower, thank it for improving its well-being, and ask for happiness.

Secrets of growing indoor wealth indicator

A stolen sprout or flower has the best magical qualities.

If the plant began to wither and dropped its leaves, this is a sign of a sharp deterioration in well-being, bordering on complete ruin. You can try to correct the situation:

  • transplant the tree into another pot, feeding the soil with fertilizer for succulents;
  • Place a young plant next to it, characterized by rapid growth and a lush crown;
  • healthy plant generously shares positive energy with a fading fellow;
  • as a result, both plants survive, and the owner’s financial situation improves.

When a dollar tree is accepted as a gift, the money energy is balanced by paying off a few small coins. At the same time, it is recommended to give gifts for events that renew the life cycle ( New Year, birthday, housewarming, starting a family, translation into new job). Plants given from a pure heart with good intentions have a magical effect.

How to enhance the magical influence of a flower

A plant you buy yourself can also be used magically, but first you need to find mutual language with a tree:

  • talk to him kindly;
  • give thanks in time for the slightest improvement in your financial situation;
  • care carefully, ensuring the growth of green mass;
  • conduct rituals to increase the flow of money into the family.

On Christmas and New Year holidays, it is customary to decorate the tree with real paper banknotes, metal coins, and chocolate confectionery decorations:

  • It is recommended to hang coins on branches with threads;
  • bills can be placed under the pot;
  • roll banknotes into a little bag and attach them with a sharp downward angle, depicting the original flowering;
  • fasten several paper money of any currency and denomination with clothespins on branches in an unfolded form.

A simple ritual of watering with “money water” helps enhance the effect of the plant:

  • find a suitable glass or ceramic vessel with a capacity of 1-2 liters;
  • put several coins of different denominations on the bottom;
  • fill with cold tap water;
  • put it on the window to infuse for at least a day;
  • water the dollar tree as needed until the moisture in the container runs out;
  • Dry the coins and put them in your wallet or piggy bank as a talisman.

It is recommended to make realistic wishes about improving your financial condition more often. In this case, the flower is located in the southeastern part of the room, which, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is responsible for material support.

How does a plant affect a woman’s destiny - signs

Superstitions regarding the influence of flowers on women's family happiness are full of contradictions. Some peoples believe that zamioculcas brings loneliness and melancholy to women, driving away the male sex from home.

Others, on the contrary, talk about imminent marriage if the tree blooms. The reason for the disagreement becomes clear when looking at the inflorescence itself, which resembles male organ phallus.

Popular belief says that if during the flowering period a girl asks to find her a betrothed, her wish will certainly come true.

But those plants bloom that are several years old. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that every tree will bloom. Maybe this expectation was the basis for the sign of loneliness.

The debate about why indoor trees bloom has been going on for centuries, but opponents have still not come to a clear conclusion. More often they assume that a joyful “profitable” event is coming:

  • birth of children, pregnancy;
  • a significant increase in salary;
  • housewarming;
  • receiving an inheritance;
  • creating a new family;
  • harmony in household relationships.

Even if a person does not believe in magical power plants, it is worth decorating the room with an original tropical guest, which decorates the room, purifies the air, gives good mood household members.

Forecast for the future

The growth and flowering of a dollar tree predict the well-being of the owner and his family. If at good care the flower begins to turn yellow and lose leaves, you need to pay attention to the situation in the house. The following family events negatively affect the splendor of the crown:

  • feuds, scandals, loud shouts, swearing;
  • insincerity in relationships, lies;
  • laziness, sloppiness, dirt in the house, cobwebs in the corners;
  • lack of love and respect in the family;
  • an abundance of trash in the rooms, old broken furniture, chipped dishes, clothes that no one wears. Such “things” block free movement positive energy in room.

The withering of a plant with external well-being symbolizes a “black streak”, which will definitely be replaced by a light one, you just need to believe, hope, wait.

Some people sincerely believe in the signs and superstitions associated with the tropical flower Zamioculcas. Others smile indulgently when they hear about magical attraction of wealth. At the same time, everyone shows their own personal attitude to events, based on life experience and upbringing.

But it cannot be denied that a person builds his own destiny, and faith in well-being helps to establish business and family connections, and live in harmony with the world around us.

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Currently, many people breed zamioculcas at home, although this plant came to us quite recently. In the mid-90s of the last century, it first settled in offices commercial organizations, from where it gradually migrated to government agencies and only by the beginning of the 21st century - into the apartments of ordinary citizens.

Description of the plant

WITH light hand office plankton, the plant began to be called the “dollar tree”, since the flora of the offices of that time was not too diverse, however, “money” and “dollar” trees, according to legend, attracting money to the company, were constant attributes of any commercial design style. Particularly ironic is the fact that the birthplace of the “dollar tree” is one of the poorest countries on our planet – Mozambique. Be that as it may, the plant gained popularity because it combined a beautiful appearance and unpretentious living conditions.

Zamioculcas is a thick-stemmed evergreen herbaceous crop with a massive rhizome. Its leaves are dark green in color with a characteristic glossy tint. The leaves themselves have small swellings at the base.

The length of the leaves can reach up to 1 meter. The plant can accumulate moisture in case of drought and shed leaves if the stored moisture runs out and there is no watering. The plant is perennial, with a slow rate of growth and the appearance of new stems and leaves.

At home

Zamioculcas is a monotypic plant, that is, the only species of its kind. And taking into account the fact that the plant is in artificial conditions cultivated by humans for no more than half a century, the number of varieties and varieties of zamioculcas is small. Its first varieties appeared no more than 10 years ago and were not widely used.

The Zamioculcas flower looks like a small ear of corn; its length is approximately 5-6 cm. It grows on a separate stem arrow and is pollinated in a natural way. As a rule, during the flowering period, the plant has several flowers.

dollar tree flower

Soil for Zamioculcas

Under natural conditions, this plant lives on extremely poor, mostly rocky, soils in which moisture is practically not retained. Based on this, a soil mixture of the appropriate composition is selected for the plant.

Traditionally, the soil must meet the following criteria:

  • water and air should penetrate through it equally well
  • it should be neutral acidity
  • the soil should be very loose
  • it must be nutritious

Alumina is not applicable in this case; the only compromise that can be made to increase the nutritional value of the soil is the use of peat, and even then, in relatively small quantities.

Sometimes soil for succulents is used for zamioculcas, however, it is best to make a soil mixture with your own hands.

For this, the following composition is used:

  • leaf soil
  • turf land
  • river sand
  • peat substrate

All components are mixed in equal quantities by weight. Preferably earth mixture bake in the oven to disinfect it from pathogens and fungi.

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Choosing a pot and transplanting issues

Oddly enough, the conversation about caring for Zamioculcas begins with these questions. There are few plants that are capable of destroying the pot in which they are located with their root system, and Zamioculcas is one of them. Powerful root system Zamioculcas sometimes grows faster than its stems and leaves and, as it grows, is capable of tearing plastic pots.

Therefore, first of all, as soon as you acquire a Zamioculcas, check whether it has enough meta in its current “home” and whether it needs to expand its “living space”. However, you should not do this right away: the plant needs to be given about a month to adapt. If you purchased Zamioculcas from October to February, despite the size of its pot, it is best to wait until March to replant. Flowering plant It is recommended to replant a week after flowering ends.

A plastic container that burst under the influence of roots

Based on this, the more preferable option is to use ceramic pots with a fairly wide top; This is necessary so that the plant has the opportunity to at least somewhere to put its roots in the absence of replanting for a long time. Ceramic pots with a narrow neck can destroy zamioculcas by destroying its root system if it has nowhere to grow. In addition, pots with a narrow neck will not allow replanting a large plant tuber - it may simply not fit into a small diameter hole.

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Features of transplantation

The pot for replanting should have a diameter 5-6 cm larger than the previous one, but you should not choose a pot with an excessively large capacity. This is due to the fact that Zamioculcas has one unpleasant feature- his top part begins to develop only when the roots fill almost the entire volume of the pot. In addition, large pots accumulate a lot of moisture, and the root system of Zamioculcas, like most indoor plants, does not like excessive waterlogging.

The latter means that in the pot you need to think about a good drainage system. To do this, you need large holes for draining water and the volume of drainage should be at least a quarter of the volume of the pot. Small or medium crushed stone or pebbles are selected as drainage material; the use of expanded clay is undesirable.

It is best to do a planned plant transplant (performed for young plants, usually once a year) in mid-spring. If for some reason this cannot be done, you can do it later, however, no later than August. Adult plants older than 3-5 years can be replanted much less frequently - once every 3-4 years.

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Transplantation process. Instructions

Plant extracted for replanting

Let's look at the process of transplanting zamioculcas step by step:

  • Wash the new pot thoroughly and fill it with drainage (a quarter of the volume)
  • Add half of the soil mixture
  • Carefully remove the plant from the old pot. To avoid damaging the root system, we use the rolling method. If possible, do not remove the old soil mixture from the space between the roots and tubers
  • Place the plant in the new pot exactly in the center
  • Add soil mixture, not reaching 1-1.5 cm to the top edge of the pot
  • We carry out moderate watering, removing excess moisture from the pan.
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Is to provide him normal conditions maintenance, watering and fertilizing. No special techniques or skills are required from the owner. Even during the flowering period, the plant is undemanding to living conditions.

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Plant conditions

The temperature at which the plant feels normal is from 18°C ​​to 30°C. The plant tolerates heat and drought perfectly, but hypothermia is dangerous for it. A temperature drop below 16°C is critical.

Decor element

The plant loves a lot of diffused light; there should be no direct sunlight. However, Zamioculcas will feel fine on the windowsill near the windows of any side of the house, as well as under artificial lighting.

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Watering the plant

The plant prefers moderate watering with water at room temperature. Zamioculcas does not tolerate excess moisture. The roots may begin to rot as early as the second day after watering if excess moisture is not removed. It is necessary to monitor the plant and water it only when the substrate is completely dry, until cracks appear in it.

Yellowed leaves are the first sign that the plant is getting too much moisture. Don't overdo it with watering. The plant lives in extremely dry climates and can survive without water. The plant also needs low humidity air.

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Plant nutrition

The growth rate of Zamioculcas is very slow, so it is recommended to fertilize it to speed up its growth. Specialized fertilizers for succulents are best suited for these purposes. The feeding process has a number of nuances, failure to comply with which can destroy the plant. Let's look at them in detail.

The dollar tree, which is very easy to care for at home, is a herbaceous plant from the Araceae family, known in scientific literature as Zamioculcas. Representative of the tropical climate of Africa with its popular name owes not only to the beautiful bright green leaf blades, but also to energy, which, according to the practice of Feng Shui, attracts money and prosperity.

The genus Zamioculcas is represented by a single species - Zamioculcas zamifolia or Loddiges. The variety was named in 1856 after its discoverer, Conrad Loddiges, who was a collector of exotic flora. However, in 1908, a second name appeared in the German Botanical Garden - Zamioculcas zamifolia, which is generally accepted today.

Dollar tree: growing features

The main feature of a succulent plant is its ability to tolerate dry periods characteristic of natural growing conditions, due to the accumulation of moisture in the fleshy leaves, powerful stem and tuberous rhizome. The height of up to 1 m and bright appearance allows phytodesigners to use the plant for landscaping rooms for various purposes and areas and creating tropical corners with a special microclimate enriched with phytoncides.

Home care

Easy care of the dollar tree is the most important advantage of the plant: the undemanding and unpretentiousness of the culture, combined with a spectacular appearance, increases decorative value exotic representative.

Location and lighting

To grow a healthy plant that will delight the eye with its decorative effect, it is necessary to provide it with a sufficient amount of light. The best option would be to place the pot on the window sills of south-facing windows with light shading during peak solar activity.

Important! A lack of light causes the bright color of the leaf blades to fade.

Temperature features

The flower is adapted to hot weather climatic conditions, therefore, an increase in temperature in summer to 30°C does not pose a threat to it. While hypothermia poses great dangers.

The optimal temperature depends on the time of year:

  • in summer – 22-25°C;
  • in winter – 16-18°C.

Carefully! A temperature drop below 12°C can trigger the development of the disease and lead to the death of the flower.

Pot soil requirements

The succulent requires light, fertile soil with a loose structure that will provide good aeration and water permeability. To prepare a soil mixture with similar indicators, peat, sand and leaf soil are used in equal parts. When choosing a pot, you should opt for a clay or ceramic container that will withstand the pressure of the growing roots of the dollar tree. To prevent stagnation of moisture, be sure to place drainage layer 2-3 cm.

Watering and humidity

Zamioculcas needs rare but abundant watering, between which the soil in the pot should dry out completely.

Constantly moist soil can lead to the development of rot. The humidity in the room where the flower is kept must be increased to provide the flower with conditions as close to natural as possible.

You can achieve high humidity levels by:

  1. Every day, spray the plant with a spray bottle with settled, warm water.
  2. Place the container with the flower on a tray filled with damp pebbles or moss.

Advice! To maintain health tropical plant you should systematically wipe the fleshy leaf blades of the dollar tree with a damp sponge, which will not only preserve high humidity, but also to facilitate the breathing of Zamioculcas, which is obstructed by a layer of indoor dust.

Top dressing

From the beginning of active growing season, observed in mid-spring, until mid-autumn, the plant needs to organize additional nutrition in the form of mineral complexes for cacti and or succulents. Feeding is carried out regularly twice a month.

How to replant a dollar tree?

The root system of the dollar tree is represented by densely located tubers, which are easily injured if carelessly and fast transfer. Damage can cause the death of the plant.

To prevent such a situation, transplantation is carried out with extreme caution and under the following conditions:

  • The tree was brought from the store a few days ago and is in a shipping container filled with peat. To minimize plant stress during transplantation, the procedure should not be carried out immediately after acquisition and should be given time to adapt to future conditions.
  • A young specimen requires annual transplantation into a container a little larger diameter than the previous one.
  • If the root system of an adult plant has filled the pot and emerged from the drainage holes, then the time has come to carry out the procedure. Optimal time This is what spring is for.
  1. A pot is prepared that is suitable in size for the root system of the transplanted specimen.
  2. The plant, together with the earthen lump, is placed in a container by transshipment.
  3. The voids are filled with a nutrient substrate for succulents so that the top tubers remain 1 cm above the ground level.

Pruning Zamioculcas

Formative pruning of the money symbol is carried out in the spring to give the plant the correct shape:

  • Shoots growing inward are removed.
  • The top of the shoot is trimmed to stimulate the development of new side shoots.
  • Branches that stand out from the general crown due to too rapid growth are shortened.

Pests and diseases of zamioculcas

Growing a dollar tree is accompanied by difficulties caused by damage from harmful organisms:

  • Stem rot – in case of overwatering, carried out at low temperatures, the stem and root system begin to rot. To save the plant, the tubers are removed from the ground, the affected areas are removed, and the cut areas are treated with an antiseptic. After transplanting into a new substrate, the specimen is sprayed with a fungicide solution.
  • Spider mites and mealybugs - the plant is colonized by sucking pests due to the dry air. The following protective measures are carried out: wiping the sheet plates with a sponge soaked in soapy solution, or spraying with an insecticide, which is most effective in case of heavy infestation.
  • Aphids and thrips - harmful insects are observed after the succulent is left outdoors. Systemic insecticides are used for control.
  • Scale insects, as a rule, fall on a representative of exotic flora from other plants. If a pest is detected, it is recommended to organize treatment with an insecticidal preparation according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Advice! To achieve a positive effect, treatments are carried out in two stages with an interval of 10-14 days, depending on the toxicity period of the selected drug.

How does the dollar tree bloom?

The flowering of Zamioculcas, in which an 8 cm long ear is formed, covered with a leaf plate, is extremely a rare event even in natural growing conditions. However, if you follow the basic conditions for keeping the flower, you can witness a blooming dollar tree at home.

By dividing the tuber

When transplanting an adult specimen, the rhizome division procedure can be carried out:

  1. Pots are prepared 3-4 cm larger than the plant’s root system and filled with a nutrient substrate with a loose structure and a slightly acidic reaction.
  2. The rhizome of the mother specimen is divided into equal parts.
  3. Each part is placed in a separate container, moistened and moved to a well-lit windowsill protected from direct sunlight.


During the procedure:

  1. A stem cutting with a bud and leaf is prepared.
  2. The cut area is sprinkled with crushed charcoal or activated carbon.
  3. After a couple of hours of exposure to air, the cutting is placed in moistened sand.
  4. The container with the plantings is covered with polyethylene and moved to a warm and bright place.
  5. After half a month or a month, roots form.

Important! During the rooting period, cuttings should be systematically moistened.

Leaf propagation

Despite the length of the root formation process, leaf propagation is considered the simplest way to propagate a dollar tree, in which:

  1. A small one separates from the shoot sheet plate, after which it is placed in moistened peat.
  2. The container is covered with glass to create a greenhouse environment and transferred to a well-lit place.

Attention! Depending on temperature and humidity, the process of tuber formation may take several months.

Thus, the beauty and originality of a tropical representative is worth the small efforts of the gardener, and a healthy and very ornamental plant will decorate any room.