Documents for the sale of fish in a residential building. Business idea for selling fish. Product range and pricing policy

Interview with the founder of the Tsarskaya Ryba company German Smirnov

Selling and processing fish is a complex business in which losses often occur. Before starting your own business, you should calculate all the risk factors and draw up a detailed business plan. It is extremely difficult to compete with large companies; the solution is to stand out from them or attract buyers with a low price.


The Tsarskaya Ryba company has been actively operating for more than eight years. During this time, the products have firmly established themselves in the premium segment and have found regular customers. We met with the owner of the company, German Smirnov, and talked with him about running a business.

Main points of the interview

  • Kind of activity: trade and processing of fish products
  • Business location: Russia, Bryansk
  • Occupation before starting a business: Sales Manager
  • start date entrepreneurial activity: 2008
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • Initial investment amount: 5 million rubles (to start production)
  • Source of initial capital: own savings
  • Payback period: two years
  • Formula for success: Carefully study the industry, your competitors, identify potential buyers, suppliers and the sales market.

Hello Herman. Tell us, when and why did you decide to become a businessman?

As a child, my family moved to Bryansk from Kazakhstan. Naturally, the question of finding a job immediately arose. My father got a job in a large company in the construction industry, and after a while began to develop own business and quite successfully. Of course, I acquired a certain experience and character from my father, because the example of parents is the most indicative for a child. In general, everyone in my family is involved in business, and everyone has chosen a different field of activity.

At the age of 18 I started working in construction company father, but I didn’t like this activity. Still, each person should choose a direction taking into account their interests and talents; most of all, I liked selling. That's why I initially got a job as a sales manager in large company. There I gained quite good experience, completed many trainings and soon took the position of head of the sales department. Having an excellent understanding of sales, I was weak in management, but thanks to the study of specialized literature, I filled this gap. Then the moment came when I decided to invest the money I earned and start a business.

At first, I had to work in multitasking mode; all entrepreneurs initial stage- accountants, loaders, managers and delivery drivers rolled into one. Of course, a lot here depends on the site; the larger it is, the more tasks there are. I now mean businessmen who do not use credit funds, like us. Perhaps the company’s growth rate was not so high because of this, but we did not take out loans, but gradually invested the funds we earned in development.

For several years I traded only red caviar, then this niche was practically free in Bryansk, and I managed to become a leader. Right choice industry influenced my further development, then we decided to also engage in fish production. The company's activities are not limited to this; we also engage in resale - we have contracts for the supply of chicken, pork, beef, that is, we are representatives of factories. But this is secondary, the profile is fish.

What motivated you to become an entrepreneur - financial independence or something else?

First of all, I wanted more freedom, I didn’t want to follow someone’s whims and instructions, come to work at eight o’clock, and I always felt a slight dislike for bosses. I wanted to be a boss myself, and my dream since childhood was to create a large corporation.

What kind of fish do you mainly sell?

Fish are mainly of biological species - herring, mackerel, anchovy, capelin, trout, salmon and much more. We offer almost the entire range of popular fish that is in demand among mass buyers. We do not sell rare and little-known varieties; we focus on what people like. For example, smoked omul is sometimes found in stores, but these are very tiny quantities. There is a certain cost of the product, which is determined not only by the cost of raw materials, but also by production technology, documentation is required, necessary technical specifications, certification, labels need to be developed, which increases the cost of the product. But the main thing is demand, and if there is no demand, then there is no point in producing the product.

Your company is an incomplete cycle enterprise, that is, you buy fish and process it. Where do you purchase products?

Most of the products are supplied from Murmansk, also Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Kaliningrad, salmon and trout are purchased in Karelia.

Where do you distribute your products?

We have distributors in Moscow, Kaluga, Tula, Orel, Smolensk and Zheleznogorsk. In Bryansk, our fish is represented to a lesser extent, since we cannot compete with large factories in terms of volume. We are more about quality, so we are represented minimally in networks.

How long did it take for the business to become self-sustaining?

In about two years.

A few years ago you opened your own fish processing shop. What was the reason for this decision?

For about six years we were only selling red caviar, but gradually we came to the conclusion that it was necessary to expand and increase volumes. And as soon as free funds appeared, we decided to open a small workshop.

The advantages of in-house production are obvious - it’s your personal trademark, we can control the quality and properties of the product.

How do you stand out from your competitors?

We have now launched a network marketing project (, where sales are made through a fish catalogue. We have consultants who offer people products from the catalog, after which the order is delivered to the required address. Products in the catalog are presented at the same price as in stores, delivery is free. Naturally, consultants receive a percentage of sales.

The minimum order from the catalog starts from 500 rubles, you can also become a client of our club and receive a 20% discount. Of course, selling fish through a catalog is not as profitable as, for example, cosmetics; you have to invest additional funds for delivery and ensure the safety of fish.

This idea came to me before the New Year; many people approached me with a request to sell high-quality caviar and salmon, since store-bought products did not suit them. Stores are usually not interested in quality, they want a low price. And we offer to receive fresh products from production at market price. And every day our promising network marketing project is gaining momentum.

Your products are not represented in all stores. What is this connected with?

Chain stores are now popular, and in order to attract buyers they must put an attractive price tag. But each product has a certain cost, and often reducing the price is not possible without compromising quality. For example, we produce only premium-segment caviar, because after a long study of the psychology of sales, I came to the conclusion that selling cheap caviar simply does not make sense. A person buys caviar for a holiday, some significant event, and he wants to savor and enjoy the real taste, and not receive a dubious product of unclear quality.

What are the pros and cons of the fishing industry?

Fish is a popular product, everyone eats it, which means there will always be demand.

The downside is the raw materials, since fish is a perishable product. In addition to improper storage, fish are often affected by calanus - small plankton that eats the fish carcass and makes it soft. This crustacean is safe for humans, but after infection the products deteriorate in quality and are unsuitable for use. Therefore, the main thing is high-quality raw materials, and good raw materials cost a lot of money.

Is there seasonality in the fishing industry?

Yes, in the summer, sales of salted and smoked fish are greatly reduced, but dried fish sells well. The low season lasts from May to August.

What obstacles did you encounter when starting a business?

There are plenty of pitfalls. Gradually, a shortage of valuable personnel began to be clearly felt; you seem to explain to employees how to do a task, but they do it in their own way. An extremely small number of people can do exactly what the entrepreneur wants, since hired workers do not delve into other people’s thoughts and ideas. Therefore, it is important to clearly define the problem and ways to solve it.

Of course, now the consumer basket of the average buyer has changed a little, with an emphasis on cheaper products. The domestic market is now experiencing a decline in all industries; it is only good for those companies that export. If we talk about expensive fish - salmon and trout, then volumes have dropped by about 50 percent. For example, before people trout or salmon were regularly included in the everyday menu; now many people replace it with pink salmon. Shoppers do not reduce the size of their baskets, but simply replace them with other products from the same line. In a changing economy, it is profitable to produce cheaper products. It is important to be able to adapt to the interests of the buyer.

For example, smoked mackerel is always in demand, and it is usually sold without the head. We tried to sell it with the head, but it was 30-40% cheaper, and it began to sell out much faster, although this is just a trick and a psychological moment, because at home, the head of the mackerel is still cut off, and the impression that this fish is cheaper will remain.

All buyers are divided into three categories. The first includes people who come to the store and say, give me the best quality, the price doesn’t matter. The latter choose a quality product, but at a reasonable price. And still others are interested in the cheapest product, quality comes last. If you believe the statistics, the first group is 20% of the total population, and groups 2 and 3 are 40% each.

Is there a chance for a novice entrepreneur to build successful business now, in a difficult economic situation?

A lot depends on the brand and price segment. Of course, it is better to enter the market with low prices. It is enough to offer goods 10-20% below the average cost, and you will occupy a certain niche, but the cost of the goods in this case will be lower. The only question is, will such a strategy be beneficial for a novice entrepreneur?

Can everyone do business or does it require certain skills?

I think not everyone, this requires a certain worldview, the right environment and experience. It is also important to calculate everything correctly, especially now in a changed economy, every detail is important.

Selling fish as a business the right approach can be profitable business. Next we will look in more detail at the features of this direction.

Starting investments: 610,000 rub. The number of employees: 2 people
Planned income per month: 260,000 rub. Market competition: Average
Approximate monthly expenses: 200,000 rub. Payback: 12-18 months

The essence of the business is trading fish and seafood from a market counter, kiosk or store. This also includes seasonings and fish oil. It is advisable to sell in-demand types of fish. The sale may include live fish or vacuum packaging.

Instructions on how to open and what you need for this

First, analyze the region's market, demand, average price and competitors. Calculate how profitable the business is and how quickly it will pay off. Afterwards, start searching for suppliers and comparing their prices. Once you have collected the contacts of your partners, start looking for premises and completing paperwork. This takes from one to several months.

Briefly about the stages:

  1. Market and competitor analysis.
  2. Analysis of demand by region or city.
  3. Supplier search.
  4. Identification of in-demand positions.
  5. Search for premises.
  6. Preparation of documents.
  7. Purchase of equipment.
  8. Hiring and training personnel (video author - Sergey Spesivy).

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

The activity requires a considerable package of documents, passing large quantity checks. When working with suppliers, require quality certificates for goods. You must know when the catch occurred and under what conditions it was stored prior to delivery to you. All available certificates must be located at the point of sale and presented upon request of the inspection authorities. This will ensure that there are no problems during checks.

What documents are needed:

  • certificate from the SES;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • quality certificates for goods;
  • agreements with suppliers.

Stage 2 - search for premises

In this area, there is a choice between renting separate room and installation of a kiosk. Which better option choose depends on the initial budget, or the analysis indicators below. It is important to take a closer look at competitors, the average rent for premises that many people pass by. Please note that the premises will need to be themed to attract customers. Interior decoration and make communications in accordance with SES standards.

Parameters by which you need to compare rooms:

  • average traffic of people;
  • cost per month or quarter;
  • are they needed renovation work;
  • area, availability of utility room;
  • Are there any competitors' stores nearby?

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of necessary equipment

Decide what to sell, whether there will be related products, write a business plan. Considering the area of ​​the kiosk, buy special refrigerator display cases. A medium-sized store needs no more than three of them, unless the business model also involves cutting seafood. Products will be stored in these display cases and can be seen by the buyer.

Equipment with approximate price:

  • cooling chamber – 100 000;
  • showcase – refrigerator – 150,000;
  • shelves - 50,000.

Stage 4 - selection of employees

If you are going to set up a mini-store, you will need two sellers. Basically, unloading of products from the vehicle is carried out by suppliers; a loader is not needed. Sellers must work in shifts and have knowledge of the types and tastes of fish. If there are none on the labor market, you will have to train and taste them. Sellers must be able to provide full advice on the taste, type and method of cooking fish.

Personnel with salaries:

  • two sellers - 20,000 monthly.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

The main thing in this case is to determine the portrait of the target buyer. There is no point in using advertising tools on the Internet. Considering that the retail outlet is a physical business, mainly aimed at middle-aged buyers. You can use outdoor advertising and promotions that include tasting of cooked fish. Handing out leaflets around would work well. point of sale.

Customer acquisition channels:

  • favorable location;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • a bright and colorful sign or thematic branding.

Financial plan

Most of the funds to start a business will go towards purchasing equipment and renting a kiosk in good location. Judging by the latest market brands, it is fashionable to use a regular kiosk-type mini-shop. The second capital-intensive expense item is equipment; it must be of high quality. Also, a reserve of funds is required to obtain licenses and obtain permits.

Required investments in rubles:

  • equipment – ​​400,000;
  • employees – 40,000;
  • rent – ​​100,000;
  • Consumables – 70 000.

Total: 610,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Selling fish is not a difficult matter in terms of building business processes. Questions arise in the process of storing fish and cooperation with suppliers. Check the quality of the delivered goods. To the niche increased attention from the SES. Maintain sanitary conditions.

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Fish trade

I am an individual entrepreneur, OKVED code is open for wholesale trade fish - 46.38.1..I want to buy fish from the northern local population, should they provide me with documents for the fish and what..? Thank you.

You cannot buy fish from the natives. Quotas and licenses are needed. And the locals are given permission to catch fish in pieces (10 pieces per person). Each region has its own quota. the federal law dated December 20, 2004 N 166-FZ (as amended on March 6, 2019) “On fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources” Article 25. Fishing in order to ensure the traditional way of life and implement traditional economic activity indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East Russian Federation.

I want to start selling smoked fish at the market. What documents are needed?

What happens if I sell fish on the street? Just for ordinary trading there, the district police officer and a representative of the administration should only fine me? What about the fish? which ones can be traded and which ones are generally prohibited?

1. Trading outside specially designated areas - yes, a regular administrative fine. 2. Fish trade. The product is perishable, its quality and safety are unlikely to be confirmed by documents, and if confirmed, see above (perishable). During a test purchase and research in a veterinary laboratory identifying signs of spoilage, toxic substances, etc. - initiation of a criminal case under Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What a punishment for trading, I buy fish from fishermen and smoke it and sell it.

Hello, Natalia. If you carry out business activities without registering as an entrepreneur, then this is Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences. Considered by the Magistrate's Court. On average, non-hardcore violators are always given 1 thousand rubles. But if the fish is bad, then there are other violations, other sanctions. So, there's nothing scary about it. Happy trading.

I am engaged in outbound trading, selling fresh frozen fish. We're having a fair. Day off. Do you need a consumer corner?

Good evening. In accordance with the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights": Article 9. Information about the manufacturer (performer, seller) 1. The manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer the brand name (name) of his organization, its location (address) and its operating mode. The seller (performer) places the specified information on the sign. The manufacturer (executor, seller) - individual entrepreneur - must provide the consumer with information about state registration and the name of the body that registered it. 2. If the type of activity carried out by the manufacturer (performer, seller) is subject to licensing and (or) the performer has state accreditation, information about the type of activity of the manufacturer (performer, seller), license number and (or) certificate number must be brought to the attention of the consumer about state accreditation, the validity period of the specified license and (or) certificate, as well as information about the body that issued the specified license and (or) certificate. 3. The information provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article must be brought to the attention of consumers also when carrying out trade, household and other types of consumer services in temporary premises, at fairs, from trays and in other cases, if trade, household and other types of consumer services are carried out outside permanent place finding the seller (performer).

I am a beginner individual entrepreneur, engaged in the trade of fish and seafood. The store opened recently, so there is no income. The district administration came and they started complaining after I told them that my sellers were not registered under an employment contract.
Tell me how I can register employees in such a way as to “bypass” the employment contract, since I am not ready to pay additional taxes for employees. Workers agree to work themselves without official employment.

Hello, Ilya. You are lucky that only the administration came to you, since if the labor inspectorate had visited you, you could have been issued an order to eliminate the identified deficiencies with the imposition of an appropriate fine. From your description it follows that you are apparently an individual entrepreneur without employees and are not ready to pay taxes. Since 2015, there is no need to register with the funds as an employer; you are considered an employer only if you pay taxes and fees. You can only be suggested to draw up contracts solely in case of an inspection and agree on this point with the employees. It is not necessary to keep special personnel records in your case, but what could be the consequences if inspectors check accruals for employees or suddenly one of your employees due to any conflict situation complain to the inspection authorities, no one will tell you.

Good afternoon If you do not want to draw up an employment contract, then there is only one option left - a civil law contract (CLA), also known as a contract/service contract. But you won’t be able to save significantly on taxes, because... you will still have to pay insurance premiums for medical and pension insurance, personal income tax, as well as reporting for the employee to the Federal Tax Service. What is your tax system?

Rules for trading dried fish in Ukrainian markets for individuals: what are they? legislative acts-what documents are required.

Good afternoon, dear Valentina. .Questions of a commercial nature are paid on the site, please contact any Ukrainian lawyer in a personal message.

What will I face for selling smoked fish on the side of the road without documents?

Hello. Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Carrying out business activities without state registration or without a special permit (license) Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses Chapter 14 Article 14.1 1. Carrying out business activities without state registration as an individual entrepreneur or without state registration as a legal entity, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 Article 14.17.1 of this Code - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to two thousand rubles. 2. Carrying out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such license) is mandatory (mandatory), - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles with confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials. or without it; for officials - from four thousand to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials; on legal entities- from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials. 3. Carrying out business activities in violation of the requirements and conditions provided for by a special permit (license) - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from three thousand to four thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles. 4. Carrying out business activities in gross violation of the requirements and conditions provided for by a special permit (license) - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on persons engaged in business activities without forming a legal entity in the amount of four thousand to eight thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period up to ninety days; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days. Note. Lost power. - Federal Law dated 06/08/2015 N 140-FZ. Notes: 1. The concept of gross violation is established by the Government of the Russian Federation in relation to a specific licensed type of activity. 2. A person is released from administrative liability if it is revealed that he has committed actions (inaction) containing elements of an administrative offense provided for by this article or articles 15.1, 15.3 - 15.6, 15.11, 15.25 of this Code, provided that this person is a declarant or person , information about which is contained in a special declaration filed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Voluntary Declaration individuals assets and accounts (deposits) in banks and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", and if such actions (inaction) are related to the acquisition (formation of sources of acquisition), use or disposal of property and (or) controlled foreign companies and (or ) with the performance of currency transactions and (or) crediting Money to accounts (deposits), information about which is contained in a special declaration.

Can I trade aquarium fish without a cash register?

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs, taking into account the specifics of their activities or the characteristics of their location, can make payments without the use of cash register equipment when carrying out the following types of activities and when providing the following services: sale of newspapers and magazines, as well as related products at newsstands, provided that that the share of the sale of newspapers and magazines in their turnover is at least 50 percent of the turnover and the range of related products is approved by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Accounting for trading revenue from the sale of newspapers and magazines and from the sale of related products is carried out separately; sale of securities; sale by driver or conductor in the salon vehicle travel documents (tickets) and coupons for travel on public transport; providing meals to students and workers educational organizations implementing basic general education programs during school hours; trade in retail markets, fairs, exhibition complexes, as well as in other territories designated for trade, with the exception of shops, pavilions, kiosks, tents, auto shops, auto shops, vans, container-type premises and other similarly equipped premises located in these places of trade and ensuring the display and safety of goods of trading places (premises and vehicles, including trailers and semi-trailers), open counters inside covered market premises when trading non-food products, except for trading non-food products that are defined in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation; peddling trade of food and non-food products (with the exception of technically complex goods and food products requiring certain storage and sale conditions) in passenger train cars, from hand carts, bicycles, baskets, trays (including frames protected from precipitation by frames covered with polymer film , canvas, tarpaulin); sale of ice cream and soft drinks on tap at kiosks; trade from tank trucks with kvass, milk, vegetable oil, live fish, kerosene, seasonal trade in vegetables, including potatoes, fruits and melons; acceptance of glassware and waste materials from the population, with the exception of scrap metal, precious metals and precious stones; shoe repair and painting; production and repair of metal haberdashery and keys; supervision and care of children, the sick, the elderly and disabled; sale by the manufacturer of folk arts and crafts products; plowing gardens and sawing firewood; porter services at railway stations, bus stations, air terminals, airports, sea and river ports; rental by an individual entrepreneur of residential premises owned by this individual entrepreneur.

Hello, If you carry out retail trade in a store, then you cannot live without a cash register. I wish you good luck and all the best!

Set aside a place to sell aquariums, accessories, and fish care supplies. Install a cash register and a device for payments using bank cards in the sales area.

Do you want to trade live fish from a car? What documents do you need for this and what nuances might there be?

Good day! You will need certificates of product quality conformity and a trade permit from the district administration.

Hello! In this case, it is necessary to have conclusions on the compliance of trade, warehouse, production premises sanitary and epidemiological standards, requirements fire safety, trade permit.

I am a self-employed person, I have a store, I want to start selling smoked fish, I will smoke it myself, so documents can only be for chilled fish, what size of the fine is possible?

Formally, you can fall under Art. 14.45 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. There from 20,000 to 300,000 rubles. But there are nuances. You can email or call. Good luck!

Is the market director obliged to provide a place for selling frozen fish? If so, where should I contact if I refuse?

No obligation to provide space. The market is a commercial organization, its leader himself decides what products can or cannot be traded.

When the UBEP came to my fish store and wanted to write a protocol for selling fresh fish without documents. Does this organization have the right to do this?

Yes, OBEP has the right to check documents (certificates) and issue protocols. If you do not agree, write your objections in the protocol.

UBEP came to the fish store and they want to write a protocol on the sale of fresh fish without documents. Does this organization have the right to do this? If so, what is the penalty?

Police officers have the right to draw up reports on administrative offenses within their competence. And the size of the fine will depend on the article you are accused of violating.

I want to start selling hot smoked fish! I want to build a shop myself near my house! Is it possible to trade in such a shop? (I will build from lumber. Accordingly, from new ones!

I want to start selling hot smoked fish! I want to build a shop myself near my house! Is it possible to trade in such a shop? (I will build from lumber. Accordingly, from new ones! If you have the appropriate permits and approvals, you have the right to trade fish. Good luck.

Is selling meat and fish allowed in the same premises at the market?

Hello. No regulation prohibits this. The main thing is to store meat and fish in different refrigerators and sell them from different counters.

I am an individual entrepreneur. There is a small shop selling draft beer and fish. Taxation system - UTII. From what time it is necessary to switch to online cash register? Thank you.

Individual entrepreneurs who are taxpayers of the single tax on imputed income for individual species activities when carrying out types of business activities established by paragraph 2 of Article 346.26 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, can carry out cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment, subject to the issuance at the request of the buyer (client) of a document (sales receipt, receipt or other document confirming the receipt of funds for the relevant goods ( work, service) in the manner established by the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ "On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using electronic means payment" (as amended in force before the entry into force of this Federal Law), until July 1, 2018 (Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 N 290-FZ).

Is it possible to trade salted and smoked fish with frozen fish in the same premises? Naturally, storage will be in different refrigerators.

Sanitary standards do not prohibit this procedure for storing food. It is also necessary to consult with Rospotrebnadzor to clarify storage periods.

Hello. Federal Law of August 8, 2001 N 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” (as amended and supplemented) Each product must be stored as required by law.

How can I obtain documents for selling fish on the streets?

Hello Konstantin Commercial issues should be discussed at a paid consultation with a lawyer. Thank you for visiting our site. Always happy to help! Good luck to you.

Tell me please. Where to go. To stop selling fish and meat on the street from cars.

Tell me please. Where to go. To stop selling fish and meat on the street from cars. Hello! Contact the police, Administration, Rospotrebnadzor.

Hello, you have the right to file a complaint with Ropotrebnadzor regarding this matter. write in any form. . Good luck to you!

OKVED code for selling beer on tap? Beer snacks and fish will also be on sale.

Good day, Natalia. OKVED: 47.11 47.23 47.25 Sincerely, Yuri Sergeevich.

Good evening. What papers are needed to trade fish, including black caviar. Thank you.

Contact Rospotrebnadzor. Everyone will say.

What is the punishment for selling dried fish wholesale from home without documents?

Hello. Bringing to criminal liability under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible, at the request of the buyer, to cut the carcass of salted fish during retail sales in a specialized store. The carcasses are quite large (about 2 kg), the fish is expensive, they refuse to cut more than in half? Legal refusal? Thank you.

Hello! refusal is illegal.

Do I need a license to trade sturgeon caviar and its meat?

No, no license is required.

Does Ribinspectr have the right to fine for selling river fish on the road?

Hello! If fishing is not prohibited at this time, he has no right.

Who has the right to fine you for selling river fish on the road and where can you get this law to show to the fisheries inspectors?


In Russia, fish is a popular and sought-after product. People use it both in home menus and in restaurants, creating delicious dishes in everyday life and coming up with special recipes for the holidays. Of course, if you make the right step by step instructions, calculate all the risks and expected profits, you can earn good money by opening a fish store.

The main thing is to correctly formulate an idea for yourself and draw up a clear and competent business plan, and then you can safely engage in selling fish as a business. Modern consumers are quite spoiled by the abundance of goods on the shelves, but still prefer several types of fish products.

The following options are considered the best-selling among Russians:

  • live fish;
  • steaks, fillets;
  • frozen fish;
  • salted;
  • smoked;
  • dried.

It is in this form that the product is purchased almost every day, bringing pleasure to customers and financial profit to the seller. Moreover, each type of product has its own buyer, because almost everyone loves tasty fish. And with the variety of goods, the number of consumers will increase.

Some people can afford frozen fish, others prefer salmon steaks or noble sea bass. The more different products on the counter, the wider the circle of buyers and, accordingly, the more sales.

Where can I get start-up capital?

To sell such products, it is worth understanding how to open a fish store from scratch. Because to implement this idea, at a minimum, there must be a permanent point of sale, and this requires starting capital. Let’s look at where to get the money to organize such a business now.

There are several options for where to get finance. Let's discuss some of them.

  1. Bank loan.

This is one of the first types that might come to mind. But such a loan always carries with it certain disadvantages - high interest rates, risks of unsuccessful repayment and delay. All this, with instability, can lead to complete defeat and bankruptcy. In addition, banks do not often agree to issue loans for projects in which they do not see any prospects.

  1. State assistance.

Register for unemployment at the employment center by providing work book and salary information for the last 6 months. This is one of the most realistic ways to get money for the fishing business.

  1. Investors.

You can also try to attract investors who will agree to become sponsors of your project. Their goal here will be to increase their capital. But, to do this, you need to be able to prove the prospects of your future business by laying out the essence of the idea, options for achieving the goals and payback periods.

Attention! Before borrowing money for a business, be sure to consider everything possible risks and planned prospects.

Legal aspects of starting a fishing business

After a business plan has been drawn up and finances have been found, you can proceed to the legal side of the issue.

To start a business you need to bring it to the tax office required list documents such as:

  • a document confirming that the premises meets all SES requirements;
  • coordination with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission to sell fish in this particular area;
  • confirmation of sanitary control;
  • compliance with all fire safety standards;
  • agreement with the waste removal company;
  • health records of store employees.

When choosing an individual business or organization, remember that for individual entrepreneurs, paying taxes will be less expensive, depending on the scale of the business.

Often, small entrepreneurs who open a fish business may encounter many administrative obstacles, but with a responsible approach they are quite surmountable. The main thing to remember is that fish is a food product that, if storage rules are not followed, can quickly deteriorate and become unfit for sale.

Important! The supplier of the product must have a quality certificate or a book from a veterinarian.

Renting premises

Choosing a location to open a fish store requires special attention, because it can completely affect the profit or loss of the enterprise. First of all, you should evaluate the competition - you should not open it where the same product is already sold nearby.

Especially if there is a specialized fish store in the vicinity with a huge assortment and a large selection of fresh products. It is necessary to trade in crowded areas, such as private sector or close to markets.

The area of ​​the store will depend on the quantity of goods sold. Experienced entrepreneurs in this business recommend not purchasing a huge assortment at once, but agreeing with suppliers to bring products more often, thereby being confident in its freshness. The minimum room must be 50 sq.m. It is in this area that display cases with products, refrigerators and freezers can be placed, leaving space for the free movement of customers.


Quality equipment for a fish store will ensure proper storage of products.

There are certain standards for storing such goods and if they are observed, the store will not have any problems.

  1. Live fish require large aquariums, looking into which the buyer can choose the right product.
  2. Frozen products are stored in professional freezers, maintaining a special temperature.
  3. The meat of salmon, salmon and other similar freshly caught products must be sold at special surfaces made of stainless steel, cooled with a large number of pieces of ice.
  4. Dried and smoked products should be stored hanging on special hooks.

If the rules of storage and sale are observed, the store will be popular, without breaking the law and attracting more customers, the amount of missing goods will be minimized. And trading fish will bring profit and pleasure.

Some stores strive to sell products self-made, salting and smoking it in his premises. Before you decide to take such a step, you should understand whether it is profitable to smoke fish for sale? This step requires a separate room, special smoking equipment, permits for this type of activity and for the possibility of supplying such goods. Thus, it turns out that smoking will only be profitable in large-scale production.


For coordinated work, it is worth hiring at least two sellers who could replace each other. These employees must clearly understand the pricing policy, understand the assortment and have information about the availability of goods and their suppliers.

Be friendly and polite with customers, approaching work competently and responsibly.

When choosing employees, pay attention to their resistance to stress and ability to smooth out the situation, because the success of the entire store and, in particular, your profit will depend on their work.

Attracting visitors

Of course, any entrepreneur will want to open a fish store with a minimum of costs. But don’t forget about one more expense item – marketing and product promotion. Attracting customers is one of the most important tasks.

This must be approached competently and with full responsibility. What attracts potential buyers:

  • reasonable, reasonable prices;
  • wide range of products;
  • quality service.

For all this to appear in your store, be sure to monitor prices for the same product at the main points of the city. After this, you can determine the appropriate price for your product. Moreover, both the store and the buyer should benefit here. Don't forget about special offers and promotions that are the best to attract people.

Attention! Never sell damaged or expired goods under the guise of a promotion. This can harm the customer's health and permanently damage the store's reputation.

Mandatory expenses

A business like selling fish involves some basic expenses:

  • rental of premises;
  • payment of taxes;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of goods;
  • employee salaries;
  • expenses for water supply and electricity.

These are the most likely of them, but you should understand that each store may have its own nuances and features.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the fishing business

The main advantage of opening such a business in the first place is considered to be high demand. Today these products are as popular as meat.

People not only appreciated the taste of this product, but also realized it beneficial features. Children and adults should consume seafood and fish several times a week.

The next advantage of the product is acceptable price and a large assortment. Great amount varieties allows each buyer to choose a product according to taste and suitable price category. This business involves small investments and quick payback. As a rule, such investments pay off quite quickly, bringing a stable income and sufficient profit.

But, there are both pros and cons of such entrepreneurship. The main disadvantage here is a lot of competition. However, with the right approach to running a store, competition can always be avoided. So, you can always open a small store specializing in selling fish, instead of a regular market stall.

But, the main thing is that it will forever ensure regular customers, this is a wide selection of products, a guarantee of product quality and adequate price policy.

The relevance of fish practically does not decrease over time. Therefore, a business selling it could potentially become profitable idea. To determine the prospects and return on investment, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for selling fish. We will give an example of such a business plan, on the basis of which the prospects for the development of this type of business and the estimated payback of the project will be visible.

Project Summary

The main points in justifying a business plan for a fish store are the choice of location, selection of suppliers and equipment for proper storage of goods.

Our fish store will open in big city. The store will be located on the 1st floor apartment building, next to others grocery stores, in a large residential area of ​​the city.

The assortment in the store will consist of fresh, smoked, dried and dried fish.

Main competitors:

  • Similar fish shops in the area.
  • Points of private fishermen on the market.
  • Supermarkets (fish department).

Main business risks:

There are many risks in any business, so it is necessary to foresee and calculate them in advance. The business plan for selling fish with calculations must include the costs of the advertising budget and additional expenses.

Registration of activities

You can open a fish store only after registering with the tax authority. In the application, you must select the form of entrepreneurial activity, indicating OKVED code 52.23.1 " Retail fish and seafood”, pay a state fee of 800 rubles.

Since the store will sell perishable food products, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. Also, to launch a store, you will need permission from the fire inspectorate to ensure compliance with requirements and standards. fire safety in room.

Fish with a quality certificate must be accepted from suppliers, otherwise you will have to pay large fines or close the store altogether.

Registration of permits will cost 10 thousand rubles.

Search for premises

Our store is located in a heavily trafficked location in large area city ​​close to public transport and, preferably, next to a food market. It is important that there is no similar store nearby, otherwise the struggle for a buyer will be serious and will take a lot of time, effort and money.

We will rent a room with total area in 40 sq. m, the cost of which will be about 30,000 rubles per month. The premises will consist of a sales area of ​​30 square meters. m and 10 sq. m of warehouse with refrigeration equipment. We sign a lease for a year with the option to buy the premises if the owner sells it. We pay 2 months in advance

When choosing a premises, we fundamentally look at the availability of working sewerage and water supply. It will also be important to have good ventilation.

The room needs to be small redecorating: paint walls, repair floors. We are allocating another 20,000 rubles for materials to redecorate the premises.

Initially, you need to spend 80,000 rubles on the premises. Starting from the 3rd month, payment will be only for 1 month of rent and utilities (10 thousand rubles), a total of 40,000 rubles.

Product range

The range of products sold will be relatively stable, but changes are possible depending on the season and demand for specific items. For example, in the colder months there will be more offerings of smoked and salted fish, seafood salads, and seaweed. In the summer, purchases of dried and dried fish, fish chips, etc. will be increased. Statistics show that in summer the demand for fish decreases by at least 15%. For this reason, the option of purchasing additional olives and pickles by weight will be considered.

The most common types of fish: fresh mackerel, herring, hake and other fish that customers can cook at home themselves. Salted fish also goes away quite quickly.

Main assortment of the store:

  • Fresh fish.
  • Smoked fish.
  • Sun-dried and dried fish.
  • Cancers.
  • Mussels.
  • Other.

Representatives of each category must be present at the store counter.

We will purchase from local fishermen, with whom we will enter into a cooperation agreement.

The first purchase of goods is planned for the amount of 300,000 rubles.

Search for commercial equipment

The store needs to purchase a reliable refrigeration equipment, which will ensure the safe storage of fresh and prepared fish. After all, it is important that the fish is stored at the correct temperature, which depends on its type and readiness.

We will estimate the costs using the table

Name price, rub.
Refrigerated display case (2 pcs.) 14 000
Refrigerator compartment with ice makers (used) 7 000
Cold cabinet for storing salted and dry fish (used) 7 000
Fish cutting table 5 000
Counter 3 000
Rack for related products 4 000
electronic scales 5 000
Consumables (packaging, containers, knives, gloves, apron) 5 000
Seller's chair 2 000
Total 52 000

The equipment and the premises as a whole must be kept in perfect condition and cleaned daily.

In addition, the fish store needs a car. We have a personal vehicle that can be used to deliver fish.


A small fish store will not need many workers to operate. The owner himself, together with one hired employee, will be able to sell. When choosing a seller, you should pay attention to experience in selling fish products and the availability of a current health book. It is important that the seller is honest and attentive; the loyalty of the target audience depends on this.

In addition, the store will require a cleaning lady at the end of the working day.

Cost estimates for employees in the table:

Worker Salary
Salesman 20 000
Cleaning lady for 2 hours a day 8 000
Night watchman 12 000
Total 30 000

Naturally, the entrepreneur himself will keep the accounting records; he will also select and purchase goods independently. The seller will not only sell, but also cut fish, so experience is required.

Advertising and Marketing

It is necessary to attract clients immediately from the opening day, because... fish is a perishable product; it cannot sit and wait for a long time. Therefore, we launch everything immediately possible options store advertising. We focus on the residents of the area where the fish trade takes place. Advertising budget estimate:

Expenses and income

At this point of the business plan, we will compile summary tables of starting and monthly expenses, we will calculate the estimated profit from the 3rd month of operation and determine the profitability and profitability of the business.

Start-up costs

It is planned to allocate 482,000 rubles to start the business.

Monthly expenses


From the first month, customers will be attracted, but normal flow and stable sales are expected from the 3rd month, when the store begins to be popular, satisfied customers will come again and again, and recommend the store to their friends.

We are planning sales:

Name Price per kg Quantity kg Sum
Cold-smoked and hot-smoked mackerel 450 50 22 500
Herring salted 400 50 20 000
Fresh herring 300 20 6 000
Sushi bream. 400 10 4 000
Hake 300 50 15 000
Smoked perch 900 10 9 000
Taranka 300 15 4 500
Smoked herring 350 10 3 500
Fresh capelin 300 50 15 000
Smoked capelin 350 30 10 500
Tuna salted 1 200 5 6 000
Fresh tuna 1000 5 5 000
Salmon salted 1 300 10 13 000
Fresh mussels 1000 5 5 000
Other fish 50 000
Sea kale 250 30 7 500
Cancers 500 20 10 000
Total 206 500

Revenue per month will be 148,000. In addition, fish cleaning services will be provided at a price of 300 rubles/kg. You can earn another 9,000 from this. Total, 215,500 rubles. We subtract half from the purchase price and get 107,750 rubles.

Income minus expenses:

107750 – 80000 = 27 750.

We calculate the tax payment:

27,750 x 0.15 = 4,162 rubles.

Net profit will be:

27,750 – 4,162 = 23,588 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the profitability:

(23,588 / 80,000) x 100 = 35.74%.

This profitability for starting a fish store can be considered normal. There are plans to increase it to 100% by the 8th month of operation by increasing the range of fish and increasing the number of sales.

Let's calculate the payback period of the project:

28,588 / 288,000 = 9 months. After 9 months, the plans can recoup the investment. The payback period is quite long for these sales figures, however, subject to increasing the assortment, promoting the store, and attracting more customers, the payback period is planned to be reduced.


A fish store can be made profitable, but this requires time, proper design and a strategic approach to business. The main difficulties are that fish is a perishable product, and every buyer wants to buy fresh fish. To provide quality goods, we will use good refrigerated cabinets and display cases and will not purchase fish, which have very little demand.

If the costs of the store pay off, there are plans to implement home delivery of fish and open another similar outlet in the city with additional services, several sellers and an aquarium with live fish.