Dmitry is a name for a character boy. The history of the origin of the male name Dmitry. Talismans for Dmitry

Dmitry has an explosive, strong-willed character. This makes them difficult to find mutual language. They are persistent and smart. Colleagues at work welcome their sociability and ability to easily endure failures.

Translated from ancient Greek, the name Dmitry means “belonging to Demeter.” Some translate this name as "Impostor."

Origin of the name Dmitry:

The name Dmitry comes from Greek word"Demetrios" - "belonging to Demeter." Demeter is the name of the ancient Greek goddess of earth and fertility.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Dmitry:

As a child, Dima often got colds and viral diseases, but they like to be treated. Therefore, when growing up, they often feign illness. They are capricious and require attention. At an older age, stubbornness replaces capriciousness. Vulnerable to sudden problems. Children named Dmitry are often cruel to those for whom they do not feel love. In their conversations they forget about the matter.

Dimas are brave, attractive, but cruel. They rush into battle without thinking about the consequences, for which fate often punishes them. They try not to miss their chance. They try to get everything in life at once. They don’t know how to listen, they talk a lot, sometimes the dialogue turns into a monologue. They get confused in their own thoughts. Dmitry always has a lot of ideas, so the main thing is to stop him in time, otherwise he will waste his energy. He always skillfully makes acquaintances with the people he needs. In his environment you will not find a person who would not be useful to him. The mother is a great authority for them. They like to drink, but do not abuse it.

Dmitry is practical, loves work, sociable and enterprising. He attracts people to him, using his sense of humor, open heart, and readiness to always come to the aid of friends at any moment. He can be relied upon, he is reliable, and many take advantage of his goodwill.

Dima loves adventures and risking his life. Usually, in such cases, fortune smiles on him, but sometimes failures can overtake him. Dmitry usually doesn’t save money very much. Often spent on unnecessary trifles.

Dmitry tends to move up the career ladder, especially where the work involves communicating with people. Dimas don't like monotony. They can make good composers, artists, scientists. Thanks to their intelligence and eloquence, they can realize themselves in public and political activity. Like to get fast and good result. Dim often shows business abilities.

Dima prefers beautiful women, loves coziness, comfort and various pleasures. He doesn't know how to deny himself anything. Therefore, his wife will have to “work harder” to create everything the necessary conditions for Dmitry and come to terms with his constant dissatisfaction. Dmitry loves to grumble. Jealous, but in moderation. Throughout his life he feels the need for love and seeks romance.

Dmitry is a polygamist. He falls in love very often. The feeling captures him so much that he throws himself headlong into love. His sympathies often change. For this reason, he experiences frequent divorces and new marriages. But he maintains a good and reverent attitude toward all his children, both from new and old marriages, and helps them throughout his life.

After the establishment of Christianity in Rus', the name Dmitry appeared in Russian everyday life. It came from Byzantium. Initially this name sounded like Dimitri.

Dmitriy - Greek name(sounds like Dimitrios). Interpreted as “earthly fruit” or “dedicated to Demeter” (the goddess of agriculture and fertility, called “Mother Earth”). completely absorbed the joy, active principle, reliability characteristic of the Earth. Church Slavonic form - Dimitri, Old Russian - Dimitr.

The meaning of the name Dima manifests itself in childhood. He often suffers from various respiratory diseases, which is why he requires constant attention, is capricious and shows instability of character. But still he is full of kindness and complaisance, although during his school years his stubbornness and temper may appear. Dmitry is ambiguous in his relationships with classmates. This can break him, but the opposite happens - such situations strengthen him.

The secret of the name Dima in the professional field: the work of a programmer or researcher is most suitable for him, there is a high probability of success in trade and medicine. It is better for Dmitry to choose a field of activity where constant communication with people is necessary. In a company, a person with this name is sure to be the center of attention. His charm allows him to enjoy success with beautiful women. Dima, the meaning of whose name we are considering, loves comfort, coziness and various pleasures. Funny company can make him have a lot of fun and even drink, but not too much: he is not in danger.

In life, Dmitry is hardworking and copes with failures easily. He makes his own career and quickly adapts to different situations. He always finishes things he starts and works well in a team. There is only one drawback of his in communicating with people - sometimes he lectures them quite incorrectly. But still, for the sake of his friends, Dima is ready for a lot. Although, due to his impulsiveness and stubbornness, it is difficult for him to be with them for a long time. Injustice and insults can drive him to a furious state. Diplomacy is not his strong point. Dima always has the desire to be the best, to be the first.

In priorities: he is insanely attached to luxury, drink and food. Creating an appropriate standard of living is difficult not only for him, but also for his loved ones, especially his wife.

Dmitry is very amorous. Moreover, each time he is so captivated by new feelings that he sometimes forgets about his current sympathy and suddenly becomes interested in another woman. Often this develops into deep feelings. But it is not possible to build a long-term and strong relationship, since Dima does not understand the psychology of women well. For this reason it is possible a large number of marriages. And if children are born in them, then they all bathe in the care of their father. Romantic relationship Dima maintains relationships with women at any age. For Dmitry, his mother is an authority for life.

Names of women with whom happiness in marriage is possible: Elena, Anna, Lilia, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Yana, Natalya. It is impossible to build relationships with Angela, Vika, Irina, Inna, Marina, Yulia, Sofia.

The meaning of the name Dima will be very useful for parents choosing a future for their child, which to some extent depends on what the child is named.

The origin of the name Dmitry, or in a more accurate church pronunciation Demetrius, is ancient Greek. It means "dedicated to Demeter." In ancient mythology, Demeter is the goddess of fertility and the patroness of agriculture. Therefore, it is possible that Dmitry is a fruit of the earth. The name is good, joyful, reliable, bright and active, very popular in Russia.

Dmitry is a strong person with a strong character, energy and a desire for self-development. He is a true perfectionist who tries to achieve perfection in everything he undertakes. In general, Dmitry’s life is a series of ups and downs, incredible successes and serious failures, but much depends on what time of year he was born.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

Patron planet: .

Dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Lapis lazuli.

Talisman-color: Purple.

Plant talisman: Chrysanthemum.

Animal mascot: Walrus.

Character traits: Patience, Impulsiveness, Independence, Ingenuity.

Dmitry and Alina- such a tandem is successful and durable, since Dmitry and Alina strive for the same ideals. They love to travel and meet new people. Their relationship is dominated by love and sensuality.

Dmitry and Diana– Dmitry is the breadwinner in this union, and Diana is the embodiment of his aspirations regarding creating a prosperous family. He is emotional and stubborn, she is calm and flexible, so it is not surprising that their marriage may well become strong.

Dmitry and Evgenia- this is a difficult union in which a woman does not want to be a housewife, because she is attracted by a career as an independent businesswoman. Dmitry does not agree to put up with Evgenia’s constant absence from home.

Dmitry and Daria– in the pair of Dima and Dasha, bright emotions and fun reign, therefore their relationship is full of passion and new discoveries. But, as you know, a fire that flares up quickly can burn out just as quickly. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to constantly nourish the relationship.

Dmitry and Olesya– practical Olesya is a wonderful housewife and wife, and Dmitry is a real earner who makes every effort for the prosperity and well-being of his family. There is both passion and love in this union, which is the key to a strong family.

Dmitry and Alena– this couple is interested not only in pressing problems, but also in questions of existence in general, which they can talk about for hours. For Dmitry and Alena, it is important to live in harmony with themselves. Their union can be long and happy.

Dmitry and Margarita– Dmitry is serious about starting a family, while for Margarita this is another adventure, and if she doesn’t like it, she will leave her chosen one without a twinge of conscience.

Dmitry and Alexandra- these are completely different people in character, but in the case of Dmitry and Alexandra, this is only a plus. The conservative and often reserved Dmitry is attracted by Sasha’s obstinacy and unbridledness.

Dmitry and Lyudmila– adventurism is one of the main driving forces in this couple. Dima and Luda are constantly striving for something new, thirsting for change and adventure. Only a lack of stability can destroy this vibrant union.

Dmitry and Alla– this couple is destined to be happy, because between Dmitry and Alla there is not only love, but also a spiritual connection, which only strengthens over the years.

Dmitry and Elizabeth– this is an exceptional case when opposites attract once and for all. Strong Dmitry protects his gentle Elizabeth, who will always reciprocate his feelings.

Dmitry and Veronica– passion is the basis of the relationship between Dmitry and Veronica, but in family life it is often not a decisive factor, especially when both partners are emotional and impulsive.

Dmitry and Valentinastrong in spirit Valentina knows how to show wisdom and gentleness of character, and she does it in such a way that Dmitry does not feel “humiliated and insulted.” Both strive for a long and serious relationship.

Dmitry and Lilia- this is a couple whose relationship is envied by others, because between Dmitry and Lily there is tenderness, care, romance, love. Their ardent feelings do not weaken, but only flare up stronger.

Dmitry and Larisafamily life for both, this is daily work, which both Dmitry and Larisa do with pleasure. The reward for this hard work is the well-being of their family.

Translated from Greek it means “belonging to Demeter.” Demeter is revered ancient goddess fertility. It is important for Dmitry that the family allows him to be who he is, not to hide his feelings and thoughts. If this does not happen, then Dmitry begins to show himself not with the best side. He becomes more aggressive, tries to attract attention to himself with bad behavior and bad deeds. In this situation, it is useless to scold or punish him; you need to find an outlet for his energy and make sure that Dmitry can feel free and relaxed.

At school, Dmitry shows a keen interest in everything that surrounds him. He likes school, teachers, classmates. But Dmitry is rarely interested in studying. He likes to communicate with his friends and play with them after school, but he is of little interest in studying itself. Exact sciences, which require attention and concentration, are especially difficult for Dmitry. Here he may have problems serious problems, which are then much more difficult to solve than at initial stage. In order for Dmitry to show interest in the subject, it is necessary that the teacher teach it in a non-boring and engaging way. Then Dmitry will try and strive for good grades and, remarkably, praise. He loves to be praised, especially in front of everyone, when people give him compliments. This helps Dmitry feel capable and smart.

At an older age, Dmitry becomes calmer and more confident. He realizes that if he wants, he can achieve a lot. Dmitry sets only realistic goals for himself, without building castles in the air. He does not dream of the impossible, trying to concentrate on what is truly achievable. Usually, Dmitry chooses a profession related to physical labor. He likes to bring real benefits to people, and not sit in an office at a table littered with papers. Dmitry is one of those who simply need their work to be interesting and exciting, and not just a means of making money. Otherwise, Dmitry loses interest in his chosen activity and looks for something more suitable for himself. In addition to interest, Dmitry’s work must certainly involve communication, since he cannot live without it and begins to get bored, and boredom for him is the worst punishment. Besides this, Dmitry can be seriously tired by the routine of work; he constantly needs something new.

Dmitry is romantic and amorous, ready to do reckless things for the sake of his beloved.

Diminutive forms of the name Dmitry

Dima, Dimochka, Dimulya, Dimusha, Dimusya, Mitya, Mitenka, Mityai, Mityaychik, Mityusha, Mityushenka, Mityulya, Mityunya.


Purposeful and active, always knows what he wants. He is not used to giving in to anyone or anything; he always strives to defend his point of view, trying to prove to everyone around him that he is right. Finds it difficult to compromise.


A very energetic personality type. Loves sports, especially team sports, travel, new discoveries and impressions. He cannot sit idle, he always finds something to do, he has many hobbies and interests.

Charming, charismatic, loving to be the center of attention. He loves big companies, where he can show off his sense of humor and erudition. He is a little scared by the need to be serious and responsible, so he seems a little childish to others.


Someone who sees the world through rose-colored glasses. He likes to make plans for the future that will never come true, dream about impossible things, and so on. He needs a friend nearby who could bring him down to earth.

a lion

He believes that he is always right in everything, and is ready to defend his opinion to the last, even if he himself knows that he is wrong. He often seems to others to be too stubborn and unable to admit that he is wrong.


Closed and taciturn, he does not have many friends because he selects them too carefully. Likes to spend time alone with a good book, can't stand big noisy companies.


A frivolous and cheerful person who has a lot of friends and acquaintances in whose company he enjoys spending time. He talks a lot, sometimes without any meaning - he just likes to chat.


Honest and open, hates flattery, duplicity and lies. He has an excellent understanding of people and can “see through” anyone at the first meeting. In rare cases, he can manipulate people to achieve his own benefit.


The owner of a strong character and iron willpower, which help him achieve unprecedented heights. He knows how to show gentleness when necessary, so he has practically no ill-wishers.


Endowed with a great sense of humor, which helps him overcome all kinds of difficulties. He prefers to deal with his problems himself, without resorting to anyone's help.


Sophisticated, elegant, polite. He is popular with women, from which he benefits. He knows how to please someone who will like him usefully at one time or another.