What type of house block is needed for finishing the inside? Block house finishing inside the house and apartment. The products have a number of advantages

Block house is one of the types of lining. It is also used for finishing interiors and creating a ventilated facade. A traditional block house consists of boards with a convex outside. The parts are connected to each other using a tongue-and-groove fastening. Finished wall it looks like it is made of timber.

Types of material

Elements of a block house can be not only wooden. Metal and vinyl parts are also available. Each type of finish has its own characteristics.

The main material for slats is coniferous trees, as they are less susceptible to rotting. From one log four blanks are obtained, which are kept in drying chamber in two weeks.

Main advantage wood finishing façade – appearance. Imitation wood can only deceive the eye from a distance. Up close the impression will be completely different. In addition, wood retains heat for a long time. This property can be used to improve the microclimate in the house.

Details of a metal block house are curved steel plates that follow the shape of one or two logs. On the outside there is a pattern imitating wooden surface. The interior is coated with a layer of primer and paint.

The facade made of metal elements does not deteriorate from moisture and temperature fluctuations, and is resistant to fire, able to withstand strong blows and mechanical damage, and it is also not exposed to insects. Thanks to this, the coating will not have to be renewed every 5-7 years.

It is worth considering that metal parts have high thermal conductivity. They get very hot in hot weather and quickly give off heat in cold weather.

A vinyl block house is the cheapest substitute for a wooden one. Like metal, it is not affected by sun rays and biological factors. During a fire, it does not burn, but melts slowly, and at the same time it is non-toxic. Vinyl parts will last at least 20 years without losing their original appearance.

However, this material is sensitive to temperature changes, which can provoke the appearance of mold and mildew. The surface of a vinyl block house is heterogeneous and does not always look like wood.


There are two types of cladding: with and without insulation.

Let's look at the first, more popular option.

All design elements are equally important. If you neglect the vapor barrier or wind barrier, it will have to be repaired much more often. Layers are listed in direction from the wall.

The block house is installed in the same order:

  • A vapor barrier layer is needed to protect the insulation from moisture vapor from the wall.
  • Lathing – the frame of the facade, creates space between the wall and the block house. It is made from timber with a cross section of 100*40 mm.
  • Thermal insulation. Roll insulation, such as mineral wool, is best suited. Optimal thickness layer – 10 cm.
  • The wind protection is attached to the sheathing beam. It protects the facade from the wind, and the insulation from the moisture contained in the air.
  • Counter grille – wooden slats, to which the block house boards are attached. They have a cross section of 20*40 mm. Creates empty space between the wind barrier film and outer skin, which protects the inner surface of the boards from moisture.
  • The outer layer is the block house itself.

The design is quite light and does not create a load on the foundation. You can equip such a façade not only during the construction of a new house, but also during the renovation of old buildings.

How to choose?

The quality of wooden elements can be determined by markings.

  • E – extra class. The parts have a perfectly smooth surface. A coating made from such lamellas will not be cheap, but it will also have to be updated less frequently.

  • A – products with a well-planed base, without mechanical damage. The parts are suitable for both interior and exterior finishing.

  • B – boards made from low quality raw materials. There are knots, small holes, and cracks on the surface.
  • C – the base of the lamellas is poorly planed, pieces of bark, cracks, falling knots and holes may remain. Outside, material of this quality will quickly deteriorate, and professionals recommend using it only for interior decoration.

The requirements and standards of different industries may differ significantly, so it is advisable to buy material from the same manufacturer. It is important to pay attention not only to the markings, but also to the appearance of the slats.

Here are some more tips to help you find a quality block house.

  • Larch is best suited for exterior decoration. It retains its original appearance for a long time and practically does not rot. Pine is a cheaper raw material, inferior to larch in quality and durability. A block house made of spruce is good only for interiors.

  • For finishing facades, professionals recommend using lamellas with a thickness of 35 mm or more. The length of the parts can be 2-6 m, width - from 15 cm. All elements must be the same size, and the number of joints must be minimal.
  • Boards made from trees grown in the northern regions have greater density. This improves other characteristics of the material.
  • High-quality lamellas will not have mold, rot, cracks or falling knots.

  • Please note the storage conditions: the goods must be stored under cover on pallets or racks. Check the integrity of the packaging.
  • Try connecting the parts. The tenon should fit into the groove tightly, but without much effort.

  • Find out the moisture level of the lamellas and the size of the pitch. The permissible value of the first indicator is up to 20%, the second - up to 3 mm in depth and up to 8 mm in width.
  • It is good if the parts have undergone protective treatment with biopyrenes and fire retardants. It makes them more resistant to action external factors.
  • The finish will be more beautiful if the boards match the scale of the house. On facades big houses Wide lamellas look better, and narrow ones are suitable for small ones.

How to sheathe?

A block house can be used not only to decorate a private house, but also a gazebo or bathhouse. The basis for such a facade can be a wall made of any material: wood, brick, aerated concrete. It can be made the external part of a frame building.

A short list of required materials:

  • beams for sheathing and counter-lattice;
  • glass wool;
  • vapor barrier and wind barrier films;
  • nails with anti-corrosion coating for fastening panels;
  • antiseptic (if wooden parts were not processed).

The work of installing the structure includes a number of stages.

  • Preparation. It is necessary to stock up on all materials. If the block house slats have not undergone industrial treatment, you will have to do it manually using antiseptics.
  • Installation of vapor barrier. Fix the film from bottom to top so that the strips overlap each other by 10 cm. You can fasten it with a stapler. Then seal the seams with tape.

  • Installation of sheathing. The distance between the beams should not exceed 60 cm. Make additional slats near the door and window openings - they will be useful when installing the counter-lattice. It is easier to attach frame elements to metal corners. The slots on them allow the elements to be installed strictly vertically.
  • Working with insulation. The glass wool is laid tightly so that there are no gaps between it and the sheathing. Condensation accumulates in them, and the presence of moisture does not have the best effect on wooden structures. And if moisture gets on the glass wool, its effectiveness will decrease. The front surface of the insulation is covered with wind protection.

There is an algorithm for installing lining:

  • Attach counter batten slats to the sheathing.
  • Beat off the bottom row line. A laser or water level will definitely help you do this.

  • Trim the ends of the sheathing that protrude beyond the line.
  • Secure the first board along the line. Place it with the tenon facing up - then moisture will not collect in the grooves. Nails are driven in from above and below, into the tenon and into the groove. This must be done carefully to avoid chipping.
  • Continue laying the second and subsequent rows in the same way.

If the length of the wall is greater than the length of the block house.

  • Place the joints on the same vertical line. Then nail a board 10-15 mm wide and 20 mm thick on top. The same boards can be used to trim corners, slopes and trims. This method is easier, but the finish looks unprofessional.
  • The joints are placed in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the cuts must be perfectly adjusted to each other, and the length of each board is selected separately. The facade will look much more attractive.

In the next video you will see how to cover the facade of a house with a block house with insulation.

What to paint with?

Wood is an aesthetically attractive material, but susceptible to various influences. It can be damaged by moisture, temperature changes in winter, ultraviolet rays and insects. Block house elements made from natural raw materials are no exception. Extend service life wooden facade impregnations and protective paint coatings will help. A more expensive version of the block house undergoes industrial processing in autoclaves. The coating elements are impregnated with compounds that protect the wood from fire, rotting and the destructive effects of other factors.

Those who bought untreated parts should improve their properties themselves. This must be done before installation. It is advisable to process both the planks, the sheathing, and the base. Impregnations and stains are suitable for this.

Impregnations do not change the appearance of wood. All compositions can be divided into three groups:

  • Acrylic water soluble ones are used for untreated wood. Good for interior decoration, as they do not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Alkyd ones are made on the basis of white spirit and alkyd resins. They create a durable coating, but have a serious drawback - a pungent odor. Used only for facade work.
  • Oilseeds are made from natural oils, most often linseed. The coating takes a long time to absorb and dry, but is durable. But it is incompatible with some paints.

If construction or renovation work related to home improvement, then before you start finishing the facade, you must definitely choose the appropriate building material. As the most optimal option Finishing the facade with a block house may be considered.

Advantages of modern block house lining

Block house is a material that perfectly imitates high-quality rounded logs. It is considered universal, as it can be used for both internal and external cladding.

It has undeniable advantages:

  • the block house does not crack;
  • it provides excellent thermal insulation;
  • attractive appearance of the smooth surface of the panels;
  • the material is durable;
  • it is sold at a reasonable price;
  • if any area is damaged, it can be easily restored by sanding and painting;
  • external installation is carried out in a short time;
  • the finishing material does not create a large load on the foundation;
  • such decoration testifies to the respectability of the owners of the country house;
  • The block house has enviable strength: it perfectly resists accidental impacts or the ingress of sand and small stones.

Features of installation and fastening of a block house

  • Before you start work and secure the block house to the facade, you will need to prepare everything you need. To acclimatize, the boards are removed from the packaging and kept indoors. At the same time, the block house in the exterior is ultimately a structure that provides comfort and maximum heat retention.
  • An excellent choice is larch material. Give preference to a board with a large width. If it is better to install a narrow block house in a vertical position, then a wide one - in a horizontal position.
  • The design feature of the board is as follows: it has a tongue and groove. This profile is called folk craftsmen"tongue". This design ensures a strong connection between the boards so that they form a complete panel.

Main stages of installation

  1. First, the vapor barrier is attached.
  2. Lathing is being done.
  3. They make insulation, wind protection and roof grilles.
  4. The block house is being secured. Before this, holes are pre-drilled in the boards (before fastening) with a drill, into which nails or screws will go.

Block house fastening

The self-tapping screw can be screwed into the base of the tenon; subsequently, this fastening is hidden behind the groove of another board.

It is important to arrange the material in the optimal way. The board should be fastened with the tenon facing up. In this case, moisture will not accumulate, which is harmful to the wood. In addition, dust will not get in here, which will allow you to preserve the completed cladding for a long time. We recommend reading the article about .

Finishing and care features for exterior cladding

Finishing the facade with a block house involves taking certain measures to protect it.

Today, manufacturers produce a wide variety of products on the market:

  • antiseptics;
  • paints;
  • stains;
  • mastics;
  • varnishes.

Surface treatment is carried out in several successive stages:

  1. First of all, a primer is applied to the surface.
  2. After this, painting or applying a clear varnish is performed.
  3. The surface is polished.
  4. The final coating is done with paint or varnish.

These types of work are necessary: ​​in the future, the service life of the block house depends on the quality of their implementation.

The coating requires monitoring and care. If high-quality materials were used, then it is enough to update the coating from time to time: for example, once every 5-7 years. In some cases, this period may be even longer.

When updating, you need to take the same paint, since otherwise you will have to remove the paint material that was there before. You can read the material about.

Decorating a house with a block house (video)

Little tricks

  • Waterproofing work will be most effective if you use modern glassine material. It is easy to install, and the finish will not be affected by moisture.
  • By choosing a stain to suit your taste, you can add additional expressiveness. It is possible to give the wood the desired shade or texture.

Block house is a modern finishing material made from wood. Finishing with such material not only gives the room an aesthetic appearance, but also allows you to create a favorable microclimate. This article will tell you about the features of finishing the space inside the house with a block house, design ideas and installation methods.


Block house is a type of lining. On one side, the surface of the panels has a convex shape, which visually resembles a log house or rounded timber. There are special tenons and grooves for fastening to the material.

Block house is used for internal and exterior finishing. Building materials can be used to cover premises small area, since the thickness of the panels is not very large.

Products have whole line benefits.

  • Safety for human health. Since the panels are made from natural wood, the block house is a completely environmentally friendly material.
  • The panels do not create a large load on the walls due to the fact that they have a small mass.
  • Material provides good level soundproofing.
  • The coating has thermal insulation properties. Of course, the panels do not provide absolute heat retention, but they minimize the influence of cold surfaces on the microclimate.

  • The material is easily attached to the surface of walls and ceilings. The work is not difficult even for beginners.
  • A block house made of valuable wood fills the room pleasant aroma, which creates a special mood and has a beneficial effect on the health of household members.
  • Wooden panels It is not necessary to use it to decorate the entire room. The block house goes well with other materials; it can be used to decorate only one wall or part of it.

Types of material

On the modern construction market you can find many types of block houses, which differ in some parameters and characteristics. The main classification involves identifying several types of material depending on its quality.

  • "Extra".“Extra-class” panels have no significant defects, are of excellent quality and high cost.
  • Category "A". Panels in this category differ good quality. A small presence of healthy knots is allowed, resin pockets and traces of pests (wormholes) no more than three millimeters wide.
  • Category "B". The material may have more significant surface defects. However, defects should not spoil the operational and decorative characteristics panels.
  • Category "C". Products of this class are characterized by low cost and poor quality. The material has an unpresentable appearance and needs additional processing. Panels of this class can be used to decorate the walls of utility rooms.

On performance characteristics The block house is influenced by the type of wood from which the material was made.

  • Pine. On such a surface there are usually traces of knots, which create an interesting pattern. The material can be used for both interior and exterior decoration of houses.
  • Siberian fir. This material stands out among other coniferous trees due to its lightest weight. Fir contains little resin, so this wood is susceptible to rotting and requires additional treatment with an antiseptic.
  • Spruce. This material has a beautiful texture. Unlike pine, spruce has a lighter shade.
  • Cedar. This wood has a pleasant aroma and has a good effect on the indoor microclimate.

  • Larch. This material is highly durable. Larch contains a large number of resin, which protects the material from rotting.
  • Alder. This type of wood is considered one of the most durable and moisture-resistant. The performance characteristics of alder panels only improve over time.
  • Linden. This coating is practically not affected by high temperatures. Most often, a linden block house is used for cladding bathhouses.
  • Birch. The wood has a homogeneous structure and can be easily processed with paints and varnishes. Using birch panels you can create an imitation of almost any expensive type of wood.
  • Aspen. Such panels are not subject to rotting, they tolerate moisture well and are highly durable.

Wood panels can have different lengths, widths and thicknesses. Standard material thicknesses are 20, 30 and 36 millimeters. The width can vary from 90 to 190 millimeters. Intermediate widths of the produced material are usually 120, 140 and 160 millimeters. The length of the panels is usually two or six meters.

How to choose?

The choice of a suitable block house depends on several parameters.

When purchasing material, you should consider the following factors:

  • room area;
  • interior design style;
  • purpose of the room;
  • type of surface to be finished.

For small apartments or small rooms it is better to use panels with minimum thickness. Such material does not “take up” a lot of space. For large rooms, you can use wide panels, which will create an imitation of rounded timber.

The block house looks good in such interior styles as country, rustic, Provence, shabby chic. The panels combine well with other materials, such as decorative plaster, natural stone or paint coatings. You can decorate only part of the wall with a block house, creating an interesting interior solution.

The panels are quite easy to install on a variety of bases. Most often the material is used for cladding brick, concrete, wood or metal surfaces.

The purpose of the room in which the cladding is planned affects the choice of the type of wood from which the panels are made. In rooms with high humidity the best option there will be moisture-resistant tree species.

When choosing a block house, it is also important to pay attention to its quality. There should be no damage or significant defects on the surface of the material.

How to sheathe: step-by-step instructions

Cladding the walls of a block house can be easily done with your own hands. Installation work do not require careful cleaning and leveling of the base, since the panels are attached to the sheathing. Before starting the main work, it is recommended to treat the planks of the block house outside and inside antiseptic composition and dry at room temperature.

Surface preparation

To protect the base from the adverse effects of external factors and microorganisms, it is necessary to clean it of contaminants and treat it with antiseptic impregnation. If there are significant unevenness on the surface, the wall must be leveled with plaster or putty.

Main preparatory stage Before cladding the block house with panels, the frame is installed. For the lathing, timber is used, the thickness of which can be from three to four centimeters. The slats are vertically attached to the surface at intervals of 50-65 centimeters using dowels and self-tapping screws.

First you need to attach the slats in opposite corners of the room. When installing timber in the corners, it is first fixed top part. The correct position of the lower part is determined using a building level.

A rope is stretched between the installed slats, then the remaining parts of the structure are fastened, starting from the middle of the wall.

It is more convenient to attach the beam starting from the top. After the structure is completely installed, you can begin facing work.


It is recommended to start fastening the block house panels from the bottom of the wall, moving towards the ceiling. It is necessary to leave a small gap (no more than a centimeter) between the first panel and the floor to form good ventilation. The material is attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.

The screws are screwed into the groove using a screwdriver at an angle of 30-45 degrees. As an alternative fastener, you can use special clamps. The advantage of this type of fastening is that it will be hidden behind the panels.

Each subsequent panel is placed with a tenon in the groove of the previous plank and knocked down for better fixation using a carpenter's hammer. If wall cladding is carried out in a room with high humidity, then it is recommended to leave a gap of a couple of millimeters between the panels. This will avoid deformation of the block house.

There is no need to attach the material close to the ceiling; it is recommended to leave a small gap (five millimeters). The joints of the planks are masked with decorative corners.

Finishing work

After all the planks are securely attached to the sheathing, it is recommended to level the surface grinder. To improve performance characteristics, wood also needs to be treated with antiseptic and fire-retardant impregnation.

The gaps that were formed during installation between the slats and the floor, as well as the slats and the ceiling, must be closed with skirting boards. To make the cladding more aesthetically pleasing, the block house can be treated with paint, varnish or stain.

When painting the surface, it is better to use water-dispersive compositions to preserve natural structure wood. Application technology paint composition does not differ from similar processing of any other wooden structures.

Block house can be an excellent competitor to eurolining. Wood panels are produced using the latest developments and technologies, and the use of a blockhouse for interior decoration helps to reproduce a unique atmosphere of comfort and home comfort. The smell of freshly planed wood has the most beneficial effect on the well-being of all household members.

According to its characteristics, the block house is more reminiscent of eurolining. Individual parts the coatings are joined using a tongue and groove. There are special ventilation grooves on the flat surface of the board, outer side looks like a calibrated log.

Block house is considered a natural finishing material, and accordingly has certain quality characteristics:

  • environmental friendliness - absolutely non-toxic finishing material. During manufacturing, the wood undergoes only a natural drying process, the surface is not treated chemicals, capable of harming a person;
  • thermal insulation - wooden panels are an excellent insulator, capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room;
  • sound insulation - walls decorated with a blockhouse do not allow outside sounds from the street to penetrate into the house, creating good sound and sound insulation;
  • ease of assembly - the well-thought-out design of the panels does not cause any difficulties during the installation process;
  • light weight - the lightness of the entire structure allows the material to be used for interior decoration of the walls of loggias and balconies;
  • external attractiveness - decorators actively use the aesthetic appearance of the finishing material to create unique interiors in a popular rustic style;
  • combination - a wide variety of finishing materials can be organically combined with a blockhouse.

Among the existing shortcomings are:

  • fire hazard - in order to reduce the increased flammability of the material, it must be processed already finished surfaces special composition;
  • possibility of deformation - careless actions during wall installation can leave serious dents and defects on the finishing material;
  • poor vapor permeability - during operation, mold and mildew may form under the panels. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to arrange good ventilation and regularly ventilate the room.

Types of block houses for interior decoration

Before you start choosing panels for decorating walls in a residential or utility room, you should pay attention to their size, type and grade. The house block for interior decoration is smaller in size, its width is about 9 cm. The small size of the panels helps to visually expand the boundaries of the rooms. If you use wooden panels to decorate the walls bigger size, you can achieve the opposite effect: the room will turn out small and uncomfortable.

Separation of material by grade:

  • elite material - smooth and even panels do not have any visible scratches, chips or defects. Premium class material is used for wall decoration in luxury country cottages;
  • grade A - high-quality finishing material is chosen for interior decoration living rooms and commercial facilities;
  • grade B - there are various irregularities and knots on the surface of the wooden panels. Most often, the economy option is chosen for arranging steam rooms and baths;
  • grade C - a less presentable grade of wood used for finishing storage rooms or outbuildings.

Block house varieties

On sale you can also find intermediate options AB or BC. Before purchasing finishing material, you should make sure that the wood was stored in conditions that meet all standards. Otherwise, the finish may crack or warp after installation.

How to choose the right one

Deciduous and coniferous trees are used to produce natural finishing materials. Pine has a large number of knots that create a unique pattern, spruce gives the finishing material an excellent texture, and cedar is able to maintain an excellent microclimate in a living space.

Before choosing one or another type of decoration, you should determine whether decoration will be carried out in residential or auxiliary premises. If you are going to decorate a block house inside the house, you can choose a variety of finishing panels.

It is not recommended to use it for the interior arrangement of a bathhouse or dressing room. conifers, it is better to give preference to wooden panels made from alder, linden or aspen.

Coniferous wood releases resin when exposed to temperature; in addition, it has a high heat capacity. The covering may become hot and cause discomfort. Linden, on the contrary, reduces the likelihood of negative impacts.

Interesting use cases

When decorating the interior of a block house, various design solutions. The photo shows the most original options decoration.

Wall decoration can be:

  • complete - the ceiling and all walls in the room are sewn up with a house block;
  • combined - in this case, one or more walls of the room are decorated with finishing material.


The block house can be organically combined with other decorative elements, for example, lining, wallpaper or textured plaster. Natural material goes well with stone or glass, as well as with forged decorative elements. The use of wooden panels for wall decoration allows decorators to bring to life the most original ideas And unusual solutions. Vivid examples of decoration can be seen in the photo.

With the help of wooden panels, decorators recreate the interior decor of a merchant's farmstead or a simple peasant house. If desired, you can create the atmosphere of a hunting lodge or cozy design Alpine chalet.

Wall decoration with natural, eco-friendly material is carried out in the living room, bedroom or children's room. Examples of decorating living rooms can be seen in the photo gallery. Wooden panels are often used to decorate auxiliary buildings. These include baths and saunas. The photo selection contains options for decorating the walls of the steam room and dressing room.

Decorators choose block house panels to create beautiful landscape design. The building material is used to decorate fences, gazebos or open terraces.

Block house interior finishing technology

Installation building material indoors, carried out along the lathing; for arrangement there is no need to pre-prepare the surfaces or level the walls. The sheathing consists of a assembled set of planed wooden blocks or slats; they are attached to the wall with a calculated step. To create a structure, you need a 5x5 cm block or a lath up to 7 cm wide. The bars cut to size are installed at a distance of 50-70 cm in a level or plumb line.

Installation of sheathing and laying insulation

During assembly, the board must be positioned with the tenon facing up - this will allow condensation to accumulate during operation. To avoid surface deformations, the panels should not be installed back to back.

Attaching block house panels to the sheathing is done using clamps, screws or nails. The method of fastening primarily depends on the size of the wooden board. To install thin boards, you can use nails, and thicker finishing material is mounted using self-tapping screws.

Fastening a house block into a tenon using a screw Special staples (clasps)

You can start decorating walls not only from below, but also from above. You need to leave a small gap at the edges of the sheathing for better air circulation under the surface to be decorated.

During installation wooden board insert the protruding tenon directly into the groove. It is especially important that the tenon of the first and subsequent boards is located towards natural source Sveta. In this case, you can successfully hide the resulting joint. After joining, the panels are fastened with self-tapping screws or nails to the sheathing.

To increase the service life of the decorated surface, the panels must be treated with a special compound. The finish is primed and then covered with clear paint or a layer of wax-based varnish. After drying, the surface is sanded and covered with another layer of varnish.

Schemes for installing a block house vertically and horizontally
Perfect joining of internal corners

Rules of care

Today there are many modern means, which can protect the surface of wall cladding made from block house panels. Most often, wax or special primers are used. After coating treatment by special means it is necessary to periodically clean them from dust with a vacuum cleaner or carry out a small wet cleaning. It is not recommended to use modern cleaning products or abrasives.

You can give natural wood a bright, picturesque shade using a variety of paint and varnish materials and stain. The varnish coating significantly increases the service life of the interior decoration, but it must be renewed annually. The stain will highlight the beautiful texture wood material, will create a spectacular shine on surfaces and help the finishing material acquire the required color.

Despite his traditional look, finishing a block house inside a house can be classified as modern species registration Wooden panels fit perfectly into any modern style, helping to create interiors that are unique in their beauty and luxury.

With the help of convenient functional blocks, it is possible to change the style of home decoration in the shortest possible time, without resorting to the help of specialists. In the photo you can see options for finishing a block house modern interiors in the style of hi-tech, loft, minimalism.

Today, the block house is the most attractive option for decorating spacious country properties or a cozy country house. To create a high-quality coating, it is necessary to strictly follow all stages of installation and subsequent care of the surfaces being decorated. Modern material allows you to create an original and aesthetic interior in the room and at the same time, thanks to its environmental friendliness, provides the most comfortable living conditions.


How to properly install a block house indoors.

Photo of the interior decoration of a block house

Indoor design options using a block house.

Wood finishing - this type of cladding will be popular at all times, experienced builders there is no doubt about it. The fact is that wood not only makes the appearance of your home more luxurious and respectable - wood is characterized by high performance indicators, and, what is most valuable, environmental safety. Cladding a house with a blockhouse is a great way to improve your house made of concrete or brick, giving it natural, natural beauty.

Blockhouse - material parameters

According to all external indicators the blockhouse is very similar to a log, but its performance characteristics are much higher.

Why today finishing a house with a blockhouse is it so popular? There are many reasons for this, for example:

  • High level of strength;
  • Impressive fire safety;
  • The blockhouse has a relatively low mass;
  • It is resistant to harmful ultraviolet rays;
  • When using a blockhouse, you can forget about additional thermal insulation - wood conducts heat remarkably well;
  • The material does not rot and is perfectly resistant to various pests;
  • The cost is moderate;
  • Installation is easy;
  • For many years, finishing a house with a blockhouse will retain its original properties (which cannot be said about many alternative solutions).

Blockhouse installation

Let's talk about what installation of a blockhouse is like.

Requirements for materials and base

To ensure that the service life of the new blockhouse cladding is as long as possible, you should: stick to some rules when performing work:

  1. Blockhouse boards should only be laid on dry walls. In addition, the base is pre-cleaned from fungus, mold, old plaster is also removed.
  2. Before installing the panels, they are dried. If the humidity is too high, the entire future blockhouse cladding may warp when drying, that is, the finishing will have to be done anew.
  3. Cladding a house with a Block House - with your own hands or with the help of specialists - is done on the condition that only galvanized elements are used as fasteners. If you ignore this point, streaks of rust will ruin the entire upholstery.

Preparation for installation

Before you start covering the outside of your house, you need to wait a while so that your new, recently purchased panels adapt slightly to climatic conditions of your future stay.

While the blockhouse is being “prepared,” certain repairs should also be carried out, which include the following:

  1. Must be installed first vapor barrier material– affordable glassine or perforated film copes with this task perfectly. When finishing a blockhouse, the vapor barrier is overlapped, and aluminum tape is also used in the work.
  2. Before covering the façade of the house with Block House, you should make the sheathing. It should be performed only from materials that have been pre-treated with antiseptics. You can easily attach the timber to a wooden wall using self-tapping screws or simple nails.
If you need to decorate with a blockhouse brickwork, you will have to make special holes for the frame dowels.

When arranging the sheathing bars, they are guided by the following rule: in the future a layer of thermal insulation must fit freely between them. As practice shows, a gap of 0.6 m between the bars is quite sufficient.

  • As part of the next stage, it fits thermal insulation material. Excellent thermal insulation for a blockhouse - fiberglass. This material can be found on sale in the form mineral wool or slabs. Mineral wool today is produced, including in the form of rolls.
  • Next, a waterproofing layer is laid. Waterproof film is ideal for this material. It is simply attached to the sheathing bars - to make it easier, use a construction stapler.
  • After all the above operations, one more sheathing should be done. That's all - now decorating the outside of a house with a blockhouse can be done without any difficulties with your own hands.

Blockhouse on walls - finishing technology

If during work you decide that the material should be tinted, then it is advised to paint the grooves and tenons of the board in advance - it is possible that in the future its size will change, that is, stripes that were not painted will be visible. Often the materials that are used for (in gazebos, attics) are also tinted.

Blockhouse installation: instructions:

  • Laying boards begins from the bottom row.

Compared to others finishing materials, which are often used for cladding houses, blockhouses are usually laid exclusively in a horizontal position.
  • Claymers are not often used when decorating a house with a blockhouse - this is due to their low reliability. Fastening is done with nails or self-tapping screws.
Since the blockhouse that is chosen for finishing houses is of sufficient thickness, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws - nails only as a last resort. This is explained by the fact that due to thermal expansion, the panels are often turned inside out. The nails, accordingly, are also pulled out of their sockets. Self-tapping screws are usually screwed into holes that are made in advance.

  1. In order for the blockhouse board to be securely fastened, it is best to fasten it with two screws at once. One should be close to the groove, the other should be near the tenon.
  2. The boards should be laid so that they are positioned with the tenon facing up. This is due to the fact that moisture easily accumulates in the grooves. In addition, a small gap is left vertically and horizontally between the boards - this is necessary for ventilation.
  3. The next stage of finishing a house with a block house is processing the gaps: here either putty is chosen, or wooden dowels are installed (attached with glue). The excess dowel is simply cut off and the edges are sanded.
  4. When the work is completed, the surface of the blockhouse is often treated with tinting compounds or special varnishes. This is done like this: first one layer of the compound is applied to the boards, then sanding is done, then the compound is applied again - this time in two layers.
  5. Video: covering a house with a blockhouse - a short lesson to reinforce everything described above. Be sure to take a look, perhaps you will find answers to questions that we did not consider. In fact, everything is no more complicated than that - if desired, anyone with even minimal construction experience can figure it out.

How to arrange corners

When finishing an old house with a blockhouse, special attention should be paid to the upholstery of the corners. This problem can be dealt with easily - there are special corners for this, they are also called decorative.

However, this solution there are certain disadvantages.

  • Since the baseboards will only come into contact with the protruding surface of the panels, large gaps will certainly arise.
  • In this case, it is recommended to install simply planed timber in the corner.
  • A 50 to 50 section is quite enough.
  • Next, boards are simply attached to this beam.
  • Decorating the outside of houses with a blockhouse is ideal for decorating both internal and external corners.
  • The part of the timber that protrudes can always be rounded - the cladding with this approach will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Blockhouse finishing price

Now let's talk about the cost of such work.

Of course, you can do everything yourself - if you want. But, if you doubt your own abilities or there is no free time for such activities at all, you can always negotiate with specialists.

On average, the cost of finishing a house with Block House ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles - for every 10 square meters.

Of course, material prices are not taken into account here - these are separate costs.

When buying a blockhouse, it is best to look towards Finnish or American-made products. Many years of experience of finishers shows that such boards are of excellent quality, can be used without complaints for a longer period, and the percentage of defective products is minimal.

Since decorating a house with a blockhouse is a task that not every family can afford, there is Alternative option– cover the house with gardening that imitates a blockhouse. Nowadays, metal and vinyl siding is in great demand - this material is ideal for finishing the facades of houses.

What are the advantages of vinyl? as a material for sheathing:

  1. Extremely easy to maintain
  2. Fireproof;
  3. Not afraid of corrosion;
  4. It can always be repaired without complications;
  5. It weighs little.

The advantages of metal siding are::

  • The material does not burn;
  • Is very durable;
  • Environmentally safe, environment any hazardous substances does not highlight;
  • Installation is easy, as is subsequent maintenance.

Among other advantages, finishing siding is not too expensive and has a very presentable appearance - the effect will be almost the same as decorating a house with a blockhouse. Another argument in favor is that the choice of colors is very wide. For example, you can easily find the following shades:

  1. Caramel;
  2. Banana;
  3. Pistachio;
  4. Cream;
  5. Eggplant, etc.

In addition, if you choose siding, keep in mind: manufacturers accompany their products with components, including external and internal corners. The set may also contain initial strips - with the help of all this, wall cladding can be done quickly, and at the same time with very high quality.

To consolidate the material, watch the video: house cladding vinyl siding with your own hands. The effect is almost like a blockhouse, only cheaper and slightly faster.

Conclusion – finishing a house with a blockhouse: good or bad

These days, blockhouses are in great demand. Choose him for various advantages, and also because this material is of very high quality imitation log.

Laying a blockhouse is easy, the material is easy to maintain, and your home will look more natural under these panels.

There is only one minus - high prices; not every family can afford such expenses from the budget. So, if you really like the blockhouse, but you can’t afford it, feel free to use siding for the blockhouse - there will be practically no differences in appearance.