Design work in the garden. Garden and vegetable garden design (57 photos): arrangement of flower beds, sculptures and ponds. An ideal tool for garden decor - the presence of a large number of different colors

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For owners country houses spring period- this is a favorite time when you can design and create the most creative and original ideas and turn the local area into a colorful flower garden or a luxurious park. Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house bring great joy, photos of which can be seen in this review. Flowers represent essential element when creating landscape design, therefore, before planting trees and a variety of vegetables on the site, it is worth considering where to leave space for creating a flower garden.

Free form flower garden

Front gardens and a variety of flower beds bring revitalization of the territory. Do not immediately take on complex compositions. Using the advice of professionals, you can create interesting landscape solutions.

The first time you can choose the appropriate option and follow the steps. Flower beds can be vertical, horizontal, as well as in the form of rockeries and alpine slides.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can see, come in a variety of forms:

  • The most common geometries are circle and oval. They are composed beautiful compositions, starting from the contour of the structure and gaining strength towards the central part.

  • In a flower garden of a square configuration, bright and rich ornaments are created. The simplicity of this geometry allows you to perform beautiful patterns.

  • Flower beds in the shape of a triangle or a star look spectacular.

  • Decoration of landscape design can be structures of irregular configuration. Such elements fit perfectly into uncomfortable areas.

Expert point of view

Oksana Borisova

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Varieties of flower beds

You can consider and pick up flower beds in the courtyard of a private house from the photo. There are several original types of flower beds. Basically, they differ in materials and purpose.

The following options are worth considering:


  • Rabatka is flat design, which consists of various plants. It may be on one side.

  • The front garden is a space in front of the house, which may border the road.

  • Arabesques will appeal to fans of non-standard solutions. In this case, undersized crops are used, which are planted in the form of geometric shapes. In addition, stones are used lawn grass and fine gravel.

  • The rock garden is a hill of stones, on the surface of which shrubs and plants are planted.

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  • A tapeworm is a flower garden planted with flowers that have a common feature.

Stylish solution - tapeworm

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Overview of conifers and deciduous plants for self-creation beautiful hedges, examples beautiful solutions and care tips in a special publication.
  • Rockery consists of a mixture of stones and plants.

Stages of creating a flower bed

The creation and design of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house photo is characterized by a strict sequence. It is necessary to properly cultivate the soil and pick up and plant flowers.

Choosing the right place

Before proceeding with the implementation of flower arrangements, it is recommended to draw and mark the project on paper. The shape of the structure is selected depending on the style of construction and the surrounding landscape. The site is chosen so that the plants receive at least five hours of light per day. It is better to choose a sunny place without drafts. Lawn grass and weeds are removed from the selected area.

Astra seeds

Expert point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

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“In the planned project, it is necessary to take into account the flowering periods of the selected crops. In order for flowering to occur throughout the year, in addition to flowers, it is worth using various crops with an evergreen cover.

How to determine the type of soil?

A flower garden can be broken into areas with any type of soil. If the soil is clay, then you can add sand. Poor soil can be fertilized with compost. It improves soil fertility and improves air circulation. Peat is used as fertilizer. Under any soil, you can choose suitable plants.

Soil preparation methods

Before proceeding with the arrangement of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, the photos of which are given in the article, it is required to prepare the soil. To saturate the soil with oxygen and distribute fertilizers, the soil is dug up with a garden fork or a shovel. First, the perimeter is marked and the soil is prepared for planting. The base is prepared as follows:

  • Marking is applied using pegs and a cord.
  • Sod is being removed.
  • Drainage is made of pebbles and sand.
  • The fertile layer falls asleep.

Then the relief is created. Levels are made from large stones and pebbles, which are then filled with earth. The soil for flowers should be sifted, cleaned of rhizomes and enriched with fertilizers. The ornament is marked with a tape. And the plants are placed from the center to the perimeter.

Useful advice! The best time for all planting work is spring.

Flowerbed design options: how to decorate

The design of a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house, photos suggest the use of certain types of crops. Plants must have the following properties:

  • Long flowering period.
  • Decorative during growth.
  • Weather resistant.
  • Good adaptability after transplantation.

Some simple plants look great in the form of a border strip or in small groups. This is begonia, sea alissum or ageratum. To design a flower garden, cultures of purple, brown-reddish and silver colors are often successfully used. These are coleus, geyhera, silver cineraria and irezine.

by the most the best option for flower designs are long-blooming and not tall plants. These include marigolds, pansies, salvia and daisies.

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Seedlings are planted as follows:

  • Before planting, seedlings are watered.
  • The plant is taken out of the pot along with the soil.
  • Roots with a clod of earth are placed in the hole.
  • All free space around the roots is sprinkled with earth and rammed.

pansy seeds

Useful advice! For flower arrangement plants that grow quickly are not suitable. They remain decorative for several weeks, and then grow rapidly. These include rudbeckia and dicentres. They can be planted in groups, and not in a flower garden.

Flower garden care

To design for a long time retained its decorativeness, it needs to be constantly looked after. When caring for a flower garden, the following procedures are performed:

  1. For better gas exchange, regular loosening is recommended. For mulching bark or sawdust is used.
  2. The flower garden should be regularly weeded from weeds.
  3. Tall plants need to be supported with supports.
Useful information! Weeds are easier to remove from wet soil. Therefore, the flower garden must be watered before weeding.

Creating a flower bed gives unlimited scope for design ideas. Any original ideas can be used. original designs are made from the following materials:

  • Flower beds made of stones look original and natural. Similar stones are selected in size and color. The design of slate in several layers looks stylish.

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Step-by-step instruction on manufacturing, types of forms, materials, decoration techniques and many photo examples in a special publication of our online magazine.
  • A beautiful flower garden is made of logs. To do this, a piece of log is cleared of bark. With the help of an electric saw, a niche is cut out, where drainage is laid and the earth is filled up. The surface of the log can be varnished.

Landscaping a garden is a necessary event for every novice farmer. Otherwise, after a few years, sorting out on your site will simply not be realistic. The design of the garden in the country allows you to correctly plan the use of the available space, allocating space for agricultural and ornamental crops. The landscape design of the vegetable garden and the garden allows not only to streamline planting, but also creates excellent conditions for work and leisure.

Landscape design of the garden in the country and his photo

Now some garden owners are not inspired by the idea of ​​a vegetable garden, but there are also fanatics of the gardening business, while most land owners combine the cultivation of ornamental and edible plants. How nice it is to build your own while it's not on the market or it's too expensive. If we compare the taste and appearance of cucumbers just picked from the garden with cucumbers bought at the market, then the difference is also obvious.

On the other hand, it has long been known that adults and fruit bushes- apple trees and, and plums, irga, - are unusually decorative. More and more gardeners are planting them not only in order to be able to pick a berry from a currant or gooseberry bush grown with their own hands and, perhaps, to make preparations for the winter, but also for beauty.

The landscape design of the garden in the photo may not look very practical, since for the most part summer residents are used to a different order in the beds.

Properly grown vegetables are attractive and elegant. Well-groomed beds are pleasing to the eye.

Look at the design of the garden in the country in the photo and appreciate the attractiveness of the planned beds:

Photo gallery

Country garden and vegetable garden design: videos and ideas

Healthy plants are always beautiful. You can not only enjoy them, but also admire them. country design garden allows you to use for decorative purposes not only flowering plants, but also many .

And even the most "non-gardeners" will not refuse a small, only a few square meters in size, garden herbs, it is worth starting in any garden, it requires almost no maintenance, decorative and useful, and how nice it is to serve greens grown with your own hands to the table. It is better to place it near the kitchen or next to the seating area, you should not place it in a remote place in the garden.

See the current design of the garden and vegetable garden in the video below and clearly illustrates some ideas:

Garden Design Ideas

And now let's look at practical garden design ideas with illustrations in the form of a photo. Several options for implementing ideas for a garden in the country are presented.

Garden elements:

1. gate.

2. front garden.

4. entrance road.

8. greenhouse.

9. body of water.

10. playground.

11. fruit garden.

12. potato field.

13. vegetable garden.

14. compost.

17. a screen of yellow-leaved hops and girlish grapes.

The garden here is traditional, not decorative, the ridges are stationary, fenced flat slate, neat and comfortable (length 10 m, width 80 cm), the passage between them is 50 cm. A sunny place is reserved for growing vegetables, protected from the northern winds. In the garden, according to all the rules, a three-section compost heap was made, water for irrigation is easily accessible.

Favorite vegetables - and. They always succeed. Family onions (its botanical name is shallots) have been grown for a long time, in one nest there are many large bulbs that are well stored, they taste more tender than onions .. The English proverb is right: "The best of flowers are cabbage flowers." What kind of cabbage is not grown here: cabbage of three ripening periods - early, medium, late. And beloved -. In autumn, poured red-purple heads of cabbage sit on the gray leaves.

Timely watering and top dressing, crop rotation, loose fertile soil. Every autumn, a manure machine is bought, which is laid both in the compost and on the ridges. mineral fertilizer("Kemira-universal") is also used, but sparingly, because it is expensive. Working with pleasure and intelligence gives an excellent result: annually 30 three-liter jars of pickles are rolled up, compotes are frozen, there is an abundance in the cellar sauerkraut and pickled apples.

If you enjoy growing vegetables and you can devote enough time to it, then a greenhouse will bring you a lot of joy. It is convenient to grow seedlings of vegetables and flowers in it, to keep heat-loving plants from frost. It can be not only a "closed garden", but also a cozy haven for fussing with your favorite plants and even thinking and dreaming. But, when starting a greenhouse, do not forget that you need to open it in the morning and close it in the evening, and water the plants daily. It should be purchased only if you have the desire and time to care for the plants.

A traditional garden is a separate area that must be closed from the view from the house, from the gate and the recreation area, because for most of the season (in spring, early summer and after harvesting) it looks unattractive. Here it is decorated with a long mixborder, the background of which is occupied by shrubs (turf, sumac, weeping mountain ash on a two-meter trunk, silver, park roses) and tall perennials (black cohosh, geleniums, panicled phloxes). In the foreground - low perennial asters,. This lively multi-colored "screen" perfectly copes with its task.

Eat in the garden and clean decorative elements, for example, a barberry composition at the entrance to the site, a combination of purple and yellow leaves solemn and ornate. under the old fruit trees shadow mixborders are broken, spectacularly looking against the background of a small lawn adjacent to the path. They are inhabited by decorative leafy plants: hostas, ferns, brunners, buzulniks - they feel comfortable here.

To the left of the entrance to the front garden, large shrubs are planted: chokeberry, lilac, mock orange, spirea, which do not let dust and noise from the road into the house and the plot. Between the house and the barn there is a living curtain of grapes and yellow-leaved hops, it always looks good, and in autumn it simply shocks with its beauty. After passing through it, we get to the lawn in front of the very mixborder that hides the garden, and we come to a rectangular pond. Another mixborder adjoins the house, the other - to the garage. Carefully selecting them according to the timing of flowering and planting according to all the rules, she makes up her favorite mixborders.

A decorative garden, the plan of which is a geometric pattern, is elegant and pleasing to the eye. It requires serious investment to create, but digging in the ridge-boxes is practically not needed, the yield in them is always higher, and the vegetables are earlier and more beautiful.

Zone ornamental garden and the orchard occupies about ten acres, exactly half of the plot, located on two levels, the ornamental garden is the lower level, this part of the plot goes well with the house. A successful coloristic solution of elegant wooden arches, pergolas, flower beds and balustrades, made in the same style throughout the site. Everything here is done soundly, conscientiously, with fiction and love.

Not only traditional fruit crops grow in the garden, such as apple trees, pears, currants, gooseberries, but also varietal and viburnum, frost-resistant cherries. A lot of preparations are made for the winter, both from savings, and because it is customary to do this, and vegetables from our own are much tastier.

Growing vegetables is one of the most time-consuming activities in the garden. The garden needs to be cleaned every year, fertilized, sowed, planted seedlings, watered, weeded.

Why fence him? First, to get the freshest and healthiest vegetables.

Another reason is economy. You can save some of the vegetables for the winter and make preparations, although for most working townspeople this is more of a theory. To do this, you need to be able to grow vegetables, take a large area for a garden, spend a lot of free time and a lot of effort on it.

The third reason for leaving the garden is perhaps the most important. Growing vegetables and fruits is a fascinating process that requires skill and talent. Skillful gardeners get the satisfaction of being able to grow the vegetables and varieties they want.

The beauty and functionality of a private yard is one of the priorities of a good owner. By creating comfortable space on an allotted piece of land, sometimes you have to make efforts comparable to those required for arranging a home interior. However, this process is not only for a professional designer.

The yard of this private house is provided for recreation

Clarify the purpose of our yard

First of all, you should think about what functions the plot of land will perform. Some owners of private houses cannot imagine their vacation without shady garden, while others definitely need artificial pond with ornamental fish, and in winter - a skating rink for children. All this requires additional space, which should be immediately taken into account in the site improvement project. In the allocated area, it is necessary to correctly place facilities for economic needs. To facilitate the task, we have compiled a list from which you can choose what is difficult to do without:

  • bath and summer shower;
  • garage;
  • various outbuildings;
  • swimming pool or decorative pond;
  • summer kitchen, in which it is possible to provide a brazier;
  • dog house;
  • playground for children;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • garden;
  • paths and green spaces.

Having made your own list, it is worth expressing on paper all the ideas for landscaping the territory so that the necessary facilities fit on the site - from the kitchen to the garage. This process allows you to consider the shortcomings of the scheme, as well as to realize everything, considering the composition from above. It is important to consider how convenient it will be to move around the territory, as well as how the allotment will look from different viewpoints.

When planning a site, it is necessary to think over in detail all the necessary buildings and plantings.

We divide the yard into sections according to functions

To improve functionality personal plot, it makes sense to consider dividing it into zones. This technique allows you to allocate a place to relax, make a children's corner, and also separate beds with vegetables from the main territory. To designate clear boundaries, you can use several options for fences:

  1. To separate a sports, children's corner or relaxation zone, a low picket fence is suitable.
  2. Sometimes you need to build a cozy corner that will not be visible from the street. In this situation, trellises or modern garden trellises are suitable.
  3. The partition can be built conditionally - for example, using forged arches braided with roses or other climbing plants. Such fences will serve as the basis for landscaping the site, they are easy to make with your own hands.
  4. Some types of partitions natural material- Bamboo, vines, rattan are in perfect harmony with any structures in the yard, and also serve as a wonderful decor element.
  5. Mats as fences will help in creating an oriental style of a private courtyard. In this case, it is recommended to plant plants that love the sun in flower beds.
  6. The garden can be separated with a fence made of bricks, stones, fastened cement mortar, and other improvised means.

The yard is divided by a trellis into a recreation area and an economic area

Walkways for movement and decoration

Paths are a necessary functional element of any yard. If you pay enough attention to them, they will become a real decoration of the territory. We will note several options for arranging tracks:

  1. For the improvement of the central part of the yard, it is best to build paths made of stone, paving stones or concrete tiles. To make them unusual and spectacular, the gaps between the plates can be filled with small pebbles or glass granules. Or plant grass and other low-growing plants in these gaps. It is important that the plantings are not too demanding to care for.
  2. The yard will be decorated with paths made of wooden saw cuts. They are fixed as close as possible to each other, and sawdust or bark is poured into the gaps between the round elements. Such paths are appropriate anywhere in the courtyard - they look good both in the center and between the trees.
  3. Modern landscape designers often suggest using wooden planks as the basis of the tracks. In this case, each element must be carefully adjusted to each other in order to obtain the most even surface. After the construction of such tracks, they need to be painted or varnished to increase their service life.
  4. The simplest paths can be built in the garden - just sprinkle them with gravel.

Easy and pleasant to move along a beautiful path

Plantings and decor

landscape gardening land plot- an important component of its appearance. With the help of thoughtful and well-made flower beds, properly selected shrubs and trees, a simple and unremarkable courtyard can be easily turned into a cozy garden.

A house immersed in greenery

If the walls of the house have lost their original appearance, they can be hidden behind climbing plants. Do-it-yourself vertical gardening is quite simple. You should choose the most unpretentious specimens of plants: hops, ivy, grapes or wisteria are suitable. It is desirable to plant them under the wall that faces the sun. All that is needed for this is a strip of land under the house, or long container boxes with soil.

Second option vertical gardening more simple. You need to start by fixing identical containers with earth on the wall or fence, in which flowers and greens should be planted. You can use plastic bottles, milk canisters and other unnecessary material.

Vertical gardening at home has its own characteristics. It is worth remembering that the walls of the house, entwined with greenery, keep cool better, as dense foliage delays Sun rays. Probably, this method of gardening is not suitable for those whose house is located in the shady part of the yard.

The garden is made of stones

It is not difficult to arrange a rock garden on your site, besides, such decor will cost quite inexpensively. Landscaping in general and gardening of the site, in particular, will become more original if it is emphasized with a stone composition. Note that such a solution has many advantages, the main of which is simple maintenance.

With a competent approach to the issue, a rock garden will be the highlight of any private area. For its construction, large boulders will be needed, which should be placed on the allocated area. Stones are better to choose different color and textures, harmoniously combining them with each other.

Stone sellers have already thought of a stone garden

Gabions emphasize the stylish design of the site

Many summer residents successfully use unexpected materials, the purpose of which may be different. In the improvement of the site, landscape design experts suggest using gabions. These are metal frame meshes that are designed to create retaining walls. Such elements in the design of the site will not only give it modern look, but also serve as a support.

Gabions can be filled with crushed stone, stone and even bottles. With their help, it is easy to equip a place to relax with a barbecue, make a fence near the pond, build a small table. They are used to create fences, fences for high beds or beds, and also as the basis for a long garden shop. As you can see, with a certain level of imagination, it is easy to come up with your own application for such designs.

Gabions can perform the most different functions

Expanded clay concrete for garden decoration

Perhaps, after construction, you still have unused blocks of expanded clay concrete. You do not need to throw them away, it is better to use them for arranging the site. Due to its hollow construction, this material is excellent for small flower beds, it is also used for fencing beds. Besides, expanded clay concrete blocks can be used to create a brazier, on the sides of which it is proposed to store firewood. An interesting example on the picture.

To build a brazier, even one block can be enough, on which you can cook vegetable mini skewers

We create comfort from unnecessary things

Those who decide to design a garden from improvised materials can successfully use unnecessary pieces of furniture, things, as well as any household utensils for decoration. Read also: Here are some simple ideas:

  1. Do-it-yourself vertical landscaping of a patio is much easier to do on an already finished basis. So, on a stepladder, you can comfortably place flower boxes, and old chairs and a chest of drawers will serve as the basis for creating a flower bed.
  2. Tin kettles, galvanized buckets, watering cans can do a good job for a zealous owner. All these junk materials that can no longer be used for their intended purpose can revive the design of the courtyard. It is enough just to pour earth into each of them and plant your favorite plants.
  3. If painted old bicycle in bright yellow, white or Orange color, it can be hung under the roof of a barn or garage. This decor looks very unusual and stylish.
  4. You can also use wooden boxes in which apples and potatoes are stored. It is desirable to paint the boxes, strengthen the open side parts, pour soil into them and plant bright, unpretentious plants. All this will help create a special atmosphere - rustic comfort, naturalness and closeness to nature.

It is very easy to use an old umbrella by remaking it into a bright and unique flowerbed


Any site will be decorated with a decorative windmill. It seems to us that such a decor of a private courtyard surprisingly combines popularity and originality. Decorative windmill equally pleases both adults and children. It can be easily and simply made by hand from a variety of materials. Just do not overdo it with the size: too large will seem out of place.

A simple windmill enriches the landscape

Everyone's bored tree trunk

It happens that in the yard there is an obsolete tree. The first impulse of the owner is to turn it into firewood for barbecue so that it does not spoil appearance garden. Landscape designers advise not to rush to get rid of this tree, but to try to create an element of garden decor from it with your own hands.

For example, if you cut down the branches and the top, the tree can be used as the basis for decorative house or castle. It is enough to build a roof from old boards, attach doors, windows - and the elf's house is ready. It is even easier to make a flower bed out of a stump, or arrange a flower garden in a hollowed out trunk, laying it on the ground. The photo shows interesting option decorating a dried tree.

From a stump you can build an unusual flower bed, just gouge the necessary hole in it, fill it with earth and plant flowers

Flower monument to the car

It happens that the owners keep the old grandfather's car for decades, which has not been running for a long time. Designers suggest using its body for a decorative flower bed. Some craftsmen plant climbing plants in such a way that they completely cover the body of the car, leaving only windows. Landscaping also offers another option for landscaping - filling the space under the hood and in the trunk with earth in which plants can be planted. The body itself should be painted with bright paint.

For such a flower bed, the brand of the car does not matter

Necessity and charm of lighting and backlighting

One of the key features beautiful courtyard is the backlight. Today there are many ways to illuminate the area. Illumination will help in the improvement of any land. It will allow you to highlight accents, enhance the perception of a particular element of decor. In addition, lighting will help you navigate a large area and spend evenings in comfort.

Pleasant to watch, comfortable to move around with the right lighting
  1. Landscape designers recommend Special attention pay attention to the illumination of sculptures, fountains, paths, as well as beautiful plants.
  2. Not too budgetary, but LED elements mounted in tiled tracks look incredibly impressive. With the help of illuminated dots, you can create a star panorama right on the track. The project of such a composition can be completed without the help of a professional.
  3. Water lily lamps are designed to illuminate a pond or other artificial reservoir. They float freely, reflected from the surface of the water, which creates the effect double light. It turns out to be a rather elegant sight.
  4. Poles with lanterns - the most practical solution. With the help of vertical lighting it is easy to find the way from the gate to the house. It is also important to illuminate the porch - here you can fix a decorative lantern in a medieval style.
  5. Site lighting is a necessary element of decoration of celebrations. If you are planning a wedding or an anniversary, it is simply necessary to illuminate the local area well. Not only stationary lamps will cope with the task of creating a festive mood, but also garlands with which you can decorate trees, partitions, and hedges.

We have demonstrated available and popular ways site decoration. Our article is intended to give inspiration to those who dream of turning their garden into a designer creation. If you are a beginner in this business, you should not restrain yourself, fearing a lack of experience. In practice, any of us can bring to life the most extraordinary and bold decisions. In fact, in order to improve your property, it is important to have a burning desire and make a little effort.

A beautiful garden design will help you make your garden not only more attractive and convenient, but also more productive. Modern tendencies landscape designers claim that vegetables are as beautiful as flowers and deserve to be the star of our garden. As a result, vegetables grow right next to their decorative relatives - and even crowd them out to take over the functions of the main actor in landscape design site.

Garden design - old idea which is now experiencing a new birth. The garden has always been part of decorative design plot in traditional cottage and French gardens. And now in the best gardens around the world, you will always find gardens that harmoniously combine vegetables, berries and flowers.

Want to learn how to make a beautiful garden design? Simple 8 tricks will help you make it luxurious, filled with warmth and beauty, decorating your beautiful garden.

1. We are planning a place for a garden.

Good garden design starts with thoughtful planning. You must decide what area your garden will be, what vegetables you will grow on it, where your beds will be located.

Your garden will not always be large, more and more summer residents are leaning towards a small garden, which occupies a worthy place in the overall landscape design of the garden.

2. Garden Design - Let the garden be beautiful.

Most people think of long, boring vegetable beds when they think of the word "garden." But this shouldn't be the only option for your garden design.

You can make your garden look as beautiful as your flower beds.

A little advice. It makes sense to test in the first year new form vegetable garden, invented on paper. Life can make its own adjustments and the shape of the beds and their number.

3. Fix the garden design on paper.

Even a small garden requires careful planning.

A pre-designed vegetable garden that you have on paper will help you analyze the performance of your design this season and plan new plant combinations and new beds for future seasons.

4. Make comfortable beds.

Be sure to clearly define each section of your garden. Not only will this give it a neater look, but it will also help you plan your plantings in the next step.

The clear geometric contours of the beds, even in a small space, create a visual accent in landscape design, while creating a sense of order and cleanliness.

If the soil in your area is not ideal, high beds are the most in a simple way solutions to this problem. Vegetables do surprisingly well in this modern setting.

High beds require an investment of time and effort, but all this will return a hundredfold when you realize that your back no longer hurts after the next weeding. Of course, it is not necessary to raise the entire garden above the ground.

Save the high beds for the kitchen garden with greenery and those crops that require the most maintenance. So your forces will be spent with maximum efficiency.

Avoid wide beds. You must have good access to process them.

But long - please. The main thing is that you can freely reach the middle while standing on the track.

5. Unusual garden design options.

If you don't have much space on your yard or don't plan a full-scale vegetable garden, you can do unusual beds almost anywhere in your garden. Try on the site of a small flower bed to make a garden bed with various types greens and tomatoes.

And this miniature garden looks very impressive because of its location.

And this one helps grow more crops per square meter.

5. We choose plants for the garden.

There is no single answer to the question of the placement of various crops in the garden. Too many factors at play here important role and, first of all, your climate zone and soil composition. But there are simple general rules, which should be remembered when planning your landings.

Consider the position and orientation of your site. Plant tall plants so that they do not shade their shorter neighbors.

Consider the lighting and watering conditions of a particular crop. Do not dictate your terms to the plants and grow your favorite plants where you have a place, without taking into account their preferences.

You can always adjust your landing plans to suit the specific conditions of your site. Believe me, there are many plants that will grow with pleasure in your conditions.

Do not forget to take into account the watering regime for each bed, so that it does not turn out that plants requiring more frequent watering located in the most inconvenient place for this.

Do not plant the same crop two years in a row in the same place. This depletes the soil, increases the likelihood of plant disease, and reduces yields.

6. Modern garden design

The basic principle of modern garden design is a combination. Abandoning the idea of ​​the usual even beds of one cabbage, next to which there are boring beds of only cucumbers, you can turn your vegetable garden into a work of art.

How often do we pay attention to the beauty of the tops of carrots and beets, or how dotted inclusions of unpretentious marigolds add a beautiful bright accent to the overall green array of the garden?

Flowers, located among the greenery of the garden, create sparks of light. They are also a great way to attract beneficial insects. By learning to “draw” with the texture, color and shape of plants in the garden, you can create a real vegetable bed.

And, as in an ordinary flower bed, in the design of your garden you can fully express your imagination, gain new experience and enjoy successful finds.

Even a small space in the garden can be filled with a mixture of vegetables and flowers that both complement each other and serve as a winning backdrop for plants in the most vibrant colors.

7. How to combine plants in the garden.

But, of course, you can’t just take and plant everything mixed in the garden. Some cultures go well with each other, and some combinations should be avoided.

In addition, the right neighborhood helps prevent various diseases and scare away some pests. The compatibility table will help you understand this.

8. Design of an ornamental garden.

You can combine not only horticultural crops between themselves. fashion design ornamental garden successfully combines vegetables with flowers.

The traditional rural garden always pleases with a riot of color and texture, in which both flowerbeds and beds are cozily combined. While many vegetables such as tomatoes and Bell pepper, decorative in themselves, adding one or two types of flowers to other types of vegetables can provide the necessary presence of bright colors.

If you like to cook on the grill in the garden, then why not plant the necessary seasonings nearby. This bright mix of vegetables and ornamental grasses will liven up your patio or gazebo.

And the neighborhood of vegetables with flowers will make your beds especially attractive and will not harm your crop at all. So you can create whole compositions of tasty, healthy and beautiful.

Garden design is a living process of interaction with the beauty of nature. Experiment! Something depends on your imagination and your desire, but the plants themselves will tell you something.

A magnificent well-groomed garden, where only vegetables grow or in combination with flowers and ornamental herbs, makes any cottage worthy of our admiration. Have you tried experimenting with vegetable garden designs in your garden? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

Anyone who has at least small country cottage area , dreams of recreating his own piece of paradise on it. But funds for a landscape designer are not always enough, and you want to put your hand to work. Then you should try yourself as a landscape designer. Are you afraid you can't handle it? Believe me, no one is born landscape designer immediately, try it and you will see that everything is not as difficult as it seemed!

Basic secrets for "dummies"

What if the area is small?

Got a small plot, are you afraid that you will not be able to organize it with maximum utility? No problem. In landscape design, you will find a lot of interesting things that will help you visually enlarge the land, use it to the fullest.

These tips will help you zone the territory:

  • In order for the vegetation to enjoy the sunlight for as long as possible, place it on the north side;
  • If the landscape of your site is not uniform, then put a gazebo, a bench in the lowland, and leave the elevations for the garden and garden;
  • When you decide to put a gazebo or attach a terrace, think about the side on which the view will open;
  • Garage, shed should be closer to the exit.

How to plant plants for visual magnification plot:

  • Avoid strict geometric shapes in everything. Yes, they give the appearance of well-groomed, aristocratic, but do not forget that clear lines visually narrow the territory. Even the paths try to make them slightly rounded, winding;
  • Plant any plants not strictly vertically or horizontally, but in discord. Plants planted in an oval, circle will look good;
  • Try to plant trees not one after another, but alternately in different parts patio;
  • In order for all plantings to look elegant, stand out, you can make a fence of colored plastic bottles, tires, boards.

Don't make it too bulky, a small, neat plank fence will be the best solution.

How to organize a space of 15 acres of land with a garden and a garden?

It is worth remembering that 15 acres is a rectangular area, which means that the space must be organized accordingly. Before you deal with the site itself, you need to plan the location of the main buildings - a house, a garage, a pantry. If they already exist, you can build on their style or slightly modify the buildings for a harmonious combination.

There are three main styles:

  1. Geometric. All buildings, as well as planting, are carried out along strict, clear lines. For example, plants are planted horizontally or vertically one after the other. The outline of the lines applies to the gazebo, and pools, and reservoirs;
  2. Free style. Suitable for terrain areas that are not uniform. Everything, including the paths, is not given to strict geometric shapes, it has winding, rounded outlines emphasizing the landscape;
  3. Combined style. It is used both in the case of a flat area, and not uniform. Curvy and oblong lines are combined. For example, a walkway may be winding, but a clear fence around it will make it neater and more organized.

Major mistakes to avoid:

  • Do not make the path absolutely straight and passing through the entire site. So you only visually reduce the area, besides, such a partition looks too untidy. In some places, divide it with shrubs, flowers, make it smoother;
  • Take care of the withdrawal system Wastewater. The steeper the slope and the more stepped, the more levels of wastewater disposal should be;
  • Organize an irrigation system. Parts of the land located on the slope are more prone to drying out, therefore, irrigation devices - a pump, hoses - should be more.

How beautiful to arrange the beds and the entrance to the garden?

Before registration, you need to take care of the site, having prepared it in advance:

  • Eliminate all weeds, remove debris and foreign objects, if any;
  • It is desirable to choose a sunny, calm area for planting, where plants will grow best;
  • If the area you have chosen is heavily attacked by winds, protect it with a small wooden fence, bushes or other large plants, as long as they do not block the light.

They will make your garden neat and well-groomed fence rows from each other. You can use them as:

  • Brick;
  • Low wicker fence;
  • small boards;
  • Rope or rope;
  • Grid.

The rows don't have to be rectangular or square, you can make a triangular recess from the boards and fill it with your favorite plants.

If your site has a rise / slope, you decide to make steps, on one of their sides, sit in wooden boxes beautiful flowers or small tomato bushes - looks mobile and innovative.

The game will look original with geometric shapes. For example, in the middle in the form of a circle, you can plant peonies, lilies or any other flowers, and not far from them, in a circle in triangular fences, any other vegetation to your taste. Free space between plantings, fill with mineral, white stone or gravel - no one has ever had such an advanced bed.

An arrangement of flowers and vegetables can create an interesting transition. To do this, you do not need to invent intricate figures, even a row of carrots between which a bell grows is already a work of art. Of course, it would be better if you first read what flowers, what vegetables it goes with.

Combination of vegetables and flower garden:

  • Parsley and basil, garlic, tomatoes, leaf lettuce - calendula;
  • Broccoli - Nasturtium;
  • Bulgarian pepper, peas, beans, dill - Marigolds;
  • Peas, beans, onions and flax - Peonies;
  • Legumes, onions, garlic, carrots - Poppy;
  • Beets, lettuce, peas, cauliflower and White cabbage– Roses;
  • Cabbage, onion - Cloves;
  • Strawberries with thyme - Lavender, Poppies, Hybrid roses.

It is advisable to keep a distance between the beds of 40-55 cm. The width of the beds should not exceed more than 90 cm. Start building the bed from south to north, so you will create comfortable conditions for heat-loving vegetable crops, flower bed.

Beautiful garden-garden-cottage in the photo

Garden bed design option.

A cozy corner in the garden, which, despite its attractiveness, will not cost too much if the site already has an old weeping willow and natural lawn.

Bed railings, thoughtful centric paths, and vegetable-and-flower arrangements instantly transform an ordinary vegetable garden into a designer landscape.

Brick fences for beds or flower beds look expensive and can set the tone for the entire landscape.

Even small plot can be used with maximum utility if you use the cunning of geometric shapes.

The stepped organization of space helps to save space in small areas. Also great for rough terrain.

Beautiful beds on video