Design of a staircase to the second floor in the interior of a country house (50 photos): finishing and design options. Staircase to the second floor (120 photos): modern design options in a private house Design of walls along the stairs in a private house

at 09/06/2018 6,950 Views

The staircase is of great functional importance - it connects several floors

The trend towards the construction of two-story cottages is due to two factors: the desire to increase living space and preserve free space land plot. And then wooden stairs in a private house become an important element of the project. They act as a functional link between floors and require a competent approach to their arrangement.

  • Technical requirements
  • Design nuances
  • Classification
  • Material and style
  • An original functional solution - one of the steps of the staircase smoothly flows into a desk

    Technical requirements for a wooden staircase to the second floor

    Even the most elegant and stylish wooden staircase to the second floor must comply with the standards and technical requirements requirements for its construction. First of all, it must be durable, comfortable and safe. In terms of functionality, the staircase must meet three conditions: constructiveness, decorativeness and utilitarianism. This means that the stepped structure fits perfectly into the interior of the house, does not clutter up the space and is comfortable to use.

    High railings will make the stairs safer

    Graceful spiral staircase

    If we look at the digital values ​​included in regulatory requirements, then they specify the value individual elements wooden stairs - the width of the opening, the height and width of the steps. Here is the minimum for each element that is not recommended to be crossed:

  • opening width – at least 1 meter;
  • height of steps – at least 12 cm;
  • step width – at least 25 cm;
  • Inside the flights of stairs there is a large shelf with books - functional and unusual

    Spectacular staircase in modern style


    The size of the area between floors must be at least 1 square. m. The height of the railing is measured not lower than the level of the hips of a person of average height.

    These are the optimally convenient dimensions that should be followed when constructing any types of stairs.

    When designing a staircase, pay maximum attention to its ergonomic dimensions

    A staircase divided into several small flights will be more comfortable for climbing.

    Spectacular design of a spiral wooden staircase

    TOP 10 wooden stairs to the second floor (photo, price)

    Coniferous staircase LS-92

  • Stair height: 2475 mm
  • Minimum opening for 2nd floor: 1800 x 830 mm
  • Dimensions in plan: 1850 x 1030 mm
  • March width: 720 mm
  • Material: pine needles
  • March inclination angle: 45°
  • Number of steps: 11 pcs
  • Number of lifting steps: 12
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Step height: 225 mm
  • Staircase made of pine needles LS-01U

  • Height from the floor of the lower floor to the floor of the upper floor: 2700 mm
  • Minimum opening for 2nd floor: 1640 x 900 mm
  • Dimensions in plan: 1650 x 1390 mm
  • Possible turns: right, left
  • March width: 730 mm
  • Material: needles
  • March inclination angle: 37°
  • Number of steps: 13 pcs
  • Number of lifting steps: 14
  • Step width: 260 mm
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Step height:193mm
  • Staircase made of pine needles LS-10U

  • Height from the floor of the lower floor to the floor of the upper floor: 2920 mm
  • Minimum opening for 2nd floor: 1900 x 850 mm
  • Dimensions in plan: 2380 x 830 mm
  • March width: 830 mm
  • Material: pine needles
  • March inclination angle: 53°
  • Number of steps: 12 pcs
  • Number of lifting steps: 13
  • Step width: 170 mm
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Step height: 225 mm
  • The fence can be installed on any side
  • Coniferous staircase Prestige LP-11

  • Height from the floor of the lower floor to the floor of the upper floor: 3200 mm
  • Minimum opening for 2nd floor: 1800 x 970 mm
  • Dimensions in plan: 2790 x 1000 mm
  • March width: 810 mm
  • Material: pine needles
  • March inclination angle: 50°
  • Number of steps: 15 pcs
  • Number of lifting steps: 16
  • Step width: 210 mm
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Step height: 200 mm
  • Pine staircase K-002M/3

  • Stair height: 2925 mm
  • Minimum opening for the 2nd floor: 2920 x 1560 mm
  • Dimensions in plan: 2050 x 2920 mm
  • Possible turns: right, left
  • Material: pine
  • March inclination angle 42°
  • Number of steps: 15 pcs
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Step height: 195 mm
  • Pine staircase K-033M

  • Height from the floor of the lower floor to the floor of the upper floor: 3120 mm
  • Stair height: 2925 mm
  • Minimum opening for the 2nd floor: 1820 x 1820 mm
  • Dimensions in plan: 2050 x 1800 mm
  • Possible turns: right, left
  • Material: pine
  • March width: 950 mm
  • March inclination angle 42°
  • Number of steps: 15 pcs
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Step height: 195 mm
  • Prestige turning staircase

  • Standard step height: 190-225 mm
  • Step width: 300 mm
  • March width: 900 mm
  • Step material: pine/beech
  • Fencing material: beech, metal
  • Material: pine
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Solo turning staircase

  • Standard step height: 180-230 mm
  • Step width: 300 mm
  • March width: 900-1000 mm
  • Step material: pine/beech/oak
  • Version: without installation/with installation
  • Fencing material: standard balusters d 25 mm, beech handrail d 50 mm, forged balusters (additional option)
  • Material: pine
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Staircase "SuperElegant" straight

  • Step width: 300 mm
  • Step material: beech/oak
  • Version: without installation/with installation
  • Color: optional
  • Material: pine
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Staircase "SuperElegant" turning

  • Standard step height: 180 mm (step height possible from 140 to 230 mm)
  • Step width: 300 mm
  • Step material: beech/oak
  • Version: without installation/with installation
  • Fencing material: standard (metal balusters, beech handrail), forged balusters (additional option)
  • Color: optional
  • Material: pine
  • Step thickness: 40 mm
  • Small staircase in a pastel interior

    Stylish staircase in an eclectic atmosphere

    Nuances of staircase designs to the second floor

    On initial stage When designing a staircase with a turn, it is necessary to designate its location and decide on the design. Since such a piece of furniture is of decent size, it is natural that it affects both the design of the room and the arrangement of other details. There are a few important things you need to think about.

    Turning stairs are very practical

  • First, find convenient location the beginning and end of the stairs.
  • Secondly, solve the issue with organic filling free space under the stairs.
  • Thirdly, think about lighting the staircases.
  • Beautiful staircase made of light wood


    When starting to calculate the stairs, you need to take into account the following values:

    • the total height of the room, including the thickness of the ceiling;
    • the width of the opening plus its height between floors.
    • Interesting modern design

      In addition, safety requirements are taken into account. These include reliable fencing and correct lighting, and standard angles of ascent and descent.

      Attractive implementation in dark wood

      Laconic design of a wooden staircase

      Interesting design idea

      Types of stairs in a private house

      When choosing the type of staircase, you need to rely on the dimensions of the room. For a private house, two design options are acceptable - marching and screw.


      • Marching staircase- This is a classic type of design that ideally matches the biomechanics of human movements. The structure is divided into marches, installed at an angle of 30-45°. It can be angular or straight. The rotation angle of the marches can be 90° (quarter turn) and 180° (half turn). The size of the area between floors must be at least 1 square. m.
      • Marching staircase with a platform between floors

        The advantages of a flight of stairs include ease of manufacture and highest level security. If we talk about the disadvantages, then this is the high consumption of materials and the cumbersome design. Obviously, this type of staircase is suitable for spacious rooms.

        Marching staircase with a contrasting color combination

        • Screw design The staircase looks impressive, but it is difficult to construct. It is not divided into marches. The chain of steps is strung on one central support and connected to each other by railings. The steps are usually wedge-shaped, with the narrow end attached to the beam.
        • Wide spiral staircase

          The advantages of the screw design are aesthetics, small dimensions and affordable price. The disadvantages include the labor-intensive construction process and increased risk of injury. However this a good option for a room with limited space.

          Spiral staircase as an art object

          Important! The smaller the opening of the spiral staircase, the steeper the climb. Please note that not every member of your family will be able to handle such a design.

          A staircase can be a work of art

          Bright staircase with beautiful carvings

          Avant-garde design of a wooden staircase

          Classification of stairs to the second floor in a private house

          In the manufacture of stairs, a certain classification has been adopted, based on the presence or absence of individual elements of the structure. To understand what design you need, let’s take a closer look at the details.

          So, for an amateur, a staircase consists of railings and steps. A professional will tell you that a step is a tread and a riser. We place our foot on the tread, and the riser is the height bar for the step. Depending on whether the staircase has a riser or not, it is considered open or closed.

          Closed staircase made of light materials

          The next criterion by which stairs are distinguished is the method of fastening the steps. For this purpose, stringer beams, bowstrings and support pillars. The first ones support the steps of the stairs from below, in the second case the steps are fixed in the recesses of the fences and supports. IN spiral design Support pillars are used to secure the steps.

          This design uses support pillars

          If you have a desire to build a staircase with your own hands and you are not embarrassed by the intricacies of its construction, then be prepared for a detailed study design features and carrying out accurate calculations.

          Advice! At self-construction For wooden stairs, entrust load and safety calculations to professionals to avoid traumatic situations.

          Such a staircase will easily become the main element of the interior

          Wide steps guarantee comfort and safety of operation


          Material and style of stairs

          Since we are talking about wooden stairs, it is worth paying attention to the types of trees that are best suited for them. Elite representatives are oak, walnut, beech and ash. Oak has a high density, it is strong and reliable. Budget options– pine, spruce, cedar, fir. Do you want to combine affordable price and good performance? Choose birch or maple.

          A wooden staircase looks solid in the interior

          In addition, an excellent solution could be using wood and metal. Combined wooden and metal stairs are a tribute to the interior style. A common solution is a combination wooden steps And metal railings. At the same time, the railings serve not only the safety of the structure, but also carry decorative load. In terms of decoration, metal, especially forging, has more possibilities than wood.

          Wood looks great with metal


          The choice of style determines the material. Wood is always a classic. In addition, a wooden staircase will fit perfectly into country, Provence, country style. It will not disturb the harmony in the Baroque and Renaissance. For a convincing style solution, pay attention to the color of the wood. For Provence it is better to use light wood, but classics love dark shades.

          Successful antique styling


          An visual lesson on how to make a wooden staircase yourself, and a detailed calculation for each detail of the structure can be found here:

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If your country house or apartment has a second floor, then the need to place a staircase is an obvious fact. The only question is this. How to properly equip and design the structure so that the beauty of the staircase is in no way inferior to its practicality, reliability and safety. Well, the fact that you came to our page means that you are moving in the right direction. Now you can be sure that your staircase in a private home will be the best of the best.

Wooden stairs for the second floor

From existing huge amount various designs, choosing exactly the staircase that best suits your interior is not entirely simple task. After all, here it is necessary to take into account many factors that influence the visual perception of the interior. An important role in obtaining a positive result is played not so much by the shape of the structure (although this is very important), but correct selection from which it will be made.

In Russia today the palm is among the most popular types holds materials - wood. And completely deservedly so. Indeed, in addition to environmental benefits, solid wood products have a number of other properties and qualities that set them apart from the crowd.

Wooden stairs can withstand heavy loads, but over time they do not deform and do not lose their attractiveness. The maximum that will need to be done is to update the paintwork in a couple of years.

The staircase is significant part interior, so its design should be given due attention

A staircase in a private house is not only an auxiliary structure that helps to get to the second floor, but also a special element that complements the overall picture of the interior.

When choosing a suitable project, it is important to take into account the parameters of the room itself, whether the staircase is suitable in size, and whether it will disrupt the overall style of the house. Therefore, it is important to approach this issue with full responsibility.

In a cozy country house the staircase will be harmoniously combined with wooden and second light. And the surrounding interior will be decorated with comfortable, cushioned furniture with a small coffee table in the center.

Staircase in a private house on a metal frame

Another very popular type of structure connecting the floors of a house is a staircase on a metal frame. The reliability and strength of metal does not need advertising, but not everyone knows information about the finishing materials with which it is best combined. This is what we will talk about now.

The use of bare metal is, of course, also acceptable, but walking on it will not be pleasant for everyone, especially when the house is cool. Therefore, it is best to use a combined version of the staircase design, the frame is metal, the steps are wood, glass or artificial marble.

There are two types of staircase designs most commonly used:

  1. Marching flights - consist of marching spans of equal length and a platform separating them;
  2. Spiral (screw) - in the classic version, this is a staircase with a projection contour in the shape of a circle.

Stairs using transparent railings made of impact-resistant glass look lighter and airier. They best suit the high-tech style of the interior.

Their elegant and sophisticated appearance will always attract attention. Glass can also be combined with panels of various types of wood. The most interesting combination will look with such species as teak, oak, cedar, beech and maple.

Glass stairs for a country house (photo)

Despite the fact that glass staircases have a design that is not entirely familiar to the home, today the popularity of these structures is quite high. Their elegant design will be appropriate for any interior design, and the specially tempered impact-resistant glass from which the steps and railings are made makes the design absolutely safe for home use.

But there is no limit to the perfection of beauty, and today's manufacturers offer glass staircases, with neon lighting of each step. IN evening time for a day this spectacle looks truly magical and bewitching.

The variety of shapes and types of designs makes it possible to make the style of your interior unique and inimitable. And with the help of various lighting fixtures and other decorative elements, your staircase can be turned into a real work of art.

Spiral staircases to the second floor (photo)

A spiral staircase in a private house is mainly used if there is not enough free space to arrange a regular flight of stairs. The structure consists of steps fixed on the central pillar of the base and a protective fence in the form of railings and handrails of various shapes.

The spiral staircase has incredible attractiveness and beauty. Its smooth lines and curves create an ideal shape that suits most interiors. It looks especially great in spacious living rooms in Art Nouveau, Provence, Eco and Country styles.

Thanks to its mobility and compactness, the screw can be used almost anywhere. This could be a hallway or even a hallway. They are also often installed between the top floor and the attic.

The advantages of a spiral staircase include the following:

  • Small size – minimum requirements for free space;
  • Acceptable cost - when compared with a marching staircase, the cost of a spiral staircase is significantly lower;
  • The visual effect of increasing floor height is especially important for rooms with low ceilings;
  • A huge variety of shapes and designs, allowing you to create unique interior at home.

A spiral staircase in a private house also has its disadvantages:

  • Operation - in fairness, it should be recognized that using a spiral design is much less convenient than a marching design. If you need to lift something large to the top, you may encounter great difficulties;
  • Manufacturing - in order to correctly design a spiral staircase, you need the maximum exact calculations and great experience;
  • Safety – it will be quite difficult for people with a weak vestibular system to climb to great heights.

The material for making spiral staircases can be wood, metal, concrete, marble and even glass. Based on this, decorative elements for the structure are selected. A spiral staircase in a private house goes perfectly with hanging railings, which are made of metal in the form of peculiar threads stretching from the ceiling.

Depending on the style of the interior, one or another material is selected. Metal will be appropriate in classic minimalism and unpredictable baroque. Glass looks amazing in modern and Scandinavian style interior Concrete or marble will be a wonderful decoration that will emphasize the character of the loft, art deco or eclectic style.

The absence of walls in a loft style interior suggests that the staircase structure will be open to view. Therefore, its design should be thought through to the smallest detail, since it is it that will set the main tone of the interior, emphasizing its exceptional masculine character.

Wood, glass and metal are the main materials for the manufacture of stairs, characteristic of this style. Both screw and marching types of structures are applicable here, but the latter is still more common. Transparent glass, with openwork steps and forged railings allow a harmonious combination of massiveness and lightness at the same time. But for more discreet interiors would be better suited solid wood, which makes the structure look more luxurious.

Design tricks

Often metal staircase covered with dark paint, or patina is used to obtain the effect of a copper surface. This technique allows you to create the illusion that the structure has been in use for quite a long time. These stairs look very interesting, and they also create a feeling of lived-in space.

In order for your interior to be as close as possible to the loft style, some of the walls should be decorated, or artificial stone. Also, decoration for the walls and ceiling can be parquet or, which are quite simple. Pronounced wood texture on the facades of the walls will bring the missing warmth and tranquility to the interior.

Modern staircase design that can surprise

Staircase in a private house with original design, will allow you to turn your interior into true work art. A whimsical architectural design in a futuristic and modern style, with beautiful railings made from a variety of materials will allow you to create a truly unique structure that will be the center of attention of your unique interior.

Noble metal, chromed steel, lacquered steps, clear glass- here is a small list of materials that will emphasize that your staircase belongs to the above styles.

Modern style does not accept the presence of a large number of different accessories that distract unnecessary attention. The big picture must strictly comply general rules interior The color scheme is selected carefully, according to the preferences of the homeowners.

Concrete staircase to the second floor

What could be more reliable and better quality than concrete? That's right, only even more reliable and high quality. This is an incredibly durable and strong material from which you can make truly stunning structures, marching and spiral staircases, enchanting with their unearthly beauty. The uniqueness of the material allows it to be used and combined with almost any finishing materials, be it stone or glass.

In order for the appearance of the structure to be worthy of admiration, the railings and steps must have an impeccable appearance that can satisfy even the most refined connoisseur beautiful. However, while chasing beauty, it is important not to forget about the main thing functional purpose staircase design is a safe, convenient ascent and descent for a person.

One of the most important principles the right choice The design for the staircase is a harmonious combination of its shades with the rest of the interior. A staircase in a private house should blend perfectly with the overall landscape and have common features with it.

Gray color is the color of rigor and sophistication

We hope you were able to see that the world of stairs is simply huge. In it, everyone can find something suitable, both for themselves and for their friends.

By following the basic rules, you will be able to choose exactly the staircase you have been dreaming about for so long.

There is a wide variety of stairs to the second floor, differing in shape, color, material and price Being quite large in size, the staircase often plays the role of a key decorative element around which the design of the apartment is built. But this does not mean that it is impossible to select a design for finished interiors: modern construction companies are ready to offer any design (from a simple one to a staircase with complex decor and unusual arrangement of elements), and designers develop a lot of new projects every year. How to choose a comfortable, safe and attractive staircase to your home - read the article.

Why are stairs needed in private houses?

Today it is impossible to imagine any building without a lifting structure. The stairs are playing important role for both single-story and multi-story buildings: due to the difference in the levels of the house and the ground (due to the height of the foundation), climbing onto the porch without a lifting structure in the yard can be extremely inconvenient.

IN one-story houses There may be internal stairs leading to the attic or basement.

The staircase is not only a practical product, but also an excellent decorative element.

External stairs in multi-story buildings can lead not only to the porch or directly into the house, but also to attic room, balcony, to the private room of one of the residents. In addition, fire escapes are often placed outside the house. And, of course, the main indoor lifting structures are stairs leading to another floor.

What are the staircases to the second floor in a private house?

Today, the production of stairs offers customers a wide range of lifting installations: from beautiful, decorative designs, to simple and stylish stairs in the style of minimalism.

However, regardless of the design style, all stairs are divided into the following types:

  1. Straightforward. Straight stairs are single-flight structures without turns or changes in direction of movement.
  2. Angular. This includes repeated 90 (L-shaped) and 180 degree (U-shaped) structures.
  3. Curvilinear are spiral staircases, the steps of which are arranged around the support in a spiral.

Stairs to the second floor can be made of wood, concrete, glass or metal

Separately allocate retractable structures for ceiling hatches in utility rooms.

Design of a staircase in a private house

In addition to differences in curvature flight of stairs, staircases also differ in the method of installation.

Today, there are the following types of structures:

  1. On stringers and bowstrings. There can be either two or one stringers. In addition, there are articulated stringers that allow you to easily change the direction of the structure.
  2. On pain. The construction of such a staircase involves installing steel bolts in the walls adjacent to the structure and placing treads on them.
  3. Using a central pillar. On central supports Curvilinear stairs are often located. The stand, in this case, is the only fastening element for the steps.
  4. Combined. These structures include two-flight stairs, the construction of which requires the presence of one or two stringers and a support post.

Stringers, bowstrings and central pillar can be made of both metal and wood.

The angle of inclination of the stairs should be such that children and elderly people can easily climb it

In addition, there is a separate modular stairs, which do not require calculations or cutting of material, are durable, look stylish, and can be installed independently (without the involvement of unauthorized persons) in 3-4 hours.

Dimensions of stairs in a private house

The dimensions of the stairs, both in the living space and in the utility room, are determined by “ Building codes and rules." A structure built taking into account these dimensions is reliable, safe and attractive. And using such a staircase is convenient for both adults, small children, and older people.

So, a staircase for a living space should have the following dimensions:

  1. The width of the structure must be at least 1.25 meters for private houses and at least 800 cm for country and garden houses.
  2. Tilt angle comfortable stairs should be 35-45 degrees (attached structures in utility rooms can exceed an angle of 50 degrees).
  3. The width of the steps at the narrowest point (for curved structures) should not be less than 110 mm.
  4. The maximum height of steps should not exceed 190 mm, the minimum - 140 mm.
  5. The tread depth should be within 250-350 mm.
  6. If there are small children in the house, then the height of the fence should be at least one meter, and the distance between its elements should be at least 150 mm.

The width of the stairs should be such that 2 people can pass each other on it

In addition, the staircase must have a high load capacity (the optimal load on the supporting structure should be at least 180 kg, and on railings and railings - at least 100).

If the layout features do not allow the use exact values, then a deviation from the norm of 1-2 cm is allowed.

How to design a staircase for a private house

The staircase is designed based on the recommended SNiP dimensions. In order to design the structure, it is necessary to measure the height of the ceiling, the width and length of the ceiling opening (if the staircase is designed for narrow corridor, then its width). After the measurements, the main values ​​of the staircase are calculated: its length, height, number of steps.

There are several ways to create a project:

  1. Using a drawing on paper. In this case, you should be very careful and remember school course geometry and drawing.
  2. Thanks to the online calculator with constructor. Calculations are made quickly, but the disadvantage is that the resulting examples of stairs turn out to be quite typical.
  3. Using computer programs for design and two- and three-dimensional visualization. Here you can create a truly unique project that fully meets the wishes of the residents and the parameters of the apartment.

You can design a staircase on a computer using special programs, which can be downloaded on the Internet

If you don’t have the time or desire to understand rather complicated programs and calculations, then you can entrust the design of the stairs to professionals: experienced master will develop both classic and non-standard options, provide samples of materials for the future design, and a team of specialists will assemble and install the stairs.

Is it possible to make a staircase in a private house with your own hands?

You can assemble the structure in a private house with your own hands. To do this, for the finished project you should calculate the quantity required material, stock up on the appropriate construction tool. The easiest way to make a standard wooden straight staircase on bowstrings or stringers. You can cut the lumber yourself, or you can ask for help from construction company(it’s very easy to find advertisements from verified companies today).

Installation of a direct structure includes the following steps:

  1. Installation of bowstrings or stringers (for greater reliability, the elements are fixed on brackets to adjacent walls).
  2. Installation of formwork for a structure on bowstrings.
  3. Installation of steps (steps are attached using self-tapping screws or cut into stringers).
  4. Sanding the structure.
  5. Coating the stairs with paint (if necessary) and varnish in several layers.

Before you start making a staircase to the second floor, you should watch a training video with a master class and read the recommendations of experts

You can install the stairs while the house is being built. In this case, the possibility of damaging the finish of the walls, floor and ceiling is eliminated, but the thickness finishing materials should be taken into account when making calculations. Installation can be carried out even after the repair is completed.

Having understood the process of installing a single-flight straight staircase, you can try to do rotating structure with a transition platform.

Decorating a staircase in a private house: photo

The design of the structure on the second floor should match the design of the apartment. The design should naturally harmonize with the room in which it is located, complement it, emphasize its advantages and hide its shortcomings.

When designing the design, you should follow these tips:

  1. Take into account not only styles, but also substyles. Thus, for a classic interior in the Baroque style, front doors, stairs with smooth lines and forged railings, which are best realized by decorative casting technology, are suitable. For the Empire style, designs with strict lines, made of dark wood, will be ideal.
  2. For homes decorated in modern styles, it is better to choose simple designs without excessive decorativeness. You should pay attention to stairs with glass steps (for a high-tech interior) and metal mesh(loft style).
  3. The geometry of the structure should match the geometry of the furniture (for example, round tables will look good opposite curved stairs).

The staircase should be designed depending on the style of the interior

Don’t forget about the design of the walls adjacent to the stairs: for simple designs the walls can be decorated with geometric designs, motivational inscriptions, photographs and paintings.

Staircases in private houses: photos and design

Which staircase should be chosen determines the location of the structure: the design and execution must correspond to the style, features and purpose of the room.

The following recommendations will help you choose the most successful staircase:

  1. The living room is the face of the apartment. The staircase in the hall should match the design of the room. In addition, the design for a small living room should also be practical. So, closed stairs can be equipped with a storage system in the form of niches and shelves, built-in appliances, or hide a wardrobe underneath.
  2. In the kitchen it is better to place a ladder made of natural materials. At the same time, solid wood (beech, ash, oak) should be chosen for supporting elements of the structure, and soft wood (for example, pine) is also suitable for railings. An interesting option there will be a staircase with bamboo railings.
  3. For a small corridor, a corner staircase on stringers, a design like “ goose step" The main thing is that the color of the stairs matches color scheme corridor, and finishing materials - with the material of door, mirror frames, furniture, etc.
  4. The staircase to the spacious hall should emphasize the dimensions of the room. You should pay attention to wide straight stairs made of expensive materials (for classic interiors) or lungs modern designs on Boltsy (for apartments in a modern style).
  5. The hallway should be comfortable, and therefore the staircase in it should be functional: a storage room can be placed under the staircase space, and the space itself can be decorated with shelves or built-in niches made of plasterboard.

The semicircular staircase looks great in an interior designed in classic style

It is not advisable to install main staircases in bedrooms and children's rooms: the operation of the structure, in this case, may interfere with rest and sleep.

We design a window on the stairs in a private house: photo

Often angular or curved structures placed in halls or corridors with a window.

In such cases, when designing a structure, you should pay attention to the design of the window:

  1. It's better if window frame and the stairs will be made of the same materials (wood or metal).
  2. It is not recommended to make windows on the stairs with wide window sills. If you want to place flowers near the window, then you can plant them in hanging pots.
  3. The window can be either panoramic or small. Related to large window It is better to decorate the walls near the stairs in neutral colors: the window will already attract enough attention, being the central decorative object. Wallpaper, interior paint, and decorative plaster are suitable for wall decoration.

Curtains and window curtains are best used only in classic or country interiors.

Staircase in a private house (video)

A staircase is an important architectural element that should not only be comfortable and safe, but also attractive. appearance. Making stairs is possible either to order or with your own hands. Get inspired by photos of designs and create your own unique projects!

Often a private house consists of two or more floors, so the staircase is considered an important part of its arrangement. It not only fulfills its function, but also serves as a design element that complements the interior style. Stairs differ in design and location.

Structural solutions

Flights of stairs in private houses can be represented, as can be seen in the photo, by three main types: screw, structures on rails or flights.

Their main components are:

  • steps consisting of a horizontal tread and a vertical support - a riser;
  • stringers, which are beams supporting the steps from below;
  • racks or bolts, which are elements for fastening steps;
  • bowstrings, which are supporting beams at the ends and also at the bottom;
  • railings protecting the structure from the sides.

The photo shows that the material for the steps of the stairs can be metal or wood, natural or artificial stone, as well as glass. Elements for fencing (posts, balusters, rods or handrails) can be wooden, marble, cast iron or bronze. A lot here depends on the style of the staircase and the interior of the house as a whole.


The design and installation of such structures in private homes must be approached with general principles for construction. In order for all the steps to be the same size in both width and height, you need to correctly take the dimensions of the span, make an accurate calculation of the flights, the platform, and the angle of inclination to the floor plane. If this value is too high, the descent of the stairs will be inconvenient or even dangerous, especially when carrying large items. Experts recommend maintaining this angle within 45-48 degrees.

Also, when designing a flight of stairs to ensure its safety, builders do not recommend using tiles. When placed on steps, they increase the risk of falls when people move around.

The safety of the entire structure is achieved by observing the following important criteria:

  • the bearing capacity of the structure must be at least 300 kg per 1 sq.m of step;
  • the materials used in the construction must be non-flammable (even if it is wood, it must be treated with a special impregnation);
  • Slippery surfaces or tilted steps are not allowed;
  • it is necessary to maintain the exact ratio in the parameters of the steps;
  • the height of the railing should be 80-85 cm, the width of the steps should be 20-30 cm;
  • If there are small children in the family, the maximum gap between balusters should be 15 cm.

For safe movement, additional lighting sources should be provided in the design of the construction site.


Probably every owner dreams of the beauty and at the same time convenience of this design. Therefore, when arranging it, it is necessary to take into account the height of the premises, the dimensions of the ceiling niches in order to select the optimal number of steps and correctly calculate their width and height.

The width of each step should not just accommodate a person’s foot. Everyone would like to walk on them with their full feet, and not just their toes. According to the standards, the height should not exceed 17 cm. Its calculation depends on the angle at which the structure is located to the floor plane, and on the size of the room.

Every person’s dream is a modern, cozy and functional home. The owners of multi-level apartments or several storey buildings face another task - to ensure convenient and safe movement throughout the entire space of the residential building. Therefore, the staircase to the second floor should not only fit perfectly into the concept of the home and complement the interior of the house, but also be a safe, comfortable and functional addition to the room.

Types of stairs and nuances

The choice of staircase type directly depends on the space of the room.

  • Yes, classic marching staircase design requires a lot of space. However, the space occupied by the stairs can be used by enterprising owners as a pantry or additional cabinets for storing things.

Design options for stairs to the second floor

Having decided on the type of future staircase structure, you need to carefully consider its design. Since the staircase in the house is one of the first objects that the eye first catches, it must correspond to the overall style of the interior. Beautiful stairs to the second floor in a private house are the first sign good taste his owners.

Classic style

A feature of the classical style is considered to be sophistication, the use of natural (mostly expensive) materials in decoration, abundance decorative elements.

Materials used to design a staircase structure in a classic style:

  • wood (oak, beech, larch, and other “noble” species);
  • stone (mainly marble, onyx, granite);
  • forged metal.

Since the manufacture of such a staircase structure involves the use of expensive and high-quality materials, it would be appropriate to use the services of a designer. In this case, several designs of beautiful staircases to the second floor will be proposed, taking into account all the client’s listed proposals and the intended style direction of the interior of a private house.

One of the inexpensive (priced) options to equip your home with a beautiful staircase to the second floor, in a classic style, would be to use finished project proposed by our experts. You just need to submit an application for measurements and creation of a 3D project according to the calculations specified by the measurer.

The specialists of our company "Stairs Master", located in Moscow, will do everything quickly, efficiently and most importantly - inexpensively.

To the national team metal carcass staircase design, which provides the necessary stability and ease of movement, steps are attached from the selected material, and railings are decorated.

One of important elements The staircase, made in a classic style, has railings. It is this part of the staircase structure that allows you to adhere to the required pretentious classics.

In addition to the standard set of decorative elements for staircase railings, it is possible to manufacture and install them according to individual project. Thus, the price of one decorative stand starts from 1159 rubles.

Modern style

Staircases in a modern style are laconic geometric shapes, a combination of non-standard materials, minimal presence of decor.

Materials used to decorate the stairs to the second floor in a modern style:

  • wood;
  • glass;
  • metal (mostly chrome plated).

IN modern interior a staircase can be the main decorative element in a private home.

Glass, in a modern interior, is used not only to equip stair railings, but can also be the main material for decorating steps.

Smooth geometric lines, the absence of decorative elements that “clutter up” the overall picture – this is another distinctive nuance of a modern interior.

One of the selection rules beautiful stairs for a private house, cottage or multi-level apartment - this is a combination of colors in the interior. The color of the stairs to the second floor should be in harmony with the color of the furniture or the main color scheme of the room.

Modern is one of the most common interior styles, so our specialists have created a special series of staircase structures under the same name “Modern”, which will fit into any, even the most intricate design of a private home.

Stairs made by our specialists decorate not only private homes, but also cafes.

Rotary staircase on the second floor of the “Modern” series, installed in a small cafe, fits into the interior of the establishment with the same style. The cost of the design is from 120,030 rubles.

Thanks to design, now even concrete staircase on the second floor it does not look bulky.

Options for the original design of the staircase to the second floor

The limitless imagination of designers and the owners of multi-tiered apartments and houses themselves allows them to create and design truly unique and original staircase designs.

The “SuperElegant” series staircase, costing RUB 108,904, looks good in a loft interior.

Staircase structures are used not only to move between floors, but also to visually and functionally delimit zones of the room. The specialists of our company "Stairs Master", located in Moscow, have prepared original project called “Three-tier bedroom” and successfully brought it to life.

The “Elegant” series staircase, installed in the bedroom, divides the room into several zones. The price of this design is about 51,321 rubles.

In order for the staircase to the second floor to fit harmoniously into the interior of the room, its appearance and design are thought out together with the entire design of the room.

If there are children in the house, the staircase structure can be combined with a slide.

If the lift height is small, there are many opportunities to modify the staircase structure in an original way.

For those who want originality in the interior, the staircase can become a highlight.

The highlight can be the design itself...

So are its individual details.

Fans of abstract art will appreciate the design of such a staircase to the second floor.

Modern technologies allow us to take a broader look at the boundaries of what is available. Thus, the staircase to the second floor made of glass, wood or stone, mounted on bolts, seems to be suspended in the air.

Ideas for the functional use of under-staircase space

Since the staircase in the house takes up a lot of space, enterprising owners try to squeeze the maximum out of the occupied space. Here are some successful photo examples:

  • the under-staircase space serves as a frame for cabinets and wardrobes;

A staircase in a “total white” design with built-in cabinets underneath - ergonomic and tasteful!
  • in a library or office, a staircase to the second floor can partially replace a stepladder;
  • in a staircase closed on all sides by walls, under the steps you can install drawers for storing things;
  • the space under the stairs is quite suitable for installing musical equipment and a TV;

  • in the kitchen, under the stairs, you can build in the necessary appliances and cabinets, thereby relieving the space in the room;

  • you can place a wine collection under the stairs, making a beautiful wine cellar with lighting;
  • under the stairs you will get a great place for privacy and relaxation;