Room design for a teenage boy: ideas and interior photos. Design options for a children's room for a boy Interior of a children's room in a town for a boy

Children grow quickly, and their tastes, character traits, and behavior patterns change at the same speed. All these points must be taken into account when creating the design of a children's room for a boy, even if he was recently born and does not yet distinguish green color from blue. If you thoughtfully approach the solution to the key issues of space design, the result will please not only parents who have invested their hearts, but also happy children.

Children's design depending on age

The rapid development of a child is the main factor that you should pay attention to when organizing the interior of a boy’s nursery. Who will live in it: a newborn with minimum set needs or a teenager interested in music? The room is the place from which children begin to explore the world, develop and form as individuals. Therefore, choosing the right design means making your contribution to the happy future of your child. All elements should be relevant, interesting and pleasant to the occupant of the room. Let's consider the basic design rules for each stage of life!

Boy under 3 years old

In the first years of a boy, the design of a nursery is more important to parents. A comfortable crib, educational toys, plenty of space for movement and exploration - this is quite enough for a developing baby. Furniture must be safe, without sharp corners. It's warm on the floor carpet covering which is easy to wash.

It is desirable that the interior be made in pastel colors, not too colorful, but at the same time varied enough for the child to learn to perceive shades and highlight objects of interest to him. Funny, aesthetic stickers will help decorate your child’s little “world.”

At first, it is better to organize a boy’s children’s room minimalistically, so that over time you can add new, more complex details and objects.

Boy from 3 to 5 years old

During this period, the children's individuality begins to form. They try to express their desires, which also relate to filling the room. Boys develop their own hobbies, so convenient location You should place a small table and chair - a miniature workspace.

Entertaining and educational toys are still an important part. Parents gradually teach boys to have order, so storage spaces should be as convenient as possible.

Interior of a room for a schoolchild

Filling the interior becomes more complicated. Due to the fact that the boy is busy with the school curriculum, the priority is to purchase a full-fledged workplace with shelves for books, drawers for notebooks, and so on. Already at this age, the child must independently organize his personal area, while maintaining order.

Games gradually take the form of hobbies. For example, in the room of a young musician you need to find a place for a piano, or an artist for an easel.

Before this time, there was probably at least once a need to update the finish. Wall decor in the children's room becomes more serious, stickers are replaced by paintings. A wall with big map world, which also creates color accents in the interior.

Room for a teenage boy

During this period, not as much depends on the tastes of the parents as on the family budget. A teenage boy shows independence in arranging a room, but this concerns more decorative elements: walls covered with posters, figurines from comic book fans, and so on.

Which style should you go for?

There are not many stylistic options for decorating a children's room for a boy, but even they will not appear in the canonical interpretation. When setting up a home, parents often start from a specific theme, focusing on the child’s hobbies.

Usage a certain style will help you competently create a design, as well as fit it into the overall image of the apartment. In addition, at a more mature age, teenagers usually give up children's fun, preferring a presentable appearance. Let's look at the most popular solutions for boys of different ages.

Children's room for a boy in a modern style

Perhaps the most versatile option. You can fit into such an interior interesting furniture unusual shape(for example, in the form of a typewriter), walls with photo wallpaper, bright colors. At the same time, toys and equipment look harmonious, being a continuation of the design of the room.

The furniture is functional, comfortable, without unnecessary decor or details. Multi-level one-piece sets that combine several zones at once: for sleeping, entertainment and study look trendy.

Children's room for a boy in a space style

Of course, this is not futurism, but rather a more primitive imitation of it with the active introduction of space themes. Very popular with boys younger ages, because who didn’t dream of becoming an astronaut as a child? Even if in the harsh adult reality the child has to give up this fantasy, he will still have time to feel partially in the desired role.

When designing such an interior for a boy’s children’s room, you will have to start primarily from the budget. But ordinary suspended ceiling with starry sky, several glowing globes and toys spaceships will look very interesting.

Children's room for a boy in pop art style

This style will fit well into the room of a young comic book or video game lover. Bright colors, stylized posters and paintings, outrageous figures - your child will be delighted with such a space. An option for creative children who are focused on leaving their place in the world of art and definitely will not lose their enthusiasm over the years.

With proper design, such a nursery for a boy can look solid and stylish, the main thing is not to overdo it with colors. Geometric shapes fit perfectly into the space.

Children's room for a boy in loft style

If the house is decorated in a loft style, then the children's room will most likely suffer the same fate. For boys, this will only be a plus, because nothing enhances the desire for adventure like naked brick walls, as if in old castles and catacombs, brutality and unique decorative objects.

Modular furniture, characteristic of this style, is ideal for a developing child, whose needs and number of things grow every year. The loft is an excellent “canvas” to which the boy will add over time. bright colors your hobbies.

Selecting the color scheme

IN modern world There is a tendency to deviate from typically feminine and typically masculine colors. Indeed, a child’s tastes may vary: some like a calmer range, others like bright or rich ones. However, at a young age, color plays an important role in the formation of character, so for educational purposes it is better to focus on a cold palette.

Blue nursery for a boy

This refers to all shades of blue - from blue to deep sea. It is not for nothing that this color is considered the most popular solution for boys: it has a positive effect on them, helps to calm and balance them.

In addition, blue is associated with the sea, dark colors- with space, and this is perfect for a themed interior of a children's room. It is better if it is the dominant shade, since in combination with bright colors the calming effect is simply neutralized.

Green nursery for a boy

Another best option, which will help instill in your child a love of nature. A natural, aesthetic color will create a peaceful atmosphere in the interior of a nursery, especially if combined with white or brown.

White nursery for a boy

An excellent solution in the first years of a baby’s life. In the future, it is necessary to add bright accents so that the child does not get bored in such a children's room, since if used incorrectly, the space can acquire a feeling of sterility.

Gray nursery for a boy

A serious, presentable color that will help a child feel like an adult. The gray shade goes well with other options, balancing them out. In order not to make this design of a children's room for a boy faceless, add interesting items furniture, paintings or posters on the walls, and fill the space with natural light.

Purple nursery for a boy

Cooler shades are suitable for sensitive people creative people, while maintaining male character. Decorating the entire nursery in this color will look too bright, but purple textiles, one side of the trim or other attention-grabbing elements will look very interesting.

Decorating a children's room

The aesthetics of space is, of course, important and plays its educational role, but we should not forget about the health of the child. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of finishing materials, giving preference to hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly bases.


Boys under 6 years of age spend a lot of time on the floor, where they learn to walk or play with cars. The coating should be smooth, but not slippery, elastic and easy to clean. Conventional parquet loses in the last parameter, since dirt often gets clogged in the cracks between the boards, from where it is difficult to remove it using conventional methods.

Marmoleum, which has high aesthetic properties, is considered a universal and environmentally friendly option for a boy’s nursery.


Wall coverings should be easy to clean and replace. This is due to the dynamically changing tastes of the child, who will eventually want a different design, as well as the active actions of children, who often paint or stain the partitions.

In this case, wallpaper will ideally cope with its tasks. Just give preference to environmentally friendly options, such as paper, liquid or eco-wallpaper.


A simple white ceiling, even with slight irregularities, remains universal option for any interior. It will look more interesting in a boy's nursery suspended ceiling with a starry or cloudy sky - only for some dreamy children such a decision will definitely prevent them from falling asleep quickly.

The selection of furniture for a nursery depends on the style of the interior and the age of the owner of the room. But there is general rules that will help you make the right choice.

Convenience and safety come first. Make sure that objects do not have sharp corners, high locations, or awkward fits. The workplace, like the bed, should be suitable for the physiological characteristics of the developing body, without causing pain or distortion.

Despite the comparative high cost, furniture from natural materials in priority. The tree is not only harmless, but also has a positive effect on human well-being. Pay attention to the covering of the headset: it should be hypoallergenic and not collect dust.

Design of a small nursery for a boy

Unfortunately, not all residents of our country can allocate a spacious room for their child, in which there will be enough space for him to meet all his needs. But don't despair! You can decorate a small space comfortably and beautifully if you follow simple recommendations.

The simplest advice that will at least visually save a few square meters- choose a light one color scheme without forgetting about bright accents. At the same time, there should not be too much decor to avoid the effect of fragmenting the design.

When planning a nursery for a boy, you will have to deviate from standard solutions. For example, try moving the radiator by organizing work area by the window - this place is often empty.

If the height of the ceilings allows, consider a podium for the bed, which will additionally act as a storage space. Multifunctional walls will also help you plan your interior wisely, combining several zones in a small area.

To arrange a children's bedroom for a boy, parents will have to make a lot of effort and imagination.

After all, not only should the room be comfortable and functional, but its owner should also like it, be stylish and modern.

You can easily combine all these qualities in one room, knowing a few simple rules and recommendations.

Often, most parents believe that a bedroom for a boy under 10 years old is a rather simple and childishly cute room.

However, this is not entirely correct, because it is precisely in early age The child begins to develop taste and style.

That is why, if in childhood he is surrounded by an atmosphere of functionality and comfort, this will help him develop a sense of style that will be useful to him throughout his life.

Also important is the fact that from early childhood children begin to develop creative abilities, and it is parents who must support this.

Therefore, it is important to leave enough space in the baby’s room for creativity and the realization of their abilities.

Children's color scheme

Based on numerous photos of a boy’s bedroom, it seems that the most optimal design color is blue, since this particular shade is considered to be purely masculine. This tone can indeed be used for decoration, but it is far from the only one.

So, taking into account the temperament and character of the boy, you can use the following shades and their combinations:

  • orange - stimulates active behavior; for a passive baby this will contribute to the development of potential, while for an active one it can become a provocateur of irritation;
  • light green tones – the child is guaranteed an optimistic and positive attitude;
  • yellow shades - sunny color will set the owner of the room in a positive and good mood;
  • lilac tones will bring harmony to the room and thoughts.

Room decoration

Decorating a boy's bedroom often comes down to covering the walls with wallpaper with boyish drawings - cars, airplanes, etc.

This is really convenient, since the wallpaper for the bedroom can be quickly and easily changed if necessary, and the design matches the baby’s preferences.

Another interesting creative solution would be to cover one wall with pure white wallpaper, on which the boy can draw and create as he pleases, without fear of being punished.

For floor the best option will become non-staining, practical linoleum. If the floor is cold, then you can add carpet, but it will have to be cleaned of dirt quite often.

Ceilings can be simply painted, suspended or suspended. If desired, they can be decorated with stars and other designs.

Children's furniture

Furniture filling in children's bedrooms for boys should be safe and functional, so it is better to purchase items without sharp corners.

The content should be as follows:

  • a bed that can have various shapes, for example, in the form of a car, a house or a hut. The main thing is that it fits the baby in size and has protective sides. For the older generation, a sofa will be relevant,
  • a table with a chair is workplace, where the child will do homework and read. Create and collect your favorite construction set,
  • a closet in which various things will be stored,
  • baskets that are necessary to accommodate numerous toys,
  • chest of drawers for storing bedding, cosmetics and other personal items.

Lighting for a child’s room should be chosen to be comfortable for both play and work. In addition, it should not disturb the interior of the boy’s bedroom.

Styling a boy's bedroom

To design a boy's bedroom, you can use several design styles.

Avant-garde is a rather unusual style, in which bright shades and their combinations predominate. It is characterized by intricate furniture. Inexpensive but bright materials are suitable for finishing. But the decoration is very creative.

Sports style is suitable for an athlete boy. The furniture is very comfortable, the decor corresponds to a sports theme.

Loft is a rough style, the decoration of which is dominated by beige, brown and gray shades. The walls are usually plastered or brick, the ceiling is painted, and the floors are boarded. Posters, unusual instruments, and extravagant graffiti are used as decoration.

Minimalism in the bedroom and its stylization implies restraint and seriousness. Accessories and furniture items are practically absent.

High-tech is more suitable for a bedroom for a teenage boy who is interested in modern equipment and technology. Mirror surfaces, gloss, chrome and glass: all this is typical for high-tech. A mandatory addition is modern appliances and functional furniture.

Kitsch is suitable for bright and extraordinary personalities. The combination of tones and furniture is the most daring and unusual.

A boy's children's bedroom must be divided into functional areas: bedroom, playroom, workroom and wardrobe. To do this, you can use a technique with lighting, using various materials, and, if possible, use screens and partitions.

Photo of bedroom design for a boy


A separate room for a 10-year-old boy is not just a part of an apartment or house allocated to him, but a personal space in which he feels comfortable, where he can relax and gain strength.

The design should not only contribute to a pleasant pastime, but also meet certain rules.

What kind of nursery should a 10 year old child have?

Interesting and inspiring ideas in the video:

It is unlikely that pretentious styles would be appropriate here, but rather practical functionalism. It is especially relevant where an abundance of flowers or decorative elements will lead to a visual reduction in the room.

Tip: laconic forms of furniture and accessories will make the room more spacious.

Such a room for a teenager no longer looks completely childish.

The child will probably want to participate in choosing the design himself, reflecting his current hobby or favorite characters in the design.

Still, it is worth considering that this is a place where the child will have to study and relax, so you should avoid flashy colors that will interfere with concentration or relaxation.

Tip: walls in neutral shades: gray, beige, milky will create an emotionally calm atmosphere, and you can add brightness with the help of individual color accents: for example, a bright sofa, table, shelving or.

At the age of 10, boys are already quite mature and conscientious, so there is no need to choose exclusively practical materials and furniture. You can put a long-pile carpet on the floor without fear that it will quickly deteriorate.

A slate board and bright accessories will create a stylish and modern interior.

If your child doesn't want to part with his favorite toys, find a place for them. You can also place one or two children's photographs there.

Choosing furniture

A children's room for a 7-10 year old boy should be as functional as possible. After all, there should be a place to sleep, and to meet with friends, and a workplace.

If the area of ​​the room allows, then it is worth highlighting separate zones:

  • for study and work;
  • for sleep;
  • sports corner or hobby area.

In a small room they can be combined using multifunctional solutions. For example, such as:

  • …loft bed. Under it there can be a desk, a separate sofa or a closet.

  • … . Such furniture will help to significantly save space, leaving space for games. Before buying, think about what kind of bed you are going to buy: after 10 years, boys begin to grow actively, and soon the child will need one.

  • ... dresser steps, which, if you use a loft bed, will also become a convenient storage for things or even a place where you can sit with a book or laptop.

Tip: many manufacturers offer modular systems for the nursery, which can be modified according to the available space.

Often school-age children are very busy with schoolwork and various extra classes. Therefore, a wall bars or horizontal bar are very desirable for a boy’s room, so that he can do a warm-up during breaks between lessons. Even if the child does not play sports professionally, it will give him the opportunity to throw out excess energy and relax after classes. Sports section It’s better to install it during the renovation so that it fits seamlessly into the overall interior.

Decor and accessories

They will help you make a boy’s nursery not only comfortable, but also cozy. decorative elements. If the owner of the apartment has an interesting hobby or hobby, it can be reflected in the interior by decorating the bedroom walls with posters of your favorite athletes or actors. If you love crafts to decorate your child's room.

Parents often prefer to arrange a place for the baby in the same room with them. This is acceptable in the first 2-3 years of life.

The child is growing and needs a separate territory. How to isolate a baby, while creating the most comfortable conditions for him, if there is only a tiny separate room available?

A children's room of 8 sq. m is not a problem if you think everything through well. At the same time, it does not matter at all who needs to be placed in this area: a girl, a boy, a toddler or a teenager.

You can use some design techniques. Then a comfortable, beautiful, modern children's room is guaranteed.

Design project

The first thing you need to do is exact calculation. For such a limited area it is required condition. Otherwise, many errors may occur during the repair process, and this should not be allowed.

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Drawing up a design project is based on accurate measurements of the existing territory. Based on the data obtained during this process, design drawings are being drawn up. It includes not only the dimensions of the room, but also the furniture, consumption finishing materials.

You can create a design project yourself, especially since now there are many different programs for this. However, it is safer to turn to specialists for this.

A professional designer knows how to work with a non-standard room. A children's room of 8 sq. m is just such an option. Here you will have to use not only the area in the standard sense, but also attract usable space room height.

A children's room requires a place to sleep, play, work, and receive guests. All this must be thought through and not infringe on the rights of a small family member.

For the child, you need to try your best because in addition to the functionality of the room, it is also necessary to take into account visual perception. The baby should be comfortable in his tiny room.

Participation required

Designing a children's room of 8 sq m for a small child is much easier to implement than for a teenager. A child in adolescence already has his own “I” and is worth taking into account.

It would be best to completely trust the tastes of your child, his passions and preferences. A teenager undoubtedly should actively participate in the selection of finishing materials and furniture. It’s even better to draw up a design project together with him.

Despite the fact that there is little space, you can fit two children in such a room. In the photo of the children's room, 8 squares, this is clearly visible. Lack of space is not a reason to limit convenience.

Transformable furniture easily modifies the space. You can use sliding, folding, two-story options furniture. Modern systems storage: wardrobes, drawers, furniture niches - everything can be used.

Boy or girl

Depending on who will be the owner of the room, it is necessary to select the necessary design. Even if the child is still very small and division by gender is not yet so relevant. Soon the baby will grow up and differences in character and behavior will be visible.

For a boy, it is better to choose the interior in a discreet manner. Art Nouveau, hi-tech or loft style will be the right decision.

Moreover, limited space dictates minimalism in design. Boys rarely take an active part in choosing the design and furnishings, but it is still better to consult with your son about this.

Girls strive to create comfort from early childhood, so it will be much easier to involve them in the process of creating an interior.

For a girl's room you should prefer modern classics, romanticism, Provence. Even in a small space, it is necessary to take care not only of convenience and functionality, but also of beautiful design.

In the photo of the design of a children's room of 8 sq m, you can see the difference between a girl's and a boy's room.

In cramped conditions, don't be offended, or how to accommodate two people

Difficulties arise when it is necessary to accommodate two children at once in a limited space.

Modern technologies come to the rescue. Multifunctional furniture sets with bunk bed, a block attic with retractable sections and other options will provide children with sleeping and working places. In addition, you need to take care of a small individual space.

In this case, it is better to use decorative design to a minimum. Decorate the room in light colors.

Take special care of lighting. The ceiling can be made as a stretch ceiling with gloss. This will solve the issue with spot light and visually expand the tiny room. For the floor in the nursery, it is better to use wood or carpet.

When there is a desire and a little imagination, even the most limited area can be beautifully and functionally designed.

Photo of design ideas for children's room 8 sq. m.

The child’s personal space is a comfortable play environment, a place to sleep and an environment conducive to harmonious development. A boy's children's room can have a themed design. But parents also face a number of other tasks - optimization, zoning and visual expansion of space. Recommendations from experts with photos give only a general idea about the arrangement of children's rooms. Parents prefer to choose the most interesting ideas.

Design of a children's room for a boy

Children's room for a boy

Baby's room.

A crib is often placed in the bedroom for ease of feeding at night. Nearby you need a changing table or chest of drawers with a clean blanket. The baby does not perceive the design of the room, but a sufficient amount of light is important, and the crib is not placed near the window. While the baby is growing up, his room is being renovated with lining made from eco-friendly materials that do not cause allergies.

Opposite the crib you can place a chair or a compact sofa for ease of feeding. But soon you will have to change the playpen bed for a sofa. When choosing how to decorate a children's room for a boy, you can use examples of design projects.

In children under 3 years of age, gender identity is not expressed; it is not necessary to focus on a “boy” theme; it is better to choose a theme from fairy tales, books or cartoons. The baby's room should be bright and safe, because he puts everything in his mouth and touches it with his hands. The task of parents is to create a safe children's space. There is no need for bright colors in the interior, except soft toys and pictures. If the room faces north side, yellow walls or peach color compensate for the lack of sun.

Children's room for a boy
Interior of a children's room for a boy
Design of a children's room for a boy

Decorating a children's room for a preschooler

From 3 to 7 years, active development occurs, so it is worth paying more attention to the interior. Children do not yet have strong interests, which means there is no point in tying the design of the room to a specific theme. At this time, gender self-identification is being formed, and it’s time to design the nursery as the boy’s personal space.

Advice. At this age, play is a way of understanding the world. Preschoolers play enthusiastically, run, and fall. There should be no sharp corners or hard surfaces in the nursery. It is better to put a little cabinet furniture, but with drawers and shelves for toys, which will be easy to put back in place for order.

Interior of a children's room for a boy
Blue children's room for a boy

Parents should observe their son’s inclinations in order to choose the right theme for the room. For the airplane lover, make a blue ceiling and decorative clouds - you’ll get the effect “ open sky" A shelving unit with open shelves is appropriate, providing space for your favorite aircraft. For the cabin boy, they choose a bed in the shape of a yacht or boat, developing this topic in design.

Upholstered furniture should be compact, but “expandable” so as not to change it often, for example, a sofa with a lengthwise layout. For the future car enthusiast, buy a car bed, folding chair or an upholstered daybed. On the floor small room in 12 sq. m. lay a rug with a picture of the road.

Interior of a children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy
Bright children's room for a boy

Junior student's room

By this time, children's interests are more stable. The hobby should be widely reflected in the design of the boy’s room. School time is a time of learning activities and multifaceted development. The time has come to change the continuous playing space to functional zoning, which should include:

  • a place to sleep and relax;
  • work (desk or computer) desk with drawers for educational supplies;
  • sports corner with wall bars or simple simulators;
  • a place for games, hobbies and interests.

By this time, more cabinet furniture appears in the nursery, which takes up more space. The parents' task is to choose a compact option with a thematic design. This will help complement the decor of the room. Suitable for small spaces corner option cabinet and computer desk. The middle is a free passage area with a soft rug original design or volumetric texture.

Bright room for a boy
Bright room for boy

Teenager's bedroom

Parents should help design their growing son’s personal space taking into account his hobbies. Offer the boy some interesting ideas. It is better to make decorative elements with your own hands, involving the teenager in the process.

By this age, it’s time to replace children’s furniture with full-size ones. The son should not slouch at the table beyond his height, and his legs should not hang over the sofa or rest against the headboard of the bed. Parents make their own adjustments to the design of a room for a teenage boy, but the choice of theme is up to the owner of the room. An emphasis on style is already appropriate, taking into account the texture of surfaces, lighting and decor

Children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy

Interior design should reflect the teenager's temperament and tastes. For a balanced boy with creative hobbies, classic or art deco is suitable; for an urban “rebel”, urbanism is chosen; a young naturalist likes eco-style.

The design of the floors should be subordinated to the overall idea, but the environmental friendliness of materials and warmth come first. Use surfaces with interesting decor:

The following materials are suitable for finishing the room:

  • linoleum with insulation;
  • Self-leveling floors;
  • carpet;
  • laminate;
  • parquet board;
  • "warm floor" system.

Beautiful children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy

Techniques for visually expanding a small room

Design of a children's room with an area of ​​12 square meters. m. suggests a visual expansion of space. Experts recommend the following rules for room design.

Green children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy

Whatever techniques parents decide to use, it is important that the children like it. All decorative elements should work towards the overall design and design style. Space, sea and automobile themes are most often chosen for the design of a children's room for a boy.

Video: Design of a children's room for a boy

50 photos of children's room design ideas for a boy: