Voice recorder with online voice changer. How to change your voice online without downloading. Adobe Audition has a wide range of features

Have you ever wondered what could be done if a person could change their voice? Yes? Well, rejoice, modern technical capabilities make it easy to do this. All you need is a computer or tablet and voice changer program.

And in this article I would like to write about several such desktop programs for the computer, as well as about Android applications that you can install on your tablet or phone and change your voice in Skype, on video, when talking on the phone, in various voice chats.

But first, let's spur our imagination a little and look at several possible applications of these miracle speech maskers.

  1. Cool 13-year-old gamers in CS or Dota who want to show not only their skill, but also their voice how cool and mature they are;
  2. A husband who, by changing a man's voice to a woman's, will be able to check his wife's faithfulness. Or vice versa.
  3. The guys who kidnapped the neighbor's child of the majors in the hope that they would receive a lot of money from them and finally be able to fulfill their dream and go to Bali.
  4. Cheerful, drunk guys who, having changed their voice, want to make fun of their school friend/classmate/work colleague over the phone. And maybe over the ghoul boss.
  5. For those who are involved in moviemaking and want to change their voice to create a video.
  6. Musical performers who use voice changing software will gain new creative opportunities.
  7. I will be glad to see your suggestions for using a program that changes a person’s voice in the comments.

Programs for changing voice on a computer

Let's get started with the review:

MorphVOX Pro

MorphVOX Pro- this program allows change voice in games, Skype, Google Talk, AIM, TeamSpeak etc.

There are a huge number of addons, skins, voices for downloading, noise backgrounds.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with functionality and tincture in the training video:

Unfortunately, this program is paid. Therefore, you will have to either buy it or find an activation key. Search engines they will help you with this.


Scrambyfree voice changer and background noise in all programs that use a microphone in real time. Including Skype.

Voice Changer – another free voice changer program. Just like the analogue described above, it is capable of beyond recognition change your voice on Skype, various chats, games, etc. It has stylish design and more customization options than Scramby.

Fake Voice

Fake Voice It has all the same functions as the previous programs, it differs only in design. Also capable make a man's voice feminine, and female to male, give different effects, etc.

Funny Voice

Funny Voice easily will change the tone of your voice and change it beyond recognition.

Android applications for changing voice

A brief overview of the most popular of them:

He is capable give the voice such effects: robot, helium, drunk, backwards, monster, Darth Vader, alien, devil, child and many others. You can download the application and get acquainted with other possible effects of the voice changer on the page:

Best voice changer

Another “original” title. But the main thing is that the user understands what we are talking about, right?

This application not only can change a person's voice, but also set the background noise (ambient sounds): for example, simulate an airplane flight, wind noise, etc.

I'll finish the review here. Enjoy these voice changers! And for those who are interested in the idea of ​​kidnapping a child - remember, this is punishable by law =)

Voice editing, tuning intonation is what allowed hundreds of performers who could not sing to get on stage in the early 2000s. Digital technologies and Fourier transforms allow decompose a single-voice melody into a set of notes. And of course, watch and change the pitch of these notes. Moreover, we are talking not only about vocals, but also about any other instrument. If only only one note could sound at a time. All the winds and strings tune perfectly too! Fabulous opportunities for any musician, isn’t it? :)

When, after perestroika, our stage was overwhelmed by a wave of phonograms, the producers still had headache— at least once it was necessary to squeeze a good performance out of the artist and record it in the studio. And if the artist misses the notes or is not thinking well, one song can be recorded for more than two days! At the same time, the artist gets tired, freaks out, and doesn’t understand what else they want from him. And the sound engineer is not happy with this kind of work. It turns out that the production of a phonogram is quite expensive...

But the further development of computers completely solved part of the problem. Now, if an artist has good looks and/or a pleasant timbre of his voice, he does not necessarily need to be able to sing. It’s enough to hum somehow, without very strong entries into the notes, and then the sound engineer will clean up and straighten everything out. It is not necessary to hit the notes. Roughly speaking, the recording will sound only as good as the natural timbre of the singer's voice. And straightening the vocals in one song takes a maximum of three hours of work.

It is clear that you can pay an order of magnitude less for the work of a stupid, pretty girl who can’t hit the notes than a singer with an education who has studied for 5-15 years. And when concerts can be held with a soundtrack, there is no point in hiring professionals at all. It's unprofitable!

I am glad that lately the public's interest in live performances has increased and more and more young domestic artists are working live. Anyway, okay. It was small lyrical digression on the topic of today's article :) Today I will show you how to edit voice, how to clean out of him all the wrong notes.

Recording a voice with a backing track

In one of the previous lessons I showed, and. We create new project. We will sing to the backing track of the song Labyrinth by Grigory Leps (). and select "Save as …".

Add a backing track to "Track 1": File->Import->Load audio file, select the downloaded file there. On "Track 2" set up microphone recording (). We turn on the recording and sing some fragment. I sang the chorus. Here's what happened:

Preparing the track for tuning

Vocals sound strangled. It needs to be compressed. I will talk about this in more detail in future articles. Now you can do nothing (or make the backing track quieter). I put a compressor on the vocal track Waves RVox with meaning Comp "-18db". Here's how the sound of the voice changed:

Audio: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download latest version. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

Yes... I am very far from the title of “singer” :) It’s not very harmonious, it’s dirty, and in one place the wrong note was sung at all! But it’s okay, now we’ll fix everything and it will sound cleaner;)

To start, cut the vocals into phrases. This will make it easier to mount in the future - replace or move fragments. When cutting already shaded fragments, program glitches sometimes occur.

To slice:

  • Select the desired object (click with the left mouse button).
  • Move the playhead (vertical line across the entire screen) to the cut location (left-click on the horizontal metric scale above the work area; see the number 48 in my picture - this is the metric scale).
  • Press a key on your keyboard "T"(or in the menu Edit->Split->Split objects).

If your scale is too small work area, adjust it using the buttons ‘+’ And ‘-‘ bottom right.

I will start correcting with the most serious mistake - in the fifth fragment I sang the wrong note at all. Right-click on the fifth fragment and select from the menu that appears "Object editor". In it - on the left " Time Pitch", and then press the button "Elastic Audio".

Elastic audio. How to use tune?

So we went into the Samplitude sound tuning module. It has two operating modes − Relative And Direct. The first allows you to influence the pitch of the sound without analyzing the contents of the audio track - raise or lower it relative to the original state. It is convenient to work in this mode if you need rough adjustments “by ear”, or if the second mode does not recognize the note well.

We are interested in the second mode - Direct. It allows you to analyze a sound fragment and displays a graph of changes in notes over time. When we come here for the first time, the analysis has not yet been carried out and the sound fragment looks monolithic.

On the panel at the bottom left, click the button Detection. Elastic Audio will analyze the fragment and the picture will change.

Notice the note at the beginning of bar 52. Something between E-flat and E. But in this song the note is F. Let's drag this note higher with the mouse.

Let's listen to the fragment (click with the mouse on the metric panel at the top in in the right place, then press 'Space' for playback). That sounds good now! It's like I sang it :)

Well, if you're being picky, you can hear a little unnaturalness of the voice compared to neighboring notes. When you change the pitch of a note by more than half a tone, it’s noticeable. And if it’s more than one and a half tones, it can sound criminal. But in this case it will not be noticeable. Especially if you add reverb.

Setting up the Algorithm tuner

An important setting for each audio fragment is Algorithm. Before manipulation, this field contains Standard. After manipulation it turns on automatically Resample. There are other meanings, for example - Monophonic voice And Smooth. What is the difference?

A mathematical algorithm - due to which the pitch of the sound will change. When Resample the speed will change. The most natural-sounding mode. If we lower a note, it will sound longer. Promoted - in short. Like on a tape recorder - in accelerated mode, voices sound higher. This is the only mode when the sound signal is not completed by the computer. Please note that if you greatly change the first note in a long fragment, all other notes will move forward or backward in time! Partly because of this, you need to cut the audio track to Elastic Audio.

Use Resample, if you need to correct only one note, and its duration is not critical. Pre-cut this note (before Elastic Audio) so that others do not move out of time.

The remaining algorithms leave the sound duration unchanged. If you raise a note, then to avoid shortening the sound, the program will complete the missing length based on the original fragment. In other words, it synthesizes it. The same applies to lowering a note - then, based on the original extended signal, an averaged signal with a duration similar to the original will be calculated.

I usually use Monophonic Voice. With some edits, clicks occur - then I try other algorithms. Or I chop the signal more finely before Elastic Audio. Now let's choose Monophonic Voice.

Click on the bottom right OK and close Object Editor. So we corrected one note. Of course, overall the recording did not sound cleaner - the rest of the notes were just as bad as they were. Therefore, we look through all the fragments in the same way and make corrections.

Nuances of vocal tuning

Automatic note tuning

In Elastic Audio, select the desired fragments and click the button Tone: Tune left-bottom. The program will automatically move the note in pitch to the nearest semitone. When a note is played with any kind of vibration, it is difficult to determine the pitch of the sound by eye (due to the uneven amplitude). There are two ways - either be guided by hearing, move and listen again; or use automatic adjustment.

Please note that automatic adjustment apparently works based on the average value. That is, if the fragment is not cut into notes, but actually consists of two sounds of different pitches, the result of the adjustment may be incorrect. Exactly the same as with entrances/exits - they can interfere proper operation auto-tuning.

Automatic note redrawing

I don't use this mode and won't talk about it. Experiment yourself - the second button is responsible for it Tune, located slightly higher than the one discussed above.

Incorrect note recognition - entries and consonants

Some notes may not be recognized or may not be recognized correctly. The reason may be cunning or incorrect sound production, poor diction. For example, an entry at the beginning of a note or an exit at the end. The picture below (depicting the very beginning of the chorus) contains several such errors. The first and third blue rectangles are incorrect recognition on the entry and consonant. It can be seen that the irregular blue rectangle has almost no useful content - there is little image of the sound signal and a lot of emptiness. You can ignore such things. Most often I do not touch such sounds, less often I correct them together with the adjacent syllable (I select and move two at once).

Incorrect note recognition - underdivided notes

Sometimes the program incorrectly beats notes according to their durations. Let's take a closer look at fragments 4 and 5 from the previous picture.

There are two syllables here. The text is “deep-HU-YU”. But the program recognized only the removal of the syllable “Yu” as a separate note. Although the picture shows that the syllable changed earlier (lowering of the graph on the right side). To correct such places, they can be cut. To do this, there is a button on the toolbar at the top "Cut" with the image of scissors. Let's choose it.

Now let's cut the note.

Here you go. It can be moved separately.

Intonation errors that cannot be corrected by moving the entire note

Take a closer look at the previous image and listen to the recording. The syllable “vglu-HU” twitches and trembles at the beginning. It sounds unpleasant. Using the tool "Pen"(pencil) to redraw the note.

Instead of jerking, we will draw a more or less smooth line (there is no need to try to draw straight lines, it will sound unnatural).

Notes can be pulled by one end and the other will remain in its original place

This method is good when the performer hits the note accurately, but slips in the end. Or vice versa. In general, if the note is skewed. In combination with other editing methods it is very effective.

Combined methods

Of course, often things are not so easy to fix and you need to use a combination of all the methods described above. Cut a whole note into parts, move the ends of some parts, redraw other parts, raise or lower still others entirely...


After I straightened my recorded voice, it looked like this:

Audio: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download latest version. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

Agree, it sounds more decent? :) In the future we will rewrite a couple of words, move the already recorded ones and add reverb. Let's take it deeper into the mix, push it - it will be even more decent! ;))))

That's all I use when correcting intonation:) There are various plugins that perform adjustments automatically. A solo instrument or vocal is not something to which it is permissible to use automation. Every note needs to be adjusted with love so that everything sounds natural and pure. Therefore, I will not consider such plugins.

And in the next article I will say a few words about editing - cutting and gluing fragments. I hope this article was useful to someone! If you have any comments on the manner of presentation, the essence, or just want to say something, write in the comments! There is no need to write to me in a personal message - after all, your questions may be of interest to others. I will definitely answer. And don’t forget to subscribe to updates (now you can not only through social networks, but also by e-mail) - in the right column of the site :)

In this article I will show you the best free programs for changing your voice on your computer - in Skype, games, and other applications when recording from a microphone (however, you can change other audio signals). I note that some of the presented programs can change the voice only in Skype, while others work regardless of what you are using, that is, they completely intercept the sound from the microphone in any application.

Unfortunately, good programs for these purposes, not so much, and in Russian even less. However, if you're looking for some fun, I think you'll be able to find a program on the list that you'll enjoy. Below are programs only for Windows, but if you need to change your voice on iPhone or Android when making a call, pay attention to the VoiceMod application (voicemod.net).

A few notes:

  • These kinds of free products often contain additional unnecessary software, be careful when installing, or even better, use VirusTotal and Unchecky (I checked and installed each of the listed programs, none of them contained anything dangerous, but I still warn you, as it happens that developers add potentially unwanted software over time).
  • When using programs to change your voice, you may find that you can no longer be heard on Skype, the sound has disappeared, or other problems have arisen. About the solution possible problems written with sound at the end of this review. Also, these tips may help if you are unable to get your voice to change using these utilities.
  • Most of the programs listed work only with a standard microphone (which is connected to the microphone jack of the sound card or on the front panel of the computer), and do not change the sound in any way on USB microphones (for example, those built into a webcam).

Voxal Voice Changer

Voxal Voice Changer is not completely free, but I could not understand what limitations the version I downloaded from the official website (without purchasing) had. Everything works as it should, and in terms of functionality, this voice changing program is perhaps one of the best I’ve seen (however, I couldn’t get it to work with a USB microphone, only with a regular one).

After installation, Voxal Voice Changer will ask you to restart your computer (additional drivers are installed) and will be ready to use. For basic use, you just need to select one of the effects applied to the voice in the list on the left - you can make a robot's voice, a female from a male and vice versa, add an echo and much more. At the same time, the program changes the voice for all Windows programs that use a microphone - games, Skype, sound recording programs. You can listen to the effects in real time by speaking into the microphone by clicking the Preview button in the program window.

If that's not enough for you, you can create a new effect yourself (or change an existing one) by adding any combination of the 14 available voice transformations and customizing each one - this way you can achieve interesting results.

You can download Voxal Voice Changer from the official website of NCH Software http://www.nchsoftware.com/download/index.html (there are a lot of downloads available, to quickly find the one you need, I recommend pressing Ctrl + F in the browser and start typing the word Voice).

Voice changer Clownfish

In fact, Clownfish serves far more than just changing your voice in Skype (the program only works in Skype and in TeamSpeak games, using a plugin), this is just one of its functions.

After installing Clownfish, an icon with a picture of a fish will appear in the Windows notification area; right-clicking on it brings up a menu with quick access to the functions and settings of the program. I recommend first switching the Clownfish settings to Russian. Also, by launching Skype, allow the program to use the Skype API (you will see a corresponding notification at the top).

And after that, you can select the “Change voice” item in the program function. There are not many effects, but they work properly (echo, different voices and sound distortion). By the way, to test changes you can call Echo/Sound Test Service - special service Skype to check the microphone.

You can download Clownfish for free from official page http://clownfish-translator.com/ (you can also find a plugin for TeamSpeak there).

Skype Voice Changer

The completely free Skype Voice Changer application is designed, as the name suggests, to change your voice in Skype (the Skype API is used, after installing the program you need to allow access to it).

With Skype Voice Changer you can customize a combination of different effects applied to your voice and customize each of them individually. To add an effect, on the “Effects” tab in the program, click the “Plus” button, select the desired modification and configure it (you can use several effects at the same time).

With skillful use or enough experimenter patience, impressive voices can be created, so I think the program is worth a try. By the way, there is also a Pro version, which also allows you to record conversations on Skype.

Skype Voice Changer is available for download at http://skypefx.codeplex.com/ (Warning: Some browsers swear by the application installer, but it is safe as far as I can tell and according to VirusTotal).

MorphVOX Jr

The free voice changing program MorphVOX Jr (there is also Pro) allows you to easily change your voice from female to male and vice versa, make a child's voice, and also add various effects. In addition, you can download additional voices from the official website (although they want money for them, you can only try for a limited time).

The program installer at the time of writing this review is completely clean (but requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2 to work), and immediately after installation the “MorphVOX Voice Doctor” wizard will help you configure everything as required.

You can download MorphVOX Jr from the page http://www.screamingbee.com/product/MorphVOXJunior.aspx (note: in Windows 10 it was possible to launch only in compatibility mode with Windows 7).


Scramby is another popular program for changing voice in instant messengers, including Skype (though I don’t know if it works with latest versions). The disadvantage of the program is that it has not been updated for several years, however, judging by the reviews, users praise it, which means you can try it. In my test, Scramby successfully launched and worked in Windows 10, but it was necessary to immediately uncheck the “Listen” checkbox, otherwise, if you are using a nearby microphone and speakers, you will hear an unpleasant hum when you launch the program.

The program allows you to choose one of many voices, like the voice of a robot, male, female or childish, etc. You can also add ambient sound (farm, ocean, etc.) and record that sound on your computer. While working with the program, you can also play arbitrary sounds from the “Fun Sounds” section at the time you need.

At the moment, you can't download Scramby from the official website (at least, I couldn't find it there), so you'll have to use third-party sources. Don't forget to check your downloads on VirusTotal.

Fake Voice and VoiceMaster

While writing the review, I tested two more very simple utilities that allow you to change your voice - the first, Fake Voice, works with any application in Windows, the second - via the Skype API.

In VoiceMaster, only one effect is available - Pitch, and in Fake Voice - several basic effects, including the same Pitch, as well as the addition of echo and robotic voice (but they work, to my ears, somewhat strangely).

Perhaps these two specimens will not be useful to you, but I decided to mention them; besides, they also have advantages - they are completely clean and very miniature.

Voice Changer Software

The program with the simple name Voice Changer Software from the developer Audio4Fun is good, but it only works for free for 14 days. At the same time, it was possible to force her to change her voice only when using a regular microphone connected to a sound card.

If the above utilities did not suit you or you just want to try something else, I recommend - good set effects and their flexible settings deserve attention. And the program itself, judging by foreign reviews, is almost the most popular among English-speaking users.

You can download the 14-day version of Voice Changer Software here (after launch you will need to activate it using a key that is given without registration): http://www.audio4fun.com/voice-changer.htm

Programs included with sound cards

Some sound cards, as well as motherboards when installing the included software to customize the sound, they also allow you to change the voice, and they do it quite well, using the capabilities of the audio chip.

For example, I have a Creative Sound Core 3D sound chip, and it comes with Sound Blaster Pro Studio software. The CrystalVoice tab in the program allows you not only to clear your voice of extraneous noise, but also to make the voice of a robot, an alien, a child, etc. And these effects work great.

Look, maybe you already have a voice changing program from the manufacturer.

Solving problems after using these programs

If it so happens that after you tried one of the described programs, unexpected things happened to you, for example, you stopped being heard in Skype, pay attention to the following Windows and application settings.

First of all, right-click on the speaker in the notification area to open the context menu, from which call up the “Recording Devices” item. Make sure that the microphone you want is set as the default device.

Look for a similar setting in the programs themselves, for example, in Skype it is located in Tools - Settings - Sound Settings.

Some PC users may need digital voice processing. This could be their own voice, the vocals of a musical composition, or an announcer’s speech - the fact is that such a need has arisen, and software tools are needed to implement it. In this article I will talk about several voice processing programs, explain where you can download them, and how to use them.

There are various software tools that allow you to process voice and human speech itself. Some of these programs are designed to change your voice, as they say, “on the go,” allowing you to change the characteristics of your voice right during pronunciation (convenient to use, for example, when communicating on Skype). In such programs you specify required characteristics sound, activate the microphone, say something, and at the output you get a result processed by the program.

The latter allow post-processing when the sound of a previously recorded voice changes. Such programs, in fact, are full-featured audio editors (Adobe Audition level), allowing you to edit, mix, add effects to a basic audio file, and, ultimately, obtain a high-quality result.

MorphVOX Pro - speech changing software

The first speech processing program I want to focus on is the very popular MorphVOX Pro. This program allows you to process your voice in “real time” mode, when during the process of communication on the network you speak in your normal voice, and the interlocutor receives a sound modified using MorphVOX Pro. You can change your voice to a child’s, female or male one, add menacing notes to it or, on the contrary, remove them, speak in the voice of a demon, robot or other character (an additional set of voices can be downloaded separately from the program itself).

  1. To work with the program, you need to download it (for example, from the Softportal resource) and install it on your PC.
  2. Then go to the program settings (the “Preferences” button at the top left).
  3. Select the “Device settings” tab, in the “Microphone” option set the microphone used by the system, and in the “Playback” option set the speakers used in the system.
  4. Then click on the “OK” button at the bottom, do not change anything else.

Install desired value"Microphone" and "Playback" parameters

If you did everything correctly, the green indicator in the center of the program window (next to the “Mute” button) will directly respond to the sound of your voice.

The program's working screen is divided into three parts. On the left you can select ready-made settings for any voice for sound. This can be a child (Child), man (Man), woman (Woman), robot (Robot), demon (Hell demon) and others.

In the center there are sliders that allow you to gradually change the characteristics of the voice: pitch shift (change in tone), Timbre (timbre), Shift (change in timbre), Strength (change in timbre power).

On the right is a graphic equalizer (you can also change the sound of your voice there), as well as select any of the Voice effects.

To use a voice modified using MorphVOX Pro, for example, in Skype, you need to go to, select the “Sound Settings” tab there, and set the default to “Screaming Bee Audio”.

Adobe Audition has a wide range of features

The second program that I will talk about today is also the equally popular Adobe Audition (free trial version product is available, for example, on adobe.com). This is a fairly powerful, flexible, multifunctional tool with a wide range of capabilities, allowing you to high-quality processing human voice.

You can either load an existing audio file with a voice recording into the program, or click on the “Record” button to record sound from a microphone (during recording, a visual display of the recorded sound will be shown). If you need to fix this, the article contains instructions at the link.

To edit, select the beginning and end of the desired segment (select the beginning of the segment by clicking on it with the mouse, then, without pressing the mouse button, select the desired segment, the specified segment will be displayed in a different color). Then you need to select the desired effect from the functionality offered by the program, which will allow you to change the selected segment in the key you need.

You can delete various noises, sighs, unnecessary sounds by first selecting them with the mouse, and then clicking on “Delete”.

Adobe Audition home screen

To insert other effects into the sound of your voice, you can use either a different audio track (both tracks will be played simultaneously) or by inserting into the first (base) audio track. To do this, click on the location of the track you want to insert (a cursor will appear there), then click on “Insert” - “Audio” at the top and select the desired file to insert.

This voice processing program also has other effects, for example, to add an echo effect to your voice, go to “Delay effects” and select “echo” there. The program allows you to choose various shapes echo, giving your voice many different shades.

A description of the full functionality of this program will take up an entire booklet; for those who are curious, I can recommend the site http://iqcomp.ru/v/s325, where there are several dozen videos (51) describing the full functionality of this program.

AV Voice Changer Software Diamond - processes voice online

The third voice processing program is AV Voice Changer Software Diamond. Its functionality is similar to the MorphVOX Pro I already reviewed, allowing you to change the sound of your voice in real time.

To work with AV Voice Changer Software Diamond, install and run this program. You can enable sound modification using the “On/Off” switch of the “Voice Morpher” option.

Clicking on "Duplex" will give you the opportunity to listen to what your modified voice sounds like (with a slight delay).


The voice processing program allows you to change the sound of your voice both in “real time” and use various options for post-processing previously recorded sound. If you need to change the sound of your voice, use the tools described above (as well as others, such as Sony Sound Forge Pro, Swifturn Free Audio Editor, Moo0 Audio Effect, Voxal Voice Changer, Clownfish et cetera). They will allow you to carry out high-quality voice processing, changing its sound to the level you need.

In contact with

Not everyone can cope with emotions when hearing the voice of a president or a superstar in their headphones. Such an event can excite the most balanced phlegmatic person. Of course, this is just fantastic. It is quite difficult to believe that this is really happening. Yes, in essence, and to nothing. After all, most likely, this is just a prank staged by one of your friends.

Today you don’t need to have the talent of a parodist to change your voice and pretend to be a different person. Anyone can speak in bass or falsetto if they download a program to change their voice in a microphone. A little bit of imagination, a little bit of artistry and now you are no longer just the guy next door, but a real celebrity. And if you also notice a characteristic feature of the speech of the person you are going to portray, or use phrases he often repeats, the similarity will be complete.

Why else do you need programs to change your voice through a microphone?

In fact, there are plenty of reasons to use them. They will be useful:
1. If you are young and want to be taken for an adult;
2. If you are not inclined to communicate with a person and want to answer him on behalf of another person;
3. You don’t want to be recognized;
4. You just don't like the way your voice sounds.

You can change your voice for dubbing videos, for communicating on Skype, in RaidCall, in any game that has voice chat, for example, CS GO, Dota 2, Team Fortress 2. All you need to do is download the program for changing your voice in Skype and install it on your computer. And it doesn’t matter why you need it, the main thing is that it is quite real and accessible to everyone.


This is one of the most famous utilities for changing your voice in PK or Skype. The name of the program “Clown Fish” suggests that it is intended for entertainment. If you want to cheer up your friends by pranking them or simply making them laugh in a squeaky or old voice, this is what you need.

The application is located in the tray as an icon and when launched it displays an impressive menu. In it, you can configure voice distortion manually or use ready-made templates.

Special attention should be paid to the automatic translation function. ClownFish allows you to easily communicate with speakers of other languages ​​using texts. The messages you exchange in the chat will be translated into the desired language.

No less useful are such utility functions as transforming spoken speech into text, encrypting correspondence and identifying spelling errors. A cheerful striped fish can congratulate your friend on his birthday, greet him and even communicate with him on his own.

MorphVOX Pro

Another program for changing voice through a microphone. It is often used for calls on Skype, RaidCall and other communication services. It also allows you to remain unrecognized and maintain confidentiality. Previously, there was no chance to download a voice changer to a computer in Russian. Today there is such an opportunity. Thanks to it, the interface has become even clearer and easier to use.

Settings are adjusted automatically based on the speaker's voice. Each person has a unique timbre, which cannot but influence the result of distortion. Therefore, the developers took care of the individual interaction of filters with voice.

*For the application to work correctly, you must have Microsoft on your computer. NET Framework.

AV Voice Changer Diamond

A program that allows you to change your voice not only in chats, but also when singing karaoke. You will be able to speak with voices famous people– stars, politicians, TV presenters, sing in the voice of your favorite artist. The best part is that your timbre changes precisely at the moment you pronounce the words. It is possible to record audio in MP3 format. You can set the settings so that voice changes will only work in certain programs when you need it. To do this, you need to mark all applications in which sound distortion is not needed.

How do voice change programs for a computer work in Russian?

The sound enters the application through the microphone. Here it passes through selected filters and is transmitted in a distorted form to the equipment of your interlocutor. Good quality and the continuity of the flow is ensured by the instantaneous modification of the sound.

What are the benefits of voice changing programs?

Low load on the system;
simple and intuitive interface;
ability to work online;
a large number of filters and templates;
the presence of additional effects and background sounds;
the ability to manually adjust and configure parameters.

Hiding your name and age is easy. Download a voice changer for Skype and have as much fun as you like. Make fun of your friends and relatives, just make sure that your jokes are not offensive or create problems for other people.