Dieffenbachia: photo, why you can’t keep it at home, signs and prejudices, description of the plant, breeding and care recommendations. Dieffenbachia - why you can’t keep a flower at home, signs and superstitions Flowering and mystical properties

Many people like Dieffenbachia because of its spectacular bright leaves and large size. In the interior, such a plant is used as a tapeworm. It is most often kept in living rooms or spacious halls. You can also find Dieffenbachia in office buildings, hotels, and restaurants. So is it still possible to keep this beauty in residential premises or not? Is it poisonous?

Description of the flower

Dieffenbachia belongs to the Araceae family. This is a big group tropical plants native to South America. To date, more than 40 species of Dieffenbachia have been classified and described. The plant is different rapid growth. In just a few years it can grow to the ceiling.

At home, Dieffenbachia reaches a height of 2-2.5 m. It is distinguished by a thick, erect stem on which large oval leaves of variegated color are located. Their color can be very diverse depending on the variety. The most common varieties have green leaves splashed with yellow.

Some species are capable of bushing, but basically this flower grows in one trunk, having a growth point only at the top of the head. At home, Dieffenbachia blooms very rarely, with an inconspicuous ear, like other aroids. But this is not required of her. The plant is kept as an ornamental deciduous plant.

Why can't you keep it at home?

Before you start Dieffenbachia as house plant, experts recommend taking into account a number of important points, and only then decide whether it suits you or not.

Is it poisonous and why is it dangerous for humans?

Dieffenbachia juice is dangerous to people. The plant seems to warn about this with its bright appearance. When transplanting Dieffenbachia or taking cuttings, you should definitely take care of the safety of your skin.

If juice accidentally gets on open areas You can get a burn on your hands and body, which will be accompanied by redness and even the appearance of an ulcer.

Be sure to use protective gloves, and after finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. In addition, the flower can cause an individual allergic reaction, although this happens infrequently. But if you are intolerant to the substances secreted by the flower, manifestations of heart failure are likely.

What if a child ate it

Sensitivity to toxic substances in children is higher than in adults. It is especially dangerous if Dieffenbachia juice gets inside the child’s body or into his eyes. This can happen if the mother does not look after the baby. Young children, attracted by the beauty of the flower's leaves, can tear off a piece of the leaf and taste it. This could end very badly. Loss of consciousness, swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, and cardiac dysfunction are possible.

If the juice gets on the skin of a child’s hands, and then the baby rubs his eyes with them, vision problems may occur, including temporary blindness and decreased visual acuity in the future.

If parents suspect such a situation, it is necessary to urgently rinse the eyes with a large amount of clean water and show the child to an ophthalmologist.

Harm to pets

What happens if your cat eats Dieffenbachia? Domestic cats or small puppies can often spoil plants out of boredom and chew their stems and leaves. In the case of Dieffenbachia, this can end in unpleasant consequences.

Even if the animal did not swallow parts of the plant, but only chewed them, it will receive swelling of the oral mucosa due to the calcium oxalate contained in the flower. Symptoms in this case will be redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, difficulty swallowing, and increased salivation may occur.

If parts of the plant get into the stomach, the pet will be poisoned and begin vomiting. If such phenomena occur, it is better to immediately consult a veterinarian. At the clinic, the animal’s stomach will be washed and other necessary assistance will be provided.

According to feng shui

According to this teaching, much depends on which sector the plant is placed in. It is recommended to keep Dieffenbachia in the north-eastern part of the room. But, despite the fact that from the point of view of Feng Shui there cannot be plants harmful to humans, it is still not recommended to keep this flower in the house. Its active energy is not entirely suitable for residential premises. It is best to place Dieffenbachia in the office, where it will promote mental and creative activity, will set you up for work.

On a note! Zodiacally, Dieffenbachia is most suitable for Cancers and Leos.

For allergies

Allergic reaction the body is always individual. That is, one of the people living in the house may have an allergy to Dieffenbachia, while others will not. In order for an allergic reaction to occur, direct contact with the plant is necessary. Symptoms may vary in severity.

Attention! Interruptions in the functioning of the heart or swelling of the larynx with the onset of anaphylactic shock are possible.

If you believe that an allergic reaction occurred precisely after contact with a flower, you must:

  • take an antihistamine immediately;
  • Call emergency medical care in case of severe allergy symptoms.

If such a situation arises, it is better to get rid of Dieffenbachia in the house.

Dieffenbachia burn, what to do

The irritating effect of Dieffenbachia juice on the skin is due to the presence of sharp calcium oxalate crystals and caustic enzymes in its composition. When it comes into contact with the skin, the juice causes contact dermatitis, the severity of which depends on the individual sensitivity of the skin. The affected area becomes red, swollen, and blisters may appear, which then turn into ulcers.

As first aid measures you need:

  • place the affected area under cool running water;
  • To relieve pain, apply lidocaine solution to the affected area, it is sold in the form of a spray.

When the cornea of ​​the eye is burned, symptoms such as pain, lacrimation, photophobia, and sharp deterioration of vision appear.

As first aid you need:

  • rinse the affected eye for 15-20 minutes under running water;
  • drip Levomycetin eye drops or furatsilin solution to prevent secondary infection.

If the oral cavity is burned, a person will not be able to speak, will feel pain, numbness, and the swallowing process will be disrupted. Dieffenbachia juice will cause severe swelling of the mucous membrane and increased saliva production. If swelling of the larynx is severe, difficulty breathing may occur. The victim needs:

  • rinse your mouth with water;
  • if the pain is severe, then rinse your mouth with a 0.5% novocaine solution;
  • drink a glass of cold milk or water.

For skin burns, patients do not seek medical help, as their condition improves within 24 hours. The exception is severe burns with the appearance of ulcers, in which case you need to see a doctor. But if the eyes and mouth are affected, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible. The doctor must make sure that there are no serious consequences of a chemical burn and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Can I keep it in the bedroom?

It is not recommended to keep large house plants in the bedroom, this also applies to Dieffenbachia. The thing is that during the day flowers absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. But at night the reverse process occurs - carbon dioxide is released.

The larger the leaves of the flower, the more intensely it fills carbon dioxide room. As a result, in the morning you will feel exhausted and sleep-deprived, and you may experience headache. If there are no small children or animals in your house, and you like Dieffenbachia so much, place it in the living room.

Medicinal properties

The leaves of Dieffenbachia, like some other plants, are capable of releasing phytoncides into the indoor air - special substances that destroy pathogenic microbes. During the daytime, the flower cleans the air well, enriches it with oxygen and moisturizes it.

There is evidence that Dieffenbachia is able to neutralize toxins and some harmful substances in the air, such as formaldehyde and toluene. Therefore, if the decoration of your apartment contains a lot of synthetic materials, the plant will come in handy there. Dieffenbachia is not used directly for the manufacture of medicinal potions because of its poisonous juice.

Signs and superstitions - is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia at home?

By believing in various signs and superstitions, we pay tribute to the irrational that sits deep in each of us. Some, especially mystical people, tend to see signs in everything. What do the signs say about keeping Dieffenbachia in the house?

"Muzhegon", flower of celibacy

People really attribute to Dieffenbachia a negative impact on the personal life of its owner. It is believed that if a woman is single, having Dieffenbachia, she will not be able to get married. But the one who has already created family happiness for herself may lose it. Superstitious people claim that a woman will definitely get divorced or become a widow.

Therefore, it is advisable to plant this flower only for those who do not believe too much in superstitions. Having gone through your friends in your mind, you will probably remember prosperous married couples in whose house Dieffenbachia lives. But you should not purchase this plant with fear in your soul - in this case, it will not give you joy.

Is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia at home: video

If it blooms

It is believed that any flower, living in a house, establishes an energetic connection with it and with everyone living there. At home, Dieffenbachia blooms very rarely, so the flowering that occurs is considered an event. According to the sign, this event occurs when psychological discomfort and tension increase in the house. The flower seems to be giving you a sign that favorable changes are necessary, that it is time to stop quarrels or silent confrontation.

Why does Dieffenbachia cry?

This plant has the ability to anticipate weather changes and can serve as an excellent barometer. On the eve of heavy rains and snowfalls, Dieffenbachia will notify you of their appearance with transparent droplets protruding from the bright leaves. The flower appears to be crying, but this is a normal quality that should not bother you. Vice versa experienced flower growers We are grateful to Dieffenbachia for the hint whether to take an umbrella with us when leaving the house or not.

Why can't you keep it in the office?

Some are so afraid of Dieffenbachia that they avoid its presence not only at home, but also in the office. And completely in vain. It is precisely with its powerful energy that the plant fuels the team, mobilizes employees to work and is considered most suitable specifically for office and industrial premises with a large crowd of people.

Probably many of us are familiar with this plant firsthand. Keeping this plant at home is often associated with a number of various false judgments and assumptions regarding its harm or harmlessness to humans. So how harmful is Dieffenbachia and is it safe to keep at home?

Dieffenbachia, main features and characteristics

Dieffenbachia is a plant belonging to the aroid family. Its homeland is the South American continent. It would be most correct to classify Dieffenbachia as perennial shrubs evergreen type.

The name of this shrub came from the name of the German botanist J.F. Dieffenbach. The plant has a fairly high growth rate and can reach two meters, however, when kept at home, it rarely reaches such a height.

Dieffenbachia is distinguished by quite beautiful leaves, which have a peculiar “spotted” color. The bush quite quickly begins to produce new leaves and shed those located in the lower part. This property significantly worsens the appearance. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to promptly renew the plant by cutting off the top. The top itself can be rooted. If this is not done, the Dieffenbachia will begin to tilt and the trunk may take a horizontal position.

The bush blooms rarely, and the flowers themselves are not of particular decorative importance. But under favorable circumstances, the appearance of large “cob flowers” ​​is quite possible. The point where new leaves appear is at the top of the plant.

Is it possible to keep and grow this flower at home? Dieffenbachia does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes quite well. It is important to pay attention to this nuance when replanting a plant or ventilating a room during the cold season. At a certain period it is necessary to give the plant a chance to rest, during which watering and fertilizing are reduced. As a rule, this is autumn-winter.

During the rest of the time, you can safely replant the flower (usually the plant needs it once every 2 or 4 years, as it grows). Place drainage (expanded clay or small pebbles) in the bottom of the container with Dieffenbachia. It will not be superfluous to loosen the soil from time to time and feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.

Problems and diseases

In order to avoid this, it is important to water the plant in a timely manner, ensure optimal temperature conditions in the room, and arrange for pest control if necessary.

Reproduction of Dieffenbachia

A flower can reproduce in different ways.

  • Cutting propagation. Parts cut from the plant are either rooted in the ground (can be watered with a growth enhancing agent) or placed in an aqueous/humid environment (a container of water, wet moss).
  • Seed propagation. This method, is possible only if there are flowers on the plant. Female flowers have distinctive feature in the form of a partially closed flower part. To carry out pollination of a flower, you need to take pollen from the male inflorescence with a brush and distribute it along the half-closed part of the female flower (after making an incision on it, after finishing, the incision must be sealed).
  • Reproduction by the stem part of the plant. Usually the stem is divided into several parts, approximately 10–12 cm each, and the cut is treated with coal or sulfur crumbs. Then the stem is placed in a container with soil. If everything went well, rudiments of leaves will appear on the stem.

Dieffenbachia: benefits and harms

Dieffenbachia has a large number of species, but the most common for home maintenance are only a few hybrids of this shrub. What benefits or harm does a flower bring?, is it possible to keep him at home? In fact, this shrub has a number of useful features, distinguishing it from many other plants.

  • In those rooms in which Dieffenbachia is located, the chemical composition ambient air;
  • Shrubs influence the amount of dust, which is important, for example, for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  • It is known that Dieffenbachia is characterized by the presence of phytoncides, which also have bactericidal properties. They are able to reduce the overall quantitative characteristics of microbes such as staphylococcus.

About the safety of keeping Dieffenbachia at home

Along with the beneficial properties of Dieffenbachia for humans, one cannot ignore the fact that there are also properties that can cause some harm when keeping the shrub at home.

Dieffenbachia, the harm of which lies in the content of a number of substances in its juice, can cause allergic reactions. This usually happens with direct contact of Dieffenbachia juice with skin. Therefore, it is very important to take certain precautions when caring for shrubs. And do not allow the plant juice to come into contact with mucous membranes or skin.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the plant is out of reach of small children and pets (it has been noticed that cats show a certain interest in this plant). Also, you should not place this plant in children's rooms. preschool institutions and centers.


From the features and properties of Dieffenbachia we have examined, we can come to certain conclusions about its safety (benefits and harms for humans).

Subject to simple precautions during replanting, trimming stems and leaves (use protective gloves, washing hands after finishing work with the plant), do not allow children to come into contact with the plant, Dieffenbachia will be no different from other plants in the house.

Thus, finding a Dieffenbachia flower in the house is not only not dangerous, but will also bring positive properties to the microclimate of the room. Also, this shrub with “marble leaves” will wonderfully complement and decorate your interior.

Dieffenbachia has many fans among gardeners; why you can’t keep it at home - this question interests many. Therefore, it is useful to know how to care for indoor evergreen shrub, and the historically established ambiguous attitude towards it.

Dieffenbachia is an indoor plant that has its own specifics. Among the variety of decorative flowers, it is distinguished by the presence of variegated white-green large leaves and potentially large sizes. With age, the flower loses its attractiveness due to large quantity dying stems in the lower part and requires rejuvenation.

Microclimate requirements

Dieffenbachia will not feel comfortable in every apartment. If the recommended microclimate for growing a houseplant is not observed in the room, then it is advisable not to rush to decorate the interior with the flower you like: there is little pleasure in keeping a stunted and drooping representative of the flora in the apartment, which is also slowly growing and prone to disease.

  1. Lighting. Dieffenbachia, coming from tropical countries, is light-loving, but does not like direct sunlight.
  2. Temperature. Best Range+20°С... +26°С in summer and +18°С... +19°С in winter, sudden temperature changes are extremely undesirable. Great harm capable of causing drafts.
  3. Humidity. The recommended level is at least 55%.

Knowing the physical parameters of the air in your apartment will help you preliminarily determine the appropriateness of the presence of Dieffenbachia on your territory.

When is it better not to grow Dieffenbachia in an apartment?

A florist needs to take a responsible approach to choosing a home flowerpot and remember that Dieffenbachia is poisonous. Its green parts contain alkaloids - a substance that causes swelling, irritation and redness when it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, as well as irreversible damage to the cornea. An allergic reaction usually appears several hours after contact with milky juice. Think carefully before deciding whether you need Dieffenbachia and whether you can keep a poisonous beauty at home.

Do young children live in the apartment? Then choose only non-toxic flower. It is not always possible to keep track of the nimble tomboys who indiscriminately put everything in their mouths. Known historical facts, when ingestion of Dieffenbachia leaves caused temporary paralysis and numbness of the mouth and larynx for up to several weeks. Not all plant varieties are equally toxic, and individual reactions are selective, but it is better to prevent troubles. What may cause temporary minor inconvenience to a healthy adult may cause a long-term illness for a small person.

The second case that requires close attention is pets in your apartment. Often cats, dogs and parrots can be quite partial to attractive greenery, so there is a chance that they can easily cause themselves unpleasant painful sensations, even possibly death. If you place Dieffenbachia in a place inaccessible to animals, then the neighborhood can be safe for everyone: the integrity of the green stems and leaves will be preserved, and the pet will not be harmed. Let it be a restricted access room, high shelves, hanging planters- everything for your peace of mind and the safety of your little friend.

What you need to remember and be able to do when growing a houseplant

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of houseplants will help determine whether the chosen pot is worth spending time and money on or not.

Dieffenbachia will delight you with its rapid growth and durability - this good qualities, if you want to green the premises on an ongoing basis as quickly as possible. She is not very demanding in terms of care. Provide the necessary microclimate, regularly and correctly water, fertilize, replant the plant, and wipe the wide leaves from dust. To avoid allergic and other troubles, do not allow plant parts to come into direct contact with your skin. Use gloves when replanting, removing old leaves, pruning and even wiping off dust, and wash your hands with soap and water when finishing the work.

Popular superstitions and mystical properties of Dieffenbachia

Over time, the flower acquired a bad reputation among superstitious people. Dieffenbachia was endowed with mystical properties, and was credited with the ability to spread negative energy and destroy the atmosphere of goodwill and hospitality.

Folk signs explain a wide range of problems as follows:

  1. Intrafamily quarrels, divorce of a married couple. The flowerpot grows comfortably in places of constant negative emotional outbursts. They claim that it can enhance negative qualities.
  2. A young girl's inability to find a good groom. If a potential bride is growing up in an apartment, then a green pet is undesirable, otherwise promising acquaintances will never end in marriage and will come down to only short-term relationships without serious obligations.
  3. Rare guests in the house. Neighbors and friends will pick up on the “sinister” atmosphere of the apartment and will not linger for a minute unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Low male potency. A strong half of humanity suffers from the “vampirism” of indoor plants. The flower, as popular rumor claims, expels men from the marital bed, from the house.
  5. Adultery on the part of the husband.
  6. Lack of desired pregnancy. In addition to male incompetence, female infertility is also added.
  7. Problems in relationships with children, especially boys.
  8. Poor health: neuroses, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, various diseases.
  9. Low material wealth of the family to the point of poverty.
  10. Death or abandonment of pets.

How does one relate to folk wisdom? You should not be tempted to explain the lack of harmony in the family by the presence of the “wrong” plant in the living room. Among your friends and neighbors there should be happy families who will convince you that Dieffenbachia thrives in a good family. But it is reasonable to remember that the signs are partially justified, and Dieffenbachia is not completely safe. Therefore, there is no need to choose a place for it in the bedroom, especially next to the marital bed.

Positive properties of Dieffenbachia

Experts note the numerous advantages of the plant.

Dieffenbachia - air humidification and dust removal

In the first place are properties for improving indoor air quality:

  1. Increase in humidity. Wide leaves constantly evaporate moisture, and the need to additionally spray the plant in an unfavorable microclimate also contributes to an increase in the overall percentage of water in the air.
  2. Cleaning from dust: it settles on the leaves and is easily removed with regular cleaning of the room. For people suffering from dust intolerance, this a good option.
  3. Destruction and suppression of the development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. This is possible due to the presence of biologically active substances - phytoncides. Thus, the “immune” protection of indoor plants helps the owners protect their health.
  4. Formaldehyde removal. This is important when moving into new apartment when after repair work When buying furniture, the residual smell of chemicals hangs in the air for a long time.

The qualities due to which our grandmothers could ignore the plant are also interpreted from a positive side. If Dieffenbachia feeds on energy negative emotions, then that's good! This means it absorbs and neutralizes it, clearing the space. You can’t place it in the bedroom - we’ll put it in the kitchen!

The plant may not like men - let the owner take care of it. Flower growers claim that Dieffenbachia, with proper care, generously shares energy with those who care for it: it improves well-being, appearance, and helps fight aging and excess weight.

Dieffenbachia, the benefits and harms of which are ambiguous, does not scare everyone as a cause of potential infertility: established parents and older people are not concerned about this problem.

The positive energy of Dieffenbachia is actively produced for mental activity, which will contribute to the prosperity of career and business. This plant is not a money plant, but an energy stimulant in decision-making situations, when mastering new material, properly managing money, and establishing business connections. This is a good companion for students, businessmen, so it is most appropriate to place it in work area apartments: in the office or on desk.

A caring gardener does not have bad plants, but there are unsuitable conditions for him. Dieffenbachia can be a worthy decoration for a home where there are no children or pets. Choose the best for yourself and don’t doubt your choice!

Dieffenbachia belongs to a subspecies of tropical plants. The special charm of the flower is in its unusually colored leaves. They have a lush green color with white stripes or splashes. An adult flower can reach a height of 2 meters.

But it is necessary to clarify that with age it loses its grace, as the lower leaves fall off, exposing a strong, thick trunk.

Dieffenbachia can often be found in offices, large stores, museum halls and even in classrooms. educational institutions. Many indoor flower lovers grow Dieffenbachia at home. But the plant can cause enormous harm to humans if it is not provided with proper care.

  • In order for Dieffenbachia to be healthy, strong and beautiful, it needs to create comfortable conditions. The plant grows well at an air temperature of 17-18 degrees Celsius. It does not like sudden changes in temperature, as well as bright lighting.
  • Hit sun rays on the surface of the leaves causes a superficial burn. As a result, the leaves become covered rusty spots, gradually dry out and crumble.
  • Dieffenbachia requires moderate watering and regular cleaning of the leaves from dust and surface contaminants. Water for watering the plant should be room temperature. Ideally, it will be settled water.
  • About once a week it is recommended to wipe the Dieffenbachia leaves with a damp soft cloth.
  • The plant also responds positively to regular spraying. Water for spraying should also be at room temperature.
  • Do not allow liquid to remain in the tray of the pot after watering. You should also not overwater the flower. Excessive soil moisture will lead to the development serious illnesses or even the death of the plant.

What are the benefits of Dieffenbachia

The lush green plant is very beautiful. It can decorate the interior and create comfort in an apartment or house. In addition to external grace and beauty, the plant also has useful qualities. The main positive quality of Dieffenbachia is its ability to purify the air from harmful and toxic volatile components.

The structure of the plant contains useful components - phytoncides. The flower constantly secretes phytoncides, which fall into air environment cleanse it of pathogenic microorganisms and harmful compounds.

Experienced flower growers recommend growing Dieffenbachia to those people whose apartments or houses are located in unfavorable conditions. ecological areas. The plant is able to absorb vapors harmful substance formaldehyde, which causes significant damage to human health.

The huge leaves of Dieffenbachia are a natural humidifier. If you provide proper care for the flower (keep the surface of the leaves clean), it will be able to effectively combat increased dust levels in the air.

Harm of Dieffenbachia

Despite the usefulness of Dieffenbachia, some people have a question: is it poisonous or not? Indeed, the plant is poisonous. Substances with toxic properties are contained in the milky juice of Dieffenbachia. If the juice gets on a person’s skin, it instantly causes a burn.

It is much more dangerous if the poisonous juice gets into the mucous membrane of a person’s eyes or mouth. Such carelessness can lead to blindness and swelling of the tongue (in the latter case, the person loses the ability to speak for some time).

Growing Dieffenbachia in a house with small children

Careless handling of the plant can cause serious problems with health, so deciding whether it is possible to grow Dieffenbachia at home must be done wisely. It is not recommended to purchase a flower for those who have small children or pets in their home.

If there is already Dieffenbachia in the house and a child is born, then it is necessary to limit the baby’s contact with the plant - hang the flower from the ceiling, place it on a high stool or fence it off with a fence.

Harm of Dieffenbachia to pets

Dieffenbachia juice can cause poisoning and even death to pets. A peculiarity of cats is the desire to taste the leaves of indoor flowers. Dogs often imagine the trunk of large plants as playing sticks, so they try to gnaw or bite them. All this can lead to poisoning of the animal or to burns on the oral mucosa.

To prevent an animal from being poisoned by a poisonous flower, it is necessary not to leave them unattended. If your pet is left alone at home, it is recommended to close the doors of the room where Dieffenbachia grows.

Fortunately, adult dogs and cats are able to independently determine which plants may pose a danger to them. As a rule, adult animals try not to approach or have any contact with poisonous plant.

Energy properties of a flower

Since ancient times it has been known that plants have energy properties. They can have a positive or negative effect on a person. As for Dieffenbachia, it will emit either favorable or negative energy depending on the place where it grows.

  • If the flower is placed in a spacious room (for example, in big room), then it will actively purify the air and protect it from increased dust. In this case, the plant will also have a positive effect on humans.
  • If Dieffenbachia grows in a cramped space and surrounded by other houseplants, it can cause serious problems. An uncomfortable location for a plant will provoke a deterioration in a person’s general well-being. Dieffenbachia will become an energy vampire and will “pull” vital energy from household members. There are cases where the appearance of Dieffenbachia in the house has caused aggression and unreasonable irritability in people.

You can avoid unpleasant consequences if you create comfortable conditions for the plant to grow.

Folk signs

The benefits of a beautiful flower have been known for a long time. There is a popular opinion that Dieffenbachia has magical power and it depends only on a person’s behavior whether it will emit harm or benefit.

Benefits of Dieffenbachia

  • The plant can bring good luck and wealth to the house.
  • Dieffenbachia fills the house positive energy. She is able to give kindness to household members and provoke the appearance of confidence and determination in their character.
  • If the relationship between spouses has deteriorated, quarrels and disagreements often begin to arise, folk sages advise placing a flower in the kitchen. The positive energy of the plant will help lovers find correct solution their disputes.
  • The flower has a positive effect on feminine energy. If the ladies wish for a long time to remain young, charming and sexy, then the plant should be placed in a large room and constantly monitor the cleanliness of the leaves.
  • Dieffenbachia, growing in offices and offices, increases the productivity of employees in the relevant production.

Harm of Dieffenbachia

  • Among the people, Dieffenbachia is given the name “muzhegon”. If a lonely girl gets a plant, it will be difficult for her to find faithful companion life.
  • It is strictly forbidden to place a flower pot in the bedroom, this has a negative effect on sex life spouses.
  • Dieffenbachia is considered a purely female flower. If a man grows it at home, it will negatively affect his personal life. Moreover, the plant can even cause infertility in men.
  • The flower also has a negative effect on the well-being of men. How older plant, the more often it provokes the appearance of malaise, apathy, irritability, mental disorders and nervousness in representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Precautionary measures

Dieffenbachia, the benefits and harms of which have already been thoroughly studied, can become a home decoration. But the plant can also become dangerous. To prevent serious troubles from occurring, all work on replanting a flower, cutting or forming a crown should be done with rubber gloves.

If plant sap accidentally gets on the surface of the skin, you must immediately wash the area of ​​injury with warm water and soap.

Afterwards, treat the skin with a protective cream. Slight redness on the skin is the body's response to a toxic substance. If blisters form on the surface of the skin, you should consult a dermatologist.

If the juice of the plant accidentally gets into your mouth or onto the mucous membranes of your eyes, you should immediately rinse your eyes or mouth with plenty of warm water. If severe burning, itching or acute pain occurs, you must call an emergency team.

You can grow Dieffenbachia at home, but you must be careful. Improper handling of a flower can lead to serious troubles.

Many gardeners, having once heard a popular prejudice, have a question: why can’t you keep Dieffenbachia at home? The photo of this plant fully demonstrates how luxurious, beautiful and interesting it fits into the interior of residential premises. It becomes a shame that, due to ordinary superstition, you have to throw away an entire “bush.” And the flower is exactly like it - it grows just as big, with large paw-shaped leaves. But don’t rush to take the plant to the trash heap. Perhaps it brings happiness after all, not sadness.

Description of the plant

Dieffenbachia is a beautiful indoor flower that has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house. Therefore, from the very beginning of the article it is worth asserting: the superstition as to why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home is wrong. The plant is evergreen, attractive in decorative terms, and therefore loved by many gardeners. It can be grown both at home and in the office. Dieffenbachia is generally unpretentious to living conditions and care. But there are still some nuances in this issue.

The flower appeared at the end of the 18th century and was presented to the world by the gardener of the Austrian Imperial Botanical Garden, Joseph Dieffenbach. He, in turn, brought the plant from North America and raised it in artificial conditions. Only after this they began to grow Dieffenbachia at home. It grows wild in Northern and South America. grows there great amount varieties, and almost all of them are poisonous. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home. You can't see the poison in the photo, but it looks like milk. However, if you are careful, nothing bad will happen.

Dieffenbachia has a thick, succulent stem bearing large, oval-shaped leaves. The growing point is at the top of the shoot, but there may also be “dormant” points at the base, which explains the ability of the plant to bush. Since it belongs to the Araceae family, the inflorescences are shaped like cobs. At home it blooms extremely rarely.

Varieties of Dieffenbachia

Breeders have created a huge number of hybrids and varieties of plants with different colors, although it is attractive in itself. There are about 40 types that look great in the interior. They differ in color, shape and height. For example, it can be bush or stem. The second option is the tree-like Dieffenbachia, which looks like a tree and produces lower shoots extremely rarely. The bush species, on the contrary, produces shoots from the ground. And before getting an answer to the question of why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home, let’s look at several of its varieties in the photo:

  • Oersted - the crown has a uniform color. The leaves are green with a wide vein in the center, slightly elongated, and have a pointed shape.
  • Seguina - characterized by oblong leaves. The length of the petioles is equal to the size of the leaves. They are slightly rounded at the base. The stalk is green, has white inclusions in the form of strokes different sizes. Looks like a tree.
  • Bauze - has a long tree-like trunk, grows up to a meter. The leaves are wide, with marble patterns.
  • Spotted - the crown frames the trunk with a chic cascade of leaves. They are colorful and have spots different shades. Picky about care.
  • Leopold - no tall plant with dark green leaves that may have a purple tint. There is a wide vein in the center. The leaf shape is elliptical.
  • Adorable - not tall, but has large dark green leaves with veins and white stripes.
  • Camilla is a tall plant, growing up to 2 meters. It has oval elongated green leaves with a darker edge.
  • Green Magic is a small, neat plant with short petioles and compact leaves with white stripes.

Features of flower care

In general, the plant is not picky, with the exception of a few of its species. You only need to follow some recommendations related to watering and replanting, and also provide it with constant warmth. After information is received whether it is possible to keep a Dieffenbachia flower at home, and the final decision is made, you will have to visit a specialized store to buy a wide pot and a special substrate for it. In general, planting is carried out in the same way as almost any other color. It is only recommended to make drainage at the bottom of the pot. Now about how to care for the plant.

Temperature for growth

A temperature of 20-22 degrees is considered comfortable. If it is over 30, you need to increase the humidity in the room. In winter, it is recommended to organize 16-18 degrees for Dieffenbachia. Humidity should be monitored constantly, as she loves this kind of air. There is nothing complicated about this - regularly add water to the pan.

Watering and fertilizing

The soil must be constantly moist. You need to water often, but in small portions. In summer every 2 days, and in winter once a week is enough. It is necessary to feed throughout the year, since the flower is always active. In summer it is recommended to fertilize once every 2 weeks, and in winter - every month and a half.

Plant transplantation and propagation

It is important to know that Dieffenbachia has a large root system, so she needs a pot much wider than herself. To make the flower comfortable, it is necessary to replant it regularly, avoiding crowding. When replanting, you need to look through the roots and remove rotten roots. Transplantation is carried out every year in the spring. The process of reproduction is also simple. It is possible at the top and stem.

Growing problems, as well as possible diseases and pests

Is it possible to keep indoor flower Dieffenbachia at home should concern plant lovers no more than possible problems with its cultivation. The most common is yellowing of the leaves. It occurs when excessive watering, poor lighting, sunburn and because of hard water. And leaves can dry out due to lack of heat or lack of humidity. Therefore, if one of these problems occurs, predisposing factors should be eliminated, and Dieffenbachia will continue to delight the eye with its beauty.

If you do not follow the rules of care, even this unpretentious plant may die. First of all, due to fungal infection. Most frequent illnesses dieffenbachia - anthracosis and fusarium. They affect the root system of the plant. To save the flower, you need to remove the infected parts and treat the roots with fungicides. The presence of the disease can be indicated by yellowing, drying or “wetting” of the leaves, as well as the appearance of uncharacteristic spots.

Why can't you keep Dieffenbachia at home? Photo of a flower and prejudices associated with it

First, let me tell you that Dieffenbachia is a poisonous plant. If we leave prejudices and superstitions aside, this fact alone is enough to get rid of the flower. Especially if there are children and animals in the house. The milky sap that the plant secretes when a leaf breaks or the trunk is damaged is extremely poisonous. It causes severe skin irritation, but is especially dangerous for mucous membranes. If the milky juice gets into the eyes, it threatens a person with loss of vision. Swelling of the tongue and loss of speech are also possible.

By the way, to prove this there is one very interesting fact, which will probably definitely make you wonder whether you can keep Dieffenbachia at home - the photo shows a cute and attractive flower. It says that slaves who had been guilty for a long time, namely those who talked a lot and not on business, were obliged to bite the stem of the plant. Naturally, severe swelling of the tongue and larynx occurred, and people were then unable to speak for a long time. Surely after such punishment, even when speech returned, they preferred to remain silent for a long time.

There are also folk superstition associated with this flower. It explains why you should not keep Dieffenbachia at home. In the photo - “mozhegon”. But there seems to be a logical explanation for this prejudice. It is believed that Dieffenbachia has Negative influence on a man's potency. And if there is such a flower in the house, then married couple will not be able to have children for a long time. In this regard, it is often called the flower of “widow”, “old maid” and “celibacy”. In addition to the fact that Dieffenbachia allegedly negatively affects male potency, she also repels the stronger sex with her energy. That's why they leave home.

Knowing the obvious disadvantages of Dieffenbachia, is it possible to keep it at home or is it better to throw it away?

Don't get hung up folk beliefs It’s not worth it, but assessing the possible harm caused by the plant due to its toxicity is important. If there are small children in the house, as well as animals, especially cats, it is better not to take risks. Or put the plant in a place where neither the baby nor the kitten can reach it. In general, to completely protect the most defenseless family members.

Useful qualities of Dieffenbachia

You can't talk only about bad things. Now about when the question of whether it is possible to keep an indoor Dieffenbachia flower at home should be answered - yes!

  • Dieffenbachia is an aesthetically attractive plant that will decorate any interior and make it more “alive”.
  • Dieffenbachia helps filter, purify and humidify the air in the room.
  • Dieffenbachia disinfects the air, reducing the number of pathogenic microorganisms in its composition.
  • Dieffenbachia improves the chemical composition of the air.

These are the positive properties of the plant that every person needs to know. There is already so much negativity in the world, so why not learn to see the good in everything, not the bad.