Diet of Inna Volovicheva 30. Diet of Inna Volovicheva - menu for the week with recipes. The key to success is physical activity

(1400-1500 kcal per day) with intense physical activity. In the author’s version, this means regular jogging every day. A characteristic feature of the method is uniform weight loss: 12 kg will be lost in 30 days of following the diet regimen, and 40 kg over the next 3 months.

Visibility is one of the aspects that aroused such keen interest of the female audience in the new weight loss program.

Inna Volovicheva is a former participant in the Dom-2 project, the girl lost weight in front of camera lenses in front of television viewers every day. Obvious changes in the figure, slimmer forms could not go unnoticed. During the project, Inna lost 28 kg, and in a year - 40 kg, moving from clothing size 56 to 46. What is the secret of the author’s method, the advantages and disadvantages of the method, the girl’s revelations - we will consider further.

From the history of weight loss

Inna Volovicheva gained respect from the audience only after she was able to lose weight on her own without the help of surgeons.

“My diet, first of all, is willpower,” says the confident brunette. Any weight loss program is a test of strength that requires changes in nutrition, behavior, and habitual lifestyle in the name of the goal. You cannot feel sorry for yourself, otherwise your weight will rapidly increase and your health problems will worsen. When making a decision to become slimmer, you should not expect that it will be easy and hope for quick results. The fight against excess weight requires enormous effort. This is, first of all, a radical change in diet, based on the transition to healthy foods. All high-calorie foods, in particular fried foods, sweets and alcohol, are excluded from the menu.

In her body, the portly lady of size 56 felt more like a “mommy” than a beauty. The heroine of the television show came to the project to find love, but was constantly subjected to ridicule and criticism from the rest of the Dom-2 participants about her appearance. Due to psychological stress, during the first 14 days of her stay on the project, Inna lost her first kilograms, which gave the girl confidence, strength and a new incentive in life.

The heroine conducted a thorough analysis of world nutritional methods, on the basis of which she developed her own nutrition program, with the help of which she lost 40 kg. Today Volovicheva is in excellent physical shape, feels like a confident, desirable woman, she is a loving mother and beloved wife. The heroine notes that it was thanks to losing weight that she completely changed her worldview and lifestyle. It's never too late to start fighting for ideal forms. The main thing is to endure all the difficulties of the chosen path with dignity and not give up. All in our hands.

The diet from Inna Volovicheva is based on compliance with two key rules: do not eat after 18.00, eat at the same time. In addition, you should not eat until you are full. To satisfy your hunger, it is enough to eat 200-250 g of food in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. Otherwise, if you succumb to temptation and increase the frequency and size of portions consumed, your work will go down the drain. If you experience a sudden, irresistible craving to eat something, you are allowed to drink low-fat (200 ml) and eat (0.5 pcs).

Prohibited products:

  • marinades;
  • smoked, salted, flour, fried products;
  • alcohol;
  • white bread, pasta.

Vegetables and fruits are preferably consumed raw. Steam or boil lean varieties of fish and poultry. The omelette is made in a double boiler. It is useful to enrich your diet with seafood. They saturate the body with easily digestible properties. Thanks to this, metabolism is normalized, the likelihood of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system is reduced, and vitality increases.

When preparing dishes, it is unacceptable to use spices, seasonings, and table salt. You should drink freshly squeezed fruit and berry mousses, still, ginger, blueberry, with no sugar.

Permitted products include: seafood, berries, beans, vegetable juices, kefir 1%, low-fat fish and meat, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables.

Menu for the week

Breakfasts are best made with oatmeal. Hercules cook in water. Can add , . Lunch and dinner - protein, snacks - fruit. The duration of the diet depends on the amount of excess weight. To lose 3 kg, the technique is practiced for 7 days, from 10 kg – 14-21 days, etc.

Menu for the week by day

  • breakfast – boiled with grated green apple – 200 g;
  • lunch – tomato salad – 150 g, 4 egg omelette;
  • dinner – boiled chicken breast – 150 g, a slice of rye bread.

2 hours after the evening meal, it is time for training. To increase sweating before exercise, wrap your stomach and legs with film and eat 15 ml. At the end of class, swim in the pool for 40 minutes.

  • breakfast - the same as on the first day;
  • lunch – 1 piece, boiled – 250 g;
  • dinner – 100 g, boiled beef – 150 g;
  • before bed – freshly squeezed grapefruit juice – 180 ml.

After dinner, wait 2.5 hours and go jogging or cycling. Cardio training accelerates fat burning, improves metabolism, develops endurance and has a positive effect on heart function.

The best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly, limit your intake of excessively fatty foods and fast foods.

Cardio helps the body break down and then use it as energy instead of storing it as fat.

  • breakfast – buckwheat porridge cooked with kefir – 200 g;
  • lunch – a mix of tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled chicken breast and – 250 g;
  • dinner - steamed with - 250 g;
  • an hour after dinner – grapefruit juice – 180 ml.

A couple of hours after dinner - physical education (1.5 hours) and swimming (1 hour).

Day #4:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with pieces and apples – 200 g;
  • lunch - the same as on the second day;
  • dinner – chicken baked with tomatoes – 200 g;
  • before bed – apple – 1 pc.
  • breakfast – rolled oats with kiwi – 200 g;
  • lunch – fish cooked with steamed vegetable mixture (without potatoes) – 250 g;
  • dinner – cabbage salad – 150 g, 3 egg omelette;
  • before bedtime – grapefruit juice – 180 ml.
  • breakfast – boiled rice – 200 g;
  • lunch – seafood mix – 250 g;
  • dinner – stewed – 100 g, boiled chicken fillet – 150 g.

After 2 hours of gym classes and swimming.

  • breakfast - the same as on the third day;
  • lunch – boiled beef – 200 g, bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • dinner - fruit salad of apple and grapefruit, dressed with low fat.

After 2 hours - the usual charging.

A detailed description of how the “House 2” participant lost weight on her own program can be found in the girl’s author’s book “The Secret of Inna Volovicheva. How I lost 40 kilograms." Reviews from users who have lost weight using this method give a clear picture. The vast majority of people report achieving positive results, and quite quickly.

Diet principles

The incredible transformation of an obese woman into an attractive slender girl aroused keen interest in the diet among the female community. Let's look at the key aspects on which it is built.

Rules for losing weight from Volovicheva:

  1. Complete exclusion of prohibited foods from the diet.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids – at least 2.5 liters per day.
  3. Intense sports (running, aerobics, cycling, brisk walking, swimming), regular visits to the bathhouse at least once a week.
  4. The last meal should not be after 18-00.
  5. Maintain moderation in diet.
  6. Eating only low-calorie healthy and balanced foods strictly according to the clock. Focus your diet on fruits, vegetables, and protein foods.
  7. Tracking the dynamics of weight loss. Weigh yourself daily. If over the course of 1-2 weeks the weight has stagnated and does not go away (the “plateau” effect), you should arrange cheating - days when you can partially expand the diet, add cottage cheese, dried fruits, casserole, cheese, nuts, seeds, giving the body the opportunity to rest from the dietary diet .

The burning brunette divides the entire process of losing weight into 3 stages: preparing the body for a diet, switching to a healthy diet, and consolidating the achieved result.

The first stage is the most difficult: the body, accustomed to its usual diet, experiences stress during the period of adaptation to a new menu and lifestyle. At this stage, special attention is paid to the psychological attitude - only a serious attitude to the principles of the methodology and their impeccable execution will produce results. First of all, high-calorie foods are gradually removed from the menu: flour, salty, fatty, sweet, alcohol. Confectionery products are replaced with fruits, and alcoholic and carbonated drinks are replaced with plain water and berry mousses.

At the second stage, a restructuring of the daily routine occurs. Food is taken in moderate portions at the same time, but a certain number of times.

The third stage is the exit from the diet. After achieving the desired effect, it is especially important to control the new weight within normal limits. You can’t pounce on forbidden foods; the diet is expanded gradually: no more than one new ingredient per week. At the same time, it is worth monitoring the size of the portions consumed - you cannot overeat. It is optimal not to exceed 250-300 g/meal. It is important to continue to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Be sure to exercise, go to the gym at least 3 times a week or work out at home.

To maintain a slim figure, the third stage lasts for the rest of your life. At the same time, twice a week Inna Volovicheva recommends spending fasting days on water brewed at 1.5%. During the day you need to drink only 1 liter of this drink and 2-2.5 liters of water.

The key to success is physical activity

To get rid of the hated kilograms, it is not enough just to reduce the caloric content of your daily diet, you need to actively engage in sports (running, swimming, doing abs, squats, doing exercises with dumbbells). Physical activity not only accelerates weight loss, but also tones the muscles, as a result the skin tightens and becomes elastic. Thanks to this, those losing weight do not face the problem of sagging dermis.

A diet cannot make a person lose weight. Remember, it is impossible to get noticeable results without physical activity.

Exercise acts as a catalyst - it accelerates the burning of calories. Inna Volovicheva recommends exercising in the evening, 2 hours after dinner. However, if possible, it is useful to do additional morning exercises. It is not necessary to regularly visit the gym; you can work out at home. To do this, you need to find exercises aimed at reducing body weight online and repeat after the leader. The main thing is not to shy away from physical activity, hiding behind banal laziness. Losing weight is a process that requires an integrated approach.

Remember the serious attitude that spurred you to fight for a slim body and look for a way out, strength.

There should be moderation in everything, you should not go to extremes, do unnecessarily difficult exercises that require enormous labor costs. While following a diet, the body does not receive enough calories and is somewhat weakened, so it is unacceptable to overexert yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the diet from Inna Volovicheva is uniform weight loss over a long period of time. In the author's variation, its duration was 120 days.

Another undeniable advantage of the method is that there is no need to purchase specific mixtures for weight loss. Dishes are prepared from familiar products that are easily available in supermarkets.

The third advantage of a dietary diet is an individual approach. The nutrition program can be adjusted. Those who are losing weight set their own daily routine and determine meal times. This way you can control your diet. If you feel hungry, you are allowed to eat an apple or grapefruit, drink fresh berry juice, or eat a cucumber or carrot. The food received will instantly fill a certain volume of the stomach and provide satiety.

Despite fruit snacks, the diet does not cover the body’s need for nutrients, so during the weight loss course it is recommended to take vitamin complexes (“Alphabet”, “Vitrum”, “Alvitil”, “Centrum”, “Duovit”). It is the presence of all the necessary nutrients that accelerates the process of weight loss, strengthens the immune system, protects against the influence of adverse factors, and increases productivity.

To maintain health during the process of losing weight, the human body experiences an increased need for, omega-3 and,. In case of insufficient supply of these nutrients, malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs and systems may occur, vision may deteriorate, hair may begin to fall out, iron deficiency anemia may develop, and chronic diseases will worsen.

In terms of balance, Volovicheva’s diet fully complies with the recommended ratio of 1:1.4:4.7. The minimum intake of unsaturated and necessary for the proper functioning of the body is ensured through the consumption of fish, seafood and rye bread.

Fresh citrus juice, indicated for consumption during a diet, is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, before practicing the technique, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist.

The first results (minus 2-4 kg) appear after just a week of following a diet, leading an active lifestyle and act as an incentive to continue the process of losing weight and keeping yourself in good shape. However, the reviews are not always positive. The lack of results indicates psychological unpreparedness for the diet, eating disorders and sports behavior.

According to the conclusion of nutritionists, the weight loss program from the participant of the reality show Dom-2 is useful for people without significant chronic and acute health problems.


Why doesn't diet help?

Programs aimed at reducing body weight only limit the accumulation of excess weight. If you constantly go on diets, lose and gain kilograms, the body learns to quickly transform food into fat deposits. As a result, the mark on the scale will become even higher than at the beginning of the diet. Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that the fight against excess weight is not a fleeting 10-day process that requires effort over a short period of time. This is hard work, rethinking and changing the usual eating behavior to a correct, healthy one that should be observed throughout life. Otherwise, quick express diets will not bring the desired result.

Why does your appetite increase in the evening? How to deal with it?

As a rule, this problem arises against the background of a violation of the daily routine, rest, work, and nutrition. Other causes of increased appetite are a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, as well as an excess of fast carbohydrates in the diet. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to get rid of the factors contributing to its occurrence. If necessary, consult a doctor.

My friend and I are on the Volovicheva diet, she is losing weight faster than me, why?

The rate of loss of excess body weight is individual for everyone. The body itself decides how much fat it burns per day. This depends on the following factors: the effort applied, health status, age, initial weight, and correct adherence to the technique. In addition, remember, the greater your body weight, the more intense your weight loss.

Is it possible to become slimmer with hormonal imbalances?

It's extremely difficult. Before losing weight, you need to consult an endocrinologist and undergo a course of treatment aimed at normalizing the levels of hormones of the adrenal glands, pancreas and thyroid glands. Otherwise, violations of this nature can become a serious obstacle in the struggle for a refined figure.

What are the contraindications for the diet from Inna Volovicheva?

The weight loss method is not without its drawbacks; it cannot be practiced in the following cases: with allergies in the body, diseases of the stomach, nervous system, kidneys, liver, heart, increased blood pressure, problems with blood circulation, during lactation and pregnancy, heavy mental and physical stress, elderly people age.


Inna Volovicheva's diet is a super-strict nutrition program aimed at eliminating up to 40 kg in 3-4 months. The author's weight loss method is based on two key aspects: diet control and regular physical activity. If one of them is not followed, the result is reduced to a minimum. Sound sleep, adherence to a daily routine, an abundance of protein foods, fruits and vegetables on the menu, running, swimming, positive emotions, a fighting spirit for a beautiful body, drinking plenty of fluids are the key to the success of the sizzling brunette, participant in the TV project “Dom 2”. You should eat at regular intervals. The duration of the technique is determined by the person losing weight. It starts from one week and can last up to 4 months.

After achieving a positive effect, the result is consolidated. To prevent the lost kilograms from returning, you need to adhere to proper nutrition for the rest of your life, spend fasting days on milk tea 2 times every 3-4 days, exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week, monitor the size of portions consumed, and do not overeat. If all conditions are met, a slender figure will delight its owner every day, regardless of age-related changes.

Why have celebrity diets become so popular today? Most likely, it’s all about psychology: in this case, there is a clear example of how and how many kilograms you can lose weight using this method. One of the most stunning sensations in this area was the method of losing weight from one of the participants in the Dom-2 television project, Inna Volovicheva.

In front of TV viewers, the plump plump woman turned into an attractive, slender girl in just a few months. Weight loss amounted to 40 kilograms in three months - amazing result for any diet. And this is a reason to take a closer look at her author’s weight loss method.

Principles of Inna Volovicheva's diet

Volovicheva told the world the secrets of her fantastic weight loss. She didn’t come up with anything new, she simply put together the common truths known to everyone and advised all those who dream of the same results that she was able to achieve to gather their will into a fist. On what principles did Inna build her diet?

Authorized products

The diet, according to Volovicheva’s method, should contain a lot of protein foods. If you eat according to her sample menu, the body will spend energy on digesting proteins, drawing it from its own fat reserves. So, sound sleep coupled with proper nutrition will work real miracles, getting rid of those hated extra pounds. What does the TV star advise everyone who is losing weight to include on their menu? Authorized products are:

  • almost all fruits (with the exception of bananas and grapes);
  • dried fruits;
  • seafood;
  • all vegetables except potatoes;
  • berries;
  • beans;
  • low-fat dairy products (no more than 2%): cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, kefir;
  • lean meat (chicken breast and beef);
  • fish;
  • vegetable juices;
  • black bread, but in limited quantities.

Most people who are losing weight are very familiar with the calorie table for the various foods they eat daily. And they probably already understood after looking at this list that Volovicheva’s diet belongs to the low-calorie category. But this is not her whole secret. After all, the main principle of this weight loss is the absence of salt.

Prohibited Products

Yes, everyone who loves salty food will have a hard time in this situation. Salt is strictly prohibited by this technique. And along with it, you will have to say goodbye to a whole range of products. Prohibited items include:

  • sugar;
  • butter;
  • White bread;
  • bananas;
  • alcohol;
  • grape;
  • potato;
  • flour, including pasta;
  • smoked;
  • roast;
  • marinades.

All food should be boiled or stewed , so it’s better to stock up on a steamer in advance.


The duration of the diet can be determined by the person losing weight. To begin with, you can try to endure at least a week of Volovicheva’s strict diet. If you have enough willpower and health allows, you can extend it for as many months as it takes to lose the required number of kilograms. Do you want to get rid of 12 kg? Then a month will be enough. Do you need to be free for all 40? Then you will have to tighten your belt and prepare yourself for 3-4 months of such fasting. In principle, as the author of this technique herself states, if health allows, This diet can become a nutritional system for whole years . True, this will require solving the problem of salt deficiency in the body, but this problem can also be solved in modern dietetics.


For the diet to work, you must adhere to the rules, without which you may not achieve the desired result.

  1. You should always eat at the same time .
  2. 18.00 - the optimal time for the last meal, but no later.
  3. Already a week before the start of the diet (this will be its preparatory, most First step ) you will need to remove sweets from your diet every day (replace them with fruits), then flour (cereals), salty (vegetables), fatty (meat and fish), and alcohol.
  4. Second phase The diet requires strict adherence to the portions indicated in the sample menu (see below).
  5. Third stage will be a way out of the diet. You will need to introduce prohibited foods into your diet gradually, one new product per day. Keep an eye on your portion sizes, as overeating at this stage is fraught with serious consequences.
  6. In addition to the main menu, Inna recommends organizing fasting days twice a week. All day you can eat only milk tea - this is the name given to tea brewed with milk, the fat content of which should not exceed 1.5%. The daily norm of this drink during such a fasting day is 1 liter.

If you carefully study all the nuances of the diet from Inna Volovicheva, and then accept them as they are, without any compromises, you can achieve amazing results, just like this strong, wise girl beyond her years. If you are determined to master this technique, you will need a sample menu for the week that you can use as a guide to create your own diet.

Volovicheva's diet menu for the week

You can exchange some products for others in this menu only if they are equivalent in terms of calorie content and protein content. Otherwise, the result may not be what you wanted.

The first day

For breakfast:

  • rice cooked in water without sugar and salt (150 g), with the addition of grated green apple;
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.
  • an omelette prepared without salt based on three eggs, milk, the fat content of which is no more than 1.5% (150 ml), with the addition of several sprigs of herbs: it must be prepared without sunflower oil, so the best option is a double boiler;
  • salad of greens, cucumbers, tomatoes - not seasoned with anything, without salt;
  • coffee/tea (200 ml), but without sugar.
  • an omelette prepared in the same way as for lunch;
  • still mineral water / tea (200 ml), without sugar.

Before bedtime:

  • after dinner (a couple of hours later) eat honey (a tablespoon), which will ensure profuse sweating during sports;
  • wrap your legs and stomach with cling film, put on a tracksuit: this will increase sweating - with sweat the body loses fat;
  • 1 hour in the gym on a treadmill: set speed to 6 or 7 and do race walking;
  • another 1 hour of just working out in the gym (fitness, light exercises, strength training equipment);
  • half an hour - swimming in the pool.

If you can’t go to the gym or swimming pool, you can do physical education at home using video lessons.

Second day

For breakfast:

  • rice boiled without sugar and salt in water (150 g);
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.
  • boiled beef (200 g);
  • coffee without sugar and milk (200 ml).
  • boiled beef (200 g);
  • seaweed/seaweed salad without dressing (150 g);
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.

Before bedtime:

  • after dinner (a couple of hours later) - a tablespoon of honey and wrapping problem areas of the body with cling film;
  • Spend 1 hour on the treadmill;

Day three

For breakfast:

  • buckwheat prepared in a special way in the evening: pour raw cereal (150 g) with low-fat kefir (400 ml), leave overnight at room temperature, no need to cook;
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.
  • salad of finely chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers (150 g) without salt and dressing;
  • coffee / tea (200 ml), without sugar.
  • boiled chicken (200 g) without salt;
  • boiled broccoli (150 g), without salt;
  • fresh grapefruit (250 ml).

After dinner:

  • after 2–3 hours, a tablespoon of honey + wrapping the legs and stomach with cling film;
  • 1 hour on the treadmill;
  • 1 hour in the gym;
  • half an hour of swimming in the pool.

Day four

For breakfast:

  • without sugar and salt, oatmeal in water (150 g), with grated green apple or chopped orange pulp;
  • coffee (200 ml), without sugar, but you can add 1% milk (2 teaspoons).
  • boiled beef (200 g);
  • seaweed salad (150 g);
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.
  • boiled chicken breast (200 g);
  • fresh tomato (1 medium size);
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.

After dinner:

  • before bed - 1 medium-sized green apple and 1 grapefruit.

Day five

For breakfast:

  • oatmeal cooked in water without sugar and salt (150 g);
  • boiled fish (200 g): you can take hake or pollock;
  • boiled vegetable mixture, excluding potatoes (150 g);
  • coffee (200 ml), without sugar.
  • an omelette prepared without salt from three eggs, milk with a fat content of 1.5% (150 ml), with the addition of several sprigs of herbs: it is recommended to prepare the dish without sunflower oil, so a double boiler will be the optimal vessel for cooking;
  • salad of finely chopped cucumbers, cabbage without dressing and salt (150 g);
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.

After dinner:

  • after dinner (a couple of hours later) - a tablespoon of honey, wrapping problem areas of the body with cling film;
  • 1 hour - walking on a treadmill;
  • before bed - fresh grapefruit (250 ml).

Day six

For breakfast:

  • rice cooked in water, without sugar and salt (150 g) with the addition of grated green apple;
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.
  • boiled shrimp (1 kg);
  • coffee (200 ml), without sugar, with 1% milk (2 teaspoons).
  • boiled chicken breast (200 g);
  • zucchini stewed with onions in water and without salt (150 g);
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.

Day seven

For breakfast:

  • buckwheat soaked in low-fat kefir in the evening (500 g);
  • tea (200 ml), without sugar.
  • boiled beef (200 g);
  • green peas (150 g);
  • coffee (200 ml), without sugar.
  • natural yogurt without additives, 2% (200 ml);
  • medium-sized green apple (1 piece);
  • grapefruit (1 piece).

Agree: it’s hard to call a diet with such a varied and rich menu a hunger strike. Everything is so balanced and taken into account that losing weight will be both effective and healthy. True, only if contraindications are observed, which salt-free diets always have in abundance.

Contraindications and side effects

Any diet, no matter how you look at it, has its drawbacks. This method of losing weight is not without them. Contraindications for its implementation are:

  • stomach diseases;
  • problems with blood circulation (lack of salt in the body will lead to a lack of sodium, which is responsible for transporting oxygen through the bloodstream);
  • diseases of the nervous system (refusal of salt will lead to a deficiency of chlorine in the body, which regulates the functioning of the nervous system);
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • heavy physical and mental stress at work;
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic kidney, liver and heart diseases;
  • high cholesterol;
  • old age, since the physical activity that accompanies the diet is quite difficult for people of retirement age.

Yes, a salt-free diet, such as Volovicheva’s diet, is very effective, but it also involves so many contraindications, since salt combines invaluable benefits and great harm to the human body. Its long-term absence can lead to complications: exacerbation of chronic diseases, irritability and nervousness, lethargy and decreased performance. If you have the slightest doubt about whether this method of losing weight is right for you, you should definitely seek advice from a nutritionist or your doctor. Those lucky ones who have no health problems can count on the most effective results.

The results of Inna Volovicheva's diet

Volovicheva’s diet helps to evenly lose extra pounds throughout the entire weight loss period. The author of this technique herself claims that in a month in this way you can lose 12 kilograms at once, and after three months - all 40. Those who have doubts just need to look at the author of this technique, what it was like before the diet and what it became after. This is a clear example that her method is more than effective.

This extraordinary, unique diet from the Dom-2 star Inna Volovicheva can become a real salvation for those who dream of losing weight not by a couple of kilograms, but by a much larger number.

So, Inna’s grocery list for the week:
(Irina spent about 3 thousand rubles on them)
1. Hercules (oatmeal) - only to be cooked (10-15 min.)
2. Milk 1 packet low-fat (1.5%)
3. Honey (small jar)
4. 2 apples
5. Nuts (dry, unroasted, unsalted) 100 g.
6. Minced fish - 1 kg. (it’s better to take two 0.5 each)
7. Pack of rice
8. Cucumbers - 7 pcs.
9. Tomatoes - 6 pcs.
10. Cottage cheese (2-5% fat) - 4 packs of 150-180 g each.
11. Large jar of sour cream 10-15% fat (or sugar-free yogurt)
12. Sweetener (if necessary)
13. Frozen green beans. - 1 kg.
14. Kefir 1% - 2 l.
15. 10 eggs
16. Bell pepper - 1 pc.
17. Tangerines - 6 pcs.
18. Chicken fillet - 3 breasts
19. Buckwheat package
20. One small pack of radishes
21. Onions - 5 pcs.
22. Cabbage - 2-3 heads
23. Greens
24. Low-fat cheese. (13-23%) - 125 g.
25. Plums - 150 g.
26. Carrots - 1 pc.
27. Crispbread - 1 pack.
28. Grapefruit - 1 pc.
29. Beef (veal) - 500-600 g.
30. Banana - 1 pc.
31. Broccoli - 1 pack (250 g)

Getting ready for the marathon
On the eve of the 1st day we prepare fish cutlets. (minced meat 0.5, salt, spices, onion, WITHOUT eggs and butter; bake in the oven; it turns out about 5 cutlets, leave 4 for tomorrow, one can be “gifted” to a household member/roommate )))

Meal times:
Between breakfast and the first snack - 2 hours, lunch after 2 hours, snack after 2-3 hours, dinner after another 2-3 hours, 1 glass of kefir at night. We drink one and a half to two liters of water a day. Tea, coffee without sugar - as much as you want.

Oatmeal with milk and one tsp. honey (one to one and a half glasses of water and milk together 1:1, 3 tablespoons of dry oatmeal,

Apple and 30 g nuts.

2 tbsp. l. boil rice for garnish, 2 “yesterday’s” fish cutlets, 1 cucumber and 1 tomato


Boiled green beans for garnish, two remaining cutlets.

Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs with half a bell pepper, 2 pieces of bread.
(defrost chicken breast for lunch)

150 g plums, 30 g nuts.

Buckwheat, 2 cutlets, salad of 1 cucumber and tomato, as well as halves of bell pepper, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil.

Preparation. Prepare chopped chicken cutlets (1 onion, chop the breast, herbs, 1 egg, salt, spices; when sculpting, squeeze the cutlets so that they do not fall apart; you get 6 cutlets, fry them without oil in a non-stick frying pan - 4 for today, the rest can be given to the household) , at the same time, set the buckwheat to cook - 2 tablespoons, make a salad)

Vegetable salad: 5 pcs. radish, 1 cucumber, a little cabbage - season with olive oil (a little).

Boiled green beans for garnish, 2 chicken cutlets.

Oatmeal and 30 g of cheese.

3 tangerines

300 g stewed cabbage with chicken, 2 breads.

Preparation. Chicken breast, onion, 1 carrot, half a head of cabbage. Fry the onion in a drop of oil, add carrots and chicken, cut into pieces, simmer; chop the cabbage, add to the frying pan, pour 1 glass of water; Lastly, add the greens.

Pack of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream.

300 g stewed cabbage with chicken.

Oatmeal with grated apple.

1 grapefruit.

Stewed beef (500-600 g) with onions, without oil, cabbage with herbs - half of the resulting product (half for dinner), 200 grams, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil and 2 tbsp. l. Boil rice for garnish.

2 boiled eggs and 1 tomato.

250 g boiled broccoli and meat from lunch.

Oatmeal with 1 tsp. honey

1 banana, 30 g nuts.

Chicken fillet chops, rice, 1 cucumber and 1 tomato.

Preparation. Beat two halves of chicken breast on both sides (one for lunch and dinner), salt, season, fry without oil (fry for literally 3 minutes on each side, it will not be raw).

Pack of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream.

Chicken chop, cabbage salad, 1 cucumber and herbs, dressed with olive oil.

Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs and one tomato with herbs.
(defrost minced fish for lunch)

2 breads with cheese.

Fish cutlets - 2 pcs., rice, cabbage salad with herbs (approx. 200 g).

1 cucumber, 2 boiled eggs.

Boiled broccoli, 2 fish cutlets.

Buckwheat (cook for 2 meals at once) with 2 fried eggs.

3 tangerines.

Chicken breast (cut into pieces), stewed with onions (half for lunch, half for dinner), buckwheat, salad of 1 cucumber and 1 tomato.

Pack of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream.

Broccoli with leftover chicken stew from lunch.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Inna Volovicheva’s diet has come to the aid of many Russian women in their fight against excess weight. The star of the TV show “Dom-2” managed to change her figure beyond recognition (minus 40 kg) thanks to a unique technique that she herself developed. Currently, the TV show contestant wears size 46 dresses!

How Inna Volovicheva lost weight

The sharp weight loss of the Dom-2 participant caused a great stir among girls all over the country. Any nutritional system has its own characteristics and prohibitions: Volovicheva’s diet strictly prohibits eating after 18.00, because this is a strict way of burning fat. At the same time, the technique itself is very simple and understandable to everyone. Prohibited components of this diet are:

  • fried and fatty foods,
  • sweet and salty foods,
  • bakery,
  • alcohol.

How did Volovicheva from House-2 lose weight? The answer is simple: in stages. A luxurious figure requires a lot of effort and iron willpower. In the process of losing weight, you need to overcome many temptations and go through three stages:

  • The first is preparing the body for a new diet before starting to lose weight. To do this, you need to eliminate prohibited foods from the menu one by one.
  • The second is compliance with all diet rules. Physical exercise in combination with a healthy lifestyle consolidates the results of the diet.
  • The third stage involves leaving the diet and returning to your usual diet.

Book by Inna Volovicheva

A book about weight loss by a TV show participant has already been published, where she talks about her diet and shares the secrets of her luxurious appearance. Inna Volovicheva, a book about weight loss that is free to view online, spoke very well about the intricacies of the system. In the book, the star admits that she does not like sports, but for good weight loss results she was forced to do it every day. The physical activity regimen should be maximum. To properly burn excess fat, it is useful to swim in the pool and go to the sauna.

Inna Volovicheva's diet by day

As Inna Volovicheva herself says, a 7-day diet will help cope with any weight problems and last for several months. All drinks must be without added sugar. Menu for 7 days:

  • 1 day. You need to have breakfast with boiled rice and coffee. For lunch, eat an omelet with herbs, plus a vegetable salad, and drink tea with milk. For dinner – boiled egg, fresh grapefruit.
  • Day 2. In the morning, cook oatmeal in water and coffee with milk. For lunch, steam 250 g of lean chicken with vegetables, low-fat kefir. In the evening, prepare an omelet from 2 eggs and tea.
  • Day 3. Breakfast – buckwheat porridge with kefir. For lunch, boiled rabbit (no more than 250 grams) and a light salad, tea. For dinner, drink low-fat yogurt with an apple.
  • Day 4 Breakfast – buckwheat with low-fat kefir, orange, fruit tea. At 13-00 – lean beef with canned corn, a glass of orange juice. For dinner - steamed chicken breast with broccoli, fresh grapefruit.
  • Day 5 In the morning - oatmeal with water (do not add salt or sugar), coffee with milk. Lunch – beef with vegetables, cooked in a double boiler, tea. In the evening, eat an omelet with milk and fresh cabbage salad.
  • Day 6 For breakfast – rice, orange juice. Lunch – fish or other seafood, unsweetened coffee. Dine with boiled chicken breast with cucumber, drink a glass of fresh juice.
  • Day 7 You need to have breakfast with oatmeal, coffee with milk, and an apple. For lunch - steamed fish with tomatoes, green tea. Until 5 p.m., boil the chicken breast, eat it with seaweed salad, and drink pineapple juice.