Children's public associations: features of creation, history and interesting facts. “On the prospects for the development of the children’s social movement in the Russian Federation On the development of the children’s social movement

Development of the youth and children's movement in Russia in modern conditions and its role in the social development and protection of the rights of youth

Youth is an innovative force, the future of any state. Whatever the level of education and upbringing of young people will be, so will the state. In this regard, it is necessary to increase attention to the social problems of young people and to determine the forms and methods of work.

Today is the time to activate youth through development social movement, including youth public organizations. By developing social work with youth in public organizations, we can use mechanisms such as mutual support, mutual responsibility, and mutual control. As a result, the social worker can serve as a coordinator, and the young person’s main assistants will be representatives of youth, his reference group, his friends.

In order for social work with youth to acquire an integrated, comprehensive and targeted character, it must be based on state youth policy, both at the federal and regional levels.

In our country, a new concept of GMF was formed in 1988-1991. during the development of the Law on Youth, when it was decided to enshrine in law not the special rights of young people, but the responsibilities of the state to support young man by taking social measures.

Regulatory and legal framework of state youth policy includes:

The USSR Law “On the General Principles of State Youth Policy in the USSR” (1991), which reflected a new approach. Basic principles and directions of GMP in the Russian Federation on modern stage were determined in 1992 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On priority measures in the field of state youth policy.” In 1993, with the adoption of the “Main Directions of GMP in the Russian Federation”, it was continued this line development of GMP as an area of ​​government activity.

This document determines that state youth policy is a state activity aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of a young person’s personality and the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives.

In recent years, it has only been possible to partially lay the legal foundations for the implementation of GMP. Of utmost importance is the adopted 1995 year Federal law "On state support youth and children's public associations." At the same time, in more than 40 regions Russian Federation regional laws have been adopted. In the Tyumen region, the law “On youth policy in the Tyumen region” was adopted on February 6, 1997, and in 2001 the law “On amendments and additions to the Law of the Tyumen region “On youth policy in the Tyumen region” dated February 27, 2001 was adopted.

The actions of federal executive authorities on certain aspects of state youth policy are normatively fixed by the annual adoption of federal target programs. That is, in the implementation of GMP at the federal and regional levels, a program-targeted approach is widely used: in 1994, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 15, 1994 No. 1922, the federal target program (FTP) “Youth of Russia” was approved, which is still in effect today.

Municipal youth policy is a continuation of state youth policy. Main difference municipal youth policy from social policy in relation to pensioners, disabled people and other socially vulnerable categories is that it is not limited to help and support, but involves the active innovative participation of youth in the life of society, based on the labor and creative potential of the younger generation. Compensatory actions of municipal units must be strictly limited to clearly defined categories of young people in need of help and a precisely defined range of tasks.

Social work with youth in our country is part of the state youth policy, a mechanism for its implementation.

The specificity of social work with youth is that youth are considered not as an object of education, but as a subject of social action, social renewal.

In our opinion, the most productive solution to this problem is to activate the forces of the youth themselves in solving their own problems, through youth organizations that have enormous potential in the field social protection teenagers and youth.

Today, the state at different levels is striving to implement the GMP in relation to young people, investing a lot of money in solving youth problems.

But, firstly, there is often no single coordinating body; work with youth is subordinated to various departments and structural units.

Secondly, monitoring of both youth problems and the effectiveness of the measures taken is necessary.

Thirdly, due to socio-psychological and age characteristics, young people can realize themselves only in a community of their own kind.

Fourthly, a young person can really realize his subjectivity within the framework of the state and society through public organizations.

All this makes working with public organizations especially relevant. Public organizations known as "non-governmental organizations" or "third sector" are one of the most important subjects social policy and social work with youth along with government agencies.

Among public organizations, a special place is occupied by children's and youth associations, whose work is based primarily on the interests of young people and involves the development of their initiative and social activity.

Youth Association This is a real formation in which young citizens voluntarily unite independently or together with adults for joint activities that satisfy their social needs.

Public is considered a youth association that:

· created on the initiative and on the basis of the free will of children, youth and adults and is not a direct structural unit of a state institution, but can function on its basis and with its support, including material and financial;

· carries out social and creative activities;

· does not set as its (statutory) goal the receipt of profit and its distribution among the members of the association.

Youth public associations may include various organizations, societies, clubs, unions, teams, detachments, other formations, as well as associations (federations, unions) of such associations.

Youth organizations, on the one hand, uniting young people, themselves become the subject of their social protection, on the other hand, they are called upon to prepare young people for social self-defense, for survival in our difficult times. Consequently, in public organizations a young person is considered not only as an object, but also as a subject of social actions.

During the period from 1990 to 2005, the public youth movement in the Russian Federation underwent serious changes. There is an active growth of children's and youth formal organizations. They did not become widespread, but their diversity and wide geography, as well as more active support from the state, created the preconditions for their further growth.

The main feature The evolution of the social movement in the early 90s was its demonopolization, and in the second half of the 90s - stabilization. The process of terminating the activities of weak, unstable organizations and the progressive development of strong organizations has intensified. The result of the development of the public sector was the establishment of a generally stable system of functioning of public organizations.

Depending on the ways in which young people are included in social relations to satisfy their interests, public associations can classify in the following way:

1. Children's and youth organizations - special type public relations, which is an amateur, self-governing public association created to implement some socially valuable goal, having norms and rules governing its activities, fixed in the Charter or other constituent document, a clear structure and fixed membership. Such associations offer young people a value system on the basis of which activities are built that form certain relationships between children, youth and adults. This includes national organizations, religious children's and youth associations, pioneer and scout organizations, etc. The “imperative” position of an adult is contraindicated for such associations. What is needed here is a socially active person, a leader and organizer of children's amateur activities.

2. Club-type associations that offer various types of creative activities and, through it and with its help, include children in social practice. Favorable conditions for influencing a developing personality are created by relationships between adults and children, among the children themselves and the adults themselves. The club type of associations is characterized by greater variability in choice. This includes “profile” associations: military-patriotic and military-sports, local history and tourism, environmental, junior cultural, ethnocultural. As a rule, such associations operate on the basis of some adult formations or in close connection with us. There is no strictly defined program, missing part of which entails the practical impossibility of continuing to participate in the association. In the club type of association, real self-government or co-government is possible, although the adult is in the position of organizer.

3. Spontaneously formed children's and youth associations that are distinguished by self-regulation of their activities. These can be teams, groups, clubs that arose on the basis of a common passion, informal in nature and structure. Trusting relationships, tact, and resourcefulness are necessary means for adults to come into contact with such associations.

The choice of priorities for the development of social activity of the younger generation is based on the idea that education is the process of transforming the values ​​of society into the needs of the individual. What distinguishes children's public organizations from student self-government is the independence of children in choosing a specific area of ​​activity (based on interests).






Development of children's movement in

MBOU "Cossack Secondary School".


Senior counselor

MBOU "Cossack Secondary School"

Chernushenko T.V.

The choice of priorities for the development of social activity of the younger generation is based on the idea that education is the process of transforming the values ​​of society into the needs of the individual. To achieve positive results in practice, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all social institutions of education.
Democratic transformations in society lasting more than a decade, recognition of the priority of humanism, pluralism of cultures and social freedoms created the conditions for the formation of an individual who is aware of his role in the events of modern history, capable of making informed professional and life choices and responsible for its consequences.
In the draft Concept of the Federal state standard general education of the second generation says that Russia, having proclaimed the goals of building a democratic society living in a modern market economy, makes high demands on the younger generation. A young citizen must have developed the abilities and qualities of: choosing ideological guidelines, stable criteria for evaluating actions performed, predicting life prospects.

Thus, the mission of educational institutions becomes the education of a person who knows how to live his life optimally, making the most of his potential and realizing himself in socially significant activities.
In the process of child development, it is difficult to overestimate the role of pedagogical support, the conceptual provisions of which were developed by corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education Oleg Semenovich Gazman. The main postulate of this concept is the thesis that education is nothing more than helping a student in his self-development.
Education is impossible without a personality-oriented system of teacher activity, without close interaction between the teacher and the child. It is no coincidence that O.S. Gazman recommends that teachers build interaction with the child primarily on the basis of humanistic principles. Every teacher should know and understand that:

A child cannot be a means to achieve pedagogical goals;
- Self-realization of the teacher in the creative self-realization of the child;
- All difficulties of non-acceptance must be overcome by moral means;
- You cannot humiliate the dignity of your personality and the personality of the child;
- Children are the bearers of the future culture. It is necessary to compare your culture with the culture of the growing generation. Nurturing dialogue between cultures;
- You cannot compare anyone with anyone, you can compare the results of actions;
- We must recognize the right to make mistakes and not judge for them;
- You must be able to admit your mistake;

When protecting a child, you need to teach him to defend himself.
Revealing the essence of pedagogical support, the author emphasizes that you can only support that, you can only help that which is already available, but at an insufficient level, quantity, quality.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child defines childhood as the period from birth to 18 years of age. In this living space, a special place is occupied by the school years as the years of formation and intensive personal development.
Everything that a child needs during his school years, and he strives to understand and express himself (the need for self-realization), enter various human communities (the need for socialization) and establish himself in them (the need for self-determination and self-affirmation), is impossible without teachers.
Among representatives of various teaching professions, the counselor occupies a special place. He has a great social responsibility for the younger generation. Therefore, high demands are placed on the counselor: he must build education on the foundations of personally significant and universal values; be able to organize collectively creative and socially significant activities; develop the creativity of children and adolescents; know, understand and use the age and gender characteristics of children in their work; be able to manage a group of children; develop children's independence and initiative. The counselor is, first of all, a competent teacher and a skilled educator. He cannot begin the practical implementation of a particular program without understanding the basic concept as an attitude and motive for his own activities in the process of educating and developing the younger generation.
Experience shows that it is the senior counselors who become the organizers of socially useful, creative activities in the children's team, contribute to the development of self-government, and support children's initiatives.
The pedagogical position of the senior counselor in relation to children is friend, senior comrade. He studies the interests of children, their abilities, identifies leadership qualities, develops activity, initiative, initiative, creates a friendly, cohesive team, etc.
The diversity of children's associations is essentially a school of social life, so the activities of associations create the opportunity to meaningfully saturate a child's free time, giving its participants a real opportunity to learn how to make choices and form their own interests.

Development of children's public associations in the MBOU "Kazatskaya Secondary School" and interaction with student government bodies

Along with the development of student self-government, other forms of student initiative and activity, including children's public organizations and associations, are of great importance in the educational system of an educational institution. What distinguishes children's public organizations from student self-government is the independence of children in choosing a specific area of ​​activity (based on interests).

Most organizations and associations were created in military-patriotic, civil-patriotic, environmental, social, sports, artistic, and tourism areas.

In our school there is a children's public organization “Dobrograd”. Together with this association, pioneer and cadet detachments were preserved.

The average number of participants in such associations ranges from 50 to 80 people.

If student self-government in terms of age composition is more based on high school (from 100% - 55%) - the period of social formation of the individual, then children's social formations - on high school(from 100% - 73%) – period creative development personality.

The general coordination of the activities of children's public associations and organizations, as well as student self-government, located on the basis of the school is carried out by the municipal House of Children's Creativity. Organizational and methodological work is carried out mainly by teachers of schools and institutions of additional education.

The main forms of work of a children's public organization are: competitions, presentations and club days thematic areas, tourist rallies; festivals: environmental “Native Earth”, “Clean Water”, “ Live nature”, theatrical “Children for Children”, “Peace to Your House”, “Let there always be sunshine”, journalistic, various military-patriotic and civil-patriotic, etc.

The events have already become traditional: Day of Children's Public Association, Spring Week of Kindness, “No to Drugs!” campaigns. and “For a healthy lifestyle”, the campaign “We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength” and journalistic, sports competitions for schoolchildren.

Interaction with children's public associations and student government bodies.

Work on methodological support for the activities of student self-government bodies and children's public associations, support for the activities of school counselors is carried out by centers for interaction with children's public associations and student self-government.

“Dobrograd” organizes its work in the following areas: support and development of student self-government bodies; preparation and training of children's activists; volunteer movement; organizing and conducting events and competitions; developing and implementing programs for the long-term development of student self-government.

Intensifying the activities of student self-government, expanding work with children's associations and senior counselors requires an increase in the number of employees.

The work of “Dobrograd” is based on leadership shifts during the holidays; shifts are also held during the winter, autumn and spring holidays. A thematic program is developed for each shift.

The participation of teenagers in the work of shifts is being developed, including as assistant counselors and instructors, with the subsequent involvement of high school students in working in schools with active junior classes. Thus, a continuous chain of transfer of experience and traditions is created.

A necessary condition for the successful development of the student self-government system is to ensure a high level of human resources for teaching staff supervising the work.

Considering not enough high level In the professional training of senior counselors, the priority is to improve their qualifications and provide systematic methodological assistance.

Another important area of ​​work with the counselor corps is the preparation of counselor pedagogical teams to work in children’s camp leadership shifts from among students pedagogical universities. Thanks to this focus in the activities of teaching teams, during summer teaching practice, students gain skills in working with student assets and, while studying in their senior years, begin their teaching activities as senior school counselors.

Serious support in the work of a senior counselor is the presence of an assigned room or premises.

A children's public association is one of the structures in the diversity of youth movements, a form of organizing children's amateur activities, social activity, and self-realization; a special pedagogically organized environment for the child’s life; pedagogically transformed society. The children's movement is leaving the control of the state and official public structures led to the spontaneous growth of various organizations. They arise, take shape, and act where they find fertile soil and support.

Most often, the basis for the emerging experience is the school and institutions of additional education - the main centers for the upbringing of modern children, as well as public structures of a non-political nature that legally exist and have legal status in the state and society. The new educational space, emerging as a result of organized pedagogical efforts in managing the process of development of the child’s personality, becomes a serious alternative to informal spontaneous children’s associations of a negative orientation. Children's youth organization is a form of social education of children, which integrates the process of personal development through the means of training, education, socialization, self-education, self-education, self-realization - the most important condition for the holistic development of the individual: reasonably organized leisure of children - the environment of their life, a society in which a child can really express oneself as a subject of activity in various statuses, roles, positions, in individual and collective, executive and creative activities; as an individual with his civic position; can gain experience of joining future government and public structures; an effective means of acquiring personal life experience of independence, experience of human communication, collective joint activities with peers and adults; a means of emotional and moral development in a circle of comrades, like-minded people, passionate and caring people; the world of play, fantasy, freedom of creativity; “the world of real childhood” - the most valuable thing in the life of a growing person.

As a reality of the educational space, teenage organizations are supported by normative and legal state laws. Children's organizations have great educational opportunities, being involved in the activities of youth organizations, both public and political.

A characteristic feature modern development Children's and youth social movements are based on voluntary participation in organizations. This should remain the unconditional norm of their activities. However, the freedom of a young person to choose his own organization at this stage manifests itself for most young people as the freedom not to choose any of them, which significantly complicates the dialogue of state and public structures with the younger generation. Only a few youth associations provide for mass membership of young people. It is characteristic that of the youth and children's associations at the federal level, only 30 organizations provide for fixed membership, 27 organizations are associations of associations, movements, unions of organizations that do not provide for fixed membership. By expert assessments, public associations registered by justice authorities cover from 46% to 87% of adolescents and schoolchildren, and 12-44% of young people. The weakest unification processes among young people are represented in small towns and rural areas.

According to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of 2012, 89 all-Russian and international youth and children's public associations were registered. As of January 1, 2012, the Federal Register of Youth and Children's Public Associations enjoying state support, which is maintained in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations", includes 58 organizations: 14 children's, 44 youth; 28 all-Russian, 28 interregional, 2 international.

The social movement at the present stage can be characterized as demonopolized, variable in the direction of activity (professional, creative, realization of interests, sports, environmental, military-patriotic, civil-patriotic, charitable, etc.), diverse in the forms and mechanisms of implemented programs and projects. The activities of more than 50% of public associations can be characterized as multidirectional. These organizations bring together representatives of different social groups of adolescents and young people. The activities of most organizations are aimed at solving specific problems of society, children and youth. Many of them implement programs to create social youth services, labor exchanges, develop children and youth entrepreneurship, sports, identify and support young talents, national and cultural revival, summer holidays, solve housing problems, etc.

In the mid-90s of the last century, the formation of youth consultative and advisory structures began operating under the legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (public youth chambers, parliaments, governments, councils, etc.), which are voluntary, self-governing formations created on the initiative of young people acting in compliance with the principles of election and legitimacy. On initial stage The engine of the movement was a spontaneous initiative from below, which did not always find the support of the authorities and broad youth circles.

Today, in more than a third of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, youth parliamentary structures exist at the regional level. In a number Russian regions Consultative and advisory structures have a real right to speak from the position of all youth, actively interact with the authorities, and move from an object to a subject of the implementation of state youth policy. Youth parliamentarism is actively developing at the international level.

An important step in the development of the youth parliamentary movement was the creation of the Youth Parliamentary Assembly under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Public Youth Chamber under the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. This is a reflection of the state's position at the federal level on the development of youth parliamentarism. youth movement organization education

Today the youth parliamentary movement is represented various forms: youth government; youth parliament, which has the status of a public association; youth parliaments created under the legislative authorities, having different statuses: scientific-advisory, advisory-consultative, advisory-executive body.

Thus, the stage of formation of the youth and children's social movement, based on the diversity of forms and the breadth of opportunities for young people to choose their organization, which began in the 90s, is basically completed. A return to the model of a single and only union of youth or children (as the pioneer organization and the Komsomol were for a long time) is impossible in the foreseeable future: this idea is not popular among young people and youth organizations and contradicts the changed social conditions

A children's and youth public association is a youth public formation for joint activities or a common social goal. Over time, the appearance of the children's movement in Russia takes on dramatic changes, for example, compared to the all-Union period, when the public observed the famous pioneer organization. The modern way dictates other priorities and views that young people strive for.

This article will examine the modern features of children's and youth public formations, features and directions, variations of state assistance to associations.

The concept and task of unification

A children's public association means a voluntary social movement formed by a group of adult and minor citizens for joint activities and a common goal.

Historical data mention student organizations that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. People heard about the “May Unions”, involved in the protection of animals and birds, “Artels of Working Women”, which organized friendly summer playgrounds, and many others. Even during the times of the USSR, such children's associations actively existed, but after the collapse of the union they lost their importance in society. However, now public youth organizations are quite successful in their activities and have many directions.

Their main goal is self-development, following their interests, and creating public projects. Tasks are determined depending on the goals, but, in a general sense, the organization of such a partnership helps to realize creative and organizational abilities, develop qualities aimed at improving the environment and helping people.

  1. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, a special youth movement called “Amusing Troops” arose, created for war games. For this purpose, in 1682, a territory was laid out right next to the Kremlin Palace, where military games were regularly held. They soon grew into real military training, and in 1961 the Amusement Troops were divided into two organizations: the Preobrazhensky Regiment and the Semenovsky Regiment.
  2. Tsar Nicholas II proposed that schools use a new educational method described in the book Scouting for boys. This idea greatly inspired the first captain of the Life Guards rifle regiment, which led him to the idea of ​​​​forming the first detachment of Russian scouts in Russia. The first such detachment was created on April 30, 1909, called “Beaver” and consisted of only 7 boys.
  3. During the war, the Moscow Pioneer Organization actively participated in hostilities. She was engaged in the construction of the Moscow Pioneer tank column, which was transferred to the disposal of the Red Army for its production. Later the pioneers received the titles of heroes Soviet Union for your feat.
  4. The youth association “Walking Together”, which is close to our days, arose in 2000 and existed until 2007 under the leadership of a public and government figure, as well as the ideologist of youth movements, V.G. Yakemenko. The organization “Going Together” was created for the purpose of carrying out mass actions, mainly of a state nature. The archives of history record a strange case when in August 2004 this organization held an action against Philip Kirkorov, demanding that the famous singer be convicted of inappropriate behavior.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees state support for children's and youth public associations. Some provisions on this issue are also spelled out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Support for children's public associations is carried out on the basis of Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ in accordance with the following principles:

  1. Legality.
  2. Tolerance.
  3. Civic engagement.
  4. Recognition of independence and equality of rights to state support.
  5. The priority of common humanistic and patriotic values.

The law does not apply to youth and children's commercial student unions of a professional direction; associations created by political parties.

State support for children's public associations is provided under the following provisions:

  • The association has the status of a legal entity and exists for at least a year (from the date of official registration).
  • The association that announces a program that requires funding consists of at least 3,000 young citizens.

State rights of associations

Organization of activities of a children's public association has the right:

  • submit reports to the Government of the Russian Federation explaining the situation of children and youth;
  • make proposals for the implementation of youth policy;
  • make proposals for amending laws relating to the interests of children and youth;
  • take an active part in discussions and preparation of federal projects of state youth policy.

Types of government support

Main types of support for the activities of a children's public association:

  1. Providing benefits.
  2. Information Support.
  3. Conclusion of contracts for the implementation of government orders.
  4. Training of personnel for youth and children's public associations.
  5. Conducting competitions for funding.


Programs of children's public associations and organizations are financed from funds federal budget and funds of the Russian Federation. Material support is provided on a legislative basis and is provided for by various social programs. The law provides for the allocation Money in the form of subsidies.

Organizations such as student unions, religious organizations and similar associations, the support of which is not provided for by law.

Types of joins

Children's public associations may differ in:

  • direction;
  • formation;
  • goals;
  • implementation time;
  • degree of interests;
  • composition of participants;
  • social status.

Associations aimed at the development and needs of children can be implemented in schools and groups. Initially, the organizations were only educational in nature, but over time, creative collective associations began to form, also aimed at creative actions and benefit to the surrounding world.

Directions of associations

The free regime of our time allows us to create a wide variety of children's public associations. At the moment, it is difficult to list them, since new ones are formed every day, carrying an individual idea of ​​self-expression. Of these, the most common categories of associations can be identified.

  • environmental;
  • sports;
  • tourist;
  • creative;
  • scouts;
  • research;
  • professional;
  • cultural;
  • social and informational, etc.

According to formal criteria:

  • officially registered;
  • unregistered, but based under the influence of official structures (for example, schools);
  • Informal.

According to ideological principles:

  • political;
  • religious;
  • national;
  • secular.

Association classifications

There are a huge variety of organizations for the collective association of children and youth that currently exist. They have different names, program structures, social goals and play different social roles. The most famous of them:

  • Union Can be international, interregional, regional, regional, regional, city, district. Such organizations act within the framework of their own interests and unite into social groups of children and adults in different areas of focus: sports, music, education, etc.
  • Federal. They operate within the framework of various international and all-Russian public associations with pre-agreed goals and an existing representative body to represent interests at the state level.
  • Association of Children's Organizations. They are engaged in the implementation of a public program to meet their needs. They can be school, student, game, or perform at the Russian or international level.
  • The League is a broad-based community based on specialized and cultural interests.
  • A commune is a group of people united on the basis of common property and labor.

  • A squad is an association consisting of detachments. In the past, pioneering was classified as this type. Now this could be, for example, a camp detachment that has a counselor or other similar groups with the participation of a leader.
  • A squad is a team united in accordance with personal interests.
  • Social groups that promote the interests of society or any social category, social layer. They may differ in financial status, nationality, place of residence, labor criteria, and even level of health.

Examples of joins

  • "Make a step".
  • Scouts.

In Nizhny Novgorod school No. 91, a small association of adults was recorded on the initiative of the director. There was only one goal - to teach children what is not written in school textbooks. The idea was related to the development of certain skills in difficult life conditions. Thus, classes on survival in extreme conditions were formed. This later developed into a mandatory state subject for tourism training, mountaineering, the study of martial arts and methods of defense, and first aid.

  • "Marine League".

Youth association of lovers of shipping, yacht sports and ship modeling. The league included 137 organizations, which included young sailors and rivermen, which at one time gave rise to the popularity of this area and reached the international level. The association led training sailing events and carried out long sea voyages.

  • "Green Planet".

Children's environmental movement. You could become a member of this association from just 8 years old. The key objective of the project was to unite as many young citizens as possible to solve environmental problems, calls for a healthy lifestyle and adherence to standards of cleanliness and order.


From the point of view of the educational process, the goals of the activities of any children's public association effectively influence the aspect of personal growth of each member of the association. In the process of activity, he encounters many social problems and begins to better understand the principles of management, self-organization, respect, etc., which has a positive effect on his future. Associations increase the social significance and readiness of a person to fulfill social public needs.

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List of used literature


Relevance of the topic. The basis for the development of Russia at the present stage is the formation of a civil society capable of constructively interacting with other forces of society in the name of common goals, interests, values, and also ready to subordinate their private interests and methods of achieving them to the common good, expressed in legal norms. In order for a subject of civil society to become an active person, he must be “raised”, his personality must be formed. We need to educate the younger generation, who will live in the state tomorrow, to shape its policies and life activities. Therefore, today the priority direction of state youth policy at all levels (federal, regional, municipal) is the development of social activity of young people, civic consciousness through their participation in the activities of youth and children's public associations, youth parliaments, governments, and other consultative and advisory structures created under legislative and executive authorities different levels, student government bodies.

The development of a children's youth social movement is a long process. For the development of the movement and the active participation of children and adolescents in it, it is necessary to create conditions that put at the disposal of coordinators and organizers specific resources and skills that make active participation possible, and gradually include them in the activities.

Civil position and mentality do not arise on their own. These are, to a certain extent, derivatives of the cultural, economic, and political context. A real children's youth movement is necessary for children to show initiative, independence, for feasible and real participation in the life of society, for arranging their own lives, for realizing the desire for adulthood and asserting their personality in activities that are significant for society. Society and a democratically structured state need it, since a real children's movement contributes to the birth of a citizen, i.e. "the man who judges everything as the head of the government." The Russian state has already demonstrated its interest in such a children's movement by adopting the Federal Law “On State Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations.” A similar interest was shown by many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which adopted similar legislative and regulatory acts on their territories.

At the same time, youth as a social group and a young man as a citizen began to more actively express themselves as social and political subjects, introducing new ideas and actively participating in the implementation of their own, state and public interests. The new generation is strengthening such qualities as independence, receptivity to new things, adaptability to life changes, etc. There is a stabilizing trend that is already turning into positive and constructive forms of youth activity.

The current stage of state youth policy can be characterized as a period of search and accumulation of new socio-political experience in its formation and functioning. The deepening of regional independence and the development of a system of local self-government bodies predetermined modern regional youth policy, the implementation of programs and events addressed to the younger generation of a particular region.

Based on this, we can say that the topic for consideration is relevant.

Purpose: to consider the development of the children's and youth movement in Russia.

The object of consideration is public organizations in Russia.

The subject is children's and youth public organizations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

1. Perform an analysis of the literature and other sources on the proposed topic, summarize the material studied and select the necessary data.

2. Characterize the main stages in the history of the development of the children's and youth movement in Russia.

3. Give the concept of social significance of the activities of youth movements.

4. Consider the main and priority directions of state youth policy.

Tetersky S.V., Khramtsova F.I. dealt with the problems of the development of the children's and youth movement in Russia. and others. Methodological and methodological issues of the development of the youth movement are discussed in the publications of K. S. Zykova, L. A. Baykova, L. A. Grebennikova, O. V. Eremina, etc. The works of L. Morozov are devoted to the analysis of the specifics of the social activities of youth movements. V., Skrobova A.P., Dubrovicha S.M. et al.

The methodological basis of our research is: pedagogical data, educational work, public organizations, sociology, principle of objective reality, principle of consistency; research methods: analysis of sources; data selection; systematization and generalization of material.

The work consists of an introduction, a conclusion, and the main part - two chapters. The work used the sources indicated in the list of references.

1. Development of children and youth movement

1.1 History of the development of the youth movement

A significant factor in the development of children and especially adolescents and young people is the society of their peers. A child by nature is a social being in the highest sense of the word. In communicating with peers, he gains additional knowledge, enriches life experience, assimilates social norms and value orientations, develops evaluation criteria, gains experience in relationships with peers, experiences feelings of friendship and camaraderie, finds opportunities for self-realization and self-affirmation, feels an emotionally positive state of unity with peers .

The end of the XIX - tenth years of the XX century. - the time of formation of the children's movement as a new social reality in the world and in Russia. A new social phenomenon drew the state’s attention to children as a real force capable of providing adults with some support in solving specific problems, for example, in reforming the education system, protecting state principles and values; in the preparation of the country's defenders, etc. Confirmation of what has been said is the emergence and rapid development in England (and then in the world) of the scouting children's and youth movement, the goal of which is faithful service to the Fatherland. In the creation of the first scout troops (1907-1908), one can see an attempt to combine state interests with the natural needs of children - the desire for action, a craving for romance, and heroism.

Five stages can be distinguished in the development of the youth movement in Russia. The first stage dates back to the pre-revolutionary period and can be characterized as scouting. The activity of children of this initial period was expressed in the mass organized experience of the children's movement, which manifested itself as a social factor that determined the various positions of children in society. The merit of scouting is that it greatly contributed to the personal growth of children and adolescents. A detailed growth system and a system of symbolic rewards also increased the personal interest of the children. The activity forms of the scout system included forest games, games such as KVN and Zarnitsa, tent camps, etc. The pedagogical activities of innovative teachers Shatsky and Blonsky, the authors of the so-called social role-playing game, became widely known. They also developed some self-government institutions such as SD (Council of Affairs).

The second stage fell on the period between the Civil War and the Second World War. Created on the basis of pioneer self-government. Many forms of work were borrowed from the scouts, but the activities of the pioneers were aimed at socially useful causes, and their troops took the names not of animals, but of revolutionary and historical heroes (Spartacus, Bauman, etc.). The first activities of the pioneers were collecting food to help the starving people of the Volga region, collecting scrap metal and waste paper, etc. The peak of the pioneers' activities was the program to eliminate illiteracy in villages.

In the 1930s, when the fight against counter-revolution ended, the activities of the pioneers were reduced to study. Independent directions emerged: Timurites, Makarenko’s communes and the so-called production workers. Timur's movement flourished after the publication of Arkady Gaidar's book. These were detachments assembled mainly from street children. The main direction of their activity was socially useful affairs. The main merit Makarenko is the creation of children's communes from socially maladjusted children. His work style was very democratic, almost everything was decided by the councils of the guys, and Makarenko himself officially performed only a coordinating function. Children's production was also tested in the communes for the first time. The organized Komsomol movement was actually included in the construction, production, social, agricultural and political activities of the Soviet state

During the war, pioneers and Komsomol members, along with adults, participated in the construction of defensive lines, worked in factories and factories, participated in military operations, committed sabotage behind enemy lines, and were indispensable scouts in partisan detachments. Most of the youth died during the war. After the war, Komsomol construction projects and the development of virgin lands gained momentum. The country was reborn from the ashes, gaining military, economic and political independence.

From the mid-50s, the third stage of the youth movement began to gain momentum. The directions of this period include such types of activities as the search movement, the Amateur Song Club (ASC), communism and the movement of international brigades and propaganda brigades. At the beginning of their existence, search teams specialized in searching for iron. Later, search teams began to gradually switch to searching for graves and missing persons. Many members of the Amateur Song Club were also search engines, introducing a culture into the world of songs that was later called the Author's Song.

The founder of the communitarian movement was the Leningrad teacher Ivanov, who created the famous Frunze Commune in Leningrad. Main hallmark Communarism is a cult of self-government. The members of the communes planned the matter themselves, carried it out themselves and discussed it themselves. Moreover, reflection in the Communard method has always been very important important place. Another merit of communism was the first steps in the field of theorizing the development of a group, collective, etc. Search is always connected with tourism and, as a result, children's and youth travel clubs begin to emerge, for which tourism becomes the main profile.

The movement of the fans was vibrant. Their idea was based on the desire to read good literature, which was often not given official treatment in the USSR, a significant part of which was science fiction. There has been a sharp rise in fandom with the advent of talented science fiction writers in our country (Strugatsky, Efremov, Kazantsev, Krapivin). In the 70s, directions of the informal youth movement emerged that had a negative orientation. These are hippies, punks. Their main idea was to study and promote the Western way of life. In the depths of punk culture, a unique musical style arose - the underground, through which some young people also tried to express their protest. In the early 80s, youth organizations with strong political overtones also emerged, for example, the Nazis, the “Memory” society, etc.

The fourth stage ended with perestroika and the fall of the USSR. This period is characterized by a weakening of the movements of fans, PCBs, punks and some others, as one important attribute of these movements, semi-legality, disappears. Among the new directions of the informal youth movement that have emerged in our time, one can highlight scouting. Moreover, it should be considered in Russia precisely as the emergence of a new movement, and not as a revival of old scouting, since many leaders who had previously worked in other directions and largely preserved the old traditions switched to scouting. Another powerful movement that integrated many former leaders of other movements was the role-playing game movement. The main sources of current role players are fandom, hippies and various teaching circles. Within this movement there are several sub-directions. The most common of these are Tolkienists.

Recently, there has been a tendency towards an increase in the number of youth movements in Russia. Modern youth movements are diverse in the focus of their activities, forms and mechanisms for implementing programs and projects. Moreover, most of these movements are concentrated in large economic centers, the capitals of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in Russia from 1920 to 1993, pioneer and Komsomol organizations were organized and actively developed. This form of children's youth movement actually had great weight in society, actively included the younger generation in the system of Soviet moral education, and formed the foundations of patriotism and democratic activity of the younger generation. Examples include the exploits of children and youth during the Great Patriotic War, during the years of construction of Soviet society. Various children's youth movements: bikers, skinheads, punks, hippies, fans and others.

1.2 Modern children's youth movement in Russia

The modern children's movement intensified in the mid-1990s: numerous children's and youth associations, both formal and informal, began to appear. They present a rather motley picture, which is characterized by variability:

Organizational and legal forms: associations, organizations, movements, unions, associations, leagues, commonwealths, centers, clubs, etc. For example, the Iskra association (Volgograd), Novosibirsk Teenagers Union, Association of Young Art Lovers (Chelyabinsk) , tourist club “Comrade” (Obninsk), etc.;

Scales and levels: international (for example, the Union of Pioneer Organizations), republican (Nevada movement, Semipalatinsk), interregional (association of clubs for aspiring journalists "Siberian Christmas"), regional, district, city, at the microdistrict level ("Expensive" detachment » microdistrict "Sokol" of Moscow);

Goals and orientation of the content of the activity: patriotic, economic, environmental, pioneer, scout, political, pacifist, religious, etc.;

Activity programs: “Commonwealth”, “Children’s Order of Mercy”, “School of Democratic Culture”, “Myself”, “I Want to Do My Business” (for young businessmen), “Game is a serious matter”, “The world will be saved by beauty”, “ Leader", "Pioneer Commonwealth", "Little Prince of the Earth" (for young ecologists), "Renaissance", "School of Survival" (for scouts), etc.;

Organizational structures, their external design: unit, patrol, brigade, team, detachment, squad, club, etc.; they have their own charters, laws, rituals, symbols, attributes;

Periodicals: newspapers, magazines, almanacs, bulletins, information and methodological bulletins (for example, the newspaper of the Union of Pioneer Organizations);

Bases for the formation of children's associations: general education institutions, additional education institutions, clubs, cultural institutions, orphanages, residential boarding schools, etc.;

Names of the organizer of the association: director, leader, counselor, instructor, scout master, social teacher, etc. By the way, the position of senior counselor is retained in schools today and can be effectively used in working with students. The function of the class teacher has also changed: he is not obliged to work with children's organizations, but can take part on a voluntary basis;

Systems for training teaching staff: in universities, teacher training colleges, clubs, reviving teaching teams, etc.; in various forms (courses, training camps, camps, seminars, etc.); in replenishing the budget.

Modern children's and youth associations did not arise out of nowhere: they use many years of experience from the first steps of the children's movement in Russia, the positive experience of the pioneer organization that replaced scouting. Until now, the theoretical basis of the modern children's movement is based on the ideas of N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, I.P. Ivanov, which remain relevant, thanks to which pioneer organizations and the scouting movement are being revived in Russia today . Scouting is an international children's and youth movement. Its goal is to help children and youth educate themselves intellectually, physically and spiritually. In our country, the first troop appeared in 1909. The revival of scouting in Russia began in the mid-1980s. in Tomsk, has now spread throughout the country.

The famous teacher and scientist L.A. Baykova notes that a pioneer is the position of a person, a pioneer, who discovers the good in people. One of the tasks is to develop children’s initiative, create favorable relations“personality - collective”. Today, the pioneers have lost the strict regulation of their activities, which each organization chooses for itself independently. Thus, the Union of Pioneer Organizations of the Voronezh Region has chosen for itself the following programs: “School of Democratic Culture”, “Children’s Order of Mercy”, “Game is a Serious Business”, “Golden Needle”, “Tree of Life”, “I Want to Do My Business”, “ Your own voice”, “Holidays”, “The world will be saved by beauty”, “Scarlet Sails”, “From culture and sports - to a healthy lifestyle”, “Leader” and “Growth”.

In the theory and methodology of education, the idea has long existed and continues to exist that a children's movement uniting children (according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is the age from 7 to 18 years) is an important factor in the development of the individual and his socialization. Currently, a generation of young people has formed in Russia who are very different from their predecessors. Around youth, as a social group, scientists continue to argue about the interest and attempts of active participation of youth organizations in the development of the country. The relevance of the discussions is obvious, since the current young generation holds the future power, values, and culture. Some youth groups demonstrate innovation (student clubs, youth parliament, etc.), others demonstrate traditionalism (student cooperatives, leisure and patriotic associations, etc.).

Uniting in various groups, companies, teams, often with the participation of adults, children concentrate their efforts to achieve specific goals in a variety of activities, both socially significant and asocial, which is confirmed by the data of a sociological survey conducted by a group of teachers (I. I. Frishman, L. V. Bayborodova, A. V. Volokhov, etc.).

Experience has proven that children's and youth associations in Russia differ in the content of their activities, the duration of their existence, and the form of management. The content differs between socio-political, religious, patriotic, educational and other associations of children. For example, in terms of content, individual associations can be characterized as labor associations, in which the tasks of organizing the labor activities of children for the purpose of earning money are realized, for example, by doing repairs at a school. These include student cooperatives, most often created for the joint activities of children to solve personal economic problems.

Leisure associations involve solving the problem of developing the abilities and inclinations of children, the problem of providing them with opportunities for communication, self-expression and self-affirmation; for example, collective creative activities, competitions, various circles, clubs, studios both at school and in additional education institutions. Due to the fact that the child enters these groups voluntarily, in accordance with his interests, here he occupies a completely different status position compared to the position in the class.

Based on the above, we can distinguish three main functions of children's associations: developmental (ensures the civil, moral formation of the individual, the development of his social creativity, the ability to interact with people, put forward and achieve socially and personally significant goals); orientation (providing conditions for children’s orientation in the system of moral, social, political, cultural values); compensatory (creating conditions for the realization of the child’s needs, interests, and capabilities that are not in demand in other communities, to eliminate the deficit of communication and participation).

The purpose of the activity of any association can be considered in two aspects: on the one hand, as a goal that children set for themselves, on the other hand, as a purely educational goal set by adults participating in the work of children's associations. Speaking about the first aspect, it should be noted that the voluntary association of children is possible only when they see in it the prospect of an interesting life, the opportunity to satisfy their needs. It is important that the association increases the social significance of their activities and makes them more “adult”. This aspect, which does not contradict the “children’s” goal, involves the creation in the organization of conditions under which the socialization of the child’s personality is more successful, resulting in the desire and readiness of children to perform social functions in society. A striking example of such associations are the already traditional student clubs of a sports, creative, scientific and educational nature, the youth parliament, youth trade union organizations, etc. From the above examples it is clear that children's and youth movements in Russia are becoming a significant factor in positive education, complementing targeted educational school process.

Based on the above, we note that at present, in many regions of Russia, the children's movement is gaining strength, acquiring the forms of children's and youth organizations of different content and methods of activity (labor organizations, leisure associations, student cooperatives, etc.). These organizations become a good help in education. Children's associations in modern conditions have a fundamental difference: they are of a public nature, that is, anyone, according to their interests, can sign up and go to a certain circle or association. This means that the youth movement is a social movement that does not have a strict organizational structure, led by a youth leader, pursuing social, political and other socially significant goals.

1.3 The state of the children's and youth social movement in the Russian Federation

A children's public association is one of the structures in the diversity of youth movements, a form of organizing children's amateur activities, social activity, and self-realization; a special pedagogically organized environment for the child’s life; pedagogically transformed society. The emergence of the children's movement from the control of the state and official public structures led to the spontaneous growth of various organizations. They arise, take shape, and act where they find fertile soil and support.

Most often, the basis for the emerging experience is the school and institutions of additional education - the main centers for the upbringing of modern children, as well as public structures of a non-political nature that legally exist and have legal status in the state and society. The new educational space, emerging as a result of organized pedagogical efforts in managing the process of development of the child’s personality, becomes a serious alternative to informal spontaneous children’s associations of a negative orientation. Children's youth organization is a form of social education of children, which integrates the process of personal development through the means of training, education, socialization, self-education, self-education, self-realization - the most important condition for the holistic development of the individual: reasonably organized leisure of children - the environment of their life, a society in which a child can really express oneself as a subject of activity in various statuses, roles, positions, in individual and collective, executive and creative activities; as an individual with his own civic position; can gain experience of joining future government and public structures; an effective means of acquiring personal life experience of independence, experience of human communication, collective joint activities with peers and adults; a means of emotional and moral development in a circle of comrades, like-minded people, passionate and caring people; the world of play, fantasy, freedom of creativity; “the world of real childhood” - the most valuable thing in the life of a growing person.

As a reality of the educational space, teenage organizations are supported by regulatory state laws. Children's organizations have great educational opportunities, being involved in the activities of youth organizations, both public and political.

A characteristic feature of the modern development of children's and youth social movements is the voluntary nature of joining organizations. This should remain the unconditional norm of their activities. However, the freedom of a young person to choose his own organization at this stage manifests itself for most young people as the freedom not to choose any of them, which significantly complicates the dialogue of state and public structures with the younger generation. Only a few youth associations provide for mass membership of young people. It is characteristic that of the youth and children's associations at the federal level, only 30 organizations provide for fixed membership, 27 organizations are associations of associations, movements, unions of organizations that do not provide for fixed membership. According to expert estimates, public associations registered by justice authorities cover from 46% to 87% of adolescents and schoolchildren, and 12-44% of young people. The weakest unification processes among young people are represented in small towns and rural areas.

According to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of 2012, 89 all-Russian and international youth and children's public associations were registered. As of January 1, 2012, the Federal Register of Youth and Children's Public Associations enjoying state support, which is maintained in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations", includes 58 organizations: 14 children's, 44 youth; 28 all-Russian, 28 interregional, 2 international.

The social movement at the present stage can be characterized as demonopolized, variable in the direction of activity (professional, creative, realization of interests, sports, environmental, military-patriotic, civil-patriotic, charitable, etc.), diverse in the forms and mechanisms of implemented programs and projects. The activities of more than 50% of public associations can be characterized as multidirectional. These organizations bring together representatives of different social groups of adolescents and young people. The activities of most organizations are aimed at solving specific problems of society, children and youth. Many of them implement programs to create social youth services, labor exchanges, develop children and youth entrepreneurship, sports, identify and support young talents, national and cultural revival, summer holidays, solve housing problems, etc.

In the mid-90s of the last century, the formation of youth consultative and advisory structures began operating under the legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (public youth chambers, parliaments, governments, councils, etc.), which are voluntary, self-governing formations created on the initiative of young people acting in compliance with the principles of election and legitimacy. At the initial stage, the engine of the movement was a spontaneous initiative from below, which did not always find the support of the authorities and broad youth circles.

Today, in more than a third of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, youth parliamentary structures exist at the regional level. In a number of Russian regions, consultative and advisory structures have a real right to speak from the position of all youth, actively interact with the authorities, and move from an object to a subject of the implementation of state youth policy. Youth parliamentarism is actively developing at the international level.

An important step in the development of the youth parliamentary movement was the creation of the Youth Parliamentary Assembly under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and the Public Youth Chamber under the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. This is a reflection of the state's position at the federal level on the development of youth parliamentarism. youth movement organization education

Today, the youth parliamentary movement is represented in various forms: youth government; youth parliament, which has the status of a public association; youth parliaments created under the legislative authorities, having different statuses: scientific-advisory, advisory-consultative, advisory-executive body.

Thus, the stage of formation of the youth and children's social movement, based on the diversity of forms and the breadth of opportunities for young people to choose their organization, which began in the 90s, is basically completed. A return to the model of a single and only union of youth or children (as the pioneer organization and the Komsomol were for a long time) is impossible in the foreseeable future: this idea is not popular among young people and youth organizations and contradicts the changed social conditions

2. Youth policy states

2.1 Development of children's and youth organizations as an educational institution

Children's public organizations arise on the initiative of children, as a result of their desire to engage in circles, sections, clubs, to participate in the life of their district, city, to help individual residents, as well as enterprises and institutions. Specific programs, competitions, and festivals offered to children play a major role in the creation of youth organizations. The main feature is the creation of children's associations not by order “from above”, “according to a single principle”, but voluntarily, democratically, proactively with the help of children and adults, taking into account local traditions, economic, social, and national interests. The modern children's movement, while not strictly speaking mass, is a living, dynamic phenomenon. The shapes and structures are varied.

Children's and youth public organizations can be considered as a possible link in the educational system of a state educational institution (school, institution of additional education), as well as an independent specific educational system included in the educational space of a particular society. Two functions of their activity dominate: the realization of the child’s individual needs and his socialization. By the degree of implementation of these functions one can judge their place in the educational space. These functions are presented in concepts and programs.

There is a wide range of different programs. An example would be the program " Revival", which is advisory in nature. The main idea: “Save yourself for Russia and Russia for yourself.” The program's activities closely intertwine two concerns: one - about the spiritual and physical improvement of a person, his survival in new economic, environmental, social conditions; the other is about the past, present and future of Russia. The program includes 9 interconnected projects: Robinson, Pioneers, Travelers to the Past, Treasure Hunters, Rescuers, Handcraft, Stalkers, We Are Together and Russian Abroad. There are other equally interesting programs: “Children’s Order of Mercy”, “Step Toward”, “Tree of Life”, “Your Own Voice”, “Holidays”, “Scarlet Sails” and others.

Children's and youth associations in modern Russia are considered as an educational institution that expands the zone of formation of a common culture and contributes to the formation inner world children and adolescents, the formation of new value orientations, stimulates social development child.

In the context of democratization of society, there is a need for significant changes in the work of children's organizations. The most effective way to update the content of their work is to provide children with the opportunity to choose a field of activity and communication in associations, organizations, groups in which the necessary conditions are created for the socialization of the individual. Currently, a variable program approach dominates in children's and youth associations, which presupposes the presence of a set of programs that differ from each other in the content of children's activities and the forms and methods of work that are adequate to it. These programs implement an age-specific approach and take into account the range of interests and needs of children.

For the education of a democratic culture in children, the work of children's socio-political associations is of great importance. To be a politically developed person with a democratic culture means, first of all, to promote harmony, harmonization of divergent interests existing in society, to be aimed at finding compromises that contribute to the constructive solution of problems facing society, social strata, and individuals. Political parties and movements tend to have their own youth branches. This suggests that modern young people are not indifferent to the political future and modern history of the country. The result of their active work, for example in Voronezh, is the establishment of local youth Dumas, organizations and amateur associations. In order to think and act in this way, a person needs historical, philosophical, worldview, economic, political, psychological, and cultural knowledge about the social environment in which he operates.

The task of educating the socio-economic activity of children in children's associations is also relevant today. This process is ensured by:

Interaction between children and adults in socio-economic relations;

The use of imitation forms in preparing children for economic relations;

Approbation of acquired knowledge in practical activities.

As an example, we can consider the work in the children's organization "Rainbow" (Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region), where they used the simulation game "Children's Loan", the essence of which was that each participant in the game was offered to become a bond holder, on the coupons of which the emblems of the program were printed children's organization and information about proposed competitions and tasks. The tasks were different: work in the forestry enterprise, clearing forests, making bags for medicine under an agreement with pharmacies, working in flower beds, etc. These were tasks to collect materials about Russian villages, crafts, describe family traditions, compile a genealogy, and much more. . The winner is the one who completed all four tasks, investing his intellectual and practical work.

Of great importance for the upbringing of children are their temporary associations, which have special educational capabilities, since they are created here real conditions For dynamic and intensive communication between the child and his peers, various options are provided for the implementation of his creative activity. The intensity of communication and specially assigned activities allow him to change his ideas, stereotypes, views of himself, peers, and adults. In a temporary children's association, teenagers try to independently organize their life activities, taking a position from a passive observer to an active organizer of the association's life. If the process of communication and activity in the association takes place in a friendly environment, attention is paid to each child, then this helps him create a positive model of behavior and promotes emotional and psychological rehabilitation. Typical temporary associations for children are children's summer centers, tourist groups, for example, the tourist club "Dontsy" (Ostrogozhsk), the association "Iskorki" (Voronezh), etc.

The modern Russian youth movement has become one of the most active social structures. The development of society largely depends on his economic, political and cultural choices. However, many of the real problems of youth practices remain outside of academic and research interest. Certain manifestations of modern youth life fall into the sphere of state concern only in a situation of a clear threat to social stability.

Young people aged 14 to 25 are drawn to what is new in any culture. However, in addition to progressive social renovations, there is always a reason to anticipate a forecast of danger for modern society. For example, the emergence of aggressive groups (skinheads), gambling addiction, the growth of drug addiction and youth crime. The task of educational institutions is to reorient the teenager towards personal creativity, which does not free him from civilized shackles, but makes him free within civilization itself.

Thus, children's and youth associations of a positive orientation expand the zone of formation of a common culture, contribute to the formation of the inner world, the formation of new value orientations, and stimulate the social development of a young person. I would like to make a prognostic conclusion that modern youth are a mobile and promising part of society, a potential engine of new ideas. Her energy, thirst for search and change is a force capable of changing the world. The future always depends on the young. To build a promising future, it is necessary to support the initiative and desire of the younger generation to actively participate in solving various problems, to create conditions for the formation and comprehensive development the personality of each young person.

The development of a children's youth social movement is a long process. For the active participation of children and adolescents, it is necessary to create conditions that put at the disposal of coordinators and organizers specific resources and skills that make active participation possible, and gradually include them in the activities.

2.2 State youth policy in modern Russia

Social significance is the main stimulus for the activity of people as social beings. That is, socially significant activities of youth movements are the activities of youth movements aimed at changing the course of events in public life. Youth movements are the object and subject of state youth policy, therefore the activities of youth movements and their social significance from the point of view of the goals and objectives of the youth policy of the Russian Federation influence the course of events in society.

So, state youth policy is designed to ensure:

Strategic continuity of generations, preservation and development national culture, instilling in young people a careful attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia;

The formation of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state, capable of socialization in a civil society, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, using the capabilities of the legal system, possessing high statehood and showing national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples, tolerance to spiritual opinion, the ability to seek and find meaningful compromises;

Formation of a culture of peace and interpersonal relations, rejection of forceful methods of resolving political conflicts within the country, readiness to defend it from aggression;

Versatile and timely development of young people, their creative abilities, self-organization skills, personal self-realization, the ability to defend their rights, participate in the activities of public associations;

Formation of a holistic worldview and a modern scientific worldview, development of a culture of interethnic relations;

Development of positive work motivation, high business activity, successful mastery of the basic principles of professionalization, and skills of effective behavior in the labor market among young citizens;

Young people’s mastery of various social skills and roles, responsibility for their own well-being and the state of society, the development of a culture of their social behavior, taking into account the openness of society, its informatization, and the growing dynamism of change.

The fundamentals of the activities of youth and children's public associations are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 13, Part 4, Article 13, Part 5, Article 19, Part 2, Art. 30); Civil Code RF (Part one, Art. 117); Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, Chapter 2, Art. 6 “Public and religious organizations (associations)”; Federal Law “On Public Associations”; Federal Law “On Education” (Article 32). The main legal act directly regulating activities in the sphere of interaction between government bodies and youth and children's public associations is the federal law“On state support for youth and children's public associations” (06/28/1995 No. 98-FZ. The law defines guarantees general principles, content and measures of state support for youth and children's public associations of the Russian Federation at the federal level in the amount of targeted funding from the federal budget and extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation allocated for these purposes.

State support for youth and children's associations is understood as a set of measures taken by government bodies of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of state youth policy in order to create and ensure legal, economic and organizational conditions, guarantees and incentives for the activities of such associations aimed at social development, development and self-realization of children and youth in public life, as well as for the purpose of protecting and defending their rights.

State youth policy in the Russian Federation is implemented in the following priority areas:

1) involvement of youth in social, economic, political and cultural life state and society;

2) support and development of youth and children's public associations;

3) spiritual and physical development of youth;

4) moral and patriotic education of young citizens;

5) support for capable, proactive and talented youth, development and implementation of the creative and innovative potential of young citizens in the interests of state and social development;

6) state support for young specialists;

7) state assistance to young families and providing conditions for the key participation of youth in the sustainable demographic development of the country;

8) creation of a system for the prevention of neglect and crime among young people;

9) support for young people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

State youth policy is aimed, in particular, at the development of youth associations, movements, initiatives and it was stated that it is carried out in relation to youth associations and is carried out with government bodies and officials, youth associations, their associations and young citizens. According to the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation “On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation” dated 06/03/1993 No. 5090-1, one of the directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation is “support for the activities of youth and children's associations”. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On military-patriotic youth and children’s associations” dated July 24, 2000 No. 551 gives the concept of military-patriotic youth and children’s associations, defines the tasks, legal framework, main directions and forms of their activities.

The normative legal basis for interaction between the state and public associations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the one hand, consists of laws, programs, and by-laws relating in general to regional youth policy; on the other hand, laws, programs, and by-laws relating directly to state support of regional public associations . Work practice confirms that in those regions where independent laws on measures to support public associations have been adopted, interaction is built more effectively government agencies with the public sector.

In general, in no less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a legal basis for state support of children's public associations has been formed. In 47 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, laws on state youth policy have been adopted, in which separate sections are allocated to issues of state support for youth and children's public associations. In 32 constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are laws on state support for youth and children's public associations. In 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, issues of support for youth and children's public associations are regulated by decrees, resolutions or orders local authority executive power.

In accordance with the State Youth Policy Strategy, several priority areas of youth policy are identified: involving young people in social practice and informing them about potential development opportunities; development of creative activity of youth; integration of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations into the life of society. Thus, youth movements contribute to the formation of a healthy, viable young generation, and therefore the future of society.

Consequently, youth movements as a subject of state youth policy can perform the following functions: instill in young people a caring attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of Russia; contribute to the formation of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal, democratic state; form a culture of peace and interpersonal relationships, rejection of aggression; contribute to the diversified development of young people; form a holistic worldview; contribute to the development of positive work motivation among young citizens; socialize young people into public life.

2.3 Regional youth policy at the present stage

The trend of uneven distribution of the modern social movement across the region has continued. Regional youth and children's movements are concentrated and operate mainly in regional centers.

The role of the youth and children's movement in the mechanisms for implementing social activity of young people is difficult to overestimate. As an important form of self-government, youth organizations, associations and movements are called upon to represent the interests of young people in state youth policy, thereby realizing their agency in all spheres of society.

Regional youth policy reflects the attitude of society in the Voronezh region towards youth and is designed to promote the development of the youth of the Voronezh region and their effective involvement in the overall process of socio-economic development. Regional youth policy expresses a strategic line in relation to the younger generation to ensure the socio-economic, political and cultural development of the Voronezh region in the context of the development of Russia, to develop in young citizens patriotism and respect for the history and culture of the fatherland, for other peoples, and for the observance of human rights .

In the Voronezh region, 37 youth and children's public associations are active. They differ in quantitative parameters, legal status, organizational and legal forms, scale of operation, goals and content of activities, etc.

The most common organizational and legal form of youth and children's public associations is a public organization. In addition, there are formations with organizational and legal forms - a social movement, a public foundation, a public initiative body. For many associations, their organizational and legal form is not clearly defined.

In the field of the children's and youth movement there are associations that are branches, departments, collective subjects of international and all-Russian youth and children's organizations, as well as interregional, regional (republican, regional, regional, district) and local (district, city, etc.) formations. It should be noted that the age composition of members of associations is often mixed - children, teenagers and youth. There is often a lack of accurate data on both the number of associations and their size. For these reasons, it is possible to present only an approximate picture of the state of the youth and children's social movement in the Voronezh region, to identify some trends and problems of its evolution.

The efforts of the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy are aimed at stabilizing the activities of public organizations, forming qualified personnel for children's and youth associations, and stimulating growth quantitative composition public associations, consolidation of the social movement. In 2009, the number of children and youth involved in the activities of public associations increased (in the regional context - by an average of 1.2%), the number of public associations operating on the basis of educational institutions (by an average of 0.8%), self-organized pro-social children's and youth groups operating at the place of residence (on average by 0.9%).

The number of public associations that received financial support on a competitive basis has increased. The largest youth public associations are: Autonomous non-profit organization, Center for historical, patriotic and international education of children and youth “Tanais”, Autonomous non-profit organization “Youth Institute of Social Programs”, Voronezh regional public children's organization “Iskra”, Rock Movement Support Foundation “ SHURF", Voronezh regional public children's organization of scouts, Voronezh regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Young Guard of United Russia", Voronezh local children's public organization "Commonwealth", Voronezh regional public organization "Center for Youth Initiatives of VGASU", Regional branch of the Voronezh region of the Interregional public organization Promoting the development of sovereign democracy "OURS", Interregional Free Trade Union of Students, Autonomous non-profit organization of additional education "Free University", Voronezh regional public children's organization "Young Generation for Traffic Safety", Voronezh Regional Fund for the Support of Folk Art and Author's Song "CLUB-STUDIO" SAIL", Voronezh regional public organization "Historical and Patriotic Search Association "Don", Voronezh city public children's organization "Game Technologies Center", Regional Fund for the Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship "Youth of Voronezh of the 21st Century", Voronezh Regional Public Foundation "Center for Social Programs of the Russian Union Youth", Voronezh regional public organization "Commonwealth of Children's Organizations", Voronezh regional youth public movement "Voronezh KVN League", Youth regional public organization "Voronezh Regional Aviation Technical Club named after Internationalist Warriors", Autonomous non-profit organization "Nazarene", Voronezh branch All-Russian public organization "Russian Communist Youth Union", Voronezh regional public organization for military-patriotic education of youth "Berkut - Airborne Forces", Autonomous non-profit organization social adaptation center "Alternative".


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