Children's competitions for birthday greetings. "Horse's Tail" for dexterous and quick-witted children. Chain of words

A child's birthday is always a huge holiday for parents! After all, it was on this day that a little man appeared in their family, who became the meaning of their existence. Is it possible to have a children's birthday party in an apartment? Easily! First, you should understand that a child’s birthday is not only his holiday, but also yours, so it is not at all necessary to put everything entirely on your shoulders. Children are quite capable of helping you. They can decorate the room, set the table, and clean the apartment before and after receiving guests. Also, together with your children, think through competitions and games for your birthday so that they are interesting to both you and your child.

Birthday competition "Who's offended?"

One child is blindfolded and turned with his back to the others. Someone lightly touches him with their hand, you have to guess who it is? If he guessed right, the person who touched him is blindfolded and becomes a “guesser.”

Competition "Crosses"
Necessary: checkered pieces of paper, pens or pencils
All children receive leaves and pens.
Exercise: Draw a lot of crosses in a minute
Winner: The one who draws the most crosses

Birthday competition "Fruits on a string"
Necessary: rope, thread, fruit, blindfolds, scissors
Stretch the rope by securing it on both sides to something, such as handles on cabinets. Tie a string to each fruit and hang the fruits on the string.
Blindfold your child. He must reach the rope, cut any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.

Competition "Scarecrow"
Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of whom is a “scarecrow,” go to the middle of the room and spread their arms to the sides. If the presenter says: “Sparrow!”, then you need to wave your hands. If the presenter says: “Crow!” - You have to clap your hands.

Competition for a child's birthday "Tie a scarf"
Necessary: three chairs, three scarves or scarves
Two or three boys compete. In front of each boy, a girl sits on a chair; headscarves hang on the backs of the chairs. At the signal, the boys tie scarves on the girls.
Winner of competition: the boy who can tie a scarf the fastest

Birthday games "Dress the baby"
Necessary: table, 2 dolls, 2 diapers, 2 caps, 2 rompers and 2 shirts.
At the presenter’s signal, 2 girls begin to dress the dolls.
Winner: the girl who can dress the doll faster.

Competition "Tender Words"
Necessary: balloon IR - 2-3 pieces
Children invite their parents and everyone stands in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and passes the balloon to the person standing next to her. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game.
Win the remaining 2-3 people are rewarded with balls.

Birthday games "Pass the parcel"
Necessary: prepare the package - take candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper (you can use sticky tape, but not too much, otherwise it will be difficult for children to unwrap).
The children sit in a circle and the leader says: “We received the package, but I don’t know who it’s for. Let’s find out!”
Children begin to pass the parcel to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper at a time.
Whoever unwraps it last gets the package.
This game teaches children to share.

Birthday competition "Chain"
Required: 2 boxes of paper clips
Children are divided into 2 teams. You need to make a chain using paper clips in the allotted time.
Winner: the one whose chain is longer

Competition "Inflate the balloon"
Necessary: 8 balloons.
8 children are selected. They are given balloons. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but in such a way that the balloon does not burst when inflated.
Winner of competition: the one who completes the task first.

Competition "Speak without mistakes"
Whoever pronounces these proverbs better will win:
* Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
* Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
* The ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.
* He reported, but didn’t report enough, but when he began to report more, he reported.

Hot Potato Birthday Games
Necessary: rubber ball
Children sit on the floor, forming a circle, but as far apart as possible. Turn on the music and while it is playing, the children should pass a small rubber ball to each other in a clockwise direction, getting rid of it as quickly as possible. Each player must have the ball in turn. The player who has the ball in his hands when the music stops is eliminated. The circle becomes smaller and the game continues until one player remains.

Competition "Medusa"
Necessary: silk scarf
Children should throw the silk scarf into the air without dropping it on the floor.
Wins the participant who managed to hold the handkerchief in the air for as long as possible.

"Stick Your Nose" Competition
Necessary: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, and separately sculpt a nose from plasticine.
Attach the sheet to the wall. The players take a few steps back. One by one, they blindfold themselves, approach the portrait and try to stick the nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

Competition "Wind the Cord"
Necessary: cord, pencils
A knot is tied in the middle of the cord, and strings are attached to the ends. a simple pencil. You need to wind your part of the cord around the pencil. Whoever reaches the knot faster is the winner. Instead of a cord, you can take a thick thread.

Any holiday should be a bright, fun and memorable event, so competitions for children's birthdays are a must. Some people believe that if a child turns, for example, 5 years old, then there is no need to “bother”...

This is not true at all, there is a whole sea fun competitions for children's birthdays for children from 3 years old to 16-17 years old.

As experience shows, children celebrate their birthdays preschool age(i.e. from 3 to 5 years) gather a very large number of guests who are always cheerful, active and overly energetic, but at the same time they still love to learn.

This means that both active and educational games and children’s competitions for name days at home are suitable. For example:

Right on target

Children form a circle (round dance), in the center of which is the organizer of the competition. Each child has two soft toys or tennis balls (in other words, something that can be thrown into the leader’s box or bag).

On a command, for example, “start”, the presenter slowly begins to move around its axis, thereby giving each participant in the competition the opportunity to hit the target, i.e. in a box or bucket, or simply a bag. But... you can only throw one toy, so that the second one will certainly remain in your hand.

After the first completed round, the presenter determines the participants in the second round, i.e. those who hit the target.

Those who have passed the second round and made it to the finals are already “sharp shooters”.

For the final, you need to empty the “target” (box, bucket, etc.), and among the sharp shooters, identify the winner - the super shooter.

Go to the store instead of mom

This competition develops children's dexterity, attentiveness and speed of movement.
The necessary attributes of the competition are two children's tables, two children's chairs, two charming baskets and models of fruits and vegetables.

Of course, dummies can be replaced simple pictures with drawn vegetables and fruits, but then the gaming moment is reduced and the task of finding the right item becomes more complicated.

A table and a chair are placed opposite each other at some distance. There is a basket on the chair. Everything is on the table necessary products. Task: move all the products from the store (from the table) to home (to the basket), strictly one item at a time. Whoever did it faster won.

For children of five years old, you can complicate the task and name a list of certain products, thereby the child will have to not only transfer, but also remember the list and choose. Judging in this case will be more difficult, since it must also take into account the mistakes made.

Color associations

The goal of the competition is to teach children in an accessible playful way to accurately determine color, regardless of the shape of the object and its purpose.

Before the game starts, the presenter lays out objects on a certain surface (table, cabinet, children's bench) different colors(cubes, colored construction set parts, dishes, wardrobe items (hat, mitten, scarf), pencils, etc.). The main condition is the uniformity of the subject!

The essence of the game. Following the agreed sign or word, one person from each team goes to the table with objects. And the kids must choose an item of the color whose name their team bears.
Children themselves can assist in judging. It can be very fun and unpredictable.

Older children (from 5 to 8 years old) are also inquisitive and energetic.

However, in order for children to not only have fun, but also be interested, it is worth adding more specific goals to outdoor games.

Let's look at a selection of various children's competitions for boys and games for girls for name days.

"Fun Cleaning" is a great way to entertain all your birthday guests.

To conduct the competition you will need:

  • gymnastic hoops (2 pcs);
  • multi-colored dust whisks (2 pcs);
  • balloons (from 10 pcs).

So, first you need to select two children “for the gate”, and divide the rest into pairs.

Goalkeepers will need to keep their hoops slightly elevated off the ground.

Each player is given a broom, and an even number of balloons are poured onto the floor.

The players' task is to use brooms to score more balls into their own goal as quickly as possible, i.e. in a hoop

"Rainbow" is an excellent educational and at the same time active game for 14 people.

As a prop you need to prepare:

  • a rainbow drawn on a large Whatman paper (preferably A1);
  • cut out geometric figures colors of the rainbow (i.e. 7 pieces of each figure).

All figures are mixed on one table. Next, each team is assigned its own color and shape.

At the command “Start!” Children take turns in pairs and must run up to the table and pick up their figure. Once all 7 people have collected the pieces, they must line up in the same color order as the rainbow and lift their piece up.

Whoever is first wins. To help children, a rainbow drawn on whatman paper should be hung on the wall.

“Greedy Bear” is a very active and fun competition for children’s birthdays at home. You need to outline a place for the bear cub and throw a lot of toys there, as well as something that will symbolize a jar of honey (the bear cub should protect it especially well.

Children from two teams must take turns running into the bear’s territory and try to pick up either honey or one of the trophies, but if the bear cub touches a child, he is eliminated from the game.

When one of the teams takes the most trophies or a jar of honey, the game ends.

"Sharp Shooters." Children need to be placed in a circle, in the middle of which the leader will stand with an empty box in his hands.

Each child should have a toy or ball in his hands (in each hand). The presenter begins to spin slowly, and the children throw one of their objects into the box.

After the circle is completed, the most accurate shooters advance to the next stage.

"Clothespins" - a good option puzzle the children. The presenter first enters the room and hangs multi-colored clothespins (15-30 pieces) throughout the room: on curtains, furniture, toys, etc. On command, children run in and begin to collect the found clothespins. The one who collected the most wins.

Air Combat is a fun, active and exciting game. You need to divide the children into two teams and draw a line between them.

Each team has 5 balls of the same color (more are possible). As soon as the music starts, children must throw all their balls over the opponent's line and not let them return.

When the music is turned off, a count is made to see who was able to throw the most balls.

“Sister Alyonushka” is also a wonderful game with balloons. Each child is given a ball, a scarf and a felt-tip pen. At the command “Start!” you need to tie a scarf on the ball and draw Alyonushka’s face there.

“Warm and Cold” is a game known to many, in which some little thing is hidden, and the child must find it, focusing on the children’s clues about how cold or warm the treasured thing is.

“The sea is agitated once.” This game also needs no introduction, because it is familiar to many from childhood.

To the counting rhyme “The sea is agitated once, twice, three,” I give the children a word in the form of what they need to “freeze.” And then the presenter, “turning on” each frozen figure, must guess what it means. This is a great holiday table game.

Penguins is a simple game with balloons. Each child is given a ball and must, holding it between his ankles, walk in small steps to a certain place.

Whichever of these “penguins” runs the fastest wins.

Cool games for teenagers for their birthday

Children aged 9 to 12 eagerly take part in competitions, games and quizzes.

Here are just a few options to entertain your guests:

For mushrooms
For the competition you will need a sufficient number of images of mushrooms, dummies of mushrooms or objects stylized as mushrooms (up to ordinary matchboxes).

Before the start of the competition, the organizer must hide the “mushrooms” throughout the “forest” (that is, the room).
On command, mushroom pickers (competition participants) enter “the forest” and begin searching for mushrooms. Whoever collects the most mushrooms wins.

Cheerful water bears
This competition is best held in the lap of nature. Children are divided into teams. A bucket of water and an empty bucket are placed at a sufficient distance for each team.

The essence: players take turns transferring water from a full bucket in their palms to empty buckets. After the agreed time, the game stops, and whichever team has the greater volume of transferred water is the winner.

Childish advertising
We are surrounded by a sea of ​​objects, at the mention of which we pronounce the names of brands, and not directly their semantic purpose. Example – Pampers (diapers for newborns), Fanta (orange soda), etc.

To hold a competition, prepare as many of these names as possible and invite the competition participants to advertise the item in their own words, taking into account the semantic content and the absence of branded words.

Be careful when choosing the words on your list because there may be surprises from children.

Quiz: “What do you know about SpongeBob?”
This competition is a quiz that keeps children focused and calm for a while. Almost all children enjoy watching the animated adventures of SpongeBob.

The questions will concern the content of the cartoon and the attentiveness of those watching it.

Sample questions for the competition:
Who is SpongeBob?
Who are his best friends?
The purpose for which SpongeBob goes to the Field of Jellyfish?
What exam does SpongeBob fail to pass?
How many people live in Bikini Bottom?
What neighbors of SpongeBob do you know?
Where does Patrick live? etc.

To prepare for the competition, adults will have to watch a cartoon or seek the help of children.

Dance and dance like Pinocchio
To organize this dance competition you need to prepare in advance dance music and cardboard cards on which the names of the heroes of the fairy tale “The Golden Key” will be printed.

The number of cards should correspond to the number of guests at your party.

The cards are placed in a “magic bag”, from where participants take turns taking out a card with the name of the fairy tale hero Pierrot, Malvina, or Pinocchio, etc.

After a minute, the contestant must show an impromptu dance that conveys the character of the fairy tale hero that fell to him.

At the end of the competition, the audience chooses the most talented dancer.

It is best to make an original birthday gift with your own hands.

At you will find the most short congratulations Happy Birthday to the girl.

Funny games for children's parties for young people

Moving on to an even older age category (13-16 years and above), it is not necessary to select games and entertainment for name days much more seriously.

The fact is that young people more often respond to simple, but very funny competitions for children's birthdays. For example:

A real cook
Participants in this competition, in accordance with their affiliation with a particular team, write down the name of any food product on a blank sheet of paper. Next, the sheet is folded and passed to a teammate.

When all team members have written down their food items (with a small number of players in teams, the procedure can be repeated in a circle), the sheet with the components of the future dish is unfolded.
Behind a short time Each team must come up with the name of the dish and the recipe for its preparation and voice the innovation.

The fun usually comes during the scoring, when “choux pastry is added to the borscht and the whole thing is baked until golden brown.”

Guests of the holiday are divided into teams. In front of each team, a cheerful plan diagram of a house or apartment with a large number of windows is posted.

Target. Going one participant at a time to the posted plan, the teams draw figures of future residents in each window. The task can be complicated in that the drawing can be used to determine the age and social status tenant.

The team that is the first to cope with the difficult task of moving into the house is declared the winner.

Participants are asked to split into two intelligence centers. Each center receives a “ciphered note” - a piece of paper with a word printed on it. For example, “String”.

Team members must decipher the word, knowing the main key - the phrase is encoded in the word. Each letter of the word is the first letter of the word of the encrypted phrase. In this case, it's "Seven terrorists decided to steal the royal arsenal."

The wittiest decoding wins.

4 monkeys
A fun competition for the audience and no less fun for the participants. Four unpeeled bananas are laid out on a low table or chair without a back.

Four participants are tied with their hands behind their backs and, on command, to speed up, are asked to first clean and then eat the monkey delicacy.

This, perhaps, can be summed up. Of course, there are many more children's activities and only a few of them are listed here.

Each of us has our own personal holiday, on which the sun shines brighter and the birds sing louder. It's a birthday. Children look forward to it most of all, because on this holiday guests come and give many gifts, and parents cheat air balloons and decorated with candles a delicious cake. What else can you do to please your baby and his little visitors? Give them games and competitions! For a birthday, this is the best thing you can think of.

Fun for kids

Children are fidgets who don’t sit still for a second. To channel their irrepressible energy in the right direction, we offer cool birthday contests that will captivate the kids and make the holiday bright and unforgettable. Agree, just eating cake is boring and uninteresting, but playing, jumping and running and receiving prizes is fun!

The scale of the holiday

Birthday competitions for children may be offered in different ways. But first of all, let's decide where the event will be celebrated: in a house, in an apartment, outdoors or in a cafe. Based on this, it will be easier to understand which interesting competitions You can spend it on your birthday.

If the festive event takes place in small apartment- you won’t be able to speed up much, so the entertainment should be calmer, taking into account the size of the area. The house, as a rule, is more spacious, and if the baby’s birthday falls in the summer, then the garden plot can be temporarily turned into a playground and active games and birthday competitions can be held on it.

If the holiday will be celebrated in a restaurant or cafe, it is worth discussing with the administration the possibility of holding entertainment events for children.

Apartment fun

So, what kind of competitions can you come up with for a home birthday if the holiday takes place in an apartment? For children aged 4-6 years, we offer the games “Funny Animals”, “Turtles” and “Balls with a Surprise”. Birthday contests for older children need to be more complicated. These are "Cool Tales", "Search for Prizes" and "Running Ball".

"Funny little animals"

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare:

  • balls - according to the number of children;
  • threads;
  • markers.

Before the children arrive, you need to inflate all the balloons and tie the tails with thread. Divide the children into two teams, give each a ball and a felt-tip pen. The goal of the competition is to draw eyes, a nose, ears, in a word, the face of an animal on each ball. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Kids will really enjoy this fun competition. To carry it out you will only need two basins and two chairs. Divide the children into two teams and line them up. The first participants are given a basin. The task of the competition is to get on all fours, put a basin on your back (like a shell), get to the chair and back and pass the basin to the next player. Those “turtles” who pass the test first win.

"Surprise Balloons"

Cool competitions for the birthday person must be supported by prizes. Otherwise, it's not interesting to play. The fun of “Balloons with a Surprise” is that no one will leave the party without a gift. To organize this competition, you need opaque (preferably dense) balls and small gifts (funny pens, keychains, rings for girls and model cars for boys).

Before guests arrive, put the prize inside the balloon, then inflate it, tie the tail tightly with thread and lay the balloons on the floor. The children's task is to puncture the ball and discover the gift. There are no losers in this competition - only winners!

"Cool Tales"

Birthday contests for children over 8 years old are, as a rule, a kind of test of attentiveness and reaction speed. Players stand in a circle, clench their right hand into a fist and point it up thumb. The left hand clasps the thumb right hand neighbor The essence of the game is this: you think of a code word (for example, “flint”) and tell it to the participants. Start saying randomly the names of different fairy tales; when pronouncing the code word, the children must quickly release their thumb from their neighbor’s fist and at the same time catch the other neighbor’s finger. You can confuse the kids - it will be funnier. For example, instead of the code word “Swan Princess,” you can name Princess Nesmeyana or any phrases that contain the word “princess.” Such cool birthday contests are usually accompanied by cheerful fuss and boisterous laughter.

"Search for prizes"

All the kids - creative personalities. Interesting competitions for a child’s birthday should definitely include a demonstration of children’s talents. "Search for Prizes" is an entertainment aimed at enhancing the artistry of children. To conduct this competition you will need:

  • colored cardboard - according to the number of children;
  • box - 2 pieces;
  • markers;
  • prizes - according to the number of players.

First of all, prepare colored cards, of which there should be the same number as the number of participants. Take a square of cardboard and cut it in half. On one half, write the task with a felt-tip pen, and on the other, the name of the prize. You need to write not on the colored side, but on the white side.

Then put the cards with the tasks in one box, colored side up, and in the other box with the name of the gifts. Each participant draws out a card with a task (dance, sing a song or recite a rhyme), and then looks for a card of the same color with the name of the presentation.

"Running Ball"

We also need birthday competitions that will make the kids warm up. For example, "Running Ball". This game requires two inflated balloon and two glasses. Participants are divided into two teams, the first players are given a glass with a ball placed on top. The goal of the game is to run around your team and pass the baton to the next player, while the ball must remain on the glass. The difficulty is that you cannot help with your hands, and if the ball falls, the player returns to starting position and starts all over again. The team whose players complete the task first wins.

Holiday at home

If you are the happy owner of a large living space, and even with personal plot, A children's party falls in the summer, then cool birthday contests can be more varied. For children aged 4-6 years, “Turnip”, “Feed the Dragon” and “Drawings on the Asphalt” are suitable. Older children will enjoy playing “Funny Starts”, “Kangaroo” and “Airplanes”.


This competition is based on the fairy tale of the same name, which is familiar to all children. Divide the kids into two teams, in each of which a “turnip”, “grandfather”, “grandmother” and the rest of the fairy tale characters are selected. For a laugh, you can tie a yellow scarf to the “turnip”, give the “grandfather” a hat, “grandmother” a scarf on her head, and so on.

Place two chairs and seat the participants on them. At the signal of the whistle, the “grandfather”, with his hands on his hips, skips around the “turnip”, takes the “grandmother” by the hand, the two of them run to the “turnip”, and upon returning they pick up the other characters. The last participant - the “mouse” - takes the “turnip” by the hand, and together they return to the starting position. Whichever team can do it faster wins.

"Feed the Dragon"

Cool birthday contests are not only about outdoor games and a demonstration of talent, but also about accurately hitting the target. The game "Feed the Dragon" is a great solution for those who love throwing games. To entertain the kids you will need:

  • chairs with backrest - 2 pieces;
  • large bags - 2 pieces;
  • small soft toys or balls - the bigger the better.

Place the table on its back and put a bag on its legs. This will be the dragon's mouth. The kids are divided into teams, their task is to throw as many toys (that is, food) to the “dragon” as possible. The team that feeds the dragon better (throws more toys into the bag) wins.

"Drawings on the asphalt"

Birthday competitions at home are often intertwined with those held at children's parties in honor of City Day. Chalk drawings are no exception. Children love to draw! Give them a lot of crayons and 30 minutes of time and announce a competition for the best drawing. You can come up with any theme, for example, ask to depict a birthday cake for the birthday person, a bouquet of flowers, or the hero of the occasion himself. Prizes should be given out to everyone so that no one gets upset.

"Fun Starts"

After the kids have eaten thoroughly, it’s time to let them move. What could be better than a relay race? There may be several stages in Fun Starts.

The first stage is bag jumping. The guys are divided into two teams, the leaders of each of them are given large canvas bags. The contestants' task is to jump in a bag to a chair and back, passing the bag to the next jumper. The team that completes the task first wins.

The second stage is eating an apple. Tie two apples with a strong thread by the cuttings to a tree branch. The task is to eat an apple without using your hands. The one who does it faster will win.

The third stage is throwing pencils into jars. The children are divided into 2 teams, each participant is given pencils, markers and pens. Two cans are placed at some distance. Players must throw objects at them. The team with the most of them in their bank wins.


What birthday contests would be complete without fun jumping jacks? The Kangaroo competition is what you need! Form two teams of players and give the captains one tennis ball. At a distance, draw a line with chalk. When the leader whistles, the participants squeeze the ball with their knees and jump to the intended place and back, pass the ball to the next player, and so on. Whoever completed the task faster is the winner.


What kind of competitions can you come up with for a boy’s birthday, and even ones that will appeal to the invited girls? Try the game "Airplanes"!
For this entertainment you will need many sheets of A4 paper and a rope. Divide the children into two teams, give each participant 2-3 sheets of paper and ask them to make airplanes. The number of planes for each team must be the same.

Divide the yard with a rope and place teams on either side. At the leader’s signal, the children must throw airplanes to half of their opponents. You can pick up and throw the other team's airplane once per game. At the end of the competition, slowly and loudly count to 10 and count the airplanes on both sides of the rope. Whichever team has fewer of them wins.

Girls' get-togethers

If you have a daughter and her guests are only girls, you can come up with entertainment related to their girlish hobbies. Competitions for a girl’s birthday can be: “Mothers and Daughters”, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​and “Art Sandwich”.

"Mothers and Daughters"

To conduct such a competition you will need:

  • large table or two chairs;
  • two dolls;
  • two diapers;
  • two caps;
  • two sliders;
  • two vests.

Choose two participants who, at a given signal, begin dressing and swaddling the dolls. The girl who completed the task first wins.

"Waltz of the Flowers"

All young ladies love flowers, so you can hold competitions for a girl’s birthday, which will pretend to turn babies into roses, tulips and daisies. To play "Waltz of the Flowers" you need colored hoops according to the number of children. If the competition is held in the yard, they can be replaced with circles drawn with colored chalk. These circles will be "flower beds". Each player stands in his own “flowerbed”, the presenter turns on the music, and the children, leaving the circle, depict flowers, how they grow and bloom. At the signal, the players must each return to their circle. Those who didn't have time lost.

"Art Sandwich"

For a home birthday you can spend creative competition, which not only girls, but also boys will really like. For fun entertainment you need to cut the loaf and place chopped eggs, sausage, cheese, vegetables, herbs on plates, crab sticks, olives and black olives, that is, everything from which you can make sandwiches. Mayonnaise, ketchup or butter are suitable as a base.

Now our little cooks get to work. The task is to make funny sandwiches in the shape of animals, flowers, fish, in general, create whatever you want. Absolutely everyone is a winner in this game!

Back to the childhood!

We adults, despite the burden of problems, also love to have fun and laugh heartily. Why not plunge into childhood and organize competitions for the birthdays of adult family members? This will add zest to the holiday and will be remembered for a long time. What can we come up with? Lots of options! Fortunately, you can come up with birthday contests - table-based and active, piquant and serious - either on your own or look for them in various publications.

And so, the guests at the table tasted a little of all the dishes. It's time to organize competitions. For birthdays, table games for adults can be different. For example, "Pig in a poke". For this game you will need an opaque bag or sack in which the host hides the prizes. He begins to ask questions about one or another of them. For example, “hard or soft?”, “big or small?”, “sweet or bitter?” and so on. The participant who guesses the item receives it as a gift.

Prizes and gifts

Birthday competitions for adults and children should be planned so that none of the guests leaves without a gift. What can adults come up with? It can be:

  • keychains;
  • pens;
  • notepads;
  • fridge magnets;
  • lighters;
  • tea packaging;
  • chocolate.

The kids will be very happy with such surprises as:

  • lollipops;
  • funny hands;
  • bouncing balls;
  • small puzzles;
  • Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs;
  • chewing gum;
  • small toys.

If you want your child to have only good memories of his birthday, you will have to make an effort to make this day fun. You need to think about the birthday party scenario, choose birthday contests for children and games that will be truly fun.

To make the holiday atmosphere successful, you need to decorate the room. Balloons, bows and garlands are suitable for this. The room itself in which the holiday you are planning will take place needs to be made as free as possible. The choice of all possible birthday games and competitions for children should focus on those that you yourself understand.

Games can be active, in which children can warm up and make noise, and quiet, or board games, which require ingenuity and knowledge. To prevent children from becoming overexcited, games different types must definitely alternate. Before you start new game, children need to explain its rules in detail. During the game, adults can be both presenters and participants.

Cats and mice
For the children's game "Cats and Mouse" you need to prepare several chairs. They are arranged in a circle, with the seats facing inward. Half of the children are seated on chairs - they will be “mice”, and the rest are placed in the back - they will be “cats”. There should be one more “cat” than “mice”, that is, the chair in front of one player should be empty. Then this “cat” player must wink at one of the “mice” - any one. At the same time, the “mouse” must have time to run over to the chair that stands in front of the wink. The "cat" who stands behind the chair of this "mouse" must try to hold it with her hands. If it was not possible to restrain, now this player will become a wink to the next “mouse”. After some time, the “cats” and “mouses” should change roles.

For the “Chamomile” competition you need to stock up on paper, scissors and funny tasks. You need to make a paper daisy in advance with as many petals as there are children. On reverse side I need to write fun assignments. All the children have to do is tear off the petals and perform tasks: crow, jump on one leg, sing songs, repeat tongue twisters, etc.

Birthday gifts
All children participate in the “Birthday Gifts” competition, divided into subgroups depending on what gift they prepared. In turn, each subgroup “goes to the store for gifts”: they go to a corner and discuss what imitation movements are suitable to describe their gift. Then they approach the birthday boy and ask him to guess the gift. The child needs to guess the object based on the movements shown, after which he receives a gift.

To hold the “Freeze” competition, you need to get a balloon. The presenter needs to throw the balloon, and while it is in flight, all the children can move, and when it touches the floor, the children freeze and smile. Those who could not do it on time are eliminated from the game.

Potatoes and spoon
For the “Potatoes and Spoon” competition, four chairs, four plates, and two potatoes are prepared. On one side of the room you need to place two chairs, on each of them put a plate of potatoes. On the opposite side are the remaining chairs with empty plates. At the same time, two people participate in the competition, whose task is to transfer potatoes in a spoon from one plate to another. The winner will be the team that managed to move their potatoes faster.

The Flowerbed competition will require musical accompaniment and colored hoops. Hoops laid out on the floor are “flower beds.” A child squatting in a “flower bed” is a “flower.” While the music is playing, children must show a composition that shows the growth of flowers - run out of the hoop and dance. As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly run to your flowerbed. The most important thing is not to confuse.

Fire brigade
The Fire Brigade competition will require as many chairs as there are participants. The chairs are placed in a circle, with the backs inside. Children walk around the chairs to the music. When she stops, each player places one of the items of clothing on the chair near which he stopped. Then the game continues. Each participant needs to get rid of three objects, which will be arranged in different chairs. Then the “Fire!” signal is given. Players need to find their things and get dressed. The one who spends the least time wins.

For the “Harvest” competition you will need a dozen potatoes, a couple of baskets and a couple of wooden spoons. The game requires two participants. Potatoes are scattered on the floor, each child walks with a basket and wooden spoon. When the signal is given, each of them collects the potatoes with a spoon and then puts them in their own basket. The winner is the child who collects the most potatoes in a certain period of time.

For the game “Bear”, a child is selected who will portray a bear. He lies on the floor while all the other children walk around him, imitating picking mushrooms and berries, and at the same time humming a song:

By the bear in the forest
I pick mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us!
The basket overturned
The bear rushed after us!

When the song ends, the “bear” must jump up and catch the running guys. The first one is caught and replaces him in the role of “bear”.

It's boring to sit like this
For the competition “It’s boring to sit like this” you will need quite a lot of chairs. They need to be placed along opposite walls. All children sit on one side and recite the rhyme:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,
Keep looking at each other.
Isn't it time to go for a run?
And change places?

After this they must run to opposite side, where there are one fewer chairs than there are children involved. The child left without stool drops out. Then you need to remove two chairs. The game is repeated until the last chair is occupied by the winner.

For the game “Grandfather”, one is selected among the children who will play this role. The rest must stand back and agree on what movements they will show. Then they go to the “grandfather” and the following dialogue takes place:

- Hello, grandfather!
- Hello children! Where were you, what were you doing?
- We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did...

The children are shown movements that represent work, and the task of the “grandfather” is to guess what exactly they are doing. If he turns out to be right, the children scatter in different directions, and the “grandfather” catches one of them. If they fail to guess, the children leave again and agree on depicting another work.

Fishermen and fish
For the “Fishermen and Fishes” competition, two “fishermen” are chosen, the rest will be “fishes”. They lead a round dance and at the same time sing a song:

Fish live in water
There is no beak, but they peck.
There are wings but they don't fly,
There are no legs, but they are walking.
They don't make nests
And the children are taken out.

After this, the “fish” need to run away, and the “fishermen”, holding hands, need to catch them. Those of the “fish” who are caught stand next to the “fishermen”, causing the “net” to become longer, and help in catching the remaining participants.

For the Porters competition you need to stock up on six large balls and two rugs. Children need to be divided into two teams. The first child is given three balls. His task is to deliver them to the final destination, put them on the mat and return to the team. The second child needs to reach the mat, take the balls and carry them to the starting position, where the third player receives them. Not an easy task to retain three big balls in your hands, and if the ball falls, it is very difficult to pick it up without the help of other players. Therefore, children move very slowly and with great caution. You need to choose a small distance. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Night driver
Skittles are being prepared for the Night Driver competition. The presenter announces that the driver will drive without lighting at night, and therefore the player will be blindfolded. Before this, he is shown a freeway, which was built using sports pins. The driver takes the steering wheel and walks the entire highway for training. All columns must remain in their places. The player will then be blindfolded. The presenter helps him - tells him where to turn and warns him of danger. When the “freeway” is passed, the driver’s eyes are untied. Then it’s time for the next participants in the game. The winner will be the one with the most pins left in place.

Many parents remember how they played the game “Ring” as children. To do this you need to prepare a pebble or a ring. Children take a few steps away from the wall and turn to face it. The leader stands in front of them. Children’s palms should be folded in a “boat” shape, and a ring is hidden in the folded hands of the leader. The presenter approaches each player and holds his “boat” inside the player’s “boat”. At the same time, every time he imitates that he is putting in a ring. After all the players have passed, the leader moves away and says “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The task of the one in whose hands the ring actually fell is to run forward and touch the wall. This must be done in such a way that other players cannot grab it. If he succeeds, he takes the place of the leader, and the leader takes the place of the player.

Birthday games and competitions for children: video
We invite you to watch video games and birthday contests for children. From it you will learn what the main mistakes are made by all novice organizers of children's birthdays and other children's parties, and you will also see several interesting children's games and competitions.

If you work in a friendly team that loves good parties, then competitions for fun company you will definitely need them. And if you just throw parties for your friends or children from time to time, then you know how interesting competitions are, especially when people in the company don’t know each other very well, but you still want to overcome embarrassment.

Why is all this necessary?

Many people (let's not point fingers, but most often these are not our most positive comrades) sometimes ask the question - why all these competitions? Usually I get off with jokes or answer seriously that otherwise it will be boring. In fact, the reason, of course, is not boredom. Any holiday for adults most often involves alcohol, and so that guests are not too zealous with breastfeeding, they need to be a little distracted, amused, and simply encouraged to dance.

Another important aspect- embarrassment, I often encounter this when throwing a party for my children or nephews. They have already passed the age when you can just come up and start playing together, and when children who are strangers to each other find themselves in the same company, you need to help them overcome a slight chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment is a youth party in good club, where it’s not boring for adults even without fun competitions, and it’s better to help any group of adults spend time with pleasure and fun.


Don't think that you can prepare the entire party, including table games for adults, at the last second. I usually set aside a few days for this because you will need:
  • write a script;
  • select competitions for adults;
  • find or buy props;
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners;
  • minimal rehearsal (for example, if it is expected that several large women from the accounting department will compete in bag jumping, then you need to check in advance whether the room can withstand such a scale and whether there is room to turn around).
Ideally, you need an assistant for all this.

Game "Toast to the birthday boy" on his birthday

How to prepare fun birthday contests? It is best if they are at least slightly related to the hero of the occasion. An example of the simplest word game for a birthday - compiled right there at the table.

What will you need for this entertainment? A pen and a card in which you need to write a congratulatory text in advance, making blanks instead of adjectives - you will fill them in together with the guests.

Text of the blank for congratulating the birthday boy:

Those who do not know what should happen in the end will zealously praise the hero of the occasion, listing him best qualities(young, smart, handsome, experienced), and those who are a little more familiar with this type of table creativity will definitely screw up something unexpected and caustic.

While the guests are praising the birthday boy, you carefully fill in the words instead of the missing adjectives, and then loudly and with expression you read out the result to the friendly laughter of the whole company.

Pick one or two outdoor games for your birthday - for example, a small quest that can be arranged anywhere. Don't make it too long; three to five steps will be enough.

By the way, if you have enough courage, then try making the key the main subject of the quest, which is why the banquet hall is closed.

Good funny birthday contests also come from ordinary restrictions - a game with forks makes guests groan with laughter. To conduct this competition, you need to take several ordinary items (if you are organizing a birthday game, these can be especially durable gifts that cannot be scratched or broken) and two table forks, as well as a thick scarf. The hero of the occasion is blindfolded, given forks with which he can touch this or that object, and asked to guess what is in front of him.

Children's or teenagers' party? Funny competitions for teenagers they will help defuse the situation no worse than competitions for adults. Fun entertainment can be had if you have four bananas and a stool (it will do coffee table). The idea is simple - you need to get on all fours, and using only your teeth, peel and eat a banana for a while.

Good competitions for young people they should be cheerful and very funny. Competitions for teenagers can also be theatrical. Prepare several sets of props (ordinary household items in unexpected combinations - for example, a comb, a burnt-out light bulb and a chair cover in one set, and a mop in another, soft toy and bright plastic cup), and also prepare several names of popular films, focus on your audience - it’s better to take something that is familiar to everyone.

The essence of the task is to act out a scene from the film using props. The winners are determined by applause.

"Sedentary entertainment" at the table

What to do if moving competitions are not suitable for a feast? In this situation, it is better to choose something neutral - ordinary word games at a table like a “crocodile” they go very, very well.

Game "In my pants"

Take ready-made ones or come up with your own competitions for adults - for example, you can use the idea “In my pants.”

There is no need to announce the name. The guests sit at the table, each tells his neighbor on the right the name of the film that came to his mind. And he remembers what his neighbor tells him.

And then the presenter announces: Now each of you, in turn, will say the following out loud: "In my pants...", and then - the name of the movie that your neighbor told you.

All guests take turns saying. It will be funny if someone has “Office Romance” or “300 Spartans” in their pants.


Fun table competitions can be based on anything. For example, there are several types of “I” games. One is predominantly for teenagers - in it two players compete to see how many candies can fit in their mouth, after each candy they need to more or less clearly pronounce any stupid phrase, for example, “I am a fat-cheeked lip-slapper.”

The adult version of the game is slightly different - guests must introduce themselves (say the word with a serious and calm look "I") in a circle until one of them gets confused or distracted (by the way, laughter is also considered a defeat), and the host invites the other guests to give him a funny nickname.

After this, the fun begins, which unites all table competitions like a chain reaction - it can be very difficult not to laugh, and after a couple of minutes everyone has a nickname with which he introduces himself (for example: “I am a furry pseudopod”, “I am a cheerful armpit”, “I am a rosy-cheeked lip-slapper,” etc.)

In the next round, the person who laughed is given a second nickname, and he must pronounce it in its entirety (“I am a furry pseudopod—green Chingachgook”).

Usually this game ends on the fourth circle because everyone is laughing! This competition is best held when the guests are already a little “fun”.

Not only are birthday contests memorable for guests, but also the end of the evening. At any party, it would be appropriate to pay a little attention to the guests; for preparation you will need several balloons (according to the number of those present, plus a few in reserve), and notes with good rhymed wishes - when the invitees begin to leave or you need to change the mood to a more positive one, invite the guests to choose their own balloon fate and burst it.

Collective readings good wishes usually accompanied by good-natured laughter and lifting everyone's spirits.

Examples of wishes can be downloaded below, and then printed and cut out:

Over time, you will collect your own collection of cool birthday contests and, based on the mood of the guests, you will understand which holiday contests will go with a bang, and which ones are better organized while lightly drinking.

Save it for yourself universal competitions for the company - so you can be sure that in any situation you will find something to do. If you are a novice presenter and do not have great experience, then it is better to have a separate notebook for table games and competitions, and also prepare props - for example, some games require sets of cards with the names of songs or films written down.

As a rule, competitions for drunk company They are often quite obscene, and this is understandable - adults become liberated when drunk.

Game "Why did I come here"

Prepare entertainment that involves dancing or hugging so guests can express their warmth in an appropriate way.

Game “I’ll tell you a secret”

An interesting entertainment for which you need to prepare a little - “I’ll tell you a secret.” What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests draws cards from a hat with a funny text in verse prepared in advance (you will have to try hard here). All cards begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret,” and then there are possible options, for example:
  • I’ll tell you a secret that I don’t wear underwear, if you doubt it, I’ll show you now;
  • I’ll tell you a secret, I’m on a diet, I only eat grass, I don’t look at cutlets.

If you choose active competitions, such as the best dance or running around chairs, make sure that there is enough space around so that people of all sizes feel comfortable.

Do you prefer competitions for a small company? It happens that you need competitions for parties, but there definitely won’t be too much company, try playing something intimate and not requiring large quantity to the people. These could be text games and competitions for a small company, or verbal ones, for example:

  • Burim;
  • writing a fairy tale line by line;
  • forfeits.

Changeling Games

Invite guests to guess lines from songs. Examples can be downloaded here:

or TV program names:

Game Who We Really Are

Want to find cool competitions for your anniversary? Then karaoke competitions have been invented especially for you. adult company and table game Who we really are. This card game, guests take turns drawing out cards and reading the quatrains printed on them - usually each one is greeted with smiles and laughter.

But karaoke competitions are a wonderful form of entertainment for a large group of adults, and the older they are, the more soulful the game. It is necessary to select several participants, as well as establish a jury (usually its role is played by all the guests who gathered at the birthday table).

And then there is the usual karaoke duel, but each participant must not only perform a song, but also present it artistically - you can play imaginary instruments, use simple props and invite “spectators.” Good mood guaranteed for everyone!

In general, if you need to celebrate a birthday at home, karaoke is a great way to entertain a motley group at the table. It often happens that elderly relatives and young people, or simply people who are not very familiar with each other, meet at a birthday party - song games will help unite everyone, and while having tea and cake you can play Board games- fortunately, now there are enough of them.

If you decide to prepare interesting entertainment and games for a drunk company, then it is better to refrain from anything that could be perceived as offensive - unfortunately, people do not always separate the game genre from reality, especially if they are not sober, which often happens in the company of friends and friends on holidays. Choose the most neutral of your fun competitions at the table, and have a funny playful toast ready, which will help you change the topic of conversation in case of the slightest negativity.

You shouldn’t stock up on too many competitions; a person playing all evening gets tired, whether he’s drunk or sober, but sometimes everyone will be happy to play once or twice between toasts and table conversations. The greatest interest will be generated by those competitions in which there was good preparation and organization - people love to be taken care of.

In my personal collection there are about fifty different fun games, and I can’t say that this is a lot or a little - birthday competitions for children are not used as games for a group of adults.

Now you have ready-made competitions for adults, and enough ideas to come up with your own competition for a birthday or any other holiday that you want to make special!