Children choose their parents. Fact or fiction? How a child’s soul chooses a mother based on his own experience, spiritual and mental development

Each soul chooses its parents. There are no exceptions to this rule.

The same can be said about fame. Your path to fame may have started with a negative experience several lifetimes ago. You could be a person with great political or financial power who used fame only for personal gain. As you evolve over several lifetimes, you become increasingly focused on using fame and power for the benefit of humanity and your local community.

In preparing for incarnation, the soul cannot choose any of all the potential future parents on the planet. The soul's range of choices is limited by its vibration.

Everything in the Universe is energy, and energy has a signature, a vibration. The Law of Attraction states that all similar energies will attract each other. This law applies to both parents and souls intending to come to the planet. Each of you is a multidimensional being who has awareness beyond the physical world while simultaneously being within it. Since your current focus and purpose is on the physical plane, you only vaguely remember the non-physical world

. As a multidimensional being, you have a consciousness that spans many levels - from the cellular level to what you call "God". You can probably imagine yourself as something like God's finger in the physical world. You are simultaneously present in physical, astral, mental, Christ, Buddhist reality - in all multidimensional realities, including the Source. In essence, you have never been separated from the Source. You simply continued yourself outward into another plane of reality. . This vibration is determined by your emotional and mental organization. This structure is the sum of all your previous experiences. Therefore, by shifting your focus back to the physical plane, you begin to tune into what exists on this plane and is in harmony with your energy signature. If poverty has been part of your entire experience on Earth and your physical existence has been one of “life is a struggle,” then your choice of future parents will be narrowed down to those couples who have similar vibrations, thoughts and beliefs. In addition, souls are organized into families, groups, clans and nations, and each of the subsequent structures consists of the seven previous ones.

Souls usually work together on their projects and often have similar or compatible goals . Thus, a soul entering the physical world and desiring to overcome poverty by creating great wealth, receives help from parents who give her a belief system that matches common goal souls .

M We understand that It is very difficult for you to understand how a child can be physically, psychologically or sexually abused and how all of this can fit into his soul's purpose. This does not mean that the individual does not have freedom and that your soul itself creates circumstances beyond your control. Your inner being influences you through impulses and thoughts, desires and attraction to certain activities, beliefs and people.

However, while the personality is on the physical plane, it bears complete responsibility for its life, and the soul seeks to influence its actions only through positive inspiration.

Situations with small children, in early age victims of violence or serious and dangerous diseases , help you remember that thoughts create situations and that from the very moment of conception, the developing child is greatly influenced by the thoughts and beliefs of the parents and members of the family into which he is born. Some souls also deliberately choose physically difficult experiences .

There are many reasons for this choice. For example, one couple was only focused on accumulating wealth and building a career. In itself, this desire has nothing wrong. However, they measured their worth solely by income and financial and. They both found it difficult to build relationships and friendships because their focus was almost entirely physical, to the point of judging other people's worth based on their social and financial status. On a soul level, both of them had been on this path for a long time and had been working on these issues for several lifetimes. On a soul level, they both felt that they had lost their way and needed a shake-up., which would allow them to continue moving in the right direction, because this aspect of their evolution was focused on recognizing their inner wealth, with which they could create their outer wealth. Their goal was to gain money and success through love and recognition. One soul from their soul group, their friend, was born to this couple. The child was born with physical and mental disabilities . He needed a lot of love and attention, which was the purpose of his birth. The child did not live long, but for both him and his parents it was a very important life experience. Parents discovered the ability to love and be selfless, they began to judge their importance by completely different parameters. As for the soul who came, she wanted to experience helplessness, because before she had always been very diligent and hardworking, rarely rested and always judged herself by her achievements.

There was an overlap between the goals of all three souls, and each of them took great steps in development through this experience. And although the individuals involved may not be aware of the gifts they have received,At a deeper level, important changes always occur and there is confidence that everything is going well.

These examples do not mean that all similar situations arise for the same reason. Nor are we trying to say that souls who learn such lessons are inferior in any way. There is no supreme authority, which decides what you should learn. Only you can choose what you want to learn and how it will happen. The main purpose of your coming to the earthly plane is to gain all the experience so that you can incarnate in the physical world as God, the essence of love.

John Payne, excerpt from "The Four Principles of Creation"

  • Maternal magic, or Permissive phrases

It turns out that we are sent to Earth by angels and children can choose their parents up there!

Many parents say that once in deep childhood, when the kids had already learned to speak, but were not yet old enough to consciously formulate and structure their story, they talked about another life. Children, not yet able to call a spade a spade, described another life in their own words as best they could, told amazing details, and in some cases it was even possible to verify this.

It was then that it turned out that thousands of kilometers away, communicating in another language, the child was reproducing the life of another person who was no longer alive. Not only in Indian countries began to think about reincarnation and the eternal life of the soul. We received confirmation that our souls come again and again - to the same clan, to work off joint karmic debts, or to others - trying out their new hypostases in better worlds.

Many mothers have noticed that children seem to partially remember, while they are little, where they came from, how they chose their mother and some small details. You will read stories about the amazing memory of children before birth below. We often attribute it to fantasy childhood these revelations, but after 4 years (most often), after 7 years, and after 10, you practically can’t hear them anymore - children don’t remember about it.

And one more thing: if there is already such evidence all over the world great amount, it sounds almost identical - it means it’s time to accept that the most sincere and not yet able to do anything bad, the purest creatures on Earth, share such memories with us because this is how it really happened...

The story is told by the mother of 3-year-old Kiryusha, from whom we heard all these stories.

“I was cooking lunch in order to somehow distract the child and make the fidget sit quietly for a while, I gave him all the photographs I had stored.

And then my son runs up to me with a black and white photograph of me in my youth with my mother (who died shortly before Kiryusha was born) and says:

“Mom, I remember you and your green dress here! You missed the bus that day!”

My eyes are on my forehead. I ask: “Son, how do you know? Did dad tell you?

“No,” he says, “I saw you from above, they showed you to me and said that you would be my mother!”

After that, I started asking friends and acquaintances about this phenomenon and it turned out that not only my child “remembers” how he looked at his mother from somewhere before he was born. My friend told me in confidence how her daughter recently betrayed:

“Mom, grandpa with the lush red beard said hello to you all and said that he was praying for you!”

The grandfather with the red beard is this woman’s great-grandfather, she only saw him as a little girl, and the only thing black and white photo of poor quality was kept in albums by her mother. They weren’t exactly shown to their daughters; it’s not interesting for a child at that age to look at a black and white photo when there are bright books. Therefore, after talking with the mother, the women came to the conclusion that the daughter really saw her great-great-grandfather before she was born!

Then, on the playground, I got into a conversation with another young mother. She told how her son described how they were shown uncles and aunts on some screens and they chose their parents.

Another mother of 4-year-old Mashenka told how her daughter said: “And when they sent me to your tummy, an angel flew in and said that I would be named after a good aunt who would help me.” The girl did not know that when her mother was pregnant, one day, shortly before giving birth, she slipped and fell, one woman helped her, took her to the hospital and was there until she found out that everything was fine. In honor of that woman, my mother decided to name her daughter Mashenka!

The most amazing story- about the girl Katenka. At the age of 2.5 years, she told her parents that 2 more boys had chosen her mom and dad along with her. But one was not allowed to choose these parents, and the second was told to prepare. A year later, the woman had a miscarriage - they lost a boy. And 2 years later they gave birth to a healthy son. They remembered the little daughter’s prediction and somehow shared it with us.

The soul of our unborn child, who is she?

What do we even know about the soul?

Does she somehow influence her future parents?

Can future parents choose and attract the soul of their unborn child?

Why are physically healthy couples infertile?

The answers to all the above questions are in Holy Vedic Scriptures.

As the law of Karma states, the present is the consequence of the past and the cause of the future. This means that our future directly depends on how we dispose of the fruits of our past activities. This all applies to souls preparing to be born on Earth. The soul has almost no right to choose; it gets its parents through Karma. The soul incarnates in order to improve itself and gain experience of life in our rough material conditions.

Memory is taken away at birth and everything starts from scratch, a little man comes into this world innocent, but with “baggage” received in past lives. All this is necessary so that he can make a free choice in his new life.

So, a person goes through life, encountering various difficulties, gaining very important experience and thereby improving. But you need to know one thing - the principle of existence on Earth is love. Love this world, and then it will answer you in kind. It is very good when a person’s parents help him understand this truth.

A soul that performed few good deeds in its past incarnation may be immature (green). Her destiny is an unplanned pregnancy, with which it is still unknown what will be done. It depends on your luck. In case if the soul has developed spiritually and accumulated Piety, then it can itself raise its future father and mother.

The soul has 3 energies:

Sat– this is eternity (immortality);
Cheat– this is knowledge (the soul cannot live without knowledge);
Ananda– happiness (endless). Consciously or unconsciously, we always strive for happiness.
Sat Chit Ananda (Sanskrit).

While the soul is outside the body, it clearly knows that it wants to come to that family where it will be provided with all the conditions for understanding the world and in which it can be happy. If her parents cannot yet provide her with such conditions, then she arranges for them various strength tests. For example, sending meetings where they can show compassion, charity, care; providing necessary information for study (about raising a child, family relationships, etc.)

The soul will definitely come to the family: in which the spouses accept everything that comes, ask her to come to them now, promise to love and accept the child as he will be, perform austerities (for example, stop poisoning their body with nicotine and alcohol), forgive insults, engage in charity, bring love to everyone, show great care for their parents and the people around them. This will happen even if the doctors have already made their final verdict– infertility.

Can spouses “receive” a more developed, blissful soul than the one that already hovers above them? Yes they can! But only if this married couple embarked on the path of spiritual development. To do this, it is not enough just to study scriptures, you need to change your lifestyle.

When the spouses feel that the time has come to prepare for conception, they choose favorable time years, all past sins are necessarily realized (which must certainly be repented of), a sacrifice is made (for example: repeat the prayer “I wish everyone Happiness!” for 5 or 10 minutes a day, or another of their choice). And then a bright personality, a genius, etc. may come to them.

One day, a woman who had just given birth came to a sage and asked for advice on how to raise a child Smart, Kind, Wise and Omniscient. However, the sage answered her: “My dear... you are 9 months late.” This parable has a very deep meaning and meaning. Throughout our conscious life, we continually come across information about what happens before conception, during pregnancy and childbirth itself in finer world-structures, and how these events affect our children.
“Who walks in the morning on four legs, in the afternoon on two, and in the evening on three?” Oedipus solved the riddle of the Sphinx. And you? Are you able, having lived the morning, day, and perhaps even the evening of your life, to solve at least one riddle of existence, your Path and Karma? Are you able to help another meet the dawn of life and walk along the Path? .. ..

“THE FINGER OF DESTINY WRITES AND, HAVING WRITING, DISAPPEARS,” says Nostradamus, “neither your compassion nor your learning can change a word!” The Goddesses of Fate weave invisible threads in your life. The sun gives life. The moon takes away... And people on Earth really want to know: what is there, through the looking glass? The soul languishes from vague sensations: what happened before... But memory is taken away at birth, and the human essence begins its life all over again, with a clean slate - innocent, but with the baggage of the heights and depths of past lives. A person who comes to Earth is not given the opportunity to remember the past so that he can make a free choice.

Life “poke him with his nose” like a blind kitten, often without giving a way out, but it is important to remember one thing: the principle of human existence on Earth is Love. Love the Divine World - and life will answer you in kind. “Seek and you will find, ask and it will be given to you...” - after all, “you are all children of God...”.

The principle of existence on Earth is Love. The natural continuation of Love is children, its fruit. Buddha sleeps in the Lotus flower until the time comes for him to open up and go out into the world. This is how a person comes into life. Its bright appearance is greeted at the time of birth. I should have done it earlier...

Listen to what the astrologer, poet and physician Kay-Kavus wrote about this in the 11th century in the book “Qabus-Name”:
“As for the birth horoscope, I heard from my teacher that the date of birth of people is not the one when he actually separates from the mother, but the main horoscope is conception, the moment of penetration of the seed, that horoscope when the husband’s seed enters the wife’s womb and accepted by him, this horoscope is the main one. Good and evil - everything is connected with him. And the hour when he is separated from his mother, that horoscope is called the great transition, and the transition from year to year, when it happens, is called the average. transition, and the transition from month to month is a small transition. What happens to a person is what was in the horoscope of conception, and the proof of these words is from the Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and send peace: blessed is he who is blessed in his mother’s womb. , and a sinner who is a sinner in his mother’s womb. And the Lord of the world said these words for the reason that I told you about, but you don’t have to talk about the birth horoscope, because it was not created for people like you.”

This is how Kay-Kavus instructed his son Gilanshah, seeing “...his name in the list of those who have passed away from life.” The great transition from life to life is prepared long before birth. Whose parents will your children be? Do they know that from the interaction of two principles in nature a third is born? "Tao gives birth to one - one gives birth to two - two gives birth to three - and three gives birth to everything." People enter the Stream of Love - the Living Birthing Water - because someone's soul calls them. A person can change a lot in life by making a choice, but marriages and children are predetermined in our destiny. You cannot choose the time of birth, you will feel the strength and passion of mutual attraction when the Soul needs to incarnate. Are you glad you succeeded? lucky child. And you think that it was you who chose him, waited for him, gave birth to him and raised him. That he is now yours. I hasten to disappoint: he chose you a long time ago. This is your and his Karma. He is a free entity. Your job is to try to best suit the role assigned to you.

Children choose their parents in order to come to Earth to receive the lessons they need on the Path of evolution for further development. I foresee the question: how?! What about abandoned children who have no parents or whose parents are drunkards? What can they teach a child?! “Put down the surveyor” and look deep into your mind: this is a Lesson in Self-Reliance. Fate either punished or rewarded a person - after going through such a difficult school of Life, he will become ten times wiser and stronger than many. In one life he will make an evolutionary leap ten lives forward, but he can also become embittered with the whole world, become a thief, a drunkard, a murderer and a sadist, and slide down to the point of being unrecognizable as a vile insect. As if his next incarnation would not be an intelligent cockroach... The lesson is difficult, but this does not mean that our task is to calmly watch as a person “dies”. His independence lies in the freedom to choose Good and Evil, and the task of those around him is to lend a helping hand. Remember the commandment of Zoroastrianism, the most humane world religion: “A person is obliged to monitor his own moral and physical health, but also for the health of their fellows, to help them move along the path of evolution."

The Videvdat Law on Children states that wherever a lonely child or a puppy finds itself without help, the owner of the nearest house must take it in and raise it until it can support itself. Otherwise this house will be cursed.

Lessons of independence are lessons of freedom, when we are allowed to do whatever we want, and depending on what you “do,” you will receive a reward or punishment. Lessons of luxury and poverty, glory and humiliation, wandering and even relaxation. A beggar, a king, an artist, a prophet, a judge or a thief - all are found in you by Souls flowing to Earth. And there is not one similar - to each his own. Sometimes the life of an unnoticed righteous person turns out to be more important for evolution than the loud glory and existence of a narcissistic tyrant.

In many Eastern traditions, one year is added to a person’s birthday. For example, a child was born on April 19, 1990. You will say he is Aries - Horse. In the East they will say: he is a Snake, counting from April 19, 1989. “Why, in this case, count back a year, and not nine months?” you ask. “After all, the birth horoscope is the moment of conception!” Both are true. The child comes and hovers around the mother 2-3 months before conception.

Conception is the incarnation for life of a new soul. Birth is a great transition through Great River Life.

Whether you are preparing for the arrival of a child or not, it is no secret for a sensitive woman or man that children warn of their arrival. You thought about the fact that you want to receive a living manifestation of your Love - a child, you had a dream about the birth of children or about fish, you had an unmistakable premonition. Even if this is the first time, know that He is here.

2-3 months before incarnation (pregnancy), children make themselves known. Dreams foretell the arrival of children. I saw my daughter in a dream seven years before she was born. She ran out to me from the big shining village house, where I returned after long wanderings, holding a horse by the bridle, and exclaimed: “Well, where have you been for so long?! I’ve been waiting for you!” I held her close to me, knowing that the end of my wanderings and turmoil had come. She looked about twelve years old. A slender, wonderful girl with a long braid. In the dream, I realized that this was my daughter. Now I know for sure that it is her. My son was also given to me in a bright wooden hut an old man and an old woman, radiance and love emanated from them. I carefully carried this bundle out of the hut, and although I was incredibly curious - it was a boy or a girl, I never managed to find out until the midwife said: “You have a son! She gave birth to a hero, four kilograms. She screams in a deep voice!” Talking about my premonitions of the appearance of children, I often heard from women that their feelings preceded conception. As if confirming my feelings and the word of the ancients about the coming of the Soul, Vladimir Ivanovich Safonov, a famous clairvoyant, once said to Pavel and me, looking as if past me: “Tamara will soon be pregnant.” "When?" - asked Pavel. “I don’t know, but he’s already on his way.”

So, “he’s already on his way.” Are you ready to meet him? What about your husband? Is he a worthy father? After all, only a woman knows which man is suitable to continue her genetic branch. What the Fruit of your Love will be: a heavenly apple or a wormy sour - depends on you. Children see you as their teachers. Providence has chosen you for this Soul, be worthy of trust.

The feelings and role of the father during this period are similar to the Creator: after all, he created new life, and the act is similar to the Creation of the World.

A woman should know what is included in her new world and the whole Cosmos. When a man and a woman approach each other, it should sound in their minds: “Now we will create worlds with you...”. The father holds the Sun in his hands - he gives it to the unborn child - Spiritual potential that will illuminate the entire future life of the newborn. The Mother pushes the Moon to go faster, as if she hurries the Soul, which is already ready to come - she gives the child an astral body, “the armor of Pallas Athena,” or the Protection of the Mother of the World - Lada the Virgin, which will protect him all his life.

He's on his way! Your attraction has become stronger. The consciousness of the two awakens. You see unusual vital forces in all natural phenomena. You are entering the Flow of Love. The harmony of the Spheres embraces you, and the rapturous dance of Love dissolves you in each other - it is then remembered for a lifetime. A woman and a man! You see, through you the Spirit connects with the Soul on Earth, acquiring a body. Man goes to Earth.

Tamara Globa, excerpt from the book “Morning of Life”,

I'm impressed... I read it in one sitting

As for the soul, many spiritual teachers say that it is a particle of the one divine soul, the release of souls occurs in groups (maybe someone will be lucky to find their “one-spirited soul”) These souls fly around the earth and look after their parents. Some are born and live, others to atone for sins past life, someone to teach a lesson to failed parents. And when the soul finally finds a mate and moves into the fetus, and this happens 3-5 days from conception, it already knows what will happen to the fetus next and how life will turn out if a person is born. Soul , being in “heaven”, she voluntarily chooses a lesson in life on earth, striving to learn in practice what is known to her in theory; only by incarnating in the body can she feel and perceive, learn the whole gamut of experiences, passions, joys and fears.
All people leave this world with a certain experience and acquired sins (karma). Depending on how much of this karma he has, he gets to this level (in esotericism there is no concept of “heaven” and “hell” as in Christianity, there are simply “levels”). The higher the level, the better and, accordingly, the richer the choice.

Getting “there” people (or rather souls, and everyone without exception) are given a choice - they can stay there, or they can be born again. Many remain. But even at the most higher levels(simply called paradise) not everyone likes to exist. The soul retains character, disposition, sense of humor and all the characteristics inherent in a living person. But she is deprived of earthly pleasures. Souls go to earth to enjoy these pleasures. Such souls like to be born into rich families, such as royal families in stable and developed countries.

Souls living at the lower and middle levels strive to earth, as a rule, in order to atone for their sins (in the literal sense - to start life anew), to realize themselves, to reach new level. But they are given limited conditions of birth - dysfunctional families, devastated countries. Some children, as already mentioned, are born in order to re-educate their parents - this is also part of the mission, because everyone has their own mission with which they come into this world.
You need to be very careful. A child from the top level ends up in a rich family, quickly gets used to luxury, succumbs to temptations, and at the end of his life finds himself at the lowest levels for the sins he committed during his life, for nothing spoils a person more than wealth. And vice versa - a child from dysfunctional family completely fulfills its duty on earth and the soul in the next reincarnation reaches a higher level.

The highest level to which, in theory, all souls should strive is the last level. Souls from this level, even having been born in bodily form, remember all their previous lives (by the way, many children under 5-7 years old remember, but then forget) and can leave this world at any time and return to it at any time, but there are only a few such people.

Sometimes, having incarnated on earth, the soul almost immediately returns, and then the child dies. From an earthly point of view, this is cruel and is mourned by the parents, but the soul knows that it has taught them a lesson that will be fixed in their consciousness and will elevate them spiritually. This is part of their earthly mission, also chosen voluntarily by them in “heaven”

Personally, I believe in all sorts of omens, dreams... eh...

According to the stories of mothers (from the forum):

****One woman told me that her son is 6 years old. once said: “Mom, I was sitting in heaven, there were a lot of us there, and then God asked: Who do you want to be born to, and I chose you and dad.” I told this to another woman, and she said to me: “ You know, I had something similar. When my eldest son was about four years old, we were walking in the park. I was sitting on a bench, and he was rolling a car, and then suddenly he raised his head and said: “Mom, I was an old grandfather, and everything hurt so much, I felt so bad, and then I was born to you and my dad!” So ​​I’m thinking about how not to believe after that... And about the children of drunkards, abortions, etc. I know that since this happens, it means that we are being pointed at something, we just can’t always understand what!

****the thing is that when I was B., I didn’t fully realize that I was finally B.!!! And my husband too... and all the signs were there, whims and everything, but at that time we were finishing the project... I was very tired after official work and wanted to sleep, and my husband insisted that we had to go to another job (our personal one) and talk to customers... as a result, one day I was so tired and angry in the evening that I started arguing with my husband because of his (in my opinion) cruelty, that he doesn’t think about me or the child (in theory, it’s us he’s talking about) I thought when I went to negotiate with me that the money would be completely ours)… in a fit of anger, I blurted out the phrase - “maybe I should have an abortion before the time is up? Maybe we are not ready to become parents yet? Since you don’t know how to put me and the baby in the first place!!!” the scandal, of course, passed, my husband didn’t really get involved in it... I was the only one swearing... but the words were spoken and it was no longer possible to take them back... after that I don’t know exactly what period of time, but I had an ST...
like this... so it’s not in vain that they say - we ourselves are the architects of our own happiness and the word is certainly not a sparrow....

And this is for Elechka (Moscow):


Dear mommy!
Storks flew to us today. I
I knew about their arrival a week in advance and got ready. WITH
I got it this morning
suitcase, put all my things there. And then I decided
refresh yourself on
The path, the path, was not close. He hesitated.
I come running, and the flock is already in the sky... Mommy, I’m sorry
me, I know how much you love me
you're waiting, worrying about when I'll arrive, but I'm still
no and no. That's why I immediately decided to write to you
a letter and tell how we kids live here -
We live while waiting for our stork. My darling
mommy! Don't worry, I'm not alone here, we're here
thousands, millions, too many to count. And everyone is waiting for their
stork. Some kids are so impatient, so
they really want to get to their parents as soon as possible, that
they ask the visiting storks to take them to them. A
storks cannot refuse, they are kind, and they have a job
them like this. We see these kids off, we hope
that their parents are waiting for them. But
it happens that their parents are still almost children themselves or
mommies don't feel very well and can't
accept them for now, and then they send these kids away
back. Mom, you should have seen how sad we are
these kids are coming back. We try our best
to console them and cheer them up. After all, everyone here knows that
after some time these same kids will end up with the same
to the parents who will already be waiting for them with
impatiently. Mommy, you are so funny to me,
you believe in some unimaginable signs. Already even
I prepared the pacifier. Do you really think that I
I'm coveting some kind of pacifier?!
Although she is beautiful, I don't argue. In fact I already
a long time ago I chose you, my beloved,
the kindest, sweetest mother. And I will come to you.
Very soon. But if it's easier for you, then buy it
nipples, draw second stripes on tests, maybe
Indeed, this will somehow hurry up our stork. My
beloved mommy, just don’t worry about me,
don't cry, don't be sad. Next time I won't miss it
your stork. I’d rather fly home hungry, you tell me
you'll feed me, I know. Mom, as soon as I sit on the stork, I
I'll send you two stripes by telegram, and you'll be
know which
numbers to expect me approximately. Oh yes, you and I
I'll see you again at the ultrasound, I'll wave my hand to you, and you
You will already be completely calm for me. Let's meet again
you and I are in the Visit House, usually all the mothers there
They meet their babies. At least I should say more
I can’t do anything, but I’ll look into your tender eyes, and
you will understand how much I LOVE YOU, MOMMY.
See you soon, Your Baby"