Cheap bathroom renovation. The procedure for renovating a bathroom How to renovate a bathtub

A bathroom can be renovated exquisitely, even using the simplest Construction Materials. It is not necessary to buy elite porcelain tiles and lay them on the walls right up to the ceiling, order suspended ceilings, spend money on installing heated floors with marble, it is enough to have a desire to do repairs, the ability to handle tools and a little bit of good taste.

Under the word “budget”, the article will consider finishing options with the most affordable materials:

  • paint and varnish;
  • PVC panels;
  • wallpaper.

In addition, the secret of creating an interior in style will be revealed and it will be proven that brick is like finishing material in the bathroom is not inferior to other materials. After all " budget renovation"can also be stylish.

DIY wall painting

Painting walls is considered one of the easiest and least expensive finishing methods. It is important to choose the right paint and prepare the surface of the walls.

Advice! Create a design project for your bathroom. It is not recommended to paint absolutely all surfaces; it is advisable to cover the areas near the bathtub and sink with moisture-resistant panels or trim them with an apron made of inexpensive ceramic tiles.

Step 1. Choosing paint for the bathroom

Bathroom paint should have antibacterial properties and be moisture resistant. Otherwise, the appearance of fungus and peeling of the coating cannot be avoided.

Traditional oil paints do not have this advantage, and also quickly become covered with cracks, so it is better to immediately abandon this option.

When choosing shades, remember that it is inappropriate to paint small bathrooms in dark colors, since visually this will further reduce the space. Do not overdo it with the number of bright spots or complex patterns and their quantity so that the interior does not look vulgar. Soft pastel colors will visually expand the room and fill it with light.

Please note that paints can be matte, glossy or semi-gloss. Of this variety, small defects on the walls are best hidden by matte enamels, while on glossy surfaces drops and streaks are clearly visible. However, if you cannot make a choice, consider a combination of glossy and matte surfaces. This technique will make your bathroom modern and stylish without significant costs.

bathroom paint

Step 2. Preparing the walls for painting

Don’t forget to remove all the furniture from the bathroom, remove the mirrors, cover the faucets with masking tape, and cover the plumbing fixtures with film or newspaper, because preparing the walls for painting is the dirtiest and most time-consuming stage.

You should not apply new layers of paint over the old peeling one, nothing good will come of it. If you have a drill in your arsenal, get a couple of sanding attachments for it and clean off the old paintwork from the walls. Remember safety precautions.

Paint can be removed using thermal methods, for example, using a torch or construction hair dryer. Heat a section of the wall and scrape off the peeling coating with a narrow spatula.

When all the old paint has been removed from the walls, it is necessary to repair cracks and potholes and knock down protrusions.

Step 3. Preparing materials and tools

Prepare paint and tools, follow manufacturer's instructions. To apply paint you will need a roller, brushes, if you have a spray gun - great. Before purchasing, measure the area of ​​the surfaces to be coated and adjust the amount of material taking into account the volume. For high-quality painting, it is better to apply two layers, keep this in mind when purchasing.

Step 4. Preparing the workplace

Free yourself from unnecessary items workplace near the walls, if you are not going to redo the floor coverings, then cover them with film or paper. Carefully protect the bathtub and sink from contamination.

Start your work from the most inconspicuous corner, in this place you can learn the properties of the paint in practice and, if necessary, dilute it to the optimal consistency. We recommend painting the walls with a roller, and using a brush to treat only hard-to-reach areas, corners and joint boundaries various colors. Panels in the bathroom are still in fashion; if you plan to make them, mark the height on the wall and draw a horizontal line.

Step 5. Start coloring

Apply a deep penetration primer to the wall. It will not only improve appearance, but will also increase the strength of the coating and reduce the likelihood of paint peeling.

Apply a second coat of primer over the first and wait 24 hours

Pour a portion of paint into a special plastic tray for rollers. Dip the roller into it, turn it several times, remove excess paint on a horizontal surface.

Practical advice. To minimize the chance of paint getting on the floor, give the roller a spinning motion before blowing it out of the tray.

Step 6. Painting technology

Start painting from top to bottom, this method reduces the likelihood of drips forming, they are immediately smeared, and the roller “rolls” over them. Paint carefully, do not allow any omissions. Don't be upset if the first coat looks ugly, this is expected. The fact is that there are areas on the wall with old and new plaster, remnants of un-removed coating, etc. They all absorb paint differently, which is reflected in the appearance. The second coat will correct all problems, the finish will be uniform.

Paint in small areas, immediately correct difficult places with a brush. The paint should smooth out lint marks on its own. If this does not happen, add solvent to it. Pay attention, so that he is conscientious, read the instructions for use. If in doubt, test the solvent for compatibility with a small volume of material; if the paint has curled, change the solvent.

It is advisable to apply the second layer when the first one is not completely dry, this increases the adhesion coefficient between them. It’s easy to check the readiness of the surface - run your fingertips along it, they should not get dirty, but only “creak” a little.

If you are making a multi-colored panel, then you need to paint the surface in the second color only after applying two layers of the first. In this case, start working from the top of the wall; the panel is finished last. This way you will be protected from paint getting onto finished areas. Apply masking tape along the border line. Make sure that the paint does not flow under it; paint only with a brush, moving in the direction opposite to the tape. Never apply tape to paint that is not completely dry, this is very important. If you glue it to a freshly painted surface, then during removal it is likely that part of the paint will be removed along with it, and you will have to redo everything.

Wall decoration with PVC panels

The cost is slightly more expensive than the first method, but in terms of design indicators it is much better. And the preparatory work is greatly simplified; there is no need to remove old coatings, level the walls and seal cracks in them. The sheathing for the panels can be made from wooden slats or special plastic profiles with clips. We recommend using the second option. The cost of plastic additional elements has almost no effect on the cost of repairs, and the work is greatly simplified. In addition, the plastic profile is not afraid of moisture, which is very important for bathrooms. Wood slats need to be soaked with antiseptics - an additional waste of time.

Calculate the number of panels needed, make a reserve of 5–10%. If you have little experience, but the bathroom has a lot engineering communications, to close which you will need to trim the panels, then take a reserve of 10%. At the same time, estimate the number of starting profiles, external and internal corners. They are sold at a standard price, cost a penny, and there is no need to save money.

Step 1. Installation of the sheathing

The panels are arranged vertically, the sheathing must be made horizontal. The distance between the planks is 50–60 cm. Make markings on the wall, making sure that the lines are parallel. The sheathing is fixed with dowels, drill holes with a drill and hammer drill, use drills with pobedite tips. To prevent the floor from getting dirty with construction dust, cover the area near the wall with film or paper. Once all the holes are made, remove it immediately. Don’t leave cleaning for later; practice shows that no matter how carefully you work, garbage will definitely spread throughout the bathroom.

Make the holes a few centimeters deeper than the length of the plastic part of the dowels, otherwise you will not be able to insert them all the way, dust will interfere. First, drill the two outer holes, attach the profile, then fix it in several more places. The horizontal distance between the dowels is 60–70 cm.

How to fix elements in one plane?

  1. Check the condition of the wall with a plumb line, Special attention Pay attention to the places where plastic profiles or slats are attached.
  2. Fix the two outer elements below the level and re-check their position. If there are large recesses where the profiles are attached, then use pads made of various materials. The dowels must attract the profile along the entire plane; there cannot be a gap between it and the wall at the attachment point.
  3. Stretch ropes between them, two at the ends of the profiles or slats are enough.
  4. Install all other profiles under the rope; use it to control the position of the slats.

Step 2. Installation of plastic panels

Take measurements of the wall in at least three places. If they have a spread of no more than a centimeter, then the work is noticeably simplified - all panels can be cut to size at the same time. To do this, you need to find out the shortest one and use it to cut all the others. Stack the panels in stacks of 5–10 pieces. on a flat plane and use a grinder with a metal disc to cut it. A discrepancy of up to one centimeter will be hidden by the ceiling and floor profile. It is installed at the top between the wall and the stream and at the bottom at the junction of the wall and the floor. Place plastic corners on the sides.

Take exact measurements last panel, cut it lengthwise. You can cut with a mounting knife or grinder. If you use a knife, the operation must be done in two stages. First - cut top part and transverse stiffeners. Second - bend the panel, at the bend on the second side, use a mounting knife to completely cut off the required part.

Finish the remaining walls in the same way. Practice shows that it is better to make the area near the bathtub from ceramic tiles. You don’t have to cover the entire wall, just an apron. The main thing is to close the area that constantly gets water during water procedures.

Video - Installation of PVC plastic panels in the bathroom

Video - Finishing bathroom walls in 1 day with plastic panels. Inexpensive DIY bathroom renovation

Wallpapering walls

For wallpapering, you can use only waterproof types. This finishing method has a number of undeniable advantages.

  1. Low cost allows you to have exclusive and reliable coverage with small material losses.
  2. High technology. Among all possible ways decorating the walls in the bathroom, wallpapering is the simplest. The work is completed within a few hours, the room can be used for its intended purpose the very next day.
  3. It is possible to frequently change the design of the premises. In some cases, re-pasting can be done without removing the old one - the repair time is significantly reduced and the amount of construction waste is minimized.

Disadvantage: wallpaper is inferior in terms of physical strength traditional materials. But, if you behave carefully and avoid mechanical damage, the period can be calculated in many years. In addition, defects on the wallpaper can be easily eliminated; after pasting there will always be no a large number of materials. Don't throw it away, keep it “just in case” for repairs.

Which wallpaper to choose for a bathroom

It goes without saying that only waterproof ones. When purchasing, pay attention to physical strength, and it depends on the material of manufacture.

Wallpaper typeBrief performance indicators
The most modern, characterized by high performance mechanical strength, may have prolonged direct contact with water. Available in a wide range color solutions, can be plain or with various patterns and ornaments, with a structured or smooth front surface. Disadvantages - relatively high price, the need to use special glue.
Cheaper segment operational characteristics inferior to vinyl. It is recommended to use in areas of the wall that are not exposed to splashes of water.
Made from a special polymer film, they have great amount design solutions. Disadvantages - relatively high price and complexity of finishing. In addition, they can only be used on perfectly flat surfaces.

How to glue wallpaper correctly so that you don’t have to constantly re-glue the peeling areas?

Step 1. Surface preparation

Most important point production of work, of course, not counting the right choice wallpaper The linearity parameters of the wall affect not only the appearance of the wall, which is very important, of course. On uneven wall It is even theoretically impossible to glue waterproof wallpaper. This means that there will definitely be air pockets and other places where the wallpaper is not glued. While using the bathroom, these areas constantly increase in size, and this continues until the peeling becomes noticeable. Repair will be required; perfectly aligning the wallpaper after repair is quite difficult, and in some cases impossible. What are the requirements for the wall surface?

Surfaces must be primed in two layers, this increases the reliability of adhesion and serves as additional protection against moisture penetration.

Calculate the surface area, make a small reserve. Each roll of wallpaper indicates the length, width and total area. Use this information when purchasing materials. Do the same when choosing glue.

Step 2. Algorithm for gluing vinyl wallpaper

Measure the height and width of the wall, cut the required number of strips. The stripes, depending on the pattern, can be applied end-to-end or overlapping. Cut with a small margin in length, it will then be removed with a knife, the uneven cut will be buried in the ceiling and floor skirting boards.

Practical advice. It is most difficult to glue wallpaper in the corners of the room. The fact is that they can have slopes, and this has Negative influence for quality. To prevent such consequences, never make strip joints at the corners; try to have them in the middle in these places.

  1. Glue the strip coated with glue to one wall of the corner, align it strictly vertically.
  2. Carefully bend the wallpaper, but not all the way into the corner, lightly glue the strip to the second wall.
  3. Slowly begin to bend the wallpaper towards the corner, while constantly monitoring the displacement of the second edge, it should always be in a vertical position. An uneven wall angle is not a problem; even if there are air pockets in some places, the main thing is that the edge of the wallpaper on the second wall is vertical.

If you do not pay attention to this nuance, then on the entire adjacent wall the stripes of wallpaper will be slanted, and this is a big waste.

To apply glue you will need large room, the bathroom, as a rule, does not have such dimensions. Decide where exactly you will prepare the wallpaper. Take measures to prevent contamination of floor coverings, do not allow glue to get on the front surface. When wallpapering walls, neatness is one of the important conditions quality work.

Carefully squeeze out the air from under the wallpaper. You can use rubber spatulas or rollers. But it is best to do the work with clean, dry hands. This way you will feel the irregularities and be able to eliminate them in a timely manner. It happens that an air pocket is discovered late, several strips of wallpaper have already been pasted. It's not a problem. Poke the air bubble in 2-3 places with a needle, after which you can press the wallpaper again, it will take the desired position.

Without pressing, cover the switch with wallpaper and make a diagonal cut through it. Carefully cut out the edges and press the wallpaper to the wall

Once the glue has completely dried, cut off the excess length and attach the baseboards. Skirting boards are attached liquid nails or in other ways, taking into account the material of their manufacture.

How to renovate a bathroom in loft style

The style is quite fashionable among young people, but it is difficult for older people to get used to it. Loft style - renovation method various rooms, including production ones, with minimal financial losses. All structures remain in the same place; construction work on surface finishing is carried out without the use of additional materials. Leave old plumbing and sewer pipes in the same place, you can remove them old paint and apply a new one. There is no need to try to make them match the wall; on the contrary, use contrasting colors that emphasize the placement of pipelines. When identifying problem areas rectify any problems immediately.

As for the walls, you can remove old plaster to the brick, fill large depressions cement-sand mortar, but do not level or rub over. Wipe brickwork wire brush, try to highlight the position of each brick. The older the seam and brick, the better, the more modern the loft will be considered. Everything should be simple and natural, no plastic sheathing, plasterboard boards and other finishing materials.

Professional builders recommend finishing the section of the wall directly next to the bathtub ceramic tiles, and make the remaining surfaces loft. This approach will allow us to combine modern fashionable design premises while maintaining the usual level of amenities.

Video - Loft bathroom in industrial style

Video - How to save money on bathroom renovations

The bathroom is, first of all, a place where you can relax and pamper yourself with hygiene and cosmetic procedures. Therefore, its beautiful and comfortable arrangement is of paramount importance! We have collected for you 31 ideas for arranging a bathroom that will not cost you a pretty penny and will please your eyes for many years!

1. DIY shower curtain

To create the curtain of your dreams that would perfectly match the interior of your bathroom, all you need is simple cotton fabric, acrylic paints and a little imagination!

2. Cool tile floors become 110% cozier with a pom-pom rug.

Make your morning trip to the sink much more enjoyable. All you need is yarn and a simple mat backing.

3. Pour all your shampoos, conditioners and hair masks into the same bottles for complete harmony

Use small and cute containers. Just not bulky plastic bottles!

4. Convenient organizer for storing small items

It will allow you to save space on your table, and it will be very easy for you to keep it tidy.

5. A mirror in this design will look impressive in any bathroom

6. Use a curved curtain rod

This bar will make your shower more comfortable than a straight bar.

7. Hang two shower curtains to create a special atmosphere

A two-panel shower curtain will make your bathroom look more luxurious. If you have a small bath, you can simply cut the curtain in half and hem the edges. As easy as pie!

8. Hang towels on a decorative rustic staircase

A nice little thing: such a piece of furniture is very mobile, and you will not need to drill holes in the walls.

9. You can make your life easier by adding a second curtain rod to your shower.

Besides the fact that it is very convenient, and hung things dry much better.

10. Get a unique spa experience with a pebble mat.

All you need is a rubber mat (with holes for drainage), waterproof sealant and smooth stones.

11. Pour your mouthwash into a carved crystal decanter.

12. Make a cheap and easy tray for drinking wine or reading books in the bathroom.

13. Turn a cheap dresser into a dressing table

14. A brightly colored mirror frame will make a big difference in its appearance.

15. Under-the-sink racks like these will virtually eliminate the clutter in your jars.

16. You can save space in a small bathroom by using hanging jars for storing makeup items.

It is not simple convenient way for storage, but also a beautiful wall decoration!

17. Reliable protection from prying eyes - this is photosensitive paper for contact copying


No clutter of curtains.
- Natural light enters the bathroom.
- Such paper can be found in any printing materials store.

18. Store curling irons, straightening irons and hair dryers in a PVC water pipe

The cords no longer get tangled and everything stays in place!

19. Add a little rustic charm with a pallet shelf

20. Your regular vanity can be turned into granite thanks to special paint!

21. Turn an old window into an original medicine cabinet

22. Now in the morning you will remember all your plans thanks to the writing board on the dressing table

You will need a glass frame, white paper and any stencil. Everything ingenious is simple!

23. Fun antlers on the wall as a great alternative to a boring towel hook.

24. A glass top vanity allows you to see all your makeup supplies.

A brilliant solution for an original bathroom!

25. Decorate your bathroom walls with geometric mirror accents

Mirror decorations are ideal for making a small bathroom appear larger. For this amazing decoration, you will only need handmade cardboard cutouts for the base and pieces of mirror.

26. Give new life to cheap glass bottles and vases

To do this you will need a spray bottle with milky paint.

27. Update your shelves and brighten them up with your favorite paint color.

Attach labels to your shelves for top-notch order and organization!

28. Add some greenery to bring natural freshness to your bathroom.

But choose plants that suit the bathroom conditions - preferably those that do not need a lot of natural light and that are suitable for humid environment.

29. The flickering light of the garland will be an excellent decoration for your room in the evening and at night.

You can post any word or any shape you want.

30. Such extraordinary shelves can fit perfectly into any interior

31. And finally, make your bathroom experience a lot more enjoyable with a fun Dino toilet paper holder

Get inspired and experiment with colors and shapes for more coziness, order and comfort in your home!

In any type of room renovation, there is a certain sequence that allows you to break down all the work into separate stages, analyze each stage in detail, and accurately calculate the amount consumables and output total amount repair. As in other rooms, it is necessary to follow the sequence of repairs in the bathroom, since violation of the algorithm of actions can lead to unexpected financial costs, and sometimes to repeated rework. Often, if the sequence of work is not followed, you may encounter damage to the finishing material from construction dust and dirt. In order for the work to be done quickly and efficiently, you need to divide the entire process into separate stages and study each in detail.

Sequence of repair work

The first question that inevitably arises for any novice master is where to start renovating a bathroom. In order to make the task easier, we will take the standard algorithm as a basis and analyze its sequence in detail. Step-by-step repair instructions will consist of the following points:

  • drawing up a project plan;
  • dismantling plumbing fixtures and old finishing materials;
  • surface preparation;
  • replacement of communication systems;
  • preliminary finishing of the premises;
  • finishing cladding;
  • installation of appliances and plumbing elements;
  • general cleaning of the premises.

The listed stages of work must be performed in strict sequence, which is indicated in the list, otherwise there is a high probability of damage facing material.


At the stage of creating a project, it is important to remember that the bathroom is considered quite complex from a technical point of view, since it contains a large number of different communications, and the bathroom renovation plan should be as detailed as possible, indicating all the main dimensions. In order to avoid any troubles as a result of the work, experts recommend drawing up a general plan of the room, and then on separate sheets of paper making detailed calculations for each surface separately, describing the stages of bathroom renovation. This instruction must contain a scale drawing of the floor, ceiling and each wall with exact dimensions, and it is also necessary to indicate in advance, down to the millimeter, the exact location of such elements as:

  • wash basin;
  • mirror;
  • electric hand dryer;
  • towel dryer;
  • lighting;
  • sockets and switches;
  • bath and toilet;
  • furniture and accessories;
  • washing machine, bidet, urinal, water filters and other plumbing items that require the installation of additional water supply and sewerage lines.

Also, the bathroom renovation plan must contain records of the power of all electrical appliances and the required cross-section of the electrical cable to support them.

Dismantling of plumbing fixtures and finishing materials

After drawing up a plan and a preliminary estimate, you can begin work. Bathroom renovations always begin with the dismantling of all plumbing elements. It is important to remember that you first need to remove the furniture from the room and all other bulky elements that will occupy the workspace. This will not only free up space, but will also help protect furniture and plumbing from damage when removing old tiles and preparing the room.

Carrying out step by step repair bathroom, it is important to remember that when dismantling the main task is not to quickly break it, but to carefully remove the old finish without causing much damage to the base, since you will need to repair all this damage later. As a result, the room should look like the photo above.

Also, the procedure for carrying out renovations in the bathroom at this stage involves gating the walls for laying electrical cables to consumers, drilling holes for sockets and switches.

Replacing old communications with new ones

In this area of ​​work, it is necessary to dismantle all old pipelines and electrical wiring. Next is the installation new plumbing step by step, starting from the central water supply system to each consumer according to the plan. Then the sequence of renovations in the bathroom involves installing a sewer line and laying electrical wires into pre-made grooves in the walls. At this stage of work, all additional units of the water supply system, such as filters and sedimentation tanks, are connected.

Many people mistakenly believe that they can break the sequence of bathroom renovations and not replace the old ones. metal pipes on plastic, but experts do not recommend leaving the old plumbing fixtures, since the pipes are sewn up under the lining and in case of a leak, you will have to disassemble everything again.

Preliminary finishing of the room

Following the sequence of work in the bathroom, after installing plumbing, sewerage and all additional elements, rough or preliminary finishing follows step by step. If you plan to use plasterboard to level the walls, then first you need to equip the floor surface, lay waterproofing and fill the screed. If the stages of renovation in the bathroom are designed to use putty or plaster to level the surface, then the floors are put aside last.

Waterproofing of the room is achieved by treating the floor surface epoxy resins or using thick plastic film before pouring the screed.

Further, the procedure for renovating a bathroom at this stage involves the construction of boxes to hide plumbing, the installation of plasterboard partitions and the construction of a frame for a suspended or suspended ceiling. Upon completion of the preliminary finishing, the premises are cleaned of construction debris.

Finish lining

The procedure for renovation in the bathroom at the stage finishing involves the installation of the facing material that was chosen for the decoration of the room. Usually, the first step is to lay ceramic tiles on the walls, then lay out flooring and the last stages of work are devoted to installing tension or suspended ceiling. It is not for nothing that the procedure for renovating a bathroom leaves finishing the ceiling as an afterthought.

If the preparation of the bathroom for renovation was carried out correctly and the surface was leveled, then installation wall tiles usually starts from the top corner, this allows you to significantly save material and place all the pieces and remnants in the lower part of the room, where they are least noticeable. In order not to damage the suspended or suspended ceiling, it is put aside last. After finishing covering all surfaces, stage-by-stage repair The bathroom is moving to the stage of installing equipment and plumbing.

Installation of plumbing and electrical appliances

The final stage of renovation is considered the most interesting, since at this stage the room already takes on its normal appearance and gradually begins to please the owners. If the step-by-step renovation of the bathroom was followed, then now we have a fully finished room with plumbing, sewerage outlets and wires sticking out of the wall.

Now the toilet, bathtub, electrical appliances, lighting elements, mirror and all additional fittings along with the furniture. If the sequence of renovations in the bathroom has been followed, then upon completion of the installation of all elements and partial decoration, you can safely carry out general cleaning and enjoy a chic and cozy bathroom. You can get more information by watching the video in the article.

After reading this material, you will have a complete step-by-step instruction bathroom renovation, compliance with which guarantees high-quality and fast execution all assigned tasks.

Repairs carried out on our own– this is another opportunity not only to transform your own home, but also to save an impressive amount. There is an opinion that doing finishing works in a residential area can only be done by professionals who have impressive experience and enviable experience. However, after studying the material presented, you will understand that the task facing you is quite feasible. It will require patience, a bit of skill and strict adherence to instructions.

What exactly can you do in the bathroom yourself?

In order for the proverb about the miser who pays twice not to affect you, you need to approach bathroom renovations with your own hands without fanaticism and excessive self-confidence. When building a plan for decorating a room, carefully weigh your knowledge and skills, deciding what you can do without the help of professionals, and for which work it is better to invite a specialist. Remember that you can only work with plumbing if you are completely confident in yourself, otherwise the repair will turn into a very expensive procedure, and you will also have to pay for the apartment that is flooded from below.

What materials are needed for repairs?

The materials that will be used to renovate a bathroom and toilet with your own hands must be selected with diligence: high humidity and unique temperature conditions dictate their requirements.

  1. Ceramic tiles and adhesive
    The floors and walls in rooms containing sewerage and water supply are laid with ceramic tiles. In principle, there are no special complaints or requirements for it, however, when purchasing a facing material, it also makes sense to pay attention. The tile should be enough small size And light color, visually expanding the space. Its cost can fluctuate significantly, but, in fact, it does not play a particularly significant role. Special attention should be paid to the adhesive on which the tiles will be installed. Even if you bought a cheap product, the glue for it should be of the highest quality. When calculating the amount of materials, be guided by the simplest principles: tiles are always purchased with a reserve, and glue can be purchased even slightly less than necessary. It’s extremely easy to bring an extra box of glue from the store, but then finding suitable ceramics that exactly repeats the pattern is very problematic.
  2. Plaster compositions or gypsum boards
    Before you begin cladding, the walls will have to be leveled. To do this, most modern builders use plaster compositions offered on the construction market in a wide variety. In addition to this option, leveling the walls can be done using gypsum board cladding. To do this, you will need moisture-resistant sheets and waterproofing mastic.
  3. Acrylic paint, putty and primer
    All these components will be useful for painting the ceiling (unless, of course, you want to tidy it up). It is worth considering that acrylic paint can be replaced with oil, and the putty should be on cement based. In the case of cladding, you will have to purchase additional polystyrene foam panels, which will additionally insulate the ceiling and prevent moisture from appearing on it.
    In addition to all of the above, do not forget to purchase counters, new mixers, emulsions, plaster, dry concrete, grout, silicone sealant, filters and collectors.

Repair stages

  1. Preparatory stage
    Absolutely any repair begins with the appropriate preparatory work. To carry them out successfully, you will need to decongest the area as much as possible, getting rid of unnecessary details. Remove all hanging objects, be it mirrors or shelves, dismantle literally everything you can: washbasin, bathtub, toilet (if their replacement, of course, is included in the renovation plan).
    Once the selected room has been cleaned, it will be time to remove the old finishes. Rip off mercilessly old tiles, scrape off the old paint and wash off the whitewash from the ceiling. Your task is to expose the material that underlies the room, that is, to reveal brickwork, concrete panels or ceilings. Most of the preparatory work should be carried out using power tools, which will greatly simplify the process.
  2. Alignment of walls
    The second stage of repair will consist of preparing new surface and in the alignment of walls. If necessary, you can safely use special primers. It should be understood that they are created for a number of needs. On store shelves you can find strengthening, hydrophobic, and bioprotective primers, so you need to buy them based on your own goals.
    Among other things, it is important to understand that if the walls were originally covered oil paint, then no plaster will lie on them until you clean the entire surface. This can be done using a contact primer, which is applied evenly to problem areas
  3. Finishing floors, ceilings and walls

At this stage, many difficulties may arise precisely because of the relatively low level repairman training. Facing various parts of the room requires appropriate skills and compliance with a number of nuances, such as:

  • If you completely dismantle the floors and replace the tiles, then pay attention to waterproofing. In a room with plumbing, it must be present, extending at least ten centimeters onto the walls. Only with this approach splashes, which invariably appear in space with flowing water, will not accumulate and cause inconvenience to neighbors. There are a lot of materials for laying waterproofing, but they are all analogues of “aquaizol”;
  • The floor tiles should be slightly rough. The textured surface of the product will prevent slipping and will help avoid accidental household injuries;
  • painting the walls is done at the very end, when the rest of the work is completed, but special measures are taken to ensure safety from accidental paint splashes on both the floor and ceiling

DIY bathroom renovation using plastic panels

If during the renovation process you make your choice in favor of cladding, which has frame device, you will have to stock up on pine beams, special fasteners and screws for wood. Most often, when we talk about plastic panels, we mean lining. It is sold in a large assortment in strips, each of which reaches about six meters.

That is why the master needs not only to accurately calculate the amount of material, but also to determine which arrangement of panels will be the most profitable financially. Certainly, plastic ceilings there are different types. For example, tension panels have recently become increasingly popular; they are almost impossible to install on your own. If you are planning to save money on bathroom renovations in Khrushchev, then try to avoid such expensive tools.

Features of surface tiling

Decorating a bathroom with your own hands with ceramic tiles is one of the most difficult stages in renovation. In order for it to go “smoothly” and the result to please the owners of the premises, it is necessary to take into account certain subtleties of working with this product.
First of all, before fixing the tile itself, the surface is thoroughly cleaned. Preparation consists of leveling the wall. During the priming process, it is not necessary to particularly diligently rub over all sorts of roughness - certain scratches will in no way interfere with fixing the tile.

The glue is chosen much more carefully. As a rule, it is mixed by hand or using a drill with a special attachment. It is applied in such a way that the composition is enough for several tiles at once. This is done for good air circulation. For a tighter connection, the tile is not just pressed to the surface, but also tapped with a special rubber mallet, which, in principle, can replace a heavy fist.

When doing cladding, it is important to pay attention, in addition to the quality of materials, to the decorative component of the ongoing work and its potential result. In order to ensure that identical seams are maintained between individual tiles, a special template is inserted, which is a plastic cross or bracket. The templates are removed after the glue has set, and this happens, according to experts, on the next day of repair work.

An obligatory step in the cladding of a room is the grouting of the joints, which is carried out special composition. It can be color matched to enhance the appearance of the room. However, this is not at all easy to do, since most often grout that is close to the tile in tone looks absolutely unacceptable in practice. Designers recommend choosing appropriate colors that harmonize with each other as favorably as possible. They emphasize that for success you should purchase a light-colored grout, several shades cooler than the tile itself.

There is no need to rush at this stage either. It makes sense to grout only after the glue has completely dried, that is, a few days after its application. Excess material must be wiped off immediately.

Installation of communications

Installation of communications in the bathroom is the final stage overhaul. Not a single room, even the most elegant one, will look decent if network engineering will remain visible. Drops on fogged pipes and forgotten sloppy markings will instantly ruin the appearance of the room.

In order to avoid getting into trouble, you should install all systems under the tiles. The master will have to tinker and create special grooves in the form of grooves that can accommodate and hide water pipes.
Sewer pipes can also be successfully placed in furrows, but the largest of them will require a specially created box. It can easily be made from OSB or plasterboard, and can also be tiled to complete the interior.

Most furrows are made using a grinder. Grinder in a matter of moments, cuts slits parallel to each other, and the master makes a gap between them with my own hands. During work, a lot of dust appears, which can be removed with an industrial vacuum cleaner. If it is not there, then the cut is abundantly moistened, the eyes are protected with special glasses, and the mouth and nose are protected with respirators.

Make sure that your tool does not break down. The grinder often gets clogged with dust and refuses to work at the moment when it is impossible to do without it. To avoid this, tape gauze filters to your engine.
There is an opinion that the furrows, after laying pipes in them, need to be sealed with plaster, but this is not entirely true, because it calls for simply unnecessary work. Do not forget that during the cladding process the walls will be tightly covered with tiles, and plastered pipes will only complicate access to the area in case of special need.

After completing repairs on your own, you gain irreplaceable skills that will likely come in handy many times in life. Renovating a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building can hardly be called such an easy task, because it requires significant preparation and certain skills. However, once you complete it, you will be able to carry out almost any work on the cladding of the room without outside help. Also, it should be noted that a master who has independently coped with such a difficult task will have an excellent understanding of the construction market. He will be able to select the most profitable solutions and economical products, without much thought and painful hesitation.

After the final stage of decorating the room, all you have to do is place all the necessary interior items in it, be it mirrors and lamps. We hope that our recommendations will be useful to you and that repairs in your home will not turn into a protracted struggle!

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Hello, dear readers! Continuing the theme of renovation, I’ll tell you where to start renovating your bathroom and toilet with your own hands. Surely many people renovating these premises are faced with this question.

If you are the owner of an apartment in which the bathroom is located separately from the toilet, I advise you to start repairing it yourself at home by working out the same color range and style. Even if the rooms are separated, they are one whole. The design is chosen to be the same or similar in the type of finishing materials used and color.

The toilet and bathroom are kind of twins. I advise you to tile the premises with the same type of tiles, but different shades. If you use the same finishing technique, you will end up with dissimilar rooms that will create different moods. If the walls and floor are made in the same color, but with different finishing materials, discomfort will appear due to the contrast between the rooms.

Video tips

I think now you understand why it is better to use the same tiles and decor to decorate the bathtub and toilet. This approach will help you save money. After finishing, there will be scraps left, which will most likely find a place in the second room.

Where to start renovating a bathroom

A bathroom is a room in which a person is left alone with thoughts and emotions. Here he takes a shower, relaxes, rests after working day, gets rid of irritation and fatigue, gets a boost of energy.

The described effect will only be achieved by a convenient and comfortable bathroom.

Step-by-step bathroom renovation plan

  1. Measure the room . Take a piece of paper, a pencil, a tape measure and measure the length and height of the walls, the area of ​​the room. Based on the figures obtained, calculate the amount of materials that will be required to renovate the bathroom.
  2. Visualize a new bathroom . Decide on the color and type of finishing materials, the location of the bathtub, furniture and accessories.
  3. Prepare the room . Clean the bathroom walls and ceiling of old finishes. The work is dusty and dirty, so wear a respirator. You will need a hammer drill, a spatula, a metal brush and other equipment.
  4. Treat the walls with primer . Lay the electrical wiring and level the ceiling with putty. At this stage, mark the vertical and horizontal lines using a level or plumb line.
  5. Replacement of water supply . It’s a responsible step, I don’t recommend saving on it. It's about about replacing the water supply, risers and sewerage in the bathroom.
  6. Waterproofing the floor . Doing cement screed, water will not leak to the neighbors. Treat the joints between the walls and the floor, and the entire area of ​​the bathroom, with a special waterproofing solution.
  7. For finishing walls and floors . Try installing bathroom tiles yourself. If you don’t have the skills, ask a tiler for help. Some, for the sake of economy, do not tile the space behind and under the bathtub. It is better to tile the surfaces and place the bathtub on tiles. A screen will help hide the side and communications.
  8. Door installation . If you are going to replace your bathroom door, do it before installing the tiles.
  9. Skirting and ceiling . At the end, install a decorative plinth around the perimeter of the ceiling and paint the ceiling water-based paint. If this option for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom is not suitable, pay attention to suspended ceilings or structures made of plastic panels. All that remains is to seal the seams.

Video instructions

Following the instructions, you will reach the final stage. Finally, install the sink, hang the mirror and lamp, and install the furniture. In the end it will work out beautiful room.

Where to start renovating a toilet

People face difficulties in repairing toilet room. The toilet is an important part of the home, which I advise you to repair thoroughly and correctly, taking into account all the little things. I’ll tell you below where to start the painstaking process.

  1. As with the bathroom, I advise you to start renovating the toilet by preparing the room. First of all, remove old toilet, remove old finishing materials from the walls, floor and ceiling.
  2. Connect water and sewerage to the installation site of the new toilet. If the sewage system in the apartment is made of cast iron pipes, replace plastic products. If pipe replacement is not planned, limit yourself to a plastic supply. It is better to connect pipes using special inserts. Do not forget about the slope that is required for the normal functioning of the sewer system.
  3. Pay attention to communications. If they run along the wall, close them in a box. Be sure to ensure that the box is removed or disassembled. This makes it easier to troubleshoot problems caused by leaks.
  4. Before the beginning plastering works Place beacons on the walls of the toilet. Using this as a guide, align the walls. After the plaster has dried, lay the tiles.
  5. Switch to the floor. First, make a concrete screed, and after drying, lay the tiles. Do not install the toilet right away; it will interfere with work in the upper part of the room.
  6. There are many options for decorating toilet walls. What finishing material to choose is up to you, but I recommend tiles. If such cladding is not to your liking, the market offers photo wallpapers, mosaic tiles, a natural stone or wood finish.
  7. Take care of the ceiling. A plasterboard ceiling is suitable for a toilet room. It will hide the wiring and ventilation system. If we add decorative plinth, it will turn out beautiful.
  8. Lastly, install a light in the toilet, secure the toilet and attach a paper holder to the wall. I advise you to immediately equip the toilet with shelves for storing air freshener and supplies of toilet paper.

Having gone through a difficult path, in the end you will get a result that will delight you with freshness and uniqueness. But More fun will bring thoughts that the author of the masterpiece is you yourself.

Where to start repairing a combined bathroom

A combined bathroom has disadvantages and advantages. The main disadvantage is that the room is available only to one household member. Plus – the opportunity to expand the area of ​​the bathroom. Easy to install in a combined bathroom washing machine or a cabinet for accessories.

IN modern apartments The toilet is separate from the bathroom. In this case, the premises are characterized small area and there are often cases when a few centimeters are missing to install furniture or other items. To fully consider the issue, let's look at how to combine a bathroom and toilet.

How to combine a bathroom and toilet

This type of repair, in addition to construction work, provides for “paperwork.” According to the rules, redevelopment in the apartment must be approved by the relevant authorities. In this case, changes are made to the housing plan.

When creating a preliminary plan, note the relocation of plumbing, electrical wiring and plumbing system changes. This is an incomplete list of factors that should not be ignored. The work of combining a bathroom is a small technical part of a huge job.

Having approved the plan, switch to repairs. It is better if the household members go on a summer vacation for a while. As a result, they will protect themselves from discomfort, and no one will disturb you.

  • Take down the partition between the bathroom and the toilet, straighten the walls, which are usually extremely crooked.
  • Rework the pipes. If necessary, change their location so that they do not interfere. The same goes for the heated towel rail.
  • The next step involves installing the electrical wiring. Route cables, locate switches and sockets, and install.
  • Prime the walls and level the floor with a concrete screed. Before laying the flooring, be it tiles or other finishing material, fill the floor with bitumen. This will reduce the likelihood of flooding your neighbors if there is a leak.
  • Stretch ceilinga good option for a combined node. Just entrust their installation to professionals, since arranging the ceiling requires the use of special equipment and skills.
  • Finish the walls and lay the flooring. To visually expand the space of the room, build one into each wall. large mirror. The combined bathroom will turn out beautiful and original.
  • The final stage of repair involves the installation of plumbing, placement of furniture, connection household appliances, installation of bath accessories - hanging soap dishes, hooks.

If you want to achieve results, listen to the recommendations. They will help you complete the repair quickly and successfully. When the family returns home, the beauty of the combined bathroom will surprise you.

Selection of furniture and bathroom layout

I devote the final part of the article to the layout of the bathroom and the intricacies of choosing furniture. If you have the finances, organize a separate bathroom in the house, especially if the family is large. As a result, several people will be able to relieve themselves at the same time. If you like a combined bathroom, make sure it has a sliding partition. Use it to divide the room into zones.

Room size. To make the toilet convenient and comfortable, select several square meters. No extra space will be required. Design your bathroom based on your tastes and preferences, but you shouldn’t overdo it with space – 6-10 square meters is plenty.

Furniture . Before buying furniture, decide what you want to see in the room. Usually this is a set of a sink, a mirror, a pencil case and a floor cabinet. Sometimes a hanging cabinet is provided. Before purchasing a bath set, make sure of the quality. The paint should lie in an even layer on the surface of the furniture.