Wooden press for squeezing juice. Presses. Homemade juice press

At the height of the harvest season, many summer residents and amateur gardeners try to make the most of nature's gifts. Jam, dried fruits and juices are prepared from fragrant apples for the winter. home production. For large volumes, conventional juicers may not be able to cope, but an apple press will come in handy in this case.

Operating principle: we make it ourselves

Presses for squeezing juice can be made with your own hands from scrap materials; there is nothing overly complicated about it. Their main task is to obtain pure juice from crushed fruits by applying mechanical pressure to the mass.

Designs can be of the following types:

  • mechanical;
  • pneumatic;
  • hydraulic.

Regardless of the type, energy can be supplied manually or using an electric motor. In this case, the design principle is similar for all varieties and consists of:

  • perforated container for pulp (crushed raw materials);
  • press;
  • pallet (juice receiver);
  • bases (frames);
  • working mechanism (screw with handle in the case of a mechanical version).

Among homemade options the most common:

  • screw (worm) press for squeezing juice;
  • hydraulic.

How to make a screw press?

The screw version of the design is the easiest to make. The piston itself moves under the action of the screw, while the pressure on the fruit mass is applied evenly, promoting the most optimal squeezing, leaving almost dry pulp. It is believed that approximately 70% of the juice is extracted from apples using this method.

A screw press can be made from either wood or metal. In the first case, you can do without welding skills.

What you will need:

  • material for making the support frame (wood or metal);
  • metal or wooden container for the tank and perforated tank;
  • screw mechanism with handle;
  • consumables (nuts, screws, screws).
Image Description

Step 1

The support frame is assembled. As a rule, it has the form of a rectangular base located vertically with a lower frame for the pallet.

If wood is used as a material, it is better not to use conifers due to the resin content, which may impair the taste of the product.

Step 2

Let's make a tank. It can be built independently from a sheet of steel, but an old stainless steel tank or any suitable container will work well.

The photo clearly demonstrates the location of the perforated holes for the free release of juice from the pulp.

Step 3

The screw mechanism is located directly above the tank. At the end of the screw there is a circle equal to the diameter of the tank for uniform pressure distribution.

A manual press juicer can be made on the basis of a conventional jack, in which case the pressure will be applied not only from above, but also from below.

Step 4

A tray must be placed under a perforated tank to collect liquid.

To apply even pressure on the pulp, place it in small bags made of fabric or nylon, so the juice will be squeezed out more efficiently.

How to make a hydraulic press?

A hydraulic press for apples and other fruits is considered more productive and allows you to spend less effort on juice production. Design features V general outline similar to the worm counterpart, the main difference is only the mechanism for pressing the fruit mass.

The instructions located in the table will allow you to make a press hydraulic type at home:

Image Description

Step 1

The manufacture of the support frame is no different from the screw type device. Can be used as metal structure, and a frame made of wood.

Step 2

As a housing for the hydraulic spin mechanism, you can use a barrel, plastic or homemade wooden tank with a drain hole at the bottom.

To process the harvest collected in the garden or vineyard, you need to buy a convenient press and crusher. Freshly squeezed juices - the basis for homemade wine - or delicious vegetable oil– all this turns out cheaper than in the store, and much tastier.

Exist different models presses, for various purposes and types, so we will be determined by several parameters:

  • Hand press
  • Hydraulic Press
  • Pneumatic press
  • Electric press

Small manual screw presses that you can bring with you are great for summer residents; transfer to any place on the site or at home.

A hydraulic press consists of two communicating vessels, one of which is filled with water. The pressure of this container exerts a force that promotes juice release. Hydraulics are suitable for processing significant volumes of raw materials; You can make juices, cheeses, and even oil from olives or other soft plant products.

New juice presses have a simple but reliable design. They are made of durable food-grade materials - stainless steel, aluminum, impact-resistant plastic, oak and beech wood. Working with a hydraulic press for berries and fruits does not require physical effort. Even a fragile girl can handle it.

The electric press is ideal for recycling large quantity harvest and preparation of wine, oil or juice for sale. Owners of private wineries usually use electro-hydraulic models, which work very quickly and with the highest quality, but are more expensive than any other.

Volume and materials.

An important parameter is the volume of the basket for storing raw materials. For homemade preparations and 10–20 bottles of wine, a basket of 5–10 liters is enough. The garden bears fruit well, and drinks are sold or given to neighbors - select models from 20 to 50 liters. You most likely won't need more.

Metal and wood are ideal materials. Such presses are durable, easy to clean and can withstand great amount loadings of raw materials every season for several decades in a row. Pay attention to the connection of parts and the places where forces are applied - they must be strong and reliable.

How to buy a press and not overpay

Please the people close to you with delicious and healthy drinks. In turn, we guarantee that the press will serve you long years. Feedback from our clients is the most positive. It is convenient to use both at home or in the country, and outdoors. With the help of a household juicer you will process the entire harvest without loss. Make provisions for the winter that will be enough for your entire family and even your neighbors. Natural juice is a key ingredient in mash for wine and moonshine.

Press - apparatus for making juice from fruit and berry pulp. You can order the press in our online store at an affordable price. We work directly with foreign manufacturers, so you won’t overpay intermediaries. All our products are tested, fully certified and have a 1 year warranty. Our managers have practical experience using all the presented models, so they can easily answer your questions. We provide prompt delivery to Moscow and any other regions at a time and place convenient for you. Our clients have the opportunity to place orders without prepayment, paying upon delivery. If you have any questions or doubts, you can get additional advice on the website.

Apple trees periodically provide amateur gardeners with such a large-scale harvest that there is nowhere to put the excess fruit. In addition to jam and compotes, there remains one more option for processing fruits - juice. But many people do not bother with this type of workpiece due to the high labor intensity of the process. Ordinary household juicers simply cannot cope with large volumes of raw materials, and not everyone is ready to buy a professional machine for the season. But there is great option– quickly and efficiently squeeze juice from apples using a home-made press.

What materials will be needed

To make a standard press yourself, you do not need special skills or drawings. Anyone can measure, saw off a strip, hammer a nail or tighten a nut if desired. It is not necessary to own a welding machine; any design can be reproduced in wood using ordinary gardening tools .

To make a home press from tools, you will need a hacksaw for wood and metal (or a grinder), a welding machine, screwdrivers, pliers, and a hammer. As for materials, the following are mainly used:

  • metal channel;
  • wooden blocks, slats, boards;
  • self-tapping screws, bolts and nuts;
  • tank or barrel, steel sheet from of stainless steel;
  • bench screw and nut, valve, threaded rod or jack - depending on the chosen design;
  • durable fabric with good drainage properties for apple bags: calico, cotton, jute burlap, linen.

It is better to make wooden elements from oak, birch or beech, since materials from biologically active tree species (spruce, pine) can change the taste of the juice. Under no circumstances should drainage grates be made from chipboard: fine dust impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde glue will get into the product.

Types of designs: diagrams and drawings

The main thing in the press is a solid base and working mechanism.

Operating principle of the device:

  • layer by layer through drainage grates prepared raw materials for pressing are stacked(chopped apples) in fabric bags;
  • by means of a mechanism oppression falls from above and presses the juice.

A good press squeezes out 65-70% of the juice, leaving an almost dry pulp. It’s quite possible to make one with your own hands.

Homemade press designs differ in the operating principle of the main mechanism:

  1. Screw.
  2. Jack based: mechanical and hydraulic.
  3. Combined.

In the bulk of structures, the pressure is from above, but in the combined version, compression occurs in two directions: using a screw mechanism at the top and a hydraulic jack at the bottom.

The juice press consists of the following parts:

  • sustainable bed;
  • quadrangular or cylindrical frame, inside which bags of chopped apples are folded;
  • wooden gratings, with which the bags are transferred so that they do not spread;
  • piston-gne t, directly exerting pressure on the cake;
  • thrust bearing for a jack;
  • working mechanism: screw with handle, mechanical or hydraulic jack;
  • bowl-tray.

The main body can be:

  • single perforated: the juice will flow through the holes along the walls and through the bottom into the pan;
  • double: a solid casing with a slightly larger diameter is placed on a perforated metal cylinder;
  • in the form of a solid metal body with one drain hole at the bottom;
  • collected from wooden slats connected by hoops, − barrel. The walls serve as a drainage grid.

There may be no body at all- simply a pyramid of wooden lattice frames in a tray with a mouth at the bottom, under which a container for juice is placed.

This design easy and quick to install. For the bottom plate, you can take a piece of countertop, for example.

Worm gear or hydraulic jack: what to choose?

The screw (worm) mechanism in the press is implemented in the form of a large screw (threaded axis) with a nut or a mechanical jack. Last option much simpler - you can buy it at a spare parts store or take it out of the trunk of a car; you don’t need to look for, adjust, grind or weld anything.

Designs based on a hydraulic jack are much more productive(force from 1t) than mechanical ones, and require a minimum of human labor. Hydraulic bottle jacks make it possible to squeeze juice quickly and in large volumes. They fit comfortably into any design.

You can design a press with a removable mechanism, then you don’t have to buy a special jack, but you can use the one on duty in the trunk. After all, the apple harvest is not good every year.

Making a press yourself

The press needs a stable, strong support - a bed. The simplest thing is to assemble it from wooden blocks using screws. To make a metal frame you will need a welding machine and a channel.

The dimensions of the frame depend on the diameter of the working body or the parameters of the drainage grids. Therefore, if you are planning a hull structure, then you need to prepare the container in advance.

The simplest frame press with a worm mechanism

Welded stable structure. A hole is cut in the center of the upper channel for the screw nut (you can use an old bench or order it from a turner). The nut is welded into the frame.

Then Assembling a wooden drainage grate, which consists of two layers of slats packed perpendicular to each other. The thickness of the slats is not less than 20 mm. It is also necessary to install a stand made of bars. A clamp for the pressure part of the screw is attached to the top board - any suitable shape metal part(can be installed with epoxy glue).

The tray is made of stainless steel sheet, in the front part the spout-drain is arched. All that remains is to substitute a pan or other container. The result is a press.

Bed for hydraulic press assembled according to the same principle as for a screw one. The easiest way to use a body is to take a ready-made metal or wooden barrel. A hole is cut at the very bottom and equipped with a drain spout.

If wooden barrel not completely sealed - even good. The juice will drain in several directions at once, and in the end it will still end up in the pan. It is better to put a plastic casing on top of such a structure larger in diameter to avoid splashing.

You can make a wooden case yourself:

  1. Will need: several boards of equal size (can be parquet), two strips of stainless steel and self-tapping screws with an anti-corrosion coating.
  2. The boards are screwed on top and bottom with self-tapping screws to the stripes at a distance of approximately 10 mm.
  3. Strips with boards are bent in the form of a circle, the ends of the strips are bolted together.
  4. A plastic bowl of suitable diameter can be used as a tray. with a drain cut out at the bottom for juice.

Another important element is the jack stop.. Usually made of wood: you need to knock down the slats and cut out a circle from the resulting canvas slightly smaller than the diameter of the working body. You can use a grinder to cut out a support from a stainless steel sheet.

Drainage gaskets are made in the same way as in the description for a screw press, but they are given a round shape.

The end result should be a design similar to the one in the photo.

Preparation of raw materials

The principle of squeezing apple juice simple - the finer the raw materials are chopped, the more product will be obtained at the exit. It is best to use a special chopper (crusher), since finely chopping several buckets of apples by hand is theoretically possible, but in fact difficult to implement. An electric meat grinder for large volumes is also not an option: it roars, howls, gets hot, and may eventually burn out. You can also make a suitable crusher yourself.

The simplest design of a homemade crusher

A deep hopper is mounted lightly on the cone from moisture-resistant plywood or stainless steel sheet. For stability, two bars are attached to it from below. IN bottom part a wooden roller (preferably made of beech) with self-tapping screws wound in a spiral is cut into the container. You can use a regular kitchen rolling pin as a drum.. The axis of rotation of the roller comes out, a drill is inserted into it and the process begins.

Some people simply crush apples in a bucket using a construction mixer.

The process of squeezing juice from apples at home

After the raw materials are prepared, they laid out in fabric bags or wrapped in pieces of fabric like an envelope. Next, the bundles are placed in a container, basket, or simply on the bottom of the structure in layers through drainage grates. Fits about 3-4 bags. The pressure is lowered from above, the juice flows into the pan. When the squeezing process is completed, the pulp is removed and the next batch is loaded.

The remaining cake after high-quality pressure is usually obtained dry and compressed into “tablets” (photo 16).

It is better to dispose of the pomace in compost heap. Worms reproduce very well on such material, creating valuable fertilizer for the garden.

The resulting juice can not only be drunk fresh, but also prepared for the winter:

  • pasteurized rolled juice;
  • apple wine several types;
  • apple cider.

Apples are a very valuable product for health.. It is extremely imprudent and wasteful to bury and give away surplus crops to neighboring pigs. By building a couple of simple devices, you can quickly and easily process all the fruits. And in winter it will be so nice to take healthy and tasty amber drinks out of the cellar or refrigerator!

The post How to make an apple press with your own hands first appeared About the farm.

The end of summer, the beginning of autumn is the time to collect fruits, vegetables, apples, and grapes. And if the harvest is large, then a regular electric juicer will not cope. In this case, the garden needs a press for squeezing juice from fruits. Now there are a lot of offers on the Internet for various presses and crushers, hydraulic, screw, pneumatic, wooden, but the biggest disadvantage of these products is the high price. Making a juice press with your own hands is not difficult; you need a little skill as a mechanic or welder. And the cost of a homemade press for grapes or apples is several times lower than a purchased one.

For a winemaker, such a device will make his work easier and save a lot of time. The simplest version of a home juicer is based on squeezing juice from the pulp of fruits or vegetables. The apples are first crushed with special crushers, a grape crusher is used, and then the juice is squeezed out of this mass. With this technology, pure juice without pulp comes out, ready for fermentation, or for pasteurization and further storage.

Simple DIY grape press

A screw press for grapes consists of: a base - a frame, a basket, a pressing device (shaft or jack), and a pressing piston. Other options for manufacturing the device are also possible. When choosing a material, it is not necessary to follow the description exactly and you can make your own drawings of the Persian.

Tools and materials for the press:

  • Welding machine;
  • Drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Tank – 50 liters;
  • Metal channel 10-12 mm – 150 mm;
  • Metal corner 40-50 mm – 3200 mm;
  • Oak slats 40x25x400 mm – 50 pcs;
  • Fabric – 1 sq.m;
  • Jack – 1 piece;
  • Faucet – 1 piece;
  • Line 2 mm – 3 m.

How to make a juice press

1.Frame. The foundation is one of the most important elements press, the frame must be a very strong structure; the entire load during operation falls on it. The side parts of the press are made of metal corners 85 mm high. The upper and lower parts of the frame must be made from a channel 70 cm long; the structure can be further strengthened by welding gussets between the corners and the channel. All parts are welded at all points of contact.
If a screw press design is used, then a nut for the screw must be welded to the upper channel. In addition to the metal frame, you can use wooden boards, thickness from 5 centimeters. The boards are fastened with 10-12 mm studs and tightened with nuts. Wooden press It’s easier to make, but the design can’t withstand heavy loads; for a small harvest, it’s quite a suitable option. The finished frame must be sanded and painted with a special metal paint.

2.Abs tank. This design uses a 50 liter stainless steel brew tank. A hole is drilled in the lower part of the boiler tank and a stainless steel tap is installed. Instead of a tank, you can use a regular saucepan of a suitable size.
A grate made of oak slats is inserted into the container. The blanks are cut from oak boards (you can use parquet board), their height is equal to the height of the pan. Along the edges at the ends of the slats, holes of 2-3 mm are drilled through them and a fishing line or stainless wire is passed through them. By connecting all the planks, you get a kind of basket.
There should be a gap of 2-3 mm between the slats, through which fruit juice will ooze. You can do without a pan at all by connecting the boards with galvanized steel hoops and placing the basket on a tray into which the squeezed liquid will drain.
A plastic pallet from a large one can be used as a pallet flower pot or stainless steel kitchen sink. There are designs where the grape press is framed, there is no basket, the pulp is placed in fabric between drainage grates in several layers and pressed.

3.Piston. The piston for the press needs to be made from the remaining oak boards, folding them crosswise, use a compass to draw a circle the right size and cut electric jigsaw. Twist the slats with stainless steel screws or tie them with copper, stainless wire. If you have a log on your farm, you can saw off a circle of the required diameter and height.

4.Power mechanism. The apple press uses a jack or screw as a pressing mechanism. In a device for squeezing juice, a hydraulic car jack with a lifting capacity of 3 tons will be quite sufficient. For more confident work, you can use jacks that create a force of more than 3 tons. A screw for a press is more difficult to find, but every car enthusiast has a jack. You need to cut some boards under the jack to place it during the spin cycle.

5.Filtration cloth. To filter the juice from apple fruits, you need a durable fabric that can allow moisture to pass through. The easiest option is to take a nylon sugar bag. Also suitable for filtration are nylon, lavsan, propylene, polyester, or use durable cotton material, dense flax, so as not to tear under pressure.

So, hand press ready for fruit, how to squeeze juice? Insert the basket into the tank and place the filter material inside. Soft fruits, berries, citrus fruits are crushed without pre-treatment. Apples, carrots or other hard fruits must be crushed in a crusher or using pulp from a juicer, loaded into a basket, and covered with a lid.

Install the jack, substitute the receiving container, open the tap and slowly apply pressure. There is no need to try to squeeze out all the juice right away; you may damage the frame or the fabric will tear. Make three or four pumps, wait a while, then another three or four pumps, and so on. One bucket of apple pulp from a juicer yields 3-4 liters of pure juice; the crushed mass yields a little more.

If you don't have electric juicer, you can quickly and easily process a large apple harvest into juice using a press. If you have basic skills in working with tools such as a grinder and a welding machine, making an apple press with your own hands at home will not be difficult.

For the press you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • channel 1 pc. 40 cm long;
  • channel – 2 pcs. 70 cm long;
  • channel – 2 pcs. 46 cm long;
  • channel – 2 pcs. 60 cm long;
  • a screw from a carpenter's workbench;
  • workbench nut;
  • stainless steel sheet tray;
  • cotton scarves - several pieces.
  • wooden blocks (10 mm thickness, 350 mm length, 30 mm width);
  • vessel for juice (plastic bowl, saucepan, etc.).
  • How to make an apple press with your own hands from scrap materials

    We will give the sequence of assembling an apple press from materials that were, as they say, at hand. We’ll also tell you about the principle of operation. You can select or change the materials for making the press based on your capabilities.


    We will assemble the frame using a grinder and welding machine from an old channel.

    Such a channel is usually used for scrap metal. We will clean it from rust with emery and weld the structure: perpendicular to each 70 cm long leg, we will weld a 60 cm long channel in the middle. We will connect the channel along the top with a 40 cm channel, and at the bottom we will weld 46 cm on both sides of the channel. A hole is cut out on the upper channel. The diameter depends on the diameter of the screw. Our screw, as mentioned above, is from an old workbench. The larger the diameter of the screw, the better (ours is 25 mm). Then we place a ball from the bearing under the screw to reduce friction. We get this basis:


    We make a stand from wooden blocks - a square with a side of 35 cm and a height of 10 cm. The lattice is made of two layers of boards - one layer perpendicular to the other, thickness 10 mm - 30 cm by 30 cm.


    For the juice you need to make a tray - a sheet of stainless steel. For convenience, you can bend the spout on the sheet. Place a pan under this spout. In the photo - old aluminum pan, the first one that came to hand. It is not recommended to use metal utensils for apple juice; it is better to replace them with plastic ones.

    Next, we make a shape for the scarf: a square 25 cm and a thickness of 6 cm. Insert a fabric scarf 50 by 50 cm into the frame, where we place the prepared apples (cake), fold the edges into an envelope and place it in the mold. Then the mold is removed and the second lattice is placed on top. A mold with grated apples, etc. is placed on it. The quantity depends on the height of the press. We substitute the pan. We start turning the screw clockwise and get apple juice.

    We prepare the apples as follows: wash them, cut them, grind them on a grain grinder or pass them through a vegetable cutter. To facilitate labor, a factory-type manual feed cutter was mechanized. Converted into a mechanical one, the drive and motor were taken from an old washing machine.

    To enhance the juice extraction, an additional pipe was used, which was inserted into the screw handle. Thus, the press squeezes the cake until dry. Instead of a screw, you can use an automatic jack for 2-5 tons.