Money days: when financial luck will fall into your hands. Ritual to attract money. What is important to do before visualization

Touch the most ancient and effective magic - the magic of the Moon! Invisible lunar fluids control our world and us - our actions, thoughts, feelings, our subconscious. Ancient and modern so-called magical rituals from a specialist in the field of managing the energies of well-being will help you “tame” the powerful energy of the Moon and direct it where you need it most - to attract money and improve your financial situation. Each day of the lunar cycle is scheduled literally hour by hour so that you can make the most of the “money” opportunities that the Moon provides.

A series: Academy of Health and Luck

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4th lunar day

Sounds to attract money

Many people call the fourth lunar day the day of verbal magic. Today, every spoken word receives special power and can easily come true. Therefore, on this day, be especially attentive to what you say and carefully monitor your words, because absolutely anything can materialize, so it is better to avoid negative statements.

Don't believe me? Then let's look at the physics textbook. It is known that sound is nothing more than the acoustic embodiment of energy. Each sound combination carries its own, special charge. When a person hears sounds, he receives not only information, but also energy.

The sounds are very different from each other. You've probably noticed that one melody makes you sad, another makes you work, and the third relaxes and calms you down. Sound can “code” for success, love and… money. If you manage to catch a money wave, your ability to influence the reality around you will increase many times over. How to do it? It’s very simple - you can produce this wave yourself by making the appropriate sound.

The power of sound has been used in the martial arts of the East since ancient times. Who among us has not heard the powerful cry of “kiaya”, with which for centuries well-trained warriors could put an entire army of enemies to flight - so strong was the burst of energy when playing this sound combination.

And today you will use prayers and conspiracies to attract money. However, your possibilities are not limited to this. After all, sound is not only our speech or singing; the sounds that are made carry a huge energy charge. musical instruments. And don’t let the prospect of playing music scare you – there is no need to organize public concerts. To create an atmosphere of prosperity, your abilities are more than enough. Most of the sounds that you will need today are reproduced very simply - just hit a stone on a stone, tap a glass of water with a knife, ring a bell, or even just clap your hands.

Spell on your wallet to always have money

The spell is done on an old wallet, but it works especially well if you buy a new one that day and put a coin in there to start. After this, take a pinch of salt and stir it in spring water. Sprinkle salt water on your wallet and say:

I, servant of God (name), will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, go out of the hut through the doors, out of the doors through the gates, through the gates onto the road, to the eastern side. Through the slope mountains to the blue sea. I’ll stand on the shore and start counting the waves in the sea. You can’t count the waves in the blue sea, you can’t count the drops in the blue sea, you can’t count the water in the blue sea, it doesn’t end there, it’s not wasted. Just as there is enough water in the sea, so there would always be enough money in my purse, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

On the way to and from work. Conspiracy to ring a bell from lack of money

Maybe your path passes by a temple? If so, you have a great opportunity to strengthen your financial situation. Make sure you approach the church when the bells are ringing.

Read the good news like this:

I, servant of God (name), will stand up, pray, go out, crossing myself, out the door, out the gate, onto the wide road, onto high mountain. On that mountain stands a holy church, its domes shining. The bells ring, they announce the glory of the Lord, there are forty of them, they have forty languages. I wish I, God’s servant (name), could live so long without grieving, not knowing grief, not counting money. Amen.

Be sure to give alms at the church.

Your money dinner

Spices and grains continue to attract the energy of abundance. Use rice and any spices you like today.

The main ritual of the day: playing “money” music

Today I offer you several rituals to choose from. The first is suitable for everyone - it is simple, the second (more complex) can be done by people who are especially in need of money, and the third is good for those who want not only to attract money, but also to dispel negative energy in the house, which accumulates after quarrels, illnesses, etc. troubles. Sometimes the “deposits” of such energy overwhelm a person so much that he is simply unable to work well, think, and therefore be successful in business.

Simple ritual

Charge the water with musical vibrations simulating percussion. Here are some ways:

✓ take a glass with clean drinking water and slowly hit it with a knife, a wooden stick or some other not too heavy object. As a result of this procedure, the water will be charged - then drink it in small sips, imagining how it gives you the energy of abundance;

✓ take two stones (any kind will do - even ordinary pebbles) and hit them against each other over a vessel with water.

The stones belong to the element of Earth, which governs material wealth;

✓ clap your hands over the water;

✓ turn the pan upside down and place a glass of water under it, hit the bottom of the pan with your hands like a drum.

Important! In order for your music-making to acquire a monetary meaning, you need to imagine pleasant scenes related to money in your imagination! Say (better out loud, because today the word is also strong):

Money loves me! Money sticks to my hands! Money is nice to come to me!

and be sure to try to strengthen and ignite this feeling in yourself.

Ritual with a drum

Some of you are in particular need of money. Such people should perform a more complex ritual - with a drum.

Wear green clothes and light a green candle (green is the color of abundance and prosperity). Sit down, pick up a drum (or a toy one) or a tambourine and start hitting it with your hands. Just don't rush, the pace shouldn't be too fast. When you drum, try not to think about anything extraneous, it is important to fully concentrate on visualization: you sit under the rain of money and listen with pleasure to the sweet clink of coins and the even sweeter rustle of bills that keep falling and falling, filling all the space around you. Drum to the beat of these beautiful sounds.

The duration of the ceremony is arbitrary - from several minutes to an hour. You may feel like a child while doing it. It’s wonderful to return to a carefree childhood, at least for a few minutes. You might want to laugh. Great: laugh! And if your laughter is caused not by skepticism, but by truly high spirits, the effect of the ritual will exceed all your expectations! Money, luck, fortune love funny people.

Ringing a bell against negative energy

Any bell will do, as long as you like its sound.

Calling should start from front door. Next, move around the apartment clockwise. Go around all the corners and nooks. There should not be a single place in the house where the bell would not ring. Try to call even in the cracks between cabinets, under tables and chairs, in a word, wherever you can stick your hand. Don’t forget about niches, closets, bathrooms and toilets - they all also need beneficial energy. In addition, bad energy loves to hide in these places - disperse it.

As you walk around the house, try not to interrupt the ringing of the bell. You must listen carefully to its sound: if it seems to you that in some places the bell sounds quieter and duller, it means that a lot of bad energy has accumulated there. Drive her away: stay in this place, ring the bell until the sound becomes clear and ringing.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Moon calendar attracting money. 100 money rituals strengthened by the Moon (Yuliana Azarova, 2008) provided by our book partner -

To connect to the energy of money, to attract cash flow, there are many rituals. Here are the strongest ones - rituals to attract money from Roman Fada. All of them are carried out on the growing Moon in order to absorb its strength and power.

Roman Fad– finalist of the fourth “Battle of Psychics”, heir ancient family Slavic sorcerers, in his book "Codes of the Subconscious" shares with his readers three very powerful rituals for attracting money.

The novel talks about how to connect to, in addition to attraction codes, there are other methods or keys, as he calls them.

The use of these keys, according to the psychic, will help you quickly and without interference open the secret door to the world of financial well-being.

There are only 3 of these keys and they represent rituals to attract money, which are held on the waxing moon. The integrated use of these rituals for money allows you to effectively connect to the egregor of money and significantly expand your cash flow.

Ritual for attracting money “Money Magnet” (the most powerful)

Wait for the new moon (the first phase of the moon), and without bargaining, buy a new broom or broom. You will also need a beautiful green ribbon and a green banknote. It can be dollars, a 100 euro bill, or 1000 rubles. As soon as the Moon enters the first quarter, attach the bill to the broom handle, wrap it with ribbon and make a beautiful bow. Then turn the broom upside down and place it in any corner of your house, but so that it is not completely visible. Leave this powerful one for a long time.

Ritual for attracting money “777”

You probably already know that the color of money is green. In America this was known for a long time, and they knew what they were doing when they gave their currency green color.

To perform this ritual with money, you will need a green bill - it is best if it is 1 dollar, which in itself is a very powerful talisman for money.

But the thousandth banknote is also perfect for Russia. Your task is to make an “irredeemable bill” that, like a magnet, will attract money to you.

This is done like this: select a banknote in advance whose numbers will lack sixes. Ideally, there will be three sevens on it, preferably in a row. 777 is a big success! On the waxing moon, take the “” in your hands and vigorously rub it, while imagining how money rains from the sky from exactly the same bills. Do this procedure for several minutes until you can imagine and feel it as vividly as possible. Then the money is hidden in the wallet in a closed compartment, face up, and must remain there for exactly 1 year.

Ritual for attracting money “Money Rattle”

If the color of money is green, then its number is 5. To perform the ritual you will need can and 55 coins of 5 or 50 kopecks. So we get the money code - 555.

A good option, for example, would be a Kalsberg beer can - it is green and with a beautiful gold crown.

On the waxing moon, pour 55 “five” coins into a jar and seal the hole on top with tape or plasticine. That's it, your “money rattle” is ready! Now your job is to make it work for you. To do this, take a rattle in right hand, and with your right foot start moving in a clockwise circle. Shake the “money jar”, ​​mentally imagining yourself under a stream of money rain from large bills or gold coins. Repeat this powerful spell to attract money: “Ved vaya’na ma’ni go’ry”. Perform ritual actions for five minutes, maintaining maximum concentration on the images and repeating the words of the spell.

Rituals for money on the waxing moon (video)

Conduct first two rituals on the first day of the waxing moon, and last– the entire first quarter and repeat it every first lunar phase throughout the year - and very soon you will see how your financial situation will improve significantly.

Live in Abundance!

Alena Golovina


Lunar calendar for attracting money. 100 monetary rituals, strengthened by the Moon Azarov Julian

1st lunar day Determine your desires, attract money energy

On the first lunar day (note - it is often short and lasts only a few hours!) we do not see the Moon in the sky, but its influence on us does not decrease because of this, but on the contrary, it becomes stronger. It is not without reason that in folk magic many rituals for protection, healing, wealth and prosperity are performed on the new moon. Because what you wished for on the first lunar day comes true! Indeed, during this period you can give your thoughts enormous power.

First day lunar month It’s important to put your thoughts in order, think through your plans, and define goals for the near future. It’s great if you have the opportunity to gather all the household members over tea and organize a “family council” where you will discuss important questions concerning the life of the whole family. At the same time, it is best to write down all the decisions you make on paper - written words have more power.

Write down your thoughts and plans even if you make decisions alone - this will also give your desires “acceleration”. The more detailed you describe your wishes, the more accurately they will come true. However, remember that the first lunar day is good for planning; do not rush to implement your decisions - the subsequent days of the lunar month are more suitable for this.

But what needs to be done is to clearly define your desires and set a program for their implementation. Our main tool in this matter will be visualization.

Classic meditation for energizing abundance

Ideally, this meditation should be done at sunrise. Sunrise is the awakening of all energies of existence. At sunrise you will find yourself riding a wave of rising energy. But since the rhythm of our lives does not always allow us to combine getting up in the morning with sunrise, you can easily meditate at the time when you usually wake up.

1. Lie on your back, close your eyes, breathe into your stomach, slowly and deeply. As you inhale, the stomach swells slightly, and as you exhale, it retracts.

2. As you inhale, imagine that golden light is entering your head through the crown, as if the Sun is rising next to your head. Try not to think about anything - in the morning, immediately after waking up, it is easy to achieve a state of thoughtlessness. Your head is empty, and the golden light fills it and then begins to move down your body. Light fills the neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, thighs, legs, feet... Golden light is heavenly energy. Feel how it fills you with strength, power, joy.

3. As you exhale, imagine a brown stream flowing into your feet. It travels up your legs, through your entire body, and out of your head through the top of your head. This is earthly energy, it will calm you down, give you confidence and stability.

On the way to and from work. Recharge yourself with the energy of trees

If you leave the house earlier than usual, you will get a boost of energy from the trees on your way to work. Know that there are trees that help you achieve material well-being.

In the morning you will be in a hurry, you have no time for rituals, so just look at what trees you come across on your way and notice a suitable specimen. He must be healthy and big. Oak, birch, pine, linden and aspen are best suited - these trees, in addition to generously sharing their energy with us, carry monetary potential.

? Birch- tree of abundance. In the old days it was called the tree of life. Birch is gentle and compassionate, its influence is very soft and at the same time strong. Communication with birch is useful for absolutely everyone, especially people with upset nerves. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the effects of everyday stress, and helps restore mental harmony. Moreover, the impact of this tree is long-lasting. The period of maximum energy activity is in the morning from 5 to 9 o’clock.

? Oak is an energy donor. When contacting him, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy. Due to this property of oak, in the magical practice of the North it was used in rituals aimed at protection, increasing strength and endurance, and achieving stable success. It should not be forgotten, however, that this tree is harsh; his aura perceives well only healthy and strong in spirit of people. It is better for a weak person suffering from chronic diseases to communicate with birch. The period of maximum activity is from 21 to 23 hours.

? PineMoney Tree. And not only. If there is a time in your life important point, your fate is being decided and you need to think about your future actions in a calm atmosphere, ask a pine tree for help. The energy of this tree is very strong. It enhances creative abilities, takes away irritation and anger that accumulate in the soul every day, and relieves nervous disorders, feelings of guilt and the evil eye. The time of maximum energy activity is from 15 to 17 hours.

? Aspen absorbs negativity. In the old days, aspen was specially planted near homes so that it would ward off evil spirits (which, in fact, is negative energy). This tree helps well with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, and unreasonable fear. The round leaves of aspen resemble coins, so it is also a tree that brings wealth. The energy peak occurs between 2 and 5 p.m.

? Linden– a tree that extinguishes internal contradictions and gives the energy of abundance. The period of maximum activity is from 12 to 15 hours.

You can get enough energy from trees at any time of the year. However, in winter, the energy potential of trees decreases: deciduous trees - by 50-60%, evergreen trees - by 15-20%. The most successful time of day is the period of energy peak.

Energy contact with wood

On your way home from work, go to the selected tree. Stand under it, leaning your back against the trunk or pressing your chest and stomach against it, put your hands on the trunk, and place your feet on either side of it.

Close your eyes and mentally open up to the tree, imagine how its energy penetrates you and spreads throughout your body. When communicating with a tree, the emotional component is important; you need to approach it with an open heart.

Become one with the tree, imagine that you are it, and it is you, and stand leaning against it, without thinking or worrying about anything, until you feel energized: a sign of a quality session are various shades feelings of tenderness and gratitude to the tree. This usually takes 15–20 minutes, but you can stand longer, but not more than an hour.

Your money dinner

Rice dishes are good on this day. Legumes are also useful - beans, peas, soybeans.

The main ritual of the day: visualization. Create an image of your well-being

To fulfill monetary desires, we will use visualization - a method of constructing an energy model of future events. Visualization works no matter what lunar day it is performed on, but it is especially effective in the first lunar day. There is nothing mysterious about visualization: it affects the energetic essence of things and thus changes the physical world around us. Both worlds - both energetic and physical - are closely interconnected, changes in one inevitably lead to changes in the other. That's the whole secret.

During visualization, we draw “pictures” in our imagination, thereby creating an energetic image of the desired event. And if we do this long enough, the “picture” is gradually saturated with our psychic energy and, in the end, “comes to life” - manifests itself on the physical plane. Visualization works subject to systematic practice, which, of course, requires persistence and a fair amount of patience. But the first lunar day is magical! If you don't miss the few hours it is limited to and do a good visualization session, that will be enough. Until next first lunar day you may not remember it.

What is important to do before visualization

It is important to perform visualization in a state of relaxation. “Pictures” must be fixed, imprinted in the deep levels of your psyche, and this is achieved only with muscle relaxation. Therefore, the time before bed is ideal for visualization: you are already in the mood for rest, the brain is ready to go into sleep mode.

But there are interferences - events and thoughts of the past day that you continue to experience. We need to get rid of them. Physical exercise, a contrast shower will switch your consciousness to the sensations inside the body. As soon as you feel tired and want to fall asleep, start visualization. The following exercise will help you achieve a state of detachment from thoughts.

Lie on your back. Place your arms along your body, place your feet approximately palm-width apart, and close your eyes. In this position, relax all your muscles. When you feel that you have succeeded, imagine yourself soaring in the sky or flying on a cloud. Lie in this state for several minutes, and then, without changing your position or opening your eyes, remaining in a state of relaxation, begin to draw in your mind an image of your future well-being.

Imagine your wish coming true

Draw a mental “picture” directly in front of you – at the level of the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows, in the “third eye” area. You must imagine the wish ALREADY FULFILLED. This is fundamentally important! There is no need to think about how you will act to make your dream come true. The wish has already come true, and your task is to draw a “picture” that illustrates this.

You want to improve your well-being. So imagine yourself surrounded by the things you would like to have. Please note: you must imagine YOURSELF surrounded by the things you want. What you dream about should be NEAR YOU. If you are not in the “picture”, the visualization will not work. Or rather, it will work, but all this will not be received by you, but by someone from your environment - neighbors, for example. I do not recommend presenting money directly, because it is not a goal, but a means to achieve something. What is important is not the mere presence of colorful pieces of paper, but the fact that with their help you can get a lot. This is a lot that needs to be imagined. Today we are not so much attracting money as we are forming an image of the future, to which they will then naturally be attracted. Imagine yourself in luxurious interiors, while traveling to foreign resorts, in expensive stores where you can buy anything. But dream about what can really come true - we are not playing in a fairy tale now, but creating the future. If you set yourself obviously unattainable goals, you will be tormented by doubts, and doubts are poison for visualization.

Draw bright and lively “pictures”

Try to make the imaginary “pictures” bright, clear, alive and detailed. “Write” each scene into a model of your financial future. The “picture” should not contain any uncertainties, doubts and, especially, worries about how the plan will be realized. If you can't build clear images, focus on emotions. Mastering visualization requires some practice, but mastery will come with time. Even if at first your “picture” is not complete, this should not bother you. Gradually you will practice and “draw” the missing details.

Cast aside all doubts about the correctness of the “picture”! Thought images different people are very different from each other. It depends on the individual characteristics perception. Some people draw a “picture” in the form of some abstract idea and feel the mood with which it is imbued more strongly than they see the image itself. Others imagine the desired event in the form of a film, where scenes follow one another. Still others build mental images in accordance with events seen in the past. Visualization can even be based on images from films, magazines, and books. There are no restrictions here: visualize based on your own capabilities and characteristics, do it in a way that is convenient for you.

The Key to Successful Visualization

And finally, the most important thing! Why do you think all this is needed: to imagine bright “pictures”, to include yourself in them, to cast aside doubts and worries? First of all, to give yourself an emotional upsurge, a feeling that you already have what you want. You must be “on fire” with your dream! Without this “spark,” the “flame will not ignite,” no matter how hard you try. The energy image you create will “wither” if emotions are not invested in it. A “picture” that is not filled with emotional energy is empty; it will dissipate in space as soon as you stop imagining it.

The purpose of visualization is primarily emotions, the quality of the “image” is of secondary importance. Everything that happens in our lives is formed not by images built in our heads, but emotional states who follow them. Remember how many times you mentally scrolled through possible negative scenarios without getting emotionally involved in them, and no troubles occurred after such visualization. And it happened, before some important matter the blues begin: “What if nothing works out?!?” - and sure enough, the case fails. It's all about emotions. If the “picture” is saturated with emotions, if you manage to evoke in yourself a joyful feeling that your desire has come true and not lose it in the future, these emotions will become dominant in your psyche. Namely, it is the dominant emotions that shape our destiny.

Enclose the finished “picture” in a shining blue oval

When you clearly see your wish come true with your eyes closed, mentally outline the image with a blue glow. By this you confirm your intention, as if saying “so be it,” “this is my will,” “amen.”

So, the mission of the first lunar day is completed. The first stone has been laid in the foundation of your well-being; you can go to bed with peace of mind. In the following days you will simply add brick by brick.

From the book The Moon makes your wishes come true with money. Lunar money calendar for 30 years until 2038 author Azarov Juliana

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Touch the most ancient and effective magic - the magic of the Moon! Invisible lunar fluids control our world and us - our actions, thoughts, feelings, our subconscious. Ancient and modern so-called magical rituals from a specialist in the field of managing the energies of well-being will help you “tame” the powerful energy of the Moon and direct it where you need it most - to attract money and improve your financial situation. Each day of the lunar cycle is scheduled literally hour by hour so that you can make the most of the “money” opportunities that the Moon provides.

A series: Academy of Health and Luck

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by liters company.

1st lunar day

Determine your desires, attract money energy

On the first lunar day (note - it is often short and lasts only a few hours!) we do not see the Moon in the sky, but its influence on us does not decrease because of this, but on the contrary, it becomes stronger. It is not without reason that in folk magic many rituals for protection, healing, wealth and prosperity are performed on the new moon. Because what you wished for on the first lunar day comes true! Indeed, during this period you can give your thoughts enormous power.

On the first day of the lunar month, it is important to put your thoughts in order, think over plans, and determine goals for the near future. It’s great if you have the opportunity to gather all the household members over tea and organize a “family council” where you will discuss important issues affecting the life of the whole family. At the same time, it is best to write down all the decisions you make on paper - written words have more power.

Write down your thoughts and plans even if you make decisions alone - this will also give your desires “acceleration”. The more detailed you describe your wishes, the more accurately they will come true. However, remember that the first lunar day is good for planning; do not rush to implement your decisions - the subsequent days of the lunar month are more suitable for this.

But what needs to be done is to clearly define your desires and set a program for their implementation. Our main tool in this matter will be visualization.

Classic meditation for energizing abundance

Ideally, this meditation should be done at sunrise. Sunrise is the awakening of all energies of existence. At sunrise you will find yourself riding a wave of rising energy. But since the rhythm of our lives does not always allow us to combine getting up in the morning with sunrise, you can easily meditate at the time when you usually wake up.

1. Lie on your back, close your eyes, breathe into your stomach, slowly and deeply. As you inhale, the stomach swells slightly, and as you exhale, it retracts.

2. As you inhale, imagine that golden light is entering your head through the crown, as if the Sun is rising next to your head. Try not to think about anything - in the morning, immediately after waking up, it is easy to achieve a state of thoughtlessness. Your head is empty, and the golden light fills it and then begins to move down your body. Light fills the neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, thighs, legs, feet... Golden light is heavenly energy. Feel how it fills you with strength, power, joy.

3. As you exhale, imagine a brown stream flowing into your feet. It travels up your legs, through your entire body, and out of your head through the top of your head. This is earthly energy, it will calm you down, give you confidence and stability.

On the way to and from work. Recharge yourself with the energy of trees

If you leave the house earlier than usual, you will get a boost of energy from the trees on your way to work. Know that there are trees that help you achieve material well-being.

In the morning you will be in a hurry, you have no time for rituals, so just look at what trees you come across on your way and notice a suitable specimen. He must be healthy and big. Oak, birch, pine, linden and aspen are best suited - these trees, in addition to generously sharing their energy with us, carry monetary potential.

Birch- tree of abundance. In the old days it was called the tree of life. Birch is gentle and compassionate, its influence is very soft and at the same time strong. Communication with birch is useful for absolutely everyone, especially people with upset nerves. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the effects of everyday stress, and helps restore mental harmony. Moreover, the impact of this tree is long-lasting. The period of maximum energy activity is in the morning from 5 to 9 o’clock.

Oak is an energy donor. When contacting him, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy. Due to this property of oak, in the magical practice of the North it was used in rituals aimed at protection, increasing strength and endurance, and achieving stable success. It should not be forgotten, however, that this tree is harsh; his aura only responds well to healthy and strong-willed people. It is better for a weak person suffering from chronic diseases to communicate with birch. The period of maximum activity is from 21 to 23 hours.

Pine- Money Tree. And not only. If an important moment has come in your life, your fate is being decided and you need to think about your future actions in a calm atmosphere, ask a pine tree for help. The energy of this tree is very strong. It enhances creative abilities, takes away irritation and anger that accumulate in the soul every day, and relieves nervous disorders, feelings of guilt and the evil eye. The time of maximum energy activity is from 15 to 17 hours.

Aspen absorbs negativity. In the old days, aspen was specially planted near homes so that it would ward off evil spirits (which, in fact, is negative energy). This tree helps well with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, and unreasonable fear. The round leaves of aspen resemble coins, so it is also a tree that brings wealth. The energy peak occurs between 2 and 5 p.m.

Linden– a tree that extinguishes internal contradictions and gives the energy of abundance. The period of maximum activity is from 12 to 15 hours.

You can get enough energy from trees at any time of the year. However, in winter, the energy potential of trees decreases: deciduous trees - by 50-60%, evergreen trees - by 15-20%. The most successful time of day is the period of energy peak.

Energy contact with wood

On your way home from work, go to the selected tree. Stand under it, leaning your back against the trunk or pressing your chest and stomach against it, put your hands on the trunk, and place your feet on either side of it.

Close your eyes and mentally open up to the tree, imagine how its energy penetrates you and spreads throughout your body. When communicating with a tree, the emotional component is important; you need to approach it with an open heart.

Become one with the tree, imagine that you are it, and it is you, and stand leaning against it, without thinking or worrying about anything, until you feel energized: a sign of a quality session are different shades of feelings of tenderness and gratitude to the tree. This usually takes 15–20 minutes, but you can stand longer, but not more than an hour.

Your money dinner

Rice dishes are good on this day. Legumes are also useful - beans, peas, soybeans.

The main ritual of the day: visualization. Create an image of your well-being

To fulfill monetary desires, we will use visualization - a method of constructing an energy model of future events. Visualization works no matter what lunar day it is performed on, but it is especially effective on the first lunar day. There is nothing mysterious about visualization: it affects the energetic essence of things and thus changes the physical world around us. Both worlds - both energetic and physical - are closely interconnected, changes in one inevitably lead to changes in the other. That's the whole secret.

During visualization, we draw “pictures” in our imagination, thereby creating an energetic image of the desired event. And if we do this long enough, the “picture” is gradually saturated with our psychic energy and, in the end, “comes to life” - manifests itself on the physical plane. Visualization works subject to systematic practice, which, of course, requires persistence and a fair amount of patience. But the first lunar day is magical! If you don't miss the few hours it is limited to and do a good visualization session, that will be enough. Until the next first lunar day, you may not remember about it.

What is important to do before visualization

It is important to perform visualization in a state of relaxation. “Pictures” must be fixed, imprinted in the deep levels of your psyche, and this is achieved only with muscle relaxation. Therefore, the time before bed is ideal for visualization: you are already in the mood for rest, the brain is ready to go into sleep mode.

But there are interferences - events and thoughts of the past day that you continue to experience. We need to get rid of them. Physical exercises and contrast showers will switch your consciousness to the sensations inside the body. As soon as you feel tired and want to fall asleep, start visualization. The following exercise will help you achieve a state of detachment from thoughts.

Lie on your back. Place your arms along your body, place your feet approximately palm-width apart, and close your eyes. In this position, relax all your muscles. When you feel that you have succeeded, imagine yourself soaring in the sky or flying on a cloud. Lie in this state for several minutes, and then, without changing your position or opening your eyes, remaining in a state of relaxation, begin to draw in your mind an image of your future well-being.

Imagine your wish coming true

Draw a mental “picture” directly in front of you – at the level of the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows, in the “third eye” area. You must imagine the wish ALREADY FULFILLED. This is fundamentally important! There is no need to think about how you will act to make your dream come true. The wish has already come true, and your task is to draw a “picture” that illustrates this.

You want to improve your well-being. So imagine yourself surrounded by the things you would like to have. Please note: you must imagine YOURSELF surrounded by the things you want. What you dream about should be NEAR YOU. If you are not in the “picture”, the visualization will not work. Or rather, it will work, but all this will not be received by you, but by someone from your environment - neighbors, for example. I do not recommend presenting money directly, because it is not a goal, but a means to achieve something. What is important is not the mere presence of colorful pieces of paper, but the fact that with their help you can get a lot. This is a lot that needs to be imagined. Today we are not so much attracting money as we are forming an image of the future, to which they will then naturally be attracted. Imagine yourself in luxurious interiors, traveling to foreign resorts, in expensive stores where you can buy anything. But dream about what can really come true - we are not playing in a fairy tale now, but creating the future. If you set yourself obviously unattainable goals, you will be tormented by doubts, and doubts are poison for visualization.

Draw bright and lively “pictures”

Try to make the imaginary “pictures” bright, clear, alive and detailed. “Write” each scene into a model of your financial future. The “picture” should not contain any uncertainties, doubts and, especially, worries about how the plan will be realized. If you can't build clear images, focus on emotions. Mastering visualization requires some practice, but mastery will come with time. Even if at first your “picture” is not complete, this should not bother you. Gradually you will practice and “draw” the missing details.

Cast aside all doubts about the correctness of the “picture”! The mental images of different people are very different from each other. It depends on the individual characteristics of perception. Some people draw a “picture” in the form of some abstract idea and feel the mood with which it is imbued more strongly than they see the image itself. Others imagine the desired event in the form of a film, where scenes follow one another. Still others build mental images in accordance with events seen in the past. Visualization can even be based on images from films, magazines, and books. There are no restrictions here: visualize based on your own capabilities and characteristics, do it in a way that is convenient for you.

The Key to Successful Visualization

And finally, the most important thing! Why do you think all this is needed: to imagine bright “pictures”, to include yourself in them, to cast aside doubts and worries? First of all, to give yourself an emotional upsurge, a feeling that you already have what you want. You must be “on fire” with your dream! Without this “spark,” the “flame will not ignite,” no matter how hard you try. The energy image you create will “wither” if emotions are not invested in it. A “picture” that is not filled with emotional energy is empty; it will dissipate in space as soon as you stop imagining it.

The purpose of visualization is primarily emotions, the quality of the “image” is of secondary importance. Everything that happens in our lives is formed not by the images built in our heads, but by the emotional states that follow them. Remember how many times you mentally scrolled through possible negative scenarios without getting emotionally involved in them, and no troubles occurred after such visualization. And sometimes, before some important task, the blues begin: “What if nothing works out?!?” - and sure enough, the case fails. It's all about emotions. If the “picture” is saturated with emotions, if you manage to evoke in yourself a joyful feeling that your desire has come true and not lose it in the future, these emotions will become dominant in your psyche. Namely, it is the dominant emotions that shape our destiny.

Enclose the finished “picture” in a shining blue oval

When you clearly see your wish come true with your eyes closed, mentally outline the image with a blue glow. By this you confirm your intention, as if saying “so be it,” “this is my will,” “amen.”

So, the mission of the first lunar day is completed. The first stone has been laid in the foundation of your well-being; you can go to bed with peace of mind. In the following days you will simply add brick by brick.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Lunar calendar for attracting money. 100 money rituals strengthened by the Moon (Yuliana Azarova, 2008) provided by our book partner -