Russian Air Force Day. Russian Air Fleet Day

Russian Air Fleet Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of August. In 2019, it is celebrated on August 18. All aviation employees participate in the ceremonial events: pilots, flight attendants, airport support staff, and maintenance departments. Employees join the celebration aircraft factories, design bureaus, teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

Aviation moves people and cargo over significant distances in relatively a short time. Aircraft carry out important military operations: they participate in combat missions and supply units with equipment and food. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists who work in this industry.


On Russian Air Fleet Day, aviation workers accept congratulations. Management presents certificates of honor and valuable gifts to distinguished employees. Colleagues gather for festive tables. Events take place in cafes, restaurants or outdoors. The picnic is accompanied by fishing and swimming in ponds, and cooking over an open fire. Those gathered make wishes and toast that the number of takeoffs coincides with the number of landings, exchange experiences, and discuss technical innovations.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the history of aviation. Pilots, flight attendants, and dispatchers talk about their career paths and incidents during flights.

This day also marks the occasion of Air Force Day.


The first celebrations took place in 1933, after the publication of Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 28, 1933 No. 859 “On the celebration of Air Fleet Day USSR" The document prescribed that the event be held annually on August 18.

The tradition of celebration was preserved in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. September 28, 1992 Presidium Supreme Council Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 3564-1 “On the establishment of the Russian Air Fleet Day holiday.” The document formalized the holding of ceremonial events annually on the third Sunday of August.

About the profession

Air fleet pilots provide and conduct flights. They are required to operate the aircraft in accordance with established rules and regulations. Maintenance personnel troubleshoot equipment, replace it, and check its functionality.

The path to the profession begins with graduation from a specialized educational institution. The graduate receives the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Before becoming an employee of the air fleet, you must pass certification.

The crew of ships has the right to retire before the established age. This is due to the harmfulness and danger of the profession, which come not only from technology and nervous tension. IN upper layers In the atmosphere where airplane routes lie, the radiation level is several times higher than on Earth.

Let's consider Air Force Day in 2016, what date it is celebrated. IN this year the date falls on August 12, as, indeed, in all other years. Unlike other professional days, this holiday has its own constant date, which was established a long time ago and has been observed since then.

As for the modern date for celebrating this event, it was set for August 12 only in 2006 by a corresponding decree of the President of Russia. But this day in the history of domestic aviation has a long history and it began back in 1912. It was then that the first decree was signed, which spoke of the creation of an air force. Russian Empire. It existed for only five years, but even during this period it was able to show results and achieve important successes. Prepare a delicious cake in honor of the holiday.

History of Soviet and Russian aviation

Air Force Day in 2016, what date and where will it be held? Each city will have its own places, but most often mass events are held in parks and on the main squares of cities and towns. In 1914, the Imperial fleet fleet consisted of 263 aircraft, which was more than in any other country in the world. By 1917, the moment of the October Revolution and the complete change of power, the fleet already had seven hundred aircraft.

Of course, the new Bolshevik government understood how important the development of aviation was for the country. Therefore, a complete change in the leadership and course of the country’s development did not stop the construction of new aircraft factories already in the Soviet Union. In particular, by the beginning of World War II, the USSR produced five dozen aircraft per day. Moreover, after the start of the war, aircraft production was doubled and already in the fall of 1941, one hundred new aircraft rolled off the assembly line every day.

The Great Patriotic War ended, but the country's air force continued to develop. Its power was constantly growing, but the Air Force Day holiday itself was celebrated by military pilots only in their own circles; this event did not yet exist at the national level. However, soon the holiday will receive its well-deserved and official development.

Interesting! Air Force Day in 2016, which date is celebrated only by military pilots in Chelyabinsk and other cities, the holiday falls on August 12. However, there is a holiday on the third Sunday of August, this is the 16th of the current year, when they celebrate the day of the Russian Civil Air Fleet.

It turns out that it is military pilots in Russia who are congratulated on their professional day on August 12, but civilian pilots and everyone who works in civil aviation would be correctly congratulated on August 16 this year or on the third Sunday of August in any other year.

More from aviation history

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first foreign aircraft appeared in Russia. At first, the craftsmen were engaged in the maintenance and repair of foreign aircraft, and already in 1909, such a repair plant near St. Petersburg was re-equipped and began to produce domestic aircraft. The first airplane was assembled in Russia in 1910. If the holiday is outdoors, here are options on how to marinate the kebab deliciously.

Interestingly, the area of ​​this first plant was only 4000 square meters, and Steam engine with a power of only 60 horsepower, it provided the plant with energy. The best engineers were engaged in the development of aircraft assembly in our country, and foreign specialists were invited.

In any case, inviting a French engineer to build an aircraft in Russia was two times cheaper than buying it already finished car in Europe. At the same time, experts recognized that Russian aircraft were of high quality and in many respects superior to their Western counterparts in terms of accuracy of execution.

At the time of sale, the first Russian aircraft had never flown, but by that time its cost was high, it received silver medal from the country's military ministry. This happened at the third automobile exhibition in the spring of 1910, the event took place in the capital of the Russian Empire.

Russian aircraft manufacturers had privileged conditions and this activated the desire to work efficiently and successfully. Soon, one aircraft was being produced every two weeks, although the plant's original capacity was set at just one aircraft per month.

Interesting! By the beginning of the First World War, several aircraft factories were already operating in Russia. In the short years of its existence, the air fleet of the Russian Empire managed to receive the title of the best in the world.

About naval aviation

When we talk about Russian aviation, we definitely need to talk about a special date - this is Naval Aviation Day. If Aviation Day, when military pilots are congratulated in our country, is celebrated on August 12, then Naval Aviation Day is celebrated every year on July 17. The date was also not chosen by chance; it was on this date in 1916 that Russian military pilots were first stationed at the base of the Baltic Fleet, giving battle to German aviators and completely defeating them.

Already in 1917, it was established that every year Naval Aviation Day would be celebrated on July 17; today this tradition is still preserved. Note that naval aviators took an active part in the Great Patriotic War, showing heroism, courage and bravery. These days in modern Russia naval aviation is developing. A wonderful snack for drinking - Korean-style cabbage: a recipe at home.

Air Force Day in 2016, what date is it celebrated - August 12, on this day, the date of the holiday does not change every year, it is military pilots who are congratulated. As for civil aviation pilots, it would be more correct to congratulate them on Civil Aviation Day, which falls on the third Sunday of August every year. The date of the second holiday changes from year to year; this year it falls on the 16th.

Memorable dates

ELISEEV Sergey Pavlovich- retired colonel, candidate of historical sciences (Moscow. E-mail: [email protected])

About two dates for celebrating the Day of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR

To the 100th anniversary of the creation of domestic aviation

On August 12, 2012, Russia will celebrate the centenary of the Air Force Armed Forces RF. Which historical events hundred years ago caused this? After all, it is known that the first military pilots appeared in Russia already in 1910, and a year later the first aviation units appeared. Why does Russian Air Force Day fall on last month summer, why was this date chosen? The answers to these questions are related to the history of the development of aviation in our country.

IN Soviet times From 1933 to 1972, August 181 was celebrated as USSR Air Fleet Day. The following was reported about its establishment in No. 6 of the magazine “Bulletin of the Air Fleet” for 1933:

“On the recommendation of the Chief of the Military Air Forces of the Red Army, Comrade Alksnis, the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR initiated a petition to the Government to establish an Air Fleet Holiday Day.

On this occasion, a resolution was passed by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, according to which August 18 was designated as the day of the annual holiday of the Air Fleet.

The holiday is timed to coincide with the end of the summer period of combat training of the Air Force, which makes it possible to combine the holiday with a number of competitions in aviation technology, aerobatics, fire and tactical training.

Air Fleet Day can also be used to widely popularize military and civil aviation among the working masses Soviet Union. At the massive aviation festival, in which the Red Army Air Force, the Civil Air Fleet, the Soviet aviation industry and Osoaviakhim should take part, achievements in the field of aviation technology and aviation construction will be demonstrated as a powerful means of socialist construction, the development of technology and the strengthening of the air defense of the Soviet Union”2.

The resolution itself was found in one of the collections of the Russian State Library3. Noteworthy is the brevity of the text and the absence of any references to the documents that served as the reason for issuing this resolution of April 28, 1933, No. 859.

After the publication of this message, the Air Force of the Red Army, the Civil Air Fleet of the USSR, the Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction of the USSR, aviation industry enterprises and other institutions and institutions of the country began to prepare for the first celebration of Air Fleet Day. The most solemn and important event scheduled for August 18 was the holding of an aviation festival in Moscow, at the Central Airfield named after M.V. Frunze.

The first celebration of Air Fleet Day was held at a high organizational level. Muscovites, guests of the capital, and representatives of foreign countries gathered at the airfield and near it. During the celebration, samples of Soviet aviation technology, the skill and courage of aviators were shown. The air parade was attended by members of the Soviet government and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, headed by I.V. Stalin. From this day on, August 18 became a national holiday, however, despite the fact that the Day of the “entire” Air Fleet was declared, that is, all aviation of the USSR, including aviation of the Navy, Civil Air Fleet, Osoaviakhim, etc., the Air Force of the Red Army and in number , and in terms of the variety of problems solved, they played a leading role in this holiday.

As the importance of other components of the USSR Air Fleet grew, USSR Civil Aviation Day (February 9), Navy Aviation Day, etc. appeared.

It would be logical to assume that the Air Force, called upon to solve combat missions in land as well as naval theaters of war (long-range aviation), they will want to have “their own” Day.

Responding to requests from military aviators, the President of the Russian Federation, by his decree No. 949 of August 29, 1997, declared the date August 12 as Air Force Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

However, not everyone knows why this particular date was chosen. After all, the first military pilots appeared in Russia in the summer of 1910, and the first aviation detachments in 1911. The first demonstration of the capabilities of aviation technology in the capital - the “first aviation week” - took place in St. Petersburg in April 1910, and already in May, flight training began for Russian aeronautical officers in the newly created Aviation Department of the Officer Aeronautical School in Gatchina. Since 1914, the aviation department has become the Gatchina military aviation school.

In November 1910, near Sevastopol, on the banks of the river. Kacha, under the patronage of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, the second aviation educational institution: Sevastopol Aviation Officer School, but unlike Gatchina, it functioned on a voluntary basis. Therefore, aircraft for the Gatchina school were purchased abroad by the military department, and aircraft for the Sevastopol school were purchased there, but with voluntary donations from the population.

In 1911, the Main Engineering Directorate (since 1913 - the Main Military-Technical Directorate - GVTU) created the first two aviation squads at aeronautical units. True, flights in them began only in 1912. Thus, the first sprouts of aviation arose in the Aeronautical Service, which belonged to the engineering troops.

However, on July 30 (new style - August 12), 1912, by order of the Minister of War (with the approval of Nicholas II) No. 397, aviation detachments were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate General Staff(GU GS)4. This was a significant event, since aviation was officially recognized as an independent “Aviation Service”, performing reconnaissance and communications tasks in the troops, and independently of the Aeronautical Service.

As a result, from the experimental air squads attached to some aeronautical units, aviation became an independent structural entity with the corresponding position and staff. To manage aviation and aeronautical units, in the fall of 1912, the Aeronautical Department was formed at the Main General Staff, which had an aviation and aeronautical department. Common name department - “aeronautics” should not mislead readers, since the concept of “aeronautics” meant (until about 1920) “flying in the air” in general, regardless of what aircraft, heavier or lighter than air, it was carried out.

Soon, at the end of 1913, decentralization of the control of aviation detachments took place: they were subordinated technically to the GVTU, and organizationally (primarily in terms of recruitment and combat use) to the Main Directorate of the General Staff. In connection with this reorganization, some aviators (and some aviation historians, including modern ones) had the opinion that aviation was again in the engineering corps. In fact, according to the plans of the Russian General Staff, in the event of war, aviation detachments were supposed to go to the front and carry out combat reconnaissance and communications missions there, being operationally subordinate to the headquarters of the corps and armies. With the outbreak of the First World War, this is exactly what happened. Therefore, aviation has de facto become a branch of the ground forces.

But, despite this, the status of the Russian Air Force was still not strictly defined, which was one of the reasons for convening Aviation Congresses in the spring and summer of 1917, first soldiers’, and then general, with the participation of officers.

At the congresses it was recommended to celebrate Air Fleet Day on August 2, the Day of the Prophet Elijah. The Bolsheviks, having come to power, calling themselves “militant atheists”, began to oppose this date: it was not fitting for the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Air Force to celebrate its day on a religious holiday.

Therefore, in the twenties, “Aviation Day” began to be celebrated in July, most often timed to coincide with Bastille Day, that is, July 14.

After the first big show of aviation equipment, I.V. Stalin, and it happened on May 21, 1931, the newly appointed head of the Air Force Ya.I. Alksnis thanked the pilots for their excellent flights in front of the leaders of the party, country and army and for the first time called the pilots “Stalin’s falcons.” And in fact, from that time on I.V. Stalin personally took over the patronage of Soviet aviation, which became the reason for defining it as “Stalinist”.

I.V. Stalin, realizing that a powerful Air Fleet is both the prestige of the country and education younger generation, instructed Ya.I. Alksnis to study the issue of writing new history aviation, in which the leading and guiding role of the Bolshevik Party in its creation was to be shown. It goes without saying that this story should not have mentioned the former chairman of the RVSR L.D. Trotsky and his role in the creation of Soviet military aviation. Following the instructions of I.V. Stalin, Ya.I. Alksnis created a special historical group led by one of the organizers of the Red Air Fleet, M.P. Stroev. This group included former Chairman of the Bureau of Aviation and Aeronautics Commissioners A.V. Mozhaev, former member of the Management Board of the WF of the Republic N.D. Anoshchenko and other participants in the creation of the RKKVVF in 1917-1920.

As a result of the work of the said commission at the end of 1932 - beginning of 1933, several publications about the creation of Soviet military aviation in 1917-1918 appeared in the "Bulletin of the Air Fleet". In addition, in the June 1933 issue of the magazine, in the “Chronicle of the USSR” section, a message was published, the contents of which are given at the beginning of this article.

Some historical documents say that the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, headed by K.E. Voroshilov, head of the Red Army Air Force Ya.I. Alksnis and the Air Force leadership, explaining the choice of this date, proceeded from the fact that the second half of August is the most the right time to celebrate Air Fleet Day, since around this time the Air Force ends its summer training period in camps at field airfields and after joint exercises with ground forces return to permanent place deployment, where the holiday is held with the participation of not only the military, but also civil authorities and the public.<…>

Since time immemorial, man has strived for the sky. And when, thanks to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, this desire came true, the most courageous and daring people - pilots - set off to conquer the azure sky. Air Force Day is a celebration of the bravest and most heroic representatives of this profession. Their daily work is associated with constant dangers, but despite this, each of the military pilots is ready to risk again and again for the sake of a peaceful sky above our heads. From our article today you will find out what date Air Force Day is celebrated in Russia and other countries former USSR, and also find beautiful congratulations on this holiday in poetry and prose.

What date is Air Force Day celebrated in Russia in 2016?

For the first time, a decree on the creation of a new type of troops - the air navy - was signed back in 1912 in the then Tsarist Russia. Since then, Russian military aviation has come a long evolutionary path from plywood piston aircraft to modern supersonic machines, becoming a real “air shield” of our Motherland. What date is Air Force Day celebrated in Russia in 2016? According to the official decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2006, Air Force Day is celebrated on August 12. This date was not chosen by chance, since it was on this day in 1912 that the decree on the creation of the air force was signed.

What date is Air Force day?

What date is Air Force Day celebrated in Ukraine and Belarus?

The tradition of celebrating Air Force Day in Ukraine, Belarus and other republics of the former Union has been preserved despite the collapse of the USSR. True, unlike Russia, this holiday does not have a specific date and is celebrated on different dates. So what date is Air Force Day celebrated in Ukraine and Belarus? In Ukraine it is celebrated on the first Sunday in August (August 7 in 2016), and in Belarus on the third Sunday in August (21 this year).

Beautiful congratulations on Air Force Day

Brave and courageous pilots deserve the most beautiful and touching congratulations on their professional holiday. After all, Air Force Day for them is not just a date, but a kind of landmark, reminiscent of what great value has their work for all of us. Be sure to choose the most beautiful congratulations on Air Force Day for your familiar pilots, thereby expressing your deep gratitude for their dangerous work.

You fly every day,

And your dear planes are waiting.

You instantly rise into the sky,

You just have to take the right course.

You protect your native country from the air

You wish her a clear, cloudless sky.

And we wish to serve you as long as possible,

Wings spread in the sky

Airplanes of all stripes,

Wanting to show strength,

Surprise your guests

Prove that the Air Force

Bad weather doesn't matter

What is airspace

Under the most reliable key.

Everyone who has a holiday

Any relationship

Happy Russian Air Force Day

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

We sincerely congratulate you on Air Force Day,

On a wonderful holiday today,

Let your heaven rush to give you,

Summer weather to soar freely.

Will fly up into the sky like a blue arrow

A steel bird with sparkling wings,

Look around, pilot, and hold on to the helm,

Your work is the best, we know.

Let the sky be a million in a million,

Let all three suns shine in your back,

May only peace reign over your head

Let luck smile beautifully.

Congratulations on Air Force Day in verse

Congratulations - Air Force Day

Congratulations in verse sound solemn and touching at the same time. There is something in these rhyming lines that makes you perceive every word with special trepidation and listen to every wish. In our opinion, congratulations on Air Force Day in verse will appeal to absolutely every representative of military aviation. Especially if you choose one of those universal options which we have prepared for you below.

Those who are courageous, bold,

He deftly plowed the sky.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

Happy Air Force Day.

I wish you to be healthy

Serve the Motherland faithfully.

And in agreement with myself,

Live peacefully and calmly.

Our sky is protected

Valiant air force,

We congratulate the military,

Those who served in the Air Force!

Both in battle and in training

They are not afraid of heights

We wish you peace and love,

Let their life be simple.

Air Force Day of our native country,

Be proud of yourselves, friends.

After all, your courage and strength

Always for the benefit of us, Russia.

May all your dreams come true,

Light, happiness, kindness to you.

There will only be more health,

Good luck the moment will last longer!

Touching congratulations on Air Force Day in prose

Poems - Air Force Day

On Air Force Day, congratulations are heard not only among loved ones, but also at the highest state level. Various festive events are not complete without solemn speeches, in which the main place is occupied by numerous wishes in prose. Touching congratulations Happy Air Force Day in prose, which you will find below, are perfect for both gala concerts and personal wishes.

It's easy to walk on the ground knowing that in the sky you're protected by the reliable Air Force guys. So may the sky be peaceful on your day, may the flights be training, and the weather be good for flying. May your faithful friends wait for you on earth, and may your technology not fail you above the clouds.

You have conquered the heights. Your courage may be the envy of many. You are respected and looked up to because you are pilots. On Air Force Day, we wish you successful flights, serviceable aircraft and cloudless skies.

On this fine day, we want to congratulate those who wear sky-blue shoulder straps and whose heart and mind are completely given to the sky and air. Guys, Happy Day air force We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and express our endless gratitude for your invaluable work. You are the ones we can rely on, being firmly confident in your strength of spirit, crystal-clear conscience and love for your native Fatherland!

Happy Air Force Day for your beloved man

It is believed that men in military professions are not prone to sentimentality. But we are sure that when beautiful congratulations with a professional holiday sounds from the lips of a beloved woman, even the most serious and unshakable men may have involuntary tears in their eyes. Just so touching and tender congratulations Happy Air Force Day for your beloved man you will find below.

VVS-nick is a brave guy,

Watching from the clouds:

Top and bottom and left and right -

He has this overview.

The sky is shining or crying,

Or an enemy raid -

VVS nickname does not hide its eyes

And he doesn’t give up his positions.

On your joyful proud holiday

I wish, dear,

From misfortunes and misfortunes

May the Lord take care of you,

So that my beloved loves,

So that the mother can be calm,

So that you have enough strength

Defend our sky.

Thank you for the clear sky,

Thank you for the radiant sun.

Thank you for a calm life.

For your worthy service.

So that courage, honor

Flowed through your veins.

Vivat, military -

Air Force!

Happy conqueror of the vast skies,

I want to congratulate you on Air Force Day!

I want to wish you, my love, now,

So that your ardent gaze never goes out!

So that you can do more things!

May happiness be your true destiny!

So that you can only be with me forever

And I was able not to forget about military duty!

May heaven protect you endlessly!

Let joy be dimensionless in life!

May you be able to do everything and always be able to do everything!

May you achieve everything you have in mind!

Air Force Day 2016

Russian Air Force Day 2016 is a symbol of the feat of brave pilots, a time of reward for the courage of all those who dedicated their strength, and indeed their whole lives, to our air force. And even if this is a military holiday, are there people who dream of peace more than others than the defenders of the Motherland?

Air Force Day 2016: what date?

The Presidential Decree, signed on May 31, 2006, approves the time for celebrating Air Force Day. According to this document, the Day of the Russian Military Armed Forces falls on August 12. This time was not chosen by chance: it was on August 12, one hundred and two years ago, that the State of the Aeronautical Unit was created in the Russian Empire - the first air forces of the vast Empire. Russian Air Force Day, the date of celebration of which does not depend on the day of the week, that is, is not variable, is celebrated in air military units on a large scale. However, most of the various events designed to celebrate this solemn date are held on Russian Air Fleet Day, which always falls on a day off.

Happy Air Force Day, you will find

Air Force history

August 12, the date when Air Force Day 2016 will be celebrated throughout our vast country, was chosen with reason. It was on this significant day exactly 102 years ago that the Military Department of the Russian Empire issued a decree on the creation of the Aeronautical State - a special department responsible for managing the air forces under the control of the General Staff. This decree was preceded by a number of extraordinary circumstances.

The first milestone on the path to creating an air force should be considered the formation of the Aerodynamic Institute in Kuchino in 1904. Zhukovsky, the father of aerodynamics, began training pilots for the first aircraft of the Empire. However, several more years were to pass before the construction of its own military aircraft.

1910 is the date of a large purchase of aircraft in France. From that moment on, government training of pilots began, and the aircraft were placed at the disposal of the military forces.

The next significant date in the history of Russian aeronautics is 1913. Sikorsky, famous inventor, who had a huge influence on the development of aviation not only in Russia, but throughout the world, builds his famous aircraft - “Ilya Muromets” and “Russian Knight”. The history of Russian aircraft construction began with these aircraft.

The rapid development of the industry could not but affect the military forces. Airplanes become a full-fledged part of the state imperial army, first as a way of conducting reconnaissance, and then as an independent combat unit. Pilot Nestorov, a legend of world aviation, was the first to perform a combat air ram, which became an example of the courage of domestic pilots.

After the signing of the famous decree in 1912 on the creation of a special air unit, one could already safely talk about the presence of a full-fledged armed air force in the country.

Unfortunately, with October Revolution Since 1917, the development of aeronautics has seriously slowed down. However, already in the 30s of the last century, the country rapidly began to catch up with the rest of the world, which had gone ahead in this area. A sharp increase in the number of aircraft, the construction of pilot training schools, the design and construction of our own fighters and bombers - all this became the basis of today's Russian Air Force.