Dismantling the old wiring of the open square. Rules for dismantling electrical wiring. We liquidate a fixed asset: costs of dismantling and accounting for remaining parts

Engineering Communication in old apartment buildings Today, more and more often, after 20–40 years of operation, they fail. And if changing pipes is not so difficult, then with the internal electrical network everything is much more complicated. In such a situation, replacing electrical wiring in an apartment often becomes a problem. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to do this during a major home renovation, since it will not be possible to quickly repair or patch up anything here. Electrical wiring often has to be completely re-wired.

Statement of a question

If the house is old and more than 30 years old, then the electrical wiring in the apartment must be changed without fail and as soon as possible. IN Soviet years it was all made of aluminum wires and according to the TN-C scheme (with a solidly grounded neutral). This option was the cheapest and easiest to implement, and it was used everywhere.

But over time, it became clear that the aluminum conductors, which are under a constant voltage of ~220 V, gradually degrade and become brittle. The inevitable consequence is short circuits and fires.

Plus, the TN-C grounding circuit itself is not very practical in terms of safety. If the PEN conductor breaks, protection against electric shock in such a network actually ceases to exist. Therefore, at the first opportunity or during major repairs in the apartment, such wiring should be completely changed. Moreover, not only electrical wires must be replaced, but also the distribution panel and switches with sockets.

Electrical wiring options

What needs to be done to replace

To replace electrical wiring in an apartment, you must:

  1. Develop a design and wiring diagram.
  2. Dismantle the old network.
  3. Lay new electrical wires (open or closed).
  4. Install and connect electrical installations and lighting devices with switches.
  5. Install a distribution board with protection.
  6. Check the created electrical network as a whole and each individual line for short circuits.

There is nothing fundamentally complicated here. If you have minimal skills in electrical installation, you can do everything yourself. However, such a replacement must be done gradually, step by step, and in strict compliance with the rules of the PUE.

Scheme development

Drawing up a diagram of the wiring of electrical wires throughout the apartment allows you to clearly determine the required number Supplies and scope of work. It indicates all electricity consumers and the locations of sockets, switches, etc.
The main point here is the total power consumption.

When a plan is being prepared for new electrical wiring in a private house outside the city, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications in advance from power engineers for the kilowatts supplied to the site. Usually this is about 5–15 kW.

The apartment electrical network already exists and is already connected to the general building network. And most often the value of the permitted power for it ranges from 1.3–5 kW. Only in modern high-rise buildings without gas stoves this parameter can reach up to 10 kW.
When replacing electrical wiring, you cannot go beyond the established maximum. This will lead to an accident and tripping of the protection on the general network, and then the housing office electricians will instantly calculate problem apartment and make claims. The existing permitted power must first be found out at the housing office, and only then based on these figures and divided into groups of indoor consumers.

Electrical wiring diagram in the apartment


Formally, everything in the apartment is the property of the owner. Therefore, in principle, the internal wiring can be changed as desired. However, if this is done with errors and then an accident occurs with victims, then all responsibility will fall on such a homemade owner.

Strict requirements for approval by the Housing Inspectorate apply only to redevelopment. Regular wiring replacement does not fall into this category of work. But with global changes in the intra-apartment network and its complete reworking with connection electric boiler or electric stoves with high power, you still have to order a plan and have it approved by the housing office (or with power engineers, depending on the region). But simply switching the wires and replacing the old aluminum ones with new copper ones is possible without going through the authorities.

Electrical wiring

Installing electrical wiring in an apartment yourself will cost less than the alternative of calling professional electricians. However, if there are no skills for such work, and “kilowatts”, “RCD”, “grounding” and “amps” are some completely incomprehensible terms, then it is better to turn to professionals. Otherwise, you can take on the task of replacing the wiring in the apartment yourself.

Layout of sockets for kitchen appliances

Preparation of materials

When choosing for indoor electrical installation copper wires According to the cross-section, it is recommended to focus on the following standards:

  1. For electric stoves and other similar powerful consumers, 6 mm2 conductors are needed (the circuit breaker on the line is 32–40 A).
  2. For sockets and for a household air conditioner, 2.5 mm2 is required (automatic 16–20 A).
  3. For lighting groups, 1.5 mm2 is enough (automatic 10–16 A).

It is recommended to install sockets at the rate of one per 6 square meters of living space in a room. If another RCD is installed after the circuit breaker, then it should exceed the circuit breaker in amperes by 10–20%. It is best to take the cable VVG, PVS or NYM.

Types of cable for electrical wiring

If you run a separate wire from the panel to each socket, then their total footage in the created electrical network will be enormous. Usually, distribution boxes for electrical wiring are installed in the apartment and the wiring is done in groups. This option is cheaper and the cable channels require a smaller size.

Layout of electrical appliances in the hall

Stages of work

Replacing the electrical wiring in your apartment yourself requires a lot of work with a hammer drill and construction dirt. Usually, indoor wires are laid in a hidden way in grooves in the walls, which you have to do yourself. It will be necessary to ditch even in panel house, it is not always possible to insert new cables into existing cavities in panels. Often these channels are filled with concrete in some places.

How to hide cables without gating walls

Removing old wiring

Before dismantling begins old wiring in the apartment it must be completely de-energized by turning off the general apartment switch in the switchboard on the floor. After this, you should check the presence of voltage in the sockets using an indicator screwdriver or a voltmeter. Only after verification can you proceed further work for replacing cables.

Marking and preparing walls in the apartment

To simplify the installation of wiring throughout the apartment, you should first mark on the walls all wiring lines and installation locations for sockets, distribution boxes and switches. Then you can begin to groove and cut out holes for the socket boxes.

Marking walls for electrical wiring

Electrical wiring

It is recommended to do internal electrical wiring in a wooden house open method with laying wires in cable channels. And in apartments it is customary to install it hidden. It is then easier to cover such wiring with decor, and the risk of damage to it subsequently is minimal. Fixation of electrical wires in the grooves is done with dowel clamps or gypsum mortar.

Placement of electrical appliances in the corridor

Installation of protective systems

In many old high-rise buildings, it is basically impossible to lay a three-core wire with a grounding conductor from the panel to the apartment. This is not provided for in the project. But in some apartment wiring there is a two-wire one, but it can be easily changed to a modern three-wire one. You just need to connect everything correctly in the panel on the floor.

The possibility of converting the Soviet TN-C electrical wiring to a more reliable version TN-S or TN-C-S should be checked with the housing office electricians. Changing anything on the floor panel yourself is strictly prohibited. You can do this grounding in a private house yourself; in an apartment building everything is much more complicated.

The calculation of the parameters of RCDs and automatic devices should definitely be entrusted to a specialist in this field. Mistakes here can lead to serious problems.

Wiring in a house or apartment can last about 25 years. After which it needs complete or partial replacement. Otherwise, there may be a fire, malfunction of outlets, and electric leakage. Modern wiring stress associated with a huge amount electrical appliances used requires replacement even earlier than the specified period.

In private, panel or brick houses The service life of the wiring is practically the same, and depends only on the load and the quality of the materials used. Before carrying out work, you should find out how to replace the wiring, as well as what materials and tools to use.

Over time, even high-quality electrical wiring in a new private or multi-storey building begins to collapse. Certain areas may deteriorate sooner than others and may require partial replacement.

There are several signs that indicate the need to completely replace the wiring with a new one. These include:

  • emergence unpleasant odor burning, which most often occurs when turning on the large quantity powerful electrical appliances;
  • the appearance of sparks from sockets when devices are turned on;
  • lack of power in some outlets;
  • the occurrence of current leakage through the walls;
  • Wiring easily breaks off, wires lose flexibility and dry out.

These signs indicate the need to urgently replace the old electrical wiring to prevent fire or other dangerous consequences.

Replacing old or laying new electrical wiring - which is better?

It is worth immediately noting that partial replacement of electrical wiring is ineffective and irrational. TO this method can only be used as a temporary measure. The wiring should be changed completely so as not to return to this issue for 20-25 years. Complete replacement electrical wiring includes replacing the panel, sockets and switches.

In some cases, replacing electrical wiring with a new one is impossible. Therefore, you will have to cut off the old lines and lay the wiring along a new one. To make a decision, you need to evaluate the wiring diagram.

For example, in typical Soviet-era buildings, the wiring ran along the floor in special grooves, and a wooden or parquet floor was laid on top. Wires to sockets and switches ran under the plaster or in the voids of the floors. In this case, replacing the wiring is impossible without having to remove the floor and plaster on the walls. Therefore, you will have to cut off the old wires and lay new ones in more convenient places.

The easiest way is to replace the wiring open type. In this case, replacement can be carried out even without the need for repairs.

Therefore, one should first evaluate old scheme electrical wiring, in order to understand which places can be used when replacing, and which ones cannot, and only after that make a decision. If you are planning a major renovation of an apartment or private house, it is better to install new wiring to make switches and sockets in the most convenient places for use.

Preparatory work

Complete replacement of old electrical wiring is a rather complex process, which also includes drawing up a plan for the passage of new wires. This plan should be agreed upon with a professional electrician to avoid any complications in the future.

Preparation for replacing electrical wiring is the most critical stage of work. It includes the following work:

  1. Determining the extent of wiring damage. This will allow us to establish the fact that it needs to be replaced. Experts do not recommend partial replacement. Most often, this only aggravates the problem, and at some point you will still need to install new electrical wiring.
  2. Drawing up a drawing on which all electrical systems of the house should be marked.
  3. Acquisition necessary materials, which include switches, boxes, sockets, wires. All elements for new electrical wiring must be new.
  4. Preparation of tools for carrying out work. To work, you will need a grinder, a hammer drill, an indicator, side cutters, screwdrivers, a level, a flashlight, a mounting knife, pliers, and a soldering iron.

The purchase of wire should be carried out only after the length of the cable route has been accurately measured. When calculating it, allowances should be taken into account so that there is exactly enough wire. Additionally, you need to stock up on rag tape. Replacing wiring in a house with your own hands is a rather complicated process. Therefore, if the preparation stage has already caused difficulties, it is better to entrust the work to professional electricians.

Power calculation

Electrical replacement must be carried out in such a way that there are no future failures or network overvoltage. The power of the electrical network must be designed for all appliances in the house. The power depends on the cable cross-section, so to determine it it is necessary to calculate it:

  • add up the power of all devices connected to the network;
  • additionally add 100 W for each of them;
  • the resulting number must be divided by 220.

If the calculation results in a number in the range of 12–15, then you can use wiring with a cross-section of 1.5 mm. sq. As a rule, for a standard apartment or small private house this figure is normal.

But in some cases it is necessary to install a larger cross-section wire or divide the wiring into 2-3 lines. Using a thick cable may cause malfunctions, so last option is preferred.

Stages of work

Replacing electrical wiring with your own hands requires strictly following the stages of work, as well as following all the recommendations of experienced electricians. Only in this case can you not only get a decent result of the work, but also carry out the wiring so that it does not cause a fire.

Temporary structure

When replacing old electrical wiring in a home, the electrical system in the home must be turned off. But it is needed for the operation of electrical appliances. In this case, you should make a temporary repair shed. It consists of structures made of plastic or wooden beam, extension cord and socket. This design connects to an external meter to completely de-energize an apartment or house.

Removing old wiring

Dismantling of electrical wiring is carried out only after the electricity in the apartment is completely turned off. It is better to use a multimeter to check. Dismantling begins from distribution boxes installed under the ceiling. It is necessary to open the box, find and remove the input wire. If its removal is not possible, it is recommended to trim it as far as possible and isolate it. The remaining wires are also dismantled using this principle.

Walls can be chipped horizontally and vertically. If the work is carried out carelessly and the grooves turn out crooked, this can lead to future emergency situations.

It is best to determine the boundaries of the grooves using a hammer drill, and then manually align them with a chisel. In those places where it is necessary to make an angle, it is necessary to make an oblique cut and knock out a hole. This is best done with a grinder. The absence of corners will allow the cable to lie flat and avoid bends that lead to breakage and damage to the wire.

To create holes in brick walls ah, into which the socket boxes will be inserted, you can use a crown placed on the hammer drill. For concrete walls such a tool will be ineffective, so it is best to use a chisel.

Holes for socket boxes must be made in places where they will be convenient for use. Their locations should be determined at the stage of creating the drawing. Sockets for air conditioners, hoods and other stationary appliances should be placed as close as possible to the place where the electrical appliance will be installed in order to hide the cord.

Before laying wires, it is necessary to prepare sections of the required size, as well as corrugations for them. After which the wires should be tightened into corrugations and installed in pre-prepared grooves. The ends of the wires must be inserted into the socket boxes.

After laying the wires, the socket boxes and grooves must be covered with solution. Then insert the wire into the electrical panel and lubricate it with thermal conductive paste. Connections must be strong and reliable. The shield must be attached to the wall using dowels.

The temporary shelter should be turned off, the wires from the meter and grounding should be routed into the panel. After which it is necessary to isolate the wire from the meter and place it in the electrical panel. The finished structure must be carefully secured, after which the walls can be plastered and further decorative finishing can be done.

Final stage

Replacing old electrical wiring ends with installing socket boxes, sockets, switches and lighting fixtures.

An important step in replacing electrical wiring is to check each branch of wires using a tester for short circuit. To do this, you need to turn on the electricity, then apply current and use the indicator to find phase and zero. This will make it possible to lead the necessary wires to the appropriate terminals.

After inserting the wires into the desired terminals, it is recommended to check them again for a short circuit. If there are no problems, you can turn on the main circuit breaker and supply electricity to your house or apartment. All that remains is to check the operation of all sockets, lamps and switches.

And only after this can you begin to finish the walls and other renovation work. Otherwise, it may be necessary to re-drill the walls to identify places where the wires are poorly connected.

Features of replacing electrical wiring in various rooms

To ensure that replacing electrical wiring in a private house or apartment does not cause problems in the future, you should: Special attention pay attention to the placement of electrical equipment in various rooms. This must be taken into account at the drawing stage. This will allow you to complete the work as efficiently and quickly as possible, as well as ensure ease of use of sockets and switches. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand how to change the wiring in all areas of the house.


Despite small size premises, replacing old wiring in the bathroom and toilet can be difficult. It's connected with high level humidity. If the work is done poorly, you may get an electric shock. And if in another room it is harmless, then humidity, wet and slippery floors can make it fatal for a person.

In addition, equipment is installed in the bathroom high power. It's about about water heaters, washing machines and dryers. And the wiring must guarantee their stable operation.

Therefore, when replacing old electrical wiring in a bathroom, the following conditions must be met:

  • when installing a boiler, you should immediately buy long cords;
  • for electrical equipment, preference should be given to three-core cables;
  • in the bathroom you need to install special sockets that have a special cover to protect them from moisture;
  • the minimum distance from sockets and switches to the bathroom, shower and washbasin should be 60 cm;
  • For extension cords, it is better to install the outlet in an adjacent room.

If the toilet is not combined with a bathroom, the wiring in it is limited only to the lighting branch for the lampshade. Therefore, the wiring can be combined with the bathroom.


When laying wiring in the kitchen, it is recommended to use two branches. One of them can come from the bathroom, and the other should be separate. For electrical wiring, use a wire with a cross-section of 4 mm. sq. In this case, the wire must be in a special containment. During the preparation process, the following connection points should be noted on the drawing:

  • for lighting fixtures (chandelier, additional sconces, spotlights);
  • switches;
  • triple sockets for turning on the stove, oven, refrigerator, multicooker and other kitchen equipment.

For lighting working area It is not recommended to take out a separate branch. Not only does this not comply with safety regulations, but it also makes no sense from an economic point of view. One point can be dedicated to turning on a toaster, blender, multicooker, coffee maker and other equipment that is turned on a short time. For the refrigerator, you should select a point that is located on the opposite wall from the points for other appliances. In addition, all sockets must be at least 60 cm away from the sink.


To wire the corridor, two branches are required - for lighting and sockets. If the corridor is long, you will need to install several lighting points. In addition, it is in the corridor that switches for the bathroom, kitchen and living rooms. In some cases, it is advisable to install sconces near front door. Lighting fixtures, switches and additional sockets for the corridor should be thought out before the electrical wiring begins.

Children's room

There are special requirements for the quality of replacing old electrical wiring in a nursery. If the child is small, sockets and switches should be installed at a level not lower than 180 cm from the floor. It is also best to use special devices with a protective disk that will protect small children from electric shock.

It is recommended to use separate branches for lighting fixtures, sockets and switches. A separate line can be used to switch on household appliances, for example, a heater, TV or computer.

Living rooms

For the bedroom and living room, you should also use three branches of wiring: for sockets, lighting and household appliances. In the bedroom, an additional branch of electrical wiring may have power adjacent to the children's room.

To replace electrical wiring in three-room apartment You will need to use approximately 15 branches. It is not recommended to use a separate branch to install the air conditioner. It must be plugged into an outlet installed near it. This is a safety requirement.

Advantages of replacing electrical wiring during major home renovations

Major renovation of a house or apartment is a troublesome and expensive undertaking. Therefore, many owners refuse to replace electrical wiring in order to speed up repairs and save money. However, major home repairs are carried out quite rarely, so during this time the wiring most often becomes unusable and becomes unsafe.

  1. Replacement of electrical wiring can be carried out in accordance with modern requirements security.
  2. You can install sockets, switches and lighting fixtures as conveniently and functionally as possible. The number of sockets and their location will eliminate the use of extension cords and tees.
  3. If problems arise with the wiring, you won’t have to ruin a fresh repair to fix it. And the new wiring will last at least until the next overhaul.

Replacing electrical wiring in a house is a difficult task even for an experienced person. Therefore, it is important to follow all stages of the work, draw up detailed drawing and also consult an electrician. And if you have any doubts about own strength, it is better to use the services of professionals.

Video on the topic

When renovating an apartment, it may be necessary to replace the electrical system. Preparatory stage is the dismantling of wires and sockets in the kitchen and rooms. Study the wiring diagram to easily locate the wire in the wall and disassemble the electrical panel.

Electrical wiring in residential premises gradually deteriorates. Some problems may indicate the need to replace the wiring:

  • non-working sockets, and they can fail one by one;
  • increased fragility of aluminum wires, which can be noticed when replacing lamps or switches;
  • the presence of sparks when turning on and using various electrical appliances;
  • unpleasant smell of burning plastic.

It is worth replacing the electrical wiring in an apartment after 10–20 years of its operation.

In all cases, replacement involves removing the old wiring.

Dismantling tools

Set for dismantling electrical wiring terminals and other elements electrical system comprises:

  • screwdrivers different sizes: flat and cross-shaped;
  • pliers;
  • electrical tape;
  • indicator screwdriver (multimeter);
  • grinders and hammer drills;
  • flashlight;
  • rubberized gloves;
  • hidden wiring detector.

Dismantling procedure

Before work, be sure to turn off the power in the house or apartment.

Lighting wires

It is not necessary to dismantle the old wiring as the first step. First, you can install new wires. They can be pulled through the cavity of the slabs. To do this, find a junction box, which may be near the door or in the corner of the room.

Open it, unroll all the twists and determine which wires go to the lighting sources. If they run along the ceiling, new wiring can be attached to them.

If this is not possible, then the junction boxes are dismantled, and all hidden wires isolated and left in the wall. The places where these boxes were located are sealed with plaster. You can remove the old cable in the wall later.

If the wires are in the kitchen, the separation may go into the hallway or bathroom, depending on the layout of the rooms.

Removing the electrical panel

Before starting work, you need to prepare a kit for dismantling electrical wiring terminals and check whether the electricity in the apartment has been turned off. After this, you can proceed directly to action:

  • after a power outage in the bathroom or kitchen, the voltage on the panel is checked separately. To do this, you can take an indicator screwdriver. If you attach it to the upper terminals, then regardless of the location of the machines, it should light up on phase, but not on zero. The indicator on the lower terminals should not light up when the machines are turned off;
  • you need to unscrew the clamps on the lower terminals, and then remove the wire strands from them. Similar work needs to be done on plugs, that is, protection devices;
  • after that, remove the fasteners that held the electrical panel and the panel itself;
  • Carefully inspect the insulation of the wires behind the shield and, if necessary, restore it.

Sockets and switches

Removal of sockets and switches is carried out in the following sequence:

  • remove the device;
  • remove the installation box;
  • cover up the resulting hole mortar. You can use plaster or gypsum;
  • After a day you can glue the wallpaper.

If similar electric installation work are held at plasterboard wall, then from a similar material you need to cut a piece slightly larger than the hole itself. It needs to be glued to the wall and additionally screwed with self-tapping screws.

After this you can delete hidden electrical wiring, since finding it in this case will be much easier.

Chandeliers and lamps

The process of dismantling chandeliers and lamps is as follows:

  • de-energize the device - turn off the circuit breakers and RCDs;
  • remove the chandelier from the mounting strip or hook. Before doing this, you need to check again with an indicator screwdriver to see if there is voltage. Disconnect the wires from the chandelier;
  • After removing the lamp, the wires must be insulated to avoid electric shock.

Disassembling the electricity meter

Before dismantling the electricity meter, you must obtain permits. Equipment disassembly is done in the following sequence:

  • de-energize the meter by turning off the switch. Check for voltage;
  • disconnect the wires from the clamps, first remembering their location. For convenience, you can mark them with a marker;
  • pull the counter down and then forward to remove it from the bar.

Important nuances

If electrical wiring is being dismantled in a residential apartment or house, it is impossible to leave the premises completely without electricity. You can get out of this situation as follows:

  • do not dismantle one or two socket chains and the corresponding bags;
  • perform complete dismantling of electrical wiring, but install temporary wires - temporary wires coming from old or already installed machines. They are made in an open way, with all cables protected. There are safety requirements for temporary sheds: the use of a step-down transformer from 36 V is allowed. The location of power sockets is possible only in power panels, and it is better to use extension cords to power tools.

Not all electrical work can be done independently.

The condition of the wires in the house affects the ability to use household appliances, the number and total power consumption of which have increased significantly. Old building codes were not designed for such consumption. During repairs or reconstruction, do not new apartment It is recommended to replace the wire. This will allow anyone to use household appliances without fear of turning off the machines or short circuiting. Here we tell you how to dismantle wiring in an apartment more efficiently, quickly and easily.

If it is decided to carry out dismantling work, it is necessary to prepare for their implementation.

First of all, you need to decide whether it will be enough to replace the wiring directly in the apartment, or whether you also need to replace the input outside the apartment. Agree, having dismantled the old wires and installed a new copper network of sufficient cross-section inside the apartment, leaving a thin aluminum input outside without replacement is somewhat ridiculous.

If it is necessary to dismantle outside the apartment, install and connect a replacement to the distribution cable, the work must be coordinated with the service company. Access to the common house distribution cabinet should be limited. For work outside the apartment, it is better to involve specialists from the organization servicing the house, despite the fact that total cost work on repairing the intra-apartment network will increase.

You must remember that you must turn off the electricity in the apartment. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in electric shock or fire if it is accidentally shorted out.

What tools are needed for dismantling?

The basic set of tools for an electrician who installs and dismantles electrical wiring consists of pliers with insulated handles, a knife, a hammer and screwdrivers of the size needed for dismantling sockets and lighting fixtures. An indicator probe is required to check the absence dangerous voltage. A combination would be useful measuring device– multimeter. To make it easier to find the route of old wires, a hidden wiring finder will be useful.

The work is carried out with the electricity turned off, so you need to prepare a portable lamp with a long wire and provide for connecting a temporary barn outside the work area.

Reasons for the need to replace the old network

Previously, in the construction of housing, aluminum wire of small cross-section with single insulation was used. The lighting and Appliances did not create a large load. Currently, the load is much greater and does not meet the old standards. Aluminum wire has a service life of no more than 30 years. Loss of elasticity leads to flexural fractures. Insulation loses its properties. Operation of aged wiring under heavy loads threatens shutdowns and short circuits. If uncontrolled shutdowns lead to equipment malfunction, a short circuit can lead to a fire.

Replacing old ones electrical wires will increase the comfort and safety of using household appliances, which will more than cover the cost of dismantling and cost installation work new.

Dismantling work plan

Before disassembling the old wiring, it is necessary to think over the route of laying the new one, taking into account possible changes in the location of sockets and lighting fixtures. Then the locations for future installation of distribution boxes are determined. IN new scheme It is also necessary to take into account the laying of low-current telephony, Internet and alarm cables.
If you plan to remove the chandelier or spotlights from the ceiling, the need for special tool– drills, grinders, stepladders, etc. 5. Dismantling electrical wires

To dismantle electrical wiring quickly and efficiently, you need to take into account design features the walls of the room and the future wiring diagram.

If the wire is in the plaster of brick walls, then to reduce labor costs it is enough to first dismantle the socket or switch, grab the loose ends with pliers and pull them firmly but carefully. It is quite possible that the wire will come out of the wall along with the plaster and leave a finished groove in it. This will save you from gating walls during installation in places where the location of switches and sockets will not change.

When the wire is under the sheet of drywall covering the wall, you need to tie a new one to the free ends of the old one. By determining the location of the second end of the old wiring and pulling it, you can very quickly and accurately replace the entire section.

In those places where the old wires cannot be removed from the wall and they do not interfere with the installation of new wiring, you can insulate the old ends and wall them up in the wall.

Removing sockets and switches

In case of replacement of electrical fittings, it is necessary to dismantle sockets, switches and junction boxes. Having disconnected the wires, remove the switches and sockets from the installation box. If according to the new scheme distribution boxes and switches with sockets will be located in the same place on the wall, the box bodies must be removed from the wall as carefully as possible. This will allow you to use the old location to install the new box.

Dismantling of chandeliers and lamps

Dismantling lamps at height requires special measures to ensure occupational safety. Before dismantling ceiling lamps, you need to check the serviceability and reliability of the step ladder. In the absence of a ladder, you can use an adapted stand from a table, bedside table or cabinet, after first making sure that the design used is reliable.

Depending on the design and weight, dismantling the chandelier sometimes requires the participation of assistants. Sometimes such assistance may be required when dismantling large lamps with fluorescent lamps.

When dismantling spotlights, you need to be very careful and attentive. Stretch ceiling is a rather fragile structure. Carelessness or haste can lead to damage to the edge of the ceiling opening, which is very difficult to repair. The presence of strong springs in the bracket design requires measured and confident movements. The step-by-step procedure looks something like this:

  • Remove the lamp from the housing
  • Use a screwdriver to pry up the bottom rim and slowly pry it out to create a gap.
  • Place your fingers into the resulting gap and, feeling for the spring latches, gently press them
  • Take your time to remove the lamp from the groove
  • Disconnect lead wires

When removing LED lamps from a sheet of plasterboard, you also need to be careful not to damage the edges of the installation hole.

Dismantling the electrical panel and electricity meter

Dismantling electrical equipment the shield does not present any difficulties. They are disconnected, and if replacement is not provided, all wires are marked. Depending on the design of the shield, circuit breakers, protection, starters, etc. are unscrewed or removed from the DIN rail.

Everything is very simple, if the electricity meter does not change, this special device electricity consumption metering. Unauthorized dismantling is a fact of illegal interference in the operation of accounting systems and is not encouraged by law. In addition to the factory seal, during installation it is sealed with the seal of the corresponding providing organization. The integrity of the seal must be checked by inspectors simultaneously with the readings being taken. The seals are specially placed in such a way as to prevent penetration under the cover and to exclude the possibility of the consumer reducing the reading of the meter.

Unauthorized violation of the seal is interpreted as the fault of the consumer, with the imposition of a fine and recalculation of payment for electricity.

If you need or want to change the meter, you must call a power sales representative. The report drawn up by him will contain information about the latest readings, the presence of unbroken seals and the removal of seals by him in accordance with the consumer’s statement. The act is an approval for removal and an order for replacement. If you have the act in hand, you can begin dismantling work.

Instructions for using the calculator

We have developed for you a convenient calculator for the cost of work and materials. With its help, you can independently estimate how much you will spend on the work you have chosen and the materials necessary for this.

  1. First you need to choose the material from which the walls of your apartment are made. Hover your mouse over the corresponding window and click on it.
  2. Then decide on the total area of ​​the premises in which the work is expected to be carried out. In the “Room quadrature” form, click on the + or – buttons to enter total area premises in which work is to be carried out. You can also enter manually using the keyboard.
  3. Select in the appropriate fields the number of different sockets you want to install. Think about the kitchen. How many electrical appliances do you have in your household (refrigerator, microwave, Dishwasher etc.).
  4. In the same way, enter the number of lighting fixtures to be installed. Enter the number of switches that will turn them on.
  5. Check or uncheck the boxes “Bell”, “Sign in the entrance”, “Sign in the room” in accordance with your choice.
  6. When you hover your mouse over the question mark next to each form field, you will see a tooltip.
  7. When you have finished entering, click on the “Calculate cost” button. By clicking this button, you will receive a “List of Works”, “List of Materials” and their cost. The amount of the discount provided will also be reflected.

Work and materials cost calculator

For your convenience, we have developed the most accurate electrical installation calculator.

List of materials

  • LEGRAND sockets (France).
  • Decorative frames LEGRAND (France).
  • LEGRAND switches (France).
  • Socket boxes and distribution boxes from HOGEL.
  • Modern, high-quality, meeting all standards, non-flammable copper wire VVG NG Ls or NYM of the required cross-section depending on the load.
  • Corrugated PVC pipe complete with fastenings as needed.
  • Modern high-quality cable for satellite television from CAVEL (Italy) SAT 703.
  • TV sockets LEGRAND (France).
  • Modern cable channels in colors agreed with the customer, either a metal hose with additional internal HDPE insulation, or metal pipes.
  • Internet sockets LEGRAND (France).
  • Splitter (crab) for satellite television.
  • Modern high-quality shielded FTP 5e cable (twisted pair).
  • Modern automation with multi-level protection from ABB (Germany). Circuit breakers, RCD (residual current device), differential circuit breakers.
  • Modern, space-appropriate, compact electrical panel.
  • Consumables: diamond discs, metal discs, drills, terminal blocks, electrical tape, dowel-nails, tires, light bulbs and cartridges.
  • Alabaster and Rothband.

List of works

  • Grilling and cutting walls according to modern technologies for wires, socket boxes and distribution boxes.
  • Installation of cable channels in compliance with aesthetics appearance, or installation of open RETRO wires with an external method of installing electrical wiring. Installation of wires in a modern high-quality metal hose with additional internal HDPE insulation, or installation in metal pipes at internal way installation of electrical wiring.
    Lining of wall passages.
  • Chasing and cutting walls using modern technologies for wires, electrical outlets and distribution boxes.
  • Chasing and cutting walls using modern technologies for wires, electrical outlets and distribution boxes.
  • Laying wires in a groove and, if necessary, in a corrugated one pvc pipe with clip fastening.
  • Installation of socket boxes.
  • Installation of sockets.
  • Checking the system's functionality.
  • Installation of TV sockets.
  • Installation of Internet or telephone sockets.
  • Installation of switches.
  • Installation of light bulb sockets.
  • Installation of modern reliable multi-level automation (RCD, Differential circuit breakers, Protection circuit breakers).
  • Chasing and cutting a niche for an electrical panel. Installation of internal electrical panel.
  • Installation of a specialized grounding kit from leading modern manufacturers.