We do budget renovations in the bathroom: inexpensive options for finishing the room. Where to start renovating a bathroom - sequence of work How to renovate a bathroom

In our difficult times, people often lack finances. But repairs still need to be done. And it is desirable that the bathroom has a decent appearance and at the same time lasts for five to seven years. In such situations, it will be useful to learn how to cheaply renovate a bathroom, spending a minimum of money.

Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation: how to choose budget materials

Today the industry produces building materials of all kinds price categories, designed for the consumer himself different levels prosperity. These can be goods of economical, standard and elite classes. There are also very cheap materials on sale, but their advantage is only in their low price. Quality and appearance such products do not stand up to criticism.

Carrying out the dismantling work yourself will significantly reduce costs.

Many works can be done independently, without involving specialists. For example, lining a ceiling with plastic lining does not require any special skills. Installing plumbing is also not difficult. Toilet, bathtub, washbasin - you can install it all yourself. It is only important to take your time, carefully study the assortment, calculate all stages of the work being performed, then a successful result will be ensured.

As for building materials, it is more advisable to choose economy class and standard products price segment. Both of these types of materials practically do not differ in quality. The same manufacturer can produce similar products under different trademarks. The first will be considered a standard class product, and the second - economical option, and they will differ only in cost. International standards provide for certain quality criteria, for example, density building mixtures hardening must not be below a certain threshold. For economical materials this figure will be closer to the lower value. This statement is true for consumables.

You can do without buying new plumbing fixtures and restore the old one

Regarding finishing materials, plumbing fixtures and other things, low price is not at all the same as poor quality. It is only necessary to take into account the load conditions to which the product will be subjected. For example, floor tiles should be stronger than wall tiles. At correct selection and installation, tiles in the bathroom can last more than fifteen years.

If you have decided to conduct budget renovation bathroom, photo samples of which can be seen in the gallery of this article, you should not purchase elite-class building materials. Their quality is no higher than that of budget products, and they benefit only due to their aesthetics.

Painted walls and well-chosen accessories will make the design flawless

Possibility of economical repairs

In order for the result of the work performed to meet your needs, you need to carefully work out the preliminary project, think carefully possible options finishes and choose the one that suits you best.

The main part of the costs consists of the following items:

  • the price of the work carried out;
  • cost of building materials and transport services.

Thus, it is quite possible to reduce the cost of repairs, and you can save on both counts. If you carefully study the information on how to make a budget renovation in the bathroom with your own hands, we can come to the conclusion that most of the work is quite easy to do yourself, significantly reducing costs.

You can do many repairs yourself

It makes sense to decide to seek the help of professionals only for complex issues, such as installing electricity, installing a water supply, and laying tiles. It is very important that electrical work is carried out only by specialists.

Please note that the cable must be of good quality and well insulated. Only solid wire segments can be used, and the distribution box must be placed exclusively outside the bathroom.

Question, how to do cheap repairs in the bathroom with your own hands excites many owners. To prioritize between savings and quality of room design, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Doing the work yourself. It is advisable to carry out most of the repairs yourself, since the prices for specialist services may exceed the cost of materials. It is better to carry out all dismantling work on your own.
  2. Having your own tool. Need to think about it design features repairs in such a way as to reduce as much as possible dismantling work. A basic set of tools will help make the task easier and faster. In addition, this will significantly reduce financial expenses. It is recommended to have at least minimum set, which will include a drill with a set of drills (preferably an impact drill), a hammer drill with bits, and a cutting grinder with discs for metal and concrete.
  3. Economical materials. Purchasing budgetary ones will help you save a lot building materials. But there are things that you shouldn’t save on, since subsequent replacement may cost more than the initial purchase of quality products. But in some cases, you can reduce costs wisely.

Reducing financial costs for bathroom renovations

If you need a cheap bathroom renovation and quality, Special attention Pay attention to scrupulous planning of expenses. A detailed estimate will help you save a lot of money. A thorough comparative analysis pricing policy market. In addition, on the Internet, as a rule, you can purchase many materials at a significant discount, especially when purchasing in bulk.

Even inexpensive ones, but quality materials you can create a cozy and stylish interior

To enliven a boring interior and diversify the static surface, experts recommend purchasing inexpensive accessories and little things that will add coziness to the room and become an appropriate addition to the design. Additional convenience and decoration can be shelves, hooks, soap dishes, rubber mats, curtains and other decorative elements.

No need to buy building materials and equipment famous manufacturers, since you will have to pay extra for the name. Branded items are a priori more expensive. It will be much more profitable to purchase building materials produced by domestic companies, as well as those produced by our closest neighbors - Poland, the Czech Republic, and Finland. These will be high-quality, certified products. Of course, we are not talking about low-price goods from China. However, their products of average cost will be quite good. Remember that you cannot sacrifice quality and aesthetics for the sake of savings.

Pasting walls with glass wallpaper will help save money on bathroom renovations

Save on ceiling repairs

To issue the original and unusual interior bathroom, and at the same time save money, you should first of all pay attention to cheap methods of finishing the ceiling in the room.

A flat ceiling can simply be painted in any color

Tensile structures look attractive and rich, but they differ high cost. However, the appearance plastic panels no worse. An important advantage suspension systems is that with their help any unevenness on the ceiling plane is easily leveled. In addition, this type of finishing allows you to create multi-level structures. PVC lining is a moisture-resistant material, which means you don’t have to worry about flooding. It is easy to install inside the slatted ceiling electrical cable and install lighting. The price of such a system is quite affordable. Economical options bathroom renovation, photos of samples of which will demonstrate the feasibility of such actions are presented below.

Slat ceiling made of plastic, its practicality is slightly inferior to tension

If the ceiling has only minor irregularities, it can simply be painted. To do this you need to delete the old upper layer coating, apply putty, sand the uneven areas, and treat with a primer. After this, paint is applied in several layers. This type of finishing is very inexpensive and looks quite attractive.

Budget floor finishing

The specificity of the bathroom is constantly high humidity with insufficient air exchange. That's why flooring must be resistant to moisture and wear. Best meets these requirements ceramic tile. If you are considering a budget option bathroom finishing, You shouldn’t buy expensive elite class tiles – you can get by with domestic analogues. In our country, industry produces a lot of such materials, the cost of which will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, markets and stores often hold sales where you can purchase cladding products at a significant discount.

Waterproof linoleum will become a reliable covering for the bathroom floor

There is an even cheaper option for finishing the floor, such as linoleum. There is a wide range of such coatings on the market in various colors and textures. There are even waterproof varieties of PVC linoleum. The main advantage of this material is that it can be installed literally within a few hours. Linoleum does not require gluing - pressed against the baseboard, it will smooth out and level itself.

Wall finishing options

The optimal option for wall surface design in terms of price and quality ratio will be domestic tile, which can be purchased from leftovers at the market or warehouse. By purchasing a discounted product, you can save fifty percent of the cost or even more.

Domestic tiles will cost less than foreign analogues

A plain tile decorated with friezes or decorative inserts will look quite decent. And the price will be completely attractive.

Inexpensive renovations in the bathroom, sample photos of which are presented in the article gallery, can be done by covering the walls PVC panels. There is a huge selection of domestic and foreign designs that deserve attention. Plastic lining Available in all sorts of colors and textures. There are also panels with imitation tiles, marble or wood.

Plastic panels can be used to decorate both the walls and ceiling of the bathroom

Professionals recommend choosing materials intended for outdoor use, since the plastic from which they are made is much thicker and stronger, and therefore will last much longer. PVC panels are easy to install yourself. Such work will not require special skills and will take very little time.

At the right approach, reasonable planning and a well-written estimate, it is quite possible to carry out a budget bathroom renovation. Rational selection of building materials and self-execution maximum part of the work. If you follow the recommendations of experts, beautiful interior will delight your guests and delight you for decades.

Painted walls and well-chosen accessories will make the design impeccable. Many repair work can be done with your own hands. Even from inexpensive but high-quality materials you can create a cozy and stylish interior. Pasting walls with glass wallpaper will help save money on bathroom renovations. A slatted ceiling made of plastic is slightly inferior in its practicality. stretch Waterproof linoleum will become a reliable covering for the bathroom floor

In order to carry out high-quality and relatively quick bathroom renovations on our own and without involving third-party specialists, it is recommended to study the entire sequence of work in detail. However, drawing up a sequence and following it is only half the battle; for a novice builder it is necessary to obtain certain theoretical and practical knowledge that is necessary for working with finishing materials. In order to gain the necessary experience, you need to watch a video of a bathroom renovation, where experienced specialists will not only show, but also talk about the features of all finishing materials. To fully present the specifics of the processes, we decided not to make a photo report, since the picture will not convey all the subtleties of the process. Instead, we have selected several video lessons that will briefly describe all stages of the work in full.

Dismantling of plumbing and finishing materials

After drawing up the preliminary design and purchasing required quantity building material, you can safely begin dismantling old plumbing and finishing that requires replacement during renovation. It is recommended to begin dismantling by removing the plumbing fixtures, as they will interfere with removal old cladding from the walls and floor of the room.

The work stage in this case will be structured as follows:

  • We disconnect the drainage system from the plumbing elements and close this hole from dirt and construction debris;
  • the water supply system is shut off and the washbasin and toilet are disconnected;
  • the bathroom, toilet and sink, along with all the furniture, are removed from the room to free up space;
  • all old water pipes cut down to the main shut-off valve;
  • using a hammer drill, hammer or spatula, remove all the finishing down to the concrete base.

It is important that if the plumbing pipes cannot be replaced, they must be protected from damage when the trim is removed. How to make a withdrawal old tiles You can watch the bathroom renovation video below.

Installation of new plumbing

At this stage of work, the preparation of channels in the walls under new plumbing and its styling.

Important to remember if you have no experience in laying plastic pipes, it is recommended to invite a competent specialist for this work. If you decide to do everything yourself, we suggest watching a video report on how to work with PVC pipes below.

If the pipes are hidden in the wall, then the sequence of work will look like this;

  • using a hammer drill, pipe channels are laid in the wall according to the preliminary design;
  • then the pipes themselves are laid with soldering at the connecting points;
  • pipe for hot water pre-insulated to reduce heat loss;
  • install additional elements in the form of filters, mixers, pressure gauges and water meters.

For a visual aid, you can watch a bathroom renovation video tutorial that describes the installation process.

Preparing walls and laying tiles

After the pipes are laid and brought to the consumer’s installation site, the stage of preparing the walls and laying the facing tiles begins.

It is important to remember that when buying ceramic tiles for cladding, you must first accurately calculate the required amount of material and purchase it with a small margin, in case of damage or cuts.

Before laying tiles, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the wall and floor. For these purposes it is used plaster mixtures and putty, which are applied to the surface for leveling using a spatula and a rule. To level the floor in most cases it is used cement strainer with preliminary waterproofing of corners and joints around the entire perimeter of the room. You can learn more about this stage by watching a video on bathroom renovations.

Installation of new plumbing elements

After ceramic tiles have been laid on the floor and walls and installed suspended ceiling, you can begin installing new plumbing elements in pre-designated places. Installation should begin with the bathtub, since this is the largest element and requires large quantity places for correct installation.

After the bath, the toilet and washbasin are installed in place. Next, the mixers are installed, connected cistern and connecting all elements to the sewerage system using plastic pipes with a rigid or corrugated base. This process will be described in detail by the bathroom renovation lessons presented in the video.

The final stage of repair

At the final stage of the renovation, the final decoration of the room is carried out, which includes the installation of a mirror, the installation of various shelves and additional hangers, the installation of lamps, a washing machine, the placement of bath accessories and decorative elements.

By watching video lessons on bathroom renovation, you will gain the necessary theoretical knowledge and useful tips for repairs, which will help you avoid many mistakes and significantly speed up the work process.

August 26, 2016
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

From my own experience, I know that those who decide to do a budget bathroom renovation often spend even more than those who don’t particularly bother with saving. This is due to a number of factors: from the use low-quality materials before hiring unskilled workers. I will share my experience in carrying out work and tell you how to meet the deadline. minimum budget and get excellent results.

Workflow Description

In order to have a good understanding of all aspects of this topic, I will explain in specific example. So we have:

  • typical room in a nine-story building of the P-44 series;
  • The size of the room is 1.7 by 1.7 meters, the ceiling height is 2.64 meters.

We will look at how much the finishing will cost us; I will not touch on the plumbing, since most often if the repair is done as economically as possible, then these elements do not change.

Stage No. 1 – competent organization of the process

If you want to save on repairs, then these rules should become fundamental for you:

Do it yourself If we consider the cost of specialist services, we will notice a peculiarity: their work costs about the same as the materials. And taking into account the fact that we will use the most budget-friendly solutions, it is easy to guess that you will pay more for the services of builders than for materials. The conclusion is simple: we do everything ourselves and reduce the cost of the project by more than half
Use quality materials I talk about how to make repairs using inexpensive, but not low-quality materials. In pursuit of savings, many begin to go too far and buy the cheapest versions of products, but this is not worth doing, since their reliability and appearance leave much to be desired. I'll tell you how to choose good solutions and still pay a little
Follow the work technology Below I will tell you how to finish each of the sections; the process is described step by step, and there is not a single unnecessary step in it. There is no need to skip individual stages, as this will inevitably reduce the quality of work and negatively affect the final result.
Don't remodel If you want, among other things, to change the layout, then hoping for the cheapest repairs is, to say the least, stupid. Any manipulations with the rearrangement of plumbing lead to the need to rearrange communications, and here there is no point in saving, everything must be done expensively and reliably

Another very important recommendation that directly affects the cost of the project is the use of materials that are easy to work with and that you can lay or attach well. Many times I have completed repairs for those who overestimated their strength and, having completed a small part of the repair, realized that they would not be able to handle it. Then, of course, you need to spend a lot of money on paying the builder.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time and instead of cozy, quiet evenings watching TV, you will have to demolish, level, lay, saw, fasten, and so on. There is no free cheese in mousetraps; you will have to pay for the savings with your time, but if you take all the tips from this article, the costs will be minimal.

You should have a work plan in advance to do economical repair from scratch with your own hands, you need to clearly plan each step and accurately calculate the materials so as not to purchase too much. Just read all the sections below and you can easily create a clear plan based on them.

Stage No. 2 – purchasing everything you need

I will tell you how to prepare a simple estimate for a bathroom renovation - the sample can be adapted to your space in order to carry out all the calculations. An estimate is a list necessary materials indicating their quantity and cost, since we carry out the work ourselves, there is no point in including their cost, unless you assign yourself a financial incentive for a successfully completed project.

Cost calculations are made for individual parts of the room; we will look at each of them and start with the floor. Linoleum will be laid on the floor, let’s figure out how to choose it:

  • Since the room is damp, you should purchase options without a base or based on PVC, since it is not afraid of dampness and mold and mildew do not form in it.
  • The dimensions of the bathroom are 1.7x1.7, the area is 2.89 square meters, but no one will cut the material to our sizes; it is sold in linear meters. In our case, the optimal width is 2 meters, since it will produce the least amount of waste, we need 2 linear meters, that is, 4 squares;

  • After calling all the retail outlets, I found a PVC-based option that cost 224 rubles per square meter. Upon inspection, I was convinced that the surface was durable without damage or defects, the substrate was elastic, and the material... As a result, I paid 896 rubles for 4 squares;
  • To keep the joints of the floor and walls neat, you need a plinth; I found plastic “Comfort” for 56 rubles per piece, 2.5 meters long. We need to close 3 walls, and on the fourth there is a door 60 cm wide with 8 cm strips, that is, the opening takes up 76 cm. The opening is not located in the corner, so on one side we need 20 cm of plinth, and on the other 76 cm, that’s enough for us waste from elements that will go on the walls;

  • As a result, you need to purchase 3 plinth strips for 56 rubles each, 4 internal corners for 35 rubles each and two plugs - right and left for adjoining the door frame, they cost 27 rubles. Adding up all the results, we get (56x3)+(35x4)+(27x2)=362 rubles;

  • To fasten the baseboard we will use liquid nails; I bought a convenient 200 ml tube for 104 rubles.

Now let’s sum up all the expenses: I spent 896+362+104=1362 rubles on Decoration Materials for the floor, if compared with conventional projects, the amount is several times less.

We will level the ceiling with putty and paint it with moisture-resistant paint. white, so we will need the following materials:

  • To level the surface, I use Vetonit VH, which is intended for use in damp rooms and guarantees a reliable result. The ceiling did not have significant unevenness, so one bag of the composition weighing 20 kg, which costs 456 rubles, is enough;

  • For painting we will need paint for wet rooms, I chose the option on latex based. The composition needs to be applied in 2-3 layers, so I bought a 3 kg package, for which I paid 190 rubles;

  • To treat the surface and strengthen it, a primer is needed, I purchased Tikkurila products in a volume of 900 ml for 124 rubles, this is quite enough for our purposes.

Now let’s sum up all the costs: 456+190+124=770 rubles we need for the ceiling.

Let's move on to the most expensive part - the walls, for which I chose PVC panels 250 mm wide and 2.7 meters long - there will be a minimum of waste. This material is not afraid of moisture, it is easy to wash, so it is perfect for the bath.

Let's figure out what we need for work:

  • You need to calculate the number of panels; if their width is 250 mm, you need to divide the length of the walls by this figure. But we must not forget that on one of the surfaces there is an opening measuring 700x2100, on one side there will be one entire panel, on the other three, and above the doors we will need three pieces 540 mm long, that is, we will cut one element. This means that we need 4 whole panels for the wall with the door, remember this figure and move on;
  • We divide the length of the wall of 170 cm by 25 cm, we get 7 panels, we multiply this result by 3 and we get 21 pieces. We add 4 panels from the point described above and we get 25 elements - this is how much is needed to decorate the walls in the bathroom. I found products for 127 rubles apiece, the final costs were 3175 rubles;
  • For installation we will need components, first of all this internal corner, these elements are sold in pieces of 3 meters and cost 50 rubles. We need 4 pieces, that is, the cost will be 200 rubles;
  • On top, bottom and along the perimeter of the opening, I decided to put a starting profile, which is sold in pieces of 3 meters, 4 elements are needed on top, 2 elements are needed to frame the doorway, pieces can be joined at the bottom, since this part will be covered with a plinth, but you will still need 1 a whole piece. A total of 7 starting strips are needed, the cost at a price of 45 rubles will be 315 rubles;
  • We will attach the panels to a block measuring 25x50 mm; it will be positioned horizontally in increments of 30 cm so that the surface is strong and does not sag. With a height of 264 cm, you need to fix 9 rows, we calculate in linear meters 9x1.7 = 15.3 meters, multiply by 3 whole walls and get approximately 46 meters;

  • On the wall with the door there will be less material, 3 pieces 170 cm long, 6 pieces 80 cm long and 6 pieces approximately 20 cm long. In addition, you need to nail vertical strips along the opening, 2 pieces 210 cm long to frame it securely. As a result, we get the following result (170x3)+(80x6)+(20x6)+(210x2)= 1530 cm or the same 15.3 meters;
  • Summing up all the numbers, we get 61.3 meters, the bar is sold in pieces of 3 meters, that is, we will need 21 pieces. Our lumber of this type costs 40 rubles per piece, that is, I spent 840 rubles for the entire volume;
  • I will fasten all the elements using a stapler, I will need staples, a package of 1000 pieces costs 45 rubles, and this is quite enough to get the job done.

  • The block will be secured with dowels quick installation 6x50, about 200 of them will be used for all walls, at a price of 25 rubles, the total cost is 500 rubles.

Let's calculate all expenses: 3175+200+315+840+45+500=5075 rubles.

For clarity, I will show all the results in a summary table:

Bathroom floor
Name of material Quantity Amount, rubles
Linoleum 4 sq.m. 896
Skirting 2.7 meters 3 pcs. 168
Internal corner 4 things. 140
Plug left and right 2 pcs. 54
Liquid Nails 200 ml. 104
Putty "Vetonit VH" 20 kg 456
Latex paint 3 kg 190
Strengthening soil 900 gr. 124
PVC panels 2500x250 mm 25 pcs. 3175
PVC inner corner 4 things. 200
Starting bar 7 pcs. 315
Edged block 25x50x3000 mm 21 pcs. 840
Staples for stapler pack. 100 pieces. 1 pack 45
Quick installation dowel 6x50 200 pcs 500
TOTAL: 7207

As you can see, cheap DIY bathroom renovations are not science fiction or fairy tales, and I did not use the cheapest compositions and materials; everything I purchased is of good quality and attractive appearance.

Stage No. 3 - dismantling old coatings

It is impossible to carry out work without removing the old tiles or removing the worn floor covering. Of course, if your floor or ceiling is in good condition, then it makes sense to leave them. For example, if the tiles on the floor look fine, you can refresh the surface by removing the old grout and filling the joints with a new compound. The same applies to the ceiling: if it is smooth, then you can remove the old coating and repaint it.

But in practice, most often it turns out this way, then you need to do both the floor, the walls, and the ceiling, so I will consider just this option; before making repairs on a budget, you will have to work hard to remove the remnants of the old coatings.

The following works are to be done:

  • Most often on the ceiling old whitewash or paint that has turned black over time. Sometimes there are many layers on the surface, and it takes a lot of time to remove them. I use a scraper, but you can use a spatula, knife and any other device convenient for you, the main thing is that you can remove the old coating;

Old whitewash and water-based paint They will come off much easier if the surface is thoroughly moistened and left for 20-30 minutes.

  • As for the walls, they can either have many layers of paint and whitewash, or old tiles. The compounds are cleaned off as described above, but you will have to tinker with the tiles; for this work it is best to use a hammer drill with a special spatula. If there are no power tools, then you will have to work the old fashioned way - with a hammer and chisel, the work is tedious, but one way or another it needs to be done;

  • Lastly, the floor surface is prepared; in my case, there was linoleum there, so the work was simple: I removed the old coating and got a flat surface, completely ready for work. If you have old tiles lying around, you will have to tinker with removing them from the surface; the same tools are used for the job as in the point above.

Naturally, you need to remove everything unnecessary from the room; you should only have prepared walls left.

Stage No. 4 – finishing the ceiling

It is from this part of the bathroom that I recommend starting work for the simple reason that a lot of dust will be generated in the process, and the putty may fall down. The finishing option I am considering is the most budget-friendly - you can achieve an excellent result with your own hands for the simple reason that the ceiling area is small and it will not be difficult to perfectly level it even with a lack of experience.

The instructions for carrying out the work look like this:

  • First you need to check the plane with a level or a level bar to see what irregularities need to be eliminated;
  • The surface must be treated with a primer to strengthen it and remove dust; the composition is applied with a brush and dries for about an hour;
  • Then the composition is prepared, it retains plasticity for a couple of hours, so I advise you to do no more than 5 liters at a time, your work speed will be low, so you are unlikely to use more. All the features of mixing the composition are indicated on the packaging, so there should be no problems with this part of the work;

  • With the first layer you need to eliminate all significant unevenness; if there are none, then simply putty over the entire surface, creating a kind of base; don’t worry about stains, they will be eliminated. After the surface has dried, the sagging can be easily cut off with a spatula, after which you need to check it with a level again;
  • The second layer should level the ceiling, try to do the work carefully, there may be sagging on the surface, but there should be no holes left, since they cannot be eliminated. As a last resort, you can walk a third time if the ceiling was uneven and you have to create a plane with large differences;

  • After drying, the dirtiest part lies ahead - grouting the surface; bring a respirator and goggles, as when sanding dust will fly into your eyes and enter your respiratory tract. To control the plane, use simple trick: hold a light bulb near the surface, it perfectly shows all the unevenness and allows you to perfectly level the surface at one time;
  • After finishing the work, the surface is cleaned with a brush or broom, after which it can be painted. The work is carried out in 2-3 layers, you can use either a brush or a roller, it all depends on your convenience. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Stage No. 5 - flooring

When considering the question of how to make a floor economically, linoleum will always be unrivaled not only due to its low price, but also to the reliability and durability of the coating. In the bathroom this coating is installed very simply:

  • The surface is cleaned of dust and debris; it can be wiped with a damp cloth to clean it as best as possible;
  • Next, the material is spread, it will go onto the walls, so you need to position it evenly, after which construction or any other sharp knife excess is cut off. Do this carefully, since it is unlikely that you will be able to glue back something that has been cut off by mistake;

  • We don’t have any joints, which simplifies the process, the only thing is that doorway You may need to fix the material; for this you can buy a metal threshold.

Due to the fact that the area of ​​the room is small and there will be a bathtub on the surface, there is no need to glue the linoleum, but if you want to strengthen the coating, you can use double-sided tape. The plinth will be fixed subsequently, at which point this stage can be considered complete.

Stage No. 6 – wall decoration

First, a process diagram is presented, and below each stage is described in detail:

  • The frame is leveled; when attaching the elements, you can put wood chips and pieces of wood under them to derive an ideal plane. A hole is drilled in the block, then a hole in the wall is drilled directly through it and a quick-installation dowel is driven in. You can fill your hand in literally 10 minutes, so the process will go quickly;

  • Then the corners are attached in the corners, and the starting profile is attached above and below, as well as around the perimeter of the opening.. The main thing is to accurately cut the strip at the joints so that everything looks neat. Fastening is done using a stapler, it is very fast and very reliable;
  • A panel is inserted into the upper and lower guides and inserted into the corner, after which it is fixed with brackets to the bars. The work is carried out until the entire wall is finished, the last plank is cut so that it is 3-4 mm wider, the corner or starting profile is slightly bent and the element falls into place. The plastic bends well, but you still shouldn’t be too zealous, do everything carefully.

After finishing the walls you can glue plastic skirting board, do not forget to put corners and plugs so that all the elements fit perfectly together.

This is a simple example of how to do a cheap bathroom renovation, even if you spend 1-2 thousand more, but still the costs are not comparable to those that you would incur using standard materials and hiring builders.


It is quite possible to transform a bathroom while spending a little more than 7 thousand, and I showed this with a specific example. I tried to talk about everything in detail so that you can understand the topic, and the video in this article will clearly show some important points, so that you can better understand some of the nuances. If you have any questions, write them in the comments below.

August 26, 2016

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Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Before renovating a bathtub, you first need to carefully plan everything and think through all the options for the location of the bathroom. After choosing a project, it is worth deciding on the algorithm for repair work and taking all measurements in order to know the dimensions of the room. This way you can determine the amount of materials as accurately as possible and understand what the result will be.

How to plan

You need to decide for yourself what your room will look like in the end result, and only then start working:

Modern renovation

When starting to renovate a bathtub, it is important to decide where to start. The modern range of building materials is so extensive that you can get lost in the variety of colors, textures and technical characteristics.

The market also offers big choice plumbing fixtures of all possible models and variations, decor and cladding. Everyone can find something for themselves and make the bathroom comfortable and cozy.

Tips from experts on creating the interior of your dreams:

Where to begin

A bathroom is a room with high level humidity, possible problems with a ventilation system, frequent temperature changes and lack of natural daylight. Therefore, when repairing, it is worth considering many nuances so that the cladding is of high quality and durable.

Renovating a bathroom is quite a financially expensive process, so it’s worth being well prepared for it. Preparatory stage includes the following actions:

To start renovating the bathroom, we will need the following tools:

  • Wide spatula.
  • A bucket or other container for diluting the solution.
  • Metal rule.
  • Paint brush.
  • Tape measure and pencil.
  • Sharp scissors.

After we have turned off the water in the bathroom, dismantled the old finish and knocked down the old tiles from the walls and floor, plumbing fixtures and pipes, prepared all surfaces, removed all interfering objects from the room, we can begin installing waterproofing, floor screeding and other important measures :

Professionals advise strictly following the sequence of repair work and preparation for it: leveling surfaces, eliminating unnecessary things and old finishes, cleaning from dirt, connecting electrical and plumbing, a plan for the location of plumbing and lighting fixtures. The result of qualitative initial stage repair is shown in the photo.

Now you know the sequence of actions and you can start planning your bathroom renovation yourself. The initial stage of repair work is the most responsible and important, so you should approach it responsibly and seriously. By following the recommendations, you will perform a high-quality rough finish and get the desired result.

Step-by-step instructions for renovating a bathroom and toilet.

In the opinion of most finishers, you should definitely start renovating an apartment from the bathroom. I’ll explain why: this is the dirtiest and dustiest part of the renovation, requiring not only the dismantling of old tiles, plumbing fixtures, doors, and sometimes the entire bathroom walls.

We remove the old

So, the first thing we do is This means taking out old plumbing fixtures: bathtub, sink, toilet... In short, everything that stands, weighs, lies.

Next stage: Using a grinder, we cut off all the old pipes to the tap located on the riser.

Using a hammer drill we knock down old tiles.

It’s important that if the plaster under the tiles comes away from the wall, it’s booming...it also needs to be beaten off.

Dismantling old door with box.

Changing risers. Now we turn our attention to the plumbing and sewer risers. This is a very important part of the repair and they must be changed. After the renovation this will be very problematic. If you are not an expert in plumbing work, then to replace the risers, it is better to invite qualified craftsmen, but you can do the internal plumbing yourself.

Checking the hood. Let's move on to the hood. If we don’t want the bathroom to be stuffy, we need to check the operation of the hood. To do this, we bring a burning candle to the hood and evaluate its performance by the flame: the better the hood works, the more intense the flame is sucked into the chimney pipe. If the hood is not working correctly, we either clean it or install a fan in it.

Preparing the walls and floor

Prime the walls. At the next stage, I suggest cleaning up thoroughly: take a broom and sweep out all the garbage and dust from the bathroom. After all the dust has settled, we take a deep penetration primer and prime the walls.

We install beacons. After the primer has completely dried, we install beacons for further plastering of the bathroom. Beacons must be installed strictly level, maintaining the plane of the wall and maintaining angles of 90 degrees.

Plastering the walls. Have you installed beacons? Let's start plastering. To do this we need a rule, a spatula, a drill and a mixer attachment for the drill. Bathrooms are usually plastered with dry gypsum mixtures, fortunately there is no shortage of them on the market. I usually use Rotband plaster. Take a 12 liter bucket and prepare a solution in it as written in the instructions. Using a spatula, spread the mortar between the beacons of one wall, 50 centimeters from the floor. Then we take the rule, press it against the beacons and pull it up - we get a flat surface. We remove unnecessary things from the rule. And so on all the walls - from floor to ceiling. If there are any small holes left, it doesn’t matter – we then smooth them out with a spatula. If everything is smooth and beautiful, it means you have completed the task.

Leveling the floors. The next stage is the floors. We level them using self-leveling floors. We dilute the mixture as stated in the instructions, maybe even a little thinner, and spread it all over the floor using a needle roller. After drying, the walls and floors are checked for level, just in case, and any unevenness is corrected.

Making a detailed plan of the bathroom. At the next stage we must decide on the design of the bathroom, where? How? and at what altitude? There will be a bathtub, sink, mirror, washing machine (if any), towel dryer, toilet, and a box covering the risers. To do this, we take a tape measure and measure our bathroom - after plastering, the dimensions have changed. Then we take a pencil and a sheet of paper and sketch everything out. Let's call it a bathroom plan. In order for the plan to be accurate, at this stage, we need to buy all the bathroom objects. It is important to remember: if the bathtub is tied to size (I mean that your bathtub is not half the size of a football field, but for example 1m.70cm by 1m.50cm), then the bathtub needs to be bought as long as possible. And if your size is 1m.68cm. – you need to buy a bathtub 1m.70cm. Then 2cm. Let's fix it. This seems to have been sorted out.

Video - turnkey bathtub renovation

We make (sketch) detailed markings of the water supply and sewerage systems. If everything is purchased, then we continue. We assemble a bathtub in a free room. We put it on its legs and level it. As a rule, the height of the legs of most bathtubs is adjustable - we adjust the height to suit ourselves. We measure the height and width of the bath. We transfer the dimensions to the wall in the bathroom. All the same - we do the same with the sink and washing machine. The next thing we do is mark on the walls how we will have water supply and sewerage. The bathroom faucet is usually installed in the center 10 cm above the bathtub - this also needs to be sketched on the walls. The distance between the pipes going to the bathroom faucet should be 15cm. We mark the water supply for the sink based on the structural features of the cabinet and the length of the flexible hoses of the mixer. Under washing machine We mark only one pipe – the cold one. Sewer pipes sketch it at an angle towards the riser (so that there is a drain). If a slight slope can be made under the bathtub and sink, then the outlet under the washing machine should be at a distance of 50 cm. from the floor.

We make (sketch) detailed markings of the electrical wiring. The next thing we do is decide on the electrical wiring. How many outlets will we have, and where - if there is a washing machine, then next to it. Use an electric razor next to the mirror. If you have a backlit mirror, you will need to run a wire under it (decide at what height). If there is a fan, we will take it out under it.

Making grooves. When we have completely decided and sketched, we take a hammer drill and punch it according to the plan. Next, we clean up and prime the grooves.

We install water supply and sewerage. At the next stage, we install a water supply system (comb) and a sewer system. Don't forget to also install water meters and filters. Since our water supply is hidden in the walls, use better pipes made of polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes.

We install a heated towel rail. At the next stage, we invite craftsmen or install the heated towel rail ourselves. Pipes are also mounted into the wall.

We mount the box. So we are left with no closed risers, and we are fixing it. We assemble a box from metal profile and cover it with plasterboard. Drywall must be moisture resistant - it Green colour. Also, do not forget about the technical hatch, it will be needed to have access to the taps and the meter. Then we install a perforated corner on the corner of our box and plaster the entire box.

Prime the walls and floor. As a result, what we see is a completely plastered bathroom, without visible pipes and wires. Once again we look at everything in detail for any irregularities. If there are any, we fix them using a spatula and sandpaper.

Laying out the floor. Now we lay out the floor with tiles. For this we will need a drill, a mixer, a bucket, a regular spatula, a notched trowel, a professional tile cutter, crosses (1.5-2mm).

We lay out the tiles so that all the cut edges are under the bathtub and sink. This way we will only have the whole tile visible. Don't forget to use a level and insert crosses.

We lay out 1 row of wall tiles under the bathroom from the floor. Then you will need to lay 1 row of wall tiles under the bathroom - for waterproofing. If you use small tiles, then 30 centimeters from the floor will be enough.

Grinding the tiles under the bathroom (wall, floor).

Installing a bath. It's time for a bath. We bring the bath in, set it strictly according to the level and length and width. We open the bathtub.

Laying wall tiles. Lay out wall tiles. We start right from the bathtub, from the most visible corner, and move in a circle. You need to drill slats from the sides of the bath so that all the tiles are level. Finish the top, remove the slats and add the bottom. Let the tile dry and remove the crosses.

Cleaning the seams.

We rub the seams.

We mount the ceiling. Now we need to decide what we will do with the ceiling. There are several options: putty and paint, hanging from plastic panels, tension. They are all good in their own way, it's up to you to choose.

We install the door. It's time to install the missing plumbing fixtures - sink, washing machine, toilet, faucets, bath screen.

All that remains is to hang the mirror, install sockets and the bath is ready.

This order of work will not allow you to make the most common mistakes, when the quality of the work performed suffers, and sometimes leads to redoing.

Happy renovation!