We make a lampshade with our own hands. And where is all this going? From knitted lace doilies

In the interior of each apartment, even the smallest and most insignificant element plays an important role. Just one wrong detail and the interior is ruined. That is why the choice must be approached carefully and very responsibly. In this article we will talk about such interior decoration as lamps. It’s not enough to just hang a light bulb, you also need to decorate it somehow. This can be done using a lampshade. Store-bought variations of lampshades may not always please you, and it is rare that among them you can choose the model that will harmoniously fit into our interior. We do not always choose a new lamp with beautiful design, sometimes the old one no longer attracts us, has gone out of fashion or absolutely does not fit into new interior. All these factors push us to create DIY lampshade (photo).

It would seem that decorating a lampshade yourself is a rather complicated procedure, but in fact everything is very simple. Set aside some free time, and we will tell you several options for creating beautiful lampshade. Do DIY lampshade can be made from any materials that you find at hand. It can be any fabric you like, ribbons, beads and many other materials that, in your opinion, are suitable for decorating an original lampshade.

DIY lampshade for floor lamp everyone can do it. The main thing is not to set yourself too serious tasks. If you have never encountered homemade products and have a hard time imagining how to cope with the task, then it is better not to take risks, but to choose a simpler option for designing a lampshade.

A beautifully selected material, color and shape for the future lampshade will create a truly spectacular interior element. A neat and original floor lamp or other lamp can perfectly complement the design of a hall or other space.

It is not always convenient to make a lampshade from scratch; it is much easier to transform an existing one. In particular, this solution is much simpler for those who first decided to make with my own hands apartment decor and add a fresh touch. To create a new design for central lighting or a floor lamp, you need to take an existing lampshade or purchase the simplest one in the store inexpensive option. Each of the proposed options is good in its own way. In the first case, the former lampshade is not always in perfect condition, which accordingly can add problems when decorating it. In the second case, you will receive a whole new material to express your imagination, but at the same time you will incur small losses.

But in any case, making a new one from a ready-made lampshade will not be as difficult as decorating a new one. What can be made from an old floor lamp? Having cut out, for example, parts from cardboard or plywood, they can be attached to an existing lampshade, painted in one color or covered with fabric. We will get a lampshade with new shapes. This solution is often used when parents want to create a fabulous design. Just imagine how great a boy’s room will look, decorated in a cosmic style with elements of unearthly planets, and a lamp made in the form of a cosmic creature or a small satellite. But making such a lampshade for a lamp using the above method is not difficult. Imagine a little, involve your child in the process, who is always full of brilliant ideas that you wouldn’t even think about. A little time and effort and you will succeed original solution for central lighting of a children's room. All guests who come to visit you will be delighted with the solution they see.

If you have a plain lampshade, you won’t have any problems with its design. Plain colors are an ideal material for homemade decoration, because here you can realize any wishes and ideas. For example, get original lampshade You can use appliqués, embroideries and even ordinary stickers, which can be found in many stores.

DIY lampshade - master class

We offer you an interesting DIY lampshade (master class), in which we will tell you how to create a work of art from an ordinary light lampshade. During the day, our floor lamp will represent an ordinary element of the interior, and at night it will turn into a wonderful decoration.

Our master class will be devoted to creating a lampshade in the form of a night city. To do this, we need the lampshade itself in light colors, yellow, orange or light pink shades are desirable. They will most closely resemble night lighting when the lamp is on. We take black fabric and cut out our model of a night city from it. These can be trees, buildings and even cars. Using PVA glue or any other glue, we glue our applications onto the inside of our lampshade so that no folds form. You can sew a black ribbon on the bottom. Please note that it is better to stitch with white thread or thin ribbon. This will create the effect of a city road.

In daylight, our application will not be visible. And when the light is on, landscapes of a night city with houses and trees bathed in moonlight will open before us.

When choosing a colored floor lamp with bright ornaments and patterns for decoration, it is enough to slightly decorate it by adding pendants with beads bright colors. It is possible to decorate with thin satin ribbons to create a brighter effect. This lamp will fit perfectly into. Thanks to such a small additional interior, she will be able to feel like a real princess living in a fairy-tale room with a cute interior.

How to make a lampshade with your own hands from scratch?

If you are interested in a question, how to make a lampshade with your own hands from scratch? Then you can just buy a few plastic folders and wire. Cut from folders necessary details for the frame, and use wire to connect them together. This solution will allow you to create a completely new, original and unique lampshade.

Before you begin any design of the lampshade, you need to take into account all the colors that are found in the room for which it will be intended. As you understand, the lamp must fit harmoniously into the interior of the room, match the texture and color scheme space. In addition, follow safety precautions. That is, if you have a baby who is still too small and strives to grab onto everything that comes his way, then try to design a more discreet version of a floor lamp or lamp that the baby will not reach out to. The fact is that we have more than once encountered situations where children pulled the pendants on the floor lamps and tipped it over on themselves, receiving various injuries. Let's not talk about the bad. Just try to take into account all factors other than beauty.

What materials are most often used to create a lampshade? The most common option is textiles. It is good not only for its flexibility and ease of use. Its popularity is also deserved thanks to the chic variation of colors, which allows you to decorate absolutely any floor lamp that is perfect for any interior, be it minimalism or ethno style. Among all the variety of fabrics, it is best to choose thick cotton or felt, which very quickly gain popularity among needlewomen. Felt is an excellent material for creating a lampshade. It allows you to create a variety of multi-layer compositions, for example, DIY lampshade with butterflies.

If you don't want to tidy up old lampshade for central lighting, we offer you very interesting option doing it from scratch. This option will not take much effort and time; it is good for any interior, especially for.

To create a new lampshade for a ceiling lamp, we will need a ball, glue and thick threads. Performed DIY thread lampshade very simple. Inflate the ball. Dip the threads in glue and wrap the ball in a random order. Just don't overdo it. There should not be too many threads; there should be enough space between them to allow light to pass through. In addition, it is worth leaving a small space without threads on one side, this will be the bottom of our lamp, through which the light will flow. The creation process is almost ready, just wait a little until the glue dries, after which you can blow off the ball.

Our threads will remain in the form and form in which they were at the time of drying. If desired, our lampshade can be painted with paints in order to give it brightness and originality, while simultaneously combining several colors. Now all we have to do is hang our lamp on the lamp. As you have seen, there is nothing complicated about this. But the interior will receive a new note of originality.

To decorate an old lampshade, you can use satin ribbons and even scraps of fabric. They can be sewn along the diameter of the fabric, thereby creating horizontal stripes. For example, you can make a combination of several colors. For example, let our lamp be bright Pink colour, and we will insert stripes in burgundy tones with bright small flowers. A combination of turquoise and brown. This lampshade is suitable for decorating the interior of a hallway or one of the rooms. A cute floor lamp can be placed in the nursery, and a brighter solution can be left for guests to see in the living room.

Recently, people have been striving to create new and original elements for interior decoration with their own hands. Therefore, in their works they use absolutely unpredictable elements, among which are kitchen utensils, artificial leaves, bamboo and other equally interesting materials. Lampshades look unusual, the frame for which is made of transparent plastic, and the inside is covered with old slides, photographs or decorative stones.

As you noticed, making a new floor lamp or chandelier is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Everything is quite simple if your imagination works and you have a lot of brilliant ideas. You can make an original interior element from any available means by adding a little new perspective to their design. Imagine, experiment and you will be able to create bright interior, full of unusual and unique details of the overall composition.

Sponge lamp

roll of masking tape
a sheet of plastic so that the assembled lampshade does not stick to the table
marker for drawing a circle on a sheet of plastic
cardboard tube
cartridge with cord
25 W bulb or less

1. Secure the cartridge with the cord in the tube. This will be the base of the lamp.
2. To create a lampshade, you need to calculate its diameter - it should be 7.5 cm above the tip of the lamp installed in the tube. Using a marker, draw a circle of the calculated diameter on a sheet of plastic.
3. Cut the masking tape into small pieces 5 cm wide. Cut in batches of 20 pieces.
4. Form the strips of tape into tubes, leaving the sticky side of the tape on the outside. One edge of such tubes should be wider than the other (cones).
5. Start gluing the tubes onto a circle on a sheet of plastic with the narrow end towards the center.
6. Create layers of tubes by varying the diameters of the layers to create a hemispherical structure.
7. Peel off the hemisphere from the plastic sheet, turn it over, and continue gluing the lampshade. The end of this hemisphere must be left open for the lamp on the tube. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the diameter of the tube.
8. Once you have finished assembling the second half of the lampshade sphere, turn the entire structure over and place it on the tube with the socket. The lamp is ready!

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New Year's balls-webs made of threads. Description.

For work you will need balloon IR and threads.

The secret of making cobwebs is simple. Before starting work, inflate the rubber ball and lubricate its surface with a very thin layer of Vaseline. If balloons are difficult and there are no children nearby, you can inflate a condom instead. Prepare some kind of glue - silicate, office glue, PVA, or make your own starch paste (4 teaspoons of starch per glass of water).

Then find a small plastic jar, for example, for medicine, thread a thread through a thick shoe needle and pierce the jar so that the thread passes through it freely. Now you can pour the prepared glue into it. When pulling the thread through the jar, it will be lubricated with glue. To avoid getting dirty, wear rubber gloves and an apron.

Use a little trick. Place a thin needle on the end of the thread and pierce a piece of electrical tape with it. Pull the thread in the opposite direction and firmly glue this tape to the jar. This way, through a small hole in the electrical tape, the glue will not wet the thread so much and will stop dripping from the thread onto your table and clothes.

Now tie the thread to the ball and wind the thread evenly over the surface of the ball. This is done in the same way as when winding a regular ball of thread. The threads should be held in your hands with a slight tension. Here, of course, you will need some skill so as not to get dirty or stick. But it seems difficult only at the beginning.

When winding is finished, tie the end of the thread in a knot and hang the ball to dry. It's best to hang it with a string. You should not take risks and dry the ball near heating devices, since rubber does not like this. Hot air may cause the balloon to burst. The ball needs to be dried thoroughly, usually 1 day is enough. There's no need to rush. It is important.

And when the threads have completely hardened and become thoroughly rigid, the rubber ball must be removed by first piercing it with a needle. Well, the web is ready!

Balloons small size easy to adapt as Christmas decorations or for window decoration. You can use them to make a snowman and other funny figures. You can glue something to the surface of the ball, for example, glitter, pictures. You can even make a cobweb-like lampshade for a lamp from a large ball by firmly securing the socket with a light bulb on the ball.

And a few more words about threads. If an air structure is being prepared, then the threads should be thin and light. And if you are doing something substantial, for example, flower pots, then it is better to take thick threads or even ropes and do not skimp on glue. The thread color can be any. True, it depends on the glue used. When the glue is transparent and leaves no traces, you can experiment by wrapping the ball with threads different shades. It will turn out even more interesting.

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How to build frame house

The first stage of construction frame house is the choice of a project that takes into account the number of storeys of the future building, the area of ​​the residential area, technological complexity, engineering systems. As a rule, the number of storeys and total area depends on the wishes of the owner and his financial capabilities. At the same stage, it is necessary to work out all engineering systems: heating, chimney, ventilation, air conditioning, electricity, water supply and others.

At the second stage, it is necessary to coordinate the project with architectural structures and obtain permission for future construction. The structure is also tied to the ground. This is necessary to take into account the terrain at the construction site. A flat surface significantly reduces the cost of building construction.

At the third stage, calculations are made necessary materials and approximate deadlines for completing the work. After calculations and preparation construction site The process of building a frame house begins directly. The main elements of this type of structure are intermediate and corner posts, lower and upper trim, floor beam, opening crossbar, rafter leg.

Most simple option is the purchase of ready-made sandwich panels, which are assembled in single design. In this case, they save cash and time spent on construction. The assembled frame is insulated with a special material, thanks to which the heat losses.

Frame technology is the most common method of constructing a construction project. If you have basic knowledge and skills, you can build a frame house with your own hands. - tools;
- Construction Materials;
- construction project or house plan; The disadvantage of building a house from ready-made panels is the presence of metal elements that condense moisture during temperature changes. This, in turn, negatively affects wooden elements the buildings.

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Making the trunk STEP 3. ASSEMBLY OF THE TREE.

For the trunk frame, copper or aluminum wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm and a length of 45-50 cm is used. If we plan to bend the trunk, then the wire must be bent immediately (before attaching the branches), and we must do it at the end of the wire.

We form the top of the head from the set aside blanks and wrap it to the prepared frame. Then, not forgetting the rule of the golden ratio, we begin to attach the prepared branches to the frame, arranging them as if on a spiral staircase.

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Angel wings

You will need:
medium hard wire 3m
non-woven fabric with adhesive backing, the denser the better, 1m*1m square
feather packaging
down tape 3m
wide elastic band, you can take a decorated one so as not to make holes in the main outfit, but simply put the wings on top of it, but you can decorate the elastic band yourself 0.7m
Velcro, the same width as the elastic band 0.1 m
glue, for convenience you should buy spray glue, but if this is not possible, then you can take any glue, only transparent

We make a frame for future wings from wire; this can be done with pliers or simply involve your husband. We wrap the frame on both sides with non-woven fabric with the adhesive side facing inward and iron it with a hot iron so that the non-woven fabric sticks together. We cut off the excess along the contour and proceed to decorating with feathers. To do this, apply glue to our wings and glue them tightly to the base on both sides. When the wings are dry, sew a down ribbon along the contour.

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Making a heart with your own hands
Take a thick wire, create a loop approximately in the middle, close the edges together to make a heart. Cross the ends of the wire together and point upward.
Using pliers, create curls inside the heart from the free ends of the wire. At the bottom point, fasten the thick wire frame with a rather long piece (approximately its middle) of thin wire. Now to the ends thin wire We put on beads and seed beads in random order and attach them to a frame made of thick wire.
Please note that the heart that you see in the photo will not hang very evenly, because the number of beads attached to its right and left sides is not the same (in number and weight). If you are making a pendant or earrings, balance will be important. If you intend to decorate with a heart festive table, a gift or a postcard, then balance will not play a very big role and you will have a wider field for imagination.

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How to make a niche

Whatever your wall consists of, first you need to decide on the size and shape of the future niche. Draw a real-size sketch of a niche on a piece of Whatman paper. Then cut it out and attach it to the wall. Mark the outline of the niche on the wall using chalk or a pencil. Then you should cut out a niche. If the wall is plasterboard, this must be done with a plasterboard knife. If it is brick or foam concrete, knock out the hole with a perforator or a chisel and hammer.

Then attach inside your niche metallic profile for drywall. The profile must first be bent to the shape of the niche. This must be done with screws using a screwdriver. You will get a frame for a niche. You need to install drywall on it and sheathe the niche. Then you should level the surface using putty. When it dries, sand the surface and paint the niche.

When the niche is ready, you can think about adding lighting to it. Nowadays it is fashionable to make spot lighting. To mount it, cut holes in the drywall for halogen lamps and install the latter in a niche. Connect their wires to each other - phase should be adjacent to phase, and zero to zero. Then connect the phase to the output of the protection unit, and the input to the switch. Connect the switch to electricity. It is best to groove the wall to the nearest distribution box, run the wire and fill the unevenness.

A niche in the wall is an original element of the interior. It will decorate any room; you can put a vase or any decoration in it. A niche always looks great and is easy to make, especially if you have plasterboard walls.

For a brick or foam concrete wall: a hammer drill (you can get by with a chisel and a hammer).

For a plasterboard wall: plasterboard knife, metal profile, screws, screwdriver.

Sandpaper, putty, paint.

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How to assemble a hang glider

In accordance with the markings, assemble all the longitudinal pipes of the frame (side and keel). Assemble the transverse pipes of the frame, the steering frame (trapezoid), attach the lower braces to it and place it on the ground so that the docking bracket is on top. Place the longitudinal and side frame pipes on it.

Take the sail and put it on the longitudinal pipes of the frame, ensuring the integrity of the sail and the correct passage of the pipes in the longitudinal pockets.

Connect the frame and dome to the steering frame bracket. Place a mast on top with top and bottom guys. Attach the guy wires to the side pipes of the frame. Then attach the sail to the sides.

Attach the rear lower and upper braces to the rear end of the keel beam. Lift the hang glider by the nose and attach the canopy and the front upper and lower braces to the steering linkage. Stretch the longitudinal and transverse braces. Secure them with locknuts.

Secure the keel pocket with guy wires. Check for correct assembly and secure fastening.

Hang glider - the simplest aircraft, using for its movement the force of gravity and the interaction of the hang glider wing with incoming air currents. A fairly large wing makes it difficult to transport the hang glider to the launch site. However, you can assemble a hang glider in half an hour.

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The first building “printed” with a 3D printer will appear in 2014.
The capabilities of 3D printers are amazing. The first 3D devices, intended mainly for solving problems, have not yet entered our lives. household needs, how they are already ready to be entrusted with new, truly serious tasks. We are talking about the fact that 3D printing may eventually replace the entire construction industry.
MIT researchers are working on 3D technology that will allow the construction of frames building structures in one day - instead of the usual month for the construction team. And this is not just scientific interest - Danish specialists intend to erect the first building using this technology in 2014.
Reusenaars plans to use a 3D printer designed by Italian inventor Enrico Dini for his work. The plan is to "imprint" 6x9 meter frame fragments using sand and inorganic binders, and then fill the frame with fiber-reinforced concrete.
We called this building the first, however, judging by the speed with which 3D technologies are developing today and Roysenaars' statement that he does not plan to complete his project before 2014, who knows - maybe someone else will be the first... (Source http:/ /vk.com/public36519690 -With the support of http://luxtec.ru/)

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"Money" gift
If you don’t know what to give a person for a special occasion, you can always give him a cash gift. However, simply handing a crumpled bill to the hero of the occasion is not at all interesting. A cash gift can be decorated beautifully.


1. Firstly, you can give a person money with the expectation that he will buy a specific item for himself. It is very difficult to buy glasses, hats and clothes without first trying them on. You can buy regular greeting card or an envelope and draw on it what your friend or relative will have to spend the cash gift on. If you don't know how to draw well, put together some kind of collage. Find the pictures you need in various glossy magazines and seal the envelope or inside of the postcard with them.

2. The second way to arrange a cash gift is to present it with some kind of souvenir. Buy a small one soft toy and make the money stay in her hand. You can donate money that is in your piggy bank (the main thing is to choose one that will open and close).

3. If you have minimal artistic ability, turn your cash gift into some kind of craft. For example, you can roll up small airplanes, stars or boats from banknotes. The main thing is to be careful and do not damage a valuable gift! You can arrange a gift in the form of a “money tree”. To do this, you will need wire, from which you will need to make a tree trunk and branches. After the frame is ready, the banknote leaves are carefully glued to it (at the very edge). The glue must be strong enough so that you do not lose everything along the way, but at the same time delicate, otherwise the bills will be damaged. Wallpaper glue or homemade paste is best.

4. Today you can find a wide range of fake “toy” money on store shelves. You can arrange a cash gift in a humorous way: mix real money with toy money and invite the person to independently find the valuable part of his gift. You can write wishes on some fake money.

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How to make a bed

Start by sanding the boards with a plane. For work, it is advisable to use boards 50 mm wide. After leveling the surface, their width will decrease to 40 mm. If you have the opportunity, then purchase better material 40 mm wide. Please note that you will have to do leveling in any case, since materials sold in stores require additional processing. Also, using a plane, level the piece of timber that is intended for the legs of the bed.

Then calculate the dimensions. Take into account the size of the purchased mattress. For such a bed, use a mattress measuring 1600x2000 mm. As a result, you should have 2 boards 2080 mm long, one board 1600 mm long, 1 board 1680 mm long and 4 legs 30 cm each

After this, make a 45 degree bevel on the front panel. A square will help you in this matter. Mark and cut straight with a hacksaw. If the bevel turns out crooked, straighten it with a plane. So, the frame is ready.

According to all the rules, the bed should be made on the corners. As a result, it turns out to be a perfect rectangular shape. In your design, legs will be used as corners. Saw the block into 4 legs of 30 cm each. After this, make the markings. Mark the middle of each leg. As a result, there will be a visible side of the leg and an invisible side. Cut a 4 cm corner in each leg. The board should fit well into this recess.

Now you can proceed directly to assembling the bed. Tighten the entire structure with self-tapping screws. Secure the block flush with the legs from the inside. It will support the slatted bottom. Attach two iron plates to support the middle rail.

All that remains is to make the headboard. Attach the fiberboard backrest to the back beam of the bed. Secure it from below with screws. Do this so that you have the opportunity to bend the beam and insert the leatherette fabric. Lay the foam. Start attaching its bottom edge. Leave a little for wrapping. Pull it over the top and secure it with self-tapping screws. It is best to attach the bed wall from below.

Any home must have good bed. It is necessary for sleep and rest. If you don’t have the opportunity to purchase it, you can make it yourself. The result will be exactly what you need.

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Making crafts with children for February 23: airplanes. You can make it from plastic bottles interesting crafts for children using papier mache technique. Boys will probably be interested in a homemade airplane made from a plastic bottle, and girls will be able to make a whole home zoo.

The principle of making toys from plastic bottles using the papier mache technique is as follows. First, the frame of the future craft is made from cut and whole bottles. Everything is held together with tape. Additional parts are cut out of cardboard and also attached with tape or tape.

After this, you need to tear or cut the paper into small pieces. This can be either regular printer paper or special corrugated paper for children's crafts. Dilute PVA glue with water in a 1:1 ratio. Then, dip each piece in diluted glue, attach it to the frame of bottles. Thus, cover your craft with 4-6 layers of paper.

Once the glue is dry, paint and decorate your plastic bottle craft.

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To make a frame (the basis for a mini-farm), use bars with a cross section of 45*90 mm or 45*40 mm made of wood coniferous species. After you assemble the frame, carefully paint it with nitro enamel (white). Make the remaining parts easily removable so that you can easily replace them during use.

Make parts for the hay manger from waterproof plywood, 7-8 mm thick. Attach the plywood parts using nails or screws to a frame made of bars with a cross-section of 40*45 mm. The hay manger will immediately serve as a door to the cell. Cover the inside of the manger with galvanized mesh with a cell size of 25*50 mm. When you have completed the entire assembly, paint the outer part with white nitro enamel.

Using the same technology, make a feeder. For the frame, use 40x45 mm bars, but that's all wooden parts they must be covered with tin, otherwise the rabbits may chew them off. Attach the plywood parts to a 20*20 mm rail. Paint the outside of the feeder.

On a 20*20 mm block, assemble the parts for the water drinker, but first the parts have everything internal sides glue or use a stapler to attach foil insulation, the thickness of which is 4 mm. Construct the queen cell and maternity ward in the same way. Carefully paint both of these rooms outside and inside with white nitro enamel.

To collect manure, make cones from 20*20 mm slats. Assemble them using rivets, paint the inside with slate automotive mastic.

Build the floor from slats and cover it with a tire made of galvanized sheet. It should be easy to remove. Install the farm on brick pillars, strictly horizontal. Several of these mini-farms, located under one roof, are called “sheds”. You can arrange them at your discretion. Make sure the front side of the truss faces south. The roof can be covered with any material, and you can also make trays for rainwater drainage. Carry out all electrical installation work in compliance with all rules and regulations. For supporting desired temperature water in the drinking bowl (+25 C), a thermostat is required. One thermostat is enough for 30-40 mini-farms.


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how to make twigs from beads For weaving we will need:
- large green beads 70-90 g.
- beaded wire – 1.5 coils
For the trunk we need:
- green threads (shoe, silk or floss)
- aluminum wire for the barrel frame (diameter 3-4 mm) – 50 cm.
- aluminum wire for the frame of branches (diameter 2 mm) – 1 m.
- stand (used metal cover for preservation)
- brown gouache (for children) or watercolor
- acrylic enamel Kompozit (color red gold)
- brushes
- moss
- plaster
- PVA glue
- car varnish transparent aerosol

Weaving and assembling tree branches.
Because this MK is dedicated to the barrel I will give short description weaving and assembling tree branches.
Step 1. Weave the blanks. (see photo)
From large beads we weave branch blanks in the amount of 90-100 pieces. Step 2. We collect the branches of the first row. (see photo). Using a strong green thread (you can use floss), we tightly wrap our blanks to the wire (frame), arranging their subsequent blanks in a spiral (alternating). For the frame of this branch we use pieces of wire with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 mm and a length of 15-20 cm.
In this way we collect 30 pieces. branches of the first row.

Step 3. We collect the branches of the second row. (see photo)
The branches are collected in the same way as the previous ones. For one branch of the second row it is necessary to use 5 branches of the first row. The branches are arranged in a spiral. For the frame of the branch we use aluminum wire with a diameter of 2 mm.
In this way we prepare 6 branches.

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When starting to arrange the interior space, it is important to think through every little detail. After all, we all subconsciously strive for comfort and it is the smallest details that can create a special atmosphere, convey the general idea, mood and character of the room. Professional designers claim, and interiors clearly prove, that right choice Chandeliers can not only decorate the interior of a room, but also make life brighter and more fun. Beautiful shades for chandeliers with original design. You can find out how to make them yourself and what materials are best to use for this in this article. Detailed, step-by-step master class, and visual photo, will be an excellent help for you in this exciting process.

Material selection

When making a chandelier, it is difficult to single out one material that would meet all the requirements. Each of them has its own individual characteristics and features. For example, paper, which is the simplest and available material, lends itself well to transformation.

Lamps made from glass shards and strips of metal have a dazzling shine and beautiful appearance. Wood and fabric add warmth and comfort to the interior. Lacy lampshades They are distinguished by their special beauty, captivating everyone at first sight.

In a word, you can make a chandelier with your own hands from anything, the main thing is to be smart and use your imagination in time.

A chandelier made of paper napkins is a rather bold, but justified experiment.

We will describe in detail how in an ordinary object you can discern its creative potential to create an exclusive decorative element in this article.

Step-by-step instructions, with a description of each action, will help you make incredibly beautiful and unique lamps, which will be an excellent addition to your favorite interior.

What you need to pay attention to before making a chandelier

Many people are interested in how to properly make a chandelier in and other rooms. After all, you want this element of the interior to be not only beautiful, but also functional.

On the one hand, the chandelier is lighting fixture, capable of providing the proper level of lighting in the apartment. After all, a lot depends on the choice of light in the room, including eye safety. On the other hand, I want ceiling structure complemented the interior design, creating a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

When making a chandelier, first of all you need to take into account the height of the ceiling. For example, for low people a chandelier with a bar mount is suitable. So, the ceiling will look visually higher. If the ceilings are high - 3 m and above, then it is better to make your choice in favor pendant lamp with hook fastening.

Lamp selection

For any room you need to take an individual approach to the intensity of its lighting.

For a small bathroom you will need 80-100 W.
Kitchens require a lamp power of at least 120-150 W.
The living room and hall cannot do without light bulbs in the range of 150-300 W.

The number and power of lamps is calculated based on established standards - 20 W are required per 1 m². electricity. It is also necessary to take into account the parameters of the room, its dimensions and reflective properties.

Designer Edison lamps - look beautiful and unusual

Design of the lampshade

The appearance, decor and design of the lampshade occupies an important place in the design of a chandelier. It is selected to match the interior of the room, depending on the style. Crystal for classics, metal and glass for, wood will fit perfectly into country or chalet style, fabric and silk are perfect for Provence style.

To illuminate a room on several levels, you can additionally make wall sconces or floor lamps.

Step-by-step master class on making

To make a beautiful ceiling decoration, you don't have to start from scratch. Look around, you probably have something in your house that you haven’t used for a long time. And who knows, maybe it will become the main item in production original lamp. Moreover, there are now more than enough ideas and inspiration for creativity on the Internet.

Important! The best place to start searching for the things you need is in the kitchen or balcony. It is there that we store all sorts of rubbish that we once needed so much and which, as often happens, is so difficult to part with later.

Spectacular chandelier made from mugs

No matter how strange it may sound, it is from dishes and other kitchen utensils that the most unusual and interesting models lamps. For example, tea mugs are ideal material to make a spectacular lamp.

For work we will need:

  • Mugs
  • Saucers
  • Drill
  • Porcelain drill with special hole

We make it quickly and easily
  1. In the bottom of the mug, use a drill to make a small hole for the wire, attach the electric cartridge and bring the wire out. It is advisable to seal the hole with a plaster mixture.
  2. Next, you need to glue the mug to the saucer, where there should also be a hole, insert a light bulb and hang the newly made lamp in the right place.

As you can see the original and fashion design can be obtained from completely ordinary items.

Mesmerizing yarn chandelier

Since this is quite a simple product, to make it we need a minimum of things, namely:

  • Wire with a cross section of 4-5 mm.
  • Wire cutters
  • Thin thread
  • Multi-colored yarn
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. A ring is made from wire, the diameter of which will correspond to the future size of our chandelier. To get perfect smooth circle, it can be wound on some object that has a cylindrical shape.
  2. We bite off the excess wire with wire cutters, leaving a reserve of 2-3 cm on each side. We tie the ends with a thin thread.
  3. All that remains is to decorate our chandelier beautifully and brightly. To do this, we cut the yarn threads so that the length of each segment is twice the height of the lampshade.
  4. One by one, we tie the resulting strings onto a knot until we hang them all over the ring. From the same yarn we make a fastening for the hook.

This lampshade can be used both as a chandelier and as a decorative element decorating the interior of the room.

By combining the skills of macrame and papier-mâché you can get a stylish chandelier for the bedroom

Important! To make such a lamp, instead of wool yarn, you can use any other thread. The main thing is that it harmoniously fits into your interior.

Unusual lamp made from a teapot

You will learn how to make a chandelier from an ordinary teapot yourself in this master class. Here's what we need for this handmade masterpiece:

  • Kettle
  • The wire
  • Electrochuck
  • Metal chain
Step-by-step manufacturing guide
  1. First of all, the lower part of the teapot is cut out. This is done in such a way that the resulting cutting edge is not sharp, otherwise you could get hurt on it.
  2. Next, an electric cartridge is fixed to the lid of the kettle, the wire of which is led out through a small hole drilled at the top.
  3. A chain is attached to the handle of the kettle, and a wire is threaded through the links. The lamp is ready.

Let's breathe new life into bottles

Glass bottles, especially if they have beautiful shapes, can be used to make a wonderful chandelier. Required material:

  • Thin rope
  • Flammable liquid (alcohol or gasoline)
  • Glass bottles (preferably colored)
  • Edison lamps (having a beautiful spiral)
  • Wire and electric cartridge
Do it yourself
  1. We wrap a rope around the bottom of the bottle, after wetting it in flammable liquid. Then we set it on fire and let it burst, and we begin to slowly rotate the bottle around its axis until the rope burns out completely. After this, we lower the bottle into a container with cold water, wrap it in a towel and, with a little effort, break off the bottom.
  2. To ensure that the cutting edge is not sharp, it must be sanded. To do this, it will be enough to swirl the bottle in sand or fine gravel for a couple of minutes.
  3. All that remains is to mount the electric socket correctly, stick the wire through the neck, and screw in the light bulb. From the remaining bottles, the remaining lampshades are made in a similar way.

This chandelier will fit perfectly into any interior, especially if you hang it above the bar counter.

Decor from cans

Lamps made from cans are no less beautiful. They are made in the same way as from bottles. The only difference is that the bottom of the jar does not need to be cut off, since clear glass is usually used for lampshades.

We need:

  • Beautiful thick-walled jars (preferably with a relief pattern)
  • Hammer and nails
  • Wire, electric socket
  • Spray paint
  • Edison lamp
How to do it right
  1. To begin with, using a nail and a hammer, holes are punched in a circle in the lid, after which the inside is carefully squeezed out. The diameter of the circle must correspond to the diameter of the base in the cartridge.
  2. We insert the cartridge into the cover and mount the wire.
  3. Next, we paint the lid together with the cartridge in the color of our choice. Metallic paint with a golden shimmer will look best.
  4. All that remains is to screw in the light bulb, close the lid and install the lamp in its proper place.

We all know what a globe is, but not everyone knows what amazing things can be made from it. For example, a cute lampshade for a chandelier that will fit perfectly into the interior of a children's room.

Here's everything we need:

  • globe
  • Bulb
  • Electric chuck with holding element
Step-by-step master class
  1. Usually the globe structure is not solid, so in order for us to get required element, it is necessary to divide it into equal two parts (hemispheres).
  2. Next, at the top point of the hemisphere, you need to make a hole for the cartridge. For this, it is best to use a drill with a crown.
  3. The electric cartridge is installed in place and securely fixed by the holding element. Congratulations, your chandelier is ready!

Hanging structure made of horns

Making a unique lighting device from deer antlers is quite simple, the main thing is to have the necessary material on hand.

Such designs are famous for their special sophisticated look and are best suited for rooms with high . Such chandeliers are used in many interiors, but they look especially attractive in country, chalet or rustic style.

As a rule, the shades of such chandeliers have various shapes, and only natural material is used for their manufacture.

We will need:

  • Antler
  • Rope
  • Copper wire
  • Electrical socket and wire
  • Bulb
Make a chandelier like this
  1. Observing the safety rules, we connect the wire to the electric cartridge according to the diagram.
  2. Next, the wire needs to be beautifully wrapped with decorative rope. For better fixation, you can use universal transparent glue.
  3. Using copper wire, horns are attached to the lower part of the resulting rope, placing them 2 cm above the cartridge.
  4. We repeat a similar procedure with the remaining lampshades, later combining them into a single composition.

If a person loves creative experiments and wants to spend the day off profitably, you can make a new beautiful lampshade.

This craft will decorate your home. And only at first glance it seems that making lampshades for table lamps with your own hands is too expensive. There are ready-made, proven diagrams with dimensions. All you need is some wire, fabric and thread (or fabric glue). This is easy to do, and simple materials at hand are suitable for the craft. An interior element such as a lampshade will introduce a new motif into the familiar interior of a room or become a wonderful gift for acquaintances and friends.

How to make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands?

What's a living room without a beautiful lampshade? Masters of handmade art have in their arsenal a lot of advice on how to old lamp You can create a wonderful lampshade from the time of your grandmother’s youth. Most practical option- this is to make a round lampshade frame for a table lamp from wire. Stretch the fabric over the wire and secure it.

There are ready-made, proven diagrams with dimensions. By following the instructions, a beginner will avoid many mistakes. Let's give an example of the most common classic lampshade frame design. We also make a pattern for the fabric according to these dimensions, but with an allowance.

The best fabric for a lampshade is felt or cotton. Felt allows you to make multi-layer unusual craft. And on plain cotton, before attaching the fabric to the frame, you can apply a design using an iron. To secure the fabric correctly and evenly, it is convenient to use transparent textile glue. You can easily find it in a decoupage store. The end result is an excellent lamp.

How is the drawing applied? There is no special trick to this either. You need to find special paper for thermal photo transfer. A suitable design is printed on it, and then you need to take a heated iron and iron every millimeter of paper well. You don't need to do anything else. When the pattern has cooled, the fabric is securely attached to the frame. Just don’t forget to leave a small gap when cutting out the fabric scraps so that the edges (top and bottom) can be folded and carefully glued from the inside out. Or use regular colored tape for these purposes.

Frame options

Lampshades for table lamps made by yourself are, in any case, nicer than factory-bought ones. Anything that the author's imagination allows is possible. But for round shape The easiest way is to choose a pattern that is glued to the fabric.

If you don’t want to bother with drawings, just take regular plain chintz fabric and make patterns suitable for the shape of the wire frame. The main elements of crafts are imagination and the ability to work with your hands. Therefore, you can make the wire frame of a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands.

Unusual lamps for a new interior

When in new room renovation has been done, and you want to complement the image of the living room with some exclusive detail, you can put one lamp with unusual design for a small one coffee table. Or on the dressing table in the bedroom. This will be an excellent solution. After all, even when decor costs are minimal, creative taste is always appreciated.

You can find unusual ideas for a lamp, and, in particular, a new lampshade, at exhibitions of handicrafts, or simply by using your maximum imagination. Popular now various shapes Rice paper lampshades. Many people love colored things and decorate the frame with decorative colored beads.

The main thing in creative experiments is to choose the right shade of small decorative elements. When the style, color scheme and shape are chosen correctly, even the simplest things will look elegant in your room.

Stylish cardboard lampshade

You can make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands from cardboard. He will be completely different from the others. The material for the craft needs to be durable, but thin. The benefit of this option is that it is an incredibly easy way to create a lampshade from scratch.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 4 identical frames are cut out of cardboard. The same frames in which photographs are placed.
  2. A piece of fabric is glued to the back of each frame.
  3. Carefully make a few holes on the side with a gypsy needle and sew the frames together with laces. You need to make a small flashlight. The cardboard is pre-glued. It is stitched to make the craft look more beautiful.

The advantage of this option is that it is a completely simple way to create a lampshade from scratch. In addition, this “flashlight” is a very light object. And it is possible to repaint it in any color, but preferably to match the selected fabric. It looks unusual and suits the style for elegant interiors.

Lampshades for table lamps, made by hand for the nursery

An interesting lamp in a nursery will come in very handy. Make a better lampshade for your child together. Trust his personal taste. After all, for a child, the most important thing is the process, not the result. You can use denser materials that do not transmit light well, for example, plastic covered with paper. With a lampshade made of plastic, the lamp dimly illuminates the room and acts as a night light.

Maybe the child will want to see his favorite cartoon character on such a night light. Using the cotton print idea this can be done.

Lampshade for a cozy bedroom

But for a woman’s bedroom, a lampshade with a knitted pattern is more suitable. Some stores sell simple knitted napkins as decorations for tables or shelves. These wipes are great. If a woman knows how to crochet, she can make such a napkin herself.

When you need to give the napkins the shape of a ball, you need to put a few of them on a children's ball, cover them completely with glue and let them dry a little. Remove unnecessary parts in advance. Then the fabric is removed and hung on the prepared circle of wire lampshade.

A self-knitted napkin already has the required size in advance; it does not need to be adjusted to the dimensions of the frame. The napkin is sewn to the edge of the frame using regular threads. Making a DIY crochet lampshade for a table lamp is as easy as shelling pears.

A ball of thread as a lampshade

A very popular method is a glued ball made of thin threads. All you need is a skein of thread, PVA glue and a balloon. You can also use thick threads.

What to do?

  • The balloon is inflated and smeared with glue.
  • Using fresh glue on the ball, wind the threads layer by layer in any order.
  • There is space left at the bottom so that you can screw in the light bulb later.
  • When you get a ball, apply another layer of PVA on top of the thread chaos.
  • This ball is left to dry for 12 hours.

After this, the balloon is pierced with a needle and pulled out. The lampshade is now ready to be installed on the lamp. DIY lampshades for table lamps made using this technique do not have to be round. Instead of a ball, it is convenient to take a plastic 5-liter bottle or other square-shaped object and apply the same “pattern”. You will get a wonderful lampshade if you take an inverted plastic flower pot instead of a mold.

New life for an old lampshade

What to do when you have lamps with lampshades, but the old glass shade is broken? How to repair a table lamp shade with your own hands? Sometimes you don’t want to say goodbye to your old favorite things, even though they grow old and fade with time. What can be done to ensure that they continue to serve? They can be refined and restored to a beautiful, stylish look. But how to update the lampshade of a table lamp with your own hands?

Of course, the old frame needs to be repainted and repaired if it is cracked somewhere. Now many types of glue for the restoration of such things are sold.

Then think about what base you will choose for your craft. If you are new to handmade crafts, ask for advice from those who are more familiar with the details of this hobby. But still, the best basis for a lampshade will be classic fabric.

When you want to change the decor in your apartment and add a little originality to it, start with the little things. Try changing the lampshade, and you will be surprised at the transformation of your family nest.

And if you manage to find an original model that differs from analogues, then the changes will impress not only you, but also your guests.

True, unique lampshades cost a lot of money, because you can’t buy one-piece works by famous artists for pennies.

But no one is stopping you from creating your own a unique masterpiece made from cheap and sometimes even waste materials, which will look much better than the samples presented in the store.

All you need are simple materials, a little patience and a flight of imagination, and we will tell you how to make a lampshade with your own hands.


You can create a masterpiece from everything you have at hand: fabric, paper, thread, twine, wire, plastic bottle, beads or beads.

In general, absolutely everything is suitable, even what you usually throw in the trash bag.

Don't believe me? Just look at the photo of the lampshade.


If you have a frame from an old lampshade, then that's just great.

However, don’t be upset if you don’t find one, because you can create a frame yourself from ordinary wire.

Copper, aluminum, steel - anything that you can independently combine into a single structure will do.

The metal frame of a classic lampshade consists of three rings and six jumpers between them. The small ring is a holder, which is connected by three jumpers to a ring of a larger diameter.

The same, in turn, is connected by jumpers to the last ring. The following photos will help you understand the design.

From fabric

When you have a frame for a lampshade, the easiest way to create your masterpiece is to wrap the base in fabric. For this you will need:

  • paper (newspaper);
  • scissors;
  • textile;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • threads

Wrap the frame with newspaper in such a way as to form a pattern out of it. Then transfer the resulting shape onto the fabric using chalk, adding 1 cm to the seam on each side.

Make a pattern, cut off the edges and sew the sides, forming a cover for the base of the future lampshade. We bend the upper and lower edges of the “cover” in such a way as to close the frame rings and secure them with a seam.


Voila, your lampshade for the floor lamp is almost ready. All that remains is to add a few highlights to your taste, making it unique.

From threads

How to make a lampshade when there is no frame? As easy as pie.

Take a balloon without drawings, glue, thread, marker and start creating.

First you need to inflate the balloon and mark on it the upper and lower boundaries of your future masterpiece. Then take the threads and wrap them around the ball, trying not to protrude beyond the marked contours.

Apply glue diluted with water 1:1 to each layer of thread. When the thickness of the wound thread satisfies you, fix the cut edge and hang the ball to dry. After 3-4 hours the threads will dry. Then pierce the ball and carefully detach it from the walls of the finished lampshade.

Leaves and flower petals woven between layers of threads can add additional charm to a thread lampshade.


A ball decorated with sparkling drops of beads also looks original. In general, watch and be inspired.

From paper

Ordinary sheets of office paper, glossy magazines, a cheap newspaper, an unnecessary book or an ordinary notebook, paper towel or a napkin - these are all future lampshades.

It doesn’t matter whether there is a frame or not, the main thing is that you have scissors, glue and paper. A thousand and one versions of such lampshades can be described with the words “cut and stick”.

The main thing is not to forget a few simple rules:

  • It is safest to use a paper lampshade together with economy light bulbs, which heat up significantly less than incandescent bulbs;
  • the diameter of the lampshade should be large so that the paper does not heat up excessively;
  • for a light room you can make a lampshade from thick paper, but for a dark room you need a thin one that transmits light well;
  • be careful with color. For example, red or yellow paper will add warmth to the room, green and blue will add coldness.

Well, that's all. Charge yourself with new ideas, arm yourself with the means at hand and move forward to easy changes that will bring warmth and comfort to your home.


DIY lampshade photo