Decoupage chairs in different design styles. Old stool: how to update it with your own hands Old wooden stool

Decorating in the decoupage style has become very popular. The technique is a process that allows you to decorate any surface in a relatively short time and for little money. Often, old pieces of furniture that have retained functionality but have lost their functionality are chosen as decoration items. appearance. Decoupage stools – popular way give old things new life.

The decoupage technique was known back in the 17th century. Then, as now, paper or fabric were used as materials for decoration. Today, three-layer napkins are a popular material for decoupage.

You can purchase special napkins or cards for decoupage in specialized stores, art stores and online stores.

Over time, stools in the kitchen become unusable. Many people do not like to part with old furniture - it can be convenient to use. Such furniture can be brought back to life. To do this, you need to decide on the materials and style in which the restoration will be carried out. Even a novice craftswoman can make decoupage. But first you need to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step actions.

Master class on decoupage of a wooden stool:

  • Clean the surface of the stool from old varnish and paint.
  • Sand the surface of the furniture with sandpaper.
  • Seal cracks, if any. To do this, you should use putty, which can be bought at any hardware store.
  • Cover the stool with acrylic paint - the color should not be too dark.
  • Cut out selected images from napkins. Separate upper layer from the bottom two. Stick to the surface of the stool.
  • Cover the stool with decoupage varnish.

The pasted image can be outlined. One of the options for additional decor could be coating the stool with craquelure varnish. The choice of decor style depends on the overall design of the room in which the furniture will be located.

Quick do-it-yourself decoupage of stools

The decoupage technique is quite easy. Of course, it requires careful execution at all stages of decoration. But you can make decoupage in just a few hours. The main thing is to decide in advance on the style and appearance of the images.

Every housewife can decorate a stool on her own. To do this, it is not necessary to have a specialized decoupage kit.

You can make decoupage using available materials. For example, instead of three-layer napkins, you can use simple photo paper. Images for decoration can be found on the Internet and then printed on a printer. It is important to note that printing is best done on a laser printer - the image will be of higher quality.

Quick decoupage from paper:

  • Clean the surface of the stool from old coating and dirt.
  • Putty the surface, make it as smooth as possible.
  • Prime the stool several times.
  • Create a background using acrylic paint.
  • Prepare printouts of the image.
  • Layer the paper sheet.
  • Paste the image on the stool. Smooth out using a brush or roller.
  • Cover the stool with varnish.

The decor of the stool can be made in different styles: vintage, Viennese, Provence, maritime, etc. It's interesting to select pictures yourself. On the Internet you can find many images that will allow you to realize the most original ideas.

Vintage decoupage on a stool

Vintage style stools can be used to decorate a dining room, kitchen or veranda. Old stools or new furniture, for example, purchased from Ikea, are suitable for decoupage. Vintage style involves transferring images from a napkin to the surface of a wooden or plastic chair.

If you are decorating a wooden stool, the first step is to clean it, putty and prime it.

It is better to select a picture for decoupage in advance. You should take into account the style of the room in which the furniture will be located. To make the decor look harmonious, decoupage the stools can be made with wallpaper, the same as on the walls.

How to make vintage decoupage:

  • Prepare the surface of the stool.
  • Preparation of pictures. Separate the top layer of the image from the two bottom ones.
  • Paste the images in the chosen order. Smooth out and remove bubbles.
  • Coat the stool with varnish.

You should take into account the quality of the material used to make decoupage. If the decoupage paper is too thick, it should be peeled off. You can skip this step, but then the thick paper will stand out, which sometimes gives the impression of a not very carefully done job. An image that is too protruding can be lightly sanded with sandpaper and then varnished.

Simple decoupage of an old stool

If the room is decorated in Provence style, the stool can be decoupaged in the appropriate style. To do this, you need to decide on the color of acrylic paint that will be used to create the background, and also find suitable images on napkins or print them on photo paper. The design can be simple natural motifs or patterns. If there is a staircase in the room, then you can choose a similar color for the stool - then the staircase will harmoniously combine with the stools.

It is important to note that decoupage in the Provence style should not be done in too dark colors - it should be airy and light.

The set of decorating tools does not differ from the standard one. The materials you can use are fabric, three-layer napkins, paper, newspapers or decoupage cards. Based on the ease of work, it is better to work with napkins or newspapers.

Decorating a stool with napkins:

  • Clean the surface of the stool and sand it with sandpaper.
  • Level the surface of the product with putty.
  • Apply the main background using a brush and acrylic paints.
  • Cut out the selected images, separate the top layer and stick it on the stool.
  • Cover the surface of the stool with decoupage varnish.

Provence style is simple and natural. Don't do it bright decor. Stools look beautiful if you choose to decorate them light tone and minimalist images.

Newspaper decoupage stool

Decoupage with newspapers - simple and cheap way give the product a new life. Everyone has old newspapers in their house. They will give the product a special charm.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that before gluing newspapers, they must be soaked in warm water for one minute.

The technology of decoupage with newspapers is almost no different from covering the surface with napkins. For ease of use, newspapers can be cut or torn into pieces. The tools for the job remain the same.


  • Sandpaper;
  • Putty;
  • Brush;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Glue;

Decoration must be done carefully. It is important to ensure that newspapers do not roll and lie flat. A regular construction roller will help smooth them out.

Decoupage stools (video)

Decoupage stools will transform old furniture into new. The variety of styles allows you to choose the one to complement general interior premises. Many needlewomen decoupage IKEA furniture - it is inexpensive and has a simple appearance. The Crafts Fair can offer many ideas for decoupage furniture.

The new direction of decoupage of chairs with your own hands originates in the Middle Ages. Back in the fifteenth century, housewives actively used it at home, making interior items more beautiful. It’s very simple to make decoupage yourself, the main thing is to get inspired by this direction of art, and then you can easily give it a second life old furniture.

If you decide to try this type of apartment decoration for the first time, then decoupage of an old chair and table with wallpaper will be the most suitable option. Decorations can be made from leftovers various wallpapers, which are found in almost every apartment. If you don’t find any, then you can purchase absolutely any, it makes no difference what you do with decoupage.

Decoupage table wallpaper

Before you start decorating a stool with your own hands, you must thoroughly clean it. It is necessary to eliminate all cracks and splinters, and this is best done with sandpaper or a sanding machine. The final design depends on the clean surface of the furniture, as even a small greasy spot will spoil the appearance and shorten the life of the finished product.

The easiest way to start decorating chairs is with a patchwork technique. It is the simplest and most understandable, because it uses whole pieces of wallpaper. The sheet is glued to a clean surface and left until completely dry. As a result, you can coat the surface with varnish so that the brightness of the pattern does not fade over time, especially when it comes to wooden chair.

Decoupage home furniture with napkins

Decoupage with napkins

For beginners, decorating from napkins is also a good option. Decouping a chair with your own hands in this way is not much different from wallpaper, but requires a more careful approach. You can stock up on napkins at simple store, as well as in special departments for handicrafts. This design fits almost any apartment interior, because the variety of napkins is as large as the wallpaper.

Don’t forget to prepare the surface. The painting will last for a long time and with high quality only if the surface of the furniture is clean. DIY chairs can be presented in different styles, it all depends on your imagination. Motifs in the decoupage style can be taken on the Internet, there are various designs, for almost every type of room.

Decoupage with fabric on furniture

If you have unnecessary and beautiful weaving in your apartment, you can use it to decorate old chairs, tables, cabinets, stairs and much more. Pieces of fabric are more durable compared to paper. This design will last longer, and caring for it will be as simple as possible. The advantage is that you can not only cover home furniture with fabric, but also simply cover it.

The Crafts Fair offers thousands of home furniture finishing options. That's where you can see step by step wizard a class that will teach you how to properly control the work process, and will also present some of the subtleties of this lesson. The design of the furniture produced depends on the apartment in which it will be located. So first you need to decide on a pattern, so that in the end everything will be in perfect harmony.

Materials for decoupage with fabric Cut the fabric, coat it with glue, let it dry for 40 minutes Cover the bedside table with 2 layers of PVA glue, using a roller like this
Spraying with glue, glue the fabric to the bedside table using the patchwork technique. Decorate the drawer of the bedside table. Additionally, decorate with rope


What is needed for decoupage?

How to make your furniture beautiful and original? This question is asked by many housewives. You can even decorate a children's high chair with decoupage, because the materials used for the work are absolutely harmless. A chair made using the decoupage technique will cost tens of times less than buying a new model. For standard decoration, you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • napkins, fabric, wallpaper;
  • sandpaper or a grinder;
  • stool, table, chest of drawers, wardrobe or any other furniture;
  • washcloth;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • brush.

Purchasing such a painting kit will not be difficult, and the final work will look simply amazing. Do-it-yourself decoupage of chairs, photo of which is in large quantities presented on the Internet, will excellent option to update the ambience of the apartment. Many decorate on wood because this surface perfectly accepts glue with any materials.

Now it has become fashionable to use shabby chic in the interior, a new direction original interior. In the shabby style you can decorate chairs with backs, stools, tables and chests of drawers. In this way, you can even decorate a wall in a room that doesn’t stand out in any way. This style brings warm bed colors, small patterns antiquity and the unique charm of irreplaceable wear. Such decoupage kitchen furniture with your own hands will surprise any gourmet.

Decoupage coffee table with your own hands, photos of which are available in large quantities, can become a great option for the bedroom, kitchen or living room. Decoupage in Provence style can be harmoniously located in any living room, because this style is modern furniture conducive to relaxation and comfort.

You can do decoupage on a stool with your own hands in absolutely any style. In addition, any home furniture is best suited for such restoration.

Decoupage chair

Cutting out the blanks It’s better to make a copy of the drawing and print it on a laser printer Give finished product dry thoroughly and then cover it with several layers of varnish
Using a sponge, apply PVA glue to the entire surface of the chair. To avoid possible bubbles, before placing the paper part on the glue, dip it in cold water Result

Step-by-step instructions will show you how to decorate a chair, kitchen, bedroom and other rooms original items interior A room decorated in this way will delight its owners with its individuality, and most importantly, it will contain a small piece of the love with which each element was decorated. It doesn’t matter what you decide to do, decoupage stools or decoupage baby chair, the main thing is to approach this issue seriously so that the result lasts a long time and pleases the eyes every day.

There will always be some old unnecessary furniture in the attic or basement, such as wooden stools or chairs. By various reasons Sometimes you don't want to throw away such items. But you can give an old chair new life in a modern style.

This can be done using the decoupage technique.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's take a step-by-step look at how you can transform furniture from the attic using the example of a chair and stool using decoupage.


Let's look at the renovation of a wooden stool in detail.


Start by removing the old one paint coating. First try to use grinder.Hard-to-reach areas should be cleaned by hand with sandpaper. You can use a small cutter to get rid of paint in the gaps.

Seat painting

Paint the stool seat with white paint.

Seat trim

Cut the napkin at the corners and remove excess layers of napkin.

Lubricate the seat with decoupage glue and carefully glue the napkin. You need to smooth it out so that there are no wrinkles. Then apply at least 2 coats of varnish to the seat.

Painting other elements

The legs of the stool should be protected with pure wax, which will beautifully highlight the structure of the wood without changing the color.


For decoupage of chairs with purely wooden seats, the same materials and technologies are used as for stools. Decoupage cards and napkins are used as designs.

Upholstered chairs will require more time and materials to update. In this case, a decoupage pattern applied to the fabric is more suitable.

The whole process consists of several stages.

  1. Clean all surfaces, remove unnecessary nails or screws. Metal (often rusty) elements are removed using a nail puller or pliers. At this stage we also remove old upholstery chair - remove the rusty staples and carefully remove the top fabric. We check the condition of the seats and assess what needs to be replaced.
  2. Most often, if the chair is only a few decades old, we we replace the ancient batting with new foam rubber, cut to fit the seat. It is important to choose similar fittings if, in addition to its technical function, it was a decorative element. It is best to buy it from a specialized upholstery workshop, bringing the original products as a model.
  3. After removing the upholstery fabric, you need to take care of the wooden structure. To effectively and at the same time gently clean the top layer of a wooden chair (the most susceptible to contamination and damage), we need a solution of white spirit (500 ml) and denatured alcohol (250 ml). After moistening a lint-free cloth with the solution, carefully wipe the wooden frame of the chair to remove dirt and wax accumulation. If the piece of furniture has been varnished, it is better to remove the top layer of varnish with a scraper so that you can apply new varnish selected color onto cleaned wood.
  4. Under the upholstery we will see all the damage to the old chair. Always need to be reinforced and glued wooden structures at the joints: legs, backs and others. Usually the parts of the chair are glued with resin glue so that when possible errors restoration, our activities were completely reversible. Then the antique chair will not lose its original shape. This glue is ideal for this operation. However, the procedure requires a long drying time (minimum 12 hours) and high precision when applied (the glue cools quickly; it must be heated and then used before it cools down). Apply glue with a syringe into the joints of the furniture. Secure with a clamp until the glue dries.
  5. After removing the top layer of varnish from the chair, apply polish to the raw wood. This is a long process, taking about two days, but the effect is worth it. If you don't want to wait a long time, coat the wood with varnish or paint of the chosen color. Or protect the product with wood furniture wax.
  6. Apply the varnish in thin layers. Leave each layer for 2-3 hours to dry. The more layers of varnish we manage to apply, the more beautiful and reliable the texture of the pattern will be.
  7. Let's move on to final stage- creating new upholstery. Before replacing the foam, take care of the base of the seat first. Usually this is a wooden seat. But there may also be a braid of upholstery tape.
  8. In the second case, cut the tape into 3-4 sections, placed crosswise depending on the width of the seat. Then we fix the tapes using a furniture stapler on wooden frame from both ends. Next, we connect sections of the upholstery tape so that we get two layers of material. The stripes should be intertwined with each other in such a way that it turns out " Chess board" We secure the edges with an upholstery stapler.
  9. Place a soft sponge, batting or natural filling on the base prepared in this way.(sea grass, bristles, coconut fibers). However, keep in mind that natural seat filling is recommended for antiques. And then additional procedures may be required. For ordinary needs, the safest filling would be foam rubber (sponge).
  10. The sponge, cut to fit the seat, is covered with the selected decoupage material. Lighter decoupage fabrics will look better as they will reduce the amount of wrinkles on the item being used. Make sure the fabric is snug and gradually press it against the surface of the chair or stool. Be sure to smooth out the fabric you use before adding glue to avoid wrinkles. Add glue to the fabric and let it dry. Once dry, add more glue to seal the structure. Be sure to apply acrylic sealant to protect your updated furniture.
  11. Attach a sponge covered with decoupage fabric to the seat and disguise the visible stitching with decorative upholstery tape, securing it with fabric glue or decorative upholstery pins.

A master class on chair decoupage is presented in the following video:


You can use different materials for decoupage.


You can use almost any paper. The type of paper you use will depend largely on the project you are creating. For items that will be used more often, it's best to use more durable paper, such as images from magazines or your own photographs. For high chair You can use images of cartoon characters.

  • To attach your own photos to a project, simply use the photo as you would regular paper. And then add more varnish on top to even out and protect the image.
  • Use decoupage kits. They are soft, flexible, thin and light, with many stylish options design.
  • Paper napkins are used quite often. Because this paper is lighter than regular paper, it can curl easily at corners and is less likely to bubble. Its translucent surface can easily pass for painting, unlike other types of papers. Cut out the design before removing the layers of napkins. And then use one layer for decoupage.
  • You can also use decoupage to transfer a photo to another surface. When printing with photographs, make sure they are from a laser printer and not an inkjet printer, as an inkjet photo may bleed during operation.


If you have unnecessary beautiful fabrics in the house, you can make decoupage not only upholstered furniture, but also stairs, cabinets and other household items.

Fabrics are much stronger than paper, which means they are more wear-resistant.


To make decoupage easier, you can use:

  • scissors for scrapbooking– make it easier to cut out intricate patterns;
  • foam brushes– useful for applying decoupage finishes and are easier to clean than regular brushes;
  • stationery knife– allows you to leave smoother edges when cutting;
  • special glazes– create more bright colors, will help create interesting figures;
  • roller applicator– use to obtain more even coverage, especially on large surfaces.

Secrets of the master class

And a few more tips from the experts.

  • Use die cuts to create intricate designs with less labor. This technique is great for people who are just starting out with decoupage, or for those who have a special design.

The decoupage technique is one of the most popular today. It's simple modern way wooden or metal furniture using napkins, decoupage cards or magazines. Experts say that high-quality and well-made, it can look no worse, or even better, than art painting or inlay. All the main features and subtleties of this technique will be discussed in this article.

Process Features

First, it’s worth understanding the features of this technique. Decoupage is decorating furniture using napkins, glue and varnish. Typically, this technique is used to decorate chairs or tables. Decorating furniture with your own hands is quite easy to do at home, even if you do not have any creative abilities.

Decoupage is used to restore old chairs that have lost their former attractiveness. With some paint, a few napkins and a little talent, you can turn even a shabby old chair into a work of art. However, it is for this reason that many decorate and new furniture, thus giving monochromatic headsets individuality.

The decoupage technique is suitable for decorating both wooden and metal chairs. If you choose the right base and fix everything with varnish at the end, the design will look equally good on any surface. Is it true, metal base you need to pre-treat it well and definitely cover it with a layer of paint before gluing the paper.

By the way, furniture care also deserves special attention. Since the surface of the chair is covered with napkins, it is necessary that it is constantly in a room with stable temperature conditions and low humidity. You need to clean furniture as carefully as possible, without using a damp sponge or rag.


In order to decorate the surface of a chair with an interesting original design, you will need not only inspiration and patience, but also a certain set of working tools.

First of all, these are brushes and paints that you may need to draw details and contours. They can be purchased at almost all art stores. Choose several brushes different thicknesses and density, so that everything you need is at hand at the right time. Next, you will also need napkins with a beautiful image that you want to transfer to the surface of the chair, and glue. Many people advise buying vinyl, but regular ones will also work for this job.

To fix the finished design, you will also need a good varnish. And if you want to decorate in any way finished work, then it’s worth stocking up on all kinds of glitter and stickers.

By the way, some people use other materials as an alternative to napkins. For example, printed on thin paper, drawings or fabric.

It’s enough just to find beautiful pictures on the Internet that suit your style or mood. Printed images need to be glued in the same way as napkins. But it is recommended to blot the fabric with glue diluted with water. It adheres well to the surface of the chair and holds well.

As for the base on which they will be applied decorative elements, it can be wood, plastic, fabric or even glass. In order for the design to last longer, professionals advise applying a primer before decorating the surface of the furniture with beautiful decor.

Step-by-step instruction

As already mentioned, making a drawing using the decoupage technique is actually not that difficult. The instructions are simple and clear, so you can reproduce beautiful picture on the surface of furniture with your own hands. Of course, the first time everything may not be perfect and not entirely neat, but in the shabby chic style this will only be a plus.

So, if you decide to decorate a chair with your own hands, then the first thing to do is to clean it of the old layer of paint. To do this, stock up on sandpaper and patience. Experts advise using materials of different abrasiveness when cleaning the surface of a chair. If you start work with coarse-grained sandpaper and finish with fine-grained sandpaper, the surface will be more even and smooth, which means it will be more convenient to glue the material onto it.

After you have cleaned the paint from the furniture, any dirt that has accumulated on the surface must be cleaned using soap solution and a soft brush. If this is not done, the final result will look untidy. Next you will need to coat the chair with primer. Let the layer of this material dry well and only then proceed to the next step. As a rule, this is the application of a layer of light paint - white, beige, light blue or pastel pink.

It is worth thinking about the finished drawing that you will create using napkins or pieces of fabric. Outline the pattern, cut out the pictures and start gluing them onto the surface of your chair. If you use napkins, then you need to take only the top layer, which has a color image on it.

On the back side of the napkin you need to apply a little glue, diluted in equal proportions with water. The drawing must be carefully glued to the surface of the chair and smoothed out carefully. Next, you need to apply another layer of glue on top of the napkin and let it harden.

Then you should cover the resulting pattern with varnish. Perfect option- This is a transparent varnish on water based. It does not block the image, but at the same time allows you to fix the picture on the surface of the chair.

Once decoration is complete, you can further age the furniture. For this you will need acrylic paint. It should be chosen to match the color so that the color completes the composition. You should not paint the entire surface of the chair at once, but only individual parts. For example, highlight only the legs with color, or if you have a chair with a back and not a stool, then you can decorate it along the edges.

To age furniture, it is recommended to use either comfortable brushes or a soft sponge.

The second option is suitable purely for aging, and brushes will help create beautiful drawing on wood. You can also lightly sand the surface painted with paint.

Step-by-step video instructions on how to create a chair with your own hands using the Decoupage technique:

Stylistic decisions

You can decorate chairs using decoupage in different ways. There are several interesting stylistic trends.

It’s worth choosing the right style depending on the stylistic direction in which the room is decorated.


Decorating a bedroom for a baby is always a responsible task. A beautiful chair, decorated using decoupage technique, will definitely please your child and will make the room brighter and more unusual. The design of a high chair depends on what your baby likes. Choose napkins decorated with Teddy bears, cartoon characters or funny animals. You can also find on the Internet many pictures of characters from your favorite cartoons or fairy tales. Print them on thin paper and carefully decorate the chair with them.

When decoupaging children's furniture, try to take into account the child's taste, or better yet, involve him in the process. The baby will also be interested in working with paper, creating something bright and beautiful. The main thing is to control the progress of the work and varnish the surface yourself, without entrusting such an important task to a child.


Living rooms or bedrooms decorated in french style Provence is always stylish and fashionable. This trend is characterized by the use of antique-decorated furniture, so an artificially aged chair will come in handy here. It is recommended to take as a basis White color, because it is he who is most relevant for this exquisite French style.

A chair painted with white paint can be additionally decorated with napkins with images of flowers. Roses, peonies, daisies and other plants would be appropriate in such an interior.

Shabby chic

The use of artificially aged furniture is also relevant for the shabby chic style.

Beautiful stools or chairs with backs, decorated using decoupage technique, can be decorated old maps, flowers in pastel colors and other images. Such chairs look good in the interiors of living rooms, offices and even bedrooms.


The design of chairs in vintage style also looks interesting.

You don't have to buy expensive antique furniture. It is quite possible to create beautiful chair with your own hands, using the most simple materials and thin napkins. By decorating a chair or stool with subtle patterns using paints and a brush, you will get beautiful imitation dear Viennese chair. There will be a place for him in a chic stylish apartment, and in the interior of a luxurious country house.

There can be many reasons to update old furniture. For example, you don’t have money to buy new pieces of furniture, old pieces are quite durable but worn out on the outside, pieces of furniture are expensive as a keepsake, etc. This is especially true for stools, which can serve their owner for a long time. for a long time. They are easily updated if used modern materials and proven methods for redesigning. All that remains is to choose the simplest, fastest and convenient way for myself.


Perhaps the fastest and simple option Changing the design of the stool will be painting. Peculiarity paint and varnish materials lies in the variety of colors. This means you don’t have to limit your imagination. The main thing is to arm yourself the right tool. For preparation and further finishing work you will need sandpaper, paint desired color or several shades, brush, varnish.

Conventionally, the whole process can be divided into three stages:

  1. Sanding the stool with sandpaper to get rid of old paint.
  2. Painting of all surfaces (legs, back, if any, seats) new paint. It will be a monochromatic option or some kind of pattern - you decide for yourself.
  3. Coating dried painted surfaces with varnish to fix the result.

You can diversify the painting using stencils; this will allow you to apply any chosen design with the highest quality and beauty. This method of updating a stool is perfect for wooden and plastic products, folding and office chairs. The main thing is to choose the right color. Chalk paint is more suitable for painting stools. To obtain a better result, it is worth using a primer, which is used after the stage of cleaning the surfaces to cover them. This will allow you to achieve the result of factory painting - high-quality and durable. If you decide to paint individual parts of the stool, you should use masking tape. As a finishing coat, you can use not only varnish, but also melted wax.


If you have an old stool with a hard seat or worn upholstery, you can update it. Such a stool will be much more convenient and comfortable. To make a new piece of furniture you will need a furniture stapler, fabric of your choice, foam rubber, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver or screwdriver, and a sheet of plywood. As an alternative to foam rubber, you can use batting or padding polyester.

Now you can begin the process itself. First you need to cut out the base for the upholstery from plywood. It is important that it follows the contours of the seat of a chair or stool as accurately as possible. After this, it requires spreading the selected piece of fabric, putting foam rubber in it and covering it all with the cut out base. All that remains is to stretch the fabric and secure the structure with a stapler. Now we mount the made soft seat. To do this, the base is placed on the seat of the stool and screwed on the bottom side with self-tapping screws.

Fabric decoupage

Everyone knows that decoupage is the creation of beautiful applications from paper. But scraps can also be used for these purposes. beautiful fabric. This method of decorating old stools is characterized by speed of execution and unusual results. When using a stool covered with fabric, threads may become knocked out of the finishing material, but it's not scary. They simply cut off and the chair will look like new again.

To fabric decoupage a chair you will need upholstery fabric or colorful patches, PVA glue or a special decoupage analogue, a stationery knife, a brush for applying the adhesive composition.

The entire process of pasting a stool can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Removing the seat and backrest (if equipped) using a screwdriver.
  2. Painting a chair if you want to completely freshen up the design.
  3. Spread the fabric on a flat surface.
  4. Outlining the vision of the chair on the fabric. It is important to step back a few centimeters from the edge so that you can bend them under the seat.
  5. Coating outside seats with PVA glue or special composition for decoupage.
  6. Fabric smoothing and coating outside glue material.

Now you need to leave the chair overnight so that the glue dries thoroughly. All that remains is to trim off the excess material with a stationery knife. To ensure that the decoupled seat serves you for a long time and does not fray, cover the edges with glue to fix the result. If the chair has other elements, for example, a back and armrests, then they should also be decorated with fabric.

Paper decoupage

The chair seats can be decorated with multi-colored paper, making a colorful applique. This stool will definitely appeal to small children. To update the design of the stool you will need sandpaper, material for appliqué with a beautiful pattern, PVA glue, a brush, and varnish.

The first thing to do is to clean the stool from dust, old paint and other contaminants using sandpaper. After this, you need to trace the seat of the stool on the spread paper. Now the surface of the cleaned stool is covered adhesive composition. Then you need to attach paper with a pattern to the seat. The stool should be covered in such a way that creases and folds do not form.

After the glue has completely dried (often a day is enough), the chair is coated with varnish to fix the result. This needs to be done twice so that the decoupled seat does not wear out too quickly. For design, you can use absolutely any paper, for example, old wallpaper, multi-layer napkins, neo-Greek maps from atlas, book and magazine pages, celebrity posters, etc.

Stucco molding

If you decide to update a chair with a back or want to decorate the legs of a stool in an unusual way, then stucco will come to the rescue. This will allow you to create a vintage or neoclassical piece of furniture in any style. To update the stool you will need fine-grained sandpaper, decorative strips for the back, wood glue, decorative foam or plaster decorations, brushes and acrylic paint, varnish.

First you need to take care of cleaning the surfaces from the dirt of old paint; for this we sand them with sandpaper. The back can be decorated decorative skirting boards from the inside or outside. Now you need to choose a place for decoration - this could be the legs or the back of the chair back. Glue the decorative element, give it a day for the material to securely grab and fix. Now you can start painting and fixing the result with matte varnish.

Vinyl self-adhesive film

In any hardware store you can find a wide variety of multi-colored self-adhesive tapes with beautiful patterns. This option for finishing an old stool is quick, simple, and inexpensive. For pasting you will need vinyl self-adhesive film, primer, sandpaper, varnish.

The process of updating a stool is not much different from the previous ones. First you need to sand the surfaces, then wash them thoroughly with soapy water. Prime the seat and legs with primer. All that remains is to cut out the self-adhesive the right size, outlining the elements to be pasted. It is better if you leave a few centimeters of material, which will then tuck under the seat. Now glue the vinyl film, smooth it out and cover the updated chair with several layers of varnish.