Decorate a watch with your own hands. How to choose a kitchen clock or make one yourself. How to prepare material

Finding beautiful wall clocks and fitting them into your interior can be difficult. Especially for those who love original accessories and are not ready to pay a lot of money for designer models. Our selection includes 10 ideas for creating unusual watches from unnecessary things.

Clock made from disposable spoons

A very stylish and unusual wall clock can be made from several hundred plastic spoons. The result is a funny accessory that looks like a bright flower.

Watch for book lovers

A godsend for reading lovers is a watch made from book volumes. A composition made up of several elements will look especially impressive.

Wall clock made from a bicycle wheel

Even an old bicycle wheel can make a fashionable watch. To do this, remove the tire and attach numbers and arrows to the rim.

Clock made of wooden boards

An excellent accessory in the shabby chic style will come from wooden planks. If you don’t have a ready-made round blank, you can carefully cut the boards according to the drawn stencil.

Knitted watch

An ordinary boring watch can be updated with a bright knitted case, partially stretched over the front.

Wooden wall clock

A wooden round clock will fit perfectly into a rustic interior or an eco-style room. To make them you will need a piece of wood, well processed sandpaper, drill, hands and clock mechanism. For originality, you can write only one number on the dial.

Moon clock

You can paste an image of the moon onto a pre-prepared dial - you will get a very interesting art object.

Clock made of wooden sticks

Even wooden coffee sticks are suitable as material for creating original watches. But it will take a lot of patience and perseverance to carefully glue them together.

Watch dial model. Master class with step by step photos

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 6 years old, primary school teachers, educators, and parents.
Purpose: didactic material for mathematics lessons, interior decoration.
Target: making a watch dial.
Tasks:- strengthen the ability to work with paper;
- develop children's creativity, imagination, and imagination;
- develop fine motor skills, accuracy when working with glue and needle;
- cultivate patience and confidence in your affairs.

A man who wastes time
He himself doesn’t notice how old he is.
E Schwartz
Even in ancient times, people knew how to navigate in time and space:
according to the stars, according to the sun, even then the first sundial.
Man has invented all sorts of clocks throughout his existence: lunar, water, candle, sand, oil.
This brilliant invention could not fail to find universal application. Many of the first watches served humanity long and faithfully, but over time more modern and comfortable models hours.
In today’s dynamic world, you have to appreciate every minute, as the saying “time is money” becomes more relevant every year. In order to control yourself, you simply need to have a good sense of time.
Teaching a child to navigate a clock correctly is a real art. This kind of activity requires a lot of time to be spent explaining the different names for the same designation. The main thing is patience and the ability to wait, and not immediately demand skills and abilities from the child.
The first and best tool is a home clock with hands, which we will make today.

They go all the time.
Not a person. (watch)
We don't sleep during the day
We don't sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock. (watch)
I have no legs, but I walk
I have no mouth, but I will say,
When to sleep, when to get up,
When to start work. (watch)
Here's a hut with arrows,
And inside there sits a cuckoo

And shouts: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!
I guard the minutes!" (clock)
When to go to bed and get up
When should we start a game?
When to sit down for a lesson
When there is a pie with raspberries -
The clock will tell us everything exactly,
So that the question: “What time is it?” -
You could answer every time.
A watch is a mystical gift.
It's not time that has power over you,
And you are above him - let him be bright
Yours every day and every hour!
The clock does not tolerate inattention,
And in happiness, be sensitive to the clock.
They are wealth and recognition
They bring it to us at the appointed time.

colored cardboard,
colored paper(album sheet),
thread, needle,
small flat button
hole puncher.


Step by step description works:
To work we need templates.

1. Making a dial. Trace the outline of the dial on the back of the colored cardboard.

Trace the inner circle on a landscape sheet.

Cut out the details.

Place the parts on top of each other and glue them.

Fold a landscape sheet like an accordion into 12 pieces, draw circles (others geometric figures) for numbers.

Cut out the details.

Glue the parts to the dial and decorate the numbers with a felt-tip pen. The dial is ready!

2. Making arrows. Make 2 holes on the back of the dark cardboard with a hole punch.

Align the holes with the template holes. Trace the arrow patterns.

Cut out the arrows.

3. Assembling the dial model. Place the arrows on top of each other, align the holes of the arrows, and place them on the center of the circle.

Place a flat button on top and sew to the dial.

Reverse side of the dial.

Use a felt-tip pen to mark the minutes.

Dial models are ready in different options registration

Creative success! Karina Moroz | 9.11.2015 | 9482

Karina Moroz 9.11.2015 9482

Bored of the mediocre interior? We will share ideas on how you can decorate any room using unusual handmade clocks.

Happy hours are not observed. However, decorative wall clocks can become not only a wonderful addition to any interior, but also an original gift.

You will need a clock mechanism (you can buy it in a special store or take it from an old watch), some flat object to create a dial and a little imagination.

This idea will appeal to creative people.

You will need:

  • domino;
  • strong glue;
  • clockwork;
  • metal sieve for straining noodles;
  • ruler;
  • ballpoint pen, marker or pencil.

1. Wash the sieve thoroughly and dry.

2. Using a ruler and pen, mark where you want the dominoes to go. Glue them to the sieve and leave until completely dry.

3. Install the clock mechanism as indicated in the instructions on its packaging.

Set the time on the clock and hang it on the wall.

2. Vinyl record wall clock

You will need:

  • clockwork;
  • vinyl record.

In the center vinyl record make a hole. Attach the mechanism to the back side and the arrows to the front side.

A vinyl record can be given unusual shape. To do this, you need to put it in a preheated oven for a few minutes, then take it out using oven mitts and “blind” any shape from the melted plate.

3. Clock with a plant motif

If you were unable to get hold of a clock mechanism, you can creatively remake old ones wooden clock.

You will need:

  • wooden wall clock;
  • acrylic paint for wooden surfaces;
  • brush;
  • spray adhesive;
  • rhinestones or beads;
  • a printed color drawing with a plant motif (you can use beautiful wrapping paper or a piece of wallpaper instead).

1. Unscrew the clock mechanism.

2. Paint the edge of the dial with color acrylic paint. Wait for it to dry.

3. Place the dial on the design with a floral motif and trace the outline of the clock. Then cut out a circle slightly smaller than the clock face.

Beautiful wall clocks are always a source of information about time, but they also decorate the interior of an apartment and give it a special charm.

Moreover, if you think that it is very difficult to make a wall clock with your own hands, then you are deeply mistaken. This is quite real challenge, which is within the power of almost everyone. After all, for such a watch you do not need to assemble the mechanism itself.

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It is taken from old watches or taken out of cheap Chinese alarm clocks. And on this basis, you decorate them to your taste, taking into account the design of your apartment.

What are wall clocks made of?

If you decide to make a wall clock yourself or make a grandfather clock with your own hands, then you need to know that this can be made from almost any material. Of course, the most popular is wood. Due to its properties, wooden watches are made by ourselves. different shapes and last quite a long time.

Usually, not only wall clocks, but also grandfather clocks are made from this material. By the way, drawings for making wall clocks are usually not required, but they may sometimes be needed for floor structures, having a more complex assembly.

Record clock

Plastic and other materials

Plastic watches are also popular. They are even more durable, but their production is more complex. Original watch can be made from cardboard, and the simplicity with which this can be done is surprising. As a material for a wall clock, you can use paper or, for example, gramophone records.


It’s quite possible to make a clock for the kitchen from a tin can.

There is a great variety of additional material, used mainly for making arrows. These could be tree branches, buttons, pencils or wire.

Cardboard clock

As we have already said, making cardboard clocks is quite simple, so we will now tell you how to make a clock from cardboard yourself. In order to implement this idea we will need following materials and tools:

  1. Clockwork. It can be pulled out of an old unnecessary watch.
  2. A piece of corrugated cardboard. Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of your future product.
  3. Wooden disk.
  4. , PVA glue, kraft paper (special high-strength wrapping paper).
  5. (fine-grained and possibly coarse-grained), hook, decorative elements.

Paper clock

Main stages of execution

First you need to take a disk made of wood (the same goes for wooden watches), and use a hammer drill to make a hole for the clock mechanism. After this, we cut out two circles from cardboard and glue them on both sides and in one of them we also make a hole for the clock mechanism.

Having made the base for the clock, you need to cover the ends of the disk with cardboard, cutting out a piece with a width equal to the thickness of the disk and a length equal to its circumference. We fix it with PVA glue. Then you need to cover the clock with kraft paper and, on the reverse side, fix the hook with which we will hang our product on a nail. By the way, a master class on watch making can be viewed below.

DIY wall clock video:

Final work

Now we need to paint our disk black. It will be enough to do this from the front side. After the surface has dried, we make a hole for the arrows using an awl. Now we need silver paint, which contrasts as best as possible with the black color of the disk, and use it to apply the divisions and numbers on the dial. We paint the arrows with the same color. We finish our work by installing the clock mechanism and decorative decoration ends and edges of the disk.


This can be done, for example, using rhinestones.

As you can see from the instructions presented, almost anyone can make a watch from cardboard.

Wood clock

Let's look at how quickly you can make a wooden clock. To make them you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Wooden disk with a diameter of 330 mm.
  2. Wooden sticks and balls of small diameter in the amount of 12 pieces.
  3. Clockwork.
  4. Sandpaper, glue, .
  5. Wire cutters and hammer drill.
  6. Black cardboard and paint in two colors.
  7. Pencil, scissors, ruler.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Sand the disc and balls until they have a smooth surface and wipe them free of dust.
  2. We cut the wooden sticks to the same length. We choose the length ourselves.
  3. Using a punch, we will make a hole in the center of the disk intended for the arrows.
  4. Drill 12 holes at the end of the wooden disk. They will serve as grooves for sticks with balls. The distance between the disks must be the same. To do this, you need to use a protractor and make marks every thirty degrees.
  5. Pour glue into the holes and fix wooden sticks in them.
  6. At this stage of making a wooden watch, you need to treat the surface with a primer and, after drying, apply several layers of paint. The paint color, in our case, should be white.
  7. Now we need to paint the balls red (it is most suitable for a white disk). To make this convenient, we will need a piece of foam plastic and the remains of our wooden sticks. We string balls onto them and paint them, after which we insert them into a piece of foam plastic and wait for them to dry. For painting we use a spray, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to paint evenly with a brush.
  8. After drying, insert the balls into sticks and “sit” them on the glue.
  1. The final step will be to install the clock mechanism on the back of the disc and fix the hands to it. We will make the arrows from thick cardboard, painted black.

This is interesting! do it yourself - master class

Paper clock

In order to make a clock out of paper we will need the following materials:

  1. Clock mechanism and hands.
  2. The dial is made of wood or other dense material.
  3. Paper for decoration and buttons.
  4. Decoupage glue (acts as glue, varnish and sealant), regular glue, paints.
  5. Small paper plate.
  6. Ruler, scissors, pencil, pen.
  7. Brush and foam brush.

Plastic watch

Manufacturing stages

Let's look at how to make a watch with your own hands step by step.

  1. First, we cut the paper (choose the color that suits you), in the shape of an elongated trapezoid, along the length of the dial. In this case, all pieces must be the same in size and shape. total area The paper should be larger than the dial so that you can bend the ends later. Then we fix the paper to the dial with decoupage glue and wait for it to dry. After this, we bend and glue the hanging ends to the back of the dial.
  2. Apply decoupage glue to the surface of the dial in several layers. Each subsequent layer is applied to the previous one, but after complete drying. At correct application, the surface of the dial will become glossy.
  3. We mark the dial. This is conveniently done using a paper plate. That is, first we mark all the dots on the plate, then we apply it to the dial and put the dots on it. After that, in place of the numbers, we glue, for example, buttons or something else that your imagination is designed for.
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Classic and modern watches made of solid wood with oak veneer, natural elements combined with black glass, chrome and plastic will be an excellent element of interior decor. modern house. You can choose from several options: with different amounts shooter, from different materials, different sizes and shapes arranged vertically or horizontally, additionally decorated various decor. The choice of options is simply huge. The watch is very important element interior, because they not only have a clear practical function, but can also become the main decoration of the walls.

They can be hung in any room, but when we buy models for the bedroom, it is worth listening to them so that they do not tick too noisily. This sound can be disturbing and wake you up in the silence of the night.

The choice of dial design is extremely important for interior design. For original options It’s worth setting aside space on the wall with plain wallpaper or plaster. In the kitchen, they should be placed away from the stove to avoid getting grease and dirt on them.

Such a wonderful item for interior decor will tell time and will remind you of the most beautiful moments that you captured in photographs, and will also contain photographs of family and friends. They are an ideal gadget for sentimental people and their family.

This is an ingenious solution - a watch under photographs. They can be equipped with colored frames in which you can place your favorite photographs, sayings or pictures. Their interesting design will suit for almost any interior. If you are looking for a gift for owners new apartment, in case of a wedding or any other occasion, or look for a way, this option will be ideal solution. This decor is brilliant, original and practical!

The clock from the photographs on the wall attracts attention at first glance:

  • colored or chrome photo frames;
  • unique interior decoration;
  • beauty;
  • practicality.

There is an option that is sold as individual elements with dial. You will paste each division yourself, and insert your favorite photographs into the finished frames. Made in a minimalist style, they will be perfectly presented in.

They can be glued to a wall, glass, furniture - wherever your imagination tells you. The watch is supplied in parts for self-assembly. Separate dial and magnetic photo frames. The mechanism is quartz. Realization - metal. A template is supplied with the mechanism and hands to facilitate even distribution of the individual elements.

Such original item You can do the decor yourself. To make a clock on the wall from photographs with your own hands, you will need to purchase one, be patient and good shots. First you need to drill a hole in the wall for the dowel and place the clock mechanism.

To make a clock with photographs, you need to carefully make markings on the wall, outlining the 12 digits of the dial. Next we turn on our imagination. You can simply post 12 of your favorite pictures.

For a children's room, you can use photographs on the clock of the 12 first months of the baby's life; such a clock will clearly show how your baby has grown and what successes he has achieved every month. They symbolize the fleetingness of time and the first thought of the guests will be: “how quickly time has passed.” Parents and grandparents of the baby will love this sentimental decor.

Thus, using a simple and inexpensive clock mechanism, which you can easily buy in a store, you can make a completely unique decorative item for the interior of your home. At the same time, it does not look cheap and simple, but very original and stylish. It will suit many styles; we can say that it is universal. When making it, you realize your creative abilities, which brings a lot of joy and satisfaction.

Now, in order to remember the most pleasant moments in life, you don’t need to take out an album from the closet; photographs are always in front of you, and in addition to aesthetic satisfaction, they bring practical benefits. It is unlikely that your guests will remain indifferent to your creation, most likely they will ask you to tell them how to do it in order to also decorate their home.