Decorating with old keys. Unusual ideas for crafts made from locks and wrenches Pictures made from lock keys

Old keys often become a useless item around the house. But in the hands of a designer they can be original decoration in a modern interior, charming jewelry, a small accent on cards and boxes. See the selection of ideas “Decorating with old keys”, fantasize and create unique interior items, unique decor and funny toys.

TheVintageHeart, etsy

For women, jewelry is a weakness. Not a single fashionista can live without them. And this is understandable. After all, having put on jewelry, a lady not only attracts attention to herself, but also miraculously transforms your outfit, making it unique, creative and trendy. Today, fashionistas are offered mini-trends - these are all kinds of jewelry to which hanging parts are attached. Necklaces and chokers, chains with pendants, keychains with locks and (or) keys. The choice is rich!

The style of these jewelry is called post-punk. Today women often prefer expensive jewelry fresh ideas and the originality of more democratic jewelry, by the way, is of quite high quality. In the version with locks and keys, the image will be confident and daring, but at the same time so feminine. Such jewelry will suit a classic look, giving it a more urban and decisive look, and a miniature black dress, or a pair of jeans + shirt.


The format of jewelry is massive, and the materials used to make seemingly brutal accessories are different; it is desirable that they have shine, copper or steel. The leading position, as always, is in gold. It is better to put off elegant jewelry following the example of fashion designers for a while. Keys and locks, as well as all kinds of metal pendants on a fragile female neck will certainly make their owner stand out from the crowd. You can add a spring bracelet to the necklace set. Clothes with prints of keys and locks are also mega-popular in the recently arrived 2015 season.

UrbArchaeology, etsy

And once upon a time, the Louis Vuitton fashion house (in the 50s of the 20th century) showed the world locks on handbags, like on trunks. In the spring and summer of 2015, such elements will be very relevant not only as pendants around the neck, they can also be seen on earrings, bracelets, and they will also be used to decorate shoes and handbags, and even jeans. This is a kind of romance, because locks and keys are symbols of relationships loving people. Although, there is also a religious, pagan theme. Apparently, this inspired a unique idea for fashion designers. Women will appear as mysterious and enigmatic individuals this season. In 2015, the global brand Dolce and Gabbana showed a keyhole print on the dresses and coats of its models. There were also T-shirts, tops and vintage blouses strewn with keys. Louis Vuitton has keys and locks not only on neck jewelry, but also on rings and bracelets. All these delights are made from different varieties gold: white, pink and yellow.


Karl Lagerfeld adorned his models with barn castles at his fashion show this year. Keys and locks hanging from massive chains, the links of which are quite large, are very relevant in the new fashion season. Geometric earrings will help complement an extraordinary ensemble. It is also trendy when there is a large earring in one ear, a miniature one in the other, or just a single, but shocking earring in the ear, and nothing in the other. Option for a pair of earrings – large.








mirrormirror1, etsy






Surely there is no family in our country where old keys have not accumulated for years. Moreover, more often than not, the locks for these keys no longer exist in nature, but the keys continue to be accumulated “just in case.” But old, especially antique keys, can become interesting element room interior decor.

A key always attracts attention; a person intuitively thinks about the door that opens with this key. This is probably the hope of finding something especially interesting behind the door, something never seen before.

The key is a symbolic object, therefore, placed anywhere, it gives even the most ordinary things an element of mystery. It is enough to hang the product on a ribbon or chain and place it on a bookshelf, near old books, or place it on the wall in an old drawer.

This is a simple and fun gift for Valentine's Day. After all, Valentines are made from the most various items. Here it is a heart-shaped pillow and a symbolic key.

This is an element New Year's decoration Houses. The key is on an invitation for Santa Claus to visit his family at Christmas. Of course, you shouldn’t post real house keys; an impostor may appear instead of Santa Claus.

Pumpkin, in addition to its taste, is good because it can be stored for a long time under normal conditions. room temperature. Therefore, decorating the kitchen in country house, you can hope that the jewelry will last a long time.

Antique keys can be used to make handles for antique furniture. To secure the screws now, no welding is needed, just glue the bolts to the base with a good universal glue.

Blank branded wine bottles, are often used to decorate rooms. And if you add an old key to the bottle, you will get an original flower vase, with elements of an old style.

Tell me, do you have a bunch of old keys? I have one, and a decent one) I don’t know where it came from, why I keep it, but I diligently add unnecessary keys to the ones I already have. My unclaimed wealth would have been collecting dust for who knows how long, if not for chance...

Recently I came across an article about the unusual use of cutlery - it turns out that there is truly great ideas! I read it, looked at it and thought: why are keys worse than forks and spoons? Is it really impossible to come up with anything interesting from them? And I started looking creative solutions- what can be done from old keys. As it turned out, they can also be used for both practical and decorative purposes. For example:

The idea of ​​replacing Roman or Arabic numerals with images or original items not new. Instead, you can see anything on the watch dials: zodiac signs, emoticons, human and animal figures, keyboard buttons, buttons... The list goes on for a long time, I think you’ve seen something similar yourself. It turns out that the keys on the dial also look very interesting.

Lampshades and ceiling lights
At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to create such beauty without special skills. However, taking a closer look, you can understand that there are no special difficulties in the designs. In the photo on the left, the frame of the lampshade is made of woven mesh (manier, if I’m not mistaken). The keys are simply tied to it with threads ( thin wire) in no particular order. After practicing creating a simple lampshade, you can move on to a more serious product and make a floor lamp. Of course, if you have enough keys in stock)

A little time and patience, an old metal rim from a wheel, a few meters of chain and a dozen or two keys, and you are the happy owner of a copyrighted ceiling lamp. No such rim? Give free rein to your imagination and creative flight of thought - replace it with a bicycle one, or take a car steering wheel, or an old colander, a net...

Lovers of romance also did not go unnoticed: the ideas are simple to implement, but candlesticks decorated with keys take on a completely different look, right?

It turns out that keys do an excellent job as hooks.

A jewelry holder stand is beautiful and convenient: bracelets and chains will not slip off.

An original curtain tieback: if you don’t like the chain, you can easily replace it with beads, braid, or simply attach it with a pin - with each option the key and pendants will look different.

Keys can be used to decorate sofa cushions. Of course, it is not recommended to sleep on these, but as an interior decoration they are a very interesting option.

Ordinary bottles will look much more original if you tie beautiful keys to their necks. If they are not enough, you can additionally decorate the vessel with lace, sequins, buttons - whatever your heart desires)

Enterprising people fit keys wherever they go - and everywhere they look quite out of place.

I like that almost everything I see can be done with your own hands. Some ideas can be brought to life in a couple of minutes)

I wouldn’t refuse a bottle or a ball of keys, but this is exactly the option that you can’t make on your own—it definitely requires a master.

For mobile phone lovers I chose 4 basic options, from which you can build on, creating your own unique design. As you can see, there are a variety of execution ideas - you can choose them to suit your taste.

Doors and walls are decorated with keys.

Old keys are the object of inexhaustible ideas for completely unnecessary (from a practicality point of view), but mandatory for creating cozy little things. They delight the eye and soul, add individuality to the interior, and silently testify to the owner’s sense of style.

Keys for crafts can be used not only in their usual, familiar form. They can be painted, painted, decorated with beads, beads or rhinestones.

Perhaps the most popular area is jewelry making. The number of ideas is so huge that it was difficult to choose options for demonstration - all are good. The base is a key and a chain, ribbon, beads, cord), and what you add as pendants is everyone’s personal preference. It’s wonderful that not a single piece of jewelry created with your own hands can be exactly repeated - who wants to wear something like everyone else’s!

But it would be hard to call these specimens anything other than the works of a true master.

Bright, stylish, impressive! And at the heart of the decoration is an ordinary key!

You can make these interesting bracelets from keys.

And earrings

And rings. In general, with their help you can create whole set jewelry

There are “key” ideas for wedding fashion. From beautiful key makes an exquisite boutonniere for the groom

To conclude the review, I will bring to your attention the stunning installation “The Key in the Hand.” To create it, the Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota needed about 50 thousand keys (professionals work on a grand scale)) Yes, I would like to see this with my own eyes...

Which of the ideas seemed to you worth attention? Or maybe you already have your own unique experience unusual use regular keys?

So, in fact, it happened - I realized my idea. The panel “Old Keys” - and the frame was made exclusively for them, but where else would you need it so old and uneven in places?

As I expected, after finishing the frame the process stalled. I couldn't arrange the keys in a way that I liked. About 15 options, after I photographed them and examined them on the monitor (by the way, a great way to prevent a “blurry” look) were rejected. And I had already come to terms with the fact that another “started and unfinished” thing would go on the shelf, but today it finally happened! Eureka! I liked the composition and then I decided not to procrastinate.

So, the frame was made, and I needed a "buggy" background for the keys. After inspecting the hamster supplies, burlap was discovered, albeit on some kind of incomprehensible synthetic substrate (it was a bag for some bottles from a liquor store, and it had been waiting for its fate for at least 10 years). Well, and cardboard for the base - where would we be without it?

First of all, I cut the cardboard to fit the frame. Next, after coating the cardboard with PVA, I rolled burlap with a rolling pin (it’s good that it was on the base and the glue didn’t leak anywhere).

After “rolling” the cardboard increased a little in size, and therefore I had to cut it again. Just what you need!

A day to dry - just to be sure. I managed even more than a day - due to creative throwing. But now the keys are laid out - we make sure to take a photo so that later we don’t get confused about which key goes where.

True, this didn’t help anyone in a hurry - only when everything was done and I sat down to process the photographs, I noticed that one of the central keys should have been at a distance. And the composition then looks much better. Eh! If it gets too annoying, I'll change it.

Having laid out the keys, I outline the fastening locations with a pencil. And I put the keys aside, laying them out the way they should be on the panel - again, just to make the process easier.

Using a needle I make small holes at the marked points. By the way, this is where I realized that the wire would tear the cardboard and I needed a stronger backdrop. From what was on hand - Plaid stencil sheets, and one of them went into use. It was possible to take a durable plastic file, but as luck would have it, I didn’t have one, and I couldn’t wait until the evening - you understand! We duplicate the holes on the plastic and begin to attach the keys.

It is better to take a longer wire, it is more convenient than using a short one. And this is what the inside looks like

After each key I made a small knot for strength. But be careful - the wire breaks when strongly bent or tightened. I used pliers to tighten the wire so that it would be better tensioned. (Don’t be confused by the 3 holes on the plastic backing; I made a mistake. Only one is needed, exactly matching the attachment point.)

I twist and hide all the ends, and that’s it.

Next, I taped the inside with double-sided tape and covered all the unearthly beauty with beautiful paper. Now you need to secure the panel inside the frame (optimally with a special stapler for shooting, like in framing workshops. But I don’t have one, but I have a hammer and staples from the mentioned stapler). How the fastening will be done to hang the panel on the wall - I will decide in the evening, and this is just trifles. The main thing is that it is finished.

PS. I was thinking, what if someone wants to do the same thing, but they won’t have cardboard, but MDF, or thin chipboard. Then the sequence changes. First you will need to mark the locations for attaching the keys and thin drill(one by one) drill holes. After this, glue on the burlap. Well, then - attach the keys in the described way, or in any other way - at your discretion.

Practice shows that from any, even the most unnecessary item, you can make something original and memorable. So self-taught master from Australia creates ordinary items from unusual material– old keys and coins. Metal glasses, bottles and spheres look very original and non-standard.

Talented self-taught artist Michael, better known by his pseudonym Moerkey, creates original sculptures from keys or coins. The author solders small objects together, giving them the desired shape.

As the author himself admits, he did not specifically study soldering and attended only one lesson on this profile. He acquired all the skills by watching videos on Youtube and, step by step, learning this craft. Initially, the author soldered metal spheres, and then moved on to more complex objects - bottles, glasses. He even soldered a woman's torso.
Today, Moerkey's original works are successfully presented in the online store Etsy.

Moerkey's work is original and unconventional, but he is not the first to choose old keys as a working material. In Prague there is a whole It is dedicated to the “velvet” revolution, since students, being at demonstrations, protested communist regime bunches of keys jingled.