Decorating a wall clock. How to make a watch with your own hands - photo examples. Unusual watch crafts

A kitchen clock is a necessary, useful and, in general, ordinary thing. Few people think about their design, because the main thing is that they show the time correctly, helping to control the process of preparing various dishes.

But try to make a wall clock for the kitchen with your own hands - and you will notice that the atmosphere in this room has subtly changed.

Of course, we are not talking about assembling and adjusting the clock mechanism yourself - you should use a ready-made one, bought in a store or removed from an old watch. But you can really get creative with the design of the dial.

Handmade kitchen clock

Many of us have some kind of hobby related to needlework. These skills can be used to make watches, even if you think it is impossible. In fact, watches can be knitted, embroidered, woven, drawn, etc.

Don't believe me? Look at the following photos.

As you can see, a little imagination and skill - and your kitchen will acquire a real handmade designer item.

If you don’t know how to sew, embroider, or draw, you can come up with something else, no less interesting (see also the article about). You might like one of the ideas we suggested in this article or video.

Watches made from scrap materials

Look into the cabinets and drawers in your kitchen, and you are sure to find many unnecessary or worn-out items that can still serve in another capacity. For example, an old pot lid, the only plate left from a set, or a flour sieve can be an excellent base for a watch.

And here are the options for using them:

  • Unscrew the handle from the old lid and you will have a watch case with a finished hole in the center. The lid can be spray painted, painted, or decorated with stickers. A watch mechanism with a battery is attached to the back of it, and hands are attached to the front part.

  • The simplest and most original kitchen clock can be made from disposable tableware: plates and plastic cutlery. This idea is not new, but still interesting. Exactly the same as in the previous case, all you have to do is glue the clock mechanism to the back and install the hands.

Advice. Instead of disposable plate It is better to use a more rigid base - a lid from a mayonnaise bucket or a circle cut out of thick cardboard.

  • If you need a fairly large art object, take a large tray of any shape, drill a hole in the middle and use good glue attach twelve coffee cups to it. Further instructions are similar to the previous ones.

These ideas should not be copied literally, but used only as hints. For example, instead of a lid excellent case a frying pan with a handle or an old vinyl record can be used for a clock.

Coffee clock

Coffee beans are a favorite material for making various crafts from masters of applied arts. They can also be used to decorate watches. They are especially appropriate in the kitchen, as they will not only show the time, but also exude a magical aroma.

It is not necessary to make a watch with your own hands; you can use existing ones, and just decorate them with coffee beans, sticking them directly on the dial or on the bezel of the case. Although you can come up with your own composition. Watch the master class to understand how to work with this material and what it can be combined with.

Advice. Instead of coffee, you can use any other grains, as well as pasta. If you paint them with spray paint, you can create an interesting ornament or a whole picture.


Today this method of decoration has found a second life, because it allows you to create truly unique things. Its essence is extremely simple: it is a regular applique, which is coated with varnish on top to protect the design.

Sometimes used craquelure varnishes, creating small cracks on the surface and giving the effect of antiquity.

For kitchen clocks, you can use paper napkins with a pattern that matches the style and color. They are glued to the prepared base with PVA glue diluted with water. After drying, you can draw on the outlines, stick or write numbers, and then cover it all with acrylic varnish.

Wooden clock

If you enjoy working with wood and the style of your kitchen calls for this kind of decor, you have a huge opportunity.

  • You can make a DIY kitchen wall clock from a thin cut of wood (see also the article about). It just needs to be sanded, varnished or stained and a hole drilled for attaching the hands.

  • Remember the old cuckoo clock that used to hang in almost every village house? Their likeness can be made from wooden planks, and decorate with salt dough figures.

  • Another one interesting idea, which your children or grandchildren will like. Cut a circle from thick plywood, and drill 12 holes at its end at equal intervals. thin holes. We won’t remind you about the clock mechanism and hands - everything is as usual. But the role of time indicators should be played by lollipops inserted into pre-made holes. Just don’t remove the wrapper from them ahead of time.

Advice. Make a supply of lollipops to insert them in place of those that will constantly and mysteriously disappear.


Hello! Remember, as you taught your kids about time, that it can be measured using seconds, minutes, etc.; and what is special device for this. Or perhaps you still have to tell your little ones about all this? Then I will suggest one very effective method. Together we need to make a clock with our own hands for children from cardboard. You can devote your working time to telling a story about short seconds, minutes rushing forward, and such huge hours that seem to last forever, especially for kids. Yes and creative work will not remain without a trace, the little ones develop by doing it.


What to hide For a modern person, no matter how big or small, the wrapper is important. Even the same candy may seem tastier if it is wrapped in a candy wrapper with your favorite movie character, rather than in parchment. Therefore, the learning process should be packaged in a beautiful wrapper: use your favorite Lego men, cars, stickers, prints of super heroes, everything that your child likes, that he is willing to look at for hours, and that he is even willing to sleep with.

Or even make it in the form of a wrist bracelet; I think kids will also appreciate this option.

Regarding the teaching system, choose the one that you think is more understandable to your child and which you can teach “without stuttering.” Some people make watches like real ones without minutes, others hide the minutes under a leaf so they can “peep.” Someone, on the contrary, makes a double dial, where both the hours and minutes are clearly visible, and even the hands move in their own circle, clearly pointing to the number. And someone makes a clock with the task of sticking the corresponding number of minutes on Velcro, and even below you can put in separate numbers what happened (for example, 10:30). Of course, it is more convenient to make such watches with Velcro from felt, although Velcro can also be glued onto cardboard. The main idea!

Or you can improve your regular home clock by sticking minutes in a circle for quick learning.

In a word, what are we still talking about? It's time to get down to business! We have a universal, basic master class coming up that you can take as a basis for your idea.

Step-by-step instructions for making a clock from cardboard

Now we will try together do under the tree. But first, just a few words about the tools we will use to make, and the children’s possible help.

A few important points:

  • We have to cut out blanks from paper, and for this we will need sharp scissors. If you have scissors with rounded edges, then this part of the work can be entrusted to the baby. Otherwise, it’s better, or rather safer, to do it yourself.
  • To fasten the arrows on the structure we will again need sharp object: either nail scissors with sharp edges, or a nail. Only 3 holes. But safety is more important. If the baby asks, of course, you can entrust the work, but only with your safety net.
  • Decide how strong the structure you plan to make. Perhaps one sheet of cardboard will not be enough. Then use a base. A layer of thick packaging cardboard, or a few additional regular balls, will serve as the base.
  • The last thing is how you will draw, or rather, with what. If you use a compass, then you already have the middle marked, and that’s good. But it is dangerous because of the sharp edge. You can draw it by tracing a plate, cup or bowl around the counter. In this case, we determine the middle using two perpendicular lines. Or, even simpler, bend one of the circles (preferably not the very first one, in order to maintain its attractive appearance) in half twice. The bend point is the middle.

Now we are completely ready! Forward!

Hours and minutes - MK

A cork round hot stand was chosen as the basis for the watch. But you can get by with corrugated cardboard.

Step-by-step photos of production:

Printable templates - enlarge by click

Hours without minutes - MK

  • Colored cardboard - 7 sheets (3 for the circle, for the numbers and for the arrows);
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Compass;
  • Nail;
  • Bolt and nut.


Printable templates

Pictures enlarge by clicking. You can print the template, glue it on cardboard, cut it out, attach the arrows and study...

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and will stop by again when you decide to build something with your little one. And I am constantly adding to the collection for creativity so that you can find a hint for all your questions. Therefore, subscribe, then you won’t miss anything! And tell your friends about the site so that they can get all the information they need!

Now I say goodbye! Goodbye everybody!

You don’t need to know the clock mechanism at all to make original ones. DIY wall clock. In any home there will be broken clocks and inexpensive alarm clocks made in China. From all this wealth you can create original and useful interior decorations with your own hands.


Clocks are a kind of conductor of the mysterious invisible, but felt by everyone energy called Time. Therefore, in the human mind, watches also carry a charge of something mystical. Clocks have an interesting, inexplicable property of speeding up or slowing down as they please. People will always be partial to watches and the Time they personify.

How to make a wall clock with your own hands?

Check out these interesting design solutions. The photo shows that creating an original wall clock with your own hands is quite possible for a simple housewife. As design solutions, such handmade watches will be the brightest and most attractive place in your interior!

Here we should assume that the dial can be anything. The main thing is that such watches must be beautiful and, like design objects, must convey some idea.

Creative thought, given direction, is very fruitful. Once you feel like a designer, you will feel like a designer forever. And such a fertile direction as the creation of original wall clock with your own hands is simply inexhaustible.

Here is a photo of a dial made from a large lid wooden reel, on which cables were previously wound. Here the designer saw precisely the interesting texture of the lid as a circle, without paying attention to the main purpose of the item. Stenciled inscriptions and a metal overlay on the bobbin hole perfectly emphasize the idea of ​​​​a dial made of wooden strips.

A clock made from halves of a globe requires quite a lot of space, but looks amazing. Such composition watches are suitable for and will give the spirit of travel. By the way, such a watch may be well suited for a travel agency.

Wall clocks create something homey, similar to grandma’s chest...

And the ball clock with rounded hands is a real time machine.

Wall clock-picture and the following image, a clock made of draped unusual material flat surface may be suitable for the living room and hall...

Interesting color scheme visually hides the hands on the clock, and the clock-map will allow you to travel around some country. Additionally, you can specify a lot of different data and check the boxes of the places where you have been. Very original design solution for a DIY wall clock.

But these laconic watches in the form chessboard fit well into the strict style of a living room, office or library.

A clock made from a tin can is, of course, for the kitchen. On the following photos It is clearly seen that even such an abstract thing as a clock spring can be a decorative item.

Very interesting solution make the dial from a cut of wood, and the hands from twigs.

Figures cut from old gramophone records can be distinguished in separate species creativity. They themselves are very creative and have the right to life. But combined with the idea of ​​time indicators it’s just great!

DIY wall clock design

People very often, having become accustomed to a certain environment, do not dare to make even the slightest changes to it. And this static nature is so contrary to the creative spirit sitting in each of us. Try to change this static, start with an original handmade wall clock.

Hooray! I am officially a shoemaker with boots. I watched enough of the participants in our master class at HVOE making wall clocks, and now (less than six months have passed) we have a tropical time keeper in our kitchen.

At the beginning of May, our HVOE hosted a master class where we made wall clocks with our own hands. The idea for the workshop came up back in January, and it was a pleasure to implement it. Here, very conveniently, the clock in the kitchen broke, which I had long since stopped liking. Combined business with pleasure. Firstly, I made a new device for telling the time, secondly, an article for the blog, and thirdly, I included my favorite tropical decor this summer.

Why make a watch yourself when you can buy one?

And it’s clear that something made with your own hands is done with soul and from the heart. Perhaps the purchased ones will be of better quality and with a guarantee, but there are more advantages to making a wall clock with your own hands:

  • you can implement any idea (for example, like mine with the tropics)
  • choose exactly the size you need
  • find the correct arrows and mechanism
  • start to understand a little better how wall clocks work
  • proudly inform everyone that you made them yourself (and this is not just a card or a flower, but a whole device).

What to make a dial for a wall clock from

When thinking about a panel for a dial, it is worth remembering that a watch can be not only round, but also triangular, square, or even in the shape of a flower.

  • The panels can be ordered at the laser cutting workshop
  • find and buy ready-made plywood in an online store or in a craft store
  • make from cork backing or thick thick cardboard
  • cut from drywall
  • made from wood cut
  • or from a vinyl record.

How to decorate a wall clock

There are a lot of ways to decorate a wall clock, it all depends on your desire to create and bother.

  • You can print and paste the finished picture
  • paint with acrylic paints
  • draw something with watercolors, cut and glue
  • glue three-dimensional parts made of thin plywood
  • embroider something on fabric and cover it
  • You can draw or glue numbers.

Wall clock - materials and tools

Time spent - one and a half hours. We will need:

  • round panel made of plywood with a diameter of 30 cm
  • clock mechanism with hands
  • paper and pencil
  • ruler
  • acrylic paints and brushes
  • palette for mixing paints
  • pliers
  • scissors.

DIY wall clock - progress of work

The mechanism can be ordered from an online store or used left over from an old watch. There are a couple of points to pay attention to:

  • dial thickness
  • thread diameter (must match the diameter of the hole in the middle of the panel)
  • and the height of the rod (the stump on which everything is held, and on which the arrows are put on).

For example, in my mechanism the height of the rod is only 8 mm, which means that the thickness of the plywood blank should not exceed 4 mm, otherwise there will not be enough space to tighten the nut. The best overall stem height is 16mm and the thread height is 9mm. This mechanism is suitable for most wooden workpieces.

If there are voluminous parts on the dial, you need to make sure that the hands will not cling to them.

1. Before you start making a wall clock with your own hands, you need to decide where the number 12 will be. To do this, you need to turn the panel over, insert the clock mechanism, mark with a pencil the middle of the top of the mechanism (it will coincide with the middle of the loop) and draw a perpendicular line. It is from here that the countdown will begin and the distance between the numbers will be marked (if they are planned).

2. Take a sheet of paper, trace the outline of the dial on it and draw the decor. This is useful for seeing if the composition looks harmonious before it is too late to change anything. I drew the outlines of the leaves on paper, then cut them out and transferred them to a piece of plywood using a pencil.

3. Color the blank in accordance with the decor. I used white construction acrylic, artist acrylic and colored tinting paste.

4. When the paint is dry, screw on the clock mechanism. There can be a lot of detail that can be used or ignored depending on the thickness of the dial. Usually, the watch mechanism comes with an assembly diagram, which I advise you to follow. We string a rubber backing onto the stem and apply it to the dial on the reverse side. The top (middle of the loop) should coincide with the pencil mark (see point 1).

5. Turn the workpiece over, put the washer on the rod and tighten the nut. Here we need pliers so that we can tighten it more tightly.

6. String the arrows. By the way, I repainted the arrows from white to black. There are also two points here. Firstly, the arrows may be protective film which needs to be removed. Secondly, black artist's acrylic did not adhere very well to metal, so I had to first prime the arrows with artist's white acrylic, and then apply black after drying.

Before stringing, you need to make sure that all the arrows are straight. First we string the hour, then the minute. The second one gets dressed last. They are strung until they click lightly. It is important not to overdo it or be too zealous, so as not to break the delicate fasteners. The hands must be strictly parallel to each other and not touch, otherwise the clock simply will not move.

7. Set all hands to 12 o’clock according to the mark, insert the battery and adjust right time using a special wheel, which can be found on the back of the mechanism.

A couple of evenings, an hour and a half - and I happily used up my time. Take care of your time, spend it with those who give you joy!


So interesting and modern design You definitely won’t find a watch in a store. Simple design from quite available materials. If your guests see this watch at your place, they will definitely pay attention to it, and they certainly won’t tell you that they saw the same one in a nearby store.
Materials I took for the watch:

  • Wooden board 35 x 35 cm, 18 mm thick (hardware store).
  • A piece of plywood 3 mm thick (hardware store).
  • Nails 13 mm long or self-tapping screws.
  • Clock mechanism (can be taken from a boring watch).
  • Yellow paint.
  • Black marker.
Woodworking tools I used:
  • Hand saw.
  • Screwdriver-drill.
  • Hammer.
  • Pliers.
  • Ruler.
  • Right angle ruler.
  • Bit.
  • Sandpaper.

We are sawing the board.

We take our board and decide on the dimensions of the future watch. We outline and saw off the base with a hacksaw or hand saw. An 18 mm board is easy to saw and it is advisable to use a saw with fine teeth so that the edges are smooth and minimal cutting is required. mechanical restoration after sawing.

Making squares

Next, on one of the corners of the base, I drew 10 x 5 cm rectangles. We cut them out in steps. Then I cut these rectangles into 5 x 5 cm squares.
Now you need to sand all the squares, removing burrs and making the surface smooth.

Let's start milling the hole for the clock mechanism.
We take the clock mechanism and apply it to the center of our base. We outline with a pencil. Next we mill the recess. I used a wood router bit mounted in a screwdriver. You can use a chisel and make a hole with it.
While working, we try on the recess for the mechanism. If everything is fine, we drill a hole in the tram for the exit of the shaft on which the arrows will be placed. After all the work has been completed we will process sandpaper base until smooth.

Watch assembly

Before you begin directly assembling the watch, you first need to prepare 18 small jumpers - connectors. Let's take a piece of plywood and use a hacksaw to cut 18 jumpers 0.7 x 4 cm.
We place the base, lay out our squares in an almost chaotic order. It is necessary to arrange the squares so that the plywood jumpers are practically invisible. On the reverse side, accordingly, we connect everything with jumpers and nails.

Painting a watch

For painting I used spray paint from a can. Hold the can at a distance of 20 cm and spray on the watch on one side. After a little while, and the paint dries very quickly, we turn the clock over and spray paint on the other side. That's it, the base is almost ready.

Drawing numbers

I took a black permanent marker and just drew the numbers. There is another option - print the numbers on the computer, cut and paste. So you can do that too if you want.

Watch hanger

I screwed in 2 screws so that I had something to hang the clock on. And I tied a string to the screws so that it could be hung on a nail in the wall or a self-tapping screw.