Interior decoration for the New Year. How to decorate an apartment for New Year? Ideas and options for decorating an apartment for the New Year. Wood decor

Christmas tree, tinsel on furniture and paper snowflakes There is a standard set of New Year's decorations on the windows. But if you put in a little effort and use our ideas on how to decorate your apartment... New Year 2019 - you can turn it into a real corner of magic. Celebrating the New Year allows you to experience many happy moments with family, friends and loved ones, so it is important to prepare your home for this event.

This is a great opportunity to get creative. You don't have to spend a lot of money; you can make most decorations yourself or repurpose common items.

Window decoration requires special care. On the one hand, an excess of snowflakes, garlands or designs interferes with the penetration of sunlight, which is already scarce in winter; on the other hand, you will soon need to wash off or remove all this beauty.

Openwork snowflakes made of paper or colored drawings on glass glued to windows using soap are the most common way to simply and inexpensively decorate an apartment for the New Year.

If you want something out of the ordinary, try these ideas:

  • Transparent window stickers . When PVA glue dries, it forms a film - flexible and transparent; on glass, such a film creates the effect of frosty patterns. To make stickers, make stencils out of paper; the patterns on them should be large, since the glue tends to spread. Cover the stencils with cling film, place them in a bag or file folder, then put glue into a syringe and carefully fill in the designs. After the glue has dried, remove the stickers from the film and apply to the glass.
  • Volumetric drawings . To create snowflakes and any other shapes on glass, you can use volumetric paints. They are sold in stores, but there are several ways to make them at home using salt, water, flour, and food coloring. Such designs on the windows look embossed and unusual, but you should not get carried away with them, otherwise the room will become dark during the day.
  • Vertical window garlands . Shiny threads with voluminous stars or snowflakes, circles made of foil and thick cardboard, or thin garlands of spruce branches and red ribbons. You can give such decorations a finished and neat shape if you use details different sizes- large at the top and small at the ends.
  • Frame with toys . Take a large photo frame, paint it a bright color and zigzag the ribbon inside to resemble a Christmas tree. Attach Christmas decorations to it and hang the frame in the window opening, and then fix it by gluing it directly to the glass.

If the width of the window sill allows, then you can also place various decorations on it, but the best option is lush pine branches intertwined with ribbons, or paper figures cut out along the entire width of the lower edge of the window.

When decorating an apartment for the New Year, interior doors are often left unattended. The maximum that is used for their decoration is “Christmas trees” made of tinsel, small wreaths or plastic snowflakes. To some extent, this is justified - the main festive mood is created by the accessories and decorations in the room, but it is the door that guests and owners see before entering the room. Decor interior door should support the overall style, but not distract attention from it.

How you can decorate the doors of your apartment for the New Year:

  • Big snowflake . Take thick cardboard and cut out strips, triangles, circles and other shapes of different sizes from it. Using glue, connect them into a large voluminous snowflake. Attach spruce branches on the reverse side so that their ends fit between the rays of the snowflake. Hang the design on a satin ribbon on the door.
  • Delicious wreath . Make a base for the wreath out of cardboard and glue the halves of large foam balls onto it. Cover them with shiny paint and insert toothpicks at a distance of 1–2 cm, onto which you then place colorful marmalade or soft candies. It is better to hang such a wreath on December 31, otherwise it risks not surviving until the New Year.

Finally, doors with glass inserts can be decorated in the same way as windows - with drawings or garlands, and the doorway can be decorated with fir branches.

How to decorate a room

It would seem that taking a Christmas tree from the mezzanine, hanging several garlands on the furniture and walls, laying out tinsel on the shelves - what could be simpler? But the line is when new Year decoration become redundant and out of place, easy to move on. How to decorate an apartment for New Year 2019 so that it does not turn into a warehouse for tinsel and Christmas tree decorations?


Classic New Year's color schemes– snow-white interspersed with metal and gold, red-green with silver details and pastel with lots of sparkles. If your soul requires bright colors, it is important not to overdo it - it’s best colorful decorations look great in rooms with a minimalist design. Choose one primary color and use it in at least half of your decor.


New Year's decorations are not only toys and tinsel. Candles in beautiful candlestick, a tablecloth with embroidered snowflakes and even a refrigerator stylized as a snowman will bring their own touch of holiday to the apartment.


To decorate small apartment For the New Year 2019, it is enough to festively decorate an open shelf on the wall or two or three small objects, such as a mirror, lamp or clock. As an option, decorations can be unobtrusively “fitted” into the interior, for example, in a room with predominant white and metallic shades, put a light artificial Christmas tree with silver balls.


Unique homemade decorations will attract the attention of guests, and creating them is a great way to spend family time on cold winter evenings.

A few general ideas on how to decorate your apartment for the New Year with your own hands:

  • Personalized Home Decor . An art poster dedicated to the history of your family or New Year's traditions, a poster with the lyrics of your favorite New Year's songs, stories and poems, a thematic collage is a great way to bring a special atmosphere of comfort and family celebration.
  • Regular decorations in unusual design . A Christmas tree made of wire, tinsel or other improvised materials, Santa Claus, Snowman and reindeer made of cotton wool, paper or papier-mâché, and Christmas decorations made of beads or fabric create a feeling of a warm homely touch that cannot be achieved with store-bought decorations.
  • Magic paper . You can create real works of art from white or colored paper. Stars folded using the origami technique, paper lanterns, voluminous and elegant carved snowflakes do not require much effort and time, but are always appropriate.
  • Edible decorations . Creating Christmas tree decorations from sweets and tangerines, garlands from candies and figurines from sweets and nuts should be left for New Year's Eve, especially if there are children in the house. You can use silver or gold food coloring to decorate them.
  • Natural materials . Real, twigs or dried flowers, covered with gold or silver paint, dusted with “snow,” almost always look advantageous and unusual.
  • Use children's creativity . Let Santa Claus, drawn by a 4-5 year old child, be more reminiscent of Freddy Krueger, and in the broken figures one can more easily recognize the work of the impressionists than the image of a Christmas tree. Use handprints, footprints, crafts made from plasticine or paper - this will add spontaneity to the interior, and guests will be able to appreciate the creativity of the young designer.

Beautiful jewelry doesn't have to be complicated to make. A simple snowflake made of white paper, after being coated with silver paint, takes on a noble appearance, and candles or a photo frame with attached metal flakes become real designer works.

So, we decorate the house for the New Year with crafts from minimal investment effort and time:

  • Refrigerator snowman . You will need acrylic paints in black, orange (or red) and two or three other colors. At the top of the refrigerator draw eyes, a carrot nose and a mouth, a little lower - a striped scarf across the entire width of the door and buttons. After the holidays, the paint can be washed off with a special solvent.
  • Mini-trees made of pine cones . Paint the tips of the scales of the fir cones with silver, gold, or even better - green with glitter paint, place a small foil star on top and place it in a small candlestick. These Christmas trees can also be used to decorate a New Year’s table.
  • Shiny dandelions . Using large foam balls (available at craft stores), toothpicks and glitter paint, you can create amazingly beautiful spiked balls. They can be used as Christmas tree decorations or for room decoration.
  • Calendar "with a secret" . Do you remember how, as a child, you counted how many days were left until the New Year? An unusual calendar will reduce the waiting time for the holiday. Take a strip of fabric or wallpaper - this will be the basis for the craft. The width depends on where you place it, such as the side of a cabinet or a door. And the length depends on who the gifts are intended for - it is unlikely that a child will reach a height of two meters. Divide the base into sectors according to the number of days left until December 31, and attach a beautiful pouch or small decorated paper bag to each with a pin, hook, Velcro or ties. Place sweets, souvenirs, fun tasks in them and open one bag every day.

How to decorate the front door in an apartment and the outside of a house

Most often, if the owners decorate front door or the house itself, then they use the residual principle - they hang up what is not useful or is not a pity: tinsel that has lost its presentation, standard pictures with holiday symbols, garlands in which, at best, half of the light bulbs have been preserved.

The following ideas will help you simply and originally decorate your home for the New Year with your own hands.

Congratulations from scrap materials. The usual phrase “Happy New Year!” can be designed in such a way that it will attract the attention and questions of guests:

  • Using a thick cardboard template, cut out a phrase from green felt and glue them together to add density. You can use red ribbons as decoration, for example, attach bows or make a border.
  • Use jute rope to decorate the template, tying it tightly around the letters. For decoration, take pieces of bright red or green felt - cut them in the shape of a Christmas tree, a star, or a bag of gifts.
  • Take a children's chalk board and decorate its frame as your imagination tells you - with paint, ribbons, pine cones, paper snowflakes. Write a congratulation with regular chalk, and you can change the inscription if desired, for example, add the phrase “Welcome” if you are expecting guests.
  • From an ordinary large photo frame you can make a background for a congratulatory inscription. If the frame is beautiful and unusual, then you can simply cover it with glitter and add a couple of decorative details - twigs, bells, Christmas tree decorations. Hide a simple wooden frame under silver paper snowflakes, tie it with colored ribbons or attach fir cones. Attach a congratulation cut out of colored paper inside the frame.

Figures of Santa Claus, Snowman and Pig to decorate the apartment for the New Year 2019. The easiest way is to make them from colored felt and decorate them with shiny elements - beads, seed beads, buttons. You can assemble figures from cardboard parts tied with colored jute threads.

Openwork bells . Roll the paper into a cone to form a bell. Cover it with glue and then wrap it with white or colored threads, do not forget to leave a hole at the top for the tape. Wait for the glue to dry and remove the paper form. You can spray the bell with shiny varnish and decorate it with small details.

Garland of fir branches . If the doorway allows, then you can make something amazing out of branches, light bulbs, pine cones, red ribbons and silver snowflakes. beautiful design. A voluminous garland made of lush pine branches and large parts, so this is a great option for decorating a house for New Year 2019, but it may not be suitable for an apartment in a high-rise building.

Your home is a reflection of your soul, mood, inner essence. That's why it's important to welcome 2019 in an environment that suits your tastes and sets a successful momentum for the whole year. Unique handmade Christmas decorations not only add personality to your home, but also allow you to choose a decor theme that is close to you. You can choose a chic, romantic, natural theme or focus on colors and shades.

Useful video on how to decorate your apartment for the New Year

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New Year is perhaps the most desired holiday for any age. They are preparing for it everywhere: they are thinking about the New Year's table, they are puzzled by gift ideas, they are composing a holiday script and, of course,...

New Year's interior is one of the most interesting tasks when preparing for the holiday. At all times, they tried to give the house a special, emphatically individual atmosphere. And, of course, every nation has its own, authentic images of this holiday. Over time, these ideas began to be borrowed and mixed, and now, the Scandinavian style, for example, can be found in distant Siberia or in sultry Egypt.

Designers picked up the subtle threads of authentic trends, developed them, gave them individual features, and now every person can decorate their home for the New Year the way they like.

Select interior style:

A fairy tale of Scandinavian minimalism

New Year is a winter holiday. And the breath of winter should be present everywhere. The Scandi style is perfect for displaying winter time. It implies naturalism and a certain minimalism. For those who like to create their own decor, Scandi gives amazing scope for imagination. The point is that using natural materials, allows you to involve the whole family in the creation of decorative elements. There will be work for both fathers and sons and mothers and daughters. Even grandparents can take part in the preparations by involving their grandchildren.

The main direction of Scandi interior is naturalism. Materials are selected with the following in mind:

  • Tree;
  • White color;
  • Natural fabrics with jacquard pattern;
  • Pieces of fur;
  • Glass.

“Scandinavian style” is not suitable for people who cry over a cut down Christmas tree. It requires real wood, fluffy, green, with droplets of resin and unusually fragrant. Artificial scents won't save the day, don't even try.

The same applies wooden elements decor: houses and lanterns as candlesticks, shelf frames, snowflakes and stars for the Christmas tree and as a garland. You can, and even need to, do these cute little things yourself.

Northern minimalism needs whiteness. After all, Lapland is covered with snow most of the time. Therefore, you will have to think about how to hide bright walls. Of course, there is no need to repaint the house, but use light fabrics or painted White color a tree would be quite appropriate.

Fabrics with jacquard patterns: deer and snowflakes are most loved by the Scandinavian trend. They can be very bright: red, orange, blue, green. Textiles can fill most of the space if there is a problem with the main color of the room. This includes wall drapery, sofa bedspreads and pillows, floor coverings, tablecloths and napkins.

Fur adds coziness and warmth to the home. A slight concession is given here: not everyone has wolf or bear skins. But make fur balls to decorate the walls or edging on sofa cushions, using eco-fur, for example, is quite possible.

Glass will create coolness. It plays the role of icicles, pieces of ice and ice sculptures. All kinds of flowerpots or glasses can become candlesticks. Then they will not only fill the house with light and warmth, but also with a fabulous, mysterious twinkle.

A New Year's interior in a Scandinavian style immerses the house in the atmosphere of mysterious Lapland, imbues it with the spirit of ancient myths and legends, opening the door to New Year's miracles.

Boho - the spirit of freedom

Of course, young people are preparing for the New Year with the greatest enthusiasm. Young people are especially keen on creating the image of the room if the holiday takes place independently of the older generation. It is for this bright age that the New Year's boho interior is suitable.

Initially, “boho” appeared in France. It symbolized the spirit of freedom of nomadic students. It mixed bohemian luxury and gypsy brightness. Of course, the decor is created with your own hands from available materials, filled with brightness, creativity, and the shine of gold and silver, but, nevertheless, every little thing has its place. And, if at first glance, boho knocks you off your feet with its diversity, then later the strict ordering of the motives becomes much clearer.

To create a “boho” you will need:

  • Wooden furniture, which can be found at flea markets, attics and closets;
  • A large number of textiles are natural, but bright colors. Raspberry, blue, light green, marsh, orange, yellow are good colors;
  • A large number of little things that can not only have meaning, but also be simply dear to the heart;
  • A combination of styles from different nationalities, the so-called eclecticism. In this case, the interior may mix Indian motifs with the Nanai direction, for example.

“Boho” is ideal not only for youth New Year’s parties. The fact is that homemade things serve as decoration for the holiday. This means that the interior can be created by all family members. Dream and sun catchers, pompom garlands, all kinds of bedspreads and napkins, wooden or crocheted toys for the Christmas tree. The flight of fantasy is limitless.

It is better to choose natural wood. “Boho” and industry are incompatible things. Therefore, it is better to leave plastic installations for others. You can decorate this winter beauty with anything. The main condition: brightness and juiciness.

Rustic interior – peace and tranquility

Rustic style has firmly taken a place in the hearts of city residents. “Rustic” fills the interior with rustic peace and tranquility, which the inhabitants of megacities so lack. It is somewhat similar to “country”, and many even confuse them, but there are differences, and very impressive ones.

For “rustic” you need such things as:

  • Sackcloth. In large quantities for decorating walls, furniture and windows;
  • Tree. These are shelves, frames, boxes, boxes and chests and even garlands;
  • Paper and plywood. Houses are also made from these materials.

The Christmas tree must be real. No plastic. Toys are made from cardboard or plywood. They should be large, with clear boundaries. These are mainly snowflakes, crescents, stars and animals.

Every detail comes into play. Even an old tin bucket can become a flowerpot not only for a Christmas tree, but also for other fillers, such as spruce paws, vines, dry branches. The main thing is to approach the process creatively, and don’t forget to give it a New Year’s look. Cones and tree roots are used as decoration, which will definitely find their place in the interior. They can be sprinkled with gold or silver, as you prefer. Grandma's rugs and curtains will create a special coziness in the house. Candles can be wrapped in tree bark, having previously treated it with a special solution to prevent fire.

The main thing that should be observed in a rustic look is rural minimalism. And the difference from carefree country lies in the calm decor and peaceful atmosphere of the interior.

Carefree country

Real village life is full of hard work, modest living and endless peace. But this life becomes festive, bright and eventful when the New Year holidays come. This is the main difference from the rustic style. While remaining very simple, country music is captivating. So what do you need for “country”?

  • Textile. Natural fabrics, in red and white colors, with a “cage” print;
  • Crockery and glass. The same red color predominates;
  • An abundance of knitted items and products using the patchwork technique;
  • Decor made from natural materials: wood, clay, stone;
  • Rustic household items: buckets, grabs, tubs, chests and chests of drawers;
  • Spruce is natural, and nothing else.

The most important thing that you should not forget about is the color scheme. Red and white are the main country colors. Let's say green, because the main attribute of the New Year is spruce. The pattern is jacquard or checkered, that is, as geometric as possible. A large abundance of bows, ribbons, ropes, which perform a variety of roles, but at the same time obey general direction style. Bows, for example, will decorate the Christmas tree, ribbons will be tied around or tied up in curtains, and strings will serve as the basis for a garland. "Country" loves glitter. Therefore, gold and silver are quite appropriate. They can cover all kinds of snowflakes, stars, icicles, and deer figures.

The secret of the New Year's "loft"

At first glance, there is nothing unusual in the “loft”. For the average person, it may seem simple, minimalistic and somehow unfinished. And there is an explanation for this: the main concept of the “loft” lies in the industrial direction. It’s as if an abandoned warehouse or workshop was converted into housing. But that's the beauty of it. Maximum light, air and space. No worries about wall decoration: brick means brick, fallen plaster, beams on the ceiling and metal handrails and stairs. But how the room is transformed before the New Year!

So, loft lovers will need:

  • A large number of luminous objects: lamps, lamps, garlands;
  • Textile. The simpler the fabric, the better. It may not exist at all, first of all this applies to windows: curtains are not needed;
  • Metal structures made of wire, decorations made of fishing line and other similar installations;
  • Interior items are welcome modern trends: high tech;
  • Spruce. It could easily be artificial.

Who is “loft” suitable for? Well, of course, for large youth companies, ideal in quality New Year's interior for corporate events, perfect for companies driven by one idea. In general, if available large room and lack of time to create scenery, “loft” is the most suitable option. Even families who have finally purchased their home, but are living in “repair” mode, can beat their home. And this will be what you need! An abundance of electric lamps is what the “loft” strives for, creating a New Year’s mood.

Shabby chic - an old fairy tale

Beloved by many old soviet cartoon"Nutcracker", living embodiment"shabby". Everything that is old or vintage in the house will go into use! It is not at all necessary to turn the entire house into an antique salon; it is enough to decorate a small corner, for example the one in which the forest guest is standing.

  • Color scheme – pastel and silver;
  • Atmosphere – mint, vanilla and marshmallow;
  • Decor – the contents of grandma’s box or chest.

Nothing else is needed for such a New Year's interior. It not only reflects a commitment to vintage, but also fills the home with special chic. It exudes refined luxury, but at the same time simplicity of design. The air itself is filled with the aromas of sweets, and the feeling that unicorns will come out of the fireplace becomes viscous and real. Shabby, to a greater extent, meets the needs of people who are constantly trying to live in a fairy tale.

Fusion - a combination of incongruous things

The fusion style in the interior appeared in the middle of the last century. These are the times of hippies, freedom of speech, new technologies. By this time, the interior consisted of classical motifs. But the advent of televisions and other devices has puzzled lovers of comfort. After all, it was necessary to somehow unite everything. For example, dilute baroque with hi-tech or classics with ethnicity. But the designers coped with the task. This is how the “fusion” style appeared.

New Year's interior in this direction is perhaps the most democratic. The main thing that needs to be observed is the color palette. These are white, gray and bronze or brown. Next - everything your heart desires: an African bust in tinsel, a natural Christmas tree with artificial snow, a garland of snowflakes and dream catchers mixed together, candles mixed with incandescent lamps.

Little secret: many houses New Year's holidays decorated precisely according to this principle: the living room in modern style, but at the same time toys from grandma’s chest? Great! African motifs in the bedroom, but the bedspreads are from an Indian wigwam? Wonderful!

Fusion is a great opportunity to create an interior according to the principle “I made it from what was there,” observing only the patterns in the distribution of decor and color scheme.

Whatever decor you choose, the most important thing is the smiles of your loved ones who will surround you on the most magical New Year's Eve.

There is not much time left until the New Year and it is time to think about decorating the festive interior and windows. This is perhaps one of the most favorite moments in preparing for the New Year for both children and adults. At these moments, we again immerse ourselves in childhood, believe in miracles and create a fabulous atmosphere. This is doubly important for children, because such memories remain in their memory for a lifetime and warm them with warmth every New Year.

You can, of course, just decorate the Christmas tree and hang tinsel around the house. But I advise you to approach the matter more thoroughly. After all, this is not only an exciting process that unites common cause the whole family, but also an excellent omen. How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Everyone knows this. Therefore, by the time the chimes strike, everything must be at the highest level. This applies to both festive table, and the surrounding interior.

1. Color scheme

Since this is the coming year of the Yellow Pig, it is better to choose appropriate colors. You can use all shades of yellow, from pale to rich brown. Meanwhile, don’t forget about other colors.

So, the main colors for home decoration in 2019:

  • Yellow and all its shades. This does not mean that all decorative elements should be in these colors. But it must appear in the interior so that Pig is satisfied.
  • The traditional colors of the New Year are red, blue, silver, white, green - these are all what we are used to seeing every New Year. White is especially good on windows.
  • Colors that harmonize well with the main interior of the room. An unsuccessful combination can also adversely affect appearance rooms.

2. Decorating the windows for the New Year 2019

Window - special kind decorations for the New Year. After all, by decorating them, you will please not only yourself, but also people passing by, filling them with a festive mood. On a frosty evening, it is doubly pleasant to walk past the windows from which paper snowflakes and twinkling lights look at you. Immediately the soul is filled with celebration and a wonderful feeling of an approaching miracle.

You can decorate the windows in your home to suit your taste. I offer you some interesting and simple options do it:

1. Stickers and stencils. By purchasing a ready-made set of stickers in the store, or choosing suitable templates on the Internet, you can fabulously decorate your glass for the New Year. Interesting compositions are already starting to appear in supermarkets. And on the Internet you can save and print stencils, cut them out and stick them on glass soap solution. It turns out very beautiful. Don’t worry, then you can simply remove them and clean the window from traces.

2. If there is an artist in you, you can draw beautiful pictures. acrylic paints. You can be guided by your imagination or draw a picture you like. This will make your windows even brighter and it will become impossible to pass by them indifferently.

3. Artificial snow. On modern windows Frosty patterns appear less and less often. This is due to their practicality, because they practically do not allow the cold to pass through. But on New Year's Day I really want more snow outside the window. I suggest you decorate them with artificial snow. It is sold in many stores, in special cans. Cut out snowflakes, place them on the window and spray some fake snow. Remove the stencil and beautiful drawing will remain in place. You can show your imagination and decorate the entire window.

4. Curtains. In New Year's design, do not forget about curtains. They can be decorated with lights, glass or plastic balls and special clamps. The main thing is that their color matches harmoniously with the rest of the interior.

5. The cornice is also an important part of festive beauty. They can be decorated with lights, balls, tinsel and whatever else you want.

3. How to decorate a door for the New Year

To feel the festive mood already when entering the room, you can beautifully decorate the doors. Some people decorate the front door so that guests can enjoy the holiday before even crossing the threshold. Basically, they hang beautiful Christmas wreaths on the doors. You can make them yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones. Now we will discuss door decoration in more detail.

A Christmas wreath can be made easily. It is enough to weave individual branches coniferous tree so that they lie one after another in the shape of a circle. Secure the last branch to the first. Thus, a strong coniferous circle is obtained. It can be decorated with New Year's balls and tinsel.

Buy spray paint silver color and sprinkle it on your wreath. Then few people will be able to guess that you made it yourself. This craft will look great both at home and outside.

Wreaths can also be decorated with bows, stars, sparkles and other New Year's paraphernalia. If you bought it, you can spray it with pine scent to create a feeling of reality.

Wreaths made from natural materials will be a wonderful door decoration. It can be made from cones, hazelnuts, dried tangerines, berries and so on. Add a couple of cinnamon sticks to the composition and it will also be a fragrant decoration.

4. New Year's wall decor

There are many options for how to decorate your walls for the New Year. I will share with you the most original and beautiful ones.

1.Wall stickers. When preparations for the holiday begin, store shelves are filled with New Year's gifts and decorative elements. Among them you will definitely find wall stickers. These can be snowflakes, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Christmas trees, deer and other New Year's beauty.

2. DIY decor. You can make these stickers yourself. Draw or download a stencil from the Internet. It can be transferred to colored self-adhesive paper and decorated with walls.

3. Bows and Christmas stockings for gifts are a trendy detail. They will not become redundant and look very beautiful.

4. It’s not difficult to make such stars. To do this you will need thick colored thread, PVA glue, a piece of foam plastic, skewers or toothpicks. Stick the skewers into the foam so that they resemble a star. Soak the threads with glue and wrap them around the skewers. After drying, thread a thin ribbon into the star. Can be hung both on the Christmas tree and on the wall.

5. The Christmas tree does not have to be real. It can be depicted on the wall using sticks, photo frames, balls or tinsel. Just fix them in the shape of a Christmas tree. Add some lights.

6. You can make these Christmas trees with your child. More precisely, he can do them himself, and you carefully control the process. You can hang them on a Christmas tree, cornice or wall.

7. The rustle and shine of tinsel creates a New Year's mood. There cannot be too much of it in the decor of a room.

5. Decorate the Christmas tree

The Christmas tree is the main beauty of the New Year. It’s hard to imagine a real holiday without it. Dressing her up is a real ritual. We usually decorate it with bows, beads and balls. It is also better to hang the symbol of the New Year on it. This year it is the Yellow Pig.

Decorating a Christmas tree is not at all difficult. The main thing is that all the toys look beautiful and are not located in one group. To prevent this from happening, I offer you three main options for decorating your Christmas tree:

  1. Vertical. The balls are hung from top to bottom or vice versa strictly vertically, in several stripes. The arrangement of flowers may vary. For example, colors can be scattered or a clear sequence can be observed. And you can add other toys in any order.
  2. In a spiral. Starting from the top to the bottom, hang the balls in a spiral. Improvisation of flowers can also be anything you want.
  3. In a checkerboard pattern. Balls must be hung strictly in a checkerboard pattern, alternating colors. Feng Shui, in this case, promises us a happy and profitable year. You can add other accessories to suit your taste.

To finish decorating the Christmas tree, you need to decorate it with lights. If you have mesh lights that fit over the tree like a blanket, it’s easier. Long lanterns can be hung in a spiral or vertically.

6. Accessories

The whole is created from little things. Therefore, do not forget about accessories in the festive interior. After all, such details provide the final, but very important, feature of the overall picture.

if you have glass vase, it can be made festive. Fill it with balls, large beads, cones or nuts. Complete the composition with a coniferous bouquet. If the branches are natural, then you will be guaranteed the smell of a frosty forest.

Furniture, pillows and blankets - all this can be turned into another New Year's detail. They can be dressed up in knitted covers.

Candles are an important accessory for the New Year. You can make them yourself or decorate ready-made ones.

Don't forget about scents and light. On New Year's Eve, you can dim the lights, light candles and turn on the lights. Essential oil tangerine or pine will complement the atmosphere.

7. How to decorate a room for the New Year - video

No matter how old I am, I will always be happy to prepare for the New Year! I think many will support me. This process, although troublesome, is very pleasant. At this moment, the whole family is together, busy with one common task. What could be more beautiful?!

Do you like decorating your home and decorating the Christmas tree? Perhaps you also have crowning chips in this matter? What options today will you definitely take note of? Share your impressions in the comments.

All the best! See you again!

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Choosing a color is not an easy task for everyone. Let's try to help you choose the best solution.

What colors are best to choose for New Year's interior decoration?

What colors are considered the most “New Year’s”:

  • red;
  • green;
  • white;
  • gold.

This does not mean that you cannot use white and blue tones, or that you should deny yourself the pleasure of making the entire decor silver. We are talking about traditional New Year's flowers.

Let's look at the most successful color combinations using the photo as an example.

Suitable decor shades that will not blend into the interior

Play with contrasts or choose the most similar shades? The answer to this question will be given by the interior of a room without decor. An excessive abundance of shades of the same color will not make the apartment more festive - rather, the spirit of Christmas and New Year will be lost among similar shades. Moreover, not every eye is able to recognize them.

Having decided on the desired colors and shades, they focus on selecting jewelry in the chosen color scheme.

We are planning a composition to decorate the apartment for the New Year

Composition is everything. To create it, you need to determine what will be the central decorative element, and what details will be required to create a festive themed atmosphere.

What is the key decorative element?

Based on which room in the apartment is being decorated, a key element is selected around which the rest of the decor will be located. Chaotically arranging New Year's figures and hanging garlands wherever necessary is not our option.

The central figure can be a fireplace, a Christmas tree, a table, or a themed decorative corner. In the kitchen this could be a small festive arrangement with candles. In the hallway is the entrance to the living room, decorated with a spruce garland.

We select accessories and textiles

What are New Year's attributes? Let's go through those things that will create the necessary atmosphere for the upcoming holiday.

  • Christmas and New Year themed pillows

  • Socks over the fireplace.

  • Electric and LED garlands.

  • Smells.

Cinnamon, chocolate and the smell of fresh pine needles will envelop the house in New Year's mystery. To achieve such soaring aromas in the apartment, aromatic oils and aroma lamps are used.

  • Wreaths.

Christmas wreaths take their rightful place on doors, protecting the spirit of festive fun from adversity and bad mood.

  • Figures and various elements.

Sleigh is the main thematic figure of the winter holiday. This also includes sweets, a bright poinsettia flower star, figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree.

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We combine New Year's and everyday decor in the apartment

It is not always easy to take and fit all the decorations into the interior of an apartment decorated in a certain style. But you shouldn’t despair: a little diligence and everything will be solvable.

Modern styles: minimalism and New Year

It is doubtful that people who have chosen minimalism in the interior will suddenly turn their apartment into a New Year's fair decorative ornaments. In order not to spoil, but rather to decorate the rooms, you should act within reason when decorating the holiday.

Traditional interiors and New Year

IN traditional interior adding a touch of holiday is easy. On the contrary, I really want to change something and transform the already familiar square meters into a magical winter event.

If you look at the photo, sometimes you immediately come up with a lot of your own ideas on how to decorate your apartment for the New Year.

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Apartment decoration: we arrange the New Year in any area

Sometimes it seems that if the apartment is small, then you won’t have much fun with the decoration - we’ll put up a Christmas tree, but that’s fine. Or, on the contrary, the apartment is so large that you can hear an echo in it, and it seems unrealistically difficult to dress it up. Each area requires its own approach.

Space and freedom of movement

The more meters, the more possibilities in choosing decor. Even the biggest artificial fireplace will look grand if decorated with pine garlands, and you can choose a Christmas tree without worrying about the fact that you will still need to somehow squeeze past it.

How to decorate a small apartment for the New Year

There are few principles for decorating a small living space:

  • you should not choose a coniferous tree big size, thinking that once a year you can endure it. A person who constantly bumps into thorns will have a minus sign in his most festive mood;
  • spruce takes up the least amount of usable space;
  • don't make it heavier top part rooms with heavy decor, it is better to decorate the windows in a more original way. You can make the main emphasis on the windows by installing a small Christmas tree on the windowsill and creating a special winter composition from suitable paraphernalia;
  • If you want to install an artificial fireplace, it is better to make it in the form of a small console so as not to take away precious meters.

In any case, the decor should not clutter up the passages and interfere with normal life in the apartment.


If you have a small apartment or Vacation home, and there is catastrophically little space to put christmas tree, don’t despair, because your home can also look festive and elegant.

We have selected 12 ideas for you on how to decorate a small apartment for the New Year 2020. They will definitely help you add beauty to all the secluded corners in your room and create a real New Year's holiday.

1. Christmas greetings as decoration

To make such Christmas greetings, take medium-sized New Year's balls and paint various wishes and congratulations on them with a brush, and place them in terracotta pots. The pots themselves can be decorated with glitter spray.

2. Frame as window decor

A great idea for a small apartment would be window decoration. Take a regular frame, paint it, and hang it on a ribbon. Then pull a ribbon with Christmas balls inside.

3. Decorating a painting on the wall

Instead of a frame on the window, you can decorate a picture on the wall with pine branches.

4. Decorating a table with a Christmas tree

On the table under the tree you can place a beautiful vase, glass balls or a New Year's garland. Small gifts and sweets are also suitable as decoration.

5. Kitchen window decor

Kitchen windows can be decorated with colorful homemade snowflakes and complete the look with pine branches.

6. Wall decoration

Empty walls in a small apartment can be decorated with vine wreaths or some colorful things, such as artificial birds, dry berries on a wreath, New Year's rain and so on.

7. Decorating with an artificial Christmas tree on the wall

This idea is suitable for those who really don’t have room for an artificial or live Christmas tree. Thus, you can make your own artificial Christmas tree from a wide coniferous branch, decorate it and hang it on the wall.

8. Decorating the corners of a small apartment

Secluded corners can also be decorated with small artificial Christmas trees, garlands, and bright decorations.

9. Apartment decor with small wreaths

Usually large wreaths are used to decorate a room, but small ones also look impressive. They can be hung on shelves, sideboards, cabinets, etc.

10. Chair decorations

The chair can also be used as apartment decor. It can be decorated with garlands, gift boxes and New Year's rain.

11. Decor with mini decorations

Glittery Christmas balls are perfect for decorating small spaces.

12. Contrasting colors in decorating a small apartment

Alternatively, you can decorate your apartment with contrasting colors, such as red and white. Bright color It looks very original on a white background.

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  • How to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands