Decorative rafters. Ceiling beams are an expressive design element. Installation of rafter legs

Semicircular roof with a pediment on the side appearance arches, attached country house a certain individuality that distinguishes it from neighboring buildings with primitive gable or hipped roofs. The main load-bearing elements in such a semicircular roof are arched rafters, the choice of which, production technology and their installation will be discussed below in the article.

What are arched rafters

A regular roof rafter is a flat wooden beam with a section of 120x40 mm or 150x50 mm. When creating a rafter system for pitched roof, all the bars are located at the same angle of inclination and are in the same plane.

An arched rafter is the same load-bearing element as a regular straight rafter, only in the shape of an arc. Unlike straight rafters, arched beams, based on the material of manufacture, are divided into wooden, metal and reinforced concrete. According to the manufacturing method, arched rafters are conventionally divided into solid, prefabricated and glued, the production of which is possible only from wood.

Where and how are arched rafters used?

In private suburban construction, this is the creation of rafter systems for semicircular roofs of one-story and two-story cottages, as well as for the construction of suburban area canopy for parking personal vehicles.

Arched roof

In the field of industry and Agriculture– arched rafters are used for the construction of hangars, warehouses, terminals, railway stations, and canopies during the construction of covered parking lots, bus stations, gas stations and even water parks.

With such a wide application, of course, the arc radius, material and design of arched rafters can differ significantly.

Industrial production of arched rafters

IN industrial scale arched rafters are made mainly of metal and much less often of reinforced concrete. Metal arched rafters are called trusses and, as a rule, are transported and installed on load-bearing walls ah or columns assembled in one piece. Depending on the expected load, metal trusses are made from the following assortment of rolled metal: channel, triangle, hollow square, pipe and reinforcement.

Metal arched rafters
Canopy using metal arched rafters

Reinforced concrete arched trusses, in most cases, are manufactured immediately at their future location, that is, reinforced monolithic trusses and crossbars are poured into pre-prepared formwork in the form of an arch. Such construction cannot be called typical, since such architectural projects are developed quite rarely, and it comes directly to construction even less often.

Reinforced concrete arched rafters

Arched wooden rafters

For suburban private construction, arched rafters and trusses made of wood are used. According to the manufacturing method, they are divided into the following types:

  • From solid wood, arch-shaped beams are made by cutting wood. Because of large quantity waste, these arched beams are made up to 6-7 m long.
  • Glued rafters - obtained by gluing thin edged boards 8-10 mm thick. The manufacturing process is similar to the production of laminated veneer lumber, the only difference is that at the time of gluing and drying the future rafter is deliberately given a selected bending radius.
  • Composite arched rafters are manufactured both by small woodworking enterprises and directly by the team of builders who install the roof. Composite arch beams in their design consist of stitched together metal studs bars 100-150 cm long.
Solid wood arched rafters
Laminated arched rafters
Composite arched rafters

Making arched rafters with your own hands

The production of rafters for the installation of an arched roof always begins with calculations. There are 2 options here: the “hard” and “easy” path.

The hard way to calculate the length and bending radius of rafters

This option involves developing a scheme of the following type:

Scheme for calculating arched rafters

The method of calculation and calculation is as follows:

  • Take graph paper and decide on what scale the drawing will be made;
  • Next, using a tape measure, you need to measure the span covered by the arched roof from one load-bearing wall to the other;
  • Load-bearing walls and the distance between them are transferred to drawing paper;
  • Next, using a compass, a regular circle is inscribed between the load-bearing walls;
  • After this, an equilateral hexagon is inscribed into the circle;
  • The angles of the hexagon themselves determine the dimensions of future arched rafters;
  • This calculation is completed by transferring from graph paper to nature, that is, it is necessary to manufacture the first arched rafter according to the drawing, which will subsequently be used as a template for the manufacture of the entire set of beams.

Easy way to calculate

Exists whole line various 2d and 3d programs, as well as calculators that will help calculate the number, length and arc radius of rafters for an arched roof. For example, you only need to load the initial data into the calculation calculator, such as the width of the covered span between load-bearing walls and the maximum height of the arch from the ceiling. The latest data is important, since the task is not always to make a roof in the form of half a regular circle. It is often necessary to calculate an arc with a smaller radius, which is more problematic manually on graph paper.

Installation of roofing from arched rafters

Having completed the calculations, we begin to assemble the first arched rafter. To make it, blanks of 140x40 mm timber are cut, for example, 130 cm long. Next, on a flat surface, an arc is laid out from the blanks - the profile of the future rafter. After this, the same number of blanks are made, which are placed on top of the first “layer” of bars and the attachment points between them are marked. In most cases, the ends of the bars in layers 1 and 2 end at a certain angle. At the next stage, both “layers” of bars are stitched together with pins.

A stud is a metal round rod with a diameter of 8-12 mm with a thread cut at both ends for a nut of the corresponding diameter. To improve fastening, lock nuts are used or a clamping spacer is placed under a regular nut. Depending on the total span and length of the rafter, it is assembled from two or three layers of bars described above.

Installation of arched rafters

Having prepared the first rafter, using it as a template, the rest of the set of beams is made, taking into account that between the rafters in roofing system there should be a pitch of 90-120 cm. When the entire set of arched beams is prepared, they are lifted up and the assembly of the roof begins. The lower ends of the arched rafters are attached to the mauerlat - a massive beam fixed along two load-bearing walls to the ceiling, using pins released from it.

The connection of the upper ends of the arched rafters is made either with a ridge - a longitudinal massive beam mounted on racks, or without a ridge - that is, each pair of rafters is sewn together at the highest point of the roof. If the second option is chosen, then the entire length of the roof arch is divided into equal 3 parts and, at the resulting two points, support beams extended along the entire roof are mounted, which are installed similarly to a ridge, on racks.

Roof installation

After installing the entire set of arched beams, a sheathing of edged boards is filled transversely with them. The pitch between the sheathing is selected depending on the roofing material. That is, the dimensions of the tiles. If you plan to sheathe the roof with bitumen (flexible) shingles, then instead of sheathing, the entire rafter system is sheathed with OSB sheets or moisture-resistant plywood. With this design, the distance between the rafters in the system should not exceed 100 cm. Otherwise, the sheathing is filled, OSB is mounted on top of it, and bitumen shingles are installed on top.

Prices for arched rafters and the cost of installing an arched roof

The price of arched rafters depends on the material from which they are planned to be made, as well as on the length and complexity of the arches. For example, when ordering arched rafters, you may find the following nonsense: the price of metal trusses may be the same as the cost of wooden arched rafters. It would seem that rolled metal is more expensive than wood, but the complexity of manufacturing arched beams plays a role here.


The roof has great importance for the integrity of the entire house. Therefore, many are interested in how to properly assemble a rafter system so that it is reliable and does not have to be repaired in the near future. There are many types of roofs, some of them can be seen in the photo, but the most popular are lean-to and gable structures. Let's figure out how to make a rafter system correctly.

Types of roofs

Before moving on to how to make a rafter system, you need to understand what the common types of roofs are.

A pitched roof is the simplest; even a person who does not have one can cope with its creation. great experience in construction. However, this type of roofing is used mainly in the construction of commercial buildings. For residential buildings, gable or mansard (sloping) roofs are usually made. These structures are more complex, but you can easily handle them on your own if you know how to make rafters gable roof and follow all recommendations of specialists (read: " ").

The most reliable roofs are hip roofs; they can withstand even enormous loads. They are recommended to be done in regions where there is a lot of snow and frequent winds. strong winds. But their design is very complex, so it is better to entrust their construction to professionals.

A hipped (hipped) roof is used in the construction of square buildings; in its design, it is a type of hip roof.

The most complex roof is a cross roof. During its construction, complex structural elements are used - valleys (grooves). These diagonal auxiliary rafters are installed as additional elements. When building such a complex roof, haste is unacceptable. The bulk of the snow accumulates in the area of ​​the valleys, and the reliability of the roof depends on how to make rafters in these places.

Each type of roof consists of rafters and roofing. The rafters are the load-bearing part of the roof, and the roof surface is the enclosing part.

Types of rafters

Before you lay the rafters, you need to know about them design features and decide on the installation option.

There are two types of rafters: layered and hanging .

Hanging rafters - These are inclined beams installed on supports with different heights. The support can be the external walls of the house (in case pitched roof) or simultaneously internal and external walls (with a gable roof). The rafter legs do not have to be laid in the same plane opposite to the slopes. They can be mounted alternately on the ridge girder. Alternate laying of rafters in the ridge area makes it possible to create a roof truss. For this purpose, all parts are connected together into a single rigid structure.

Materials for rafters

As for rafters made from boards, they are not heavy and are easy to install. You can easily work with this material yourself, without resorting to outside help. Many experts do not advise making connections with nails - it is better to use self-tapping screws. If the work will be carried out using nails, do not forget about linings and liners.

As for how to build a rafter system, it is better to use notches to connect the racks to the purlin or beam.

Installation of the rafter system with your own hands, details in the video:

Options for connecting the rafter system

The rafter system can be connected in three ways:

  • struts;
  • stands;
  • simultaneously struts and racks.

How to properly make rafters depends on the span between the outer walls. A beam of 10x10 centimeters is used to create ridge girder. The bench and mauerlat can be made from logs by cutting them into two edges, or by taking a 10x10 centimeter beam.

Upon registration ridge knot it is necessary to nail it to the mauerlat and purlin with large nails special clamps, made from steel strip, given . You don’t have to use steel clamps, but then you need twists made of thick wire with a diameter of 6 millimeters.

Regarding how to make a brick or stone house, you need to lay a mauerlat on the masonry. To secure it securely, it is recommended to place a piece of log or timber about 50 centimeters under each rafter leg. Then they are attached using clamps to metal hooks, which were previously installed 30 centimeters below the Mauerlat.

Many people have a question about how to make rafters for the roof wooden houses. Rafters in wooden buildings laid on the upper crown of the wall. A plank roof truss can be created using a crossbar or with spans (6-8 centimeters). Its structural elements are arranged as follows. They make a single tightening using boards, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the rafters. For double tightening, thinner boards (from 40 millimeters thick) are used. For the crossbar and linings, 30 mm parts are used.

How to determine the cross-section of rafters

Before laying the rafters correctly, you need to decide on their cross-section.

This parameter depends on:

  • span dimensions;
  • expected load (wind force, weight of snow cover and roofing material);
  • pitch and installation angle of the rafters (roof slope).

There is a dependence of the cross-section of the rafters on the length of the rafter leg.

It is expressed as follows:

  • with a step of 300 centimeters, beams with a section of 10x12 centimeters or boards with a section of 6x14, 8x14 or 4x18 centimeters are used;
  • with a step of 400 centimeters, beams with a section of 10x16 centimeters or boards with a section of 6x20, 8x20 centimeters are used;
  • with a step of 500 centimeters, beams with a section of 10x20 centimeters or boards with a section of 8x22 centimeters are used.

The roof covering must be selected taking into account the roof slope. Also, the choice of roofing material depends on financial capabilities. The greater the roof slope, the more funds will be required to create the roof - this is due to the increased consumption of materials. However, steep roofs provide better drainage rainwater and snow, so they are more reliable and will not require repairs longer. But given the huge selection of roofing materials on the market, this will not pose any difficulties.

Creating a rafter system for a bathhouse

As for how to make rafters for a bathhouse, it is better to choose a gable roof - then the building will have attic space, which can be used to store brooms and other bath accessories (read: ""). Thus, it is advisable to create a rafter system for a gable roof, it is simpler and more practical.

Unusual cultural traditions, exotic rituals and sacraments, diversity religious beliefs and teachings - all this, taken together, very much distinguishes the countries of the East from the European ones. However, it is increasingly possible to observe elements of oriental culture in design projects for houses and buildings in Western countries, in decoration interior design premises in Europe.

Introducing oriental style elements into the design of house facades or apartment decoration makes them look unusual, attractive and fresh. This probably explains the increasing prevalence in construction of such unusual, at first glance, elements as the Chinese roof. But, of course, the design of a Chinese roof is a decoration for private houses; it will significantly highlight private building among other buildings of the same type.

A beautiful legend or a desire for practicality?

If we consider the origin of roofs of such an unusual shape, then there are many legends that explain their occurrence.

Here's just one of them. In ancient times, dragons lived on the roofs of houses and guarded human homes so that evil spirits could not harm the owners of the house. And when their little dragons were born, they had to somehow learn to fly.

For this purpose, people built such roofs with steep and curved slopes in the form of springboards. When the time comes to learn to fly, the dragons will slide down the trampolines and thus, thanks to the curved shape of the roof, will be able to fly up instead of falling down. Throwed into the air, they would be able to remain in a state longer free fall, which would allow them, by working with their wings, to quickly learn to fly.

A wonderful legend, isn't it? Who knows, maybe once upon a time it was not a legend at all, but had real grounds? But seriously speaking, this roof shape is determined, first of all, by the geographical features of the region.

After all, Chinese territories are very often subject to very heavy rains, so the construction of a roof of this shape was of purely practical importance. If it rains heavily, you need to somehow protect your house from flooding. Roofs with a strong angle of inclination and curved slopes allow water to drain very quickly without stopping, and thanks to the bends, “fly away” far from the house, thereby preventing flooding of areas adjacent to the house.

So the emergence of such a roof shape is not only unusual and beautiful shapes that attract attention, but above all it is urgent need For this place accommodation.

Are there any analogues?

The house, which was built in the oriental style, cannot be confused with any other. The main feature that distinguishes it from European buildings is the characteristic roof with curved edges that seem to look into the sky. This form of roof is quite common not only in China, it can also be found in Japan and Korea.

For ordinary people, the roof in chinese style will seem very interesting, original and amazing. Many believe that it simply has no analogues or competitors.

But in reality this, of course, is far from the case. A long time ago in European culture, there were hip roofs with different slopes, as well as half-hip roofs, the so-called “Dutch” roofs. They also have a very large slope, but lack that original bend of the ribs inherent in Chinese roofs.

However, this is where all the sameness ends. And although they may be very similar in shape, they have significant differences in the structure and shape of load-bearing walls and structures. Therefore, you first need to decide for yourself whether it will exactly comply with all the canons of constructing Chinese roofs or whether it is worth just imitating one.

If erecting a roof is the last stage in construction, then it is best, of course, to resort to imitation of this roof shape. Since strict adherence to the canons of Chinese roof construction involves the construction of walls and other structural elements according to completely different principles, significantly different from European ones.

Another decisive argument in favor of imitation is the high cost building materials during the construction of a real Chinese pagoda, as well as quite complex installation work, for which it is best to invite specialists.

To construct a roof that is shaped like a Chinese roof, certain roofing materials must be used. Today, soft bitumen materials are mainly used for these purposes. Most often used bitumen shingles or, as an option, use the popular euroroofing material.

Imitation of a roof based on a hanging rafter system

This is the most suitable option for erecting a roof in oriental style. Hanging rafters include the following elements:

  • rafter leg;
  • puff;
  • trimmer;
  • strut;
  • support beam;
  • overlay;
  • fastening bolts.

First of all, in the design of the rafter system, tightening is a very important part. The purpose of its installation is to prevent the rafters from moving apart. The entire roof load must be taken by the struts. It is worth noting that in the traditional eastern construction of roofs there were no struts at all, and the load was transferred to two tie rods installed horizontally and with vertical posts attached to them.

The Chinese version of the ties work mainly on bending, and the use of materials such as bamboo, under the weight of denser materials (for example, tiles), naturally bend the roof corners upward.

The difference from the principles of roof construction in Europe is that when distributing loads, Europeans more often used triangular shapes in rafter systems, while in the east they prefer rectangular ones.

Features of the design and construction of eastern roofs

The “classical” roof, but in the Chinese style, has the following very characteristic features:

  • frame structure in which all loads are distributed only in vertical and horizontal planes;
  • the corners of the roof are curved upward;
  • roof overhangs are moved away from external walls at home (outside the perimeter) to protect the walls from rain, and the rooms inside from excess sunlight;
  • the Chinese-style roof has a very steep slope in its uppermost part, and the angle at the bottom decreases very sharply;
  • part of the overhangs, which are located between the corner ribs of the roof, is used to quickly remove precipitation;
  • Multi-tier solutions are also very often used.

Chinese roof, how to make a structure that will not only decorate your home, but will also reliable protection from bad weather? The construction of original eastern roofs has its own characteristics and difficulties.

Let's look at some options for how to create a Chinese roof with your own hands:

  • copied in great detail original design buildings from the very foundation to the highest point of the roof;
  • a truss of the required shape is installed (supported on the main walls);
  • the roof is given a corresponding characteristic shape using decorative elements (on standard hanging rafters);
  • make load-bearing bent structures not from wood, but using more flexible and technologically advanced metal beams.

If compliance with the original Chinese roof is more important to you than the upcoming costs and some inconveniences, then it is worth starting construction according to all the old canons. Although such a house will most likely become less durable the latest technologies. Surely, insulation and strengthening of the walls will be required.

The rise in cost and complexity of work when constructing a complex rafter system for such a roof is inevitable, but the roof will turn out almost identical to a real Chinese one. Decorative elements(ridges, gaskets, etc.) will allow you to create a roof appearance that is truly close to the oriental with Chinese characteristics.

The disadvantage can be considered that metal structure the supports are quite expensive, and there are also difficulties when covering the roof roofing material. However, by using light alloys, it is possible to obtain any roof shape with sufficient high degree strength.

If you nevertheless decide to make an eastern roof, then the Japanese version will cost much less than the Chinese one, since the main difficulty is the curved edges of the roof, which are not found in the Japanese roof. At the same time, the possibility of choosing the material for its coating also expands.

Eastern owners of beautiful pagodas and small Chinese houses created them in accordance with their natural and national characteristics. And today the builders different countries successfully cope with the task of constructing complex, unique and reliable Chinese roofs.

So, having become familiar with how to build a roof in the Chinese style, we ask you not to neglect the advice and weigh all the arguments in favor of building an oriental roof for your home. Think about the cost and whether it will suit our Russian climate, and specifically, to weather conditions your area. If the arguments in favor and the desire to impress others outweigh, then feel free to get down to business and start creating a project.