DIY decorative plaster for interior work. Wall decoration with decorative plaster. Silk plaster: photo in the interior

Currently, decorative plaster is commonly understood as several different types of this finishing material. Experts claim that this is a marketing ploy by the manufacturers. The composition of this plaster is almost the same. You should study this aspect more carefully to understand the types and methods of using this tool.


Decorative plaster is the main competitor of wallpaper when it comes to covering walls. It is worth knowing that this is not the material that is used to level walls. This type of building material has its own characteristics. It is both a leveler and a final coating in itself.

Decorative plaster contains additional substances that distinguish it from ordinary plaster.

This type of finishing material has whole line undeniable advantages. For example, such plaster can be the base and at the same time the finish. It perfectly hides wall unevenness and, due to its high percentage of plasticity, can fill any cracks and crevices.

Decorative plaster does not have special restrictions by application. It goes well with stone, brick, concrete and plasterboard walls. The only feature is that it must be firmly attached to the wall. But this requirement applies to all types of finishing materials.

Decorative plaster does not absorb odors at all and is perfect for decorating a kitchen space. This is one of its features and an undeniable advantage compared to other finishing materials. It has excellent soundproofing properties.

Another feature of decorative plaster is its unique appearance. The final version will look unique depending on the application technique and the tools used. If there are small defects on the wall, you do not need to carry out preliminary preparation. Experts recommend getting by with just a light primer of the surface.

The most common use of decorative plaster is indoors. It allows air to pass through and prevents the formation of fungi and other harmful microorganisms. Due to this specific finishing material, the repair will last its owners much longer.

Thanks to the properties of the material, unusual patterns and designs can be created in the process of wall finishing. Some experts recommend making multi-colored designs from decorative plaster. This way the walls will look original and stylish.

Basically, the plaster contains natural ingredients. They are environmentally friendly and safe for people, children and pets. For some, this is the main criterion when choosing a finishing material. This coating can last for many years. It can withstand minor mechanical damage, which can often happen in the kitchen and nursery.

When professionals work, everything seems simple and easy. When applying decorative plaster, there are a number of features that you need to remember.

This will help you avoid mistakes during the work process and get the desired result.

When choosing decorative plaster, you need to study the entire range of this product presented in the hardware store. It would be a good idea to consult with the seller. It is best to find a large sample with plaster applied to it. It is necessary to buy material with a reserve. This will save you from additional expenses and hassle. It will not be very pleasant if the plaster runs out in the midst of renovation work.

It is important to choose the right tools for a specific type of plaster and achieving the desired effect. The minimum is two spatulas. It is necessary that one of them be wide and the second narrow. To make more textured designs, you will have to purchase a special roller and a smoothing iron with round ends. If the owners want to paint the walls, then they need to purchase additional brushes or rollers for applying it.

If there are no serious defects, you can forget about leveling the walls. Decorative plaster has an amazing property - it will hide all the imperfections. But if the defects on the walls are obvious, then you should first go over the entire surface with putty. This will significantly save the family budget. Experts believe that the finer the relief pattern, the better the alignment of the walls.

Before using decorative plaster, the entire surface of the walls is thoroughly primed. For a novice master, it is better to start working with inconspicuous areas. This will help you gain a little experience, and the resulting defects will be hidden from view. Many builders recommend practicing on a sheet of drywall first.

After applying the plaster, you can make a certain relief or design on it. High-quality applied material is moisture resistant. These walls can be washed. It is important not to use aggressive chemicals. It is better to use soft sponges and rags. Metal brushes and scrapers are not allowed when washing decorative plaster.

Some builders additionally cover such plaster with a layer of wax. But this method will protect from moisture rather than from various damages. If there is a need to change the interior, the plaster can simply be painted over with a different color.

In case of further wallpapering, it is permissible to putty the walls on top of the old layer.

Types and effects

There are several types of decorative plaster in the construction industry. Very often it is divided according to the type of filler or binder. It is better to check in advance about its quality and features with builders or consultants in specialized stores.

If we consider this material by filler type, it will differ in appearance, not composition.

Let's look at some types and effects of decorative plaster:

  • Textured or embossed plaster creates a rather noticeable pattern on the wall. It will help make any imperfections on the wall invisible. This plaster is very inexpensive and is very popular in our country. It is quite easy to apply, which is a definite advantage for beginners.

It can be divided into several textures that have interesting names. The "bark beetle" resembles furrows in an old tree. And when using colored paint, this effect is only enhanced. Lamb creates a grainy surface that appears very soft and curly from a distance. “Fur Fur” is a little similar to the second option, but visually more fleecy.

  • Structural view is the most unpredictable in terms of final finish. Even an experienced craftsman will not be able to predict the final appearance of this decorative plaster.

  • Venetian plaster has a smooth surface. To apply it to the wall, the master must have sufficient experience. It takes quite a lot of time to apply it. But in the end the owners get the perfect wall, a bit like a stone. In bright lighting, the effect of a marble surface and internal lighting is created.

  • Other options decorative plaster have diverse characteristics. You can buy wood-effect decorative plaster at a hardware store. Material that imitates silk is becoming popular. It is very popular to decorate utility pantries and warehouses with gypsum plaster. Colored plaster may also belong to this group of materials.

Scope of application

Many experts consider this remedy to be one of the most universal species finishing material. It can be used on any surface. The result is a very interesting and intricate relief of the walls and ceiling.

The widespread use of plaster is explained by its good vapor permeability, durability and resistance to various natural influences.

In addition, this type of material does not always require additional putty on the walls.

When using this material in a children's room, you should carefully choose the composition. Decorative plaster should not contain resins of synthetic origin. When applying the material to the walls, do not make sharp corners. It is important to think about the safety of your child.

In the bathroom and toilet it is worth using cement-based material.

For the kitchen area it is worth using glass and plastic aprons. This is especially true for the food preparation and dishwashing areas. For those who want to use decorative plaster in the kitchen, experts recommend covering the walls with an additional coat of paint or clear varnish. Such additional means of protection will help protect the walls from grease and soot, which are simply inevitable in the kitchen.

There is a special type of material on sale that is intended for outdoor use. This type of plaster is absolutely not suitable for use at home. This is due to the substances included in the composition. They give the plaster additional resistance and strength to the effects of snow, rain and sun.

Other mixture options are only suitable for indoor use. This decorative plaster is environmentally friendly and contains natural ingredients. This material cannot be used for finishing building facades. Due to its natural composition and the absence of aggressive components, the material will not withstand the effects of natural disasters.

In specialized stores you can also find universal plaster. It can be used in residential apartments. It also performed well when used on building facades. This decorative plaster contains substances that are safe for people. The composition also contains special components that extend the service life of the material on facades. This type of decorative plaster is the most expensive.

Many builders are sure that such plaster looks great in rooms with a large area. Decorative plaster is used to decorate all walls or small fragments of them. Designers are confident that some types of material can visually increase the area of ​​a room.

This is achieved through a special application style and the use of light paint.

Currently, the material can be applied to wood, drywall or brick. You can use a concrete or already plastered wall as a base. Plastic surface is not the best the best option for applying decorative plaster. It is a fairly strong material, so it is important that it is applied correctly.

It can also be used in the hallway. It will be able to withstand minor mechanical damage that can happen in everyday life.

How to cook it yourself?

Currently, this type of finishing material does not lose its popularity. Construction stores offer a huge range of this material. It has different composition, service life and finishing surface. All types of decorative plaster have in common only a fairly high cost.

If you wish to have original interior, but have limited financial capabilities or a clearly defined estimate for repair work, you can try to make decorative plaster with your own hands.

It may contain sand, gypsum or cement. Fillers can be chips of natural stones. It is advisable to add components to the resulting composition to increase the viscosity of the material, as well as antiseptic and moisture-resistant additives.

The finishing option will depend on the type, quality and quantity of filler. The most widely used version of decorative plaster contains grains up to five millimeters in size. It is important to know that in decorative plaster the filler should not exceed 70% of the total amount of solution.

There are different ways to prepare decorative plaster. Let's look at the simplest and most popular of them.

Very often, gypsum plaster is used during repairs. This type of decorative plaster dries instantly, is easy to apply and levels well. It's very easy to do. You need to purchase gypsum flour and make limestone dough. These components must be mixed together in a ratio of one to three. Then a small amount of water is added. You need to add water gradually, stirring the solution evenly.

As a result, it should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. At the very end, if desired, color is added. In order for the solution to be plastic, all proportions must be strictly observed.

To make your own lime paste, you will need slaked lime and water.

The ratio of components should be one to three. After kneading, cover the resulting consistency with a lid and put it in dark place for about a day.

Popular methods for preparing plaster at home are those with the addition of silicate-based components. Preparation of the bulk is carried out in the same way as in the first case. Another element is liquid glass. It is poured into the resulting solution, and then a little water is added. The amount of silicate in such a mixture should not exceed 5%.

A more budget-friendly option for decorative plaster would be a mixture of sand and cement. To prepare such a composition, you will need cement, sand and slaked lime. The proportions of this composition are approximately one to two. After mixing the main components, silicate is added to the mass. Its share should not exceed 5% of the total mass. At the very end, water is added to the mixture. Stone chips should not exceed 70%.

These are fairly simple methods for making the material. It is important to maintain accurate proportions and consistency. Before starting work, you can watch a master class from an experienced builder.

To purchase decorative plaster that does not require preliminary preparation, you should turn to ready-made mixtures. In this case, you should pay attention to textured plaster. Its surface is almost flat. The desired pattern is obtained using spatulas, brushes and rollers. In addition, an experienced craftsman has more opportunities when working with such material. Structural plaster is applied much easier and faster. It is ideal for an inexperienced craftsman.

For rooms with high humidity, you should pay attention to cement plaster. Builders add about ten kilograms of tile adhesive to a bag of cement. 500 grams of plasticizer are added to the resulting mixture. Then water is poured in evenly and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Venetian plaster is considered the most exquisite and amazing. It belongs to the textured varieties. Due to its popularity and variety of effects, it is allocated to a special group.

Marble dust is quite expensive. To reduce the cost of manufacturing such a coating, granite and malachite chips are usually added to it. After applying the material to the wall, it needs to be treated with a trowel. This means that the plaster must have very finely ground stones in its composition.

For this, it is better to use natural and finely dispersed fillers.

The next component is slaked lime. It acts as a component for linking all funds. Typically, ready-made building mixtures contain acrylic resins instead of slaked lime. Special dyes will also be required. Previously, natural plant juice was used. Currently, they have been replaced by synthetic components.

It is possible to use running water during operation. It is important to monitor its temperature. It should not be below ten degrees. The standard recipe for preparing Venetian plaster contains all of the above components. Stone dust and slaked lime are thoroughly mixed until they form a homogeneous mass of fairly thick consistency.

Then running water is added to the resulting composition and everything is mixed again. At the same time, dye, antiseptic and metallizing particles are added. Due to the peculiarities of applying this type of decorative plaster, the finest fillers are required.

Experienced builders suggest considering two more options for preparing this type of material. The first is quite simple - the material is mixed with white marble flour. The proportions are one to ten. Then water and colored paint are added to the resulting composition.

The second option is a little more difficult to prepare. For 7 kilograms of marble sand, about 1.5 kilograms of flour of a similar composition are added. Then 700 grams of white Portland cement are added to the composition, followed by about a kilogram of lime dough.

A novice master needs strict adherence to all proportions. It is better to use paper to write down all the components.

Consumption per 1 m2

Before you start finishing works When using decorative plaster, it is important to make a competent calculation of the material. As a rule, it is customary to consider the mixture consumption per one square meter.

Decorative plaster perfectly imitates stones, wood or leather. Despite its cost, it is very budget-friendly in terms of consumption. Most often, the consumption per square meter of wall or ceiling ranges from one to one and a half kilograms.

Plaster, which resembles wood in texture, has the lowest consumption. The total thickness of the layer should not be more than one centimeter.

If the plaster contains large grains, then two layers must be applied.

Structural plaster is made from a mixture of acrylic, cement or gypsum. This mixture is sold in 25 kilogram packages. To decorate a ten square meter wall you need one or two bags.

The mixture based on acrylic dispersions is homogeneous in consistency with the presence of small grains. The size of these grains does not exceed two millimeters. Plaster in finished form has quite a noticeable consumption. If there is a fraction of one millimeter, the consumption is two and a half kilograms per square meter of wall or ceiling.

This plaster is usually sold in plastic packaging of 15 kilograms. For 10 meters of wall you need about two plastic packages. This amount of material will be needed to apply one layer of decorative plaster.

Structural materials containing marble chips or a mixture of marble and granite chips are in great demand. The layer of material can be from one to three millimeters. This depends on the depth of texture required. To apply the material to a wall of 10 square meters, you will need one package of material with a volume of 25 kilograms.

If we consider the structural material, then most often it is used to decorate the fireplace. A solution of such plaster is sold in plastic packaging of 15 kilograms. To apply plaster to a ten square meter wall, you need to buy two packages of the material.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decorative plaster “Bark beetle”. The consumption of this product ranges from 2.5 to 4 kilograms per square meter. This scatter is due to the different grain sizes in the structure of the product and the thickness of the layer.

Still, before purchasing, you should consult with the seller at the hardware store. A specialist will accurately determine the possible consumption of decorative plaster of this type. It would be a good idea to read the information about the material on the packaging.

Venetian plaster allows you to create an imitation of marble on the wall in all its splendor. In terms of consumption, it is the most budgetary. Savings result from a perfectly level surface. Considering the cost of work and the price of the material itself, Venetian plaster is the most expensive.

Application process

For plastering work you will need a set of tools. This should be sandpaper or a special machine, two types of spatulas, brushes, polyethylene film, putty and primers.

The technology for applying decorative plaster is not very complicated.

At the beginning of the work, the surface is cleaned and traces of corrosion, old paint or wallpaper are removed. The entire surface is treated with sandpaper. Remaining dust can be removed using a vacuum cleaner or brush. Cracks or gouges may appear on the wall. They should be sealed with putty and wait for it to dry completely.

After this, it is worth treating the surface with a primer. It must be applied twice with an interval of 3-4 hours. Completion of this stage of work is mandatory. The primer will improve the adhesion of the plaster to the wall.

While the primer material is drying, the entire working area should be covered with polyethylene film. It is advisable to cover furniture and all mirror surfaces. For reliability, the film is fixed construction tape. Then you should start preparing decorative plaster.

To apply the structural material, use a spatula with a wide base. The plaster is applied to the wall and then stretched using a wide spatula. The first layer may be different thicknesses, the main thing is that it is even. You can continue working only after 5-12 hours. During this time, the plaster should thoroughly adhere to the wall and primer.

After this, the entire surface of the wall is treated with a plastic trowel. You can move in a circle or chaotically. Due to solid granules As part of decorative plaster, grooves are formed on the surface. Once the material dries, they will create the effect of natural and natural materials.

After this, you need to leave the walls to dry for at least another day. Then a special primer is applied and rollers and brushes are used. With their help, the specialist applies the first layer of paint, and then the second. The last coat of paint should be a tone or two lighter than the first. The last stage of work will be applying a layer of wax.

When working independently, it is best to apply decorative plaster with a wide spatula. It takes quite a long time to dry, so you can apply it to all the walls at once. In order for a pattern to form on the surface, the thickness of the entire plaster must be three millimeters. In this case, it is important to apply the product over all walls or ceilings.

Without allowing the material to harden, you can proceed to the next stage of work. Brushes, stencils, stamps, rollers and a trowel will come in handy here. Thanks to uneven patterns, the plaster will acquire a certain texture. The resulting solution cannot be pressed deeper than one and a half millimeters.

If you do this, the material will not be durable and will begin to peel off very quickly.

A day after completion of work, the entire surface must be primed. Then the walls are treated with wax. It will be possible to touch and place furniture in this room two days after the completion of all construction work.

Venetian plaster is more capricious and difficult to work with. When self-cooking solution, use a spatula with a wide base. The surface is leveled using a trowel.

You should not press the tool too hard. All movements should be chaotic. A second and third coat of Venetian plaster should also be applied. The interval between coats is eight to ten hours.

Then the Venetian plaster trowel is pressed firmly against the surface and passed over the entire wall. This should be done until a metallic sheen is obtained. At the very end, the wall needs to be waxed and gently sanded.

It is quite possible to prepare decorative plaster yourself. This will take a little more effort and time, but will save the family budget quite significantly.

Decorative plaster should always be purchased with a reserve of at least 10%. It will be needed if the material dries out or falls on the floor during application.

The issue of saving is always very relevant. This is especially true for estimates for repair work. Experienced craftsmen have some rules and secrets that can reduce material consumption per square meter.

For rough work, they suggest using the most inexpensive cement-based mixtures. At the beginning of work, you need to try to level the walls as much as possible. The differences should not exceed five millimeters. If the walls are too crooked, you should use plasterboard. This budget option will help you quickly and economically give your walls a smooth surface.

You cannot skimp on primer material. It is best to use those products recommended by the decorative plaster manufacturer. The most important thing is to plan everything correctly before starting the renovation. Correctly calculated quantities and selection of successful consumables will help you save money and protect you from additional purchases.

When using Venetian plaster, it is worth watching video tutorials or enrolling in special courses. We must not forget about rough samples. They are best done a few days before the start of the main work. Drywall is perfect for this. Decorative plaster is a very expensive material, so you should carefully prepare for its application.

A novice master should apply decorative plaster to small areas walls These can be arches or small structures based on plasterboard. Small defects will not be so noticeable on them. But a large wall canvas will not make it possible to hide the first experience of a novice master.

An interesting design option for the corridor and part of the living room would be brick or brickwork. It will look more elegant if you imitate brickwork using decorative plaster. Imitation significantly saves space. Construction work will take much less time than using real bricks.

There are two ways to create imitation brickwork. In the first case, the wall is drawn manually, and in the second, special metal stencils are used. Decorative plaster is poured into them.

When working independently, a novice craftsman should use a narrow metal spatula. This tool will help smooth out the edges of the “bricks” and add a little texture.

Whatever method and type of decorative plaster is chosen, it is important to treat the matter with the utmost care and study in advance all the features of applying and preparing decorative plaster. Then a wonderful result will not take long to arrive.

Watch the following video for a master class on applying decorative plaster "Velvet Relief".

During renovation, many people act out of habit - they buy traditional finishing materials, and in the end they are dissatisfied with the result. But no matter how much you change the paper wallpaper or paint, it is impossible to get the effect that decorative plaster of the walls gives with your own hands. This is a chance not only to transform the interior, but also to realize your wildest dreams using your creative potential. There are many relief options obtained using a mixture for wall decoration, which can be used to paint entire panels with a roller and spatula. Once you become familiar with the basics of the technology and get a little practice on a control surface, it is easy to create unique decor in the hallway or living room.

Such a huge butterfly on the wall will not go unnoticed

Even the simplest strokes of a spatula will end up looking like a work of art.

The harmony of colors in the room will charge you only with positive energy

Decorative plaster requires a special dry mixture, but you can make something unusual from ordinary putty with fillers and pigment. Having mastered how the base is applied and the “bark beetle” texture or other pattern is formed, you can make interesting patterns in accordance with the design concept. Do-it-yourself putty decor will save money and hide minor coating defects. Whatever the choice, plaster is classified as:

  • interior;
  • façade

Both varieties are suitable for effectively decorating apartment walls with plaster. But a façade mixture that is resistant to destruction may have chemical components, to which allergy sufferers are sensitive. Therefore, before purchasing, it is important to carefully study the instructions and look at the composition.

Interior (for interior decoration) plaster is produced on different bases:

  1. Silicate.
  2. Mineral.
  3. Acrylic.
  4. Polymer.
  5. Silicate-latex (with silicone).

Each has its own texture options, for example, “fleece” or “bark beetle”. If you want to work with a repeating relief, you need to purchase special nozzles on a roller, which squeeze out a special rustic background on the wall. You can “sculpt” artistic panels with gypsum plaster, but it sets quickly, so they work quickly and confidently.

This method of wall finishing is durable; plaster can last for decades

This type of wall decoration will definitely arouse the interest of guests.

Each type is applied and formed in a special way; some surfaces can be additionally painted. The most expensive is Venetian plaster; it is applied in layers, creating decorative “marbled” walls with your own hands. For such work you need a professional who knows the technology, and the surface requires additional treatment with interior wax. But you can prepare the foundation according to all the rules, and then invite a specialist - this is much more economical than hiring a whole team of finishers.

The paste is prepared strictly in accordance with the recipe described on the package. This guarantees optimal consistency, coating thickness and coating drying time. Otherwise, the solution will set too quickly and the desired pattern will not be obtained. You can check the results on a small area.

The wall decor of textured or decorative plaster is applied with a spatula onto the prepared base, leveling with a grater, but without much effort, otherwise you can “pull” it. From one composition are created different drawings, if used suitable tool or texture. For example, applying crumpled foil, maple leaves or faux fur to the solution can easily create a spectacular finish.

Walls in a bright mustard color will only make you smile

Textured plaster with a pattern will complement the interior of the room

A wide variety of types and colors makes it possible to make the room ideal

The multi-stage process of decorating walls with putty with your own hands involves the following steps:

  • work planning;
  • purchase of materials and tools;
  • preparation of room surfaces (cleaning of wallpaper or other unstable coating);
  • creating a starting framework;
  • applying plaster;
  • final decoration or painting.

Using the capabilities of decorative plaster, it is easy to create an exclusive interior design that cannot be repeated by anyone close to you. But it’s better to create something new based on what has been tested in practice for years. Today, ready-made and dry mixtures are available, but it is suggested to use gypsum or putty, which are also suitable for creating an excellent relief.

This finishing method will harmonize perfectly with the furniture.

An excellent solution would be to finish the walls and fireplace with decorative plaster.

Advantages of decorative putty plaster

In several rooms, the easiest way is to create decor with one plaster with your own hands, which will result in a different relief (work with different tools). Then, even with a conventional finishing mixture, different surfaces can be obtained.

For greater variety, pigment or “color” is added to the mixture. It is necessary to maintain proportion so that the shade does not change on different surfaces.

Each type of roller attachment produces its own pattern when applied with light pressure. There are also tools for strict geometric lines that you will need for framing artistic panel, frescoes or mosaics, as in the photo.

Magnificent wall decor with durable plaster:

  • to mechanical destruction;
  • temperature changes;
  • fluctuations in humidity.

This coating “breathes,” that is, it absorbs excess moisture and then gradually evaporates it if the wall is not covered with varnish or wax. Excellent sound insulation and fire resistance are additional “bonuses” of decorating walls with do-it-yourself plaster.

Plaster for finishing interior spaces included in the list of environmentally friendly materials, it does not emit harmful fumes. Not only dyes are added to the finished paste, but also structural inclusions to obtain new finishing options:

  • fabric fibers;
  • sifted shell rock crumbs;
  • small pebbles;
  • coarse river sand.

Lamps on the wall will create new lines

Decorative plaster in the kitchen will be an excellent solution. It is durable and not afraid of high temperatures

Rough finishes will give the room a special atmosphere

Another “plus” is its accessibility. Luxurious decor made from textured putty will look like an expensive renovation after application and painting. If desired, the impression can be enhanced by covering it with varnish, which is available with different reflective properties:

  1. Matte.
  2. Semi-matte.
  3. Glossy (maximum shine).

Decorative plaster has high adhesion (adhesion to the base); once hardened, it is difficult to remove. If there is no desire to level the surface of foam concrete or brickwork, a mixture of decorative plaster is applied immediately after primary processing primer.

The textured surface will last for many years without losing its aesthetics. If desired, it will be possible to update the panel with painting. There are also non-traditional methods of painting a surface with a relief, for example, with a crinkled cloth on a roller - gaps are created. The plasticity of the mixture and the availability of ready-made attachments for the roller make work a pleasure.

The possibilities of the modern market are almost limitless to offer consumers many interesting options for decorating walls with putty or textured plaster.

Each type of plaster has its own application method.

Venetian plaster will immerse you in a state of tranquility

Recipe for preparing decorative plaster from putty

Note: Mixing some bases can also create new surface finishes, but it may be difficult to get the correct proportions.

On gypsum board seams, use a primer of maximum penetration or dilute dry powder construction glue PVA.

Based on the building mixture, you can prepare different compositions for decorating with putty.

The most common recipe is made from 3 components;

  • water;
  • PVA glue;
  • gypsum base with additives.

It's kneaded construction mixer in a container of suitable volume. After dissolving the dry powder in water, add glue until a plastic paste with the consistency of sour cream is obtained. You need to work immediately after preparing the mixture so that it does not harden in the bucket. Having stretched the plaster over the wall with a wide spatula, work with a roller with template attachments, as in the photo.

A spectacular texture requires a more expensive base, which is prepared using imported finishing mixtures from Knauf and other companies. They are applied on top of a dried primer on a flat surface, working with a small layer of decorative plaster on the walls of the interior.

Drawings on the wall will perfectly complement the decor

There are completely different types of plaster

Combination with flexible stone will be an excellent solution for diversifying the interior

The mixture should include:

  • water;
  • 3 parts sifted river sand;
  • 3 parts of finely dispersed dry gypsum putty with elastic additives;
  • 1 part polymer putty.

First, mix all the dry ingredients, then dilute them in containers with a construction mixer.

Decoration with putty on walls is also done according to a different principle - a mixture with which you can create a textured coating:

  • water;
  • dry mixture "Satengips";
  • acrylic-based deep penetration primer.

First, the primer is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1, then the dry component is introduced, all this is kneaded with a construction mixer until a creamy paste is obtained. They work with it on the prepared starting surface, creating “liquid” patterns. They set quickly, leaving a spectacular texture that can be additionally painted with a fluffy roller or spray from a spray gun.

The relief pattern on the wall will catch the eye of all guests

The assortment is huge. There's something for everyone

Possibilities of decorative plaster

Obviously, there are a lot of coating options. Experts recommend reviewing catalogs, where it is easier to choose the wall surface you like using samples. But it is important to evaluate your capabilities - to obtain complex relief, you need some experience in working with a spatula, trowel and roller.

It’s good when you have practice as a plasterer, then it is much easier to master the method of performing this or that decorative coating. For "bark beetle", for example, you need hard granules and working with a spatula in certain directions - downwards, chaotically or to the sides. This will give different variants relief. The liquid paste is modeled with a roller with different attachments.

If you have little experience, the easiest way to work is with stencil rollers, which themselves extrude a certain design when working on it. But you also need to work with them carefully, performing movements in a certain direction so as not to disrupt the periodicity of the resulting ornament.

Rough surface will look unusual

A variety of applications will add zest to the interior

Complex drawings with grape leaves will give inspiration

You can “sculpt” masterpieces with anything, even with your fingers, sculpting vines or fantastic flowers from plaster.

By rotating a trowel or other flat tool, you can create spectacular circles on the surface of the wall.

Small circles can easily be added with a few strokes to form roses or other images.

Some craftsmen create their panels using “knots” of textured fabric. Having tried what “imprints” are left by various rough materials, you can “draw” entire volumetric bas-reliefs on one base.

Experts also use:

  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • flat elastic bands with figured slots (draw a tree trunk);
  • construction trowels (smooth and rough trowels);
  • plungers (draw circles);
  • sandpaper;
  • faux fur attachments;
  • natural and synthetic sponges;
  • wide and rough brushes, brooms and hard brushes.

A complex relief pattern on the wall will be the center of attention in the room

Wall decoration will look great in any room

Before plastering the wall, you need to remove all things from the room and cover the floors, if they are after renovation. This is necessary so that dry suspension and lumps of paste do not settle on all objects. Remains of wallpaper and old crumbling putty are removed from the walls.

After filling the cracks and preliminary preparation, you can work with decorative plaster. After the process is completed, the vertical and horizontal are checked to eliminate defects that are most noticeable in side lighting.

You can also master the wash and dry brush method, or use paint, wax or varnish. If you want to master such technologies, watch the video master class.

Video: Decorative plaster

50 photos of examples of wall decoration with decorative plaster:

To complete the appearance of the walls on this moment The main competition for wallpaper coverings is plaster for interior decoration.

It’s worth mentioning right away that it should not be confused with ordinary material to level out imperfections in the surface, because Decorative plaster combines the properties of a leveling, finishing and finishing layer.

Features of decorative plaster

In composition, it is also a powdery mass, but differs in composition due to its impurities. In addition to the main components, stone chips, wood fibers, and coloring pigments are mixed into it.

Modern plaster for the interior and its advantages

Let's consider the advantages of using this finishing material, which both designers and other people are happy to use to implement their projects during renovations at home:

  • There are no restrictions on the application of layers; it adheres equally well to brick, stone, wood, drywall and other surfaces. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the base should not be flexible and movable, however this rule applies to any finish;
  • Decorative plaster replaces the base, finish and finishing layers, perfectly coping with their tasks at one time. It is plastic, fills irregularities and cracks;
  • There is no such factor as absorption of odors, it can easily be used in the kitchen, as well as in rooms where people smoke;
  • It has good soundproofing properties;
  • Unlike wallpaper, there is no need to join the pattern, the pattern will not be repeated, it depends only on how the master wants to make it;
  • The plaster consists mainly of environmentally friendly materials, is safe and does not require the use of adhesives;
  • According to its composition, the material is considered moisture resistant, it tolerates weather conditions well, so it is suitable not only for dry rooms, but also for places with high humidity and temperature changes;
  • The plasticity of the composition gives it the ability to smooth out defects without prior preparation. In case of severe defects, you can prime the surface and that’s it;
  • The material is breathable, and this is important for the microclimate of the room, and also extends its service life well;
  • Plaster does not limit the master’s imagination to strict ornamentation; it can be used to create a wide variety of patterns and designs using different colors and tools;
  • The coating withstands mechanical stress and lasts a long time.

Among other types of finishing materials, decorative plaster for interior wall decoration occupies a special place due to its characteristics and the aesthetic appearance that it gives to the surfaces being coated.

Decorative plaster for walls is similar in composition to regular plaster in that it has common components - sand, cement, lime, but, unlike it, it can contain various additional granules: various chips, wood fibers, pieces of mica, etc. Cement is usually used as a binding base; fillers are sold separately and added when applying the finishing layer of plaster. In addition, the structure of the plaster includes additives that improve its properties and provide antiseptic, adhesive, bactericidal and hydrophobic effects.

In addition to adding aesthetics to the wall surface, decorative plaster levels it, smoothing out depressions and other defects. You can purchase plaster either in finished form, in a paste form, or in dry form for dilution with water. Working with this decorative coating is not difficult; if you have the necessary skills, you can plaster the walls with your own hands without the help of specialists.

The popularity of this type of decorative finishing material is due to the advantages of plaster over other types of finishing:

  • moisture resistance of the coating;
  • resistance to humidity levels, temperature changes;
  • no need to specially treat walls before decorative plastering;
  • providing additional sound insulation and thermal insulation;
  • strength and durability of the coating;
  • the ability to realize any idea, a variety of textures and shades.

Types of decorative plaster for interior wall decoration

The material can be classified according to the type of binder and filler. In the first case, it is divided into the following types:

  • acrylic (polymer);
  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.


Taking into account the type of filler, the coating is divided into textured, structural (based on marble chips), Venetian and flock. They are distinguished by their decorative properties. Using textured and structural materials, you can create a relief on the surface, and using the Venetian and flock type - a smooth or glossy wall.

In addition to the above, there are specific types of this decorative coating:

  • colored plaster - it is based on marble chips and acrylic. Waterproof, quite durable, available in fifteen shades;
  • roller - consists of natural filler with a fraction of 1 to 2.5 mm, when applied it forms a texture with small depressions and channels;
  • latex-plastic - forms glossy surface with imitation smooth natural stone or marble, as well as relief textures. The material is resistant to moisture, it can be washed, and different colors can be added when applied;
  • “wet silk” coating - a texture with mother-of-pearl particles that imitates a fabric surface;
  • “sea breeze” coating - creates a translucent layer with a slight shimmer of mother-of-pearl, containing fine-grained sand.

Wet silk
Sea breeze
Roller room


The composition of mineral plaster includes lime, mineral particles, clay various colors, stone chips and cement as the main binder. Today, mineral decorative coating is the most common and is considered absolutely environmentally friendly. Despite the fact that the structure of mineral plaster contains lime, it is not afraid of moisture and wet cleaning; it also contains substances that do not allow lime to dissolve. It is suitable for application to all types of mineral substrates, including concrete, gypsum plasters, plasterboard, fiberboard and chipboard. Mineral mixture usually cover walls that are subject to abrasion and have protrusions (corridor, staircase, entrance area), as well as the surface of the building's basement. In the photo below you can see an example of covering the hall walls with mineral plaster.

Among the advantages of this type of coating are the following:

  • high resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences, temperature changes. Over time, the strength of the coating only increases;
  • forms a “breathing” surface;
  • fire safety;
  • easy to maintain, wet cleaning possible.

However, the mineral coating is afraid of vibration. Under such conditions, over time it may become covered with cracks and crumble if the wall was poorly primed.

The mineral mixture is sold only in dry form and is prepared by diluting it with water at room temperature. Mineral plaster is divided into types based on the size of the granules and the composition of the filler.


It is an elastic plaster, with a base of various binders (acrylic, epoxy resin, polyurethane). Types of polymer coating are divided into aqueous and non-aqueous. The first type includes acrylic, polyvinyl acetate, butane-styrene plasters, the second - epoxy and polyurethane. Thanks to its composition, polymer coatings It is enough to apply the thinnest layer, suitable for concrete surfaces, cement-sand, plasterboard. The polymer solution is usually sold ready-made, applied in a continuous line with a thickness that depends on the size of the granules.

The advantages of this type are:

  • plastic;
  • vapor permeability;
  • strength, resistance to various influences;
  • hydrophobicity;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • good sound insulation;
  • a wide range of colors and textures;
  • ease of application, which can be done with your own hands without the help of professionals.


Silicone plasters are durable; their only drawback is their high price. Silicone decorating solution consists of silicone resins, various fillers (fabric fibers, mineral granules), special additives (antifungal, bactericidal), as well as pigment of various shades. This material is a type of polymer plaster and has the following advantages:

  • creates a protective coating on the surface from moisture and damage;
  • easy to maintain, dirt can be easily removed from the coating;
  • outer layer color for a long time remains unchanged;
  • protects walls from fungus and mold.

Like any other type of polymer plaster, silicone is applied to a wall that has been pre-treated with a special primer, which is produced by the same manufacturer as the plaster. You should use only the type of primer that is indicated on the packaging of the silicone coating by the manufacturer; if you use any other, the decorative coating will not lie on the base as desired. There is no need to dilute silicone plaster with water, since it is sold ready-made.


The material, made on an acrylic or silicate base, has a thin-layer structure. To create a decorative effect, it contains quartz or marble chips. Only mixture is available white, pigments are purchased separately to tint the material with your own hands at your discretion. In appearance, structural plaster looks like a granular, heterogeneous mass, therefore it is often used to create patterns. Structural mixtures are divided into types according to small, medium and large fractions of stone chips. The photo shows coarse-grained structural plaster, which creates a noticeable decorative relief.

The structural mixture has good adhesion to most mineral surfaces and can be applied to plasterboard and chipboard. Water-based structural plaster is used to finish internal surfaces. The whole process of applying the material with your own hands is quite easy, since the mixture has high plasticity and is sold in a ready-to-use form.


This type of plaster is less uniform than structural plaster. It is based on lime flour, granite, marble chips, synthetic fibers, wood, mica, and a polymer base can also be used. Textured finish is well suited for covering different surfaces - wooden walls, brick, plastered, concrete. The advantages of this type of coating are:

  • ability to imitate different kinds textures: stone, leather, paper, concrete surface, wood, thanks to which textured plaster has gained popularity among many users and designers;
  • thanks to its structure with special particles, it masks noticeable defects and unevenness of the walls;
  • practically does not require special preparation of the surface before application, it is enough just to cover the walls with an adhesive solution;
  • breathability, high strength and durability of the plastered coating;
  • convenience of the material: sold both dry and ready-made in various packaging; the solution can be tinted during or after application;
  • affordable price;
  • Design decoration with textured mortar can be easily created with your own hands; it does not require special skills or knowledge.

Textured plaster is divided into types:

  • “lamb” coating - has a uniform granular structure and roughness;
  • “fur coat” coating - the main component is cement, the surface is rough in the form of small fibers;
  • “bark beetle” coating - a fine-grained stone filler creates grooves on the surface that imitate wood eaten away by insects.

Bark beetle
Fur coat


It is a multi-layer coating; Venetian plaster contains marble chips and slaked lime. This is a smooth type of plaster coating that looks like marble or onyx. This is an expensive material that requires special skills when working with it; moreover, it is characterized by a long drying process. Apply several layers (up to eight layers) with a rubber spatula, each of them must dry well. Often this type of material is used to decorate the interior of premises in a classic or antique style. Venetian plaster can be polished to a glossy surface, and can also be tinted in various shades. Before applying the Venetian mixture, you must first prepare the walls, otherwise the decorative coating may crack. Finishing with this method of plastering will help to obtain the effect of visually enlarging the space due to the refraction of light from the walls.


This coating consists of natural cellulose, silk fibers, mineral filler and pigments. This type of plaster is expensive, but creates a highly artistic effect, additionally soundproofing the room. The coating is breathable and practical. The complex application technique includes three stages: applying an adhesive base to the walls, flocking and varnishing the surface, resulting in an original, aesthetic coating. The labor-intensive process requires the use of professional skills and knowledge, so flocking with your own hands will be quite difficult.

The environmental friendliness and durability of the material have contributed to the spread of its use in finishing various rooms– walls of apartments, children's rooms, public institutions, bathrooms, kitchens. The varnished outer layer is not subject to abrasion, burning, moisture penetration, and if necessary, the coating can be easily repaired. The photo below clearly shows the aesthetics of this decorative coating.

Based on marble chips

Finishing with the addition of marble or granite chips creates a very durable and durable coating. The appearance of this finish depends on the size of the chips. To give the coating a golden glow, add to the solution quartz sand. A coating based on marble chips is indispensable in those places that are most subject to abrasion and mechanical stress, for example, in hallways, or in apartments with active pets. The finished surface with marble chips can be tinted in various shades.

Before application marble covering It is necessary to prime the walls very well, otherwise they will show through. Marble plaster fits well on almost any surface. This material is similar to Venetian plaster and other common types in that the base uses a synthetic binder. Application should be carried out in continuous stripes to avoid the appearance of unevenness after the plaster layer has completely dried.

Creating a relief with your own hands

Decorative plaster must be applied to the prepared wall surface. At the same time, the old coating is removed, the walls are cleaned down to the concrete or brick base, and debris is removed construction vacuum cleaner or a regular damp cloth. Places where plaster may accidentally fall during the process are sealed with masking tape or covered with film. Further, if there are cracks, they are repaired, and the wall is primed in several layers.

If you need to process small area, it is recommended to use ready-made plaster mixtures, and if processed big square, it is more economical to use dry mixtures, diluting them with water in accordance with the instructions.

When applying the material, it should be taken into account that a light shade of plaster is the basis for a darker one. The solution is applied with a rubber or metal spatula; flock plaster can be applied using a spray gun. Next, the relief is applied with your own hands. In this case, you can use various tools: special patterned rollers, plastic film, draw with your own hands, use ready-made stencils for squeezing out a design. After this, a thinner and darker second layer is applied so that the design can be seen from under it. 30 minutes after this, a polyurethane sealant is applied to consolidate the result and give the coating strength.

Drawings and panels

The pattern on the plaster will create a unique and original design. The photos below prove that a panel, made with your own hands or with the help of professionals, will serve as a decoration for any, even the most modest, interior. The best place to apply the design is to use a free wall, a protruding wall, or a wall in a niche. The panel should be in harmony with the rest of the decoration of the room. All walls in the room should be decorated with panels only if it is a children's room. Photos and videos will help you understand all the intricacies of applying a picture or panel.

The simplest technique is to apply a three-dimensional stencil panel. To do this, you need to cut out a design on a sheet of hardboard, plywood or plasterboard, which is then fixed to a leveled and dry wall using aerosol glue. The plaster is applied along the contour of the stencil; the more mortar is applied, the more voluminous the pattern will be. After the pattern has dried, a roller with tinting paint is rolled over it.

Another way is to paint structural plaster, in which textures are created on a panel using sharpened wooden sticks, sponges, and brushes using a cardboard template. The third, more complex method is stucco panels, that is, three-dimensional drawings covering the entire wall or entire paintings. This technique usually requires the participation of professionals.

Methods of finishing with plaster

Creating a decorative effect on the wall begins after all preparatory work. There are the following methods for finishing with plaster yourself:

  • Venetian plaster is used to create the effect of polished marble on the wall. It is applied with a rubber spatula in several thin layers. Each of the layers is applied with tangential movements and different spatulas, thanks to which the layers are applied in different directions, and the light reflected in them creates a glowing effect. The finishing layer is secured with matte varnish or wax;
  • to create a simple relief pattern, the plaster is applied in one layer with a spatula and left to dry, or lightly smoothed with a trowel;
  • with a notched or comb spatula you can create uniform patterns and regular shapes (semicircle, checkerboard);
  • An ordinary plastic film will help to create a chaotic pattern: to do this, you need to lean it, unfolded or folded, against the surface of the wet plaster, then remove it, and, if necessary, smooth out the relief. An example of such a technique is shown in the photo;
  • using special textured mixtures you can create various surfaces- such as “bark beetle”, “rain”, “rock”. In this case, a spatula is used;
  • A fairly simple finishing method is to use nozzles for rubber rollers with a ready-made convex pattern applied to them. It could be floral ornament, geometric shapes, and much more.

How to create a pattern on plaster

Rules of care

Despite the fact that decorative plaster is a fairly durable and resistant coating, you should adhere to some rules for caring for it. The first year after application it does not require special care, it is enough to wet cleaning with the usual detergent or without it.

In order to create additional water-repellent and protective coating The plaster can be coated with special wax. After several years of operation, this method will help renew the outer layer of the coating. After application, the wax layer is polished with a rag; further care should not include the use of solvents - only plain water or soap solution.

Glazing is another maintenance option; it adds shine and emphasizes the relief of the coating. Apply the special product with a mitten; you can use a sponge or brush. If the coating has lost its appearance over time, or needs to be renewed, you can repaint it, remove it to the base and apply a new layer, or level it with putty over the coating.


How to create a pattern on decorative plaster using special rollers.

Photo with decorative plaster in the interior

What do surfaces decorated using decorative plaster look like?

The desire to decorate their home haunted even ancient people. Even living in a cave, they managed to put drawings on the walls. And there’s no need to talk about you and me. Fortunately, there are designers, artists, sculptors who know how to turn walls into works of art. Everything you need to know will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Features of choice

From ancient frescoes to modern methods decorative wall decoration, the aesthetics have changed many times.

Now the main criteria are beauty and comfort. However, the simplicity of the formulation implies very painstaking work.

IN modern design There are many techniques and directions on walls. The forms and work with materials have become more complex, and we have become more demanding. If earlier, when we started a renovation, we invited a plasterer, now we invite designers and artists. Although there are methods that allow you to give free rein to your imagination. But first things first.

Wall design begins with preparation. I don’t recommend saving here, because it depends on what you end up with and how long it will all last. There are three golden rules for preparing walls for further work:

1 Align.

2 Prime.

3 Putty.

If you follow them and entrust the work to a master, you are guaranteed an excellent result.

Wallpaper - a modern classic of the genre

There are main types of decorative wall decoration:

1 Wallpaper, photo wallpaper.

2 Panels.

3 Ceramic tiles.

4 Drape with fabric.

Let's consider each point in detail. Decorating walls with wallpaper. This option can range from relatively cheap to very expensive. There is a choice for any income.

It all depends on quality source material. Simple paper wallpapers are becoming a thing of the past. Dense, washable vinyl, non-woven with an interesting texture or silk-screen printing are confidently pushing them out of the market. Modern wallpaper They are distinguished by high wear resistance and a wide range of colors and designs.

In modern wall design, wallpaper is most often used to zone rooms and to create a warm, cozy atmosphere. Zoning adjusts the space and, with the help of wallpaper different shades, you can select one zone and “hide” another.

A wall free of furniture is decorated with wallpaper with a bright print, and the remaining walls are made plain. This method of pasting can be used in the entire room or in a separate part of it.

If you want to somehow stylize the “main” wall, choose photo wallpaper with a pattern that matches the overall interior. Manufacturers offer a lot of design options for photo wallpaper. At home, you can find yourself on the ocean, in the mountains, or in a garden of Eden with exotic plants.

Design option for photo wallpaper with decorative elements All this beauty should not be alone in your interior; it should echo some decorative elements or color schemes with the rest of the space.

Wall panels - a stylish solution

Recently, panels have become very popular. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • No need to worry about leveling the walls. The panels make the surface perfect.
  • Improves heat and sound insulation.
  • You can hide communication wiring under them.
  • Easy to install.
  • Durable and durable.

If the idea of ​​panels in the interior appeals to you, then you can count on a wide variety of this type of finish. The panels are made of plastic, gypsum, and natural wood. There are even more textured surfaces with which they are covered. I'll tell you about the main models.

Fiberboard panels are inferior in their characteristics to laminated ones, but there are also advantages. They are more affordable and have a large selection of textured finishes. Finished with veneer, textiles, leather. Due to the texture, they combine perfectly with wallpaper.

Chipboard panels have a large format and are quite heavy. For this reason they are difficult to install. Most often they are used when decorating walls in the corridor or hallway.

Natural wood panels will emphasize the nobility and sophistication of the interior. They are made from valuable wood and can be decorated with gilding, mirror inserts or colored varnish. Fits perfectly into a classic interior. Very presentable, but also very expensive.

Be sure to take this factor into account when purchasing, otherwise the lifespan of your panels will be greatly reduced.

Ceramic tiles - glossy sophistication

There is hardly a finishing material more durable and wear-resistant than ceramic tiles. Ideal for decorating walls in the bathroom, toilet and even hallway.

Designers are constantly updating fashionable developments and offering such patterns and designs on tiles that renovation has begun to border on art. There is no modern interior style that cannot be matched with the appropriate tiles.

Recently, decoupage of ceramic or tiles. A great idea for decorating a bathroom. Decoupage is applique or application to tiles. decorative elements from fabric, paper, napkins. It looks stylish and allows you to make the design your own.

If you want creativity, choose glass tiles. Unusual, it will fit perfectly into the futuristic bathroom interior. With the help of such tiles you can make an unusually beautiful partition. Such tiles can be transparent, translucent, glossy, matte, colored, and with different textures.

Stone tiles are another fashion idea. It is great for decorating columns, partitions, and combining with tiles of a different texture. Creates a stylish look in modern style. The big advantage is absolute environmental friendliness.

And for dessert – 3D tiles. A masterpiece of tile art. A unique, exclusive design is guaranteed to you. A bright picture covering the entire wall will create the feeling that these are not tiles in your bathroom, but that your bathroom has moved into this picture.

By laying tiles, you can model the space: if you lay it horizontally, the space will expand, if vertically, the ceiling will optically “rise.”

TOP 5 wall tile trends in 2019

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