An effective complex for developing the pectoral muscles at home. How to pump up a powerful chest without leaving home

All novice athletes are interested in how to quickly pump up their pectoral muscles at home. A large number of beginners do not know how to do push-ups from the floor correctly so that the pectoral muscles receive a sufficiently effective load and begin to grow, or they do not have the knowledge of how to properly do pull-ups on the horizontal bar so that the muscle fibers of the chest are well worked.

To properly pump up different muscle groups of the body, chest, you need proper nutrition and systematic training. All of these measures will lay the foundation for building powerful and muscular pecs.

By performing special and effective exercises, you can quickly give your breasts the desired shape and aesthetic appearance. Pumping the pectoral muscles at home means regular training at least 2-3 times a week.

By following the rules and performing systematic chest exercises, you will achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. And most importantly, desires and self-confidence.

How to pump up pectoral muscles at home - rules

  1. Rule one is probably the most important. The wider the grip or the distance between the hands in support, the more the outer chest muscles are recruited. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners to take a narrower grip, but not too narrow, because... with a narrow grip, more of the triceps muscles will be involved in the work than the pectoral muscles. The optimal grip or support width is slightly wider than shoulder width.
  2. Rule two. The higher your arms are raised above your head when performing a press or push-up, the more the upper pectoral muscles are activated. In beginners, the upper section is, as a rule, less developed than the lower one, because in Everyday life We don’t work much with our hands above our heads, so it’s imperative to include push-ups with your hands resting just above the level of your collarbones in your set of exercises.
  3. Rule three. We clench our hands smoothly and unclench them sharply. A better ratio is to open your hands twice as fast as you close them.
  4. Rule four. Maximum efficiency push-ups - in a position where your legs are higher than your head.
  5. Rule five. Watch your breathing, this is very important. Exhale with the greatest effort, inhale with the greatest relaxation, i.e., when doing push-ups, inhale when moving down, exhale with force when moving up. In general, this rule applies to everyone. strength exercises.
  6. Rule six. Let your muscles rest. With strong physical activity muscles do not have time to rest in a day, exercise every other day. At the same time, you should not be afraid of muscle pain after training - it will soon go away if you exercise regularly. Muscle pain after exercise is evidence that they are growing.

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Even if you decide to study at home, do not forget about proper nutrition and good sleep. A suitable diet can be found on the Internet; numerous articles and videos will help with this. The main thing here is the proper distribution of proteins, calories and carbohydrates. The choice of diet depends on the desire to gain weight, or, conversely, to lose it. When gaining weight, the main diet consists of proteins in the form of meat, eggs, and cottage cheese. Energy is provided by carbohydrates contained in cereals, pasta, and vegetables. You can consult with experienced musclemen; they won’t say anything bad.

Sleep also has a great influence on muscle growth, because it grows precisely when a person sleeps. Lack of sleep leads to inadequate muscle development, the relief is not fully formed. In addition, the body does not have time to recover after training, and this worsens the immune system, increasing the chance of getting sick, which means a break in exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep 7-7.5 hours so that the muscles develop and the body does not wear out.

Training can be aimed at developing all muscle groups, as well as separate groups. Today we will talk about the pectoral muscles. The relief of the chest gives masculinity, sexuality, and stateliness. Agree, the figure will look inferior if all the muscles are voluminous, but the chest is not.

An effective set of exercises

Let's look at the most effective exercises for quickly pumping up your chest muscles:

  • Reduction and extension of arms in prone position

To perform this type of exercise you will need the same two stools. Place them in such a way that they do not cause you discomfort when you lie back on them. After you are in a lying position, place your feet on the floor.

Take dumbbells in your hands and bring them together above your head. When performing this exercise, your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows, and your fists should be facing each other with your palms. Start spreading your arms as wide and low as possible.

Useful information for losing weight

As with the previous exercises, do four sets of 10-20 reps, resting for 2-3 minutes.

  • Unusual push-ups

Thanks to this exercise you will be able to pump up your chest completely, it gives the maximum load and is not so easy to perform. Find a sturdy chair or bench that won't slide on the floor and can support your weight. Place your feet on a chair, and not on the ground, near your hand - on the floor. Legs and body should be perfectly straight.

Push-ups on stools

As mentioned above, push-ups, despite all their effectiveness, are still not sufficient good exercise For full development pectoral muscles.

To complicate the exercise, you can take two stools and place them the width of your arms outstretched to the side, with your elbows bent.

After this, we take the usual position for push-ups, but put our hands on stools. Feet must be placed on a sofa or chair. You need to do four sets of 10-20 push-ups.

During each push-up, try to get as low as possible from the level of the stools. If you feel that you can cope with this without problems, then do not rush to immediately increase the number of push-ups. For greater effect, it is better to start doing push-ups with a load. We perform 4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Take a break of 2-3 minutes between each set, or more if necessary.

Exercises for the chest muscles using weights

At home, dumbbells and weights are usually used. You need to choose a projectile that is suitable in weight, that is, such that movements with it can be performed at least 10 times.

Using light dumbbells, you can repeat the movements from the warm-up for the pectoral muscles.

Then you need to take heavier dumbbells and lie on your back on the floor. It is better to perform the exercise on a mat.

  • spread your arms to the sides in a cross;
  • As you exhale, you need to raise your arms with dumbbells in front of you, and as you inhale, spread them to the sides.

When performing exercises with weights, you need to remember that the load on the pectoral muscles occurs when the arms are spread to the sides, raised up or down.

Another option is static gymnastics. It's not very common, but it gives good result. Muscles are trained through static force. This effort is very beneficial for the pectoral muscles. After all, when they tense, they increase in volume. Tensing and relaxing. This kind of gymnastics was very popular in the first quarter of the last century.

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp your palms in front of your chest.

2. As you exhale, make an effort, pressing with one hand on the other. This must be done with maximum force.

3. Relax for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

Another exercise is to try to forcefully release your hands.

"Moving the wall." Performing this static gymnastics exercise is very simple. You need to stand in front of the wall, rest your hands on it and make an effort, trying to move the wall to the side. Here, too, you need to alternate between effort and relaxation.

It must be said that such an exercise for the pectoral muscles at home does not require any free space.

In fact, pumping up the pectoral muscles for a man is not so difficult. The main thing is to devote enough time to training and monitor your diet.

Pectoral push-ups: program, or paused push-ups

In this exercise, you no longer need to take books. These are familiar simple push-ups from the floor, only here you need to pause for 2-3 seconds in each stage. Lower yourself halfway, pause for 2 seconds, then continue downward and pause at the point of contact with the floor for 3 seconds.

Ideally, you need to do 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. To improve your physical fitness, repetitions will need to be added. For example, today you have 4 sets of 8 repetitions, for a follow-up chest workout you can do 1-2 more repetitions.

It is also advisable to do control points or peaks of progress (maximum number of push-ups per rep, 1 set, 20 - 30 reps). Push-ups can be done anywhere, the main thing is your persistence and belief in success.

Before revealing the secrets of pumping up an impressive chest, it is necessary to find out the factors why, even in many professional athletes, the pectoral muscles lag significantly behind in development compared to the general muscles.

Remember, there are only three real reasons why the majority of trainees do not have impressive pecs:

  1. Firstly, the athlete cannot when performing chest exercise qualitatively feel the work of muscle fibers. The result is a poor neuromuscular connection; the brain cannot 100% engage the pectoral muscles and cause microtrauma to the muscle fibers.
  2. Secondly, how can we talk about growth and overcompensation when there is no increase in training weights and the body does not receive stress, which is main reason growth of muscle fibers.
  3. Third, most athletes incorrectly emphasize the load, always training only certain areas of the pectoral muscles.

For the rest of the reasons, just forget, they are not justified and were invented by theorists of glossy magazines to force you to buy another newfangled supplement that will definitely take the development of your muscles to a new level.

Surely you have a question, what about the technical nuances of performing the exercise, because this plays an important role in the development of a certain muscle structure. The answer to this question lies in the first point, which is not in vain in the initial position. Why do you need technique when performing an exercise in order to efficiently load muscle fibers? However, if there is no neuromuscular connection, no technical tricks will make your pectoral muscles grow.

The correct technique is necessary so that the brain can select the optimal range of motion and efficiently contract the training muscle. Using correct technique, you make it easier for your brain and give it the opportunity to optimally push your muscles to the point of failure. Naturally, the consequence of such an attitude towards training is an increase muscle mass and strength.

Therefore, exercise technique and the ability to correctly contract muscle fibers are concepts that cannot exist separately. What conclusion can we draw from all of the above:

  • correct technical skills with poor neuromuscular connection will not help you qualitatively reduce the working muscle group;
  • a good neuromuscular connection, even with satisfactory exercise technique, will push your muscles to failure and trigger the mechanism of overcompensation and growth.

Without understanding the points described above, there is simply no point in describing instructions for enlarging the pectoral muscles. Because athletes will apply new recommendations without correcting simple fundamental errors that will not make it possible to increase muscle size.

How to solve the above problems that inhibit the growth of the pectoral muscles of 90% of training athletes?

  1. All exercises aimed at developing the pectoral muscles should be performed with ideal technique.
  2. Daily visualization before bed.

You need to conduct daily training of the neuromuscular system. Before going to bed, perform an imaginary exercise without additional weights for 5 minutes. This is necessary to learn how to properly engage muscles. At the same time, the effect is stunning; your brain will learn to highly effectively contract the muscle group at the time of the exercise.

Lack of progression in training loads!

There is a well-known and undeniable axiom of iron sports; in order to start the growth mechanism, it is necessary to systematically increase training weights. This is exactly what 90% of athletes cannot understand and put into practice. The majority make an ambiguous increase in the bench press and then train with this weight throughout the year. Naturally, there can be no talk of growth.

You can ignore all the other rules and still increase muscle mass by adding 1 kilogram per month on the bench press. Believe me, you will grow even if technical point will be a deuce.

You can change the intensity of training using different methods: increasing the weight of the apparatus, reducing rest between sets, increasing or decreasing the number of approaches and repetitions. But until you bench press 140–150 kilograms, the main anabolic steroid for you is considered to be cyclical weight gain.

Focus on the lagging areas of the chest muscles!

If you really want to have breasts like Arnold Schwarzenegger, then you need to start focusing on training the lagging parts of the pectoral muscles, and forget about strengths your chest, allowing you to work with the heaviest training weights.

Naturally, this is the upper and inner part of the chest muscles. It is these areas that betray the volume of the breast and, due to their genetic location, react poorly to progressive load.

Remember that 70% of your time should be spent training the upper chest and only 30% on developing a powerful lower chest.

Now take a look at how you and the majority of gym visitors train, the emphasis on bench press on a horizontal bench and many other exercises aimed at developing the lower chest. The result is a hypertrophied bottom and a very underdeveloped top of the chest.

In this state of affairs, the final refusal to train will lead to sagging of the pectoral muscle, which will greatly spoil appearance physique. To prevent this from happening, always focus on training your upper chest and pay less attention lower thoracic regions.

What exercises should you use to develop impressive breasts?

All exercises for chest training can be divided into two groups:

  1. Presses– performed in simulators, with a barbell or dumbbells.
  2. Wiring– which can also be performed using dumbbells and crossovers.

Effective chest exercises at home

Naturally, first of all, it is necessary to focus on basic exercises, and the decisive one among them for pumping up the chest is.

Technical nuances of performing the incline bench press!

  1. Firstly, the inclined angle of the bench should be 30 degrees. This exact position will allow you to effectively work out the upper pectoral muscles and minimize the participation of the triceps and deltoids. Make the angle sharper and the triceps and deltoids will immediately begin to steal the load. The horizontal position will engage the lower chest to active work, and top part will remain unused.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to adjust the correct position of the hands on the bar. The grip should be slightly narrower than average. This position will provide a greater range of motion and will make it possible to better engage the upper pectoral muscles in the work.
  3. Third, perform the movement within the amplitude. In practice, this means incomplete extension of the elbow joint in order to turn off the participation of the triceps and provide the pectoral muscles with maximum contraction throughout the entire exercise.

The number of repetitions must be performed from 20 to 30 times for beginners to understand the brain-muscle connection; experienced athletes can do from 6 to 12 repetitions. In the first years of training, completely exclude other barbell presses from your training program, because they are not able to affect the upper areas of the pectoral muscles.

When to isolate?

Regarding isolation exercises, they should be performed only after several multi-joint exercises, when the pectoral muscles are already so exhausted that they reach failure before the ligaments and joints. Isolation is also included in the training program when progressive addition of weights is not necessary.

Examples of complexes for developing impressive pectoral muscles:

Now the time has come for the truth, you can do as you see fit, or use a truly correct training complex.

  1. Bench press on an incline bench 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.
  2. Incline dumbbell press 4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  3. Dumbbell flyes 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

If you are a beginner in iron sports, you can exclude the fly from the training program. It is imperative to change the angle of the bench when performing exercises. For example, today you perform on a vertical bench, and the next workout you use a horizontal bench.

How should you eat to pump up your pectoral muscles?

Surely everyone understands that training leads to muscle microtrauma, and nutrients contribute to the restoration and hypertrophy of muscle fibers. One factor cannot exist without the other. Immediately distribute the nutrients correctly and stick to this scheme until your pectoral muscles become like Apollo’s:

  • Proteins – 30%;
  • Carbohydrates – 60%;
  • Fats – 10%.

Protein, It is necessary to consume only animal origin, it component should be 2 grams per kilogram of the athlete’s body weight. It is this amino acid set that will provide injured muscle fibers with the necessary building material.

Carbohydrates, should be strictly complex, this means that you need to eat only cereals, pasta and potatoes. Completely eliminate all confectionery products from your diet. There should be 7 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body.

Fats, consume mainly omega 6 and vegetable fat with olive oil. Completely eliminate animal fats and fast food from your diet.

Consume between meals a large number of fruits and vegetables. You can take casein protein before bed and ideally take whey protein in the morning. Before training, always drink liquid carbohydrates, this will help increase blood flow to the working muscle.

How to pump up your chest muscles? Just follow the above recommendations and in a year, your pectoral muscles will be the envy of all the people around you. Make a body worthy of your spirit.

As they say, half the work is done. To some visitors gym fails pump up your chest precisely because this muscle segment is chronically lagging behind. But in order for the chest to gain muscle mass, become truly powerful, beautiful and balanced, it still needs to be given width and worked out in the middle. It is these aspects of building the pectoral muscles that I will talk about in this part of my article.

How to make your chest wider

And in this case I was unlucky again. By nature I am tall, skinny, but quite broad-shouldered, and my chest is also wide. On the one hand, this is certainly not bad, but on the other...

All my attempts pump up your chest were struck by the problem of insufficient development of the contours of this muscle group. Apart from the top of the chest, I found it very difficult to delineate the outer outline of the chest. I for a long time I couldn’t give it a finished look and pack the naturally wide chest I inherited into the armor of perfectly shaped muscles. I suffered especially hard with the bottom of the chest; I could not stretch it across its entire width and close its outer borders, make a clear cut, resting, as it should, on the serratus muscles.

But, since I have always been theoretically savvy, the answer to the question is: in width, I knew perfectly well. Of course, a pullover. Thanks to this exercise, as all the books of grandfather Joe Weider claimed, the great Arnold Schwarzenegger pumped his chest to unimaginable sizes. And I included this exercise in my training program.

Years have passed since then, but I still see people in the gym trying to do something with their pectoral muscles using a pullover.

Exactly, something, because expanding, let alone pumping up, your chest with a pullover on a horizontal bench will not work. And there are three reasons for this:

REASON 1 | The width of the chest, just like the width of the shoulders, is a matter of genetic potential, and nothing more. If the chest is naturally narrow, it will not be possible to expand it. Most bright that an example is Phil Heath, seven-time Mr. Olympia. The insufficient width of his chest is especially noticeable against the backdrop of his gigantic arms. But, as we know, this unfortunate miscalculation of nature did not prevent him from gaining muscle mass and becoming the best bodybuilder on the planet six times. A natural question arises: “Why then bother with the width of the chest?”

REASON 2 | The impression of simplicity and ease of making a pullover is very deceptive. This is a rather difficult and traumatic exercise. At least some stretching effect from its use can be obtained only by working with a heavy dumbbell. But the more weight a gym goer uses, the more discomfort he feels from the pullover. The shoulder and elbow joints receive an unusual and very noticeable load. If you replace a heavy dumbbell with a lighter one, then the theoretically possible effect of doing a pullover will simply disappear.

REASON 3 | But, if you still believe that with the help of a pullover you can expand your chest, then this exercise must be done by combining it into a superset with deep squats. Moreover, in this duet of exercises, first 10–15 slow squats are performed, and then the pullover itself. The idea behind this combination is this: the first, heavy exercise with a barbell fills the lungs with oxygen and momentarily increases the volume of the chest. The pullover, performed second, stretches the air-filled chest in width.

Unfortunately, I was not able to get any tangible dividends from doing a pullover on a horizontal bench. Pump up your chest, or at least improve its shape, I couldn’t use it. But when I started doing the pullover exercise on a bench with a reverse incline, I felt its charm in all its glory.

When I stopped fooling myself with the old advice of Joe Weider and approached building a wide chest from a practical side, it turned out that the solution to this problem had been in front of my eyes all along. It’s just that the mind, clouded by the training programs of bodybuilding stars, refused to accept it.

But one fine day I realized that I feel the maximum stretch in my pectoral muscles during dumbbell bench presses. Moreover, the lower I lower my arms, the more they stretch. How simple it is, right?

So I adjusted my dumbbell press technique and ended up with a great exercise that works my chest at the same time. gain muscle mass and stretch it across the width. I have already described the technique of performing the dumbbell press in more detail; I will not repeat it. I advise you to read it.

But one little secret trick that I spied on one of the famous bodybuilders helped me make my chest really wide. And it consists of using a super-innovative device called a gymnastic mat when doing dumbbell presses. It was a joke, but seriously, it all looks extremely simple, but extremely effective:

I take a rubber exercise mat and roll it up repeatedly until it becomes a flat but tall bundle that fits between my shoulder blades. And during the bench press with dumbbells, I place it on the bench, and then lie on top.

Thus, already at the start of the exercise, my chest is in a more stretched position than usual, since the body, lying on a rolled up rubber mat, is raised upward. Humanly speaking, I artificially lengthen the trajectory of movement to the height of the convolution.

This may seem like absolute bullshit until you try it yourself. An additional 5–6 cm of height from a rolled-up mat causes the pectoral muscles to involuntarily stretch across the width and reluctantly acquire an ideal shape.

In addition to horizontal pressing, I periodically use this secret mat in all dumbbell and machine pressing movements to lengthen the trajectory of the movement and force the chest muscles to stretch further. Thus, the only exercise that I use to specifically gain muscle mass and expand the chest was and remains the dumbbell press on a horizontal bench.

How to outline the bottom of the chest

The problem with giving correct form I also managed to solve the lower segment of the pectoral muscles, although it took a lot of time. Three great chest exercises helped me with this:

Dumbbell upside down press

In my opinion, this exercise will give a head start to any others, since it allows you to direct the load exactly to the target and at the same time not so much increases the muscle mass of the lower pectoral muscles as stretches it in width.

The conclusion suggests itself, if you want gain muscle mass and pump up your chest - forget about the barbell, press dumbbells!


It's as old as time, but still effective exercise, unfortunately, I don’t use it as often as I would like. Having suffered an elbow injury many years ago, I have to be extremely careful in exercises that put a lot of stress on my elbows. But if you don’t have such a problem, you should definitely include dips in your pectoral muscle training program.

Thanks to technological progress, this movement in many gyms can be performed not on the usual “old school” parallel bars, but on a more comfortable and modern gravitron machine. But execution efficiency chest exercises for mass this does not reduce it. On the contrary, thanks to the fixation of the body, when performing push-ups in the gravitron, you can focus on working exclusively in the lower phase of the movement, which stretches the pectoral muscles the most.

Bringing your arms together under your chest in a standing crossover

But in this exercise, I come off 100%. I love this machine and consider it the best for targeted work on individual parts of the pectoral muscles. In a crossover, you can work equally well on the top, middle, and bottom of the pectoral muscles. The main thing is to understand how to direct the load exactly to the right place.

When I try pump up your chest and I’m working specifically on the formation of the lower section, I do the information in the crossover exactly as shown in the picture: I stand exactly in the plane of the simulator, without bending over, and bring my arms exclusively under my chest.

My chest training program for mass, with an emphasis on the lower segment:

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Dumbbell Recline Press 5-6 10-12
dips 3-4 12-14
bringing together the upper blocks while standing crossover under the chest 3-4 10-12

Conclusion: in order to give the pectoral muscles an ideal shape, you need to include exercises aimed at developing the lower segment in your chest training complex.

How to pump up the middle of the chest

In my opinion, this muscle section is the easiest and fastest to build. The muscles of the middle of the chest are small in size and quickly respond to load, because in ordinary life practically don't work. And besides, the developed middle of the chest adds width and power to it. All professional bodybuilders know this, so they work this part of the pectoral muscles almost as actively as the upper segment.

There are few exercises for pumping up the middle of the chest; they are all similar and use the same principle - bringing the arms together in front of the chest. The most effective in this case will be bringing your arms together in a butterfly simulator or in a crossover. On initial stage Working on the middle of the chest with these two exercises will be quite enough.

But after a while this was not enough for me, and I found two more excellent exercises for developing the muscles in the middle of the chest. They not only help gain weight, but also force the muscles to work in an unusual, stressful way, giving the breasts a more refined outline.

Reduction of arms in a lying crossover

I haven’t done classic dumbbell flyes for the chest for a long time, because this exercise, in my opinion, is much more effective. Due to the fact that the force vector in this movement is not directed downward, as in the case of dumbbells, but along an arc, the load on the chest muscles is maintained throughout the entire trajectory of movement. Pump up your chest and adding muscle mass to her with this exercise becomes much easier.

But that's not the point. I once again modified the usual exercise, added a little twist and increased its effectiveness specifically for the middle of the chest. And the whole trick is that in the upper part of the trajectory, when the handles of the lower cables are already touching in front of the chest, I turn my hands from a parallel position into one line and bring them behind each other. The load on the middle of the chest increases many times and becomes peak.

Dumbbell press with a narrow parallel grip

Unfortunately, I just recently started doing this exercise, having once again picked it up from the inventor Charles Glass. A very unusual, slightly difficult, but quite effective exercise. In addition to the fact that this modification of the press allows gain muscle mass middle of the chest, it also actively affects the upper segment of the pectoral muscles if performed on an inclined bench.

And in order not to waste your attention on a description of the technique for performing it, I suggest watching the video. This is Shawn Rhoden training 4 days before his performance at the 2016 Mr. Olympia competition:

My chest training program with emphasis on the middle segment:

Sometimes I get bored of training my pecs the old fashioned way, doing one exercise after another. So I do a chest shock workout, smashing regular set exercises into several supersets, combining two exercises into them.

But I select them with meaning, so that the first movement is stretching, the second, on the contrary, contracting. For example, I combine a dumbbell press on an incline bench with a crossover while lying down, and a bench press on a free-weight machine with a butterfly. I combine dips on the uneven bars again with a crossover, but I’m working exclusively on the lower pecs. There can be many similar options, the main thing is to follow the correct execution technique in each of them.

I hope that after reading my long story, you will find the answer to the question of how to pump up your breasts and become one step closer to creating perfect body. May the force be with you. And mass.

How can a man attract the admiring glances of women? How can a girl make others jealous of her high bust? Sport will help both of them! Namely, exercises to develop the pectoral muscles. A few months of regular training - and athletic shape is guaranteed.

Anatomy lessons

The chest muscles are one of the largest muscles in the body. There are several of them, but for bodybuilders, two of them are of greatest interest: the pectoralis major and minor muscles. The pectoralis major muscle has the shape of a fan and is “woven” into the shoulder muscles; it is a working muscle and is involved in many movements. The pectoralis minor muscle is located under the major muscle and is more of a stabilizing muscle and works less frequently.

Also, the pectoral muscles are conventionally divided into 3 levels: upper, middle and lower. And if the middle one is used under any load, then the upper and lower levels can only be pumped special exercises for the chest.

Is it possible to pump up the pectoral muscles at home?

“Pumping up your chest” at home is quite difficult: for this you will need parallel bars, rings, dumbbells and a barbell. You can use bars and horizontal bars in the courtyards, but in winter this is problematic.

If you still decide to seriously engage in training to develop the pectoral muscles, you should at least buy dumbbells (the best ones are collapsible: their weight can be reduced or increased as necessary). Also, if possible, purchase a barbell and plates of different weights for it. The horizontal bar can be strengthened between door jambs or in a narrow corridor.

NOTE Until you have purchased the necessary equipment, you can replace it with improvised means: dumbbells - bottles of different sizes filled with water, a barbell - a mop stick with the same bottles of sand attached to it. You can also use a good old weight (remember if your father’s equipment is in the garage), but with caution, since the weight is dangerous.

The effectiveness of training depends on its intensity and correctness. The optimal number of classes for a beginner is no more than 2–3 per week. During this time, the muscles have time to recover. With such a program, the first results will be noticeable within a month or two.

When working out at home, remember that if you train incorrectly with heavy dumbbells, there is a danger of damaging the joints and ligaments of your hands, and training with a barbell without an instructor or backup increases the risk of injury.

Home workout program

It must be remembered that before starting a lesson, a warm-up is required (working out the joints, warming up the muscles: running, jumping rope, etc.), and then a cool-down (stretching).

To warm up the chest muscles, shoulder turns, “mill”, rowing movements, and light dumbbell swings are suitable.

The workout consists of 2-4 sets of each exercise, taking from 2 to 5 minutes. Rest between sets should be at least 50 seconds.

Between workouts, it is necessary to take breaks sufficient for muscle recovery (2-3 days).

Exercises to develop the pectoral muscles

One of the basic exercises for “pumping up” is push-ups. But without other training they are ineffective. Horizontal bar, rings, barbell and dumbbells - here best friends relief pectoral muscles.

Push ups

Take an emphasis lying on straight arms. As you inhale, lower your body as low as possible (almost touching the floor with your chest), then as you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform 2–4 sets starting with 15 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. The exercise can be complicated: do push-ups with fists, one-arm push-ups, push-ups with clapping, push-ups with a fitball, etc.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

Straight pull-ups. Hang on the bar, hands with palms facing away from you, wide grip. As you inhale, lift your body, as you exhale, lower it. Perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking, 2-3 sets with the maximum number of repetitions (it’s better to start with 10).

Reverse pull-ups. Grab the bar with a medium grip, palms facing away from you. Rise to the highest point (horizontal bar at chest level) and lower yourself smoothly, without “throwing” your body down. Then rise again and repeat. 2 sets of 10–15 repetitions.

Ring exercises

To develop the pectoral muscles, you can do ring push-ups. Take the starting position: emphasis on the rings with straight arms. Then gradually lower yourself until the bend angle at the elbows is 90 degrees. The torso and chest remain upright. Then you need to rise, straightening your arms and pressing on the rings. The push-up is considered completed only if you were able to fix the body at the extreme points. Perform 2-3 approaches 4-6 times.

Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbell Bench Press. On a straight bench, place your hands with dumbbells on the sides of your head parallel to the floor (dumbbells parallel to your arms). Slowly raise them as you inhale, bringing them together above the body in straight arms and lower them as you exhale. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Dumbbell cheats. Lying on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees (head up), place the dumbbells perpendicular to your arms. Raise your arms with dumbbells 10 times per approach. Perform 3–4 approaches.

Barbell exercises

Bench press. The correct starting position is the head, shoulders and buttocks pressed against the bench. Feet are wider than shoulder-width apart and resting on the floor. On a count of 1–2, raise the barbell above your chest, on a count of 3, fix the position, and on a count of 4–6, lower it. The elbows should not be straight and the bar should not touch the chest. Perform 3-4 approaches 3-5 times.

Useful tips

  • In order for the result to be noticeable faster and the relief to appear better, you can dry out a little: consume more protein, eliminate unhealthy and sweet foods (you can read more).
  • To maintain a fast metabolism and effective fat burning, you should eat often - 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
  • You need to calculate your daily water intake and stick to it (formula for men: weight * 35, for women: weight * 31).
  • You should not train only one muscle group, forgetting about developing the others. Walk, run, and exercise other muscles while your pecs rest after your workout. This will allow you to maintain body harmony.

If you want and try, you can pump up your pectoral muscles at home. But you need to remember that in the gym, especially under the supervision of an experienced instructor, training will be safer and, most likely, more effective. The gyms of the Gold’s Gym fitness club chain have all the necessary equipment for effectively pumping up the pectoral muscles. Specialist instructors will create an individual training program that is right for you. Practice with us!

In pumping up the pectoral muscles, as in other workouts, you must adhere to certain rules in order to get the desired result. How to properly pump up your breasts at home to get gorgeous relief?

Men, oddly enough, are always interested in how they look in the eyes of others. For many, the standard of male beauty is “pumped up” handsome men, like the famous Arnie or Alexander Nevsky, who easily flex their muscles and win women’s hearts. Unfortunately, Schwarzenegger's textured body is the result of long and professional training. However, it is possible to pump up the pectoral muscles to a pleasing shape at home!

What you need to know before starting training

So, how to pump up your pectoral muscles at home? In order not to harm your health and not discourage you from exercising for a long time physical exercise, remember a few simple rules.

  • Before you start studying, look in the refrigerator. Poor nutrition can ruin all your efforts, and you will need to eat right so that subcutaneous fat does not interfere with the growth of muscle mass.
  • Training should be done regularly.
  • While paying attention to the pectoral muscles, do not forget about other muscle groups. Inflated upper or Bottom part breasts will not look aesthetically pleasing with thin legs.
  • You will have to gradually increase the load - only its systematic progression ensures muscle growth and strength potential.
  • For home workouts, choose sports equipment whose characteristics are easily adjustable.

If you are the happy owner of a large living space and can afford to purchase professional sports equipment for training, then the problem of home strength gymnastics is significantly simplified. However, most city apartments don't have space for a home gym, and you'll have to tackle the challenge of building muscles using what's on hand.

Anyone who decides to do bodybuilding at home needs to purchase:

  • A collapsible pair of dumbbells;
  • Collapsible bars (preferably in a set with wall bars);
  • Adjustable bench.

Collapsible dumbbells are the main equipment for training, which allows you to adjust the weight of the load from 5 to 25 (max. – 45) kg. Training with dumbbells is a good replacement for exercises on parallel bars or an adjustable bench. The main exercise with dumbbells is the bench press and bench fly.

Bars are great for home training of a large muscle group, including the chest, abs and arms.

You will need an adjustable bench to change the load during training - by changing the angle of its inclination, you can change the levels of load on the chest muscles. Instead of a bench, a durable one will do construction board, which should be placed at one end on the corner of the bed or chair.

A set of exercises for home training

Heavy load in initial period training is undesirable and even dangerous, and subsequently you should warm up your muscles before each session to protect them from tearing. For this there are a number simple exercises Find out by watching video tutorials.

  1. Regular push-ups. Take a “lying down” position, arms slightly wider than shoulders, body straight, legs closed, toes resting on the floor. Perform 20-25 push-ups in one approach. Repetition – 3 sets. When doing push-ups, follow a simple rule: bend your arms slowly and straighten them sharply.
  2. Push-ups in the “legs above head” position. A good emphasis is required to perform this exercise. The body is straight, the position of the arms and legs is as in the first exercise. Perform 10-20 push-ups 4 times.
  3. Push-ups with stretching. Feet - on the sofa, hands resting on two chairs, body - between the chairs, back straight. Slowly bend your arms (until your body sag deeply) and sharply straighten them while exhaling. The exercise is performed in 4 sets, the number of push-ups is differentiated and depends on physical fitness. A guideline can be mild muscle pain, which should not be feared - the muscles are stretching, preparing for further growth.

Basic set of exercises with equipment>

  1. Dumbbell bench press;
  2. Dips (preferably with additional weight);
  3. Dumbbell fly;
  4. Dumbbell pullover (the movement is performed by supporting a dumbbell with inside top pancake with two palms of crossed arms).

Option 1. Dumbbell bench press – 3-4 sets of 6-12 times; push-ups on uneven bars (can be replaced with push-ups on chairs) – 3-4 sets of 6-12 times; Dumbbell lift – 3 sets of 10-12 reps; pullover – 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
Option 2. Dumbbell bench press – 3-4 sets of 10-12 times; push-ups on uneven bars (or push-ups on chairs) – 3-4 sets of 10-12 times; Dumbbell lift – 3 sets of 10-12 reps. In the future, add exercises with a barbell.

Exercises to pump up the upper pectoral muscles

The top of the pectoral muscles is the most problematic area when pumping, and pumping up this area without special equipment is almost impossible. However, there is an exercise that, even at home, gives excellent results - push-ups in the “legs above head” position.

If you gradually increase the complexity of the load, your breasts will quickly become sculpted. A complication will be short pauses at the bottom of the push-up, as well as push-ups with the help of additional objects - for example, books. Place two equal-height stacks of books on the floor at a distance wider than your shoulders. Slowly push up, resting your hands on the stacks, trying to touch your chest to the floor. The number of approaches is 3-4, the number of push-ups is 15-20 times.

An “explosive” push-up will also help pump up the upper pectoral muscles - when extending your arms, you need to lift your hands off the floor and clap your palms.

The most difficult exercise This segment is considered an “explosive incline push-up,” which combines the techniques of the previous two exercises.

An example of pumping up the lower part of the pectoral muscles is exercises on collapsible parallel bars. You need to practice on the uneven bars at least 2-3 times a week, and a complication for this exercise is considered to be stopping at the bottom of the push-up for a few seconds. Perform the exercise 3-4 times (12-15 times each).

How to pump up your pectoral muscles at home to get quick results

We would like to warn you that heavy loads in the first phase of training do not contribute to rapid growth muscle mass. Rather, on the contrary, they can lead to injuries and ligament ruptures. To avoid this, you need time, regularity of exercise and a gradual increase in loads. With this approach, the muscles will quickly gain strength and mass.

Start performing strength exercises with weighted dumbbells or a barbell only at the stage of intensive training. And be sure to warm up your muscles before each workout!

The acquired beautiful breast contour should be maintained with daily push-up and pull-up exercises. This will help consolidate the resulting effect and keep your figure in excellent shape. physical fitness for a long time.

You can see instructions for pumping up your pectoral muscles at home in this video lesson.