Effective methods on how to carefully wash the film of plastic windows. How to remove film from plastic windows: effective techniques How to remove old film from double-glazed windows

Often the owners plastic structures Do not remove the protective film immediately after installation. But, as you know, if you wait a while with this matter, then over time protective covering“dries out” and it becomes very difficult to remove it. Next we will look at several ways to remove film from plastic windows.

It must be said that removing the film itself is only part of the issue, since an adhesive substance still remains on the surface of the glass unit, which is also very difficult to remove.

Methods for cleaning double-glazed windows from film and glue

There are two main ways to remove old film from plastic windows:

  • Mechanical
  • Chemical.

Sometimes, both methods are combined for greater efficiency.

Mechanical window cleaning options

From cleaning options mechanically There are several most effective ones:

  1. Remains of the protective coating are removed with a special scraper designed for cleaning cooktops or glass-ceramic hobs. Minor scratches and glue residues can then be removed with FENOSOL or COSMOFEN 10 cleaner. If these cleaners are not available, you can use acrylic solvent, for example - R-12.
  2. The second method requires an industrial hair dryer or at least a powerful home hair dryer, since it is much easier to remove film from plastic windows after it has been heated. This method is very simple - you need to heat the film and pry off its edge with a sharp stationery knife or scalpel. In this case, the coating should come off easily; any remaining adhesive can be removed using the method described above.
  3. Similar to the previous method, you can use a steam generator, this method is even more effective.
  4. There is another one interesting advice how to peel off film from plastic windows, which will help solve the problem - the film is erased with a regular office eraser. Glue residues can be removed with white spirit or the above mentioned cleaners.

You should work with the scraper as carefully as possible and, if possible, remove the film with your fingers, since even a safe scraper leaves PVC profile scratches.

Chemical options

And so, we looked at how to remove film from plastic windows mechanically.

However, some chemical cleaning methods have proven to be no less effective:

  • Denatured alcohol should be poured into a water sprayer, for example, for spraying with water indoor plants. Then denatured alcohol must be applied to the surface and wait a few minutes. Before removing the protective film from plastic windows, you may have to pry it off with a utility knife. (See also article.)
  • The “Shumanit” detergent, produced by the Israeli company Buggy, copes well with the task. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a very strong remedy, so it should be used carefully. The price for this remedy is quite affordable.
  • It is easy to clean glass units using paint remover RP 6. This chemical composition You need to apply it thickly to the surface and wait 10 minutes, after which the protective tape will begin to swell literally before your eyes. Before cleaning plastic windows from film, you should wear glasses and gloves; alkali and glue residues can be washed off with soapy water.

Many owners PVC double glazing They make a grave mistake - they try to remove the protective tape using a solvent.
The fact is that the film will still remain on the bags, but the profile will be hopelessly damaged.

How to wash plastic windows

Moreover, there are also several washing methods, here are the most effective:

  • Using spray, rag and paper;
  • Using a screed and sponge.

Now let's look at each of these methods.

Spray washing rags and paper

This method can be used if the surface is not too dirty.

For it we will need:

  • Clean cotton fabric;
  • Window cleaner with spray nozzle;
  • Water container;
  • Paper napkins.

The instructions for washing windows using this method are quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to take a small amount of warm water into a container and wet a rag. The fabric should be wrung out so that it is damp but not wet.
  • Then use a rag to wipe off the dirt from the window.
  • After this, you need to distribute the spray over the surface in a zigzag motion.
  • Next, the surface should be washed with a dry piece of cloth.
  • The obtained result must be secured by wiping the surface with newspapers or paper napkins.

Cleaning windows with a screed and sponge

This method is especially good if you cannot get to the windows with your hands or need to reach them. In this case, you can use a coupler with a handle 25-30 cm long. With this cleaning, there will be no streaks or stains on the glass.

For this procedure you should prepare:

  • Any dishwashing detergent;
  • Screed with sponge for cleaning windows on a long handle;
  • Clean piece of cloth;
  • Water container.

Pictured is a window cleaning screed

The cleaning itself is performed as follows:

  • First of all, a cleaning solution is made - a couple of drops of detergent per two liters of water.
  • Then you need to dip a sponge into the solution and squeeze it out so that the water does not drain from it.
  • Wash with circular movements, focusing Special attention corners and edges of the product, as dirt and dust accumulate most there.
  • Then you need to fill a container with clean warm water, dip the screed into it and run it along the entire length of the surface.
  • After this, wipe the clean surface with a dry cloth using horizontal movements from left to right. In this case, it is necessary to remove the water that has collected at the bottom of the window.

Corners and hard-to-reach areas can be wiped with a piece of cloth or paper towels.


All of the above methods have already been tested several times; they will allow you to remove not only the old film, but also the glue from double-glazed windows. There shouldn't be any particular difficulties. You need to finish the procedure by washing the windows, after which they will shine and allow sunlight to pass through unhindered.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

With the coming sunny days Tinting on the window glass protects against excess light and heat entering the room. Thanks to this coating, the apartment is kept comfortably cool and cozy in the summer. But with the onset of cold weather, you want to clean the window from the sun protection film. This is not so difficult to do if you know the technology and apply some tricks.

How to remove film from glass

Sun control film sometimes leaves marks on the window that are difficult to remove

Cleaning a window from film is a long and labor-intensive process. When starting this procedure, you need to be patient. There are several ways to clean a window.

Soaking method

Add dishwashing detergent to a bowl of water. Soak a flannel diaper in this liquid and stick it to the window for at least 1.5-2 hours. When the fabric dries, it should be moistened generously with the prepared solution from a spray bottle. The film adhesive dissolves in water, so the longer you soak it, the easier the coating will come off.

Use a spatula or toothpick to pry the film and pull it down evenly by 2-3 centimeters. If it doesn’t come off well, you should thoroughly moisten it with liquid from a spray bottle into the gap between the film and the glass. Wait about 10 minutes. Again, easily and smoothly, without sudden movements, pull the film down. Moisten again. In this way, the coating will gradually come off until the very end. This activity will take a lot of time, but the main thing is not to rush.

After all the glass has been cleaned, moisten the remaining unstuck islands generously again and remove them using a scraper. Wash the window with water ammonia.

Steaming method

Using a steam generator you can easily peel off the film from the window

In this case, you will need a steam generator. Direct a stream of hot steam at top part window glass. Process it for 7-10 minutes. As soon as this part separates smoothly, steam the next section. Continue this way until the entire glass surface is clean.

At the end, the window must be washed from film residues with warm water and dishwashing detergent or ammonia. To do this, dissolve a bottle of ammonia in a bucket of water.

Heating method

If polymer coating heated to a temperature of more than 50 ° C, it will become plastic and will be easier to separate from the surface to which it is glued.

To do this you will need a hair dryer. You need to evenly heat the entire surface of the glass, holding the device at a distance of 10 to 15 cm from it. If you linger on one area a little longer, the glass may crack from overheating.

Direct a stream of hot air into the upper corner and hold it for a few seconds. Remove the hair dryer and pick up the edge of the film with a sharp non-metallic object. Next, remove the coating step by step.

Methods with a household hair dryer and steam cleaner can only be used in the warm season, until winter weather sets in outside the window. Otherwise, temperature changes inside and outside will lead to the glass cracking.

How to remove foil from a window

A glass-ceramic hob scraper is best for removing foil.

You can remove the foil from the glass using a glass ceramic hob scraper. This tool solves the problem without using household chemicals.

If the scraper fails to remove everything, then continue to clean the window with the hard side of the sponge using the following mixture: soda or Comet powder is mixed with alcohol or solvent. It will not be possible to wipe the foil off the glass immediately using this method. When, after painstaking work, the result is achieved, glass surface you need to put it in order by polishing it with felt and diamond paste.

Another option is Amway Oven Cleaner Gel. It is distributed over the entire surface to be treated and left for half an hour. Dilute a small amount of vinegar in water. Soak a rag or sponge with this liquid and wash the glass. If the first time it was not possible to wash the sun film from plastic windows, then repeat the procedure.

A drill with a soft attachment for grinding glass together with powder for the same procedure helps to get rid of the problem.

When using household chemicals to clean windows, you should not mix two different solutions, as this may lead to an unexpected reaction of the components included in the substance.

Chemicals for windows

To wash sun film from windows using chemicals, you must follow safety precautions. When starting work, you must wear rubber gloves, tight, closed clothing, and in some cases, a respirator. The window sashes must be completely open. Children and animals should not be in the room at this time.

Film and foil can be removed using the following means:

  • Soap solution. Any soap will do. Grate or use liquid.
  • Household chemicals for cleaning glass-ceramic stoves: Domax, Selena-extra, Sanita, Top House, Beckman, Master Cleaner.
  • Solutions for tiles: Schumanit, Mellerud, HG, Dirtoff SanProff, Domestos, Titan, Sillit Bang, Cif cream.
  • Dishwashing detergents: Fary, Sorti, Dosia, Drop.
  • Solvents: white spirit, turpentine, acetone, solvent, amyl acetate, Nefras C2, Toluene, Orthoxenol. These products are applied a few drops into the gap between the window and the coating. If the substance is effective in this case, then rainbow stains will form in its place. The film will come off easily. If this does not happen, you need to try another type of solvent. When working with this kind of caustic chemical, you must ensure that the substance does not get on the rubber seal. Otherwise, it must be washed off immediately.
  • Window cleaners: Cosmofen, Homestar, Сlin Windows and Glass, Help, Mr. Muscle, Amway L.O.C.

If the coating is difficult to remove, you should arm yourself with a scraper. You'll also need a few microfiber cloths, a kitchen sponge, and a few towels or soft absorbent cloths. big size. They will be needed to collect liquid flowing onto the windowsill.

When using household chemicals, you must follow the dosage indicated on the label.

Folk remedies

Toothpaste cleans glass well

If none of the above methods help, you can apply the following tips:

  • Solvent and soda. After treating the glass with the mixture, it is polished with felt.
  • Newspapers and soapy water. This method is identical to the soaking method. Newspapers are soaked in soapy water and pasted over the entire surface of the glass. Leave for several hours. All this time, make sure that the paper remains wet, periodically moistening it. After this time, wipe the film off the windows with a soft cloth, and if necessary, with a hard scraper.
  • Toothpaste. Apply a little product to a damp sponge and rub the entire surface. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with a sponge soaked in warm water.
  • Soda and alcohol. The mixture is applied to the glass and rubbed with a soft cloth. Gradually, the coating will begin to give in and fall away from the window.
  • Nail polish remover. It doesn't matter whether it contains acetone or not. And if it contains oils and other additives, they will not allow the product to evaporate quickly and this will enhance its effect. The liquid is applied to the sponge and the remaining film or foil is removed.
  • An eraser. In most cases, it efficiently scrubs off islands of uncleaned coating.

Not everyone knows that after installing new plastic windows, you need to remove the protective film in a timely manner. It is usually advised to do this within 10 days. If removal is delayed, the protective coating will stick to the glass. Getting rid of old film is not easy. It is necessary to use only proven removal methods, otherwise the glass may become covered with cracks and scratches. You should start cleaning as quickly as possible so that the film does not dry out even more.

The film dries on the windows and is difficult to remove for several reasons:

  1. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If the windows are on sunny side, then the protective coating must be removed as soon as possible. If you miss the deadline, it will stick firmly to the surface.
  2. Heating. If the window becomes hot due to sunlight or heating devices, then the film dries to the glass very quickly. To get rid of it without a trace, you will have to try.
  3. Poor quality glue. If cheap glue was used to make the film, it will soon dry to the window. This may even happen before the deadline for its removal.

Regardless of the reasons for drying, the film must be disposed of. After all, she spoils appearance plastic windows.

Removal methods

It is possible to remove old coating from glass at home. Even if it has managed to stick strongly to the window, you can try to fix it.

But to do this, you should choose proven means and methods that will not harm the glass surface.

Mechanical impact

The easiest way to get rid of dried film is mechanical action. To do this, pry up its edge with a knife or blade and try to tear off as much of the dried coating as possible with your hands.

This method is dangerous because it may leave noticeable scratches on the glass. Therefore, you need to act very carefully and do not use metal scrapers. It is advisable to minimize contact sharp objects with a window.


If the protective coating sticks strongly, you can use a hair dryer. It should be used carefully - there should be no sources of fire or flammable objects in the room.

Algorithm of actions:

  • direct a stream of hot air onto the plastic frame or window sill, trying not to hit the glass;
  • When the film heats up, you need to carefully pry off its edge with a knife and peel it off manually.

It is important not to direct air directly onto the glass units. Otherwise, the glass will crack due to temperature changes.

If it is not possible to use an industrial hair dryer, you can use a steam generator or a regular hair dryer. However, they will only be effective if the film has recently adhered.

White Spirit

A powerful product that helps remove even long-dried film is white spirit.

Mode of application:

  • pry off the edge of the dried protective coating;
  • apply white spirit into the gap between it and the window;
  • Gradually remove film from the entire surface.

This product must be used very carefully, as the solvent can damage the surface of the window. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the glass unit.


You can also remove old film from plastic windows using alcohol. To do this you need:

  • take denatured alcohol;
  • using a spray bottle, spray it onto the old coating;
  • leave for 5 minutes;
  • pry up the edge of the film and tear it off with your hands.

While working, you should protect your hands with rubber gloves.

Ready-made products

You can also use it to remove old coating. special means. They are capable of efficiently and quickly.

1. Cosmofen.

Companies that install plastic windows often sell a special solvent, Cosmofen.

There are three variants of this composition: No. 5, No. 10 and No. 20. They differ in the strength of their impact. The most aggressive is No. 5.

Therefore, it is advisable to use No. 20 or No. 10. Otherwise, you can dissolve not only the film, but also the glass unit itself.

2. Paint remover RP 6.

You can purchase paint remover - RP 6.

Instructions for use:

  • apply the product in a thick layer to the surface to be cleaned;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • the coating should begin to bubble;
  • After the allotted time has passed, the softened film should be removed.

When using this method, it is necessary to protect your hands with thick rubber gloves, and your eyes with special glasses.

3. Schumann.

You can find Schumanit detergent in household chemical stores. They need to process the glass and wait a certain time specified in the instructions. Then wash the window clean water and wipe it dry.

This product is very caustic and should be used with extreme caution.

Window cleaning

After removing the film, traces of glue will remain on the glass. You can wash off the residue using this method:

  • prepare a concentrated soap solution by dissolving the shavings laundry soap in warm water;
  • moisten a rag with the resulting solution;
  • wipe the window, not forgetting the edges and corners.

You can also wipe off dirt with newspaper. After cleaning, the glass is wiped dry.

It is advisable to remove film from plastic windows immediately after installation. However, if for some reason the protective coating has dried to the glass, it is necessary to begin solving the problem as quickly as possible using proven means.

Plastic window frames are protected with a special film to protect them from dirt, scratches and other damage during transportation and installation. It is very easy to remove film from plastic windows if you do it in a timely manner, that is, immediately after the windows have been installed. If for some reason you delay this, then removing the film can become a big problem. According to the instructions, the film must be removed within ten days after installing the plastic windows. If you increase this period to a month or two, then most likely nothing terrible will happen. If the film remains on the frames for three or more months, it will require a lot of effort to remove it.

Why does this problem occur? The fact is that the protective film consists of two layers and is glued to the frames using a special glue. Under the influence of heat and ultraviolet radiation, the thin inner layer of the film decomposes and firmly adheres to the plastic. Separate upper layer film is not as difficult as internal.

Factors that increase the adhesion of the film to the frame:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays. If the film is on windows located on shadow side at home can be removed after a few months, but on the sunny side it will begin to be absorbed into the frame within a few days.
  • Glue quality. The lower the quality of the glue that holds the film, the more difficult it will be to tear it off. If you install cheap plastic windows, you are more likely to encounter low-quality glue.
  • Exposure to heat. If the windows are installed in winter, the film will begin to dry to the frame later. This will happen very quickly in the summer.
So, let's look at how to remove film from plastic windows if it was not removed on time.
  1. Use a hair dryer. This the best remedy to remove film. The main thing is to direct it at the frame, and not at the glass unit, otherwise it may burst due to temperature changes. The film is heated by hot air, dissolves and is easily removed. The only problem is to find a hair dryer. Some try to use normal, in turbo mode. This can only be successful if the film is not stuck very tightly.
  2. Contact a cleaning company. Most of these companies provide a similar service, and they have the necessary equipment for this: a hair dryer, special scrapers and cleaners. And experience in solving similar problems.
  3. Using a professional scraper for cleaning glass ceramic hobs. This scraper will not damage the plastic.
  4. Slowly, piece by piece, picking up the edge of the film with a thin knife, blade or scraper, and then tearing it off with your hands. Cutting tools You should use as little as possible, trying to separate the film with your fingers. Remaining glue can be washed off rough side sponges and detergent for bathrooms.
  5. A weak solvent. When using solvent, you need to be very careful and try on an inconspicuous area first. Solvent may change the color of plastic frames.
  6. An eraser. A regular school pencil eraser can help remove film residue.
  7. A stiff, but not wire brush, and soap solution. The method is suitable for film on the shadow side.
  8. White spirit. But it should not be applied on top, on pieces of film, but between the film and the plastic. To do this, you need to pry off the edge of the film, pour white spirit into this place, wait a little and separate the film.
  9. "Cosmofenom". In companies that install plastic windows, you can purchase a special product for cleaning plastic – “Cosmofen”. Depending on the degree of activity active substance There are “Cosmofen No. 5”, “Cosmofen No. 10” and “Cosmofen No. 20”. No. 5 is the strongest solvent; it dissolves plastic, so it must be used with great care. However, like the other two. These are potent and dangerous to human health.
Often the film is not removed because the repairs are being delayed and you want to protect the window frames from paint, whitewash and other contaminants. This is the wrong approach and will lead to more big problems. It is better to remove the protective film, and if protection is necessary, stick masking tape on the frames. It won't be difficult to remove it at all.

From the article you will learn:

To ensure that the profiles of plastic windows do not get damaged or dirty during their delivery to the installation site, as well as during installation work, they are covered with a special film. Protective material It has an adhesive backing and can be easily removed after installation.

Manufacturers recommend not to delay removing the film coating and not to leave it on the frame longer than for 10 days after placing the window on permanent place. In principle, if you violate the established deadline slightly and proceed to remove the protection through 30-60 days, then most likely there will not be any special difficulties. Removing the film after this period may cause unexpected difficulties, and cleaning the frames will require considerable effort.

Why does film have trouble releasing from plastic?

The reason for the super-strong “adhesion” of the film to the surface of the frames is simple:

The film consists of two layers, the bottom of which has glue applied. This layer is quite thin and unstable; it quickly collapses under the influence of high temperatures and sunlight. The resulting substance is tightly glued to the frames, and when you try to tear off the film, only the outer (protective) layer is separated from the structure.

There are several circumstances that speed up the process of durable bonding of materials:

  • Effect of ultraviolet. The more shaded the area where the plastic windows are located, the longer it will take for the bottom layer of film to deteriorate. Sun rays accelerate the process of decomposition and absorption of the adhesive substance into the plastic.
  • Heat. During the cold season, the film retains its integrity longer, and with the arrival of heat, its inner layer is destroyed faster.
  • Glue properties. High-quality adhesive breaks down the film more slowly and gives more time for it to be easily removed. Cheap adhesives reduce this period. Film from inexpensive windows of questionable quality should be removed as quickly as possible.

Read also: What are the types of double-glazed windows for plastic windows?

How to remove old film?

  1. Using a hair dryer. A directed jet of hot air from a professional device will allow you to easily remove even long-adhered film. Under influence high temperature adhesive composition melts and can be removed without much difficulty. In work with construction hairdryer one subtlety - you can’t hot air got on the glass, as it can burst due to a sharp increase in temperature. If the film has not had time to stick strongly, then a regular hairdryer used in the “turbo” mode can correct the situation.
  2. Using a scraper designed for cleaning glass ceramic slabs. The tool has an adjustable blade that will not damage the plastic surface.
  3. Manually. The film is removed in small parts, which are picked up with a sharp blade, razor or scraper. The main work is done by hand; tools must be used very carefully so as not to scratch the frame. To remove traces of glue, use a household sponge with a rough surface.
  4. Household solvent. Only low-active ones are suitable for working with plastic. chemicals. Before starting treatment, the effect of the composition must be tested on small area frame, which is not particularly noticeable. If the solvent has not changed the color of the plastic, it can be used over the entire surface.
  5. White spirit. The familiar gasoline solvent will help if it is applied not to the surface of the film, but between it and the frame. The painstaking work requires separating the edge of the film from the surface and dropping a solvent liquid into the gap. After some time, the treated area can be removed from the frame.
  6. School eraser. After removing the outer layer, the remaining film is removed by rubbing with a regular eraser. The process is long and labor-intensive.
  7. Using a stiff bristle brush dampened with soapy water. Products with metallic bristles should not be used. The method is effective only for windows located in the shade.
  8. Cosmofenom. A modern substance for cleaning plastic products is available from companies involved in the installation and repair of windows. Cosmofen is divided into types, depending on the concentration of the active substance, and is numbered. No. 5 is considered to be the most active - it is capable of dissolving plastic, and therefore it must be used as carefully as possible. Numbers 10 and 20 are less “vigorous”, but their efficiency is not so high. Cosmofen is a substance that is harmful to human health, and therefore before using it you must take all safety measures (wear a respirator, gloves and other protective equipment).
  9. Order film removal from a cleaning company. Almost all large “cleaning” agencies have a list of services for cleaning plastic windows from various types of pollution. Their specialists are equipped the right tools(hair dryers, solutions, scrapers) and have experience in similar work. This method is the fastest and least energy-consuming.