Far Eastern plant star large stone. Work plant star big stone, Primorsky Krai

There have been many myths circulating lately about the construction of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex, which has no analogues in Russia, in Bolshoy Kamen. Starting from the traditional “everything will be stolen” and “nothing will work out” to “they are ruining people” and “they sold everything to the Chinese.” The supershipyard project, which was launched when Sergei DARKIN was governor, was reformatted several times until it received the current status of a shipbuilding complex with 100% Russian investment, writes the Business newspaper Zolotoy Rog.

The construction of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex (SSK) is being carried out by a consortium of Rosneft, Rosneftegaz and Gazprombank. The complex project involves the construction of a heavy outfitting slipway, a dry dock, full-cycle production workshops, as well as workshops for construction marine technology. Shipbuilding complex will produce large-tonnage vessels, elements of offshore platforms, ice-class vessels, special vessels and other types of marine equipment.

Earlier, President Vladimir PUTIN said that not only Rosneft, but also other companies should be involved in loading the shipbuilding complex. “This is not the task of only Rosneft, this is the task of the entire Russian industry, the shipbuilding industry. This is generally a national task - the development of production capacities, the creation of modern jobs in the Far East. Therefore, I ask you not to perceive this as a departmental or industry-specific task, this is our common responsibility, and we will now talk about this responsibility,” the head of state said at a November meeting on the issue of stimulating the construction of ships and marine equipment at the SSK.

In mid-March, Prime Minister Dmitry MEDVEDEV signed a decree providing subsidies to organizations that took out loans for the implementation of a shipbuilding project with total amount investments of at least 100 billion rubles. Subsidies will be provided to organizations that received a loan after January 1, 2017 and have no debt. The subsidy amount is two-thirds of the cost of paying interest on the loan.

The Zvezda shipbuilding complex under construction in Primorye falls under the scope of the decree - the total investment in the creation of the complex is estimated at 202.2 billion rubles.

The subsidy will be provided within the framework of the subprogram “Development of production capacities of civil shipbuilding and the material and technical base of the industry” of the state program “Development of shipbuilding and equipment for the development of offshore fields for 2013-2030.” The budget provides 800 million rubles for these purposes over the next three years.

Last fall, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation developed rules for subsidizing organizations creating shipbuilding complexes to reimburse interest on loans. The rules were developed to ensure that the Russian Federation did not contribute 8 billion rubles to the authorized capital of JSC Far Eastern Plant Zvezda (DVZ Zvezda, on its basis the Zvezda shipbuilding complex is being created) as compensation for interest on the loan for the complex under construction, and paid a subsidy, and in the amount of only 6 billion rubles.

JSC DVZ Zvezda financed the project independently until July 1, 2013. More than 7 billion rubles were invested in the project, but then the plant ran out of funds. To further finance the project, Gazprombank provided DVZ Zvezda with a credit line in the amount of 12.35 billion rubles for a period until May 1, 2017. Plant from July 2013 to April 2017 from own funds paid interest on a loan in the amount of 5.992 billion rubles. In this regard, the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to pay this exact amount to the plant in 2018-2022, distributing the funds over the years in accordance with the amount of interest payments in 2013-2017.

Yuri FILCHENOK, General Director of JSC Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (DSSS), spoke about the current state of the project during a visiting meeting of the Club of Editors-in-Chief of the Primorsky branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia (SJR).

We are at the very beginning of the journey. However, production is already running. There is a block of hull production, where structures are manufactured. They will be painted in paint booths and transported onto a heavy slipway to be formed into the hull of a ship. There are already the first four blocks from which the hull of the future vessel will be formed. Construction is currently underway on the first expanded stage of the Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex, which will result in a floating dock from which ships will be launched. As for the military ship repair plant (DVZ "Zvezda" - Author's note), it is working and will receive further development.

In fact, the second stage is already under construction; in fact, this is another shipbuilding plant. Coastline- we will fill up a considerable part of the bay and form artificial land. Will The educational center, it's already designed. 6 microdistricts with 7.5 thousand apartments will be built in the city. The first microdistrict is already under construction, the first two residential buildings have already been commissioned.

The project is very complex, because it is a shipyard in the classical sense. But due to the fact that neither in the south of Primorye, nor in the Russian Far East as a whole, there are practically no operating industries for the manufacture of ship equipment, we will form all this here ourselves. Therefore, the city of Bolshoy Kamen, being a closed administrative town until 2015, today received the priority development territory (TOR) “Bolshoy Kamen”, the main specialization of which is shipbuilding.

The Ministry of Eastern Development is already accepting applications from various legal entities to locate shipbuilding production facilities in our city. There are more than 10 residents there, each of them enjoys very serious benefits, both in terms of finance and infrastructure. If the project itself was recently estimated at 140 billion rubles, now, as we add other objects here, the figure is already 200 billion rubles. But the matter will not stop there. True, one cannot say that the project is becoming more expensive: it is expanding. There is also a rise in price, and is mainly associated with inflation. But for now we are within the limits of the prices approved for our project.

The production program of our plant should be formed before 2035. These decisions were made in September last year. According to our estimates, the line-up should be 178 ocean-going vessels. We already have orders for 115 vessels. Both SSC Zvezda and DCSS are conducting active negotiations with almost all shipowners of the Russian Federation, large oil and gas companies, and our main customer - the Ministry of Defense. The Russian Navy, in addition to warships, needs a huge number of support vessels. Negotiations are ongoing with each of these departments and contracts are being prepared. We plan to sign the next contract for the construction of icebreakers with Rosmorport at St. Petersburg economic forum(SPIEF) in May. We (DCSS - Author's note) look at the workload of this plant with very serious optimism. In addition, a working version of the bill is being discussed so that only Russian-built ships can sail along the Northern Sea Route; this is a law that is being lobbied by Russian shipbuilders. The project has a great future ahead.

- What is the main difficulty in its implementation today?

The fact is that we started building a shipyard, and now the task is to build a cluster. This a large number of enterprises. This process is currently underway.

- Will it be possible to build vessels for the fishing industry at the shipyard?

The shipyard specializes in large-tonnage shipbuilding. We are not talking about the construction of seiners and medium trawlers at all. And we don’t even participate in such negotiations. If we're talking about about BMRT and BATM, we participated in a number of tenders that were held by fishing companies and Russian fishing holdings in anticipation of quotas. We lost one tender - the Russian Fishing Company held a tender for the construction of six BMRTs of the Norwegian project. They will be built in St. Petersburg. The market is the market. And in this case, we understand the customer - his lead ship is being built in Norway, all suppliers are located there.

Dossier of the Golden Horn: The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia in March agreed on the sale of Maxim VOROBYEV’s share in Russian Fishing Company LLC (RRPC). The decision of the antimonopoly authority states that the FAS agreed to the acquisition of 44.7% of shares in the authorized capital of RRPK LLC, which together with the existing shares will amount to 89.95%. Before the transaction, 44.7% of the company’s shares belonged to Maxim Vorobyov, 45.25% to Gleb FRANK. The transaction is expected to close after receiving approval from the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The transaction will also include shares in other legal entities of the RRPK group.

Several ships are being built at Yantar (we are talking about JSC Baltic Shipyard Yantar, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation - Author's note). And in general, we know that our colleagues both in the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and private factories are very actively preparing for the construction of ships. Including in the Far East. But mostly these are vessels less than 60 meters in size. And this is not our specialization.

We, for our part, will very actively participate in all tenders and competitions that relate to the construction of ships of 80 meters and above. But so far there are no tenders and competitions that have been announced. But we are conducting such negotiations.

We are already 75% full in our production program. And then we will look at whether we have free production capacity for some periods of time. The path on which we can build such vessels for the next three years is full.

- How much can one ship cost?

A modern high-tech medium ice class vessel with a length of 100 meters costs 100 million euros. BATM and BMRT also cost about the same. Therefore, it is also difficult for fishermen to concentrate such large amounts of money. And then the price depends on the saturation of this vessel with equipment. Linear icebreakers, which are ordered by the Ministry of Transport, cost even more.

- How is the tanker sector developing?

We have continuous cooperation with Sovcomflot. At one time they built a whole series of tankers in St. Petersburg. According to our contracts, we are talking about the construction of aframaxes (a type of vessel, primarily tankers - Author's note), as well as smaller tankers for transporting liquid cargo and natural gas. We constantly provide serious technical consultations where Sovcomflot plans to participate as a shipping company in tenders. We will conclude serious agreements with Sovcomflot, because the shipyard has actually already begun to operate, and Sovcomflot has a real desire and need to update the fleet that they operate.

Dossier of the Golden Horn: PJSC Sovcomflot is the largest Russian shipping group specializing in the transportation of oil, petroleum products and liquefied gas; one of the world's largest tanker fleet operators. 100% of the company's shares belong to the state. Vogzhead of PJSC Sovcomflot Sergei FRANK, former Deputy General Director for Economics of the Far Eastern Shipping Company and Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

- One of the key elements of the SSC infrastructure is the provision of housing. How is construction going?

As for departmental housing, in total we must build six microdistricts. The administration of Bolshoy Kamen has allocated land plots for all six microdistricts; they have been agreed upon with the Ministry of Eastern Development. Territory planning projects have already been drawn up for most sites. Ministry of Eastern Development through JSC Development Corporation Far East"(KRDV) provides, for public money, the connection of networks to these microdistricts. There is a construction schedule for all these microdistricts. It is controlled by Deputy Prime Minister Yuri TRUTNEV and the Rosneft company. Competitive procedures have already been carried out for the first three microdistricts. Construction contractors have been identified, unfortunately, not from the Primorsky Territory. There were no strong companies in the region, because large microdistricts with 2.5 thousand apartments need to be built. Felling tickets have already been received, with next week We start cutting down trees and a contractor comes in.

In all microdistricts, land has been leased to the Zvezda sports complex. Very serious preparation was carried out in 2017. This year the active construction phase of three more microdistricts will begin. This is both the competence of SSK Zvezda, which is the customer, and the work of the Ministry of Eastern Development in the design and construction of networks. Everything will be connected to the new microdistricts, including roads. This will be departmental service housing. But there are enough vacant lots in the city for private companies to also build housing.

- How can the project change Big Stone?

The city of Bolshoi Kamen has been dismantling nuclear submarines for quite a long time using the money of foreign customers. In 2012-2013, they decided to change the trend to the development of shipbuilding here, rather than cutting. Now we are faced with the task of organizing shipbuilding here. The number of personnel at the Zvezda plant we are in last years only increased. There were virtually no cuts there.

As for the city's infrastructure. When its condition was analyzed, it turned out that the networks were leased for long-term to private companies. The boiler room, for example, is in a state of disrepair today; not a ruble has been invested in its modernization. Not a ruble has been invested in the city water supply, city heating network. This is being fixed now. The road is currently being repaired, two or three competitions have been won by locals construction companies. The street around the Sixth Microdistrict is being built. The position of some city deputies is due to the fact that they participated in the distribution of the city budget. Now they don't participate.

Three billion rubles had to be used to modernize networks. And there is no one to give money to. But gradually everything is lining up. Now we have established cooperation with the Duma and the city administration. And it will really produce results. We understand that we must be one team.

- Is a private investor already coming in?

In fact, our strategy is different. We want to build a world-class shipyard. We attract leaders in this field. And these are foreign companies. The largest design bureaus in St. Petersburg, they are already working. And step by step we will bring the leaders here. This primarily concerns areas such as welding materials, varnishes and paints. As for ship equipment, we are actively negotiating with the Russian Valve Holding. They have already mastered a number of fittings for ocean-going ships. We haven’t made such ships for a very long time, since the time of the Crimea tanker, almost 30 years. The reinforcement holding is directly related to the Askold plant.

We are currently looking for a partner for ship fittings. Ship panels, ceilings, floors - all this used to be in Primorye, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, but everything was lost. At the Zvezda plant there was once a workshop that produced furniture. We (DCSS - Author's note), when we hand over a ship, everything is there, right down to pillowcases, dishes and pillows. We are now handing over the Rosneft-Primorye tanker at Dalzavod; we recently handed over the Rosneft-Sakhalin tanker. Dalzavod's supply services complete all this there.

A shipbuilding and ship repair section has been formed within the Maritime Council under the Governor of the Primorsky Territory. The main task is to attract coastal enterprises to the cluster that is being formed in Bolshoy Kamen. In total, we have 16 enterprises included in this section. Everyone who is involved. They even brought in Yuri Petrovich DENISENKO with his Progress aircraft plant. They have a ship-based helicopter.

The Union of Mechanical Engineers of Primorye is also involved. Each of the factories is now forming a work program for our section; on April 18, they will hold a meeting with the participation of all factories. The topic is the participation of coastal enterprises in the shipbuilding cluster. Vostochnaya Verf will prepare proposals for the resumption of coastal passenger service.

Instrument-making enterprises have always had a ship-oriented focus - these are Dalpribor, Izumrud, Varyag, Era, Askold and Radiopribor. All ship repair yards our region - Slavyansky, Livadia, Nakhodka, Primorsky, Vladivostok factories - they will prepare their proposals both for participation in the large shipbuilding program and for the program for the construction of medium and small-tonnage fleets.

The work of the Maritime Council is a very serious task. And here we need to look for partners among world leaders. The filling of any ship is determined by the customer; he needs only the most modern equipment, and he will not wait until the enterprises of the Primorsky Territory master the production of such equipment. And this problem needs to be solved only by localization methods. We offer Primorye factories to take on the localization of some of the ship equipment. There are such proposals.

We are not going to compete with the shipyards of China and Korea. Those niches that the Chinese now occupy, why go there? But BATMs and BMRTs are not built there, they are built in Norway. And our experience has shown that we can quite compete with the Scandinavians. If we talk about ships that are used to transport bulk and liquid cargo, we have enough orders from oil and gas companies for high-ice-class vessels. You need to take what you are capable of.

Zolotoy Rog dossier: Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex LLC was registered in December 2015 in Bolshoi Kamen at the address: st. Stepana Lebedev, 1 (same registration address at JSC Far Eastern Plant Zvezda). Authorized capital LLC on this moment amounts to 13.001 billion rubles. The founders of the company are JSC " Modern technologies shipbuilding" (Moscow), owning 99.90% of the capital, and JSC Far Eastern Plant Zvezda (0.01%). The general director of the LLC is Sergey TSELUYKO. LLC "SSK" "Zvezda" in March 2016 became a resident of the priority development territory (ASEZ) "Bolshoi Kamen" in Primorye. The amount of initially announced investments is 92 billion rubles.

TASS DOSSIER. On November 16, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on the development of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex.

Shipbuilding complex "Zvezda" (SSK "Zvezda" LLC) - under construction Russian enterprise large-tonnage shipbuilding, located in the city of Bolshoi Kamen, Primorsky Territory. The project is being implemented by a consortium of JSC Rosneftegaz, PJSC NK Rosneft and JSC Gazprombank. The base for the new shipyard was the Far Eastern Plant (DVZ) Zvezda.

The shipyard will produce large-tonnage vessels, marine equipment and equipment for exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbons. These are, in particular, tankers with a displacement of up to 350 thousand tons, gas carriers with a capacity of up to 250 thousand cubic meters. m, ice-class vessels, special vessels with a launching weight of up to 29 thousand tons, elements of offshore platforms for the development of Arctic offshore oil and gas fields.

History of construction

Construction of the shipyard has been underway since 2009. Based on the project, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2016, the Bolshoy Kamen priority development territory (ADT) was created, and the Zvezda sports complex became its first resident. Initially, the founders of the shipyard, whose cost was estimated at $1 billion, were JSC Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (DCSS, at that time part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) and the South Korean shipbuilding company Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. (DSME, a division of the Daewoo concern). In 2012, the Korean side withdrew from the project. The general designer is LLC Far Eastern Design Institute Vostokproektverf.

On December 17, 2015, a shipyard under construction appeared entity- SSK Zvezda LLC was spun off from JSC DVZ Zvezda. According to Spark-Interfax, DVZ retained 0.010% of the shares in the new enterprise. 99.99% received Joint-Stock Company"Modern shipbuilding technologies" (STS). Until 2017, it belonged on a parity basis to Gazprombank and Rosneft. In February 2017, it became known that as part of the financing of Zvezda, 89% of the shares of STS JSC were purchased by the state holding Rosneftegaz (the main owner of Rosneft).

The project is being implemented in two stages. On September 1, 2016, in the presence of Putin, the hull production unit and painting booths were put into operation at the enterprise site. A year later, on September 8, 2017, Putin took part in the commissioning ceremony of a heavy outfitting slipway with a transfer dock for the construction of medium-tonnage vessels and marine equipment. The slipway is equipped with a powerful crane system manufactured by the Chinese company China Heavy Industry Corporation, including a Goliath-type gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 1 thousand 200 tons.

Another Chinese manufacturer, Suzhou Dafang Special Vehicle Co. Ltd, must supply to the Zvezda site two self-propelled heavy transporters with a lifting capacity of 650 tons each, two transporters with a lifting capacity of 2 thousand 320 tons and one 150-ton transporter. In addition, the first extended phase of construction includes saturation shops. The delivery of all objects in the queue is scheduled for 2019.

The second phase of construction provides for the commissioning of a dry dock and full-cycle production workshops for the construction of large-capacity vessels and offshore equipment. It is planned that the phased commissioning of the complex will be completed at the end of 2024. By this time, the company will employ about 7 thousand 500 people. At the beginning of 2017, the cost of the project was estimated at 145.5 billion rubles. In October, it became known that the Russian government may provide subsidies in the amount of 5.9 billion rubles to the Zvezda shipyard in 2018-2022.

Laying of ships, order portfolio

Pilot loading of the complex is provided by the oil company Rosneft, which has entered into an exclusive agreement with DCSS to place all orders for the construction of new marine equipment and vessels at Zvezda facilities.

On September 8, 2017, Putin took part in the keel-laying of four multifunctional supply vessels for Rosneft. The ships were named “Vladimir Monomakh”, “Alexander Nevsky”, “Catherine the Great” and “Saint Maria”. The head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, reported to the president that, taking into account the agreements with his company, Zvezda’s order portfolio included 14 vessels. According to him, “to achieve a positive work economy,” Zvezda needs to receive a portfolio of 178 ships by 2035. General Director of Zvezda Sergei Tseluiko told TASS that the complex is starting to process documents to obtain a license for nuclear shipbuilding and will bid to order the largest icebreaker Leader with a capacity of 130 MW ( technical project The vessel will be ready by the end of 2017).

In October 2017, the head of the gas production company Novatek, Leonid Mikhelson, told reporters that his company had transferred through Sovcomflot to Zvezda. technical documentation, necessary for the construction of 15 Arctic-class gas tankers for Arctic LNG-2.

Manual, additional information

The general director of SSC "Zvezda" since 2016 is Sergey Tseluiko. Previously, he worked as the chief builder of supply vessels at PJSC "Shipbuilding Plant" Northern shipyard" (Saint Petersburg).

DVZ "Zvezda"

Far Eastern Shipyard "Zvezda" is a shipbuilding and ship repair enterprise located in the city of Bolshoi Kamen, Primorsky Territory. The decision to build the plant was made on July 9, 1946 by the USSR Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry. The first production workshop went into operation on December 3, 1954. Initially, the plant bore the number 892, in 1968 it received its current name.

Initially, the company was engaged in the repair of small ships, then they began to repair diesel and nuclear submarines. Since 1989, work has been carried out here to dismantle nuclear submarines.

In the 1990s, Zvezda existed in the form of a federal state unitary enterprise, and since November 2008 it has been an open joint-stock company.

The enterprise has two slipways (indoor space for ship repairs), a docking chamber, a transfer dock, and a large number of berths. Zvezda's technical capabilities make it possible to manufacture and launch floating structures weighing up to 13,500 tons. Recently, the plant has built several fishing vessels - refrigerators, trawlers, etc.

The only plant in the Far East of the Russian Federation specializing in the repair, re-equipment and modernization of nuclear submarines and ships with a nuclear power plant.

Key figures

Filchenok Yuri Anatolievich



Operating profit

▲ 603,290 thousand rubles (2014)

Net profit

▲ 72,412 thousand rubles (2014)

Parent company

78.73% - JSC "DCSS", 21.27% - Federal agency on state property management


On November 6, 2008, the company was transformed into a joint stock company, where 100% of the shares belong to the state.

Current state

Now Zvezda is one of the leading Russian shipyards, specializing in the repair and re-equipment of submarines, including nuclear-powered 3rd generation submarines, surface ships and vessels of any class and purpose (both civil and military). The technical capabilities of the plant make it possible to manufacture and launch floating structures with a dock weight of up to 13,500 tons. In addition to shipbuilding and ship repair, JSC Zvezda in the 21st century specializes in the recycling of submarines, including the extraction of spent nuclear fuel, produces engineering products, and repairs various fuel and energy equipment. and shipbuilding equipment, and processes scrap metal.

Participation in international projects

Since November 2007, JSC DVZ Zvezda has been cooperating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Trade of Canada on the issues of dismantling nuclear submarines in the Russian Far East.

Also on the territory of the plant, a global project for the construction of the Zvezda-DSME supershipyard is being carried out, the original founders of which were a subsidiary of the United Shipbuilding Corporation OJSC, and the Korean shipbuilding company (DSME), a division of the financial and industrial group Daewoo, which is one of the world's leading concerns in this industry. The general designer is OJSC ", the technical consultant is German company.

The groundbreaking of the new shipyard took place in November 2009; in 2012 it became known that the project would be implemented exclusively by OJSC USC. . The commissioning of the first capacities was expected back in 2011. For 2014, the capacity commissioning plan included the commissioning of a hull processing unit, a painting shop and a slipway in 2016, and two dry docks in 2018.

It is expected that ships with a displacement of about 250 thousand tons, a length of up to 350 meters and a width of up to 60 meters will leave the supershipyard's slipways. The shipyard has the potential to create jobs for 10 thousand specialists. Companies such as Gazprom OJSC, Rosneft OJSC, Sovcomflot OJSC are interested in the construction of the complex, which in 2013 created a consortium with DSME to develop a shipbuilding cluster in the Far East.

Enterprise managers

  • Lebedev Stepan Ivanovich,
  • Kushlin Vladimir Ivanovich,
  • Dolgov Veniamin Pavlovich,
  • Maslakov Valery Alexandrovich,
  • Shulgan Yuri Petrovich,
  • Rassomakhin Andrey Yurievich,
  • Averin Vladimir Nikolaevich,
  • Lebedev Sergey Alekseevich (acting),
  • Filchenok Yuri Anatolievich


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An excerpt characterizing the Zvezda DVZ

Outside, crying and screams could be heard somewhere in the distance, and fire could be seen through the cracks of the booth; but in the booth it was quiet and dark. Pierre did not sleep for a long time and, with open eyes, lay in his place in the darkness, listening to the measured snoring of Plato, who lay next to him, and felt that the previously destroyed world was now being erected in his soul with new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations.

In the booth into which Pierre entered and in which he stayed for four weeks, there were twenty-three captured soldiers, three officers and two officials.
All of them then appeared to Pierre as if in a fog, but Platon Karataev remained forever in Pierre’s soul as the strongest and dearest memory and personification of everything Russian, kind and round. When the next day, at dawn, Pierre saw his neighbor, the first impression of something round was completely confirmed: the whole figure of Plato in his French overcoat belted with a rope, in a cap and bast shoes, was round, his head was completely round, his back, chest, shoulders, even the hands that he carried, as if always about to hug something, were round; a pleasant smile and large brown gentle eyes were round.
Platon Karataev must have been over fifty years old, judging by his stories about the campaigns in which he participated as a long-time soldier. He himself did not know and could not determine in any way how old he was; but his teeth, bright white and strong, which kept rolling out in their two semicircles when he laughed (which he often did), were all good and intact; There was not a single gray hair in his beard or hair, and his whole body had the appearance of flexibility and, especially, hardness and endurance.
His face, despite the small round wrinkles, had an expression of innocence and youth; his voice was pleasant and melodious. But main feature his speech consisted of spontaneity and argument. He apparently never thought about what he said and what he would say; and because of this, the speed and fidelity of his intonations had a special irresistible persuasiveness.
His physical strength and agility were such during the first time of captivity that it seemed that he did not understand what fatigue and illness were. Every day, in the morning and in the evening, when he lay down, he said: “Lord, lay it down like a pebble, lift it up into a ball”; in the morning, getting up, always shrugging his shoulders in the same way, he said: “I lay down and curled up, got up and shook myself.” And indeed, as soon as he lay down, he immediately fell asleep like a stone, and as soon as he shook himself, he immediately, without a second of delay, took up some task, like children, getting up, taking up their toys. He knew how to do everything, not very well, but not badly either. He baked, steamed, sewed, planed, and made boots. He was always busy and only at night allowed himself conversations, which he loved, and songs. He sang songs, not as songwriters sing, who know that they are being listened to, but he sang like birds sing, obviously because he needed to make these sounds just as it is necessary to stretch or disperse; and these sounds were always subtle, gentle, almost feminine, mournful, and at the same time his face was very serious.
Having been captured and grown a beard, he apparently threw away everything alien and soldierly that had been imposed on him and involuntarily returned to his former, peasant, folk mindset.
“A soldier on leave is a shirt made from trousers,” he used to say. He was reluctant to talk about his time as a soldier, although he did not complain, and often repeated that throughout his service he was never beaten. When he spoke, he mainly spoke from his old and, apparently, dear “Christian” memories, as he pronounced, peasant life. The sayings that filled his speech were not those, mostly indecent and glib sayings that soldiers say, but they were those folk sayings that seem so insignificant, taken in isolation, and which suddenly take on the meaning of deep wisdom when they are spoken opportunely.
Often he said the exact opposite of what he had said before, but both were true. He loved to talk and spoke well, decorating his speech with endearments and proverbs, which, it seemed to Pierre, he was inventing himself; but the main charm of his stories was that in his speech the simplest events, sometimes the very ones that Pierre saw without noticing them, took on the character of solemn beauty. He loved to listen to fairy tales that one soldier told in the evenings (all the same ones), but most of all he loved to listen to stories about real life. He smiled joyfully as he listened to such stories, inserting words and making questions that tended to clarify for himself the beauty of what was being told to him. Karataev had no attachments, friendship, love, as Pierre understood them; but he loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him to, and especially with a person - not with some famous person, but with those people who were before his eyes. He loved his mongrel, he loved his comrades, the French, he loved Pierre, who was his neighbor; but Pierre felt that Karataev, despite all his affectionate tenderness towards him (with which he involuntarily paid tribute to Pierre’s spiritual life), would not for a minute be upset by separation from him. And Pierre began to feel the same feeling towards Karataev.
Platon Karataev was for all the other prisoners the most ordinary soldier; his name was Falcon or Platosha, they mocked him good-naturedly and sent him for parcels. But for Pierre, as he presented himself on the first night, an incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth, that is how he remained forever.
Platon Karataev knew nothing by heart except his prayer. When he gave his speeches, he, starting them, seemed not to know how he would end them.
When Pierre, sometimes amazed at the meaning of his speech, asked him to repeat what he had said, Plato could not remember what he had said a minute ago - just as he could not tell Pierre his favorite song in words. It said: “darling, little birch and I feel sick,” but the words didn’t make any sense. He did not understand and could not understand the meaning of words taken separately from speech. His every word and every action was a manifestation of an activity unknown to him, which was his life. But his life, as he himself looked at it, had no meaning as a separate life. She made sense only as a part of the whole, which he constantly felt. His words and actions poured out of him as uniformly, necessarily, and directly as a scent is released from a flower. He could not understand either the price or the meaning of a single action or word.

In September 2016, the launch ceremony of the first stage of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex took place in the Primorsky Territory. Equipping the future Zvezda shipyard with modern crane equipment will ensure the technological cycle of shipbuilding in Bolshoy Kamen. The new shipyard will become the largest modern civil shipyard in Russia, as well as a base for the creation and development of offshore equipment. The first cranes with a lifting capacity of 320 tons were successfully delivered and installed at the Zvezda SK site in August 2016. Total weight cargo amounted to 1560 tons. Meanwhile, construction continues and the large slipway is further supplied with crane equipment. Now let's look at the progress over the fall-winter at the Zvezda shipbuilding complex.

Construction site of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex

August 2016

Heavy outfitting slipway before and after installation of 320 t gantry cranes

Work on a heavy slipway

General form construction site SC "Zvezda"

autumn-winter 2016

Heavy outfitting slipway

autumn-winter 2016

Formation of the cargo quay of a heavy slipway

autumn-winter 2016

Concreting the slabs of the top layer of the base of a heavy slipway

autumn 2016

Construction works on the site of a heavy slipway

autumn-winter 2016

Reinforcement of the slabs of the top layer of the base of a heavy slipway

autumn-winter 2016-2017

Formation of the transfer berth of a heavy slipway

autumn-winter 2016-2017

In the fall of 2016, a contractor was selected through electronic bidding to carry out work as part of the 4th stage of construction of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex. The creation of the complex as a whole is now divided into 16 stages. The current tender includes the construction of a block assembly workshop as part of the 4th stage of construction, which is planned to be completed within two years - by August 31, 2018.

Clearing the site for a workshop for assembling and enlarging blocks

winter-spring 2017

Pad utility networks next to the heavy slipway area

winter-spring 2017

View from the slipway crane to the new site

At the end of March, new large-capacity equipment was delivered to the slipway of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex - two tower cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 tons each. The length of the crane boom is 81.7 meters, the width of the rail track is 10.5 meters, the height is 94.5 meters. Delivery of cranes from China was a technically complex transport operation, since the equipment was transported to assembled form on a special vessel.

The cranes were manufactured under a joint contract between DVZ Zvezda and China Heavy Industry Corporation Nantong (CHIC) for the supply of crane equipment for the outfitting slipway of the Zvezda SK. In total, the Chinese company is under contract until the end current year will put 5 pieces of equipment on the slipway in Bolshoy Kamen: two cranes with a lifting capacity of 320 tons and two cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 tons, as well as a Goliath-type crane with a lifting capacity of 1200 tons.

1. Crane with a lifting capacity of 1200 tons of the “Goliath” type

2. Gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 320 tons

3. Crane with a lifting capacity of 100 tons

4. Technological shelter

5. Vessel under construction

6. Bottom base of drilling rig

7. Block assembly sites

8. Transport and transfer dock on the right

The lifting capacity of the main crane is 1200 tons. This is the largest crane in Russia. It will be built in cooperation with Chinese partners. The crane span is 230 meters. And it will be assembled right on the territory of the plant.

In December 2016, at a shipyard in the Qingdao Industrial Economic District, shipbuilders began cutting the metal of the transfer dock, shown in the mock-up on the right. A transport and transfer dock with a lifting capacity of 40,000 tons will be used for the transfer and launching of ships and marine equipment from the open outfitting slipway of the future shipyard. The structure is unsupported and allows longitudinal rolling of vessels onto it from three different slipways and transverse rolling of offshore objects.

In the fall of 2016, tenders were held to carry out construction and installation work:

construction of a hot-dip galvanizing shop; construction of a pipe processing shop; construction of a block assembly workshop; construction of outfitting and cargo embankments;

as well as the construction of a saturation and modular assembly workshop; construction of a chamber for cleaning, painting and drying blocks; construction of a mechanical assembly shop with a warehouse of equipment and supplies; installation of external power supply networks;

In January 2017, it is planned to create two artificial land plots at the Zvezda Sports Complex with total area about 83,239 sq. m, which exceeds the size of 11 football fields. To create them you will need about 316,197 cubic meters. m of soil, which will be obtained during the development of the pit for the dry dock of the complex under construction. These areas are necessary for the creation of a dry dock and outfitting shops where heavy-duty vessels will be built and entered for repairs.

Approved in February 2017 positive conclusion expert commission of the state environmental examination for project documentation“Creation of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex. II stage of construction. Dry dock and outfitting shops.” The validity period of the SEE conclusion is also set at 3 years.

Reinforcement of grillage slabs crane beams heavy slipway

spring 2017

Supply of technological crane equipment

The company’s specialists note that the heavy outfitting slipway located on the territory of the complex will be the longest in Russia - 400 meters.

Cranes are unique in their technical specifications and will be used for the construction of large-capacity vessels.

Preparation for concreting the transfer berth of a heavy slipway
Concreting of crane beam grillages
Construction of a workshop for assembling and enlarging blocks continues
Laying engineering and technical support networks for painting booths along the canopy frame

summer-autumn 2016

Paint booths are ready for use

autumn 2016

Hull production block and painting booths, network installation completed

winter 2016-2017

Hull production block and painting booths
Hull production block

Crane and metalworking line

Cranes with different lifting capacities in the hull production block
Setting up a metalworking line in the cabinet production block
Picking up workpieces by crane in the hull production block

Various machine tools in the hull production block
Crane and machine tools in the hull production block
Machine tools in the hull production block
Crane equipment in the hull production block
Machine tools in the hull production block
Machine tools in the hull production block
Work is underway on cutting steel blanks on a machine
Work in progress at the workpiece processing area
The use of crane equipment to move workpieces around the workshop
Work is underway on cutting steel on a metalworking line
Metalworking line in the hull production block

Using a robotic complex on a metalworking line
Carrying out work on processing workpieces on a metalworking line
Metalworking line with crane equipment in the hull production block

Construction of the Zvezda substation

autumn-winter 2016

View electrical substation"Star" from above

It is planned to finance the construction of housing for employees of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex and an engineering center in the Bolshoy Kamen priority development area.

August 2016

It is planned to build 5.7 thousand apartments with a total area of ​​283.5 thousand square meters for employees of the shipbuilding complex. m, which will provide housing for more than 14 thousand people.

autumn 2016

It is believed that comfortable and affordable housing will attract strategic project highly qualified specialists - both from the Far East and from all over the country.

winter 2016 Fifth microdistrict

Sixth microdistrict
In addition to 6 houses commissioned by PJSC NK Rosneft, new houses with a total of 750 apartments are being built on the territory of Bolshoy Kamen within the framework of regional and municipal programs.

winter-spring 2017


Alvi-Group LLC -

60,000 - 70,000 rub.

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LLC MK Expert - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

74,600 - 95,400 rub.

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Limited Liability Company "Production Co... - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

40,000 rub.

...wages are always on time, *Paid overtime; *Urgent employment contract during the construction of the facility"Factory"Sapphire" (factory territory "Star"), does not apply to the Zvezda plant. PKK Modern Engineering Systems has 10 years of experience in the field...

18 days ago

LLC "SSK "ZVEZDA" - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

50,000 - 53,000 rub.

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TNN, Consulting Group - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

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4 days ago

TNN, Consulting Group - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

51,000 - 62,000 rub.

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LLC "SSK "Zvezda" - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

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- Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

60,000 rub.

...,comply with the requirements of regulations. Additional information on the vacancy: control station operator, domicile: LLC "SSK"STAR"Communication skills Additional bonuses: Social package official employment, lunch break, housing at expense...

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LLC "Shipbuilding complex "Zvezda" - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

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- Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

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Shipbuilding complex Zvezda - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

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Shipbuilding complex "Zvezda" - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

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Group of security companies Leader - Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai

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