Mother-in-law's tongue flower. Mother-in-law's tongue Mother-in-law's tongue care at home

Mother-in-law's tongue flower (sansevieria, sansevieria, pike tail) is a houseplant that produces a large number of oxygen with simultaneous absorption harmful substances from outside. Novice flower growers appreciate this flower for its decorative appearance and ease of care.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower: care at home

This flower, like many others, is demanding of its environment.


Mother-in-law's tongue is a flower that does not need bright light, but keeping it in obvious shade is not recommended. Provided there is moderate illumination, preferably natural, the leaves of the flower will be beautiful, thick and bright. To avoid burns, do not place the plant in the sun. Also, varieties with yellow stripes on the leaves do not need sunbathing - they will fade.


The mother-in-law's tongue flower will feel quite comfortable at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. It tolerates heat well, but only for a short time. Drafts and low temperatures(at least +5 degrees) will also not cause serious harm to the plant. But then you need to water it as little as possible.


Mother-in-law's tongue, which must be properly cared for, is capable of storing liquid in its tissues, and therefore it needs to be watered little by little even after the soil dries out. The flower can remain without moisture for a long time. There is no need to spray it, but to remove dust from the leaves and give the plant a more attractive appearance, it is recommended to wipe it with a damp cloth as necessary.

A rosette is a part of a plant where water should not get in, otherwise it will rot. This is important to pay attention to. If this cannot be avoided, healthy leaves should be cut off and used for propagation.


Caring for the mother-in-law's tongue flower also implies timely replanting. As soon as it grows and there is not enough space in the pot, care should be taken to expand the “territory”. The roots of the plant are shallow, so the container for replanting should be similar. The soil should be light and low in nutrition; it is better to give preference to soil mixtures intended for the growth of succulents.

Top dressing

During the spring-summer period home flower Mother-in-law's tongue needs regular feeding– 2-3 times a month. In the fall, this should be done less often - once a month. And in winter there is no need to feed the plant at all. Suitable as a fertilizer universal remedy, rich in minerals.


Breeding the mother-in-law's tongue flower is possible by dividing the rhizomes or leaf cuttings. This is called vegetative propagation.

To divide a bush, you need sharp knife Carefully cut the rhizome that connects the “parent” and the shoot. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal, plant in fresh soil, water and care for it, following the recommendations described above. There is no need to feed the plant for about 1 month. Layings most often take root without problems.

Leaf propagation can only be done if there are mature and healthy leaves. Cut cuttings up to 10 centimeters long, dry on outdoors(no more than 2 days), plant in moderately damp sand no deeper than 2 centimeters and cover with a bag. Ventilate the leaves every day and water if necessary. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will produce roots, after another 1-2 months, children will appear, and after 2-3 months, stems will appear. Plant young flowers in pots.

The peculiarity of variegated varieties is that when propagated by dividing the leaves, the characteristics of an adult plant - stripes - are not transmitted to the children, so it is better to propagate such species by dividing the root system.


Even with good care At home, the mother-in-law's tongue flower blooms quite rarely. The plant produces a long arrow (15-20 centimeters) on which flowers form in the form of a brush. white with a pleasant and quite rich aroma.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower: signs

The indoor flower mother-in-law's tongue, according to popular belief, is a symbol of well-being. This plant is incompatible with quarrels, disagreements and scandals. All negativity is caught and intercepted by pointed leaves. Signs with the mother-in-law's tongue flower are associated only with positive aspects. It is believed that its bloom is a sign of new beginnings. The buds will wither to warn household members about imminent problems and troubles.

Before believing in signs, you should pay attention to the time of year and the characteristics of care. Care, timely feeding and adherence to watering rules will allow you to correctly evaluate the “hints” of the mother-in-law’s tongue flower.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a plant that has a beneficial effect on the spiritual atmosphere in the house and has excellent healing properties. Its leaves have antiseptic properties and are widely used in folk medicine for the purpose of treating wounds, abrasions and burns.


The mother-in-law's tongue flower reacts very sensitively to the attitude towards it. He will reward you for competent care and attention with beauty and attractiveness, as well as positive energy that will fill the apartment and give to the household good mood and positive.

Living in cities, people are increasingly losing touch with nature. Many people strive to get out into the countryside as often as possible and spend time in nature. But they do not always have such an opportunity.

This is what contributes to houseplants are becoming more in demand, and especially those that are able to treat any ailments. A bright representative households that have certain abilities to treat is Mother-in-law's tongue.

Description and features of mother-in-law's tongue

This extraordinary plant has many names among various peoples, but few people know its international name - Sansevieria. Attitudes towards this flower are ambiguous and even a little mystical. According to signs of the flower of mother-in-law's tongue brings misfortune to the house, however, all this is just superstition.

The owners flower mother-in-law's tongue available a great opportunity add a unique touch of exoticism to your home. He is very popular, despite his "reputation".

Even on photo, mother-in-law's tongue flower looks noble and attractive. Having so many positive reviews, mother-in-law's language stands out among other plants.

is a flower that does not require special care and can survive even in the most unsuitable conditions. This mystical flower belongs to the Dracaena family and grows mainly in the arid regions of Sri Lanka, Africa and India.

In its natural habitat, Sansevieria receives little moisture and this explains why mother-in-law's tongue surprisingly viable in apartment conditions.

IN wildlife, there are about sixty species of Sansevieria, however, only two are adapted for living at home: cylindrical and three-strip. In height, an adult can grow up to one meter.

As a rule, it has fairly powerful leaves, usually growing upward from the root system. The leaves are green in color, with light or dark streaks.

Mother-in-law's tongue blooms extremely rarely. The scent of its snow-white flowers is as subtle as the scent of lilac. The flowering of Sansevieria has generated a lot of controversy. Some believe that the reason for flowering is particularly careful and thorough care, others see this as a bad sign.

Planting and propagation of mother-in-law's tongue

Mother-in-law's tongue tolerates transplantation favorably and can reproduce at any time of the year, but it is still better to do this in the spring. For this flower, the only acceptable transplant option is vegetation. At reproduction of mother-in-law's tongue, scientists recommend taking a whole leaf that already has root system.

For the growing season, it is better to take a large leaf that has not been exposed to various diseases. Such a leaf is cut into strips of 8–10 cm and planted in sandy soil, maintaining a slight angle of inclination. The flower should not be planted to a depth of more than 25–30 mm. The distance between stripes should be no more than 5 centimeters.

It is better to keep already planted sprouts warm, under a film. In this case, seedlings need daily, short-term ventilation. The most comfortable temperature for them is from 20 to 25 degrees. Sansevieria takes root within 6 weeks.

Caring for mother-in-law's tongue

As noted above, care flower mother-in-law's tongue doesn't require much. But even when caring for the most picky plant, you need to follow certain rules.

Mother-in-law's tongue can't stand a direct hit sun rays, but also in too dark rooms it cannot be posted. There is no need to create any special temperature conditions for the flower.

He feels great with temperature conditions from 18 to 21 degrees. It is advisable to water infrequently. Considering that countries with arid climates are considered the flower’s homeland, it tolerates a lack of moisture better than its excess.

We should not forget about such familiar things as removing dust from. At the expense of their large leaves and strong cleansing properties, a layer of dust periodically accumulates on the leaves of the flower. It is recommended to wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp cloth at least once a week.

You can cure a flower using improvised means such as a mixture of garlic, soap and water. It is better to grate the garlic on a fine grater or squeeze it, grate the soap. The resulting paste should be rubbed into the leaves of the flower until the pests completely disappear.

Beneficial features mother-in-law's tongue

The leaves of the flower are considered poisonous due to the active component saponin. In the pharmacological industry, this substance is used in laxatives, choleretic and diuretic drugs.

Talking about useful characteristics, we note its anti-inflammatory effect and ability to relieve pain. For scratches and wounds of the mother-in-law, the tongue neutralizes bleeding and heals the wounds. It is widely used both for diseases internal organs, so external manifestations diseases.

In folk medicine there are a number of recipes using mother-in-law's tongue:

Mother-in-law's tongue has excellent disinfectant properties. It is able to stop bleeding and effectively helps with bruises and hematomas. It is enough just to fix a plant leaf on the damaged area, and you will immediately feel improvements.

Mother-in-law's tongue is an effective natural filter for cleaning indoor air. Among the plants that produce oxygen, there are practically no equals. It is recommended to clean the leaves from dust, and then you will find it easier to breathe in the room.

If you office worker, place your mother-in-law’s tongue next to you, and you will feel how your ability to work will increase and general state. The leaves of the plant absorb harmful radiation from mobile phones and computers.

In conclusion, we note that indoor flower mother-in-law's tongue deservedly considered one of the most popular. Possessing your positive qualities, it stands out among many other indoor plants.

Having bought my mother-in-law's tongue, you get not just a useful one, you get a wonderful plant that can be placed both in your home and office.

Young plants every 2 years, adults - every 4-5 years Regular room temperature suitable, should not be below 8 and above 30 In summer - once every 10 days, in winter - once every 2-3 weeks Not required Diffused light, partial shade possible


In its homeland, Sansevieria grows in conditions of strong solar activity. However, it does not necessarily need to be in the sun to grow and develop.

Mother-in-law's tongue feels great in diffused light and partial shade.

Sansevieria is very unpretentious, but variegated varieties require more light and may even lose their color if there is not enough light.

Direct sunlight does not harm Sansevieria at all, so if it is in the sun for several hours a day, no sunburn does not appear on leathery leaves.

This plant can withstand a wide temperature Range. It tolerates heat above 30°C well, and in winter it can for a long time exist at temperatures of 8-10°C.

IN winter period It is not necessary to reduce the temperature for sansevieria.

Mother-in-law's tongue may be near heating radiators. Temperatures below 5°C and frosts, which leave frostbitten dead areas on the leaves, are detrimental to it.


Sansevieria stores a large amount of moisture in the rhizome, and hard leaves evaporate it very poorly. Therefore, this plant does not need abundant watering and is even harmful. It is adapted to water shortages and dry soil.

Water the sansevieria so that the lump of earth dries out at least 2/3. In summer, the flower needs to be watered well once every 10 days, and then the substrate in which it grows should be dried.

In winter, watering is reduced, watered once every 2-3 weeks, depending on the room temperature. Sansevieria is not picky about temperature and composition. However, you should not water the plant with cold water.

The soil

In nature, Sansevieria grows on depleted rocky soils of semi-deserts. But in apartment conditions it is not at all necessary to plant it in earth mixture for succulents.

The plant is not susceptible to rotting, therefore Mother-in-law's tongue grows best in a universal soil mixture with the addition of baking powder: brick chips, perlite, fine gravel.

You can mix the substrate for planting sansevieria yourself. Most optimal composition: 4 parts turf soil, 1 part sand, 2 parts leaf soil, 1 part brick chips.


This plant does not need frequent feeding. It is carried out only during the growing season from early May to September. It is enough to apply fertilizer once a month. IN autumn-winter period stop feeding.

Sansevieria is suitable for special fertilizers for succulents. You can also use complex mineral fertilizers for decorative foliage plants. In this case, the dosage should be halved.


Existing in steppe and semi-desert climates, the plant has adapted to very dry air. Therefore, it is not necessary to maintain a certain humidity in the room where Sansevieria grows. In conditions of high humidity, the plant also does well, although the risk of root rot increases.

Sansevieria is not sprayed. It does not require high air humidity, and water getting inside the outlet can lead to its rotting. So that the flower has beautiful view and was not dusty; it is enough to periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Trimming / Support / Garter

Sansevieria pruning is very rarely required.

The plants are not specially pruned. Only periodic drying of the leaves is necessary to keep the plant looking beautiful and to remove very old rosettes with yellowed leaves.

But since yellowing and drying of leaves does not even occur every year, the pruning procedure is carried out extremely rarely.


Sansevieria is a plant that is very resistant to various infectious and fungal diseases.

Sometimes, when the soil is heavily waterlogged, root rot develops, and when water gets into the rosette, the leaves rot.

Pests very rarely settle on Sansevieria. Sometimes you can find a scale insect, but the pests do not breed here in large numbers.

Therefore, they are often limited to only mechanical removal harmful insects. If it is not possible to destroy the pests, you need to spray the plant with insecticidal preparations.


When growing sansevieria, even novice gardeners rarely have problems. But sometimes, due to significant errors in care, this flower can even die. It is necessary to regularly inspect it and analyze changes in its appearance.

Most often the plant suffers from overwatering. In this case, the leaves turn yellow and die, and they become soft. If you do not reduce watering, the root system may begin to rot.

With a lack of moisture, if sansevieria is not watered for months, the leaves become limp and wrinkled.

With prolonged exposure to low temperatures, the growth of the flower slows down greatly, then its leaves wither and die. In this case, if the room temperature is not increased, the plant may die.

When there is insufficient lighting, thin, weak leaves grow, Sansevieria stretches. Variegated varieties may lose light stripes or borders in the dark. When staying for a long time in dark place Brown spots may appear on the leaves, especially if overwatered.


In an apartment, Sansevieria is very easy vegetative way. To propagate Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue, separate rosettes, parts of rhizomes and cut leaves are used.

The rosette separated from the plant and rhizome fragments are planted directly in separate permanent pots. This procedure is carried out in spring or summer during the growing season.

When dividing the rhizome, it is important that the planted part has at least one growth point. Then, with moderate watering of the shoots, they soon begin to grow and send out new shoots.

You can propagate Sansevieria using cut leaves.. They are placed in water or immediately planted in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm. To avoid rotting of the leaves, they should be watered moderately. After 1.5-2 months they take root and then form new shoots.

Now you know how to propagate mother-in-law's tongue at home.


Young plants are needed once every 2 years. Adult flowers are rarely replanted - once every 4-5 years, when the side shoots become cramped in the old pot. Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue is transplanted in spring or early summer.

The pot for the plant should be wide and shallow, since it grows wide and does not have long roots. First, the flower is taken out and the excess rosettes and shoots on the sides are cut off. The trimmed parts are planted in separate containers, and the old plant is transplanted into the previous pot using the transfer method.

Before planting sansevieria, you need to pour good drainage layer several centimeters thick made of expanded clay or shards. Then a layer of fresh soil is poured onto the bottom, the plant is placed in a pot and the rhizome is sprinkled with fresh soil.

The plant should not be planted too deeply, and after replanting it is useful not to water it for 2-3 days so that all damage to the roots is healed.

For amateur gardeners who grow sansevieria, you need to know a few useful tips, and medicinal properties plants:

  • "Mother-in-law's tongue" grows very quickly, but when it reaches its maximum height, its growth stops;
  • The plant contains useful biologically active substances, for example, saponins. Having passed necessary processing, they can be used in medicines;
  • Their sansevieria tincture can be used as an enema to eliminate intestinal problems;
  • Sansevieria extract is used in the manufacture of choleretic, anti-inflammatory and laxative drugs. The juice of the leaves of the plant can be instilled into the ears for otitis, the skin of the leaves has wound-healing properties, and a decoction from the plant helps with infections of the genitourinary system.

Toxicity of the plant and precautions for care and placement

Although Sansevieria is a beautiful plant and can be used for medicinal purposes, ingestion of its juice can cause serious poisoning.

It's all about saponins - useful substances, which after special processing are used in medicines. However, in large doses they turn into poison.

Signs of Sansevieria poisoning are: pain and burning in the throat, excessive salivation, vomiting and diarrhea.

Cats and dogs that decide to chew the leaves of Pike Tail will experience vomiting, intestinal upset, and may develop dermatitis.

However, it is important to consider that all these symptoms can only appear if the plant juice enters the body. When applied to the skin, the juice has wound-healing properties.

Due to the fact that Sansevieria is a poisonous plant, when placing and caring for it Certain precautions should be observed:

  • All manipulations with the flower, for example, replanting or pruning, must be carried out with gloves and make sure that the juice does not get into the eyes;
  • All trimmed parts of the plant must be immediately destroyed or thrown away;
  • Sansevieria should not be placed in rooms where small children sleep or play;
  • If there are cats or dogs in the house, it is better to place the plant out of their reach;
  • At the first signs of poisoning with sansevieria juice, you need to induce vomiting, then drink activated charcoal and seek help from a doctor.

Description of the plant and species

Sansevieria is valued by flower growers for fast growth and the original color of succulent leaves, amazing vitality and ease of care.

"Pike tail" is a member of the Agave family or, according to other sources, Asparagus. This is perennial evergreen, which does not have a stem, grows naturally in savannas, semi-deserts and deserts of Africa and Asia.

The plant is a succulent that stores water in its tissues. It has an underground creeping rhizome with powerful rhizomes. Erect, fleshy leaves grow upward from a powerful root. They are very dense, lanceolate in shape, often covered with a waxy coating and pointed at the ends.

There are varieties of Sansevieria in which the leaves reach a height of more than a meter. Other species have small rosettes that grow wider than tall. Depending on the variety and type, the leaves can be colored different shades green or Brown, their surface may have horizontal or vertical stripes, or a bright border.

"Mother-in-law's tongue" blooms in early spring - the rosette produces long peduncle, on which small white flowers are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence, emitting a pleasant vanilla aroma.

Sansevieria blooms for 2 weeks.

The most common types for indoor floriculture are:


We recommend that you watch a useful video on the topic of the article:

Now you know everything about caring for indoor flower Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue at home.


Sansevieria needs to be replanted quite often. Being in good conditions, it will grow quite quickly, constantly forming daughter rosettes. Its roots grow wider than deep, so you need a shallow, wide pot. The powerful roots of Sansevieria, if you do not pay attention to timely transplantation and separation of rosettes, can easily split even clay pot, not just plastic. The plant is very unpretentious and will grow in any conditions. Best time for transplantation - early spring, when Sansevieria has not yet entered the active growth phase. But it is unlikely that it will be ruined by untimely transplantation, so you can divide and replant the sansevieria at any time of the year.

Sansevieria is also undemanding when it comes to soil and will grow in any soil. But for good growth And rapid reproduction It is best to take nutritious soil for ornamental foliage plants and mix it one-third with sand. Drainage in the pot is required - Sansevieria reacts worst to flooding, since it belongs to succulent plants and is accustomed to storing moisture for future use. Before repotting this plant, it is best not to water it for about a week to make the job easier and reduce root trauma. When replanting, you can take the pot even wider than it was, or you can simply separate all the outlets and separate them.

In the process of preparing for replanting, you need to spread newspapers, paper or polyethylene on the table or floor so that the soil does not spread throughout the home and it is more convenient to pour it back into the pot. Having placed the pot with sansevieria pre-dried for a week approximately in the center, you can begin replanting. The rosette of leaves is held carefully, holding it with your hand, without separating the leaves if possible, as this can injure them. Gently pulling the rosette up from the pot, simultaneously tilt the pot above the surface and remove the plant. If the sansevieria has not been replanted for a long time and its roots have completely entwined the earthen ball in the pot, it may be difficult to remove the plant. In this case, place the pot on its side and, trying not to split it, tap the walls, separating the roots. If this manipulation does not help, a narrow plate like a ruler or knife is inserted between the walls of the pot and the earthen lump around the entire perimeter. Roots that have grown through the drainage hole most often have to be cut off.

When the plant is removed, use a sharp knife to separate the rosettes from each other, cutting the thick root connecting them. The cut areas are disinfected with crushed coal. IN new pot drainage is poured onto the bottom - it can be coal, pebbles or expanded clay balls. Soil is poured onto the drainage in a layer of at least 1 cm. Then the sansevieria is placed, oriented in the center, and the space around is filled with soil. After this, the plant is watered and placed on permanent place. After replanting, be sure to wash your hands, as Sansevieria is poisonous.

Spring is the most favorable time years for propagation of any plant. Sansevieria is no exception. In spring, all metabolic processes in it begin to occur at an accelerated pace, so the rooting process will be faster and more favorable.

It should be noted that mother-in-law's language is so unpretentious plant, that, in principle, it can be successfully propagated at any time of the year. Especially if the reason for propagation was emergency measures to save the dying sansevieria: the root system began to rot, the flower fell and broke, etc.

Soil preparation

The soil for planting sansevieria should be loose, permeable, and not heavy. It is best to use ready-made soil substrate for succulents, purchased at a flower shop.

You can prepare a soil mixture for pike tail on one's own:

  1. The composition should include the following components: leaf, turf soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1, you can add a little charcoal.
  2. Another recipe: mix 4 parts turf and 2 parts leaf soil, 1 part sand. You can also add a little organic fertilizers, for example peat.

Which pot is suitable?


For sansevieria, a clay or ceramic pot is considered the most suitable. Clay is an environmentally friendly substance, has excellent breathability, thereby providing air access to the roots, and absorbs moisture well, providing additional drainage. Pots made of clay and ceramics are quite stable, and this is an important factor for such tall plant like mother-in-law's tongue. In addition, containers made of clay and ceramics are durable; they can withstand the pressure of the powerful roots of Sansevieria on the walls.

Attention! The pot must have holes in the bottom for drainage excess water, and the bottom of the pot must be covered with a layer of drainage, for which expanded clay can be used, broken brick, pebbles.


Mother-in-law's tongue feels most comfortable in small containers: in a cramped position the plant produces flowers more readily.

It is important that the pot is shallow but wide, since the roots of this plant grow wide.

How to choose a leaf cutting?

A leaf is used from a rosette that has already bloomed and will not produce any more new leaves. Most often the bottom sheet is taken. It must be healthy, without visible damage or flaws.

What nuances should be taken into account?

The Sansevieria leaf is cut perpendicular to the veins into pieces of 5–15 cm each. It is necessary to mark or remember where each fragment is top and where is bottom. When rooting, immerse the cutting in water or soil only bottom taking into account the direction of movement of plant juices. If this nuance is not taken into account, the cutting will not give roots.

The number of leaves cut depends on how many copies of young plants need to be obtained. A larger number of leaves increases the likelihood that the cutting will be successful: even if some petioles do not take root, the bulk will still sprout roots.

Planting in water at home

  1. Prepare everything you need: a container with water, sharp scissors, a Sansevieria leaf, the drug “Kornevin”.
  2. Cut the sheet into several fragments, mark the top and bottom of each segment (you can use a simple ballpoint pen).
  3. Add a little Kornevin preparation to a container (preferably transparent for better observation of the condition of the roots being released) with water.
  4. Place each of the pike tail petioles into water, strictly observing the rule: only the lower part is immersed in the liquid.
  5. After each of the fragments has cast out its roots, they should be planted in pots with soil.

Reference! On average, rooting of mother-in-law's tongue by the petiole in water occurs within 2 to 3 months.

How to plant in the ground?

Rooting usually occurs after 1.5 - 2 months. And after another 7–8 months, the sansevieria planted in the ground will produce new young shoots.

It is not advisable to make a greenhouse, since high humidity it can contribute to the rotting of cuttings.

Relocating a pike tail to a flowerbed in warm weather

Sansevieria feels comfortable in open ground. It grows well in both sun and shade and does not require frequent transplantation, tolerates drafts, rare and even very rare watering. Some flower growers specifically, as soon as the threat of spring frosts disappears, transplant the plant into a flowerbed so that it “gets healthier” there: the leaves gain strength, the color becomes brighter, and a flower stalk is finally released.

How to do this:

  1. Lightly dig up the soil in the flowerbed, thereby saturating it with oxygen. You can add a little sand, peat, humus to the soil.
  2. Dig a hole in the ground, the depth of which will correspond to the height of the pot in which the sansevieria grew.
  3. Water the hole and the flower in the pot.
  4. Carefully remove the plant along with the earthen lump and, without shaking off the substrate, transfer it into the hole.
  5. Fill the remaining voids with soil, pressing it down a little.
  6. During the summer, it is systematically necessary to loosen the soil around the pike tail, apply fertilizers, and water as the top layer of soil dries out.
  7. As soon as the temperature drops to +17C - +18C with the onset of autumn, the plant must be watered abundantly.
  8. Carefully dig the sansevieria out of the ground: most likely, the root system has grown greatly over the summer, so the flower will need to be replanted in a larger pot.
  9. Planting in a pot is done in the usual way.
  10. The flower in a pot is first brought onto the veranda or balcony, and after 3 days - into the apartment or house.


Look how beautiful the pike tail looks in the flowerbed:

Caring for young cuttings

If the propagation of sansevieria was carried out by dividing the leaf, then after immersing the cuttings in the soil, they need to be watered (you can learn more about the methods of propagating the “pike tail”). Then it is necessary to water the future plants moderately, remembering that mother-in-law’s tongue is a succulent. The recommended temperature for keeping a container with petioles is +20C – +22C. It is at this temperature that rooting occurs faster and more efficiently. Sansevieria loves a lot of diffused light, but you should avoid direct sunlight on the petioles.

What to do if the plant does not take root?

Despite the fact that sansevieria is very unpretentious in care, sometimes the rooted segments do not take root. What is the reason? As a rule, excessive watering is to blame for this, as a result of which the tip of the cutting may rot after planting. You can try to correct the situation by doing the following: remove the petiole from the ground, cut off the rotten tip, wither it in the open air, treat it with “Kornevin” and root again. You should also adjust the watering schedule so that a similar situation does not happen again.

Even a novice gardener can propagate his favorite plant in this way. But it is important not to forget about the need for young and old plants to decorate their original form apartment interior or flowerbed design.

Video on the topic

We invite you to watch a video on how to propagate Sansevieria using leaf cuttings:

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