Flower with flowers in the shape of a heart. Broken heart flower planting and care in autumn. Features of growing dicenta from seeds

Dicentra, or Broken Heart, is both an annual and perennial plant, belongs to the smoke family. Dicentra (Greek “dis” - twice and “kentron” - spur), which means two spurs. Spurs are located on both sides of the corolla petals. You can also find the names “Jeannette’s heart”, “heart flower”, “locks and keys”. Rezhedeliktra or bull's head.

The plant resembles drooping hearts with bright colors and attracts attention to itself so much that in almost every country there is a legend about it. So, in the French version, the girl Jeanette fell in love with a young man who, while hunting, saw her and helped her find her way home. After some time, she saw her savior, but he was hugging another. Jeannette’s grief was so great that her heart could not stand it and broke, and in the place of the fallen fragments a crimson-red flower grew.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

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Family: Dymyankovye.

Motherland: East Asia, North America, Far East.

Bloom: May – June 30–35 days, some species bloom later.

Height: from 15 cm to 1 m.

Light: Grows in both sun and shade.

Temperature: frost-resistant.

Humidity: air: moderate watering.

Top dressing: during the growing season, complex mineral fertilizer is applied 1-2 times.

Reproduction: dividing the bush with cutting off the rhizome, cuttings, less often with seeds.

Broken Heart blooms early and is quite unpretentious. The plants grown by gardeners are herbaceous perennials. Height from 15 cm to 1 m, the stem is thick and straight. The root is fleshy and poisonous. The leaves are petiolate, pinnate, dissected into two or three parts, green or blue-green, even gray, and quite tender. The flower itself is slightly flattened on both sides and resembles a broken heart, the outer petals of a darker color are slightly open, and behind them the inner, much larger ones are visible. lighter tone or a different color altogether.

Flower bush broken heart

The outer petals of the flower end in hollow spurs where nectar collects. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to three centimeters. The inflorescences bloom on a drooping raceme with thin petioles curved down to one side. Flowering branches rise above the bush. After flowering, a seed capsule with oblong, shiny black peas is formed.

Broken Heart is considered an early bloomer, but there are varieties that bloom in September. By selecting certain types of Dicentra, you can achieve flowering of hearts from May to September, right up to the onset of cold weather, while caring for the plant is minimal, and growing it is a pleasure.


There are 20 plant species, of which only Dicentraperegrina is considered wild in Russia. ) .

Let's look at the most commonly grown species:

Dicentra is magnificent or Broken heart- D. Spectabilis.

The perennial plant reaches a height of up to 1 m. It does not require special care. It's lush and tall plant, hence the name. The leaves are large, mostly basal, pinnately dissected, green at the base and more bluish towards the edge. The flowers are heart-shaped, flat, rich pink in color up to 3 cm, bloom on inflorescences-tassels, the length of which reaches up to 20 cm. The broken heart of the Alba variety with white flowers is slightly lower, up to 70 cm.

GoldHut(GoldHeart) The variety, bred by breeders in 2004, blooms pink and the leaves have a yellow-golden hue.

Variety GoldHat dicenters

Dicentra is beautiful(D. formosa) with ort medium height with light green leaves. The graceful flowers are small, white, and vary in shades of cream to purple. The flowering period is from June to September.

Dicentra exceptional or excellent(D. eximia), only 25 cm in height, with faded gray-green leaves, similar to a fern. Color from dark pink to white. Flowering continues for 2 months.

Dicentra nobulosa(D. cucullaria), measuring 15 cm in height. The root is tuberous, the flowers are white or pinkish; the upper part of the heart is elongated. The leaves are poisonous, but they are used for medicine.

Dicentra climbing(D. scandens), grown in the Himalayas. Unlike its fellows, it is not a bush, but a vine up to 2 m long; it begins flowering in July with white-pink or yellowish inflorescences. Mostly annual. Does not tolerate cold and prefers warmer temperatures. The “Golden Tears” variety is frost-resistant, with a yellow flower that turns into a rich pink hue on the spurs.

Dicentra vagabond(D. Peregrina). Grows on Far East Russia. The plant is small, no more than 15 cm. The leaves are bluish, strongly dissected, the roots are short. The flowers, although rare, are large, rich purple or white. Perfect option for an alpine hill, where caring for it will consist of watering and removing dried branches. Blooms from July to September. Prefers a temperate climate, quite frost-resistant. Loves rocky, sandy soil and drier soil.

Variety Dicentra stray

Dicentra – amazing flower, which is suitable for single plantings and for decorating flower beds. A selection of low grades suitable for use on lawns, alpine roller coaster, large varieties are used to create lush multi-level flower beds or look great as a single bush.


The plant is unpretentious, and planting is suitable both in shaded and sunny areas. At the same time, in sunny places flowering begins earlier, but growing in the shade will give more abundant and longer flowering. Prefers slightly acidic, nutritious, moist soil. But it does not tolerate dampness. It is better to prepare the place for replanting in the fall by digging up the ground with humus (5 kg per 1 m2) and mineralized fertilizers (20 g per 1 m2). For heavy soil, mix sand or leaf soil into the soil. If planting is in autumn, then, after preparing the soil, it is postponed for 2-3 weeks, or until spring.

We choose the place of the plant in the flower garden based on its variety. The tall, magnificent Dicentra looks good in the central part of the flowerbed

The plant does not require special care; you can feed it a couple of times with mineral fertilizers and remove weeds, loosening the soil. It is worth watering during dry periods. If you promptly remove dried, faded brushes while caring for the bush, you can achieve prolongation of flowering or re-blooming towards the end of the season. May suffer from frost as the leaves are quite tender. In this case, if the prognosis is unpleasant, the bush should be covered with non-woven material such as acrylic at night. In autumn, the yellowed ground part is removed, leaving 3-5 cm.


The plant grows in a permanent place for no more than 5-8 years. The bush is renewed, divided, cared for and replanted. Planting is best in spring (April-May) or autumn (September). The rhizome, although large, is very fragile. When digging and dividing it must be handled very carefully. For planting, use a sharp knife to prepare pieces of root 8-10 cm long, with 3-4 shoots, and immediately plant them in the main place. When planting a plant alone, it is worth placing 2-3 separated roots 30 cm apart from each other in the prepared hole. This method will allow you to get a luxuriantly flowering bush in the first year.

Landing dicenters

Planting by cuttings. Layings are taken from Dicentra the Magnificent (broken heart) in April, and from Dicentra the Beautiful - in the summer. Growing and caring for cuttings is carried out in loosened, moistened soil, preferably in a greenhouse; they are driven to a depth of 10 cm. The humidity level is monitored, and after a month roots and sprouts sprout. The cuttings are planted in the main place next spring.

Propagation by seeds is quite difficult and is generally not used.

We are used to seeing the original heart-shaped flowers of this plant in flower beds, but it is also perfect for forcing indoors. If planting and caring for a broken heart is carried out correctly, the window sill will be decorated already in February delicate flowers dicenters.

The flower's homeland is North America and the mountainous regions of Asia. It appeared in Europe in the 18th century. It was described by the famous botanist Carl Linnaeus, and very quickly captivated flower growers with the decorativeness of its carved leaves and the originality of its flowers. Many wild species, about 20 of them, have given rise to excellent garden varieties. Most often in culture you can find dicentra magnificent, beautiful, wandering, excellent and climbing.

Dicentra is great.

It fully justifies its name with powerful bushes and abundant flowering, which occurs in late spring and early summer. It fills the gap between the flowering of spring bulbs and bright summer flowers. If you trim off faded inflorescences, the plant may re-bloom in late summer - early autumn. The height of the bush of this species can reach 1.5 m, the flowers are large: pink, red and white.

The most interesting varieties:

  • Valentine – has purple flowers decorated with a white center;
  • Pearl Drops, which means pearl drops. Variety blooms delicate flowers creamy pink hue, foliage has a beautiful bluish tint;
  • Alba is a low bush with snow-white flowers;
  • Gold Heart and White Gold. What these varieties have in common is the yellow color of the leaves, which is brighter in the Golden Heart; it blooms with bright pink flowers, the second variety has white flowers.

Dicentra is beautiful.

The bushes are more compact than those of Dicentra superb, and the flowers have an original elongated shape. This species blooms for a longer period – June-September.

The most decorative varieties:

  • Spring Magic with unusual silvery hairy leaves and white flowers.
  • Bacchanal is a real bacchanalia of crimson flowers and gray-green leaves.
  • King of Hearts with attractive and bright colors purple in color and beautiful carved green leaves with a bluish tint.

Dicentra vagrant or foreign.

Grows wild in the foothills of Altai and Tibet. It spreads along the ground and resembles a vine. In the Russian climate it cannot survive the winter, so it is grown as an annual. But in the room there is a chance to preserve the plant until the next season. The most famous varieties: Rudolph with pastel pink flowers, Hien with purple-cherry flowers with a white edge and Alba with white inflorescences.

Her bushes are compact, convenient for growing on a windowsill. Species forms are unstable and die quickly. Thanks to the work of Japanese breeders, who crossed this species with exceptional dicentra, more resistant hybrid varieties Love hearts, Candy hearts, Dragon hearts.

Dicentra excellent or exceptional.

It has a height of only 25 cm. It pleases with its flowering almost the entire growing season - from May until frost. The color palette is limited to pink and white. The plant is frost-resistant and heat-resistant.

Dicentra climbing.

Liana climbing to a height of up to 2 meters. Its leaves also have a shape uncharacteristic for this flower: they are petiolate, trifoliate and not dissected. This species is sensitive to frost, therefore in our climate it is an annual, but it reproduces well by seeds. The most popular variety with yellow flowers is Golden Vine.

All these plants are rhizomatous. There are also tuberous dicentras: capillary, canadian, few-flowered and single-flowered. Their tubers contain the poison bicuculline, which is dangerous to humans and animals.

Broken heart flower: growing features

Wherever a flower is grown, in a flower garden or a room, for its comfortable existence certain conditions must be observed:

  • loose, well-aerated and fertile soil;
  • an area without stagnant water or high-quality drainage in indoor culture;
  • timely, but not excessive watering;
  • semi-shaded position;
  • fertilizing with organic matter or mineral fertilizers in accordance with the different stages of the plant’s growing season.

Soil preparation, timing and rules of planting

Plants are planted in the garden both in autumn and spring. For room distillation Only autumn planting is suitable. We choose rhizomatous varieties so as not to expose people and pets to the risk of poisoning. To grow indoors, rhizomes are dug up after the end of the growing season, as evidenced by the browning and dying of leaves. Choose the most strong plant. Shake off the soil from the rhizome and let it dry slightly. After 3-4 hours it will be less brittle and will not break into pieces when divided. Divide the rhizome into several parts at least 10 cm long, each of which should have 2-3 dormant buds.

Prepare the soil for planting by mixing the following components:

  • 2 parts of garden soil;
  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part sand.

To make the soil looser and prevent root rot, you can add a little charcoal to the mixture.

You need a large pot - with a diameter of at least 30 cm. Drainage from small pebbles is placed at its bottom. Pour the planting mixture and plant 1-2 divisions in each container to a depth of about 12 cm.

Dicentra: home care

In order for the flower to rest before flowering, it requires a period of winter dormancy. By driving plants out of the room, this period is reduced by almost 3 months. Care during an artificial winter and during the active growing season is very different.

Optimal conditions

At rest, the plant does not require light. The temperature is maintained at a level of 1 to 3 degrees. At the beginning of January they begin to raise it, preparing for awakening. Place in a bright room with a temperature of about 10 degrees. When sprouts appear, it is gradually increased to the optimal value of 20 degrees. You need to keep the dicentra on a light windowsill, but without straight lines. sun rays at noon. In bright sun, the flowering period is much shorter.

Watering a flower

During the winter dormancy period, water extremely rarely, just so that the roots do not dry out completely. As temperatures rise, watering is carried out regularly to stimulate germination. Dicentra loves moist soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water, so excess water it needs to be poured out of the pan.

Feeding and fertilizer

As soon as the first shoots appear, they begin feeding. They are carried out regularly at intervals of 14 days. Any fertilizer mixture for flowering indoor plants will do.

Loosening and weeding

As a rule, weeding is not required indoors, but loosening is required. Dicentra roots are very sensitive to lack of oxygen, so the soil is loosened shallowly the next day after each watering.

Replanting and pruning

When flowering is finished, the plant is taken out into a cool place. dark room, where they are kept until it warms up. The flower can be planted in the garden or transplanted into a larger pot. He will feel good on a balcony or loggia until the fall, when he will again need to be sent for the winter.

During the growing season, dried leaves and faded flowers are removed. After flowering, cut off all dried flower stalks, leaving only small stumps.

How to care for autumn and winter?

After the end of the growing season, the flower is pruned in the fall. In open ground, plants are mulched with peat, pine litter or pine spruce branches. Dicentra in pots does not require this. You just need to reduce watering to a minimum and completely remove fertilizing. After the end of the growing season, the flower pots are put away cold basement or a cellar for wintering.

Dicentra reproduction

In our climate, varietal plants rarely set seeds, and they ripen even less often. Some species forms cope well with this and sometimes even reproduce by self-seeding. If you are lucky and managed to collect your own seeds or buy them in a store, it is advisable to sow them in the same season in the fall so that they undergo natural stratification.

The seeds of a broken heart lose their germination after 1-2 years.

When sown at the end of February in moderately moist soil, seedlings will appear after 3-4 weeks when kept on a lighted windowsill and a temperature of about 20 degrees. Young seedlings need picking at the stage of 1-2 true leaves. Plants are planted in the garden after the end of spring frosts. They will delight you with flowering only in the third year.

But the main methods of propagation are dividing bushes and cuttings.

Adult plants are usually divided after 3-4 years. This procedure is mandatory when the bushes reach five years of age. In a plant that is too thick, the central part of the roots begins to rot and after a year or two the undivided bush will simply die. Division is combined with transplantation, it is carried out either in early spring, or in the fall. You can simply separate part of the plant. But it is easier to divide the dug up plant. Then each division is guaranteed to have 3 to 4 shoots or dormant buds and well-developed roots.

Cuttings from a broken heart are taken only in the spring before flowering begins. To do this, cut off a young twig from the bush with a piece of rhizome and root. The length of the cutting is about 15 cm. It is rooted in a pot with light soil or in a cuttings. After rooting, the plant is carefully planted in a permanent place.

The main problems when growing a flower

When forcing a room, the main problems are related to improper care. You can’t overwater a flower, as this can cause the roots to rot. If there is insufficient feeding, flowering will be sparse, and if the lighting is too bright, it will be abundant, but will end quickly.

Plant pests and diseases

The main pests are dicentra - slugs and mole crickets - in indoor conditions they do not bother her. But aphids can also appear during the process of forcing a flower. They escape from it by giving the plant a shower. Washing the cut leaves with soapy water is problematic, but spraying them with an infusion of onion peels, garlic or tobacco dust is quite possible. If this measure does not have any effect, resort to insecticides.

Of the diseases, the plant is most often affected by viruses and mycoplasmas. They cause ring spot and tobacco mosaic. When infected with mycoplasma, the flowers become green in color. Unfortunately, in the case of these diseases, it will not be possible to help the flower - there are no radical ways to combat them. It is necessary to destroy aphids, which are carriers of infection.

Perhaps everyone has seen this plant - spreading stems, decorated with carved leaves and bright flowers of an unusual shape, as if divided into two halves. This dicenter is a perennial popular with gardeners around the world. Moreover, dicentra in Russia can be found not only in parks and front gardens: many species also grow in the wild. But the plant received its main distribution in North America and Asia.

The luxurious dicentra (lat. Dicentra) began its journey from the mountainous regions of eastern Asia to Europe in the middle of the 18th century. And the first person to describe and classify dicentra was the famous Swedish explorer C. Linnaeus. The unpretentious perennial was classified as a member of the poppy family (lat. Papaveraceae).

The appearance of the dicentra is impressive: gracefully curved, racemose peduncles are covered with white, pink, purple or yellow flowers, shaped like a heart, with white droplet petals hidden in the middle. Due to the special structure of the flowers, the graceful plant appears in many European romantic legends. There is a belief that these flowers bring good luck in love and marriage. For example, in Germany they believe that a girl who sees a dicentra and picks a branch of it will definitely soon meet her groom.

In each country, the flower was called differently: “broken heart” in Russia, “Jeannette’s heart” in France, “Our Lady’s slipper” in Poland, “lady’s medallion” in England. The official scientific name of this plant is not so lyrical: literally translated from Latin, the word “dicentra” means “two-spurred.” The fact is that the shape of the inner petals of the dicentra, on which nectar accumulates, really does look a little like cavalry spurs.

The perennial is given additional decorativeness by its bluish-green, lace-like leaves and herbaceous spreading shoots.

Types and popular varieties of dicentra

There are about ten, according to some sources, and twenty, according to others, types of dicentra, of which approximately half are cultivated in gardens. Most often found in flower beds is the magnificent, beautiful and wandering dicentra.

Dicentra is magnificent(lat. Dicentra spectabilis) is considered the most capricious, although the most common variety. The description of the plant fully corresponds to its name: a powerful tall (up to 1.5 m) and branched bush, strewn with large, bright flowers. The peak growing season for Dicentra splendor occurs in May-June. The most popular varieties include:

  • "Gold Heart" The main feature of this variety is its unusual bright yellow leaves. Its advantage is high frost resistance and a very long flowering period.
  • "Alba" (Alba). Low bushes with white “hearts”.
  • "Valentine" (Valentine). Elegant purple flowers with a white center against a background of openwork greenery.
  • "Pearl Drops" Bluish-green leaves and delicate pendulous inflorescences of a creamy pink hue.
  • "White Gold" (White-gold). An unusual variety with white inflorescences and yellowish-green foliage.
  • "Amore Pink" (Pink Love). Compact, abundantly flowering perennial with soft pink flowers original form.

D. "Valentine", D. "White Gold", D. "Amore Pink"

If you are interested in low, graceful crops, be sure to pay attention to beautiful to the center(lat. Dicentra formosa). This species is distinguished by relatively small, elongated flowers and a neat habit. Most gardeners prefer the following varieties:

  • "Spring Magic" The carved leaves of this variety will be pubescent and have an unusual silvery color.
  • "Aurora" (Aurora). Variety with snow-white flowers.
  • "King of Hearts" A medium-sized bush with bluish-green foliage and bright purple flowers.
  • "Bacchanal" (Bacchanalia). A popular variety with gray-green leaves and short racemose inflorescences of a crimson hue.

D. "Spring Magic", D. "Aurora", D. "Bacchanal"

One of the most unusual species is, of course, dicentra vagabond(lat. Dicentra peregrina), covering the foothills of Altai and Tibet. This creeping, vine-like plant will delight you with a very long flowering period. But, unfortunately, in our latitudes it lives no more than one year. Some of the most common varieties of dicentra vagrant are:

  • "Rudolph" (Rudolph). A low growing bush topped with pastel pink flowers.
  • "Hien" Its main difference is its magnificent purple-cherry flowers with a narrow white border.
  • "Alba" (Alba). Bright white inflorescences against a background of rich green foliage.

D. "Rudolph", D. "Hien", D. "Alba"

More rare, but gradually gaining popularity species are:

  • Dicentra cuccularia (lat. Dicentra cuccularia). It has white, pink or deep yellow flowers with long spurs. The name of the species comes from a rhizome consisting of small nodules.
  • Dicentra chrysanta (lat. Dicentra chrysanta). Tall (up to 1.3 m) heat-loving variety with bright yellow flowers. It is whimsical and therefore rarely found in culture.
  • Dicentra exceptional, also called excellent (Latin: Dicentra eximia). A beautiful medium-sized plant with fleshy stems and bright pink flowers.
  • Canadian dicentra (lat. Dicentra canadensis). It resembles the hooded plant, but stands out for its milky-greenish color of flowers. One of the earliest flowering species.

D. capillary, D. exceptional, D. canadian

Some time ago, dicentra almost disappeared from front gardens: the bright perennial went out of fashion and was simply forgotten about. However, recently, landscape designers, and after them gardeners, remembered the spectacular plant. Now the “broken heart” grows in many gardens and decorates a huge number of flower beds.

Dicentra gets along well with any plants. Its flowering period takes about one month, so when creating a mixborder, it is more advisable to plant dicentra along with calendula or mallow, which will bloom until November. Very often, the perennial is used to decorate shady compositions, in which its neighbors are usually various ferns, telekia or hostas.

Compositions from different varieties of dicentra, as well as borders where it is combined with forget-me-nots or primrose, also look very unusual. Such flower beds usually decorate slopes covered with crushed stone or brick along paths.

In the wild, the plant covers mountain plateaus and mounds, so low varieties of the perennial look authentic in rock gardens.

Generally, tall views and varieties are best used as a bright spring accent in a flower bed, and medium-sized and low-growing varieties are best used as filling in empty areas.

Growing and caring for dicentra

Among gardeners, dicentra is considered one of the most unpretentious perennials. IN middle lane In Russia, it is enough to plant it in the ground, and then it will grow on its own and delight the eye with its flowers. However, if you want to create for your green pet optimal conditions, it is worth listening to the recommendations of experienced botanists.

Location, soil

Dicentra prefers partial shade; it is best to place it under the spreading crowns of trees. In bright sun it will bloom faster, but the growing season itself will be very short, and the greenery will not be lush enough. For healthy growth, dicentra requires slightly acidic, loose and. But heavy, clayey soil, in which moisture usually stagnates, is destructive for dicentra: due to dampness, the perennial will get sick and wither. When choosing a place for planting, you should also avoid areas with close occurrence groundwater.

[!] In wet gardens, where there is no way to drain the soil, dicentra is usually planted on a small hill.

With proper and regular feeding, a perennial can grow well in one place without frequent replanting. Typically, dicentra is transferred to a new site no more than once every 5-6 years.


Dicentra is propagated in three ways:

  • division of the rhizome,
  • cuttings,
  • sowing seeds.

Rhizome division. This method is the most popular, since dividing the bush approximately once every 2-3 years is necessary for the plant itself as preventative measure against rotting. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure less frequently, otherwise the roots will become too thick and woody, and it will be very difficult to cut them.

You need to dig up the bush, carefully clean the roots from the soil and let them dry a little. Using a sharp knife, the rhizome is divided into parts so that each of them has several growth points. The sections are sprinkled with ash to protect the dicentra from further injury. Usually 2-3 divisions are placed in planting holes, so the plant will look more lush.

Cuttings. The simplest and easiest method of propagation. It is enough to simply cut several young root shoots at least 15 cm long and root them in soft soil.

Growing from seeds. This is a very unpopular method in our latitudes, since dicentra seeds have low germination, which is obviously due to the lack of pollinators. Usually only professional breeders resort to it.

[!] Please note that the roots of the perennial contain toxic alkaloids, so be sure to wear gloves when performing any manipulations associated with planting the plant.

Landing: timing and technology

Preparation of the land for the dicentra begins several weeks before the landing. If the soil in your garden is not suitable for this plant, prepare ideal soil for dicentra yourself, mixing in equal proportions garden soil with leaf humus, and then adding a little sand there.

The area is carefully dug up, after which complex mineral fertilizer is added to the soil at the rate of 20 g per 1 m₂ and humus - about 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m₂. Planting holes must be at least 40 cm in depth and in diameter. They are placed at a distance of half a meter from each other. If necessary, drainage is placed at the bottom of each hole: expanded clay, sand, pebbles or broken brick.

The pits are filled with plenty of water and left for 15-20 days. Many gardeners prefer to prepare holes for dicentra shortly before the onset of the first autumn frosts, more than six months before planting the plant itself.

As for the timing of planting dicentra in open ground, then they depend on the reproduction method you choose.

Dividing the bush must be done either before or at the end of the active growing season, in early spring or late autumn.

The timing of cuttings depends on what type of plant you intend to propagate. The shoots of the beautiful dicentra can be cut off throughout the summer, but of the magnificent one - only in early spring. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse to a depth of about 10 cm. In about a month they will acquire their own fairly powerful roots. And by spring next year grown bushes can be moved to a permanent place.

Dicentra is usually sown in open ground in early August so that the seeds undergo natural cold stratification. The soil is regularly watered, avoiding waterlogging. The first shoots will appear in about a month, at this stage you don’t need to pick them. Before frost, seedlings are covered with fallen leaves. In spring, young plants also need to be protected from the cold: as they grow, such precautions will no longer be needed - adult dicentra is very frost-resistant. A perennial grown from seeds blooms only in the third year.

At the end of winter - beginning of spring, you can try seedlings. Seeds are sown in shallow pots. After a month with moderate watering and constant temperature at least 18°C ​​you will see the first shoots. After 1-2 weeks they can be planted in boxes, and in May they can be transplanted into open ground. Flowering with this method of propagation should also be expected only after two years.

You should not blame yourself for negligence and inattention if you were unable to grow dicentra from seeds: very much here depends not on the efforts of the gardener, but on the quality and properties of the seed material itself.

Watering, fertilizing

During the growing season, be sure to apply mineral fertilizers to the soil with high content nitrogen. And at the very beginning of spring, feed the bushes with superphosphate. Do not forget to regularly loosen the soil around the plant: for full growth, the roots of the dicentra need air.

Watering should be frequent, but moderate; under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to become waterlogged. And to prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly, during hot weather, cover the ground at the base of the plants with peat or humus.

Trimming and shaping

Dicentra is rarely given any shape: first of all, it is interesting precisely for its bent, long stems strewn with delicate “hearts”.

Unlike many other plants, even the largest varieties of this perennial do not require pruning or staking. In order to stimulate the appearance of new buds, it is enough to simply pick off wilted flowers.

If you want to get the dicentra to bloom again in the fall, simply cut off the drooping flower stalks at a height of about 10 cm from the ground.

Care after flowering, collecting seeds

Usually dicentra blooms until the end of summer and then goes to sleep, but sometimes it can bloom again in August or even September. After the last “hearts” wilt, the plant needs to be fertilized with humus, wood ash and water with diluted compost.

After flowering, small fruit boxes remain on the stems, filled with black, oblong, shiny seeds. However, in the middle zone they, as a rule, do not have time to ripen. If you still manage to collect dicentra seeds, keep in mind that they will remain viable for no more than two years.


For winter, dicentra shoots are cut at a height of 3-5 cm from the ground and sprinkled with wood ash. Usually the perennial does not require shelter, but in the event of particularly severe frosts, its roots are covered with a thick layer of peat. After the temperature drops, it is removed so as not to provoke overheating. At the end of wintering, be sure to sprinkle the poisonous roots of the plant with soil.

However, the dicentra can overwinter at home. Until the beginning of January, the pot with the plant is kept in a cool room and watered occasionally. And then the center is forced out, it is transferred to a warm room, placed closer to the light and they begin to feed it.

Pests and diseases

The perennial is quite resistant to many diseases, but sometimes it can be affected by ring spot. For prevention, you need to ensure that the bushes are not located too close to each other, and regularly weed the ground.

You should be wary if the dicentra flowers begin to deform and suddenly acquire a greenish or yellowish color. Such changes indicate the presence of mycoplasma disease, which is carried by cicadas. Infected plants and the soil around them must be treated with special antibiotics.

To protect the plant from snails, just add a little to the mulch at the roots. sawdust, they will not only prevent the appearance of pests, but will also slightly acidify the soil. And a soap solution will help you in the fight against aphids.

Dicentra is beautiful - its broken heart-shaped flowers, fleshy shoots and lacy foliage look great in any garden. And with proper, but not very burdensome care, the dicenter will long years delight you with its exquisite beauty.

The people came up with the unusual name dicentre. “Broken Heart” blooms amazingly and beautifully, transforming the decoration of the garden from the beginning of spring until the hottest month of summer - July. Popularity is growing and moving from the southern territories to the edge of frost and cold.

Dicentra blooms amazingly and beautifully, transforming the decoration of the garden from the beginning of spring until the hottest month of summer - July

Homeland flowering plant is a country with unusually beautiful nature. Dicentra is no exception. The bush appeared in Europe in 1816. Due to the original shape of the inflorescence, the plant was invented a large number of names:

  • Broken heart;
  • Dvushporets;
  • Jeannette's heart.

The buds look like small split hearts. The plant adorned the gardens of noble families, the upper classes and the aristocracy. Gradually it expanded its possessions and began to appear almost everywhere. The hearts are so bright that it is impossible not to notice them on the site. Breeders, assessing the popularity of the species, began to make their own changes, created new varieties, adding new characteristics to the name:

  • Exceptional;
  • Gorgeous;
  • Excellent;
  • Graceful.

Variety requires special attention to its landing site. This is not only due to the peculiarities of the formation of the bush, but also the flowering of the bush. Pristine natural originality is so difficult to depict that it is better to see it in photographs or video scenes.

How to grow dicenra from seeds (video)

Popular types and varieties of dicenta

Breeders have created species of dicentra that differ from each other in color, bud size and other characteristics. Among the varieties there are varieties that are popular with gardeners.

Gold Heart

The variety belongs to the group of magnificent dicentra. It is tall and has large buds. The petals have a bright pink hue and yellow foliage. The plant is impossible not to notice among other flower crops.

Dicentra Gold Heart


Also belongs to the group of great. Voluminous, heavy hearts cover tall reddish-brown branches with bright green leaves.


The lush bush is low, about 25-35 cm. It is distinguished by the tone of its buds. They are white on top, merging with the lower petals of the delicate lilac shade.

Dicentra Aurora

golden vine

Beautiful climbing vine covered with yellow heart-shaped inflorescences. The variety is included in a separate group, the name of which is climbing. The shoots reach 2 meters. There are so many buds that sometimes the foliage is simply not visible, it seems to be far below.

Burning Hearts

A hybrid is a combination of two varieties- vagabond and excellent. The spectacular bush is so lush that the branches with buds are comparable to lace. The shade of the inflorescences is also unusual - crimson with white petal tips, like a fringe. The foliage is also original in tone – it gives off a silver feel.

Dicentra Burning Hearts

Dicentra is a magnificent pink, and its varieties Alba and Valentina

The most common variety among Russian gardeners. Its scientific name is spectabilis. It begins to bloom among the first spring crops, in May. The height of the bush is up to 1 m. Usually the hearts are red. But among the magnificent variety there are bushes with an original palette:

  1. Alba. Hearty pure white. Located along the stem, they vary in volume: from large to small. Hearts look gentle and unusually sophisticated. The white shapes at the base beautifully open up and break up. The name is similar to albinos, emphasizing the snow-whiteness of the variety. In the morning, when some of the hearts are just beginning to open, the impression is created of the white sparkle of boilliants or diamonds. This effect comes from dew drops. Then during the day the flower simply touches and pleases the eye.
  2. Valentina. Bicolor variety. Bright red mixes with contrasting white. The form loses its precision. Reminiscent of opening rose buds releasing white petals, long as a train evening dress. The variety is not high, but you won’t be able to lose it.

Magnificent is always tall and noticeable. She is given a central position in the flowerbed. It will outshine other plants if planted at the edge of the bed.

Dicentra magnificent pink

Dicentra graceful

The variety looks great along borders or along a fence. The type of bush differs in the arrangement of leaves. They come straight from the root; there are no usual stems. The plant can be compared to a fern. The amazing shapes of the buds have a pink tone. Purple medallions are combined into voluminous bouquets. Bushes that are attractive in grace are formed. Flowering lasts all summer.

Dicentra climbing

The name explains the structure of the bush. Long vines crawl along the ground, stretching up to 3 meters. For the view, gardeners install holders different forms: straight, arched designs. The stem can be directed in the direction where the owner wants to see the flowers. The rarity of the variety is that it can be grown from seeds. Golden vine - one of the species attracts owners personal plots the color of the buds. In the morning and afternoon, under the rays of the sun, they shine like gold. In the evening the tone changes - it becomes closer to light green.

Dicentra climbing

Dicenta beautiful (formosa)

Beautiful (or formosa) produces delicate small buds of pale purple color. They are flat, thin and located on the stems in different directions. From the outside it may seem that butterflies have flown to the bush. They do not settle on the plant for long, the wind will flutter and the butterflies will scatter. The charm comes not only from the buds, but also from the carved leaves, light and airy like inflorescences. Top part The leaf differs from the bottom: a bluish tint is noticeable below. The two most popular varieties King of Heart and Aurora vary in shades sheet plates, bud palette.

The tubers of the rhizome resemble grains of rice and form a cushion that gives rise to individual rosettes. The bush is not tall, but begins to bloom in March. It is grown in pots. The buds are bright white and have spurs in the center that cut the shape of the inflorescence. The variety is compared to Dutch bloomers, the national style of clothing. There are other shades among the species: pink, lemon yellow, but they are very rare.

Dicentra uniflorum

The variety has its own name - ox's head. The usual heart shape in this form is more like the head of an ox with long horns. The sepals bend back like horns, which is where breeders found the resemblance to a formidable animal. Unusual shapes They also have leaves. They are feathery, located far from the peduncles, as if separately, on their own. The bush in its natural environment hides among wormwood; it is discovered only by flowering, which begins in February. The culture is very difficult to care for, because I'm used to natural conditions, almost unique in a cultivated area. The name monochromatic explains the peculiarity: the inflorescence has one shade, completely identical, so the volume of the form is lost.

Gallery: dicentra flower (51 photos)

Features of growing dicenta from seeds

Seeds are very difficult to obtain in the Russian climate. Not very high germination rates characterize purchased seed material. But the hard work of gardeners can work wonders. How to grow dicenta from a small seed:

  1. Prepare the seeds. First they are soaked, waiting for the shell to break down.
  2. The timing is right. Planted in open ground in early spring. Shoots will not appear immediately, you will have to be patient, weed the bed, and not confuse them with weeds.
  3. Do not disturb the seedlings. The root system with this type of propagation is very weak. Therefore, it is not touched until strong branches are formed.
  4. Learn the rules for caring for seedlings.

Growing flowers from seeds is difficult. The method is considered unreliable, so it is recommended to resort to it if it is not possible to find a cutting or part of the root.

Features of growing dicentra (video)

Dicentra propagation methods

Garden flowers reproduce vegetatively:

  • Cuttings;
  • Dividing the bush.

It is possible to obtain a bush from seeds, but you need to prepare for the fact that it will not be able to bloom through the recommended propagation, much later.


Select the strongest spring cuttings. They can be found among strong shoots. Cut with a sharp knife at the very base of the branch. The cuttings are placed in mini greenhouses to allow them to root. It is better to plant rooted shoots in a permanent place after a year.

Dividing the bush

The bush is dug out of the ground and the roots are freed from the ground. Leave the plant to wilt or dry out a little. Then division begins. Each part can have up to 3-4 shoots. The main root is divided carefully, trying to leave part of the rhizome at each new division.

One of the ways to propagate dicentra is by dividing the bush

Timing and technology of planting dicentra

The flowering bush is undemanding in care. Dicentra can be planted in the brightly sunlit center of the site, or it can be sent to a shaded corner of the owners’ resting place, near the gazebos. It will feel equally good everywhere, but the flowering period will begin brighter, and the buds will delight you with rich colors if the place is sunny and open. In the shade, the bush will develop more greenery and foliage than inflorescences.

Planting requires land preparation. Soil requirements:

  1. Good drainage: release of moisture from the roots.
  2. Retaining moisture in a minimum amount: no stagnation and accumulation of water around the root system.
  3. Light soil: no conditions for root rot, peaty or sandy soil.

Planting technology:

  • select a site;
  • dig holes at a distance of 35 cm between the depressions;
  • Place parts of the plant in each hole;
  • cover with prepared soil;
  • compact the top layer;
  • pour warm water over it.

The flower does not require replanting for 5 years.

Blooming dicentra will help you gain a lot of positive emotions and joyful feelings.

Secrets of proper care for dicentra

For correct height the flower needs to be fed. The first feeding is carried out in the spring, before the period of active growth. Dicentra is gaining strength to please with flowering. The better the feeding, the more abundant the flowering will be. Fertilizers for roots:

  1. Organic – humus, compost, 3 kg/1 sq.m.
  2. Mineral – purchased mixture flower shops, 20 g/10 l.

Then support the plant another 3-4 times. All fertilizing before the start abundant flowering, then there is no need to disturb the bush. Fertilizers are applied when the formation of buds begins to subside. Fertilizing will extend the flowering period.
Care secrets:

  1. Water correctly. Distribute the moisture over the surface under the bush, do not pour it into one hole.
  2. Loosen the top layer. Lightly churning the soil will allow the roots to constantly have access to air.
  3. Weed. You need to constantly remove weeds from under the plant. You can make small furrows where you can place the remains of the weeds. Gardeners advise first putting the weeds in some kind of container, then cutting them up, crumbling them into small pieces, and putting them in a furrow. A natural cushion is created that provides additional warmth and beneficial microelements for the roots.

How to transplant dicentra (video)

  1. In the second year, some of the roots rise above the ground; they must be covered with soil. It is better to deepen the bush. The process is complex and requires accuracy.
  2. Use superphosphate as a fertilizer. It will enhance flowering.
  3. At the end of flowering, nitrogen-containing mixtures are used for fertilizer.
  4. If there is a sudden cold snap, you should consider protecting the plant. Select a covering material, cover the root system with sawdust or leaves. As soon as the frost subsides, the covering is removed from the roots, and the flower may die.
  5. During the development of the bush, constantly cut off wilted branches and inflorescences.
  6. In autumn, the entire above-ground part is cut off, leaving low stems - up to 10 cm.

The legends about the power of the dicentra are so interesting that you want to experience them for yourself. A flower of charm and tenderness, pressed to the chest, can fulfill a woman’s desire to find love and reciprocity. The flowering of the bush will help you gain a lot of positive emotions and joyful feelings. Therefore, you should try and plant a broken heart on the plot, enjoy the aroma, wait for magic and miracles.

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