Nasturtium flower as a calling card of summer. Nasturtium flowers: application, beneficial properties, photo

If you want to decorate your summer cottage unsightly fence or walls, veranda or gazebo, then nasturtium will definitely suit you. Plant with sea bright colors and a whole armful of leaves looks very beautiful and impressive.

The rapid growth of nasturtium and abundant flowering, its unpretentiousness and easy cultivation have made the flower popular not only among gardeners. Nasturtium can grow and bloom beautifully at home, decorating a loggia or balcony.

Description and varieties of nasturtium

Nasturtium in the form of a vine or subshrub is distinguished by a succulent stem, lobed thyroid, palmate or entire leaves and irregular shape flowers.

Yellow or red flowers may be terry, semi-double or simple. They consist of a funnel-shaped tube, five or more sepals and petals. The fruit formed after flowering of nasturtium consists of three kidney-shaped wrinkled lobes with rounded kidney-shaped seeds.

A distinctive feature of nasturtium is that its stems and flowers are of interest to culinary specialists and have healing properties.

The tropical beauty grows in its homeland like perennial. But nasturtium does not tolerate subzero temperatures, therefore it is grown in our gardens as an annual. Five types of plants are the most popular among gardeners.

Small nasturtium

A branched plant 35 cm high with thin stems, very long petioles and rounded leaves strewn with small flowers, the diameter of which is about 3 cm.

Yellow flowers with dark spots are different curved cylindrical spurs and velvety petals pointed towards the edge. Small nasturtium blooms from June to October. The most common varieties:

  1. "Black corduroy" is a plant variety with simple flowers, whose diameter is no more than 6 cm. Their dark burgundy color can appear almost black.
  2. “Cherry Rose” is distinguished by double flowers of bright red color.

Nasturtium cultivated

This type of plant combines hybrids of large and shield-bearing nasturtium. They vary in height and shape. It can be dwarf varieties, growing only 15−20 cm, or tall compact bushes up to 50 cm in height.

Some varieties of cultivated nasturtium are creeping plants, the length of the stems can be up to 4 meters. The most popular varieties:

  • "Moonlight" - grows up to two meters in length and blooms with pale yellow flowers.
  • “Golden Globe” is a ball-shaped bush, the height of which reaches only 25 cm. The plant is strewn with light green, large, round leaves, reaching 6.5 cm in diameter. The double flowers of this variety are golden-yellow in color.
  • 'Gleming Mahogany' has double red flowers and grows up to 37 cm.

Large nasturtium

This is a very branched creeping plant that can grow up to 250 cm. Erect varieties of this type of nasturtium grow up to 70 cm. On fragile branched stems there are asymmetrical, light green, round, large leaves.

The underside of the sheets is bluish. It reproduces well by self-sowing and blooms from early summer until frost. Large nasturtium is represented by dozens of varieties, among which bush forms can be distinguished:

  1. "Ladybug" is distinguished by apricot flowers, the middle of which has burgundy spots.
  2. "Salmon Baby" is a plant with semi-double flowers.
  3. "Peach Melba" is a plant variety with cream flowers with red spots in the center.
  4. "King Theodore" is different bright flowers red color.

Nasturtium shieldbearing

The plant is a creeping subshrub, the fragile, succulent, dark green shoots of which grow up to four meters. They have dark green shield-shaped leaves and succulent dark red flowers.

Shield nasturtium blooms from June to October. Most popular look among gardeners: “Lucifer” - the plant is an upright bush and grows up to 25 cm.

Its dark green large leaves have a dark red tint. Simple red-orange flowers, 6 cm in diameter, bloom on light green shoots.

Nasturtium foreign or Canarian. Growing up to 350 cm, the vine can quickly entwine trellises and arbors. It is distinguished by five or seven-parted medium-sized leaves and bright yellow small flowers.

Canarian nasturtium flowers consist of green spurs and corrugated petals. Blooms from mid-summer until frost.

When to plant nasturtium in open ground

The seeds of the plant remain viable for 4-5 years, so they can be collected and stored for a long time.

Seeds can be sown in open ground at the end of May. To do this, they are pre-soaked in water at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Thanks to this, the seed shell softens and they hatch faster.

The distance between the holes should be from 25 to 30 cm. A seed is sown in each hole. two or three seeds each, which are deepened by 2−3 cm.

The first seedlings should appear in two weeks. Nasturtium sown in open ground will bloom in 40-50 days.

Growing nasturtium from seeds at home

The plant is propagated by seeds in two ways: by sowing the seeds directly into open ground; growing seedlings at home.

Three seeds are buried in each pot filled with soil. Seedling containers are covered with glass or cellophane and placed in a warm place.

When the first seedlings appear, the glass is removed and the pots moved to a bright place. Caring for seedlings involves watering them in a timely manner. It is not recommended to pick nasturtium because it is tender. root system The plants do not tolerate transplantation well.

Seedlings are planted in open ground after the frosts have ended. This must be done carefully, with big lump land. Two to three days before planting, young plants during the day in warm weather taken out into the street to harden.

Seedlings are planted in holes, the distance between which should be 20−25 cm for compact varieties, and not less than 40 cm for climbing plants. Near tall varieties Supports for nasturtiums are installed immediately upon planting.

Growing seedlings is a troublesome task, but as a result you can get an early flowering plant that will quickly grow and decorate the area.

Nasturtium: planting and care in open ground

It is recommended to plant the plant in well-lit areas protected from the wind, since nasturtium will not bloom well in the shade. The soil for planting must be fertile and light, well drained and slightly acidic.

It is not recommended to plant nasturtium on soils rich in organic matter. In this case, the plant will turn lush and bloom little.

Caring for nasturtium consists of regular watering of the plant, weeding and loosening land around the bush. When planting seedlings, the bed can be mulched and then you won’t have to fight weeds.

When caring for seedlings it is very important abundant, regular watering . Blooming nasturtiums should be watered as needed. The soil should dry out.

Dried and faded flowers must be removed promptly. This will help prolong the flowering of the plant. If you need seeds, you can leave several ovaries to ripen.

As they ripen, the seeds are separated from the peduncle and laid out at room temperature for drying and ripening. Ripe seeds should be whitish in color.

Disease and pest control

The plant has a specific smell that repels many pests. But sometimes it can be affected by cabbage white leaf miner, spider mite, aphids.

The fight against these pests is in treating bushes with insecticides systemic action. Sometimes the plant is affected by diseases. Most often this can be:

  • gray rot, in which dry brown spots appear on the leaves;
  • bacterial wilt, which in the first stage is manifested by weakening of the lower leaves, and then withering of the entire bush;
  • rust and mottled mosaic are diseases in which black and brown spots appear on the leaves.

The fight against these diseases is in plant processing special chemical and bacteriological preparations. Damaged leaves are collected and burned.

In order to prevent the spread of pests on nasturtium bushes and not to cause disease, the leaves of the plant should be regularly inspected. Affected leaves are immediately removed, and the bush is removed for preventive purposes. sprayed with alcohol solution with liquid soap.

Nasturtium grown from seeds and planted in open ground at proper care It will delight you with its beautiful flowering and mass of leaves until the frost.

Her low-growing varieties Can be planted along paths, or used as a border plant. Tall bushes decorate fences, building walls, balconies, and terraces.

Nasturtium appeared in gardens and vegetable gardens almost simultaneously with potatoes, sunflowers and corn. Like these crops, it comes from the South American jungle.

Features of the numerous genus Tropaeolum

In nature, there are about nine dozen species of nasturtium. And with all the diversity, be it multi-meter creeping or climbing vines, subshrubs or modest plants no more than 30 cm high, all nasturtiums have common features, thanks to which they received their generic name Tropaeolum.

When describing the plants, it was noted that the dense leaves on long petioles are very similar to shields, and the shape of the corollas resembles fancy helmets. Since the flowers were foreign, they were compared to “trophae”, a small trophy. You can hear what is called capuchin, the painfully bright cups of flowers decorated with spurs look like deep monastic hoods.

In all species, regardless of whether nasturtium is climbing or erect:

  • very juicy, fleshy stems;
  • single flowers on long peduncles emanating from the axils of the leaves;
  • alternately arranged shield-shaped or rounded fleshy leaves;
  • long elastic petioles, like leaves, often covered with a waxy coating;
  • collective fruits, dividing after ripening into three round, wrinkled seeds.

In the countries of South and Central America, where the climate allows, nasturtium is a perennial plant. IN middle lane it is impossible to achieve this, but it is not difficult to get a plant that blooms spectacularly throughout the summer on your site using seeds. Ripening over the course of a season and remaining viable for up to five years, nasturtium fruits produce powerful shoots in two weeks, from which not only decorative types nasturtiums, but also nasturtiums, which produce edible leaves, fruits, flowers and even tubers.

Therefore, when planting and caring for nasturtium, it is important to take into account the purpose and characteristics of the cultivated species and variety.

Foreign climbing nasturtium (T. peregrinum)

Foreign nasturtium, compared to other varieties, probably has the most original and memorable appearance.

Foreign nasturtium has medium-sized leaves of a light green hue, divided into seven parts, and yellow flowers with petals cut along the edge. Flowering climbing nasturtium in open ground begins in mid-summer and ends only with the arrival of frost. Under favorable conditions, over the summer the vine manages to produce climbing stems up to 3.5 meters high.

Such a volume of green mass cannot be done without reliable support, enough sun and plenty of it. The best place for planting - a wall, terrace, garden fence or strong trellis that protects nasturtium from the wind. To speed up flowering and improve the quality of seeds, it is better to plant foreign nasturtium in the ground as seedlings.

Small nasturtium (T. minus)

The stems of the smallest type of nasturtium are thin, highly branched and reaching a length of 25–35 cm. The vines contain many medium-sized, round-shaped leaves on graceful long petioles. The yellow flowers with spots on the petals of the small nasturtium, with a diameter of only 3 cm, also match. The spurs of this species are short and slightly curved.

This is one of the most unpretentious nasturtiums, planting and caring for which is not difficult even for a gardener with little experience. The plant is successfully grown both in containers and in open ground. Flowering begins in June, and the seeds ripen well in the middle zone.

Perennial nasturtium (T. peltophorum)

In Ecuador and Colombia, where the plant was originally discovered, this type of nasturtium is known as unpretentious perennial. Even in European conditions mild winter, for example, in Great Britain, four-meter thickets of shield-bearing nasturtium do not freeze, but only stop flowering.

In Russia, the fleshy rhizome of this light-loving crop does not withstand freezing of the soil, therefore, like other nasturtiums, it is planted in the spring with seeds or seedlings. To plant shield-bearing nasturtium, select areas protected from drafts:

  • with loose fertile soil with a weak alkaline reaction;
  • illuminated in upper tier and shaded at the root level.

The plant with creeping four-meter stems can be used as a ground cover or grown on supports, creating magnificent living decorations for the garden thanks to its dark green leaves and large, 6-centimeter flowers.

Large nasturtium (T. majus)

Large nasturtium exists in bush form up to 60 cm high, as well as in the form of an ampelous plant with stems up to 2.5 meters long. The succulent stems have strong branching and are quite fragile. Round, shield-shaped, leaves reach 8 cm in diameter and are covered with a noticeable bluish coating on the underside.

Today, gardeners are well aware of both simple and double nasturtiums of this species with spectacular fragrant flowers in yellow, cream, orange and red colors. There are varieties with variegated flowers in red-orange or yellow tones. Characteristic species - early and long flowering, as well as abundant self-seeding at the end of the season. In this case, the plant is harmed by abundant nutrition. Nasturtiums fatten, creating dense greenery but reducing flowering.

Simple and double cultivated nasturtium (T. cultorum)

Based on nasturtium major and thyroid, today many original hybrids have been bred, united under common name Tropaeolum cultorum. Plants with a height of 40 cm to 3 m are grown as annuals in Russia. The shield-shaped leaves of this species can have not only the usual green color, but also a deep purple hue. Flowers in the range characteristic of nasturtiums come from the axils of the leaves, have a diameter of up to 5 cm, and can be either simple or double.

Mass flowering of both tiny forms no higher than 30 cm and huge climbing nasturtiums occurs from June to late autumn. During this time, the seeds ripen well and can be used for sowing next spring.

Planting and caring for tuberous nasturtium (T. tuberosum)

A herbaceous, climbing plant with shoots three or four meters long and covered with five-fingered small leaves. The funnel-shaped flowers with orange-red or pink sepals open in July and do not diminish in number until October.

Tuberous nasturtium or Mashua has been part of the diet of local populations in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru for thousands of years. However, in Europe for a long time it was known only as ornamental plant with powerful stems capable of climbing to great heights, anchored on the walls by leaf petioles and side shoots.

This type of nasturtium, like in its homeland, in the mountainous regions of the Andes, prefers coolness and plenty of moisture. The length of the glossy, waxy-skinned tubers that form in the soil reaches 20 cm. Moreover, in addition to white, some varieties of nasturtium produce pink, yellow and purple yields of up to 1.5 kg per bush.

All parts of the plant are edible. The tubers can be boiled, frozen, baked or eaten raw. And the leaves and flowers are used in salads and marinades. Planting and caring for this type of nasturtium differs little from growing potatoes. Sowing by seeds is possible, but best result gives spring planting seed tubers.

Five-leaf nasturtium (T. pentaphyllum)

The perennial herbaceous climbing nasturtium forms vines about 6 meters long, planted with soft green palmate leaves, like clover. Shoots easily climb mountain slopes, rocky fences and even the walls of buildings.

For the amazing shape, as in the photo, of nasturtium flowers, in English-speaking countries the plant was called “lady's slipper” or “lady's foot.” Indeed, pinkish-red single flowers, just over a centimeter in size, amaze with their grace. When flowering ends, bright blue round seeds appear in place of tiny corollas.

Nasturtium polyphyllum (T. polyphyllum)

Strewn with small finger-like leaves of a silvery-green hue, the vine up to 3 meters long is capable of forming large underground tubers, which in a favorable area successfully overwinter in the ground.

New shoots and bright yellow flowers Nasturtium produces throughout the season, and with the onset of cold weather, the entire above-ground part dies off. After a mild winter, the tubers left underground give life to a new plant. In Russia, it is easier to propagate and grow this species through seeds.

Beautiful nasturtium (T. speciosum)

Perennial nasturtium with vine-stems three meters long. The leaves are bright green with five lobes and clearly visible longitudinal veins. When openwork flowers, having a deep red color, fade, and in their place blue fruits containing small seeds appear.

Nasturtium prefers acidic, loose soil, where it forms juicy, fleshy tubers. When the soil dries out, the plant quickly loses its decorative effect, so the soil is provided with shading for the roots and the lower part of the stems.

Tricolor nasturtium (T. tricolorum)

A perennial South American vine with shoots at least 2 meters long, strewn with small five- or seven-fingered leaves. Flowering lasts about three months and is accompanied by the massive appearance of orange-scarlet flowers with a black border and a bright yellow core on long thin burgundy peduncles. This type of climbing nasturtium, unfortunately, does not tolerate frost very well, so in the middle zone it is grown only indoors or with the help of seedlings.

Azure nasturtium (T. azureum)

This perennial nasturtium, originally from Chile, is distinguished not only by the beautiful blue shade of its flowers, unusual for its appearance, but also by their surprisingly elegant shape. The appearance of small flowers with five rounded petals, short spurs and a white-yellow center begins in May and lasts for a month. The height of the plant, which is a subshrub in its homeland, ranges from 60 to 100 cm. The stems are covered with 2-centimeter palmate leaves of pale green color.

Short-spur nasturtium (T. brachyceras)

Bright yellow flowers with short wide spurs of pinkish color appear on thin peduncles and densely strew the climbing stems of this type of nasturtium. The leaves are tiny, five-fingered, very delicate.

To speed up germination and bring flowering closer, they resort to the seedling method of planting nasturtiums, which will take up to 2 months to care for at home. Seeds are sown to a depth of a centimeter in fine sand mixed with compost and kept at a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees. Shoots appear only after 4–6 weeks or later. The emerging seedlings are distributed into separate peat pots, and when the plants become stronger, they are planted in a sunny place with well-drained soil.

Video about nasturtium

Bright flowers and delicate greenery make nasturtium a frequent guest. summer cottages. Unpretentious plant decorates parks and city flower beds. Nasturtium is popular because charming view flowers charge you with energy and positivity.


Nasturtium is native to Central and South America, where it grows as a perennial. The flower was brought to the European continent from India. The original name of nasturtium is capuchin.


Nasturtium (Tropaéolum) belongs to the nasturtium family, which has about 90 species.


The annual capuchin occurs as a shrub, like herbaceous plant or liana. It has creeping, succulent stems with a smooth surface, ranging from 30 cm to 3 m in length. On long petioles, lobed or shield-shaped leaves are alternately located. They are painted in green color light and dark tones. edge leaf blade smooth or slightly wavy.

Flowers of irregular shape, simple or double. They are formed from 5 sandpipes, sepals, an ovary and a funnel with nectar. They have an aroma that attracts insects and bees. The color is bright, most often orange or yellow, scarlet red. The inflorescences are large, about 5 cm in diameter. The location is solitary in the leaf axils. Flowering lasts from June until autumn frosts.

The root system is superficial. It is located in the layer of earth at a depth of 10-12 cm. A few lateral branches extend from the central rod.

The flower produces fruits with three wrinkled lobes. Round seeds 5-7 mm in size are covered with a light yellow film.

Existing species and varieties

Nasturtium is represented by a large group of varieties and species.

Popular varieties in the list include:

Where to plant

Nasturtium requires loose soil of average fertility. The soil composition is slightly acidic. On shallow and heavy soils, the flower loses its decorative effect, the stems become bare and wither. Before planting, a complex fertilizer rich in phosphorus is applied to the ground. Excess nitrogen leads to leaf growth and delayed flowering.

The location is sunny, without drafts. It is not recommended to keep nasturtium under the scorching sun. For potted culture, a balcony or veranda on the east and west sides is suitable. In the shade, with a lack of light, the plants will be weak and produce small flowers.


There are several ways to grow nasturtium.

How to care

The flower should be watered regularly, which is most important during the growing season. With the beginning of flowering, the amount of incoming moisture is reduced, otherwise it will grow. more leaves to the detriment of flowering.

The best feeding during growth is ash and urea. The ash solution is prepared in a ratio of 5:1. During flowering, the bushes are fertilized with a mineral complex, from which the flowers increase in size and bloom until October.

Further care consists of trimming dry stems and inflorescences and loosening the soil. Natural fertilizer is periodically sprayed on the leaves. On hot days the bushes provide shade. Weeds around the nasturtium must be removed and the soil mulched.

Nasturtium does not overwinter in open ground. The plant can be stored until next year, if removed indoors. Wintering takes place at a temperature no higher than +15°.

To obtain seed material for next year Several inflorescences are left to ripen. Mature capsules are collected and the seeds are removed. They are dried in a shaded place until they turn whitish. Seeds can be stored for 4 years.

Nasturtium quickly spreads throughout the flowerbed by self-sowing. However, the plants are obtained with small leaves and flowers, and the stems spread along the ground. IN warm autumn they manage to germinate and then die in winter.

Pest infestation

Among the main diseases of nasturtium: rust, gray rot, mosaic, leaf spot, bacterial wilt. Leaves and stems showing signs of damage must be removed. The remaining vegetation is treated with a fungicide.

Nasturtiums also have pests, despite their ability to repel insects. Thus, cabbage butterfly caterpillars can significantly damage the leaves of a flower. sometimes it affects leaves and causes ring spotting, which is identified by light spots. Pesticides are used to kill insects. An ash solution will help remove flea beetles. Alcohol, which is used to irrigate the plant and soil, is effective against the insidious.

Nasturtium in a flowerbed

Nasturtium is often used to decorate balconies and vertical supports, and to decorate flower beds. Double flowers with long stalks are suitable for cutting and are popular with florists. Decorative value represent varieties with dark leaf color.

Bush species are planted in groups in a flowerbed. They are sown in ridges and complemented with flowers by perennials and shrubs.

Beneficial features

Nasturtium has a rich composition of vitamins and microelements. Contains carotene, vitamin C, and many minerals.

Young leaves and inflorescences are used in cooking. Their taste can be compared to watercress. They are used to prepare salads, soups, sandwiches, baked goods and seed marinades. The spicy aroma of nasturtium adds a spicy kick to the meat.

Nasturtium is included in cosmetic products against dandruff and skin irritations on the head. The components of the plant help stimulate hair growth. Infusions and decoctions for rinsing hair are prepared from the seeds.

Extracted from nasturtium essential oil, which removes toxins, stimulates digestion and strengthens the immune system. Flowers successfully relieve inflammation, so they are used in wound-healing ointments and remedies for relieving joint pain. Preparations with nasturtium flowers are taken for hypertension and heart ailments. Nasturtium is also used for colds.

All nasturtiums are beneficial in the garden and on the site. The flower is one of the best honey plants. The smell of flowers repels harmful insects. The plant is used to control pests: cabbage grass, wingless grass, Colorado potato beetles and ticks. Capuchin disinfects the soil from fungal infections. Asters and sweet peas grow well in the area after nasturtiums.

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You can hardly find people who don't like nasturtium. This flower continues to remain popular today, when every gardener has access to more exotic species. This can be explained quite simply: nasturtium attracts not only with its rich color palette, but also with its unpretentiousness and stability. However, you can evaluate the correctness of such a choice if you know about the features of caring for nasturtium.

As a rule, nasturtium is grown by sowing seeds. After this, you will not have to wait long for the appearance of radiant flowers, thanks to which your garden will become more attractive.

Description of nasturtium flowers

The photo of this plant is familiar to almost everyone; only a few are aware of the characteristics of nasturtium. Namely, taking them into account, care is planned.

The birthplace of this flower, which is known to specialists as capuchin, is South America. Despite the fact that its natural conditions differ from the Russian climate, it has been actively cultivated in our country for many years. Wild species Nasturtiums differ in structure, height and vigor. In the natural environment you can often find specimens that are tall can reach 2 meters. At the same time, in some places species of this plant grow, which are limited in height to 20 cm. In the central zone of our country, nasturtium has become widespread as annual plant, which produces single flowers characterized by a variety of colors.

Landing requirements

Many specialists, as well as experienced flower growers It is known that nasturtium is unpretentious in cultivation and care. However, regardless of this, you should worry about creating optimal conditions if you want to achieve lush flowering this annual. Therefore, you can start growing nasturtium on your site only after familiarizing yourself with the basic requirements.

The soil

Nasturtium climbers feel most comfortable on light and moderately fertile soils with high-quality drainage and slightly acidic reaction. Having decided to grow this crop in a plot rich in organic fertilizers, you most likely will not wait for flowering, since in such conditions it will “fatten”.

An area where low-fertility soils predominate will not be entirely suitable for it. In this case, most of the time the stems will stand bare, and during the season only small leaves will form on them. If you try to grow nasturtium in heavy soil, it will be subject to various diseases, which often ends in the death of the plant. From this we can conclude that planting and care should be planned taking into account the characteristics of the culture.


Remembering that nasturtium refers to heat- and light-loving plants, the most comfortable conditions for its development can only be created on sunny area. Having decided to plant it in partial shade, you will not wait abundant flowering, since the plant will only delight you all season long lush green mass. Keep in mind that drafts also damage nasturtiums, and therefore the area should be protected from winds.

Temperature fluctuations also negatively affect the plant. It is imperative to protect nasturtium from frost, since without protection the plant will lose its attractiveness.

How to plant a nasturtium flower on your property?

A photo of a well-groomed plant can amaze any gardener, but to achieve this appearance not easy.

In the natural environment, nasturtium has become widespread as a perennial. It is grown in our latitudes as an annual plant, so she needs appropriate care. To breed hybrid forms and double varieties of nasturtium, the propagation method using cuttings is used. However, the most commonly used method is sowing seeds. It is used for such types of nasturtium as large, bush and climbing.

The seeds obtained from these flowers remain viable for a long time. Therefore, if you sow seeds even after 4 years, you can be sure that they will sprout.

To plant nasturtium in the garden, you can choose one of the following methods:

  • seedless. The prepared seeds are sown in the garden bed.
  • seedling First, seedlings are grown at home, which, when favorable conditions arise, are transplanted to permanent place to the garden.

In the first case, it is recommended to sow seeds at the end of May. In places with more severe conditions, planting is postponed until early June. It should be borne in mind that nasturtium does not tolerate frost, so it is advisable to provide for such a risk and cover the planted area with covering material.

  • Before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, they are treated hot water for 10-15 minutes, after which they are soaked for a day in room water;
  • For planting flowers, prepare holes 2 cm deep, which are placed no closer than 25-30 cm from each other.

In the second case, sowing seeds to obtain seedlings is carried out at the end of April and May. It usually takes one month for the seedlings to reach a state sufficient for transplanting into the garden. It is advisable to grow seedlings in special peat cups, since this will help to avoid injury to the delicate roots of the seedlings during their transplantation to a permanent place in the garden.

Seedlings are planted according to the same scheme as in the case of the seedless method. The seeds must be buried 2 cm. If the temperature remains at + 2 degrees, then the appearance of the first shoots should be expected no earlier than 1.5-2 weeks. Subsequently, it is necessary to lower the temperature to + 18 degrees. As a result, if appropriate care is provided, in two to three weeks the sprouts will take root and begin to grow.

Most gardeners prefer the first planting method. This is explained not only by the practicality and convenience of this option, but also by the ability to make plants less susceptible to diseases. However, keep in mind that with proper care, plants grown using the first method will begins to bloom later than seedlings.

How to care for plants?

To create favorable conditions for the development of nasturtium, planting and care should be carried out according to certain rules. Moreover, it necessarily requires watering and weeding.

If you want to not only enjoy the flowering of nasturtium on your site, but also acquire seeds, then you just need to choose a favorable moment for this. The easiest way to do this is if you constantly watch the fruits of flowers. Having noticed that they are beginning to ripen and have already turned whitish, you can begin collecting. However, this should be done before they fall, otherwise the nasturtium will reproduce on its own in unsuitable places. If you are growing climbing nasturtium, then you should be aware that, unlike other varieties, the seeds of this type of flower do not fully ripen.

Thus, providing appropriate care for nasturtium is not as difficult as many people think. If you choose the right place for planting in advance and maintain favorable conditions for its development throughout the year, the plant will delight you with lush flowering throughout the summer season.


Unlike many exotics, many gardeners, including amateurs, have heard about nasturtium. And when you have to think about what flowers to plant in a flower bed, many people choose nasturtium among the famous ones. This plant is not only looks very attractive, but also do not create hassle in caring for and growing. Therefore, for many gardeners, these flowers are one of the most preferred options for decorating a site. True, here too there are certain rules that must be followed if you want to wait for the nasturtium to bloom abundantly.

Moreover, it is important not only to provide flowers with abundant lighting, but also pay attention to soil quality and, since nasturtium will not feel comfortable on all soils. If you wish, you can even prolong the flowering of nasturtiums if you prune them in a timely manner. This operation will not only not weaken, but will also stimulate the formation of new inflorescences, which will continue to decorate your area until the first frost. But in this matter, a lot depends on the seedlings, since it is at the stage of their cultivation that future flowers are formed. Therefore, it is this stage that needs to be given the closest attention.

Nasturtium flower

In almost any garden plot you can find these simple, but such bright flowers - nasturtiums. Even when the buds are not open on the plants, nasturtium still looks decorative in flower beds due to its beautiful foliage.

Basically, we are accustomed to seeing very bright yellow, orange, flaming scarlet flowers of this plant in flower beds. They seem familiar to us already, so few people think that all these plants can be classified as completely different varieties, and that there are other varieties with completely non-standard petal colors.

Features of growing nasturtiums

Nasturtiums are not fussy flower plants. That is why they can so often be found growing and in hanging planters, and on the balconies of city apartments, and in flowerpots in parks and squares, and in flowerbeds outside the city.

These flowers are quite easy to care for and are not demanding on living conditions, but, however, there are some subtleties when growing them.

Despite its flexible nature, it is still undesirable to sow nasturtium when there is still a threat of frost. And in our area they can freeze the soil even in early May. Young plants will not tolerate even a short-term drop in temperature to zero degrees.

In the Moscow region, it is optimal to sow nasturtium, for example, at the very end of May. In this case, the plants are no longer in danger.

If, with such a late sowing, you still want to see nasturtiums bloom before mid-summer, then before planting its seeds you need to spill the soil in the flowerbed with hot water.

Then you need to sow the seeds in soil warm from water, covering the plantings with non-woven material. This will allow the plants to bloom faster, which means they will bloom earlier.

If you grew it to begin with or bought it at a gardening center, during planting you must carefully protect the earthen ball from destruction. Often the reason for the poor survival rate of seedlings is precisely damage during handling of the earthen clod, when the root system of tender young plants is affected.

Caring for all varieties of nasturtium

It’s completely uncomplicated, even children can handle it. Plants periodically need to be fed, weeds removed around them and, of course, provided with water.

Superphosphate is most suitable for improving the lush flowering of nasturtiums. It is usually diluted in water intended for irrigation.

Many people know that this fertilizer is quite difficult to dilute in water, however, in this form it is still more accessible to plants.

If you want to enhance the growth of green mass on your plants, then fertilizing with fertilizers containing nitrogen is suitable.

It will be useful to spray the plant leaves with a urea solution. This is done a couple of times a month using a volume of urea of ​​one Matchbox per bucket (10 liters) of water.

Popular varieties of nasturtium

Among the especially bright and beautiful varieties the following can be distinguished:

Variety "Vesuvius"

It is distinguished by its compact and neat bushes and the unusual color of the flowers - pink-salmon with a transition to orange and the presence of bright red spots on the petals.

Variety "Day and Night"

The bushes are good for their small height - up to 30 cm. The variety is named so for its spectacular combination of flower colors - cream and red. When combined with light green foliage, this color contrast looks very attractive and can add charm to any garden bed.

Variety "Cherry rose"

This variety of nasturtium will appeal to fans of the non-standard color of flowers for this plant - pink-crimson. In addition to the unusual color, the flowers of this variety are also double.

Variety "Terry mixture"

Already from the name it is clear that the flowers of such nasturtium will be very beautiful, with double petals. Plants of this variety bush well; the height of the bushes is about 40 cm. In addition beautiful shape petals, plants are distinguished from other varieties by the pleasant aroma emanating from the flowers.

Variety "Alaska"

This variety is very unusual in that the color of the foliage on the plants is not the usual green, but white-green, variegated, similar to marble. This variety looks decorative even in a non-flowering state. The flowers on nasturtiums of this variety are simple in shape, but their color varies.

Variety "Yeti"

This mysterious name hides the climbing form of nasturtium. Its shoots grow up to 2 meters long. This variety has very beautiful and delicate flowers: They have an unusual creamy white coloration and yellow spots in the center.

All types and varieties of nasturtium not only create the mood of the garden, decorating it with flowering, but are also useful for the surrounding vegetation. Nasturtium leaves have a certain odor that can repel many species. Nasturtium is very good at getting rid of, for example, cabbage whiteflies and whiteflies.

In addition, pollinating insects readily flock to nasturtium flowers, which will obviously not be amiss for other plants in your garden.